Try T Mobile... that's who we are switching to and they have a over 55 special for $45 or $50 per month with 50 GB of data plan. You have to let them draft monthly from your account but we belong to a credit union so we just set up a separate checking account for T Mobile and we'll transfer only the exact amount into the separate account because we don't let anyone access our account.
My mom used to say some rich people get their temporary "reward" here on earth but she would rather be poor and get her reward in heaven. Thinking more about the sense in this these days
Yes & self appointed coroner. Recruited. Moving expenses paid to relocate. Put in place in advance for operations choreographing & containment purposes IMO, due to previous experience, and brought along his 2nd in command from LV.
They should have a new rule - similar to the rule to be president - that mayors & sheriffs have to be born in that city or county. They are much less likely to betray their own
With the amount of precision that these fires were, I can't see how it could be anything other than energy weapons. I mean they were able to light the houses up right within their property lines. Fires never crossed over the streets. Asphalt in good shape. I'm just wondering what their next target will be.
Even Alex Jones has not been able to forecast this one so I won't. I know they want to make 15 minutes city and starved people but don't know anything else.
Oct 29, 2017 9:48:50 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No. 147166292
Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.
POTUS is 100% INSULATED - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false. Q
Dec 10, 2017 11:32:52 PM EST
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: be6798 No. 70088
False flag(s).
Expect fireworks.
I'm not trying to. It just seems like if they want him dead that much, they wouldn't care about who else they kill in the process. They seem to be able to zap several targets at once.
Remember the nuclear alarm in Hawaii when he was there? I would bet they were trying to get him then. There was also a major explosion in Florida. I believe there's many attempts.
Fires like that don't necessarily move along the ground. It's usually embers blown by the wind onto the roofs of other houses that are mostly to blame.
That "miracle house" that the media keeps showing had just had the old asphalt shingle roof removed and a metal roof put on. That's what is being credited for saving that house.
In places where wildfires are a problem, building codes frequently make metal or other fire-resistant roofing mandatory.
Asphalt takes a pretty high temperature to ignite or suffer serious damage in a fire, and if wind is blowing well the fire could quickly cross the street without ever touching the road.
13 years ago this weekend was the PG&E gas line explosion that took out a neighborhood in San Bruno, CA I grew up in the area and I had a class reunion around the same time. When the street exploded, the asphalt became a kind of sticky pitch which contributed to the destruction of the homes that were not near the explosion site. I talked with one girl whose parents' house was yellow tagged afterward. There was a hole in the wall of her old bedroom that was a result of the burning pitch.
That said, people who did not lose their properties were allowed back in right away. I knew of a number of people who had been evacuated but that was really only during the time they were fighting the fire (the winds were bad that night - frankly, they were extremely lucky because there is a eucalyptus grove that borders the neighborhood and had that ignited, the fire would have jumped into the next neighborhoodand and things would have really been bad). Residents had to show ID to prove they actually lived there. Which was understandable because there were a lot if looky loos and they wanted to make sure to keep looting at bay. The "command center," if I recall, was a couple of trailers.
"Alan Lloyd, an organizer with the Maui Tenants Association, a project of Hawaii Workers Center, said over the last week, the group’s hotline has received 10 to 15 calls per day from renters who say they’ve received notices to vacate.
Lloyd calls it a second wave of people about to be uprooted from their homes after the fire left thousands homeless in an already tight housing market.
“It’s really an eviction storm,” he said. “It’s the worst of the worst, because it puts everyone in crisis.”
A 45-day notice sent to a renter on a month-to-month lease isn’t technically an eviction. And tenants do have some recourse.
They can look online to see if their landlord has listed their unit for rent, which would indicate the property owner isn’t really using it for a family member, Lloyd said. In that case, the tenant could write a letter contesting the notice to vacate."
I wish there's anons from there who could tell us. There's strange happenings with Oprah and The Rock. Instead of giving to the people, they set up a website and a hotline to get donation (probably into their own pocket).
She could afford to rebuild the entire town of Lahaina and bring in replacement landscaping (trees/shrubs/etc) to make it as close to the original as it could be, but she won't.
One common aspect of leftist millionaires/billionaires; they are always eager to use OTHER people's money for "charitable" purposes. The best example I can think of is Corzine; he spent 10s of millions of his own money to get elected, so that he could then be in control of billions of taxpayer dollars.
When Hurricane Sandy hit NJ, the little town where we have our beach house did something similar. Even though our house was not damaged, we weren't allowed to stay there.
They explained that because so many other houses had been damaged, and the owners couldn't stay there it increased the chances that looters would be a problem. The police force there was so small, it wouldn't be able to patrol enough to stop looting. Closing down the entire island was the easiest way to patrol since they wouldn't have to constantly check to see if anyone they saw was supposed to be there or not.
They also explained that damage to infrastructure like roads and traffic lights put people in danger. Services like firefighters and ambulances also had been damaged, so they wouldn't be able to help if they were needed. The water treatment services had been damaged as well, so the tap water was contaminated.
I think about all of that when I hear about what's going on in Maui. I don't know how similar their issues are to what happened in NJ, but I do know that just because a person's house wasn't directly damaged doesn't mean that it's safe or advisable to stay there. And the insurance companies picked up the tabs of those people who were displaced by Sandy, so they didn't have to pay out of pocket when they had to find alternative housing.
Sometimes things aren't as cut and dried as they seem. There are always a lot of things going on in the background that aren't always obvious.
Some random video makes this claim and provides no source information? It's not at all uncommon to remove people from remaining structures in a fire devastated area because services may be impacted (lack of potable water, power infrastructure gone, sewage infrastructure gone) or the remaining structures might be damaged in visible or hidden ways that make them unsafe to live in. Given the devastation in these neighborhoods, this isn't surprising at all.
So this is happening. Curious. How will an election fix this? How will Trump fix this? This is just another “grab” like 9-11 was. And even the donations to help fund the globalists. How can this be turned around? 9-11 won’t ever be. Our family members killed from vaccines won’t, can’t, be turned around. I’m still very interested on how we’re gonna fix all this.
The best is yet to come, is what I’m told. When you’ve lost almost everything, the best that can be offered is salvation. The only thing worth anything. My hope for the world is diminishing very quickly. I can just feel it. It’s pointless. I don’t feel like I’m a doomer. I feel like I’ve graduating to the next level. I honestly don’t know what the heck Trump is talking about anymore. I feel like I live in a different country. I barely trust anything anymore. Or what I’m told anyway. And I mean from anybody. I go to church and hear the message from Gods Word and that’s the only thing that works for me now. It’s like I’m being told, forget this pipe dream of “the plan”…and trust me.
I'm VPN'ing all over town, this video is blocked in the EU and EEC... Due to incitement to hatred. Imagine my surprise when I connected from a free country and the video contained no incitement to hatred.
Fucking Great Firewall of Europe. Absolutely disgusting.
The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions:
Contains Incitement to Hatred
Please see the Community Guidelines for more details. If this is your content then please check the Visibility tab for more specific information on this restriction.
Me too. Every possible way to fight back, every person involved-- you fight for your neighbor when they are down-- eventually they'll come for all of us.
How about the law “The Governor” made up before the fires? They are unconstitutional laws. Someone needs to step up in Lahaina, bring this case and sue the government. They have to fight for their lands.
I didn't bother listening to the video, but instead looked at the notice to vacate. "The mayor came to us asking for a place for a command center" is what I could make out. Property owner mentions he has the right to boot em in the lease. Put the blame on the property owner, as it sounds like they made a deal.
Wonder if they're building some kind of infrastructure for now or later use. Underground base? Surveillance? Detonator of on demand burning of the island?
As good as any regarding date for me.
Lots of normies (sheep) waking. We are doing good. Just keep going. I just have to remember that God is still in charge no matter what.
I want to know you too Mary... :) you are one of my favorites here
Yay Mods!! 🏆👏
get in touch with the admins, see if they can help you switch email addresses for this account.
Worse thing they can do is say no.
not a problem. I like helping people.
Ironically, It's almost a selfish thing.😂
Yes. Just tell me who you are and I will know.
AT&T? There's the problem right there. Not a good company in my humble opinion. I ditched them years ago.
I HATE AT&T Mary... sorry you are going through this!
Try T Mobile... that's who we are switching to and they have a over 55 special for $45 or $50 per month with 50 GB of data plan. You have to let them draft monthly from your account but we belong to a credit union so we just set up a separate checking account for T Mobile and we'll transfer only the exact amount into the separate account because we don't let anyone access our account.
Every day is His to do with as He chooses.
Yes, God still in charge.
Too bad Oprah will lose ALL her money and assets for crimes against humanity and trafficking children.
My mom used to say some rich people get their temporary "reward" here on earth but she would rather be poor and get her reward in heaven. Thinking more about the sense in this these days
YES! Can't wait!!
This situation is the perfect reason why...
The sheriff is the only LEO potentially on your side, who has vowed to uphold the constitution.
Some do, some don't. Choose wisely.
Wasn't he the same sheriff from the last Vegas shooting?
Yes & self appointed coroner. Recruited. Moving expenses paid to relocate. Put in place in advance for operations choreographing & containment purposes IMO, due to previous experience, and brought along his 2nd in command from LV.
Officer Krupke and his merry coterie of b̶a̶n̶d̶i̶t̶s̶ bastards...
See? The shit runs so deep and thick - how the hell did I glaze over that little "factoid".
I totally forgot. Such is life navigating multiple psyops at once, right? CheeseIts
Thanks for that fren.
Incident commander
Probably paid off. Money talks, shit walks. I think the demons paid off the sheriff.
They should have a new rule - similar to the rule to be president - that mayors & sheriffs have to be born in that city or county. They are much less likely to betray their own
I agree. Not 5 years, at least 7
True but where will they go after? If they were born & grew up there it will still be harder. I'm not saying it's the only solution but it's something
With the amount of precision that these fires were, I can't see how it could be anything other than energy weapons. I mean they were able to light the houses up right within their property lines. Fires never crossed over the streets. Asphalt in good shape. I'm just wondering what their next target will be.
Even Alex Jones has not been able to forecast this one so I won't. I know they want to make 15 minutes city and starved people but don't know anything else.
Well at least for now they seem to be attacking prime real estate which is good for us people who don't live in million dollar lots.
They want everything, those demons.
I'm wondering why they haven't used their energy weapon to zap Trump's convoy.
6 Oct 29, 2017 9:48:50 PM EDT Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No. 147166292 Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs. POTUS is 100% INSULATED - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false. Q 326 Dec 10, 2017 11:32:52 PM EST Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: be6798 No. 70088 False flag(s). POTUS 100% INSULATED. Expect fireworks. JUSTICE. Q
Hmm. This does shed some light on the meaning of "fireworks" huh?
I'm looking at False Flags myself, this was a giant one, the fire response alone was a false flag
Don't give them any idea.
I'm not trying to. It just seems like if they want him dead that much, they wouldn't care about who else they kill in the process. They seem to be able to zap several targets at once.
Remember the nuclear alarm in Hawaii when he was there? I would bet they were trying to get him then. There was also a major explosion in Florida. I believe there's many attempts.
Now there's something think about.
energy weapons only go so far. once a fire is started, it's pretty much in God's hands.
Fire goes where there's fuel and favorable wind is all I'm saying.
Fires like that don't necessarily move along the ground. It's usually embers blown by the wind onto the roofs of other houses that are mostly to blame.
That "miracle house" that the media keeps showing had just had the old asphalt shingle roof removed and a metal roof put on. That's what is being credited for saving that house.
In places where wildfires are a problem, building codes frequently make metal or other fire-resistant roofing mandatory.
Asphalt takes a pretty high temperature to ignite or suffer serious damage in a fire, and if wind is blowing well the fire could quickly cross the street without ever touching the road.
reports of 90mph wind gusts
13 years ago this weekend was the PG&E gas line explosion that took out a neighborhood in San Bruno, CA I grew up in the area and I had a class reunion around the same time. When the street exploded, the asphalt became a kind of sticky pitch which contributed to the destruction of the homes that were not near the explosion site. I talked with one girl whose parents' house was yellow tagged afterward. There was a hole in the wall of her old bedroom that was a result of the burning pitch.
That said, people who did not lose their properties were allowed back in right away. I knew of a number of people who had been evacuated but that was really only during the time they were fighting the fire (the winds were bad that night - frankly, they were extremely lucky because there is a eucalyptus grove that borders the neighborhood and had that ignited, the fire would have jumped into the next neighborhoodand and things would have really been bad). Residents had to show ID to prove they actually lived there. Which was understandable because there were a lot if looky loos and they wanted to make sure to keep looting at bay. The "command center," if I recall, was a couple of trailers.
"Alan Lloyd, an organizer with the Maui Tenants Association, a project of Hawaii Workers Center, said over the last week, the group’s hotline has received 10 to 15 calls per day from renters who say they’ve received notices to vacate.
Lloyd calls it a second wave of people about to be uprooted from their homes after the fire left thousands homeless in an already tight housing market.
“It’s really an eviction storm,” he said. “It’s the worst of the worst, because it puts everyone in crisis.”
A 45-day notice sent to a renter on a month-to-month lease isn’t technically an eviction. And tenants do have some recourse.
They can look online to see if their landlord has listed their unit for rent, which would indicate the property owner isn’t really using it for a family member, Lloyd said. In that case, the tenant could write a letter contesting the notice to vacate."
I wish there's anons from there who could tell us. There's strange happenings with Oprah and The Rock. Instead of giving to the people, they set up a website and a hotline to get donation (probably into their own pocket).
Right? Between the two of them, they have billions/hundreds of millions. Why not just give, quietly or publicly, from their own pockets?
Oprah is a billionaire she can afford to donate the money but she wont.
She could afford to rebuild the entire town of Lahaina and bring in replacement landscaping (trees/shrubs/etc) to make it as close to the original as it could be, but she won't.
One common aspect of leftist millionaires/billionaires; they are always eager to use OTHER people's money for "charitable" purposes. The best example I can think of is Corzine; he spent 10s of millions of his own money to get elected, so that he could then be in control of billions of taxpayer dollars.
They are demons. They don't help but take. Starts at 1:28:00
Can you confirm that the cash app is not part of the Oprah.
This sounds totally valid. If I owned a rental home in the middle of a burned out town, I'd probably re-evaluate renting it out too.
September 31? Seems odd to me that someone would write on such a form a non-existent date.
Are we sure this is a real document for proofs?
Could be a bureaucrat who's an idiot wrote the document, but you're right that it's worth being skeptical of.
Good catch. I cannot be sure so I asked if there's anons from there.
When Hurricane Sandy hit NJ, the little town where we have our beach house did something similar. Even though our house was not damaged, we weren't allowed to stay there.
They explained that because so many other houses had been damaged, and the owners couldn't stay there it increased the chances that looters would be a problem. The police force there was so small, it wouldn't be able to patrol enough to stop looting. Closing down the entire island was the easiest way to patrol since they wouldn't have to constantly check to see if anyone they saw was supposed to be there or not.
They also explained that damage to infrastructure like roads and traffic lights put people in danger. Services like firefighters and ambulances also had been damaged, so they wouldn't be able to help if they were needed. The water treatment services had been damaged as well, so the tap water was contaminated.
I think about all of that when I hear about what's going on in Maui. I don't know how similar their issues are to what happened in NJ, but I do know that just because a person's house wasn't directly damaged doesn't mean that it's safe or advisable to stay there. And the insurance companies picked up the tabs of those people who were displaced by Sandy, so they didn't have to pay out of pocket when they had to find alternative housing.
Sometimes things aren't as cut and dried as they seem. There are always a lot of things going on in the background that aren't always obvious.
Exactly this. Thank you for posting.
Thanks for the info. Good to know.
Not a single concern about dead bodies, family closure; just money, money, money.
I still have not heard a word from Hirono. She has a big mouth against Trump but not a word about her own back yard.
Demon. They don't care.
So what you really mean is you haven't even bothered to look.
California: "Let's go green and show the nation how it's done!"
Hawaii: "Hold my beer."
Aaah, yes.
Some random video makes this claim and provides no source information? It's not at all uncommon to remove people from remaining structures in a fire devastated area because services may be impacted (lack of potable water, power infrastructure gone, sewage infrastructure gone) or the remaining structures might be damaged in visible or hidden ways that make them unsafe to live in. Given the devastation in these neighborhoods, this isn't surprising at all.
Thanks. I said I cannot verify because all the videos out there linked to this one and nothing else, so I said research wanted.
So this is happening. Curious. How will an election fix this? How will Trump fix this? This is just another “grab” like 9-11 was. And even the donations to help fund the globalists. How can this be turned around? 9-11 won’t ever be. Our family members killed from vaccines won’t, can’t, be turned around. I’m still very interested on how we’re gonna fix all this. The best is yet to come, is what I’m told. When you’ve lost almost everything, the best that can be offered is salvation. The only thing worth anything. My hope for the world is diminishing very quickly. I can just feel it. It’s pointless. I don’t feel like I’m a doomer. I feel like I’ve graduating to the next level. I honestly don’t know what the heck Trump is talking about anymore. I feel like I live in a different country. I barely trust anything anymore. Or what I’m told anyway. And I mean from anybody. I go to church and hear the message from Gods Word and that’s the only thing that works for me now. It’s like I’m being told, forget this pipe dream of “the plan”…and trust me.
And I will Lord. You’re the only one I can trust.
Every day I am awake, I thank God. You put your faith there and you will be fine. God is the only trustworthy.
So they need a command center that is as big as a 45 apartment complex? Wtf are they commanding exactly?
Makes you wonder.
I'm VPN'ing all over town, this video is blocked in the EU and EEC... Due to incitement to hatred. Imagine my surprise when I connected from a free country and the video contained no incitement to hatred.
Fucking Great Firewall of Europe. Absolutely disgusting.
Make sure you vpn to U.S, you can see it.
Ugh, I'm glad you have a way around it
“Channel Restricted. It Contains Incitement to Hatred.”
What the fuck ever
It's called censorship.
Can you use vpn to North America?
I’m not too bright when it comes to technology but yea…I’m going to start having to learn to use vpns.
nordvpn is a good one.
Thank you! This is a stupid question, but is there a place I can go to download it? Is it download-able, or it a website that I surf through?
Yes, you download.
Thank you again. :-D I appreciate your patience.
You need to use a vpn and surf to North America to see it.
Anyone got sauce on melted metal as he states?
Metals can deform in forest fires but 99% of the time do not melt.
Go on X and look for videos. Lots of sauce.
I cannot be sure about that just yet, but enough strange happenings to make me believe this is true.
Message I instead of video (London, UK):
You have to use vpn to North America to see it.
The people of Maui and our Nation are LETTING these criminals continue to rule them.
Dominion machines let these criminals continue to rule them, you mean?
No, not really. It's people putting up fences,
it's people not tearing up the eviction notices and people not running the Oprah's and all scammers off their land.
The people not telling those taking charge of the situation to Fuck off.
It's people complying to tyranny, expecting someone else will fight for them or help them.
It's people not standing up for others that are embroiled in their own survival at the moment.
Badger the scum, be non-violent but relentless in your pursuit of ridding Maui of the scum accumulating there.
I suggested class action lawsuits. I think q post said that. I hope they do.
Me too. Every possible way to fight back, every person involved-- you fight for your neighbor when they are down-- eventually they'll come for all of us.
Oh yes. Truer words have never been spoken.
How about the law “The Governor” made up before the fires? They are unconstitutional laws. Someone needs to step up in Lahaina, bring this case and sue the government. They have to fight for their lands.
Been saying they need to sue. Just hope the judge is not corrupt.
I didn't bother listening to the video, but instead looked at the notice to vacate. "The mayor came to us asking for a place for a command center" is what I could make out. Property owner mentions he has the right to boot em in the lease. Put the blame on the property owner, as it sounds like they made a deal.
I am sure they either made a deal or being pressured to do it.
I tried to see if there's other info. I don't see anything else so research wanted
Hmmmm Waco, Ruby ridge, Oklahoma bombing, 911, 2022 elections, why not evict Oprah, Zuckerberg, Bezo, Maui mayor, police chief
I've been mocked since the 90s for talking about things like agenda 21 - which as far as I can tell was a success for Them.
We have been mocked just like AJ. Don't feel bad. They mocked me too. My whole family called me nut case
What is a mere haole to do?
Class action lawsuits?
15 minute city construction?
My thought exactly.
This is when you apply the second amendment
It's a blue city. Probably not happening there.
Wonder if they're building some kind of infrastructure for now or later use. Underground base? Surveillance? Detonator of on demand burning of the island?
I don't know, but they are all demons.
People need to just say no. Once enough people do that together no government can move them.
Very true. lawsuits would work too.
always got to weave the umbrellas in there....
that is the poison pill
LOL. Yes.
This is a good place to start an investigation,
Amen. You will later see all types of lawsuits. Bet on it.
Time for Justice and I know just the Sheriff for the job...
They all need to hang
So far, no one from what I can tell.