You're good with cutting Medicare for seniors, after they've paid into it their whole lives? Have you seen the rising cost of healthcare lately? What are our elders supposed to do?
LOL stop with the hyperbolas BS. Nobody is "dodging your question", your question is stupid, plain and simple. You ask a question that you know damn well nobody is going to say, "Yeah, fuck those boomers Medicare!" How exactly is the speaker of the house going to cut Medicare? He has no power to do that. Do you even fully understand the Speakers roll?
now now, kiddies. Play nice. Same team and all that.
Tweet says Mike Johnson says: cut Medicare.
Cut, not kill. And, we don't have any idea what his actual views are on that, ie. for who? Seniors? or Where? What?
So reacting and asking someone if "You're good with cutting Medicare for seniors, after they've paid into it their whole lives?" seems a bit premature, if not out of place, imo.
That said, a simple "no' would also have defused the question.
Play nice, kids. This fracas ain't nothing but a hill of beans.
Honestly though, even after looking at your links I will give him a chance. Vaccines are the one thing that I disagreed with Trump on as well and I still like that man!
That comparison to DJT is not very apt on this matter, DJT may not have denounced the vaccines, but his message was always the same: get them if you want, period
To my knowledge he never parroted this "gETtiNG vACCinEs inTo ARms" stupidity
Honest question: Has Mike Johnson changed his opinion on vaccines since he made that post? Because the tweet I posted claims he believes vaccines are dangerous. If Johnson once believed in vaccines, but has since realized the truth, I will support him fully.
All I need to know today is that DJT said yes. Trump would've hammered him if he was not supposed to be there.
With all due respect, President Trump doesn't have the best track record of picking good people for jobs.
For example:
Michael Cohen,
Jeff Sessions,
Bill Barr,
John Bolton,
Omarosa Whateverherlastnameis,
Rex Tillerson,
Steve Bannon,
Mike Pence,
Mark Meadows?
So, I guess we'll see how good this guy really is. Considering the overwhelming number of RINOs in Congress, I'm not getting my hopes up.
True. First time around he was in the den of vipers. But still succeeded. Pretty incredible that he stands today. Truly.
I share with you little faith in today's congress. No matter who is pretending to lead it. We will see where this guys loyalties lie sooner rather than later with the shutdown soon.
How about those J-6 tapes? That might help with my skepticism.
Honest answer: I have no idea, don't care enough anymore to look through his posts to figure that out
The post in question only mentions all of the talking points that gets leftards riled up, without backing any of it.
But in my humble opinion, and that is all it is, my opinion, for a post as important as a house representative, let alone SOTH, anyone that has EVER been actually on the side of all the COVID moronicy should not even be considered, whether they have changed their minds or not.
Holding them to account is an important part of moving forward in this country, no matter if we like them, no matter if they're the "lesser of two evils", etc.
It's a slush fund fren. I've been paying into the system for 40 years and there is not 1 dime set aside for me in my old age. All of it has already been spent. I want better than this for my kids.
Because Medicare is run by gov and big pharma. They don't want to heal you as there is no money in that. The moment they announced jabs and were forcing people to take them it shattered all faith I had in our medical practice. It's about money not about wellness.
Medicare doesn't grant good coverage in terms of who you can see and what you can get, and is a very socialist policy. There are better ways, and maybe Medicare is a stepping stone to those better ways but we haven't reached it yet. Realistically, it's in conjunction with normalizing incredibly unhealthy lifestyles BEYOND things like more sedentary lifestyles; I'm talking like normalizing and praising literal landwhales and making them immune to criticism so that more seek it which causes Medicare to be very expensive beyond reasonable.
Social Security is DEFINITELY a scheme; if you save the money that is put into it, you would have far more by the time you need it as well as having a cushion if times get hard.
What Social Security really is is a tool to bribe and saber rattle over when they need votes one way or another.
And the icing on the cake is he’s a constitutional lawyer.
Big Point. Let's hope it sticks.
Sounds like my kind of guy
I'm liking him already!
Soooo she's for him? Because everything she rattles off I'm good with.
You're good with cutting Medicare for seniors, after they've paid into it their whole lives? Have you seen the rising cost of healthcare lately? What are our elders supposed to do?
So, has he cut Medicare for seniors?
Nice dodging of my three questions with a non sequitur question of your own.
So, you're good with cutting Medicare for seniors, and have no suggestions for what they're supposed to do for healthcare. Got it, smoothie.
LOL stop with the hyperbolas BS. Nobody is "dodging your question", your question is stupid, plain and simple. You ask a question that you know damn well nobody is going to say, "Yeah, fuck those boomers Medicare!" How exactly is the speaker of the house going to cut Medicare? He has no power to do that. Do you even fully understand the Speakers roll?
You're the one who said you were "good with it" in your own words, Smoothie. Deal with it.
now now, kiddies. Play nice. Same team and all that.
Cut, not kill. And, we don't have any idea what his actual views are on that, ie. for who? Seniors? or Where? What?
So reacting and asking someone if "You're good with cutting Medicare for seniors, after they've paid into it their whole lives?" seems a bit premature, if not out of place, imo.
That said, a simple "no' would also have defused the question.
Play nice, kids. This fracas ain't nothing but a hill of beans.
But this is OUR HILL
And these are OUR BEANS
--Frank Drebin
Well Melanie. I think your post is supposed toake me dislike the guy. You have failed miserably as everything there is true. Dumb cunt
Didn't work.
It makes me like him, thank you, Melanie for letting us know, but you made a typo:
🚩 should be ✅
She obviously needs someone to point out that she's created a perfect advert for the guy :)
Yep my kind of guy
Ok I liked him, but you sold me on him.
i dont see a problem here?
Link to tweet:
The left is full retard
The meltdown is golden. 😂
Fact check:
Well, THIS and THIS kinda do make me not like him though
Hmm, why you gotta be such a downer!
Honestly though, even after looking at your links I will give him a chance. Vaccines are the one thing that I disagreed with Trump on as well and I still like that man!
That comparison to DJT is not very apt on this matter, DJT may not have denounced the vaccines, but his message was always the same: get them if you want, period
To my knowledge he never parroted this "gETtiNG vACCinEs inTo ARms" stupidity
That said, who can say wtf is going on anyway...
Honest question: Has Mike Johnson changed his opinion on vaccines since he made that post? Because the tweet I posted claims he believes vaccines are dangerous. If Johnson once believed in vaccines, but has since realized the truth, I will support him fully.
All I need to know today is that DJT said yes. Trump would've hammered him if he was not supposed to be there.
Like you two, I trust none of them
With all due respect, President Trump doesn't have the best track record of picking good people for jobs.
For example: Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, John Bolton, Omarosa Whateverherlastnameis, Rex Tillerson, Steve Bannon, Mike Pence, Mark Meadows?
So, I guess we'll see how good this guy really is. Considering the overwhelming number of RINOs in Congress, I'm not getting my hopes up.
True. First time around he was in the den of vipers. But still succeeded. Pretty incredible that he stands today. Truly.
I share with you little faith in today's congress. No matter who is pretending to lead it. We will see where this guys loyalties lie sooner rather than later with the shutdown soon. How about those J-6 tapes? That might help with my skepticism.
Yes. 100% this. They need to put those J6 tapes out. Why are they keeping them a secret? What don't they want us to see?
Honest answer: I have no idea, don't care enough anymore to look through his posts to figure that out
The post in question only mentions all of the talking points that gets leftards riled up, without backing any of it.
But in my humble opinion, and that is all it is, my opinion, for a post as important as a house representative, let alone SOTH, anyone that has EVER been actually on the side of all the COVID moronicy should not even be considered, whether they have changed their minds or not.
Holding them to account is an important part of moving forward in this country, no matter if we like them, no matter if they're the "lesser of two evils", etc.
These are major. Not good.
aw fuk not again
What's not to like - Trump 47 b4 24
Sounds like my guy. I hope this is all true.
That lady is a bot
They all are.
Vaccines are safe AND effective!
My man!
All i see is a list of seven true statements
I already liked him more than most of the others, you didn't have to sell me on him
Melanie has deep state feelings for Representative Mike Johnson. And they do not call him Representative Johnson, for nothing!
Who Is the Speaker Of The House.
Sorry, I thought this was a Jeopardy question.
Hahahaha fuck of McCarthy!!!!!!!
Good one!
I agree with 5 out of 7.
The Left cant post at all
and Bill Kristol, and the rest of the left hates him. and he wants to cut off ukraine 'aid'.
From another female libtard.
Is that a DemoLib “mean tweet”?! Rrrrrrrrhhhhhhhibbit! Kek!
Don't like social security and medicare?
Of course not, do you?
I don't know as I haven't researched it.
Why do you not like it?
More government more problems.
Medical insurance companies are private and I think they are trash as well.
Of course. The entire medical industry is trash. Less of it in any form is always better.
Private, but heavily regulated=government
I agree with all but the first one. There's no way to argue that killing a baby after it's born is not murder.
I think this tweet is saying that Mike Johnson believes that post-birth abortions have taken place. I am sure he is opposed to it.
What do you dislike about SS and Medicare?
I can see maybe why Medicare is bad, as it could probably be better.
It's a slush fund fren. I've been paying into the system for 40 years and there is not 1 dime set aside for me in my old age. All of it has already been spent. I want better than this for my kids.
Because Medicare is run by gov and big pharma. They don't want to heal you as there is no money in that. The moment they announced jabs and were forcing people to take them it shattered all faith I had in our medical practice. It's about money not about wellness.
SS is a ponzi scheme. They eventually crash.
Medicare doesn't grant good coverage in terms of who you can see and what you can get, and is a very socialist policy. There are better ways, and maybe Medicare is a stepping stone to those better ways but we haven't reached it yet. Realistically, it's in conjunction with normalizing incredibly unhealthy lifestyles BEYOND things like more sedentary lifestyles; I'm talking like normalizing and praising literal landwhales and making them immune to criticism so that more seek it which causes Medicare to be very expensive beyond reasonable.
Social Security is DEFINITELY a scheme; if you save the money that is put into it, you would have far more by the time you need it as well as having a cushion if times get hard.
What Social Security really is is a tool to bribe and saber rattle over when they need votes one way or another.
Wow... I love this guy now...
Sounds based to me.
I love all these. Also, is his name not the most generic name ever
Then let's call him Big Johnson.
I love him already! Praying he doesn't screw us like all the past speakers.
If he would stand for no more money and weapons to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, I could support him.
Did he really say those things or is it just made up shit?
Big flaw. Supports foreign zionism
Nothing is perfect, take the W when we get it. It's rare enough to see anything positive happen in government.