I propose a constitutional amendment:
As long as the US is in debt, it cannot give foreign aid.
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
That money is owed by the nation and it cannot afford to incur more debt. If the country has a surplus, then it's up for discussion.
Not sure if that's the legal way to do it.
Way back when Davy Crocket was a US representative, the house approved money to rebuild a widows house that had burned down. Feeling rather smug about their good deed, He asked one of his constituents what he thought about the act.. The constituent replied, “it wasn’t your money to give”. After that, Davy Crockett became a fiscal conservative. Todays Congress needs to learn the same lesson. It isn’t their money to give!
That's such a enlightening story. That's exactly it.
the only winning move is not to pay
Back in the day it was loaned. Got paid back. Now it's just given away and kicked back.
spot on. that's why they don't have to pay it back is because these countries are actually giving a lot of it back to our corrupt government employees.
What you are proposing is a loose federation of autonomous humans. Each, whilst acknowledging the basic existence of the other humans, is fully self-supportive. Very little or no "community" projects or resources.
I can see the logic from the point of view of an individual who has been successful in working hard and harvesting resources. Why should he or she be compelled to share that stored wealth with others who have not worked or been less successful.
The problems I see with this approach are twofold:
This more or less describes medieval social systems with a few kings and sub-lords who pay for a private army to protect themselves against the mass of the peasant population.
tl;dr Humans are tribal pack animals not designed for being lone wolves. Although "rugged self-sufficiency" is superficially attractive (to the rugged) it's hard to see as being a successful strategy long-term.
What you are saying is that without government to force us we will not take care of the poor around us. We will somehow need government to do that for us.
Anyone who becomes a government employee will not be like the rest of us greedy people. They will put their greed to the side and focus on taking care of the poor people. Those selfless people will force a tax on us because we refuse to help others.
Yet when elections come around we the selfish will freely elect the selfless to spend our money better then we would have it left to ourselves.
If the government take half our earnings in taxes and fees then without it we would be able to spend twice as much.
If businesses were not taxed the same way they could charge less for products and services and pay employees even more.
If my income doubled and I was paying less for everything I’d sure as hell donate more to worthy causes.
The perspective you have is simple and quite compelling, however as in all things (where humans are involved), it becomes far more complicated. Most people are basically good, they can also be selfish when essentials are sparse. It is quite easy to be generous when you have a surplus of resources, and this is where you typically find the generous side of most people. I believe the argument is that we currently have a deep lack of resources to be giving away financial aid to other countries when we have indebted ourselves to near the point of bankruptcy. I also would argue that philanthropy is not the duty of the government without the approval of its constituents. It is nice of them to profit off of payouts to other countries and corporations, however; we have significant infrastructure and social issues at home. I agree that it is a wonderfully generous act to loan your fire extinguisher to your neighbors, however it isn't very prudent when your house has just started to catch fire.
I have an amendment to your amendment:
No foreign aid PERIOD, regardless of whether the federal government has debt or ANYTHING ELSE.
If American citizens or American corporations or NGOs or any other non-government person or organization want to send money to help with something abroad, they can do so.
Why? Because private citizens and private organizations AREN'T GETTING THEIR MONEY AT GUNPOINT FROM THE TAXPAYERS.
Nothing in the Constitution even SUGGESTS to me that the Federal government has any power to give the People's money to a foreign nation, or to citizens of a foreign nation, for any purpose whatsoever. (Quickly browses through the Constitution to see if he forgot something . . . Nope, nothing in there about giving our money away to foreigners).
I totally agree. I was doing baby steps. More to illustrate a point. But yours is more sensible.
I want a rider to that amendment. The US can never give away another dime to a foreign country that isn't approved by the citizens in a vote whether we are still in debt or not.
Foreign aid has been nothing but money laundering from the very start. It is how they turn our money into their money.
I'm glad everyone is starting to realize it's just money laundering. That's what lobbyists are for.
Line by line vote, no lumping stuff together.
I would adjust to per county,or per city. The cities that vote to give it away can foot the entire bill, the cities that do not will have citizens keep those funds.
Each citizen should get to decide whether or not their portion of the money is either used as foreign aid or given back to them.
If the government has decided that it did not need that amount of tax money to run our country then it should return it to the taxpayers. If an individual taxpayer is good with it going to a foreign country, that’s fine. But if our country doesn’t need the money it shouldn’t be taking the money.
How about we don't give any money to any country. If they can't take care of themself fuck em.
That's the idea. No money. It's not the government's to give. But not "fuck em." We wish them well but many many of our own citizens are well fucked, drowning in debt, health issues, etc. It's so crazy to give billions away when people here pay taxes. So crazy.
nah, fuck em
Ukraine can fuck off and so can Israel and Palestine. They can fix their own fucking problems.
I'll vote for that! Add to it only one item at a time can be forwarded for a vote in Congress. No more thick, unreadable bills with crap hidden in them.
Fuckin badass username avatar.
There is NOTHING about foreign aid in the Constitution. And read the 10th amendment. Most of the federal government is illegal.
Out all the trillions of debt, how much is foreign aid and how much for real needs of the American people? Has this ever been determined? Why are we going into debt to support other nations who are not our allies and work against us?
How about we all stop paying the fucking babylonian IRS?
Look at their headquarters and all of the masonic symbolism. We are literally handing money over to Satan himself.
I for one, take a religious exemption on paying the IRS. It is against my Christian Religion to support Satan.
Please expound.
How have you not been SWAT teamed?
Bill Cooper, for example.
This is such a good and simple idea, I can't believe I haven't heard it before.
But how will congress get their kickbacks?
Or get involved in any foreign war.
What about no foreign aid, period?
anyone that wants to give away OUR money needs to have approval from WE THE PEOPLE....sure they say thats what our elected representatives are supposed to do but they dont...they act on their own agenda not ours... time to overhaul the whole thing........they want to send money well we want it back this is a loan not a give away.......with interest of course.....
I second that motion, now let’s send to Congress for a vote.
And while you're at it, make it a roll call vote.
I propose that citizens be allowed to vote in fair elections.
Totally agree.
Excellent idea
How about we just jump straight to having a constitutional money system instead of a debt-based one instead?
Makes way too much sense!
You have my vote!
I would vote for that. It should be obvious but isn’t.
Well that sounds wise as only the government can give what it does not have. It takes a thief to do that.
All surplus should br returned to the owners.
How about one to end the monopoly money, no inflationary currency.
For sure. If these pass we could save the country. You could go back to the days when you earned a decent wage and could count on it not being worthless when you got old. Now I feel everyone has to gamble if they hope to have retirement money. Keeps us all on edge
Speaking of Constitutional amendments that should have been passed long ago,...English as the national official language.
Never could it pass now. They missed that window in the 40s and 50s, when people were patriotic.
Constitutional amendment...
No forgiven entanglements at all.
Should be extended to domestic spending as well.
Agreed! And all politicians who support increasing the debt get no pay for that year..
Where do you want my contribution to your campaign sent?
I propose an amendment- Special ops steps in and liquidates all these fuckfaces that pretend to represent us LMFAO. FUCK ALL POLITICIANS.
Excellent !
So true!
Anyone opposed to this is either an actual retard or a faggot trying to enrich themselves with other peoples money.
I don't know bout you guys but I haven't paid income tax in a year. Come join, the water is warm.
They'll just change the offical definition of debt
This is exactly why it would never pass muster.