Except we're a step closer to WW3 and war with Islam, while still being controlled by a bunch of cunts that have plotted a war with the muslims since albert pikes 'Morals and dogma'.
I guess its a win for the taxpayer but the globalists plan moves forward. If the IRS are willing to take a financial loss for this you need to ask why. The cabal love making money on wars, they must really want this war.
They've openly shown they want this war for 100 years and it has been shared and talked about many times on GA. Now they have gave you a 100% off coupon you forgot they they want to kill us.
Think, they print money out of nothing, what do they care about that worthless paper.
Simple carrot on a stick Anons! You're better than this.
Bloated Bureaucracy! Well it gets worse though, 14 billion is just what was cut from their budget, but I bet their budget is many times larger than that.
That was just the allocation for the EXTRA 87,000 ARMED IRS agents, courtesy of O'Biden. I love it and I bet they do something equally brilliant to deal with our border very soon. Go MAGA Mike!
The money is for the 80k new IRS agents with much of it clandestinely going to buy more weapons and ammo for the IRS and other agencies. Take this news and add it to the news that 'extra' .556 is no longer being sold on the open market. They are building an army against us. Thats what this 14 billion is for. And it is why this is an epic troll.
Downvotes = "I am so butthurt that defeating the Evil thats centuries old, and waking up the entire Humanity for the very first time, is taking soooooo long"
But SOTH is giving them what they been screeching about - money for Israel. Just gonna cost them out the IRS budget. I read somewhere that they offsetting some climate bullshit and useless crap from the inflation "reduction " bill too
Theres an assumption we have to give Isreal, or any other nation, aid when shtf. Lets have them provide financials and look at their debt to equity, maybe an interest bearing loan would be better with the City of Jeruselum as collateral.
Wheres aid for Ohio and Maui? Why cant I get my unemployment check that's missing. Why are American taxpayers a piggy bank to the world? AMERICA FIRST.
I don't like that they left border security out, not at all. Phonies, oh they will talk about the need for border security and management, and then do something like this? If there is that much money to just throw at "Israel", and ignore our own security, screw em. They are all self serving suits. They could have left that in, couldn't they have? Its all theater, all of it, and it is DOA anyway. America First. Live it, don't pontificate about it.
14.3 billion in cuts to IRS. This may sound favorable but what exactly does it mean? Will they take IRS real estate, facilities, equipment, resources, funding? Does this administrative agency really have an operating cost and assets valued over 14.3 BILLION? Doesn't add up.
Oh I like this guy!!! Kinda Trump like style. He wanted to get right to work on an aid package to Israel, & it was the perfect troll move to the Deep State! He's off to a good stare in my book!
Ship the IRS budget to Israel?
That is actually a Galaxy brained move, I don't mind it
I absolutely mind it, but at least it forces the Democrats into an uncomfortable position. That's the primary benefit.
I think this is why Israel was saved for last. The Dems are really fighting each other on this
Divide and conquer tactics.....against THEM!
I freaking love it.
Except we're a step closer to WW3 and war with Islam, while still being controlled by a bunch of cunts that have plotted a war with the muslims since albert pikes 'Morals and dogma'.
I guess its a win for the taxpayer but the globalists plan moves forward. If the IRS are willing to take a financial loss for this you need to ask why. The cabal love making money on wars, they must really want this war.
They've openly shown they want this war for 100 years and it has been shared and talked about many times on GA. Now they have gave you a 100% off coupon you forgot they they want to kill us.
Think, they print money out of nothing, what do they care about that worthless paper. Simple carrot on a stick Anons! You're better than this.
I think that is the idea. Either way it is a win-win.
1.The money is already spent.
2.May as well also drain the IRS ar the same time.
If not passed, refer to #1.
Money is allocated, not spent
Good clarification. Although it would take congress to prevent the spending, so pretty much as good as spent (IIRC)
agreed. Guaranteed the Dems/RINOs/DS have already laundered and spent that money
Then ship the entire IRS staff there :)
Just one pocket to another. Quite clever really.
Does it move the budget or jobs too?
This is hilarious. It forces the DS to choose between Israel and the IRS. I bet they choose the IRS and this doesn't go through.
I feel pity for people who dont see the humour in this bill!
It's trolling like only Trump can do. Has his fingerprints all over it.
14+3? I don't see any fingerprint
Sorry, I dont quite understand it... could you explain it to me? Not really getting what all this means involving the IRS...
Pay israel or pay the irs, not both
Why is the IRS consuming 14 billion of our dollars in the first place?
That’s the first bit that struck me. Why on earth are they being paid that much to antagonize Americans
Bloated Bureaucracy! Well it gets worse though, 14 billion is just what was cut from their budget, but I bet their budget is many times larger than that.
That was just the allocation for the EXTRA 87,000 ARMED IRS agents, courtesy of O'Biden. I love it and I bet they do something equally brilliant to deal with our border very soon. Go MAGA Mike!
The money is for the 80k new IRS agents with much of it clandestinely going to buy more weapons and ammo for the IRS and other agencies. Take this news and add it to the news that 'extra' .556 is no longer being sold on the open market. They are building an army against us. Thats what this 14 billion is for. And it is why this is an epic troll.
This was going to happen regardless of who the speaker was. However our border security should’ve come first and that is what upsets me.
I agree 100%, although seeing the IRS get kicked in the balls is a silver lining.
With Zionist is always Israel first … that will never change.
No, this was not going to happen regardless. McCarthy could easily have passed a 100 billion combined Ukraine + Israel deal with no cuts to IRS.
ya, dont get the downvotes....this is basically an FU to the Cabal
Downvotes = "I am so butthurt that defeating the Evil thats centuries old, and waking up the entire Humanity for the very first time, is taking soooooo long"
Exactly my point.
But SOTH is giving them what they been screeching about - money for Israel. Just gonna cost them out the IRS budget. I read somewhere that they offsetting some climate bullshit and useless crap from the inflation "reduction " bill too
Quit thinking in terms of politics as usual. In a normal political environment Id think as you have, but this is not a normal political environment.
Why not ship every IRS agent with all their weapons and ammo to fight for Israel?
Now there's the American thing to do..we are damn good at reallocation of resources! No sweat
Didn't they get trained in firearms use?
I LIKE this idea!!! ☝️
Yeah, no. Fuck those guys.
Frustrated yet? It's by design.
How bout we just keep our money and help the “poor” ourselves.
The government thinks they are he poor.
Lol. Citizens are like roaches to these people.
How about disbanding all non constitutional agencies and never giving Israel another dime?
It's not complicated.
Exactly. Every alphabet agency must have been created by an amendment. Were they?
14 + 3 = 17 Twice It's a comm
Yes it's a comm. It says "keep grabbing your ankles, suckers", but then maybe we see it differently.
The irony of it all, stealing the graft from the pseudo-Jew thieves to give to the same thieving pseudo-Jew thieves. Kek!
No. Defund the IRS and give that money back to the taxpayers. No money to Ukraine. No money to Israel.
Damn how is it possible that there is $14B to cut from the irs? They should be on a skeleton budget
🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 even without the ukriane money laundering. This is no different.
Cutting the IRS budget is great, but no money to any foreign country! Keep our hard earning money here!
14.3 billion for vets and homeless zero for any other country or IRS
Any money to foreign nations should be a loan, not a gift.
Theres an assumption we have to give Isreal, or any other nation, aid when shtf. Lets have them provide financials and look at their debt to equity, maybe an interest bearing loan would be better with the City of Jeruselum as collateral.
Major kek.
I'm guessing the IRS wins this fight.
But they are pretty much the same thing.
I suspect this thread might have some reeeeeee. I expect that on P_W, but most of you here know that this is just the attention getter.....
It’s been all over here lately.
Wheres aid for Ohio and Maui? Why cant I get my unemployment check that's missing. Why are American taxpayers a piggy bank to the world? AMERICA FIRST.
The IRS is going to have to pawn all those $10 Billion in weapons they bought. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/irs-spent-10-million-weaponry-gear-2020-report-says
So the deep state knows Ukraine is done and wants to use Israel as there next money laundering scheme and we’re supposed to support this , why?
Every time y̶o̶u̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶e̶l̶l̶,̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶g̶e̶l̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶s̶ ̶i̶t̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ you see a downvote, a loser is getting butthurt.
From where I'm sitting looks like US taxpayers are still out on $14.3B.
Screw the anti-American crooks. The invading armies are coming over our borders and their command and control structure is Washington D.C.
Anti American crooks, so would that mean both Israel and the IRS 😉
Yup, and then some.
I don't like that they left border security out, not at all. Phonies, oh they will talk about the need for border security and management, and then do something like this? If there is that much money to just throw at "Israel", and ignore our own security, screw em. They are all self serving suits. They could have left that in, couldn't they have? Its all theater, all of it, and it is DOA anyway. America First. Live it, don't pontificate about it.
So, why do I pay taxes?
14.3 billion in cuts to IRS. This may sound favorable but what exactly does it mean? Will they take IRS real estate, facilities, equipment, resources, funding? Does this administrative agency really have an operating cost and assets valued over 14.3 BILLION? Doesn't add up.
They just allocated an additional 14.3 billion to fund an additional 87,000 armed IRS agents in the past year. THAT'S what doesn't add up.
Interesting move BUT, constitutionally, no money should leave our country.
Just think lol - NOW when Dems vote no, we can accuse them of not supporting Israel
14.3, 14 +3 = 17
Just pointing it out
I am just a simple person. However, this feels based to space.
Might as well send those 85k IRS goons they’ve been training as well.
Oh I like this guy!!! Kinda Trump like style. He wanted to get right to work on an aid package to Israel, & it was the perfect troll move to the Deep State! He's off to a good stare in my book!
Expect more items similar to this kind of maneuvering.