This is a quandry... I agree with you... but, by looking are we not then guilty of a host of laws? And, quite frankly I don't know if any of the raw stuff should ever be made public, because too many would be changed for the worse due to the psych trauma.
Maybe we need a number of citizen volunteers willing to view it.
But then again, how do we rid the world of such evil without confronting it? Like I said, a quandry.
I don't know that Frazzledrip is even the worst. Also there could be a number of pics/vids/evidence that is almost, or just as bad.
If Wallace saw Frazzledrip, he would not have a the stomach to eat for a few days.
Agreed that only volunteers should see it & I think it should be open to public records, though safeguarded from children & maybe even those that do not have a strongly rooted testimony in Christ. These types of things can destroy even the strongest of us.
You don't have to believe this anon, listen to Tim Ballard (Sound of Freedom based on him) talk about how hard it was to find other agents who could handle doing what he did, & they only role played/improved some of the discussions where he was almost laid out by other agents for just talking like the pedos would. It takes a spiritual giant to come out on top & I don't know if any would not be permanently scarred from that visual trauma.
by looking are we not then guilty of a host of laws?
a) Natural L(and) A(ir) W(ater) sets each one within free to perceive everything.
b) Ignoring perceivable (laws of nature) for suggested (laws of men) shapes ones ignorance into the host for parasitic exploitation by others.
c) Others suggest guilt and innocence to distract from response-ability (choice). Why does one requires the response ability of choice? To adapt to a balance based system...not to judge the choices by others.
Judging another implies shirking of ones response-ability onto another.
I don't know if any of the raw stuff should ever be made public
a) Public ignorance establishes the opportunity for private exploitation.
b) There's nothing more private than oneself...consenting to suggested publicism tempts one to ignore self for others, while permitting others private control over public.
c) Raw implies "not altered from its natural state"...Natural order (inception towards death) implies alteration for each one (life) within.
Alter implies "to make different in some particular"...being implies particular within whole, hence different from one another.
d) "don't" aka "doing nothing" implies ones consent to suggested nihilism (Latin nihilo; nothing), hence ones denial of everything perceivable (knowledge; to know; to perceive) when consenting to suggested.
too many would be changed for the worse due to the psych trauma
a) Psychology aka Psyche (animating power) + Logic (reasoning about suggested)...latter tempts one to ignore former, hence all the trauma.
Reason implies conflict; conflict implies trauma.
b) If children can survive abuse by adults, then adults can survive not ignoring how other adults are abusing children. Ignorance among adults represents the foundation for child abuse.
A pedophile couldn't fuck as many children as an ignorant adult fucks over.
"But I wasn't aware"...neither are children aware of what adults want, so who had more time to change awareness?
Maybe we need a number of citizen volunteers willing to view it.
a) There can be only one...oneself. Anyone else implies shirking of ones response-ability onto others.
b) Number implies "designation of a unit"...UNIT (Latin unitas; unus; one).
c) Whole implies perceivable need; each partial within implies suggested want to one another.
Partial (life) needs to resist whole (inception towards death), while being tempted to want from one another. Want tempts one to ignore need.
tl; dr: Many are guilty of ignorance, which in return tempts few to prey upon innocence.
Remember that not all of it is sexual imagery. A huge amount is sheer unimaginable torture. Some is cannibalism, before the victim is dead.
I have seen enough to convince me. It didn't take much. I tell myself that I'm of more use by not looking at too much, but in the end someone is going to have to if these monsters are to be stopped.
Just do what you can to help and stop if it's becoming too much. I tell myself that the victims did not have that option, but you cannot help if you're broken.
I believe it too, I've not seen it and don't want to - to honor those victims the world needs to know what happened to them.
What I wonder is why didn't the officers that saw the video weren't visited by people that already knew it all to help them deal with what they saw? Was it the video or their guilt in seeing what turning a blind eye led to?
Matt Wallace has posted on X that he has pizzagate footage, and will be
Posting online, subscription will be necessary to view (to avoid seeing the disturbing stuff by accident, I think).
He seems sincere... but I've been wrong about people before, but it's worth keeping an eye on... 🙏
I believe is real, too, along with much more just as bad if not worse.
I don't believe for a minute that all those detectives who saw it committed suicide. It has seemed obvious to me from the start that they were systemically removed to make sure they would never testify to what they saw.
This might not bother you, but Its definitely illegal for private citizens to view the uncensored videos. Even LEOs cant just view cp for their investigation without going through the proper channels, and viewing them under strict conditions.
And not exactly "receipts", but the style of painting here is very similar to other paintings by mkultra victim Kim Noble.
Vigilant citizen did a good article onher. Scroll down to "Ria Pratt" (one of her alters). The style of painting and colors are very similar.
Its definitely illegal for private citizens to view the uncensored videos. Even LEOs cant just view cp for their investigation without going through the proper channels, and viewing them under strict conditions.
Did you ever wonder why that is or how it assures justice will never come for the children?
Yeh the system is 100% designed to discourage people from reporting it. Short story is you might find yourself in a "shoot the messenger" situation if you don't report anonymously.
Thats just the way it currently is. Glowies could shutdown this site within hours if that stuff starts getting posted here. It won't matter what the context is.
Absolutely the system is designed so that denial and cognitive dissonance are the path of least resistance.
An interesting post. Q team will have a plan for "showing them". Perhaps just blurred out video. MSM does sometimes show heavily blurred images with just the pedos face visible. I've seen this before if they are seeking public help to find the perp.
That would work on Times Square billboards. There was also that scene from V for Vendetta where he takes over the BBC studios and broadcasts on the UK equivalent of Time Square(Piccadilly Circus i believe)
Abramovic and crew weren't just pretending to cook spirits. Comet Ping Pong was just another honeypot no different than Epstein Island. The only difference was it was right there in plain site with all the cabal's Satan worshipping POS going to and fro freely with no flight list.
I agree Fatality, the legal problems arising from people viewing were put in place as protection for the perps. No one who doesn't want to see shouldn't, but those who can stand it should.
I had a stepfather who killed my too young to be away from its mother when it piddled on the floor. The POS made me bury it, as if it were my fault. I tell folks I might cry, but I can bury the cat.
I watched a little documentary about Sylvia Liken. It was about a 16 year old girl who had to stay with a friend's family who ended up torturing her to death. Let's just say that story stuck with me for several days. I already believe that pizzagate is real. I don't need to see pictures. More and more people will see for themselves and testify which will only solidify my beliefs when they tell what they have seen. I am choosing to not look because it may destroy me. Here is the video I watched about Sylvia Liken.
By "that story stuck with me for several days", I mean it was the only thing I thought about non stop for a week. I put me into a mild depression such as hearing about a long lost friend's passing. I can't imagine what the truth would do to me. My heart has already seen enough.
Tune in on sucha day at sucha time when I release this info. It does get quite old. Then sucha day and sucha time is shit we have been talking about here for years.
Dom Lucre has never released anything new to the public.
If Frazzledrip were real and on the "dark web" just one anon on 4chan would have released at least one screenshot by now. Just one. Someone would be able to point you to it.
I'll bet what Dom Lucre sent Matt is all the same stuff we saw from Podesta's mansion. Nothing new. Dom Lucre talks a lot, and I'm glad he's trying to wake the masses, but he has never once produced new info, and he teases info like this. He's the new Greggggg, who's the new Jack Maxey.
I was a little disturbed by one of his X posts last night. He was doing the one-eye symbol and had on some necklace with a pendant that was not legible. Several people commented on it.
When I first heard about all this stuff, it was hard to believe and to stomach. i simply could not wrap my mind around it. But it was at that exact time that I became a Christian and realized how evil mankind truly was - especially without God. And I knew it was all true - not only that, but that whatever I could even imagine to be, it was actually 100 times worse than that!!! What you THINK is going on, it is so much WORSE than you could ever conceive of.
Psychopaths are evil, because they are mankind with no empathy and no conscience. They are the ones ruling the world and have been for a very long time.
We have got to learn to tell the difference between a normal human and a psychopath if we want to stop all this horror for good. So far, most cannot recognize one from the other.
me thinks the cabal has designed the laws specifically to prevent and scare normies from seeing the evil. I think we should have the option to see it with certain censoring (children's faces and privates). many wont believe it without seeing it and still others won't take this fight of good vs evil seriously enough without this horrifying evidence to shake their faux reality
This needs some sauce. How about a 'X' link to original posts? I was on Dom's X account and could not find any of this. Until I see a legit link I am calling this fake.
My impression of the image is that it's kids sitting around a pizza. I don't know what the toppings are, I'm sure someone in the know viewing this would. Anyhow, the "X" 's are, in my impression, there was a game like duck duck goose, or spinning a spinner, and those were the unlucky kids that lost and had to go to whatever fate the "adults" told them. They are gone.
Thank you, I can see it with that description. These are sick, sick individuals to which I don’t think we can fathom their depravity. It reminded me of “eyes wide shut” a little with the circle.
I don't plan to view anything that comes close to FD, my soul is already fragile and I can't take anything like that, emotionally. I'll leave the viewing and telling of it to someone else. Thank you all.
If you see any of this and it overwhelms you with its evil and horror - and it easily can - hold on to the idea that there is still much good in the world. If you believe in Christ, remember that He came here to deliver humanity from all of this.
Many, many ancient cults were built around blood rituals, cannibalism, and human sacrifice, especially child sacrifice. This was happening all around the world.
One of the most important things about the spread of Christianity was that it halted these practices. Now do you understand why the worldwide psychopaths have such a hatred of Christianity?
The people were told, in essence, "You no longer have to sacrifice your children, or any other humans, in an effort to appease your gods. God did that for you when he sent His only son to earth to serve as the final sacrifice. It's no longer necessary, so stop doing it."
The Eucharist is puzzling to many. Some ask, "Why would we drink his blood? Why would we eat his flesh?"
The answer is: We aren't. That's the point.
The bread and wine take the place of the human flesh and blood, because Christ instructed us to substitute them. The bread and wine are just as good ("this is my blood you drink, this is my body you eat") as long as we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made so we do not sacrifice - and consume - an actual human ever again ("if you would remember me when you eat and drink.")
Christ was the final human sacrifice and it's supposed to stay that way. That's why He was called "the lamb of God." It was not because he was weak or foolish, as sheep are usually seen as being. It's because lambs were very commonly sacrificed in the rituals of Jesus' time, whenever humans (especially children) weren't being used.
Hold on to this and have courage. All of us will be needed in the days to come, to help those who cannot help themselves.
I believe it should be made public because the allegations and acts are as serious as criminality can get, and you can't justify an immediate death penalty without it or changes in the laws protecting this criminality. I don't believe the pearl clutching expressed by some of the anons here can or should be extrapolated to society as a whole. Society as a whole does not have the moral or ethical concerns that the anons here do, and there are plenty of disgusting and evil promoting movies to confirm it, SAW, as one small example. Regarding access, it could me made available with restrictions limiting access to minors. For example, they could burn old school dvd's and send them to every courthouse in the country, designate movie days, and check ID's similar to the process for access to other records. If a movie hurts the sensibilities then they could print off screenshots. The point is viewing the proof should be available so proof cannot be denied. Concerning the argument of protecting society from the evil, again, I don't think that is the answer because that's the very argument (regarding the reporting laws) that has helped us as a society get to this point to begin with. If people need to be scarred maybe they should be. if they need to seek out trauma counselors as an after effect, fine, make them available. But voters should not be able to continue to worship politicians and their co-conspirators and hang on the words of criminals and liars as though it were truth. They need their naive bubbles burst forever. Even if the proof is made available it doesn't guarantee that every person is going to watch it. Some will. Some won't. Some will watch enough to be sure what has been said about these monsters is true. As disgusting and horrible as it is the truth needs to come to light and immediate and final justice should be administered. Otherwise this whole endeavor is pointless because the whole justification for everything we've all been going through since 2016 and for why the white hats had to act in the first place is exactly this - one of the many reasons these people had to be stopped.
I love children, even though I never had any. Sometimes seeing children makes me think about what's happening to those that are trafficked and it makes my blood boil. I don't need to see any of this stuff to try and make a difference. Don't think I'm keeping my head in the sand because I'm not. Praying for the children is more powerful than watching their destruction will ever be.
I made the mistake once - and only once - so far when it comes to videos like this. Unfortunately, I have eidetic imagery and cannot erase the things I've seen. Barbados, 1985. I don't know what led me to that, but I saw part of a snuff flick. Up until that point I doubted they even existed, but they do. It's been nearly forty years and I can still see that as if it happened yesterday. I had thought about doing a deep dig and finding the vid, but no thanks. I understand it really is that horrific. I can only hope those responsible will be executed.
I am sorry my friend. Everytime the thought comes along give it to the Lord. He has carried all of our burdens on the cross and we don’t have to carry it ourselves. Will pray for you, God bless you 🙏🏻
Receipts or nothing.
This is a quandry... I agree with you... but, by looking are we not then guilty of a host of laws? And, quite frankly I don't know if any of the raw stuff should ever be made public, because too many would be changed for the worse due to the psych trauma.
Maybe we need a number of citizen volunteers willing to view it.
But then again, how do we rid the world of such evil without confronting it? Like I said, a quandry.
I don't know that Frazzledrip is even the worst. Also there could be a number of pics/vids/evidence that is almost, or just as bad.
If Wallace saw Frazzledrip, he would not have a the stomach to eat for a few days.
Agreed that only volunteers should see it & I think it should be open to public records, though safeguarded from children & maybe even those that do not have a strongly rooted testimony in Christ. These types of things can destroy even the strongest of us.
You don't have to believe this anon, listen to Tim Ballard (Sound of Freedom based on him) talk about how hard it was to find other agents who could handle doing what he did, & they only role played/improved some of the discussions where he was almost laid out by other agents for just talking like the pedos would. It takes a spiritual giant to come out on top & I don't know if any would not be permanently scarred from that visual trauma.
This was sobering and depressing to watch.
I’m at a loss for words and emotions at this point. Being awakened to this extent has been traumatizing for several years.
Grateful GIF
Very well said. Thanks
a) Natural L(and) A(ir) W(ater) sets each one within free to perceive everything.
b) Ignoring perceivable (laws of nature) for suggested (laws of men) shapes ones ignorance into the host for parasitic exploitation by others.
c) Others suggest guilt and innocence to distract from response-ability (choice). Why does one requires the response ability of choice? To adapt to a balance based system...not to judge the choices by others.
Judging another implies shirking of ones response-ability onto another.
a) Public ignorance establishes the opportunity for private exploitation.
b) There's nothing more private than oneself...consenting to suggested publicism tempts one to ignore self for others, while permitting others private control over public.
c) Raw implies "not altered from its natural state"...Natural order (inception towards death) implies alteration for each one (life) within.
Alter implies "to make different in some particular"...being implies particular within whole, hence different from one another.
d) "don't" aka "doing nothing" implies ones consent to suggested nihilism (Latin nihilo; nothing), hence ones denial of everything perceivable (knowledge; to know; to perceive) when consenting to suggested.
a) Psychology aka Psyche (animating power) + Logic (reasoning about suggested)...latter tempts one to ignore former, hence all the trauma.
Reason implies conflict; conflict implies trauma.
b) If children can survive abuse by adults, then adults can survive not ignoring how other adults are abusing children. Ignorance among adults represents the foundation for child abuse.
A pedophile couldn't fuck as many children as an ignorant adult fucks over.
"But I wasn't aware"...neither are children aware of what adults want, so who had more time to change awareness?
a) There can be only one...oneself. Anyone else implies shirking of ones response-ability onto others.
b) Number implies "designation of a unit"...UNIT (Latin unitas; unus; one).
c) Whole implies perceivable need; each partial within implies suggested want to one another.
Partial (life) needs to resist whole (inception towards death), while being tempted to want from one another. Want tempts one to ignore need.
tl; dr: Many are guilty of ignorance, which in return tempts few to prey upon innocence.
Remember that not all of it is sexual imagery. A huge amount is sheer unimaginable torture. Some is cannibalism, before the victim is dead.
I have seen enough to convince me. It didn't take much. I tell myself that I'm of more use by not looking at too much, but in the end someone is going to have to if these monsters are to be stopped.
Just do what you can to help and stop if it's becoming too much. I tell myself that the victims did not have that option, but you cannot help if you're broken.
Just do what you can.
I am not sure what I am capable of witnessing.
I believe it too, I've not seen it and don't want to - to honor those victims the world needs to know what happened to them.
What I wonder is why didn't the officers that saw the video weren't visited by people that already knew it all to help them deal with what they saw? Was it the video or their guilt in seeing what turning a blind eye led to?
They should've been protected.
Matt Wallace has posted on X that he has pizzagate footage, and will be Posting online, subscription will be necessary to view (to avoid seeing the disturbing stuff by accident, I think).
He seems sincere... but I've been wrong about people before, but it's worth keeping an eye on... 🙏
I believe is real, too, along with much more just as bad if not worse.
I don't believe for a minute that all those detectives who saw it committed suicide. It has seemed obvious to me from the start that they were systemically removed to make sure they would never testify to what they saw.
This might not bother you, but Its definitely illegal for private citizens to view the uncensored videos. Even LEOs cant just view cp for their investigation without going through the proper channels, and viewing them under strict conditions.
And not exactly "receipts", but the style of painting here is very similar to other paintings by mkultra victim Kim Noble.
Vigilant citizen did a good article onher. Scroll down to "Ria Pratt" (one of her alters). The style of painting and colors are very similar.
Did you ever wonder why that is or how it assures justice will never come for the children?
Yeh the system is 100% designed to discourage people from reporting it. Short story is you might find yourself in a "shoot the messenger" situation if you don't report anonymously.
Thats just the way it currently is. Glowies could shutdown this site within hours if that stuff starts getting posted here. It won't matter what the context is.
Not just reporting it, but from REACTING to it.
I Have a Dream:
Absolutely the system is designed so that denial and cognitive dissonance are the path of least resistance.
An interesting post. Q team will have a plan for "showing them". Perhaps just blurred out video. MSM does sometimes show heavily blurred images with just the pedos face visible. I've seen this before if they are seeking public help to find the perp.
That would work on Times Square billboards. There was also that scene from V for Vendetta where he takes over the BBC studios and broadcasts on the UK equivalent of Time Square(Piccadilly Circus i believe)
Every single NYC cop that saw it suicide himself
They were "suicided" so they would never talk about what they had seen.
They were literally eating the pizzas.
Abramovic and crew weren't just pretending to cook spirits. Comet Ping Pong was just another honeypot no different than Epstein Island. The only difference was it was right there in plain site with all the cabal's Satan worshipping POS going to and fro freely with no flight list.
Even when faced with all the facts, as well as shown evidence and proof, cognitive dissonance kicks in, and one still can't believe the truth.
In plain sight, too!
Someone get the link to we can handle this stuff here.
Quit talking start showing
I agree Fatality, the legal problems arising from people viewing were put in place as protection for the perps. No one who doesn't want to see shouldn't, but those who can stand it should.
I had a stepfather who killed my too young to be away from its mother when it piddled on the floor. The POS made me bury it, as if it were my fault. I tell folks I might cry, but I can bury the cat.
I watched a little documentary about Sylvia Liken. It was about a 16 year old girl who had to stay with a friend's family who ended up torturing her to death. Let's just say that story stuck with me for several days. I already believe that pizzagate is real. I don't need to see pictures. More and more people will see for themselves and testify which will only solidify my beliefs when they tell what they have seen. I am choosing to not look because it may destroy me. Here is the video I watched about Sylvia Liken.
Same CZ, my soul cannot withstand viewing something that horrific. 🥺
By "that story stuck with me for several days", I mean it was the only thing I thought about non stop for a week. I put me into a mild depression such as hearing about a long lost friend's passing. I can't imagine what the truth would do to me. My heart has already seen enough.
As a pool shark (and one of my favorite pinballs ever, Eight Ball Deluxe) says:
"Quit talking and start chalking."
Pinball bro!
Yes. Maybe the last form of entertainment normies have yet to corrupt.
Jack danger is a commie.. not a great ambassador for the hobby.
If this is really coming out... well, I think it might start raining False Flags, so be ready.
Possibly a blackout? 10 days darkness... to round up the bad guys?
Stop the tease. Can't stand those anons anymore. Either you show what you have or stop talking. They're just trying to stay relevant. Full of sh**.
Tune in on sucha day at sucha time when I release this info. It does get quite old. Then sucha day and sucha time is shit we have been talking about here for years.
Exactly. There are way too many patriot influencers trying to make a buck off of the truth movement. Hard to drown out the noise.
Dom Lucre has never released anything new to the public.
If Frazzledrip were real and on the "dark web" just one anon on 4chan would have released at least one screenshot by now. Just one. Someone would be able to point you to it.
I'll bet what Dom Lucre sent Matt is all the same stuff we saw from Podesta's mansion. Nothing new. Dom Lucre talks a lot, and I'm glad he's trying to wake the masses, but he has never once produced new info, and he teases info like this. He's the new Greggggg, who's the new Jack Maxey.
I was a little disturbed by one of his X posts last night. He was doing the one-eye symbol and had on some necklace with a pendant that was not legible. Several people commented on it.
u/joys1daughter asked him about it and she got a response
Thank you fren!
When I first heard about all this stuff, it was hard to believe and to stomach. i simply could not wrap my mind around it. But it was at that exact time that I became a Christian and realized how evil mankind truly was - especially without God. And I knew it was all true - not only that, but that whatever I could even imagine to be, it was actually 100 times worse than that!!! What you THINK is going on, it is so much WORSE than you could ever conceive of.
"Mankind" is not evil.
Psychopaths are evil, because they are mankind with no empathy and no conscience. They are the ones ruling the world and have been for a very long time.
We have got to learn to tell the difference between a normal human and a psychopath if we want to stop all this horror for good. So far, most cannot recognize one from the other.
I mean... if they are looking at it... ? I'm assuming* the images are censored enough to be legal? Or at least hoping so.
Where was the sauce from originally? [Not walnut]
That’s the problem… the laws are written so that you can’t even possess evidence of their crimes.
me thinks the cabal has designed the laws specifically to prevent and scare normies from seeing the evil. I think we should have the option to see it with certain censoring (children's faces and privates). many wont believe it without seeing it and still others won't take this fight of good vs evil seriously enough without this horrifying evidence to shake their faux reality
they dont want us in numbers to recognize that the Evil is not of Human origin. Either demons or aliens - it is evil.
Psychopaths, fren. Psychopaths.
Not just possession, its 100% illegal to even view any of that material.
Unless you are a LEO and specifically authorized to view it on a case by case basis in a controlled setting.
Those agents would never dream of accessing it from anywhere else.
Only CNN is allowed to handle and interpret evidence. Kek
Dom Lucre has already posted a (non-explicit) screenshot of an infamous child pornography video and he's still on twitter
This needs some sauce. How about a 'X' link to original posts? I was on Dom's X account and could not find any of this. Until I see a legit link I am calling this fake.
What am I looking at? I don’t question whether or not Frazzledrip is real, nothing shocks me these days. I just don’t understand the image.
I expect it’s a clip from the video, or some similar ‘proof’ to those bad actors to inform them that he actually possesses this material.
Poster for a party that only those who know would be excited to see.
My impression of the image is that it's kids sitting around a pizza. I don't know what the toppings are, I'm sure someone in the know viewing this would. Anyhow, the "X" 's are, in my impression, there was a game like duck duck goose, or spinning a spinner, and those were the unlucky kids that lost and had to go to whatever fate the "adults" told them. They are gone.
Thank you, I can see it with that description. These are sick, sick individuals to which I don’t think we can fathom their depravity. It reminded me of “eyes wide shut” a little with the circle.
Looks like it was drawn by a kid.
Notice the one big person? It's a party of children.
Why the x's?
It looks like children standing around the crust on a pizza. I don't think I want to know what the toppings on that pizza are.
The x's?
A death?
I don't plan to view anything that comes close to FD, my soul is already fragile and I can't take anything like that, emotionally. I'll leave the viewing and telling of it to someone else. Thank you all.
If you see any of this and it overwhelms you with its evil and horror - and it easily can - hold on to the idea that there is still much good in the world. If you believe in Christ, remember that He came here to deliver humanity from all of this.
Many, many ancient cults were built around blood rituals, cannibalism, and human sacrifice, especially child sacrifice. This was happening all around the world.
One of the most important things about the spread of Christianity was that it halted these practices. Now do you understand why the worldwide psychopaths have such a hatred of Christianity?
The people were told, in essence, "You no longer have to sacrifice your children, or any other humans, in an effort to appease your gods. God did that for you when he sent His only son to earth to serve as the final sacrifice. It's no longer necessary, so stop doing it."
The Eucharist is puzzling to many. Some ask, "Why would we drink his blood? Why would we eat his flesh?"
The answer is: We aren't. That's the point.
The bread and wine take the place of the human flesh and blood, because Christ instructed us to substitute them. The bread and wine are just as good ("this is my blood you drink, this is my body you eat") as long as we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made so we do not sacrifice - and consume - an actual human ever again ("if you would remember me when you eat and drink.")
Christ was the final human sacrifice and it's supposed to stay that way. That's why He was called "the lamb of God." It was not because he was weak or foolish, as sheep are usually seen as being. It's because lambs were very commonly sacrificed in the rituals of Jesus' time, whenever humans (especially children) weren't being used.
Hold on to this and have courage. All of us will be needed in the days to come, to help those who cannot help themselves.
Oh look at the little black children dancing around the pie, like they're partying
I truly think people were not ready back in 2017 for the exposure, and this long slow information stream has prepared them.
I remember several police officers in NY that blew their brains out after seeing it. They did it themselves or had help but regardless, it is bad!
They were suicided so they would never testify about what they saw.
Things really seem to be ramping up quickly, anyone else check the Jan 18 th deltas
I believe it should be made public because the allegations and acts are as serious as criminality can get, and you can't justify an immediate death penalty without it or changes in the laws protecting this criminality. I don't believe the pearl clutching expressed by some of the anons here can or should be extrapolated to society as a whole. Society as a whole does not have the moral or ethical concerns that the anons here do, and there are plenty of disgusting and evil promoting movies to confirm it, SAW, as one small example. Regarding access, it could me made available with restrictions limiting access to minors. For example, they could burn old school dvd's and send them to every courthouse in the country, designate movie days, and check ID's similar to the process for access to other records. If a movie hurts the sensibilities then they could print off screenshots. The point is viewing the proof should be available so proof cannot be denied. Concerning the argument of protecting society from the evil, again, I don't think that is the answer because that's the very argument (regarding the reporting laws) that has helped us as a society get to this point to begin with. If people need to be scarred maybe they should be. if they need to seek out trauma counselors as an after effect, fine, make them available. But voters should not be able to continue to worship politicians and their co-conspirators and hang on the words of criminals and liars as though it were truth. They need their naive bubbles burst forever. Even if the proof is made available it doesn't guarantee that every person is going to watch it. Some will. Some won't. Some will watch enough to be sure what has been said about these monsters is true. As disgusting and horrible as it is the truth needs to come to light and immediate and final justice should be administered. Otherwise this whole endeavor is pointless because the whole justification for everything we've all been going through since 2016 and for why the white hats had to act in the first place is exactly this - one of the many reasons these people had to be stopped.
I love children, even though I never had any. Sometimes seeing children makes me think about what's happening to those that are trafficked and it makes my blood boil. I don't need to see any of this stuff to try and make a difference. Don't think I'm keeping my head in the sand because I'm not. Praying for the children is more powerful than watching their destruction will ever be.
I made the mistake once - and only once - so far when it comes to videos like this. Unfortunately, I have eidetic imagery and cannot erase the things I've seen. Barbados, 1985. I don't know what led me to that, but I saw part of a snuff flick. Up until that point I doubted they even existed, but they do. It's been nearly forty years and I can still see that as if it happened yesterday. I had thought about doing a deep dig and finding the vid, but no thanks. I understand it really is that horrific. I can only hope those responsible will be executed.
I am sorry my friend. Everytime the thought comes along give it to the Lord. He has carried all of our burdens on the cross and we don’t have to carry it ourselves. Will pray for you, God bless you 🙏🏻
Is that the reason for the email to Donna Brazil?