Really wish Don Jr hadnt framed it that way but they must have a reason. All SCOTUS did was remove a temporary stay placed by the 5th Circuit when they agreed to hear the arguments en banc. (Edit: I havent read the assent or dissent yet. Feel free to call me a moron if by posting before I read them I got something, or even everything, wrong.)
I hate Politico but here you go:
A federal district judge had ordered the state in September to remove the controversial barrier, and a panel of the 5th Circuit Court upheld that in a 2-1 decision last month.
Days after the court ruled against Texas, the state asked for an en banc hearing, in which all the appellate court’s judges, not just the three-judge panel, reconsiders the case. En banc consideration is rare and less than 1 percent of the cases decided by the court are reheard.
The 5th Circuit on Wednesday granted Texas’ request, and the case will be reheard by the entire court in May. The decision by the 5th Circuit, considered the most conservative appeals court in the country, also vacates the previous opinion, meaning the river border buoys will stay in place while the litigation continues.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott first deployed the 1,000-foot barrier in early July and later claimed that it had deterred thousands of people from crossing. The Department of Justice sued the state, arguing that it obstructed U.S. waterways in violation of federal environmental law.
I am not going to link to Politico, its bad enough I gave them a click, and this is the entire article minus one small paragraph that is just Dems whining and blaming Texas for a migrant death.
The underlying issue here is Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution which outlines the relationship between the various states, as well as the relationship between each state and the United States federal government.
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
I believe at the end of the day we will have some answers to questions that have been argued since the beginning of our Republic, Federalism vs State Sovereignty. This will all eventually tie into the Insurrection Act, Posse Comitatus and the use of the National Guard and other military forces to quell unrest and arrest the death cult puppets by shining the light on a rogue federal authority, delinquent in their sworn duty and running roughshod over the People and the Sovereign States.
To order Texas to do anything that the Governor deems as critical in securing the right of the citizens of Texas. The federal government has failed to do its DUTY. Texas has taken back its authority. The original 13 states created the federal government. The States are sovereign much like France or Poland or Hungary. This is what it means to be a Republic. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land. Any law or order or decision must be pursuant to the Constitution! The Constitution is supreme and timeless.
Thank you but I was unaware of how our Constitutional Republic was suppose to run until I watched this video. The credit goes completely to the individuals who have struggled so long to educated us. My deepest appreciation to them!
Power come out of a barrel of a gun. What are the corrupt fuckers going to do? Pull a England, massacre some folks, and start a new revolution? Fuck them. More power to Texas.
God Bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, the Voters that support Trump, the Military that supports the Constitution and Trump, Law Enforcement that too supports the Constitution and Trump, most of all Trumps security team and their families too, God Bless America, Bless the missing children and you the reader Too.🙏
Guys, the barbed wire identifies as razor wire! We've been through this before. I can't believe this high wire act still needs to be explained. It's a pointed discussion I know, but good fences make better neighbors.
The Supreme Court and really the entire Federal Government has nullified itself! They have no authority other than by naked force. Force will be met by force.
The feds are definitely trying to initiate a civil war. It is plainly obvious, but I believe the patriots have a plan to block it from getting started.
By the way this is not razor wire. Not even close. Razor wire is awful and hideous to deploy. Nasty stuff. This I would rather take this prickly wire. IMHO.
"You know.. all you guys are just fancy idiots who wear robes to work, right? Your orders have no value. People don't respect you. If your orders are nonsensical and impossible to police, they won't be followed, so why would you make such an obviously stupid and contradictory order?"
"Y'all could have just refused the case. Why involve yourself in something that you have no actual bearing on?"
Love it the wire is giving them the finger.
The other wire would normally face down,but they bent it around back.
It even has a little "thumb" in the back haha
Really wish Don Jr hadnt framed it that way but they must have a reason. All SCOTUS did was remove a temporary stay placed by the 5th Circuit when they agreed to hear the arguments en banc. (Edit: I havent read the assent or dissent yet. Feel free to call me a moron if by posting before I read them I got something, or even everything, wrong.)
I hate Politico but here you go:
I am not going to link to Politico, its bad enough I gave them a click, and this is the entire article minus one small paragraph that is just Dems whining and blaming Texas for a migrant death.
The underlying issue here is Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution which outlines the relationship between the various states, as well as the relationship between each state and the United States federal government.
I believe at the end of the day we will have some answers to questions that have been argued since the beginning of our Republic, Federalism vs State Sovereignty. This will all eventually tie into the Insurrection Act, Posse Comitatus and the use of the National Guard and other military forces to quell unrest and arrest the death cult puppets by shining the light on a rogue federal authority, delinquent in their sworn duty and running roughshod over the People and the Sovereign States.
Came to say something similar in that Trump is for the rule of law. I don't think we want to act like the DS and disrespect the SCOTUS.
But, putting the wire back up in not disrespect. SCOTUS never said Texas couldn't put the wire up, right? So no problem.
SCOTUS does NOT have the authority!
For what?
To order Texas to do anything that the Governor deems as critical in securing the right of the citizens of Texas. The federal government has failed to do its DUTY. Texas has taken back its authority. The original 13 states created the federal government. The States are sovereign much like France or Poland or Hungary. This is what it means to be a Republic. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land. Any law or order or decision must be pursuant to the Constitution! The Constitution is supreme and timeless.
Hear, hear!! Right on. That's beautiful truth expressed.
Thank you but I was unaware of how our Constitutional Republic was suppose to run until I watched this video. The credit goes completely to the individuals who have struggled so long to educated us. My deepest appreciation to them!
Most likely not Ai generated, because of the difficulty drawing hands.
Biden ignores SCOTUS. The FBI ignores the courts and the Congress.
When the corrupt politicians and beaurcrats don't have to follow the law, no one has to follow the law. Refuse to comply.
The rule of law is dead. Killed by the corrupt liberals.
Power come out of a barrel of a gun. What are the corrupt fuckers going to do? Pull a England, massacre some folks, and start a new revolution? Fuck them. More power to Texas.
God Bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, the Voters that support Trump, the Military that supports the Constitution and Trump, Law Enforcement that too supports the Constitution and Trump, most of all Trumps security team and their families too, God Bless America, Bless the missing children and you the reader Too.🙏
I agree if they dont I won't:)🎯🇺🇸🎯
The States do not have to comply with any ruling that puts them any situation they don't like.
If Texas complied they'd be agreeing that the power they DELEGATED to these federal assholes was being justly administered.
It's their duty.
If you gave someone a key to your house to watch your pet and they tortured & killed it, you'd be retarded to let them keep the key, right?
The States do not have to comply with any ruling that
puts them any situation they don't like.VIOLATES THE CONSTITUTION.FTFY - It has nothing to do with what someone does or doesn't like.
Yes, 💯. I need to choose better words, sometimes they elude me
Elude is a good one though
Technically, that’s barbed wire, not razor wire aka concertina wire.
Guys, the barbed wire identifies as razor wire! We've been through this before. I can't believe this high wire act still needs to be explained. It's a pointed discussion I know, but good fences make better neighbors.
All this time and these damn bigots can't accept the fact that IDENTITY is more important than reality.
Need double barbs to be worth a shit
A leather jacket or even thick cloth will still get you over that. But dont try that with razor wire.
The wire is flipping off the feds hence the picture.
He used the photo because it looks like flipping the bird
Stand your ground, castle principle.
When does a bird sing?
When it's being flipped at the bad guys.
Thanks Don.
Love the picture, good response to our treasonous govt.
May God help us 🛑🤡🛑
All branches of government are compromised = Constitutional Crisis.
That's actually barbed wire but the effect is perfect. Razor wire is in coils and the sharp parts look different.
So this is a joke I realize , but is Texas really standing or folding , does any One know ?
I believe Texas is going to stand. And the real BP will not challenge them. Because they are with them.
Thank you and thank God !
Thank God !
Border Patrol
Border patrol.
This photo puts a fine point on it.
The Supreme Court and really the entire Federal Government has nullified itself! They have no authority other than by naked force. Force will be met by force.
The feds are definitely trying to initiate a civil war. It is plainly obvious, but I believe the patriots have a plan to block it from getting started.
Anyone else NOTICE THE "middle finger" WIRE??? LOL
If Texas have no standing with SCOTUS, then SCOTUS have no standing in Texas.
Get fucked Biden and pedo crew..
Don’t mess with TEXAS.
By the way this is not razor wire. Not even close. Razor wire is awful and hideous to deploy. Nasty stuff. This I would rather take this prickly wire. IMHO.
What's scotus gonna do about it. Like everything else likely nada
"You know.. all you guys are just fancy idiots who wear robes to work, right? Your orders have no value. People don't respect you. If your orders are nonsensical and impossible to police, they won't be followed, so why would you make such an obviously stupid and contradictory order?"
"Y'all could have just refused the case. Why involve yourself in something that you have no actual bearing on?"