The simple fact remains that Pence could have invoked the 25th Amendment against Trump in the aftermath of J6, and there were many calls for him to do so from the enemy. He did not. Trump himself even expressed confidence that "the 25th Amendment is of zero risk"
He also was invited to testify against Trump at the J6 Committee. He told them to fuck off. I can link you to the post if you like.
So yes, there is more to Pence than meets the eye. The only thing Jon Herold has been all but proven wrong about is Pence returning as VP.
He also was invited to testify against Trump at the J6 Committee.
MAGA would have demolished him, because he would have had to lie under oath. That's why he didn't go.
Pence admitted after the election that his refusal to certify was done to bypass a legal process (to include the House of Reps.)that he simply did not want to engage in, citing how that legal process would likely be "chaos." His statement is directly in opposition to his previous claim (LIE) that the senate certification process was only "ceremonial."
That is his stated reason for breaking his oath of office, and negligence in his duty to uphold the constitution. Pence is a traitorous snake, serving the NWO.
Is the Devolution series worth reading? I started Part 1 recently but was put off when it said "Trump's return is imminent" and noticed that was published in July 2021...
It is a very important read, but since he is trying to bring all the sauce to his theory, it can get dry. Read part 1, and then read part 13. I tend to read just the highlighted parts, as it can get long. Also Just Human on badlands has some good stuff, with documentation of Trump working to help take out the mob using his hotel in Atlantic City.
Exactly… I read it more that VP candidates are begging him for advice and he needs to distance himself from DJT. This info on him is all hype. He is part of the plan. They are sifting out Rinos.
He is. Him refusing to endorse Trump is meaningless in the larger scheme of things. In fact it would actually be more damaging to Trump if Pence did endorse him.
The simple fact remains that Pence could have invoked the 25th Amendment against Trump in the aftermath of J6, and there were many calls for him to do so from the enemy. He did not. Trump himself even expressed confidence that "the 25th Amendment is of zero risk"
He also was invited to testify against Trump at the J6 Committee. He told them to fuck off. I can link you to the post if you like.
So yes, there is more to Pence than meets the eye. Pay more attention to actions, and less to what is said.
I was on the fence about Pence, and this doesn't change anything, still too early to determine which side he's on.
If he's playing a part, and he and Trump are having a (hoax) feud, for optics to make it look like they're not working together, then of course he would say he's not endorsing Trump. Duh.
I put as much faith in this non-endorsement as I put in Big Mike saying he's not going to run for President.
I have no clue what Pence might be up to. But I do remember something that DJT said on January 6. "Sometimes it takes more courage to do the wrong thing than to do the right thing."
I didn't know what the hell that meant then, and I still don't know. But it might possibly have meaning in this context.
I just pulled a muscle from trying to make a surprised face.
I just pulled one trying to give a shit what Pence thinks.
Stop it, you made coffee come out my nose.
You poor, poor dear...did the muscle extend to the brain????? That is a VERY important part of discernment!!!!!
Patel Patriot of “Devolution” will be very disappointed.
Or maybe he’ll say it Kayfabe. May be. Disinformation is necessary?
I just rolled my eyes so hard I think I hurt myself...
My eyes did a complete rap around.
The simple fact remains that Pence could have invoked the 25th Amendment against Trump in the aftermath of J6, and there were many calls for him to do so from the enemy. He did not. Trump himself even expressed confidence that "the 25th Amendment is of zero risk"
He also was invited to testify against Trump at the J6 Committee. He told them to fuck off. I can link you to the post if you like.
So yes, there is more to Pence than meets the eye. The only thing Jon Herold has been all but proven wrong about is Pence returning as VP.
I agree. Pence is playing his part very well. Sometimes a good actor plays the villain and very convincingly!
MAGA would have demolished him, because he would have had to lie under oath. That's why he didn't go.
Pence admitted after the election that his refusal to certify was done to bypass a legal process (to include the House of Reps.)that he simply did not want to engage in, citing how that legal process would likely be "chaos." His statement is directly in opposition to his previous claim (LIE) that the senate certification process was only "ceremonial." That is his stated reason for breaking his oath of office, and negligence in his duty to uphold the constitution. Pence is a traitorous snake, serving the NWO.
Watch this short vid. clip in the story.
Is the Devolution series worth reading? I started Part 1 recently but was put off when it said "Trump's return is imminent" and noticed that was published in July 2021...
Predictions aside, yes, the Devolution series is an excellent read.
It is a very important read, but since he is trying to bring all the sauce to his theory, it can get dry. Read part 1, and then read part 13. I tend to read just the highlighted parts, as it can get long. Also Just Human on badlands has some good stuff, with documentation of Trump working to help take out the mob using his hotel in Atlantic City.
Sounds like this entire forum after November 2020 😂
I haven't followed the devolution stuff for awhile. Care to explain how this development clashes with Patel Patriot's theory? Genuinely curious.
He believes Pence has been a white hat all along and Trump is going to name him as his running mate again.
I didn't like him the first time. Creepy.
Copy. Thank you for the info.
Again? 🤣
Pence could very well be a white hat. Absolutely none of us anons know for sure in this country full of actors.
Why would he be disappointed? Do you really not know that many people are playing roles?
The Deep State puppet doesn't endorse Trump?
Color me surprised!
Mrs Pence received "an envelope" at the Bush funeral.
'nuff said!
None of us knows what was in her specific envelope
Could have been decoy to dupe deepstate
jk, but anyway what if
Exactly… I read it more that VP candidates are begging him for advice and he needs to distance himself from DJT. This info on him is all hype. He is part of the plan. They are sifting out Rinos.
The ending won't be for everyone
Trump stabed in the back on the Ides of March.
Ides of March this year...
3+1+5+2+0+2+4 = 17
Nice catch.
Thanks fren!
I'm starting to think comms like this are from God.
Thank you!
Breaking news - pence is a globalhomo fag boy.
Under disguise as a politician….. poor disguise.
Color me surprised!!
You got it wrong.
He's a globohomo fag who loves boys...
I didn't exclude that....
Lol, I'm sure Trump is devastated.
Here's the video.
seems like we didn't get his full statement
But, But, But you all said Pence is playing a part.
He is. Him refusing to endorse Trump is meaningless in the larger scheme of things. In fact it would actually be more damaging to Trump if Pence did endorse him.
Sorry I don't believe that for one minute.
He is.
Sometimes, Elvis plays Elvis.
If he wanted our side confused he would endorse Trump. Then everybody wouldn’t know what to think
This guy understands game theory. One's status as a white or black hat does not directly correlate to whether or not they say nice things about Trump.
For all the folks throwing out the theory Pence was a whitehat, that's just rain pouring down the back of your shirts. kek
😂 this one
The simple fact remains that Pence could have invoked the 25th Amendment against Trump in the aftermath of J6, and there were many calls for him to do so from the enemy. He did not. Trump himself even expressed confidence that "the 25th Amendment is of zero risk"
He also was invited to testify against Trump at the J6 Committee. He told them to fuck off. I can link you to the post if you like.
So yes, there is more to Pence than meets the eye. Pay more attention to actions, and less to what is said.
I'll bet Trump is all tore up over that. NOT!
I was on the fence about Pence, and this doesn't change anything, still too early to determine which side he's on.
If he's playing a part, and he and Trump are having a (hoax) feud, for optics to make it look like they're not working together, then of course he would say he's not endorsing Trump. Duh.
I put as much faith in this non-endorsement as I put in Big Mike saying he's not going to run for President.
That pedo fag needs to go away.
Pence not endorsing Trump is such a massive endorsement, big league.
I’m not a pro banning person but can we dead name Pence at least
Fucking Judas wannabe.
Sounds like an endorsement to me.
i bet that there r a lotta patriots that think the same way.
Pence cited “profound difference on a range of issues,” among them the national debt, attitudes about abortion rights, and Trump’s reversal on the sale of TikTok.
But,but, he raise his hand and pledged that he would!!!! No one is surprised.
I have no clue what Pence might be up to. But I do remember something that DJT said on January 6. "Sometimes it takes more courage to do the wrong thing than to do the right thing."
I didn't know what the hell that meant then, and I still don't know. But it might possibly have meaning in this context.
Told all you Pence lovers
Pedo come out.
Pence said this back in 2023 anticipating 2024x no surprise that Judas acts like Judas. Pence is worthless.
The American people will never forget how he sold his soul to the devil for 30 pences on January 6th 2021
Thank God! The charade has ended. This man truly used scripture as a tool of deception. To me that is the meaning of using God's name in vain.
Flies know
So who does he want to be President? Biden?? HA! No Rino can go that far, except maybe the Cheney traitor.
His endorsement is a negative anyway.
Who? Cares.
What next?? Liz Chaney not going to endorse him either?
KEK, watch she’ll run No Label…more like No Chance
They think Christians are idiots who will follow him because he walks around all day with a Bible duct taped to his forehead.
Pedos REALLY don't like President Trump, for some reason.
pence is a raging pedophile, that is what I hear.