Quinnipiac just released a poll that you know they tried to skew in their favor as much as possible that shows Bidens support among blacks is at 65% and hispanics at 34%. In 2020 he won 85% of the black vote and 65% of the hispanic vote.
Theres an article over at the Conservative Treehouse (analysis of the Quinipiac poll found in same article) describing one of the top Dem data scientists urging donors to stop registering young voters because they will be Trump voters.
The entire house of cards is tumbling and the kind of bullshit highlighted in this tweet is accelerant.
Over at Vox Populi he has two articles up that highlight how powerless the death cult is to slow their demise. The first post concerns Asia Times columnist David Goldmans insider view of a meeting of top "clown worlders" last week.
Everyone here should read these regardless of their opinion of Vox Day. If you want you can skip Vox Days pomposity and just read the block quotes.
Edit to add:
There is no freaking way that they can steal this election. Trumps looking at a highly motivated voter base, made up of a coalition that basically is the entire American public regardless of historic patterns, and will win over 100 million votes. Their ground game fraud wont keep them in this one (and one important aspect, registering the kids, looks like it will backfire)and I fully expect the digital aspect to be shut down entirely like it was in 2016.
The left is fucked and they know it. Prepare. A cornered animal, and this one is rabid, is very dangerous.
No, no I agree there! I just mean that you would severely dampen their ability to mass numbers if the people were held to account.
Sure, there is an element of exposure that occurs in an ideal world that might burn them when they step too far out of the shadows, but I think they've been playing this game for a long time and have a ton of layers when it comes to securely distributing funds.
That's right across from where the World Trade Center was. There was a massive triage site there for the FF's right after. Across to the North was One Liberty also a triage site; one block to the West was 10 House (10/10 that lost every single FF that day, WTF is NY allowing to happen.
If ANYONE thinks this is by accident, you're just begging for a second holocaust.
Seriously it's time to "nuke" the crap out of this nonsense. Islamic terrorists have laid claim to what is America's 9/11 sacred ground.
It is fun when you see people claiming to be Anons still use elections as a means of people voting representations. The only vote that gets rigged is the presidential one apparently
I still work my ass off to find and promote candidates! I’ve got 16 candidates in tomorrow’s WI election! Win or lose, when we do eventually regain control of our elections, I’ve got a little black book FULL of names of Godly representatives to step into position!
As wonderful as it is to find decent to great candidates, the fact remains that NONE of them have the slightest clue about the Constitution that they vow to support and obey. This is why we are where we are. None of them know and most don't care....with the watchers (the people) clueless as well. "If the people expect to be ignorant and free....., they want what never was and never will be." T. Jefferson
icymi - Californians aren't voting for these bullshit policies.
Do you think they voted to let people poop in public or shoplift up to $949.00 as a misdemeanor? They didn't vote to let out the convicts either. They didn't vote to ban building of dams to collect the trillions of gallons that spill into the ocean causing drought in order to spare an obscure fish not even on the endangered list.
We didn’t vote for Newsom. When the race for California gov. happened, when we went to bed John Cox, a Republican was winning. When we woke up, Newsom had won. Just like Trump and Potato. We also voted to recall Newsom and they cheated then too.
Yes, there are a lot of weirdos here. But you know what? Most of them moved to California from other states. And the weirder California gets, the more weirdos want to come here for a free life compliments of the California taxpayer and the NWO to be amongst their own kind.
The Democrats take over the most beautiful places in the world and take it for themselves. Just like beautiful New Zealand is infested with the Dems and NWO.
California has been hijacked by Democrats and NWO. California is the whipping-boy of America.
Absolutely. However, I stand by what I said. NONE of our public servants know what our Constitution says and understand just what enumerated powers they have AND DO NOT HAVE.
False. I have personally planned and hosted four separate Constitution Alive classes. All of them referring to the Biblical influence of our founding fathers on the Constitution. Believe it or not, I know what I am looking for in any candidate that I am willing to back and endorse. GODLY MEN AND WOMEN!
Great that you're presenting such classes and I am well aware of the Biblical influence on and in our Constitution. Are you or your people aware of the Genesis of the DoT (Department of Transportation)? This ONE illegitimate creation gave birth to the 500+ illegitimate agencies in this country with their millions of "law"-making, rule-making toadies. What follows is a summation of what occurred. There is much more at reclaimingtherepublic.org.
In 1817, President Madison was preparing to retire as the President of the United States.
The House of Representatives wrote and passed a bill entitled, “An Act to Set Apart and Pledge Certain Funds For Internal Improvements.”
This Bill would have laid the foundation for a Department of Transportation.
The Bill was then passed by the Senate and given to President Madison.
On March 3rd, 1817, as President Madison’s last act as President, he vetoed this Bill.
Madison’s veto message to the House of Representatives pointed out:
That the power they were attempting to establish within the Bill was not an enumerated power within the Constitution.
President Madison explained in his veto message that the general Defense and Welfare clause, the Commerce clause, the Necessary and Proper clause, and Supremacy clause were not portals to create a new role, responsibility, or power (RRP) for the general government to obtain new powers.
His concluding words in his admonishment clearly expressed that as much as he would like to see this power delegated to the general government, only the states could constitutionally delegate this new power to the general government through the amendment process.
In 1822, Congress tried again with another Bill that would lay the footing for a Department of Transportation.
When this Act was presented to President Monroe, he also vetoed this Act and in his veto message he said, “ This power can be granted only by an amendment to the Constitution and in the mode prescribed by it.”
President Monroe also said, “It has never been contended that the power was specifically granted. It is claimed only as being incidental to some on or more of the powers which are specifically granted.
According to my judgment, it can not be derived from either of those powers, nor from all of them united, and in consequence, it does not exist.”
In 1830, Congress attempted a third time to create the foundation for a Department of Transportation with President Andrew Jackson in yet another infrastructure Bill.
To the surprise of Congress, even President Jackson (a democrat) vetoed the Bill, asserting:
“If it be the wish of the people that the construction of roads and canals should be conducted by the Federal Government, it is not only highly expedient, but indispensably necessary, that a previous amendment of the Constitution, delegating the necessary power and defining and restricting its exercise with reference to the sovereignty of the States, should be made.”
All three Presidents cited the same limitation that the power is not enumerated in the Constitution.
Therefore, the Constitution must be amended for the general government to take on any new role, responsibility, or power.
If the father of the Constitution, James Madison, another framer President, James Monroe, and the first Democrat President, Andrew Jackson, all said that the Constitution must be amended to delegate the powers of a Department of Transportation…..Then WHERE IS THE AMENDMENT AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION?
Again, all three Presidents cited the same limitation.
The power is not enumerated in the Constitution.
Consequently, the Constitution must be amended.
Furthermore, the Constitution has not been amended allowing the general government to bypass the Amendment process to exercise any new role, responsibility, or power.
Instead, the general government has usurped this power.
President Washington warned America in his Farewell Address: “If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, ma be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.”
By 1849, the States completely forgot their role in restraining an insatiable general government.
It was at this time that the end of America’s expanse (expansion??) was becoming a reality.
Instead of preparing to reduce government and those managing the withering territories to finalize these lands into becoming States, Congress chose to expand government and their RRPs with the management of territories.
The general government violated the Constitution and created the Home Department—or what we call the Department of Interior today. By the end of the Nineteenth Century, the general government unconstitutionally created the Departments of Justice and Agriculture. [We see what the DoJ has become.]
In 1913, the general government expanded even more by creating the Commerce and Labor Departments.
After almost yearly landmark cases from 1914 to 1923, Congress, with the support of President Calvin Coolidge, proposed an Amendment to the Constitution.
This amendment would delegate to the general government the power to regulate child labor.
The Amendment stated: “1. The Congress shall have power to limit, regulate, and prohibit the labor of persons under eighteen years of age.
The power of the several States is unimpaired by this article except that the operation of State laws shall be suspended to the extent necessary to give effect to legislation enacted by the Congress.”
This amendment was rejected by the States and yet today, the general government is regulating labor.
There is no enumerated power granting the federal government any RPP over transportation, State land, criminal law, agriculture, labor, or whatsoever and the regulating of commerce was limited to keeping States from taking advantage of other states.
Today, the general government has self-aggrandized their powers to include welfare, housing, health care, education, life, marriage, and homeland security.
The words of Presidents Madison, Monroe, Jackson and Washington may be ignored but the fact remains, that until the States delegate the power through a Constitutional Amendment, those powers not delegated are unconstitutional usurpations.
Republic Review is the only process that will obtain full compliance to the Constitution by the general government.
Consequently, we ask ALL to learn about the argument for Republic Review and its process for forcing the general government back into compliance with the Constitution. As the general government becomes compliant, the State will also be forced to become compliant to the Constitution as well.
It's a large Democrat run city, which means any cheating that occurs there merely determines which Democrat wins. The Democrats lousy urban policies long ago chased away enough middle class voters to ensure the only people left are the elites and the poor, both of which will reliably vote for them.
The concept is called "weaponized government failure" and I saw it speculated this first got noticed when the crackhead mayor of one of the worst run cities in America, Marion Barry, was re-elected with huge margins, despite the city being in terrible shape. The concept was described as if you do a crappy enough job running your city voters that expect decent roads and schools and law and order will move to the suburbs, leaving just the people that are wealthy enough not to care because they have private schools and private security, or the poor who don't expect any better, and thus you've secured your party's reign because the people inclined to care more about results than party who might vote for a Republican have self-deported.
Think about all the good people in New York that did not vote for it.
Think about the Americans who are trapped in this system of corruption, even the ones who are falling for the lies. You and I, if brought up under different circumstances might think just as they do, unless you think that somehow we are superior to these people.
What I'm getting at is we should fight the rights of all Americans, to free even the ones that have fallen under the spell of their captors.
Jesus says, "Do as you would be done by." If I was stuck inside a destructive democrat hell hole, I would hope someone would try and save me.
Last time this happened in Seattle it was a week or two before a sound cloud rapper showed up with his crew and guns and took over. And of the 2 people their self appointed “Security” Killed. Both were Black.
Lol I had to look up sound cloud as I didn't know this. So an unimportant moron shows up to rule the mob and shoots two people and then all the sudden his dreams of being a mad max villain end when everyone wants to go home?. Sounds like kids at recess.
If that's what passes for a park, even in NYC, that's sad. It's just a bunch of concrete planters. With the Guard already patrolling th subways, IF these ACAB idiots do try to block off a zone like they did in Seattle, the Guard is already there and mobilized to handle it. And the cops in NYC ARE NOT like the cops in Seattle. The citizens of NYC ARE NOT like the citizens of Seattle. This won't work and well for ACAB idiots. The mob and various gangs that operate in NYC won't put up with it, either.
Its not a park in a tradional sense. Its more of a courtyard inbetween office buildings. It was actaully a nice place 20 years ago. People played chess, sold baseball cards, bootleg cd's etc. Many of the cops are good hard working people that support Trump. Its the upper brass that was promoted by DIE that has turned the force upside down.
That's right across from where the World Trade Center was. There was a massive triage site there for the FF's right after. Across to the North was One Liberty also a triage site; one block to the West was 10 House (10/10 that lost every single FF that day, WTF is NY allowing to happen.
If ANYONE thinks this is by accident, you're just begging for a second holocaust.
Seriously it's time to "nuke" the crap out of this nonsense. Islamic terrorists have laid claim to what is America's 9/11 sacred ground.
None of this stuff will ever stop. Until the people who are funding this are exposed and thrown in jail.
As long as these rich elites can fund, hide and try different methods.
This will continue on.
The illegal immigrants will keep happening because not enough attention is made to the funders of it.
This shit is having a huge effect on the voters.
Quinnipiac just released a poll that you know they tried to skew in their favor as much as possible that shows Bidens support among blacks is at 65% and hispanics at 34%. In 2020 he won 85% of the black vote and 65% of the hispanic vote.
Theres an article over at the Conservative Treehouse (analysis of the Quinipiac poll found in same article) describing one of the top Dem data scientists urging donors to stop registering young voters because they will be Trump voters.
The entire house of cards is tumbling and the kind of bullshit highlighted in this tweet is accelerant.
Over at Vox Populi he has two articles up that highlight how powerless the death cult is to slow their demise. The first post concerns Asia Times columnist David Goldmans insider view of a meeting of top "clown worlders" last week.
The second article quotes Col. Douglas McGregor.
Everyone here should read these regardless of their opinion of Vox Day. If you want you can skip Vox Days pomposity and just read the block quotes.
Edit to add:
There is no freaking way that they can steal this election. Trumps looking at a highly motivated voter base, made up of a coalition that basically is the entire American public regardless of historic patterns, and will win over 100 million votes. Their ground game fraud wont keep them in this one (and one important aspect, registering the kids, looks like it will backfire)and I fully expect the digital aspect to be shut down entirely like it was in 2016.
The left is fucked and they know it. Prepare. A cornered animal, and this one is rabid, is very dangerous.
I agree, let’s keep it going until Trump gets in!
You can stop it without reaching the people funding it, depending on how far you're willing to play by their rules. Asset seizures, imprisonment, etc.
No one will do it if people are actually treated like criminals for doing it.
It's only because they've been allowed to do it that it continues, make no mistake.
I see your point.
But the puppet masters still can hide. Which means people will start to blame each other.
We have to expose the puppet masters.
No, no I agree there! I just mean that you would severely dampen their ability to mass numbers if the people were held to account.
Sure, there is an element of exposure that occurs in an ideal world that might burn them when they step too far out of the shadows, but I think they've been playing this game for a long time and have a ton of layers when it comes to securely distributing funds.
That's right across from where the World Trade Center was. There was a massive triage site there for the FF's right after. Across to the North was One Liberty also a triage site; one block to the West was 10 House (10/10 that lost every single FF that day, WTF is NY allowing to happen.
If ANYONE thinks this is by accident, you're just begging for a second holocaust.
Seriously it's time to "nuke" the crap out of this nonsense. Islamic terrorists have laid claim to what is America's 9/11 sacred ground.
Well... if NYC allows it, then the city gets what it voted for. Complete chaos.
It’s cute that we keep saying “they get what they voted for” as if our elections are anything other than an illusion.
It is fun when you see people claiming to be Anons still use elections as a means of people voting representations. The only vote that gets rigged is the presidential one apparently
I still work my ass off to find and promote candidates! I’ve got 16 candidates in tomorrow’s WI election! Win or lose, when we do eventually regain control of our elections, I’ve got a little black book FULL of names of Godly representatives to step into position!
As wonderful as it is to find decent to great candidates, the fact remains that NONE of them have the slightest clue about the Constitution that they vow to support and obey. This is why we are where we are. None of them know and most don't care....with the watchers (the people) clueless as well. "If the people expect to be ignorant and free....., they want what never was and never will be." T. Jefferson
icymi - Californians aren't voting for these bullshit policies.
Do you think they voted to let people poop in public or shoplift up to $949.00 as a misdemeanor? They didn't vote to let out the convicts either. They didn't vote to ban building of dams to collect the trillions of gallons that spill into the ocean causing drought in order to spare an obscure fish not even on the endangered list.
We didn’t vote for Newsom. When the race for California gov. happened, when we went to bed John Cox, a Republican was winning. When we woke up, Newsom had won. Just like Trump and Potato. We also voted to recall Newsom and they cheated then too.
Yes, there are a lot of weirdos here. But you know what? Most of them moved to California from other states. And the weirder California gets, the more weirdos want to come here for a free life compliments of the California taxpayer and the NWO to be amongst their own kind.
The Democrats take over the most beautiful places in the world and take it for themselves. Just like beautiful New Zealand is infested with the Dems and NWO.
California has been hijacked by Democrats and NWO. California is the whipping-boy of America.
Absolutely. However, I stand by what I said. NONE of our public servants know what our Constitution says and understand just what enumerated powers they have AND DO NOT HAVE.
False. I have personally planned and hosted four separate Constitution Alive classes. All of them referring to the Biblical influence of our founding fathers on the Constitution. Believe it or not, I know what I am looking for in any candidate that I am willing to back and endorse. GODLY MEN AND WOMEN!
Great that you're presenting such classes and I am well aware of the Biblical influence on and in our Constitution. Are you or your people aware of the Genesis of the DoT (Department of Transportation)? This ONE illegitimate creation gave birth to the 500+ illegitimate agencies in this country with their millions of "law"-making, rule-making toadies. What follows is a summation of what occurred. There is much more at reclaimingtherepublic.org.
In 1817, President Madison was preparing to retire as the President of the United States.
The House of Representatives wrote and passed a bill entitled, “An Act to Set Apart and Pledge Certain Funds For Internal Improvements.”
This Bill would have laid the foundation for a Department of Transportation.
The Bill was then passed by the Senate and given to President Madison.
On March 3rd, 1817, as President Madison’s last act as President, he vetoed this Bill.
Madison’s veto message to the House of Representatives pointed out:
That the power they were attempting to establish within the Bill was not an enumerated power within the Constitution.
President Madison explained in his veto message that the general Defense and Welfare clause, the Commerce clause, the Necessary and Proper clause, and Supremacy clause were not portals to create a new role, responsibility, or power (RRP) for the general government to obtain new powers.
His concluding words in his admonishment clearly expressed that as much as he would like to see this power delegated to the general government, only the states could constitutionally delegate this new power to the general government through the amendment process.
In 1822, Congress tried again with another Bill that would lay the footing for a Department of Transportation.
When this Act was presented to President Monroe, he also vetoed this Act and in his veto message he said, “ This power can be granted only by an amendment to the Constitution and in the mode prescribed by it.”
President Monroe also said, “It has never been contended that the power was specifically granted. It is claimed only as being incidental to some on or more of the powers which are specifically granted.
According to my judgment, it can not be derived from either of those powers, nor from all of them united, and in consequence, it does not exist.”
In 1830, Congress attempted a third time to create the foundation for a Department of Transportation with President Andrew Jackson in yet another infrastructure Bill.
To the surprise of Congress, even President Jackson (a democrat) vetoed the Bill, asserting:
“If it be the wish of the people that the construction of roads and canals should be conducted by the Federal Government, it is not only highly expedient, but indispensably necessary, that a previous amendment of the Constitution, delegating the necessary power and defining and restricting its exercise with reference to the sovereignty of the States, should be made.”
All three Presidents cited the same limitation that the power is not enumerated in the Constitution.
Therefore, the Constitution must be amended for the general government to take on any new role, responsibility, or power.
If the father of the Constitution, James Madison, another framer President, James Monroe, and the first Democrat President, Andrew Jackson, all said that the Constitution must be amended to delegate the powers of a Department of Transportation…..Then WHERE IS THE AMENDMENT AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION?
Again, all three Presidents cited the same limitation.
The power is not enumerated in the Constitution.
Consequently, the Constitution must be amended.
Furthermore, the Constitution has not been amended allowing the general government to bypass the Amendment process to exercise any new role, responsibility, or power.
Instead, the general government has usurped this power.
President Washington warned America in his Farewell Address: “If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, ma be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.”
By 1849, the States completely forgot their role in restraining an insatiable general government.
It was at this time that the end of America’s expanse (expansion??) was becoming a reality.
Instead of preparing to reduce government and those managing the withering territories to finalize these lands into becoming States, Congress chose to expand government and their RRPs with the management of territories.
The general government violated the Constitution and created the Home Department—or what we call the Department of Interior today. By the end of the Nineteenth Century, the general government unconstitutionally created the Departments of Justice and Agriculture. [We see what the DoJ has become.]
In 1913, the general government expanded even more by creating the Commerce and Labor Departments.
After almost yearly landmark cases from 1914 to 1923, Congress, with the support of President Calvin Coolidge, proposed an Amendment to the Constitution.
This amendment would delegate to the general government the power to regulate child labor.
The Amendment stated: “1. The Congress shall have power to limit, regulate, and prohibit the labor of persons under eighteen years of age.
This amendment was rejected by the States and yet today, the general government is regulating labor.
There is no enumerated power granting the federal government any RPP over transportation, State land, criminal law, agriculture, labor, or whatsoever and the regulating of commerce was limited to keeping States from taking advantage of other states.
Today, the general government has self-aggrandized their powers to include welfare, housing, health care, education, life, marriage, and homeland security.
The words of Presidents Madison, Monroe, Jackson and Washington may be ignored but the fact remains, that until the States delegate the power through a Constitutional Amendment, those powers not delegated are unconstitutional usurpations.
Republic Review is the only process that will obtain full compliance to the Constitution by the general government.
Consequently, we ask ALL to learn about the argument for Republic Review and its process for forcing the general government back into compliance with the Constitution. As the general government becomes compliant, the State will also be forced to become compliant to the Constitution as well.
President Madison’s Veto Message:
https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/presidential-speeches/march-3-1817-veto -message-internal-improvements-bill
President Monroe's Veto Message:
President Jackson’s Veto Message:
https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/presidential-speeches/may-27-1830-veto- message-regarding-funding-infrastructure
President Washington's Farewell Address:
Failed Amendments to the Constitution:
See our other videos detailing Republic Review
Republic Review is supported by the Wyoming Republican Party and the Wyoming Constitution Party
Also supported by Reclaiming the Republic™
It's a large Democrat run city, which means any cheating that occurs there merely determines which Democrat wins. The Democrats lousy urban policies long ago chased away enough middle class voters to ensure the only people left are the elites and the poor, both of which will reliably vote for them.
The concept is called "weaponized government failure" and I saw it speculated this first got noticed when the crackhead mayor of one of the worst run cities in America, Marion Barry, was re-elected with huge margins, despite the city being in terrible shape. The concept was described as if you do a crappy enough job running your city voters that expect decent roads and schools and law and order will move to the suburbs, leaving just the people that are wealthy enough not to care because they have private schools and private security, or the poor who don't expect any better, and thus you've secured your party's reign because the people inclined to care more about results than party who might vote for a Republican have self-deported.
Or given up, apparently.
I hope someone is listening.
Think about all the good people in New York that did not vote for it.
Think about the Americans who are trapped in this system of corruption, even the ones who are falling for the lies. You and I, if brought up under different circumstances might think just as they do, unless you think that somehow we are superior to these people.
What I'm getting at is we should fight the rights of all Americans, to free even the ones that have fallen under the spell of their captors.
Jesus says, "Do as you would be done by." If I was stuck inside a destructive democrat hell hole, I would hope someone would try and save me.
Brought to you by Khaos... 😎
Last time this happened in Seattle it was a week or two before a sound cloud rapper showed up with his crew and guns and took over. And of the 2 people their self appointed “Security” Killed. Both were Black.
Lol I had to look up sound cloud as I didn't know this. So an unimportant moron shows up to rule the mob and shoots two people and then all the sudden his dreams of being a mad max villain end when everyone wants to go home?. Sounds like kids at recess.
Oh look.
Suddenly, just like that................................walls work.
Good grief! Not this bullshit again!
Because no one learned from CHOP/CHAZ.
I was trying to remember those names.
The militant arm of the DNC is gearing up, i see
I see ... this is one of those "for the people" insurrections that are deemed acceptable in Clown World. Am I right?
Permanently lock them in! Give them as much dirt and cardboard and seeds as they need!
Sign is already torn (lower right). I love anarchs.
If that's what passes for a park, even in NYC, that's sad. It's just a bunch of concrete planters. With the Guard already patrolling th subways, IF these ACAB idiots do try to block off a zone like they did in Seattle, the Guard is already there and mobilized to handle it. And the cops in NYC ARE NOT like the cops in Seattle. The citizens of NYC ARE NOT like the citizens of Seattle. This won't work and well for ACAB idiots. The mob and various gangs that operate in NYC won't put up with it, either.
Its not a park in a tradional sense. Its more of a courtyard inbetween office buildings. It was actaully a nice place 20 years ago. People played chess, sold baseball cards, bootleg cd's etc. Many of the cops are good hard working people that support Trump. Its the upper brass that was promoted by DIE that has turned the force upside down.
Oh, like CHAZ in Portland...fires, looting, killing that was their ‘summer of love’
It was in Seattle.
They also had one in Portland. I was thinking mainly of this because my cousin lived near there
Remember "Diversity" is our strength.
Strange though, I don't remember any of this shit happening when we were a homogeneous society.
We saw how this went in 2020. Not going to end well.
again? yeah ok - lets see them feed themselves…
I’d like to point out, this is probably more like a no immigrant zone. Unless you’re Palestinian. 🤷♀️
Oh Fxck that… the military is in charge now..
Why the fuck are they even here in America? Putin showed us how to stick them all in a plane in one day. We can do this too.
Are the yellow vests the social workers?
Hmm. I bet they start checking passports tho.
Someone needs to shoot some skateboard videos in that spot.
All of a sudden Antifa and anons agree Israel is a terror state? Holy moly!
That's right across from where the World Trade Center was. There was a massive triage site there for the FF's right after. Across to the North was One Liberty also a triage site; one block to the West was 10 House (10/10 that lost every single FF that day, WTF is NY allowing to happen.
If ANYONE thinks this is by accident, you're just begging for a second holocaust.
Seriously it's time to "nuke" the crap out of this nonsense. Islamic terrorists have laid claim to what is America's 9/11 sacred ground.