It doesn’t matter. At this point, if you aren’t willing to be a Trump, you’re a Traitor.
What I mean is simple, Public Servants are just that, servants to the public. Far too many politicians are getting high on the hog of tax payer money, and making decisions that benefit themselves. I don’t care if they threaten you, publicize it like Matt Gaetz did. Make their threats obvious to the general public, so that if it happens, the people know who did it, but most importantly, keep records of the criminal activity performed by a criminal government.
They are evil. They are corrupt.
If a politician is going to “give you what you want” then you will fall for the “left vs right” fight, instead of seeing the good vs evil fight we are in.
We are in a battle for the soul of this nation, this is no time for fair weather conservatives. We need men and women ready to take a stand, to die if necessary, for the preservation of the nation. That being said, those people should take EVERY precaution to not die, to not be assassinated, nor to let their health fail. The battle ahead is a fierce one, do not be lazy, this is not the time for that. Ready your heart and soul, so that you are ready for the day, the day we pray will never come.
This is also a spiritual battle, we are truly battling Satan and his host, if you don’t believe that, I don’t know how to paint a clearer picture than what is going on all around us. This is the time to lift high the cross of Jesus and cast away wickedness in favor of righteousness. If you fall, we all do, pray for forgiveness, and more importantly, strength. God bless you brother, and God bless the US of A
I dunno man. The fact he is getting attacked from all quarters and at the same time hes personally meeting with Trump at Mar a lago and giving a joint presser, smells like an op. One we dont have nearly enough info on to come to an informed conclusion.
Doesnt it seem odd to any of you that Johnson has suddenly gone full globalist after his meeting with Trump?
The one thing Im fairly confident in is that the rats are desperate to take the majority in the House and install Jeffries as speaker because they know they cant beat Trump and if they have the majority they can pass a law removing Trump from the ballot. SCOTUS when ruling on the Colorado ballot initiative said only Congress can pass such a law. To do so they would need the majority.
Im not ready to definitively conclude that Trump and Johnson arent running a counter-op. And maybe flushing out potential traitors like MTG and Massey. If they are running a counter-op it would have to look believable. Bait would need to be set. It may look just like this.
I wanted to say that really like your comments lately.
My two cents about the post topic… Many people here have a habit of quickly jumping to a knee-jerk reaction every time something appears to be bad. Has everyone forgotten the Q plan? This four year period is when we are supposed to be showing the public that everything is going to hell. The corruption is supposed to be exposed blatantly, right out in the open for all to see. We’re supposed to be barreling full speed towards the precipice. Events with horrible looking optics are supposed to be happening in this time period.
With all that being said, why do people get so upset every time we’re being shown the plan in action, just as we were forewarned it would go?
We have to endure this shit show so that we can awaken the public, hit rock bottom (precipice) before we can begin the process of making America great again. That has always been the plan.
Im just trying to look at everything through the lens of a 5th gen psy war. Trying to think it through before reacting. These people work to elicit emotion that they can then manipulate. Reacting to every news item with nothing but whats on the surface to go on, plays into their hands.
Its like in NY with the Bodega. We saw with our own eyes the reception that Trump received from a racially and economically diverse crowd. Yet the shills, egged on by MSM, want us to believe that NY is nothing but leftists.
I just read a post of a tweet from Citizen Free Press concerning a Fox News report.
It said:
"It's happened again!"
"Trump jurors are dropping like flies."
"Apparently, it's really hard to find people in NYC who aren't unrepentant leftists. Go figure."
But that really isnt the truth now, is it? We saw with our own eyes it isnt the truth. Trump keeps telling us that NY is in play. And it is. The entire leftist operation is focused on emotional manipulation. And I wont be a victim.
The fact that so many so called anons that post here allow themselves to be manipulated like this is worrisome. We are supposed to be better than the normies. But this thread looks like it could have been copy/pasted from GWP. Just look at the comments. Not one with anything but a knee jerk reaction. Where is the thought? The logic? The discernment? Its almost completely absent. Its just mob emotion. I get it that we are tired. I get it we all want action. But lets not play into the enemies hands because we are fatigued.
Im gonna just stick this here so its not lost in the 3 minutes of hate below. And because you agree with me hehe.
Johnson proclaimed himself a wartime Speaker. Where have we heard that phrasing before? Does it get anyone thinking when he says this after his visit with Trump?
Not all is as it seems. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and think things through.
Perfectly articulated. I’m not ready to jump on the bandwagon either. He makes some logical points and he does meet with the boss and awful lot. Hes a constitutionalist, he comes from a very conservative area of the state and Louisiana has quietly been making waves since covid hit. Deep dives I’ve read, shows he’s not financially benefiting as of now. He’d prefer to send money over our troops. His son will be serving our country. He always seems very black and white with his “common sense”. He isn’t flamboyant or loud trying to make a point. I’m not sold he’s compromised.
Everytime I hear Russia, China…. My brain pings BRICS. We’ve all read about being infiltrated from within, it’s not far fetched for him to have more intel. I’m on the wait for it to play out and see train on this one.
Even if they were an "axis of evil" breaking this country appart financially is benefitting them. Allowing the country to continue to be resettled by illegal imigrants from those very same countries is benefitting them.There is still zero reason for funding Ukraine and keeping the border open.
Yeah, sending money to other countries and keeping your citizenry on the verge of civil war and revolution is not exactly a stable behavior when you want people to buy that the other side is an "axis of evil".
Starting at the 28th second it seems like he’s telling us Biden is willing to send American troops to Ukraine if he can’t send money. I listened to it several times, the way he stammers and the change in his body language comes across as being careful to not say too much at that point.
Heard, but we’re talking about a Republican speaker of the house and if that isn’t covered by “patriots in full control” then what the hell is..?.?.
*I know you remember a time when if this community thought there was something off about a politician there would have been all sorts of posts about their connections, their family, jobs, finances, friends, EVERYTHING would have been poured through and dissected. But today its all about fanciful speculation with very little sauce😎
I get it, things have changed and there’s good reasons why things are the way they are.
To me full control doesnt mean Patriots control every action and reaction. I look at it like the war in the Pacific after Midway. Our enemies could still hurt us but the conclusion was no longer in doubt. Same thing in Europe after we broke out of hedgerow country.
This enemy can still hurt us and does. But the Patriots choose the terrain and conditions. They control the pace and tenor. And the final outcome is not in doubt. But there are many paths how we get there.
This is the kind of empty analysis that gets us into trouble.
TLDR: There's always more to the story. Mike Johnson may believe he is doing something patriotic (see the last few thoughts).
Let's do some thinking. Let's assume Mike Johnson is that deeply faithful evangelical Christian we thought he was when we backed him for Speaker. Let's assume he's a patriot, and that he meant all of those America First promises he made. Let's assume his life story wasn't an act, it was real.
Let's acknowledge that Mike Johnson flipped really, really suddenly and really, really recently. Perhaps one event changed his view, because his political position changed so fast. And let's assume that event had to do with the "intelligence community" because he has never offered a formal and open explanation, which he would have if he could given his past record of character.
Let's assume we're never going to get the full story because this involves the "intelligence community" who lie and blackmail for a living, but let's also assume that whatever story they concocted has some element of truth, which enables it to be believable. For example, the Iraq WMD was believable because Saddam Hussein had had a nuclear program and had spent 10 years refusing to let the IAEA inspect his facilities to ensure he was in fact not building weapons.
Are Russia, China, and Iran allied?
That's not a secret. Russia and China are openly allied and have spent time publicly increasing economic ties for the last 2 years. China has been buying oil from Iran clandestinely for years in defiance of western sanctions. It continues to do so because it's energy needs are so great. Russia would seem to be a natural competitor here with it's own fossil fuel exports, but China's demand is large enough for both. In addition, Russia has openly invested in helping Iran build a nuclear fission power plant sending experts and parts for such projects. Russia and Iran have been trading in weapons for many years, and have prominently done so recently in defiance of the West. They've sold missiles and air defense systems to Iran, and they bought large quantities of the Shahed suicide drone which they've converted to the Geran series and have used extensively and to great effect in Ukraine. The evidence indicates there is an economic and military alliance here.
Is Putin a military threat to Eastern and Central Europe?
Yes and no. Just looking at numbers, Russia has ~1.3 million active duty military personnel. In Oct 2023, they mobilized ~340K for duty in Ukraine to join the ~200K who were already there fighting the SMO. (source). Turkey has the 2nd largest military in NATO after the US at ~335K active duty personnel. Poland is next at ~200K. Right now, even with limited mobilization, Russia has a large advantage, and they're not even close to fully spun up to a wartime posture. Yes, they could indeed threaten Eastern Europe if they wanted to.
It's a bit more complex than that though. Russia would need to hold the ground. That means it would need significantly more men. The Russian people aren't interested in such a thing. They support the SMO because it is perceived as a necessity. There is not large scale support for a full invasion and conquest of Ukraine west of the Dneiper, let alone the Baltic states, Poland, or the Balkans. Putin, for his part, has expressed no such interest either. He's been clear about his interests in Ukraine: demilitarize to remove the threat on his border, regime change of the "Neo-Nazi" government, neutrality and friendship for a post-puppet-state Ukraine.
Russia's military is indeed a threat, but it seems clear Putin intends to proceed in a Cold War 2.0 stance, that is, he's keeping that military there specifically to project power against EU and NATO expansionism. He is not planning to actually invade those countries which would be a logistical nightmare, only to be perceived as being capable of it if the handlers in DC, London, and Brussels get frisky.
Will more weapons in Ukraine accomplish the stated goal?
Absolutely not. It is clear that Russia has extremely good intelligence networks both human and signals in Ukraine. Russian media has reported that Ukrainian citizens are tipping the Russians when new shipments come through and to where foreign mercenaries are quartering on their way to the front. Russia has opportunistically struck these targets regularly with missile barrages. Any new weapons shipments will be similarly targeted.
Advanced weapons require advanced training to deploy effectively. All of the weapons in the NATO arsenal are designed around the American strategy of combined arms: land, air, and naval assets all brought to bear on the target at the same time. You don't just send infantry without armor or without air support. You can't just put planes up without having a ground army to take and hold the ground. You can't send in armor without air cover and infantry support. Ukraine, however, has no effective air force. The Russian anti-air assets have completely neutralized whatever force Ukraine had. Even with new planes, it would be years to train the pilots and the ground commanders to effectively coordinate their use. The lack of air power has resulted in a turkey shoot on all that armor we've sent over. Sending more weapons into this scenario will just result in Russia destroying them.
No, more weapons will not achieve anything other than increasing orders from the DoD for new weapons from the defense contractors. And that's without mentioning the flagrant theft and resale of western weapons on the black market.
Where is the plan to WIN?
At no point in this entire conflict has anyone in the US gov't, its allies, or any official of NATO stated what the plan is to WIN. What are the strategic objectives? What is the clear path to achieving those objectives? Why are none of the NATO governments unwilling to commit their own assets to this fight? They want a war, but want other people to fight it. They don't have the industrial capacity to fight it.
So, we're literally doing this specifically to waste money and lives, just so long as it's someone else's lives.
Whatever Mike Johnson is being told by the "intelligence community" clowns, it's so weak that he can't go to his own caucus, let alone the American people and convince them. But, it seems clear that he believes it to be a moral thing to do.
Are we supporting some sort of massive clandestine clean-up?
This is where I start rampantly speculating. We know that Ukraine is a deeply corrupt country, the most corrupt in Europe, and it has been that way since the fall of the Soviet Union. They're poor and corrupt. George Soros moved in and set up shop in the mid-90s with his destabilization plan and his "open society." He has bought a lot of politicians and power brokers there in order to push anti-Russian Ukrainian nationalism. He's a huge promoter of the "Neo Nazis" in the current government.
We know that Obama sent Shitshow Joe to Ukraine in 2012-13ish to handle the issue, whatever it was. He set up Crackhead Hunter over there at Burisma, with a no-show, ultra-high-paying job. Obviously, that was the payment of a bribe. Hunter was there doing something else. Services were being rendered for which Ukraine was paying. What exactly?
Two possibiities. The first is the clandestine DoD biological weapons program under the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). They hired contractors to build and operate 46 labs in Ukraine amidst a constellation of ~340 such labs all over Eastern Europe and Africa in countries where there's effectively no oversight. They were running a biological weapons program over there, and outbreaks of weaponizable pathogens are well documented in local media. This is a violation of a 1969 treaty banning such research, which is why we don't just do it at a proper facility like Fort Detrick.
The second is more speculative. It's clear that Ukraine's criminal underworld is off the charts. They're on an east-west crossroads into Europe for all sorts of drugs (Afghanistan and central Asia) and human traffic. Anything you want from women, kids, weapons, etc all flows freely through Ukraine. The "oligarchs" run it like the mafia. Albania gets a lot of the credit formally, but it flows through Ukraine. I suspect more than a few Americans and Europeans are prominent customers.
Mike Johnson may view continued weapons payments as hush money to keep Zelensky from spilling the beans on all this. Given how explosive it is, it is possible that this might be seen as a patriotic cover-up. That's the best I can do about giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Guess we gonna ride this ukrainian pony all the way to oblivion ain't we. Putin doesn't want all of Europe, onky a fool would take on that broke dick mess. Either dirty or duped either way your weakness is showing. Trust for our government doesn't exist any more. Smh in disgust. How does saving europe help us, they been giving Russia money for oil fore years, if its a problem they built it, let them live with it.
Wasn't this absolutely fucking obvious from Day 1. The idiot Republicans shooting themselves in the foot again.
Maybe the briefing was on dipshit here and not Russia if you get my meaning
Yes, some higher up approaches Mike to tell him they have got some secret information they want to share with HIM. They tell him that it’s regarding national security, and how special you are, and why they picked Mike Johnson to share this information with.
Of course… If you want to see this information, or be a part of it, you have to go to some secret place, be blindfolded, and taken there in a secret blacked out vehicle. Of course, this idiot… Johnson thinks he’s really that special, and he agrees to go to the SCIF - where he will also agree to sign an NDA, and he’s not allowed to have a cell phone or any form of communication to the outside world.
Once they have Mr. Johnson where they want him - they drug him, do some high-level MK ultra on the guy, and then make sure he has sex with some kids and photographs/videotaped it. While he’s under the programming, they make him believe whatever it is, that he saw, was the most important documentation on the entire earth and then it’s a matter of national security. Nothing will ever change his mind.
Welcome to the new Mike Johnson… it’s obvious he’s a totally different person than he was before he went into that SCIF. I would bet good money on this is exactly what they do to these people. He will regurgitate the talking points, as if it’s reality for him, and I don’t think you’ll ever see the real Mike Johnson ever again. I kind of feel bad for his wife, unless they did the same thing to her - at the same time at separate locations. That way the programming is complete, and there’s nobody pushing against this new personality.
These people are evil they would do anything to get what they want. Anything!
I’m surprised that all the shit we’ve pulled (USA), Russia hasn’t straight laid the smack-down on us, against us, or some retaliation. Putin passing Trump “the ball” was truly a show of 100% trust in What Is Coming.
He's compromised. [they]'ve been using that tactic (more of a narrative really, IMHO) for decades now. Only now, it's extended to every briefing [they] don't want The People to know about. [they] call it "closed door testimony."
The same intel that said Saddam had WMD's? Get the fuck out of here with your faggotry.
How dare you suggest the highly religious are more susceptible to proclamations of authority figures.
I aM sO sHoCkEd AnOtHeR aMeRiCaN pOlItIcIaN iS a FaGgOt!
Just another tick in the book of reasons I do not like nor trust him.
...or any of the others.
Oh of course, but just like with McCarthy I kept being told I was wrong about him.
I don't trust any Congressional or government creature. They're not our friends and they never have our interest at heart.
Business is like that ,"Trust, but Verify"
Are you saying they took him to the SCIF and showed him the goods of what they had on him, and then told hime 'vote this way or else' and then he did?
It doesn’t matter. At this point, if you aren’t willing to be a Trump, you’re a Traitor.
What I mean is simple, Public Servants are just that, servants to the public. Far too many politicians are getting high on the hog of tax payer money, and making decisions that benefit themselves. I don’t care if they threaten you, publicize it like Matt Gaetz did. Make their threats obvious to the general public, so that if it happens, the people know who did it, but most importantly, keep records of the criminal activity performed by a criminal government.
They are evil. They are corrupt.
If a politician is going to “give you what you want” then you will fall for the “left vs right” fight, instead of seeing the good vs evil fight we are in.
We are in a battle for the soul of this nation, this is no time for fair weather conservatives. We need men and women ready to take a stand, to die if necessary, for the preservation of the nation. That being said, those people should take EVERY precaution to not die, to not be assassinated, nor to let their health fail. The battle ahead is a fierce one, do not be lazy, this is not the time for that. Ready your heart and soul, so that you are ready for the day, the day we pray will never come.
This is also a spiritual battle, we are truly battling Satan and his host, if you don’t believe that, I don’t know how to paint a clearer picture than what is going on all around us. This is the time to lift high the cross of Jesus and cast away wickedness in favor of righteousness. If you fall, we all do, pray for forgiveness, and more importantly, strength. God bless you brother, and God bless the US of A
So, SO very well said and distilled to the primary and basic issues at play -- well done, fren.
Charlie Kirk put it perfectly today. He is acting like the boy that got bullied in school and now he is with the cool kids.
Sounds about Right....
Charlie Kirk's another fag.
everyone turns into a fag on a long enough timeline
That's better than ZeroHedge's tag line.
Kek but isn’t it true ? One minute it’s “maga hero” next minute it’s “rino fag”. I can’t keep up
The danger isn't in choking on popcorn during this movie, it's the whiplash we get
Kek. Agree 100%
What a stupid thing to say.
I dunno man. The fact he is getting attacked from all quarters and at the same time hes personally meeting with Trump at Mar a lago and giving a joint presser, smells like an op. One we dont have nearly enough info on to come to an informed conclusion.
Doesnt it seem odd to any of you that Johnson has suddenly gone full globalist after his meeting with Trump?
The one thing Im fairly confident in is that the rats are desperate to take the majority in the House and install Jeffries as speaker because they know they cant beat Trump and if they have the majority they can pass a law removing Trump from the ballot. SCOTUS when ruling on the Colorado ballot initiative said only Congress can pass such a law. To do so they would need the majority.
Im not ready to definitively conclude that Trump and Johnson arent running a counter-op. And maybe flushing out potential traitors like MTG and Massey. If they are running a counter-op it would have to look believable. Bait would need to be set. It may look just like this.
As Trump likes to say, "Lets see what happens".
I wanted to say that really like your comments lately.
My two cents about the post topic… Many people here have a habit of quickly jumping to a knee-jerk reaction every time something appears to be bad. Has everyone forgotten the Q plan? This four year period is when we are supposed to be showing the public that everything is going to hell. The corruption is supposed to be exposed blatantly, right out in the open for all to see. We’re supposed to be barreling full speed towards the precipice. Events with horrible looking optics are supposed to be happening in this time period.
With all that being said, why do people get so upset every time we’re being shown the plan in action, just as we were forewarned it would go?
We have to endure this shit show so that we can awaken the public, hit rock bottom (precipice) before we can begin the process of making America great again. That has always been the plan.
Im just trying to look at everything through the lens of a 5th gen psy war. Trying to think it through before reacting. These people work to elicit emotion that they can then manipulate. Reacting to every news item with nothing but whats on the surface to go on, plays into their hands.
Its like in NY with the Bodega. We saw with our own eyes the reception that Trump received from a racially and economically diverse crowd. Yet the shills, egged on by MSM, want us to believe that NY is nothing but leftists.
I just read a post of a tweet from Citizen Free Press concerning a Fox News report.
It said:
"It's happened again!"
"Trump jurors are dropping like flies."
"Apparently, it's really hard to find people in NYC who aren't unrepentant leftists. Go figure."
But that really isnt the truth now, is it? We saw with our own eyes it isnt the truth. Trump keeps telling us that NY is in play. And it is. The entire leftist operation is focused on emotional manipulation. And I wont be a victim.
The fact that so many so called anons that post here allow themselves to be manipulated like this is worrisome. We are supposed to be better than the normies. But this thread looks like it could have been copy/pasted from GWP. Just look at the comments. Not one with anything but a knee jerk reaction. Where is the thought? The logic? The discernment? Its almost completely absent. Its just mob emotion. I get it that we are tired. I get it we all want action. But lets not play into the enemies hands because we are fatigued.
Wish I could upvote this more than once. Since I can't, here's a trophy: 🏆
Incredible exchange of analysis, gentlefrens!
10000% on the money imo.
Im gonna just stick this here so its not lost in the 3 minutes of hate below. And because you agree with me hehe.
Johnson proclaimed himself a wartime Speaker. Where have we heard that phrasing before? Does it get anyone thinking when he says this after his visit with Trump?
Not all is as it seems. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and think things through.
Perfectly articulated. I’m not ready to jump on the bandwagon either. He makes some logical points and he does meet with the boss and awful lot. Hes a constitutionalist, he comes from a very conservative area of the state and Louisiana has quietly been making waves since covid hit. Deep dives I’ve read, shows he’s not financially benefiting as of now. He’d prefer to send money over our troops. His son will be serving our country. He always seems very black and white with his “common sense”. He isn’t flamboyant or loud trying to make a point. I’m not sold he’s compromised.
Everytime I hear Russia, China…. My brain pings BRICS. We’ve all read about being infiltrated from within, it’s not far fetched for him to have more intel. I’m on the wait for it to play out and see train on this one.
Thank you for stating the obvious or at least obvious to you and me.
Even if they were an "axis of evil" breaking this country appart financially is benefitting them. Allowing the country to continue to be resettled by illegal imigrants from those very same countries is benefitting them.There is still zero reason for funding Ukraine and keeping the border open.
Zero Good reason
Yeah, sending money to other countries and keeping your citizenry on the verge of civil war and revolution is not exactly a stable behavior when you want people to buy that the other side is an "axis of evil".
Starting at the 28th second it seems like he’s telling us Biden is willing to send American troops to Ukraine if he can’t send money. I listened to it several times, the way he stammers and the change in his body language comes across as being careful to not say too much at that point.
USA, Canada, Europe and Australia are carrying out genocides of their own people. Israel is carrying a out a genocide of a neighboring country.
But they try to tell us Russia and Iran are the "Axis of Evil"?
Why are we doing this?
Meaning, why are very knowledgeable Anons pretending white hats aren’t in full control?
*and does anyone know where all the Anons are that use too understand this?
Very well said.
Damn it bro,, I put that comment under you and that’s not where I meant to drop it.
Screw it, leaving it, but that was for someone else😎
Heard, but we’re talking about a Republican speaker of the house and if that isn’t covered by “patriots in full control” then what the hell is..?.?.
*I know you remember a time when if this community thought there was something off about a politician there would have been all sorts of posts about their connections, their family, jobs, finances, friends, EVERYTHING would have been poured through and dissected. But today its all about fanciful speculation with very little sauce😎
I get it, things have changed and there’s good reasons why things are the way they are.
Just miss the old days ..
To me full control doesnt mean Patriots control every action and reaction. I look at it like the war in the Pacific after Midway. Our enemies could still hurt us but the conclusion was no longer in doubt. Same thing in Europe after we broke out of hedgerow country.
This enemy can still hurt us and does. But the Patriots choose the terrain and conditions. They control the pace and tenor. And the final outcome is not in doubt. But there are many paths how we get there.
Probably threatened to take his kids Annapolis scholarship away.
This is the kind of empty analysis that gets us into trouble.
TLDR: There's always more to the story. Mike Johnson may believe he is doing something patriotic (see the last few thoughts).
Let's do some thinking. Let's assume Mike Johnson is that deeply faithful evangelical Christian we thought he was when we backed him for Speaker. Let's assume he's a patriot, and that he meant all of those America First promises he made. Let's assume his life story wasn't an act, it was real.
Let's acknowledge that Mike Johnson flipped really, really suddenly and really, really recently. Perhaps one event changed his view, because his political position changed so fast. And let's assume that event had to do with the "intelligence community" because he has never offered a formal and open explanation, which he would have if he could given his past record of character.
Let's assume we're never going to get the full story because this involves the "intelligence community" who lie and blackmail for a living, but let's also assume that whatever story they concocted has some element of truth, which enables it to be believable. For example, the Iraq WMD was believable because Saddam Hussein had had a nuclear program and had spent 10 years refusing to let the IAEA inspect his facilities to ensure he was in fact not building weapons.
Are Russia, China, and Iran allied?
That's not a secret. Russia and China are openly allied and have spent time publicly increasing economic ties for the last 2 years. China has been buying oil from Iran clandestinely for years in defiance of western sanctions. It continues to do so because it's energy needs are so great. Russia would seem to be a natural competitor here with it's own fossil fuel exports, but China's demand is large enough for both. In addition, Russia has openly invested in helping Iran build a nuclear fission power plant sending experts and parts for such projects. Russia and Iran have been trading in weapons for many years, and have prominently done so recently in defiance of the West. They've sold missiles and air defense systems to Iran, and they bought large quantities of the Shahed suicide drone which they've converted to the Geran series and have used extensively and to great effect in Ukraine. The evidence indicates there is an economic and military alliance here.
Is Putin a military threat to Eastern and Central Europe?
Yes and no. Just looking at numbers, Russia has ~1.3 million active duty military personnel. In Oct 2023, they mobilized ~340K for duty in Ukraine to join the ~200K who were already there fighting the SMO. (source). Turkey has the 2nd largest military in NATO after the US at ~335K active duty personnel. Poland is next at ~200K. Right now, even with limited mobilization, Russia has a large advantage, and they're not even close to fully spun up to a wartime posture. Yes, they could indeed threaten Eastern Europe if they wanted to.
It's a bit more complex than that though. Russia would need to hold the ground. That means it would need significantly more men. The Russian people aren't interested in such a thing. They support the SMO because it is perceived as a necessity. There is not large scale support for a full invasion and conquest of Ukraine west of the Dneiper, let alone the Baltic states, Poland, or the Balkans. Putin, for his part, has expressed no such interest either. He's been clear about his interests in Ukraine: demilitarize to remove the threat on his border, regime change of the "Neo-Nazi" government, neutrality and friendship for a post-puppet-state Ukraine.
Russia's military is indeed a threat, but it seems clear Putin intends to proceed in a Cold War 2.0 stance, that is, he's keeping that military there specifically to project power against EU and NATO expansionism. He is not planning to actually invade those countries which would be a logistical nightmare, only to be perceived as being capable of it if the handlers in DC, London, and Brussels get frisky.
Will more weapons in Ukraine accomplish the stated goal?
Absolutely not. It is clear that Russia has extremely good intelligence networks both human and signals in Ukraine. Russian media has reported that Ukrainian citizens are tipping the Russians when new shipments come through and to where foreign mercenaries are quartering on their way to the front. Russia has opportunistically struck these targets regularly with missile barrages. Any new weapons shipments will be similarly targeted.
Advanced weapons require advanced training to deploy effectively. All of the weapons in the NATO arsenal are designed around the American strategy of combined arms: land, air, and naval assets all brought to bear on the target at the same time. You don't just send infantry without armor or without air support. You can't just put planes up without having a ground army to take and hold the ground. You can't send in armor without air cover and infantry support. Ukraine, however, has no effective air force. The Russian anti-air assets have completely neutralized whatever force Ukraine had. Even with new planes, it would be years to train the pilots and the ground commanders to effectively coordinate their use. The lack of air power has resulted in a turkey shoot on all that armor we've sent over. Sending more weapons into this scenario will just result in Russia destroying them.
No, more weapons will not achieve anything other than increasing orders from the DoD for new weapons from the defense contractors. And that's without mentioning the flagrant theft and resale of western weapons on the black market.
Where is the plan to WIN?
At no point in this entire conflict has anyone in the US gov't, its allies, or any official of NATO stated what the plan is to WIN. What are the strategic objectives? What is the clear path to achieving those objectives? Why are none of the NATO governments unwilling to commit their own assets to this fight? They want a war, but want other people to fight it. They don't have the industrial capacity to fight it.
So, we're literally doing this specifically to waste money and lives, just so long as it's someone else's lives.
Whatever Mike Johnson is being told by the "intelligence community" clowns, it's so weak that he can't go to his own caucus, let alone the American people and convince them. But, it seems clear that he believes it to be a moral thing to do.
Are we supporting some sort of massive clandestine clean-up?
This is where I start rampantly speculating. We know that Ukraine is a deeply corrupt country, the most corrupt in Europe, and it has been that way since the fall of the Soviet Union. They're poor and corrupt. George Soros moved in and set up shop in the mid-90s with his destabilization plan and his "open society." He has bought a lot of politicians and power brokers there in order to push anti-Russian Ukrainian nationalism. He's a huge promoter of the "Neo Nazis" in the current government.
We know that Obama sent Shitshow Joe to Ukraine in 2012-13ish to handle the issue, whatever it was. He set up Crackhead Hunter over there at Burisma, with a no-show, ultra-high-paying job. Obviously, that was the payment of a bribe. Hunter was there doing something else. Services were being rendered for which Ukraine was paying. What exactly?
Two possibiities. The first is the clandestine DoD biological weapons program under the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). They hired contractors to build and operate 46 labs in Ukraine amidst a constellation of ~340 such labs all over Eastern Europe and Africa in countries where there's effectively no oversight. They were running a biological weapons program over there, and outbreaks of weaponizable pathogens are well documented in local media. This is a violation of a 1969 treaty banning such research, which is why we don't just do it at a proper facility like Fort Detrick.
The second is more speculative. It's clear that Ukraine's criminal underworld is off the charts. They're on an east-west crossroads into Europe for all sorts of drugs (Afghanistan and central Asia) and human traffic. Anything you want from women, kids, weapons, etc all flows freely through Ukraine. The "oligarchs" run it like the mafia. Albania gets a lot of the credit formally, but it flows through Ukraine. I suspect more than a few Americans and Europeans are prominent customers.
Mike Johnson may view continued weapons payments as hush money to keep Zelensky from spilling the beans on all this. Given how explosive it is, it is possible that this might be seen as a patriotic cover-up. That's the best I can do about giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Guess we gonna ride this ukrainian pony all the way to oblivion ain't we. Putin doesn't want all of Europe, onky a fool would take on that broke dick mess. Either dirty or duped either way your weakness is showing. Trust for our government doesn't exist any more. Smh in disgust. How does saving europe help us, they been giving Russia money for oil fore years, if its a problem they built it, let them live with it.
If not compromised, then threatened. The likes of Epstein were there for a reason.
I hold the belief that most of them are compromised before they even get their name on a ballot.
Maybe his 'adopted' black teenage son when there was only 12 years between them can attest to his virtue and rectitude.
Wasn't this absolutely fucking obvious from Day 1. The idiot Republicans shooting themselves in the foot again. Maybe the briefing was on dipshit here and not Russia if you get my meaning
I wish it was to people, anyway.
What if Ukraine unaccounted monies are going to fund white hat operations? This would be the best cover....
Because the ass raped him and that SCIF!
Never going to a location with intelligence operations alone, and without having the ability to call out for help. This is what they do to you.
They showed him the pictures they have of him.
Excuse me sir, but we'd like to turn your attention to these photos of your Johnson caught on camera...
At first I thought this was a joke, but now I am wondering if this might actually happen.
Yes, some higher up approaches Mike to tell him they have got some secret information they want to share with HIM. They tell him that it’s regarding national security, and how special you are, and why they picked Mike Johnson to share this information with.
Of course… If you want to see this information, or be a part of it, you have to go to some secret place, be blindfolded, and taken there in a secret blacked out vehicle. Of course, this idiot… Johnson thinks he’s really that special, and he agrees to go to the SCIF - where he will also agree to sign an NDA, and he’s not allowed to have a cell phone or any form of communication to the outside world.
Once they have Mr. Johnson where they want him - they drug him, do some high-level MK ultra on the guy, and then make sure he has sex with some kids and photographs/videotaped it. While he’s under the programming, they make him believe whatever it is, that he saw, was the most important documentation on the entire earth and then it’s a matter of national security. Nothing will ever change his mind.
Welcome to the new Mike Johnson… it’s obvious he’s a totally different person than he was before he went into that SCIF. I would bet good money on this is exactly what they do to these people. He will regurgitate the talking points, as if it’s reality for him, and I don’t think you’ll ever see the real Mike Johnson ever again. I kind of feel bad for his wife, unless they did the same thing to her - at the same time at separate locations. That way the programming is complete, and there’s nobody pushing against this new personality.
These people are evil they would do anything to get what they want. Anything!
General Mark Alexander Milley or General M.A.M. had to earn those Ribbons somehow.
He's 100% been compromised. There is no other explanation how he did a complete 180 on these issues since assuming Speakership.
How did they get to this guy who claimed to be godly
Your job Mr Johnston is to represent the people.
You are not doing your job.
Goddamn right we will judge you --- you are a fuckup and a sell out.
I’m surprised that all the shit we’ve pulled (USA), Russia hasn’t straight laid the smack-down on us, against us, or some retaliation. Putin passing Trump “the ball” was truly a show of 100% trust in What Is Coming.
He's compromised. [they]'ve been using that tactic (more of a narrative really, IMHO) for decades now. Only now, it's extended to every briefing [they] don't want The People to know about. [they] call it "closed door testimony."
I think this is by design to make inflation go through the roof as part of the precipice?
Secure Child .... Facility
The present judge you as a domestic enemy Punk.
Alright, so we get ww3, elections are suspended, and Trump becomes speaker.
Remember this is a movie. What makes a movie GOOD? GREAT actors?
Would probably be a lot more easy to sell if there was at least some border fix, but he is obviously not allowed..