That's because there were RUMORS (started by the jews).
There was never any EVIDENCE.
You should re-read again: "... for several months past."
There is no reference AT ALL to ANY report that EVER showed mass exterminations -- because they did not happen.
This sentence was only put in due to rumors, not evidence. The letter was a RESPONSE to the question of whether or not there were such attrocities that could be verified.
Answer: no.
The Red Cross had delegations into these camps more than once, and no report was ever made claiming any attrocities. They always reported that the camps were clean and well-run.
This letter was addressed to McClelland, who was a top USAF general. He was head of US Air Force communications. He would have had access to aerial photos over the camps, which could have showed if any attrocities were happening.
Why didn't he ever release such photos, even after the war?
Probably the same "ones" planting the "6 million" rhetoric in controlled newspapers for YEARS before WW2. Did you know that? Did you know they were planting the term "6 million" in reference to them in many different situations purposefully WAY before WW2, much the same way they engage in predictive programming in hollyweird productions?
Auschwitz was a forced labour camp operated IG Farben, NOT the Nazim. It's main purpose was the manufacture of synthetic fuel and BUNA 'rubber'. Many people were worked to death, but it hardly makes sense to 'exterminate' your captive workforce.
I have long said similar. Why simply exterminate people when you can work them to death as slaves? Germany has a finite population that is magnitudes smaller than the totality of the nations they faced. Their able bodied men we all in the military. They were desperate for manpower to keep the war machine turning. The Germans definitely committed atrocities but the gas chambers werent one of them. This is a case of the history being written by the victors and if you study the aftermath of WW2 and the continuing informational framing that sprouted from the initial lies, you will realize who the victors really were.
Precisely what I've always said. Wars are fought on the back of soldiers and slaves that supply cheap labour.
Even from back in Roman and Egyptian times; slaves are important to winning a war. Of course slaves have never been treated well.
However as insane as we are told that Hitler was, I don't think he nor his inner circle were totally stupid and kill off free labour with the cost of just basic food and drink. You don't just kill 6M potential slaves during a war. I don't doubt that many died from the poor conditions and maybe a total of 6M did die in total but not all gassed unnecessarily. This part of history simply doesn't make sense to me.
There were 3,000 jew babies born inside the camps. Why would they allow that if the point was to "kill muh joos?" They would not have allowed it if that had been the point.
Also, there were 15.3 million jews in the entire world (Jewish World Almanac) in 1933, and 15.7 million (again, Jewish World Almanac) in 1948. What about those 6 million?
There weren't even 6 million available if they had wanted to.
There were 5,000 jews found in Berlin by the allies ... who owned firearms. WTF?
There were over 100,000 jews who served in the German military. WTF?
"Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" is a book researched and written by a jewish Israeli. His claim is that his research showed that as many as 150,000 jews and partial jews served in the German army.
The author and many he interviewed believed the holocaust was real, so their comments need to be considered in that context.
Still, it seems clear to me that Hitler put the communist and subversive jews into prison camps, not all jews.
This is the main thing the jews want to hide about the history of the Hitler era of Germany.
There were only 2.4 million jews in all of the German occupied territories in Europe. Estimates put the total number of deaths in concentration camps at 600k. With roughly 200k being jews.
The infos out there for anyone who wants to do their own research. If you're interested in Auschwitz and WW2 give Hell's Cartel a read. I highly recommend it:
You're most welcome. And back to you, I appreciate you and this thread. I don't know why this topic is so difficult for many GAW members to absorb. Many seem to prefer to stay in the "comfort zone" of the fraud they've been conditioned to believe their entire lives, instead of looking at the facts. This topic is VITALLY important to understand what is going on today, and not "meaningless ancient history."
Near the top of the document are the population statistics of the world's religious groups, both in 1933 and 1948. The images can be expanded by clicking on them.
I don't know why this topic is so difficult for many GAW members to absorb.
I think it's simply because the majority of Zionism tainted Christianity teaches the lie of psuedojews needing blind respect from misrepresenting what the Bible is saying. Most fly the flag of Israel and have no clue what it stands for. Most churches have sermons that don't dive deep enough into the historical aspects of the Bible and focus more on the message, relating different verses and chapters. That's why the most popular translations of the Bible that are used in churches are not literal translations. Which in a basic sense I'm not knocking, because it is easier to read.. but most people only know of the KJV and NIV, and more recently the CASB and NLT. Research what Bible the Founders brought to America was. You will find it was not the KJV, it was the Geneva Bible, the peoples Bible.
There's also often no room for debate in a church. It is sometimes scorned upon to suggest there are different interpretations of scriptures, so that ignorant mentality allows no progress of understanding. Which causes the problem you highlight.
I think it's simply because the majority of Zionism tainted Christianity teaches the lie of psuedojews needing blind respect from misrepresenting what the Bible is saying.
100% accurate.
Most fly the flag of Israel and have no clue what it stands for.
Exactly. They are too lazy to look up that the 6-pointed star on the flag (which is also on the Pope's hat) is the Star of Remphan, which is an evil symbol, not a good one. Also, the 2 stripes are symbolism that the jewish plan from the beginning in 1947 was to annilate all non-jews in Palestine.
And since the jews have nothing at all to do with the Israelites of the Bible (they have always been "name-stealers"), it shows how fully indoctrinated most Christians are today.
Most churches have sermons that don't dive deep enough into the historical aspects of the Bible and focus more on the message, relating different verses and chapters.
Right. 99% of Christian pastors/preachers will take one small snippet of a verse (often, out-of-context) and then tell some personal story about themselves or a friend of a brother of a parishoner blah blah blah ... some bullshit story (probably fake to begin with) that supposedly explains that small snippet of a verse.
They will NEVER actually talk about the CONTEXT of what that passage was actually saying IN THE BIBLE. This is what they are taught to do in their fake seminary education.
There's also often no room for debate in a church.
It was even worse for most of Christianity. For 1,000 years, the Roman Catholic Church ruled over Christianity. The popes and the bishops just made up whatever the fuck they wanted to about what the Bible supposedly said, and called it the church doctrine. ANYONE who said or wrote anything in disagreement was guilty of heresy and EXECUTED. That included all the translators and scribes who were writing from the original Hebrew or Greek, even if they discovered something that was not in agreement with the church doctrine.
Martin Luther finally learned of this blastephemy by the Roman Catholic Church, and that is what sparked the Protestant Reformation (not that the Protesants today are any better, but the split was due to all the LIES of the RCC).
The lies persist today, just like lies in medicine, law, politics, etc.
But most people are so bought-in to what they already believe, that they refuse to consider the possibility that they may have been misled -- whether accidentally or intentionally.
Thank you for the elaboration. I know all of this but it's a very good readout for others who don't know. Thank you for the time you took to do it. I think everyone should have a copy of the Geneva Bible and the NASB/NET to go along with their current one.
I find it very useful to look up Bible verses on
It has a couple dozen different Bibles. You can look up a verse, and see how the different versions say something slightly different -- sometimes, quite different.
Anyone who only reads the KJV, is completely ignorant of the fact that it is only ONE English language version. Other versions often translate certain words for phrases differently.
I particularly like to compare and contrast the KJV with Wycliffe, Young's Literal Translation, and the Expanded Bible. A quick drop down menu lets you compare and contrast.
Sometimes, they are the same. Other times, there are some real differences.
This drives home the point that different men throughout history translated the original Hebrew and Greek differently when they were creating the various English versions.
This means that some English versions must necessarily be WRONG in some verses.
And if you learn a little Hebrew and Greek, and compare with those, then the picture changes, sometimes in significant ways.
But the main point is that MOST churches NEVER discuss this, which means that MOST Christians NEVER learn what the Bible actually says -- at least, not from going to church.
You sure have a lot of info. I appreciate it. I stumbled across this about a year and half ago. it was a Canadian engineer's article. He was working for the Canadian government and came across the concentration camps ovens and capacity. The math didn't add up and so he started to investigate and he ran into lots of resistance. By hooks and crooks he was able to get into the camps to look at the equipment and conclude that there's no freaking way what they said were true.
Well, Auschwitz is just like a little town with office buildings. It was primarily a working camp, although it does have a crematorium in the middle of town with 4 ovens iirc. It was relatively easy if you were sent to Auschwitz, you just had to be a slave laborer essentially.
A few miles away is Birkenau, that was the extermination camp. Now that place gave me the creeps.
The "official" holocaust story was that jews were first (a) gassed to death, and then (b) cremated -- although, there are also claims they were buried in mass graves near the camps, for which there is exactly zero evidence.
Fred Leutcher was the #1 gas chamber expert in the entire world. Only the USA had executions (of murderers) by gas chamber. The states that did this needed someone to come in, either build or maintain the gas chambers, and educate the executioners on how to do it so they wouldn't end up killing themselves. Fred Leutcher was the go-to man for this expertise.
Because of this, when Erst Zundel was on trial for "muh holocaust denial" in Canada, he hired Leutcher to go investigate the supposed gas chambers in Auschwitz and other camps.
His expert conclusion was that there were no gas chambers, and there were no structures that could have ever been used as gas chambers.
He also testified in Germany over the same topic for a different defendant.
He is the only man in history who was certified by both the German courts and the Canadian courts as an expert witness on the subject of gas chambers in the German labor camps. And his conclusion is that it was all made up. They never existed.
The other side of the debate has NEVER presented any evidence to refute this expert testimony.
Fred Leutcher is still alive today (I think -- he is in his 90's) and still does interviews and still explains why there could never have been any gas chambers.
There WERE delousing chambers to kill lice, which is why the prisoners had their heads shaved, went through the delousing chambers naked, and then issued new clothing, with their old clothing burned (in case they had lice in them). But these chambers could not have been used to kill humans.
Leutcher also did an investigation into the crematoriums. Yes, those did exist. He was not en expert, so for the Zundel court case, he went to American experts who built and used crematoriums of that time. He learned from the experts in that field, so he could include this information in his reports to the court.
His opinion is that the crematoriums were used for dead bodies. The disease of typhus was spread via lice. At first, the Germans did bury dead bodies in the fields, but they quickly realized that the typhus could spread from the dead bodies underground and contaminate the water table. So, they built crematoriums to destroy the chance for typhus to spread.
However, doing the math, he concluded that in order to kill 6 million, they would still be cremating them today. So, not physically possible.
Another important things for everyone to know is about the movie "Schindler's List." Most people think it was a documentary or some sort of historical factual account, due to the deceptive way that Steven Spielberg (a jew) directed and produced it.
It was based on the book, which (from Wiki) ...
Schindler's Ark is a historical fiction published in 1982 by the Australian novelist Thomas Keneally. The United States edition of the book was titled Schindler's List; it was later reissued in Commonwealth countries under that name as well. The novel won the Booker Prize, a literary award conferred each year for the best single work of sustained fiction written in the English language, and was awarded the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Fiction in 1983.
... fictional dialogue and scenes added by the author ...
... its highly successful 1993 film adaptation directed by director Steven Spielberg ...
Much like Anne Frank's Diary. It was written in ball point pen, a new creation at that time that only the ultra-rich had. And some people say, well she wrote it and her dad embellished it, but handwriting experts say that the same hand wrote the ball point portions and the other portions. And her father was sued, and lost in court, to a man he owed money to for helping him write it. So basically the whole thing is BS and they are still teaching that crap in school.
Historical fiction means it is fiction based on fact, so the events are real but told in a fictional manner with private dialogue (etc) that can’t be known but only speculated.
What's the purpose? I don't understand why this topic is vital today.
In the words, if people lied about this, what changes? Victim-based history is the left's MO. I care about what people do today and don't inherently ascribe the sins of the fathers to a particular ethnic group.
Israel is already not to be trusted for many other reasons.
Entire history books have been created to hide who the bolsheviks were, and their role in WWI and WWII. If the world realized that they are jews, fulfilling their myths and legends for world domination and control, the entire advantage of hiding behind lies about history evaporates. It's too much for a brief post here, but the goals of Zionism and judaism, including how goyim are to be treated and lied to, are pretty horrific.
They demonized not only Hitler, but an entire COUNTRY, humiliating and demoralizing them to serve their purposes. That alone should infuriate the world. All to cover their own crimes. Estimates go as high as 60 million Europeans murdered between 1915 and 1950 by the bolsheviks.
They control the media, banking, corporations (including pharmaceutical companies -- vaxx anyone?), social media and the internet, and entire governments. Money is stolen from us through currency manipulation and interest rates.
Certainly, if you've spent any time at all on this message board, you are aware of the "cabal" and the "New World Order." If you learn about the above, it becomes clear who is behind all this. In fact, in their twisted system of logic, they must TELL YOU what they plan to do. If you hear it, and do nothing, their have essentially agreed to it. I could provide many such confessions of jews of what they plan for world domination, or their interpretations of the Talmud for the same.
I hope you understand why this is important. Their plan never stopped, and continues it its operation.
Sure - do you have any details on the following topics (feel free to create as a new informative post):
Why did Hitler invade Poland and bomb England in your view for example?
Primary sources for a Talmud translation and some of the quotes you mention. I'm aware of specific evil individuals like Soros, Huvari, bureaucrats in the Biden admin, etc.
What was the Bolsheviks involvement in WW1 and WW2? I have heard of the Russian genocide but not any specific involvement in those wars.
Evidence specifically indicating an ethnic based conspiracy outside of the Bolsheviks. A lot of the evil seems to be from people who identify more with atheism than the Talmud specifically.
I have a few friends who are Jewish and they have no part in a broader conspiracy.
Why did Hitler invade Poland and bomb England in your view for example?
Watch this video. It will explain everything about Hitler and Poland -- and do so in Hitler's own words. No need to read or watch what someone's opinion of it is, if the man himself tells you.
What was the Bolsheviks involvement in WW1 and WW2? I have heard of the Russian genocide but not any specific involvement in those wars.
This is a MASSIVE topic. And since it has been kept hidden from mainstream sources, it is overwhelming. Learning about different aspects takes a huge dose of Red Pill so you can mentally put it all together so it makes sense.
First, There was no involvement of Bolsheviks in WW1. The Tsar still controlled Russia, circa 1914. He did send his troops into WW1 to help with his obligations in WW1.
But while the military was away, the Bolsheviks (jews) invaded Moscow, murdered the Tsar and his family (in a very brutal way, btw), and overthrew the government of Russia in 1917, while the Tsar was distracted with WW1.
BTW, this was not the first jewish attempt to take over Russia. They first started a war between Russia and Japan in 1904, funding Japan.
In 1905, they tried to use this distraction of the Tsar to take over Russia, but they failed. Lenin was exhiled. They then started WW1 to get Russia into a larger war, and to distract the Tsar. This time, when they sent non-Russians in as mercenaries, they had enough manpower to overthrow Moscow, since most of the military was in Europe, fighting WW1.
Quick vids on Bolsheviks and the overthrow of Russia --
Wall Street Jews Funded the Bolshevik Takeover (both the attempt in 1905, and later again in 1917). WW1 was to take over Russia, and WW2 was to take over Europe, then the world (another video I link to explains that):
Evidence specifically indicating an ethnic based conspiracy outside of the Bolsheviks. A lot of the evil seems to be from people who identify more with atheism than the Talmud specifically. I have a few friends who are Jewish and they have no part in a broader conspiracy.
That really does not matter.
Jews are influenced by the Talmud, whether they are orthodox, mainstream, secular, or whatever. Makes no difference because they are influenced. And many of them do NOT know the things we are discussing here.
Why Hitler hated the jews (here, 2 rabbis tell their own people things that even the rabbies themselves did not know until recently):
I'm a little hesitant here because I don't want to derail brain_dead's thread. There is much to cover in your questions, but I'll try to summarize as best as I can.
After WWI, the Treaty of Versailles (which all historians now agree was a scam) divided greater Germany up, redrawing borders with surrounding nations. Poland was particularly troublesome, because the bolsheviks had already infiltrated into both the government and unsanctioned militias. They wanted to provoke a second world war, and with Hitler and the NSDAP in place, the way to do it was by terrorizing and murdering German civilians now living within the new border of Poland. Hitler warned Poland multiple times, but Poland ignored these warnings.
At the same time, Poland made a back-door deal with England, such that England would be a protectorate of Poland in the case of war, and would also pay Poland reparations. Following a particularly bloody massacre of German civilians, Hitler said enough and marched into Warsaw. The jews announced to the world in the various newspapers they ran, "Germany Invades Poland!" Germany was certainly within rights to invade, but that's not how the press spun it.
What the world doesn't know about the "London Blitz" is that it was Churchill's doing. The War was winding down, Germany was essentially winning, and there were no new threats to spin to gain traction again. Against internationally-recognized treaties, Churchill ordered the bombing of civilian targets in Germany. Hitler practically begged Churchill to stop, but these were ignored. In fact, Hitler offered almost three dozens offers of peace to various nations. Churchill wanted to get the U.S. involved, but he knew that Americans wanted no part of the war. He knew it would require something "big" to sway public opinion, so he goaded Hitler into doing what he knew would be the result of bombing civilian targets...and get the U.S. into the War so it could be won.
The same thing was done in WWI to get the U.S. into the War, by sinking the Lusitania.
During WWII, Stalin's Order #0428 called for the capture of German uniforms which were then worn by Red Army soldiers committing atrocities. These were photographed so that they could be used as propaganda against Germany.
Your question about the bolsheviks is very complicated, and difficult to summarize. If you're interested, I would highly, highly recommend investing the time in one or more episodes of Europa. I'm including the topics of the episodes here:
Part 1 (1 hour);
2:00 the foundations of communism and Zionism;
8:50 the Federal Reserve, Rothschilds;
20:00 the Bolshevik Revolution;
32:40 the Red Terror, Holodomor;
47:10 the Gulag;
Part 2 (1 hour) The Bad War;
00:00 roots of WWI;
6:00 Balfour Declaration;
5:50 Treaty of Versailles/League of Nations;
9:20 Weimar Republic/Jewish control of Germany;
17:30 The Comintern;
20:00 Fascism to save Europe from communism;
30:00 The Frankfurt School/cultural Marxism;
55:30 the decline of Berlin;
Part 3 (39 minutes) The Rise of Adolph Hitler;
2:30 leads nationalistic Munich Coup, attacked by communists;
6:20 statement on socialism vs. Marxism;
7:40 invention of the term “Nazi”;
10:00 The Rebirth of Germany;
16:20 removed Weimar restrictions on gun ownership;
20:30 Christianity in Germany;
29:00 Hitler on feminism;
Part 4 (1 hour 46 min.) Judea Declares War On Germany;
9:55 Jewish historian speaks the truth about Jews and Hitler;
14:55 The Reichstag fire;
16:10 Kristallnacht;
18:10 The Haavara Agreement;
27:10 Hitler’s Struggle For Peace;
29:44 The Anschluss;
31:15 The Munich Agreement;
33:10 The Polish Corridor;
41:05 Poland’s crimes against ethnic Germans
46:05 The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact;
58:35 Operation Wilfred and Plan R4;
1:11:05 Gandhi;
1:12:00 Battle of Britain;
1:16:10 Rudolph Hess;
1:24:30 “They are the same people we had here in Germany earlier.”;
1:25:45 The International Clique;
Part 5 (57 minutes) The Final Solution to the European Problem;
00:00 Jewish supremacy and “multi-culturalism”;
4:00 Kalergi Plan and the European Union;
7:10 Europa myth symbolism;
8:45 Germany outlaws freemasonry;
13:05 “Germany Must Perish,” by Theodore Kaufman;
19:00 The Morgenthau Plan;
24:20 The Army of Mankind;
47:00 volunteers from dozens of countries joined Germany;
Part 6 (1 hour) Who Is Killing Us?
00:00 Operation Barbarossa;
5:45 Europeans welcomed Germans as they pushed the Red Army east;
8:30 ethnic Russian soldiers joined the German army;
15:55 German retreat from Soviet territory;
19:10 Pearl Harbor;
32:55 Churchill’s Famine;
35:20 D-Day;
39:30 The Battle of the Bulge;
42:25 Death From Above;
46:30 The firebombing of Dresden;
Part 7 (1 hour 8 minutes) Floods of Blood;
00:00 Katyn massacre;
7:00 Stalin’s Order #0428 (faked German atrocities by Soviets);
8:48 rape as a Soviet weapon of war;
25:25 The Last Days of The Third Reich;
28:35 Eisenhower delays Allied advance into Berlin for Soviets;
36:20 Albert Einstein;
46:50 The Genocide of Germany;
1:00:45 Jewish “revenge” squads;
1:07:07 nine to fifteen million ethnic Germans killed 1945-53;
Part 8 (2 hours 5 minutes) “The Holocaust”;
2:10 120,000 Japanese citizens interned by FDR;
9:10 Typhus and Zyklon B;
12:05 testimony by Dr. Russell Barton;
16:08 testimony by female prisoner;
19:50 order from Himmler to improve camp conditions;
21:33 cremation and the impossible math;
23:40 forensic examination of building walls for residues;
32:20 Auschwitz museum curator admitted Soviets created fake gas chamber;
42:50 fraudulent story of gas chamber deaths exposed, yet awarded court claim;
51:05 Eisenhower’s role in spreading the propaganda lies;
55:40 forged photographs;
58:40 Schindler’s List;
59:55 The Diary of Anne Frank;
1:03:25 the truth about the German camps;
1:25:15 the Nuremberg Trials;
1:30:40 the symbolic, magical Jewish number of six million;
1:36:50 more examples of blatant, ridiculous lies and liars;
1:51:50 the consequences of speaking the truth;
1:59:05 Zionist internet agents;
Part 9 (1 hour 56 minutes) Aftermath;
11:20 tally of deaths around the world due to communism;
26:20 The Great Replacement (of the white race);
28:15 Red Ice TV editorial;
43:25 the fallacy of forced immigration;
49:40 exposing the global Jewish plan for domination;
1:23:30 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1905);
1:25:55 The Jewish World Order;
1:31:30 Agenda 2030;
1:41:35 Agenda 21;
1:43:10 Bill Gates’ TED talk excerpt;
1:53:55 interview of George Orwell;
Part 10 (35 minutes) The Awakening;
6:20 Muhammed Ali on race;
22:00 Pastor Ray Hagins speaks truth about Adolph Hitler;
25:55 JFK: “…one of the most significant figures who ever lived.”
Otherwise, you cannot learn the TRUE lessons of history, which means you cannot figure out what to do in the future.
I find your question to be absolutely shocking that you would not understand that you MUST learn from history in order to make better decisons in the future.
"He who fails to learn from history is condemned to repeat it." -- Santayana
And the REASON people fail to learn from history is because they are LIED TO about history.
I already know that people are evil and often lie, including in history. I'm asking in this specific case what do you feel like was an important takeaway.
Sure but that isn't the question I'm asking. I have a limited amount of time to research any topic period so I'm asking why you feel this particular one will make a difference vs other things we have been lied to about.
I find it more fruitful personally to learn about and expose modern day actors.
But even on this topic I actually previously went out and bought encyclopedias from the 50s for this reason. You are correct that there is no mention of a mass extermination but there are concrete examples of anti-Jewish language. It is difficult to get detailed accounts.
It is Hitler giving speeches, along with subtitles, EXPLAINING all the actions he was taking. WHY he was doing what he was doing.
It will absolutely turn your stomach to see and hear what revolting things the jews had done to the German people -- mass murder, torture, rape, incredibly hideous crimes against the Germans.
Hitler was REACTING to what the jews had done to the Germans.
Have you ever notice that the "mainstream" sources NEVER actually show you what Hitler was saying in those fiery speeches?
This will show you WHY they never want you to know EVERYTHING he said.
I don't know about Auschwitz -- but my Uncle fought with Patton and liberated several other concentration camps. His recollections matched up with historical accounts of mass genocide. He said he would never forget what they found. He was just a regular G.I. and not someone high up the command ladder who would have reason to fabricate. These were just stories passed down to family members when he talked about his war time experiences.
My guess is the Red Cross was only shown the part of the camps the Nazis wanted them to see.
He didn't say he was told anything. HE SAID HE SAW THINGS.
He was just a normal guy whom I'm sad to say never really got over WW2. He even wanted to be buried in a military cemetery because as he put it, "I earned that damn patch of dirt."
I don't think a single day of his life ever passed that the war wasn't mentioned in some way. I don't know that he was ever truly happy. Maybe fleeting moments of happiness -- but never deep down truly happy. How can you be after seeing what he saw and experiencing the things he did?
He's with God now and hopefully has found the peace which eluded him in life. But war changes people. Don't let anyone tell you differently.
How DARE you call my uncle a liar! YOU were NOT there. HE WAS.
History is a compilation of accounts of people who witnessed events. There is no way in hell your neo Nazi sources can prove their accounts have more validity than my uncle's account. You're not talking to some moron who has no grasp of formal logic. Your political ideology sticks out like a sore thumb.
Adolph Hitler's regime was responsible for a war which caused the deaths of an estimated 75 million people. The fact that you have the audacity to attempt to whitewash their behavior to bolster your own agenda is frankly appalling.
Your problem is that I'm not some wet behind the ears youngster that you can spin these fairy tales to because I am as old as dirt and grew up knowing WW2 vets. Their eye witness accounts carry as much weight as any source you can produce.
One of the greatest generation's favorite sayings seems apt here: "Go tell it to Sweeney!"
The word “fact” is used three times in two paragraphs in the text, which makes me suspicious right from the start. Added to the crap reputation of the Red Cross (they even charged GIs for donated cigarettes during WW2), I’m not convinced at all.
Even so, everybody lies. Even the good guys, if it suits their purposes.
I am so glad to see people here think critically. I have seen other information that tells me about Auschwitz. Look thru the comments and you will find tons of info.
The only "gas chambers" in the camps were closets used to fumigate clothing because of the typhus epidemic. Zyklon B was used to kill fleas and lice. This has been proven multiple times by forensic examination. None of the giant rooms attributed to mass murders stand up to logic, let alone lab tests of the walls for chemicals...
Like I said, we have been lied to by everyone. The reason why I even brought it up was because of all the investigation I have previously done already and couldn't believe how deluded I was.
In the beginning, as the camps were being liberated, there were claims that there were gas chambers in ALL the camps.
There were 22 camps in total. 16 were on the German side and 6 were on the Polish side (including Auschwitz).
Right away, the Americans and Brits realized that there were no gas chambers in any of the camps in Germany, since they were investigating those camps themselves.
So, the story changed to the claim that the gassings still happened, but they must have all been done in the camps in Poland (which Germany had occupied).
BUT, the Soviets were liberating those camps, and they refused to allow the Americans and Brits into those camps. They continued to refuse to allow this for the next 45 years. So, there were CLAIMS by the Soviets, but never any EVIDENCE.
Anne Frank's stepsister said, many years later, that there was something wrong with the photos of the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz. She had been a prisoner there (notice: she was not gassed to death -- she lived a long life after the captivity).
The liberation occured in January 1945. BUT ... there was no snow on the ground in any of the photos. She said there was a lot of snow, and it should have been piled high. But no snow.
Being Anne Frank's stepsister, she had connections in the Russian embassy. She asked about this, and they admitted that those liberation photos were faked.
No one was allowed to investigate these gas chamber claims until the Iron Curtain fell in 1989
This is why Ernst Zundel and Fred Leutcher are so important. Their timing was absolutely perfect. Leutcher was able to get into Auschwitz to investigate at a time when Poland and the Soviet bloc were falling apart, and nobody really cared about or knew anything about the Western false claims of the gas chambers.
Auschwitz was no longer under tight control to keep people from the West out, and yet the people in charge of the place didn't really understand what Leutcher was investigating, so they let him do what he wanted and go where he wanted. He was able to do things that nobody would be allowed to do today. His timing to investigate was perfect -- just a few years before the Berlin Wall fell, and during the time that the Soviet control was fading fast.
Ahhh just some thoughts. On here recently were people posting about the Red Cross giving maps to illegals to make their way to this country. Which side are they really on? Could they benefit from not reporting gas chambers? Making it easier for nazi's to come to the US through operation paperclip. Also the possible link between red cross and rosicrucian's.
Problem with that theory is that as the camps were liberated on the German side, by Americans and Brits, they realized right away that there were no gas chambers.
So, what was the RC covering up, if nothing was found after the war?
Show me where they EVER said there was any evidence of exterminations?
This letter was a response to the question: Is there any evidence of exterminations?
There were rumors, but never any evidence. The writer of the letter might have made an assumption based on the rumors, but nobody EVER presented any evidence.
I went to school in the 60’s with a girl whose father was in one if the camps. He ran a clothing store in our town and had numbers tattooed on his arm. He claimed that he, his mother and sisters were rounded up, brough to a camp and separated. He never saw them again. He was a teenager and was a straight up guy. I have no reason to not believe his story.
To say this is all a lie is counter to the movies and pictures taken at that time.
Is the “Holocost” exaggerated? Probably. But I do believe their is substantial evidence of it happening.
I don’t believe a thing the Red Cross says or said.
Also in the 1950's/1960's, there was an episode on TV of "To Tell the Truth," where they had a POW who claimed to have escaped twice from German prison camps.
There was no mention of any holocaust by the guest or the panel. No questions asked about it. Just a routine war where some people are held as POW's.
The tattoos on the arms have been compared, one person with another. They are all different in terms of fonts used, size of numbers, etc. This was not the German way. The Germans would have made them all uniform.
None of the numbers are 7 figures. All are 6 figures or less.
At least one man admitted that he made the tattoo himself. Others who claimed to have been in the camps and witnessed atrocities later went on the record in on-camera interviews, admitting that they made up their story, but they did so becaused they believed the holocaust was real and the story needed to be told for future generations.
IOW: Many of these jews have embellished or even lied about what they "witnessed." This is not surprising when you know how much the jews lie, and how their religion teaches that they MUST lie if it promotes their people.
Many people who were in the camps (and yes, there WERE real camps and real prisoners) were separated due to the split between the German camps being liberated by the Allies and the Polish camps being liberated by the Soviets.
The Soviets eventually held them captive with the Berlin Wall, and that caused many to be permanently separated.
There was chaos at the end of the war, and many people never found out what happened to their family members.
There was a TV episode of "Donahue" back in the 1980's where a jew claimed his brother was exterminated in the camps "because I never saw him again." He assumed his brother was killed.
BUT ... his brother was alive and well in the US, and saw the episode. He realized he was the brother, contacted the TV show, and they had a reunion of the brothers episode. The brother had been stuck on the east side of the Berlin Wall, and only many years later was able to leave and get to the USA. The brothers were reunited after all those years, each thinking the other had been exterminated in the camps.
So, these stories are largely based on lies or on incomplete information, with the worst possible scenario assumed to have happened.
When Hitler came to power, his mission was to clean up all the degeneracy that had been allowed to occur in the 1920's Weimar Republic, post WW1.
Jews were the ones who had been behind this degeneracy, as well as the ones who had tried to take over Germany, just as they had a few years before in Russia.
The first people to be arrested and sent to prison camps were jews and non-jews who were criminals of various kinds. In those early years, there was almost no crime at all in Germany due to the bad guys being locked up.
Next were those promoting deneracy, including faggots and porn promoters (all jews), as well as bankers engaging in usury (again, jews). Anyone who had been involved in stealing property from Germans via usury or various schemes (again, jews).
He also went after the leadership of the communists, including Antifa (first started by jews in Germany in the 1920's -- which is why their current flag is a replica of the one back then). These leaders were mostly jews.
Hitler was rounding up jews who were bad and evil, but not all jews.
These were prison camps, nothing more. These included a lot of jews, but not all jews. It was a mixture of people.
Once the British and French declared war on Germany (Germany never declared war on them, even to the end), they needed to add POW's to these camps.
Later, when the jews in Poland and other places that Germany occupied were involved in subversion from within, they shipped them off to the prison/POW camps, as well.
BTW, this is how Anne Frank ended up in Auschwitz. The Germans knew who her father, Otto, was. He owned a business that was supplying a product to the German army and had contracts with the Germans. It is a lie that they were "hiding in the attic, and someone reported them."
No, Otto became a suspect of subversion against Germany for overbilling for his product, and also being involved in a counterfeiting scheme. That is why they raided his office, and found that his family was also living there (but not in hiding).
They DID leave Germany when Hitler took over, and moved to Netherlands. The Germans occupied the Netherlands because the Dutch government was secretly assisting England in an invasion of Germany. The Germans discoverd this plan, and beat them to the punch by occupying the Netherlands.
The Franks were still living their lives openly, but Otto Frank was involved in subversion. The whole family was suspect, so they were sent to Auschwitz. Also, Anne's older sister had previously been ordered to report to a factory to help for the war effort, but Otto prevented her from going. This was also a violation and another reason to suspect them of subversion.
They all went to Auschwitz, in Poland. Later, Anne and her sister were sent to Bergen-Belsen, a camp in Germany. Anne would die there of typhus (just weeks before the war ended). Even the pro-holocaust people admit that there were no gas chambers at Bergen-Belsen.
Otto Frank survived Auschwitz. After the war, he became a very rich man by promoting his fraudlent "Anne Frank Diary" story.
Finally, when the German civilians were getting carpet bombed in their homes by the Brits, the Germans started making the prisoners do labor in factories that were near some of the camps, especially Auschwitz, which had nearby factories. They were put on busses in the morning, worked in the factories during the day, and bussed back to the camps at night.
They became labor camps due to the necessity of war.
When Hitler came to power, there were 500,000 jews living in Germany (with a total population of 60,000,000). Hitler wanted the jews out, but did not force them out.
Many left, and by the time WW2 started, there were less than 200,000 still living in Germany. Of those, 100,000 served in the German military during the war. This was JEWS serving in the GERMAN military -- along with some Japanese, blacks, and various other non-Germans who also wanted to fight on the German side.
The fairy tales we have been told have been for the purpose of propaganda.
As Goebbels said, the "Big Lie" is about a government lying to its own people such that if the lie is big enough and repeated often enough, the people will start to believe it -- UNTIL ... the truth begins to leak out, and then the lie will no longer stand. He was talking about the history of the ENGLISH who engaged in the "Big Lie," and not suprisingly, the jews and their allies in the West have convinced the people in the West that he was bragging about what the Germans could do.
Does our society look like the winning side? Do you think if the boys on DDay were shown what was going to happen in 80 years do you think they would still storm the beach?
It was Cholera. Outbreak. They burned the deceased and any possible contaminations. Like…FEMA camps. But German style.
Why wouldn’t they keep for slaves? They were superior race amongst basically all. No sense in killing them all. The outbreak was true, thus brings the rational to a sensical conclusion. This one.
F*** peoples feelings and agendas. All of them. Truth has to be told.
Why wouldn't the Red Cross be trying to hide what was going since we know their track record regarding Haiti and others around the world. I would never trust anything that comes from a Rothschild corporation!
I don't have it if you are looking for it from me. I am sure you can find lots of info though. This part of the history was nothing but a whole lot of lies.
I would not conclude that Operation Paperclip was good. Now the U.S took their scientists because of their technology. In that case, good, but importing them here and later, give them senior positions, bad.
Paperclip was to steal German technology, which I guess would be expected, since all governments are constantly trying to steal technology of everyone else.
"Nazi" was not the name that the German Socialists called themselves. It was a pejorative the jews used, because that word means "idiot." Clearly, they would not have called themselves that. It was used to dehumanize them, as often happens in war ("gook," etc.).
Yes, the German Socialists were the good guys, fighting against the bad guys. As Patton said, once he got to Berlin and met with the German people and the jews, he said, "We fought the wrong enemy." By that, he meant the communists, but he also was repulsed by the behaviors of the jews, and he knew the jews were behind communism.
Your logic is faulty. The fact that the Communists were bad did not make the German Socialists the "good guys."
It was more or less a "choose your poison" scenario. Case in point: I once dated a fellow whose father fought in Hitler's army. I was reasonably appalled and asked him why on earth his father would have supported someone like Hitler. He responded, "He thought the communists were worse."
So perhaps it isn't a case of Patton thinking the German Socialists were such terrific people. He -- like my date's father -- may have considered them the lesser of two evils. That's nothing to recommend them.
The jewish communists were not merely bad. They were horrific barbaric people.
Anyone who is fighting such disgusting animals is good in my book, though there is much more to it than that. The Germans really were the good ones. Some of the best in the history of the world, in fact.
BUT ...
YOU would have to actually research the topic to understand why.
Your intereaction with a boyfriend and his father was meaningless because you had a pre-conceived idea of what to believe, and that idea was formed by indoctrination (that we have all been subjected to).
If you were to take the time to understand why so many of us here defend some or all of what the Germans did and were about, you just might have a better understanding of this aspect of history -- AND you would better understand what is going on today in the world.
It's also conceivable that you are a member of a neo-Nazi organization and have a biased opinion of the WW2 German state.
I don't believe my father or any of my uncles who served in that particular war would agree with your assessment. Nor would my mother and aunts who
contributed to the war effort manufacturing aircraft, walkie talkies, and other needed supplies.
We can argue the treaty of Versailles until the cows come home. BUT...
In the final analysis, it was Hitler's lust for "Lebensraum" that kicked off the whole shebang on September 1, 1939 when he invaded Poland.
The agressor is always at fault. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
My dad was less aggravated at the Germans because he fought in the Pacific theater. His ire was directed toward the Japanese. My mother hated the Germans until the day she died because she lost friends in that war.
Never believe that because governments sign documents and say that "it's all over" that the hearts and minds of the populace agree. From what I knew of them -- the greatest generation never forgave and never forgot. And I don't blame them.
In case you are unaware of this fact -- history is compiled by interviewing people who lived during the period in which events occured. I challenge you to prove to me that the recollections of your sources are any more valid than the recollections of the many WW2 veterans I have known. They were also there and there is no power on earth that can play games and create revisionist history to make Adolph Hitler's Nazi regime the "good guys".
The people running the Red Cross back then are long dead now.
Henry Ford started the Ford Foundation, but it has since been taken over by people who Henry Ford would have hated, not only for thier beliefs, but also for how they have used his money to harm the world and do the opposite of what he would have wanted.
Same thing is likely true of most large "charities" today.
This letter is marked strictly confidential. It wasnt widely disseminated to the public and probably was highly compartmentalized within the government itself. Lies of omission are still lies. A devious organization can be truthful with its co-conspirators even as it lies to everyone else.
There were no gas chambers, hence they were not "death camps."
Your ex FIL was subject to propaganda, just like the rest of us.
If there were no gas chambers on the German side -- which the allies acknowledged shortly after liberation -- then the FACT is that he could not have seen "death camps." He saw prison camps/labor camps for sure. We had them, too.
Many photos and film footage were faked.
Anne Frank's stepsister on how some of the footage was faked:
Emaciation was real, due to the lack of food supplies, due to the Allies bombing train tracks and roads that were used to deliver food and other supplies. The German people were also in bad health.
You see such photos presented to you, and you ASSUME they were from jews held in prison camps.
But you don't KNOW that. Many of the famous photos have very different captions in different books, indicating that whoever published the photos didn't really know what the source of the photos were, or who they were of.
The Germans were bombed into oblivion, and their dead bodies were piled high. There are photos of bodies being pushed around by a bulldozer, BUT that dozer was American. Such photos were taken AFTER the war, and Americans/Brits were pushing the bodies around (to pile them up and bury them, I presume). Plus, some American/Brit was taking the photos that were published. Were these of jews in the camps, OR Germans who were killed in either the British bombings or the American-controlled death camps of Germans after the war was over?
We don't know.
Images like this showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown to unsuspecting audiences, inducing psychological trauma and fear in their minds, in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps. It simply demonstrates how deceitful, brazen and ruthless the Western and Soviet propagandists were in their efforts to demonize and slander the Germans.
Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities. Again, the shameless, deceitful behavior of the Western Allies and their Soviet Communist partners knows no bounds.
The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.
I can't find them offhand, but there are numerous examples of photos that were faked or altered, or of non-jews that were claimed to be of jews in the camps.
Also memory hole'd: the 12 million Germans murdered after ww2 for the crime of... speaking German.
yes what we did to those p.o.w.'s was horrible
Yes. We know.
That's because there were RUMORS (started by the jews).
There was never any EVIDENCE.
You should re-read again: "... for several months past."
There is no reference AT ALL to ANY report that EVER showed mass exterminations -- because they did not happen.
This sentence was only put in due to rumors, not evidence. The letter was a RESPONSE to the question of whether or not there were such attrocities that could be verified.
Answer: no.
The Red Cross had delegations into these camps more than once, and no report was ever made claiming any attrocities. They always reported that the camps were clean and well-run.
This letter was addressed to McClelland, who was a top USAF general. He was head of US Air Force communications. He would have had access to aerial photos over the camps, which could have showed if any attrocities were happening.
Why didn't he ever release such photos, even after the war?
Because it was all a lie.
Also, why the RED CROSS??
Where did all the photos of piled up bodies and starving people in concentration camps come from?
Probably the same "ones" planting the "6 million" rhetoric in controlled newspapers for YEARS before WW2. Did you know that? Did you know they were planting the term "6 million" in reference to them in many different situations purposefully WAY before WW2, much the same way they engage in predictive programming in hollyweird productions?
Direct proof from newspaper articles, starting way before Hitler came along:
Thanks for the link and follow up! I knew I saw it somewhere. You're on the ball :)
Read my post about the fake liberation photos in this thread.
Better question: Where is the film footage from 1945, during the liberation, of miles and miles of dead bodies?
Does not exist.
You see a few dead bodies here or there, and you ASSUME it means there are much more.
But you NEVER see that "much more" anywhere.
Are all the people in those photos shaved bald??
Including yourself, I see.
Auschwitz was a forced labour camp operated IG Farben, NOT the Nazim. It's main purpose was the manufacture of synthetic fuel and BUNA 'rubber'. Many people were worked to death, but it hardly makes sense to 'exterminate' your captive workforce.
I have long said similar. Why simply exterminate people when you can work them to death as slaves? Germany has a finite population that is magnitudes smaller than the totality of the nations they faced. Their able bodied men we all in the military. They were desperate for manpower to keep the war machine turning. The Germans definitely committed atrocities but the gas chambers werent one of them. This is a case of the history being written by the victors and if you study the aftermath of WW2 and the continuing informational framing that sprouted from the initial lies, you will realize who the victors really were.
Precisely what I've always said. Wars are fought on the back of soldiers and slaves that supply cheap labour.
Even from back in Roman and Egyptian times; slaves are important to winning a war. Of course slaves have never been treated well.
However as insane as we are told that Hitler was, I don't think he nor his inner circle were totally stupid and kill off free labour with the cost of just basic food and drink. You don't just kill 6M potential slaves during a war. I don't doubt that many died from the poor conditions and maybe a total of 6M did die in total but not all gassed unnecessarily. This part of history simply doesn't make sense to me.
There were 3,000 jew babies born inside the camps. Why would they allow that if the point was to "kill muh joos?" They would not have allowed it if that had been the point.
Also, there were 15.3 million jews in the entire world (Jewish World Almanac) in 1933, and 15.7 million (again, Jewish World Almanac) in 1948. What about those 6 million?
There weren't even 6 million available if they had wanted to.
There were 5,000 jews found in Berlin by the allies ... who owned firearms. WTF?
There were over 100,000 jews who served in the German military. WTF?
The whole holocaust story was a LIE.
I saw the 100,000 Jews served in WW1, but not in WW2.
"Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" is a book researched and written by a jewish Israeli. His claim is that his research showed that as many as 150,000 jews and partial jews served in the German army.
The author and many he interviewed believed the holocaust was real, so their comments need to be considered in that context.
Still, it seems clear to me that Hitler put the communist and subversive jews into prison camps, not all jews.
This is the main thing the jews want to hide about the history of the Hitler era of Germany.
The whole thing reminds me both of the American's internment of Japanese in WW2, and today's Congress with so many dual-citizens and their puppets.
When someone is a member of the "enemy of the state," how can you trust them? Some might be fine, but others might be secretly working against you.
There were only 2.4 million jews in all of the German occupied territories in Europe. Estimates put the total number of deaths in concentration camps at 600k. With roughly 200k being jews.
How did we get to 6 gorillion again?
Cuz "muh plaque" outside of Auschwitz that USED TO say "4.5 million jews exterminated here."
BUT ...
It was later replaced with "muh other plaque" that said, "1.5 million jews exterminated here."
NOW ...
I think they have just removed it completely.
Hmm ...
Not exactly math majors running this story, eh?
You must have sneak peek into those censored history books. LOL
The infos out there for anyone who wants to do their own research. If you're interested in Auschwitz and WW2 give Hell's Cartel a read. I highly recommend it:
Hey thanks. Will read this.
Now. I really appreciate this link. Great one.
You're most welcome. And back to you, I appreciate you and this thread. I don't know why this topic is so difficult for many GAW members to absorb. Many seem to prefer to stay in the "comfort zone" of the fraud they've been conditioned to believe their entire lives, instead of looking at the facts. This topic is VITALLY important to understand what is going on today, and not "meaningless ancient history."
You may also be interested in this link: Near the bottom of the document is the Red Cross statement of the true number of deaths in the German camps. Auschwitz had 52,389. The total dead in all camps was 271,507 -- 90% of them from typhus.
Near the top of the document are the population statistics of the world's religious groups, both in 1933 and 1948. The images can be expanded by clicking on them.
I think it's simply because the majority of Zionism tainted Christianity teaches the lie of psuedojews needing blind respect from misrepresenting what the Bible is saying. Most fly the flag of Israel and have no clue what it stands for. Most churches have sermons that don't dive deep enough into the historical aspects of the Bible and focus more on the message, relating different verses and chapters. That's why the most popular translations of the Bible that are used in churches are not literal translations. Which in a basic sense I'm not knocking, because it is easier to read.. but most people only know of the KJV and NIV, and more recently the CASB and NLT. Research what Bible the Founders brought to America was. You will find it was not the KJV, it was the Geneva Bible, the peoples Bible.
There's also often no room for debate in a church. It is sometimes scorned upon to suggest there are different interpretations of scriptures, so that ignorant mentality allows no progress of understanding. Which causes the problem you highlight.
100% accurate.
Exactly. They are too lazy to look up that the 6-pointed star on the flag (which is also on the Pope's hat) is the Star of Remphan, which is an evil symbol, not a good one. Also, the 2 stripes are symbolism that the jewish plan from the beginning in 1947 was to annilate all non-jews in Palestine.
And since the jews have nothing at all to do with the Israelites of the Bible (they have always been "name-stealers"), it shows how fully indoctrinated most Christians are today.
Right. 99% of Christian pastors/preachers will take one small snippet of a verse (often, out-of-context) and then tell some personal story about themselves or a friend of a brother of a parishoner blah blah blah ... some bullshit story (probably fake to begin with) that supposedly explains that small snippet of a verse.
They will NEVER actually talk about the CONTEXT of what that passage was actually saying IN THE BIBLE. This is what they are taught to do in their fake seminary education.
It was even worse for most of Christianity. For 1,000 years, the Roman Catholic Church ruled over Christianity. The popes and the bishops just made up whatever the fuck they wanted to about what the Bible supposedly said, and called it the church doctrine. ANYONE who said or wrote anything in disagreement was guilty of heresy and EXECUTED. That included all the translators and scribes who were writing from the original Hebrew or Greek, even if they discovered something that was not in agreement with the church doctrine.
Martin Luther finally learned of this blastephemy by the Roman Catholic Church, and that is what sparked the Protestant Reformation (not that the Protesants today are any better, but the split was due to all the LIES of the RCC).
The lies persist today, just like lies in medicine, law, politics, etc.
But most people are so bought-in to what they already believe, that they refuse to consider the possibility that they may have been misled -- whether accidentally or intentionally.
Thank you for the elaboration. I know all of this but it's a very good readout for others who don't know. Thank you for the time you took to do it. I think everyone should have a copy of the Geneva Bible and the NASB/NET to go along with their current one.
I find it very useful to look up Bible verses on
It has a couple dozen different Bibles. You can look up a verse, and see how the different versions say something slightly different -- sometimes, quite different.
Anyone who only reads the KJV, is completely ignorant of the fact that it is only ONE English language version. Other versions often translate certain words for phrases differently.
I particularly like to compare and contrast the KJV with Wycliffe, Young's Literal Translation, and the Expanded Bible. A quick drop down menu lets you compare and contrast.
Sometimes, they are the same. Other times, there are some real differences.
This drives home the point that different men throughout history translated the original Hebrew and Greek differently when they were creating the various English versions.
This means that some English versions must necessarily be WRONG in some verses.
And if you learn a little Hebrew and Greek, and compare with those, then the picture changes, sometimes in significant ways.
But the main point is that MOST churches NEVER discuss this, which means that MOST Christians NEVER learn what the Bible actually says -- at least, not from going to church.
Truth in advertising...
Oh. Interesting.
You sure have a lot of info. I appreciate it. I stumbled across this about a year and half ago. it was a Canadian engineer's article. He was working for the Canadian government and came across the concentration camps ovens and capacity. The math didn't add up and so he started to investigate and he ran into lots of resistance. By hooks and crooks he was able to get into the camps to look at the equipment and conclude that there's no freaking way what they said were true.
How I start to research this.
Ernst Zündel?
Fred Leuchter testified for him in the 80s
Blackpilled did a stream about Leuchter: (he starts talking about it at the 3 minute mark through around 2 hours)
worth a watch if you are interested.
Thank you. I am going to flag this one so I can look at all these valuable info everyone is giving me here.
Well, Auschwitz is just like a little town with office buildings. It was primarily a working camp, although it does have a crematorium in the middle of town with 4 ovens iirc. It was relatively easy if you were sent to Auschwitz, you just had to be a slave laborer essentially.
A few miles away is Birkenau, that was the extermination camp. Now that place gave me the creeps.
I have not heard of Birkenau. There was even a swimming pool there. I did not know all that until quite recent.
I've been to both a couple of years ago. Don't recall a swimming pool.
Let me see if I can find that particular video. Once I do, I will let you know.
Part of what woke me up to this lie was the video David Cole in Auschwitz...
Could the ovens have been used for cremating the dead who died from disease/overwork, etc? That could be a logical explanation for their use.
The "official" holocaust story was that jews were first (a) gassed to death, and then (b) cremated -- although, there are also claims they were buried in mass graves near the camps, for which there is exactly zero evidence.
Fred Leutcher was the #1 gas chamber expert in the entire world. Only the USA had executions (of murderers) by gas chamber. The states that did this needed someone to come in, either build or maintain the gas chambers, and educate the executioners on how to do it so they wouldn't end up killing themselves. Fred Leutcher was the go-to man for this expertise.
Because of this, when Erst Zundel was on trial for "muh holocaust denial" in Canada, he hired Leutcher to go investigate the supposed gas chambers in Auschwitz and other camps.
His expert conclusion was that there were no gas chambers, and there were no structures that could have ever been used as gas chambers.
He also testified in Germany over the same topic for a different defendant.
He is the only man in history who was certified by both the German courts and the Canadian courts as an expert witness on the subject of gas chambers in the German labor camps. And his conclusion is that it was all made up. They never existed.
The other side of the debate has NEVER presented any evidence to refute this expert testimony.
Fred Leutcher is still alive today (I think -- he is in his 90's) and still does interviews and still explains why there could never have been any gas chambers.
There WERE delousing chambers to kill lice, which is why the prisoners had their heads shaved, went through the delousing chambers naked, and then issued new clothing, with their old clothing burned (in case they had lice in them). But these chambers could not have been used to kill humans.
Leutcher also did an investigation into the crematoriums. Yes, those did exist. He was not en expert, so for the Zundel court case, he went to American experts who built and used crematoriums of that time. He learned from the experts in that field, so he could include this information in his reports to the court.
His opinion is that the crematoriums were used for dead bodies. The disease of typhus was spread via lice. At first, the Germans did bury dead bodies in the fields, but they quickly realized that the typhus could spread from the dead bodies underground and contaminate the water table. So, they built crematoriums to destroy the chance for typhus to spread.
However, doing the math, he concluded that in order to kill 6 million, they would still be cremating them today. So, not physically possible.
Excellent post.
Another important things for everyone to know is about the movie "Schindler's List." Most people think it was a documentary or some sort of historical factual account, due to the deceptive way that Steven Spielberg (a jew) directed and produced it.
It was based on the book, which (from Wiki) ...
Much like Anne Frank's Diary. It was written in ball point pen, a new creation at that time that only the ultra-rich had. And some people say, well she wrote it and her dad embellished it, but handwriting experts say that the same hand wrote the ball point portions and the other portions. And her father was sued, and lost in court, to a man he owed money to for helping him write it. So basically the whole thing is BS and they are still teaching that crap in school.
Blackpilled's entire Burns Libel series is really good.
Historical fiction means it is fiction based on fact, so the events are real but told in a fictional manner with private dialogue (etc) that can’t be known but only speculated.
SOMETIMES it means that. But not in the case of "Schindler's List."
Here is an interview with Ernst Zundel, talking about the movie and the book.
Go to 6:30 of the video.
From the author's own words about the book:
It does NOT say: "based on a true story."
It DOES say: "a work of fiction, and a product of the author's imagination."
It is a book of FICTION -- according to the author.
I will take the word of the person who wrote it over your opinion, or that of anyone else.
Wasn’t there a big showing once where Schindler was there among an audience that they revealed to be those he saved many decades before?
What's the purpose? I don't understand why this topic is vital today.
In the words, if people lied about this, what changes? Victim-based history is the left's MO. I care about what people do today and don't inherently ascribe the sins of the fathers to a particular ethnic group.
Israel is already not to be trusted for many other reasons.
Entire history books have been created to hide who the bolsheviks were, and their role in WWI and WWII. If the world realized that they are jews, fulfilling their myths and legends for world domination and control, the entire advantage of hiding behind lies about history evaporates. It's too much for a brief post here, but the goals of Zionism and judaism, including how goyim are to be treated and lied to, are pretty horrific.
They demonized not only Hitler, but an entire COUNTRY, humiliating and demoralizing them to serve their purposes. That alone should infuriate the world. All to cover their own crimes. Estimates go as high as 60 million Europeans murdered between 1915 and 1950 by the bolsheviks.
They control the media, banking, corporations (including pharmaceutical companies -- vaxx anyone?), social media and the internet, and entire governments. Money is stolen from us through currency manipulation and interest rates.
Certainly, if you've spent any time at all on this message board, you are aware of the "cabal" and the "New World Order." If you learn about the above, it becomes clear who is behind all this. In fact, in their twisted system of logic, they must TELL YOU what they plan to do. If you hear it, and do nothing, their have essentially agreed to it. I could provide many such confessions of jews of what they plan for world domination, or their interpretations of the Talmud for the same.
I hope you understand why this is important. Their plan never stopped, and continues it its operation.
Sure - do you have any details on the following topics (feel free to create as a new informative post):
Why did Hitler invade Poland and bomb England in your view for example?
Primary sources for a Talmud translation and some of the quotes you mention. I'm aware of specific evil individuals like Soros, Huvari, bureaucrats in the Biden admin, etc.
What was the Bolsheviks involvement in WW1 and WW2? I have heard of the Russian genocide but not any specific involvement in those wars.
Evidence specifically indicating an ethnic based conspiracy outside of the Bolsheviks. A lot of the evil seems to be from people who identify more with atheism than the Talmud specifically.
I have a few friends who are Jewish and they have no part in a broader conspiracy.
Here's my take:
Watch this video. It will explain everything about Hitler and Poland -- and do so in Hitler's own words. No need to read or watch what someone's opinion of it is, if the man himself tells you.
You can learn a lot about the Talmud here:
This is a MASSIVE topic. And since it has been kept hidden from mainstream sources, it is overwhelming. Learning about different aspects takes a huge dose of Red Pill so you can mentally put it all together so it makes sense.
First, There was no involvement of Bolsheviks in WW1. The Tsar still controlled Russia, circa 1914. He did send his troops into WW1 to help with his obligations in WW1.
But while the military was away, the Bolsheviks (jews) invaded Moscow, murdered the Tsar and his family (in a very brutal way, btw), and overthrew the government of Russia in 1917, while the Tsar was distracted with WW1.
BTW, this was not the first jewish attempt to take over Russia. They first started a war between Russia and Japan in 1904, funding Japan.
In 1905, they tried to use this distraction of the Tsar to take over Russia, but they failed. Lenin was exhiled. They then started WW1 to get Russia into a larger war, and to distract the Tsar. This time, when they sent non-Russians in as mercenaries, they had enough manpower to overthrow Moscow, since most of the military was in Europe, fighting WW1.
Quick vids on Bolsheviks and the overthrow of Russia --
1917 Revolution:
Lenin Regarded Europeans as Animals:
Info about the Russian Tsar and the lies were are told about that time and place --
Politically Incorrect Truth About the Russian Revolution, Parts 1, 2, 3:
Wall Street Jews Funded the Bolshevik Takeover (both the attempt in 1905, and later again in 1917). WW1 was to take over Russia, and WW2 was to take over Europe, then the world (another video I link to explains that):
While the Germans were losing WW1, their country was in chaos. The jews tried to do to the Germans what they had just done to the Russians:
Hitler rose to power, and you have to understand his motives.
First, he wanted to end any threat of the jewish communists (and Antifa) to overthrow Germany.
Next, he wanted to get rid of the subversive influence of the "bad jews" in Germany. He called them the "international jew."
Why did he want them out of Germany, and ideally, out of Europe?
Because he KNEW what they had done -- things that YOU were never told about.
Here ya go ...
The bloodthirsty jewish Bolsheviks after WW1 and before WW2 is what you need to know. This is WHY Hitler was fighting against the jewish communists.
German soldiers meet a young Dutch woman and explain why they were fighting against the communists:
Ukrainian Soldiers Recall the Jewish Bolshevik Mobs Looking to Kill Christians During the Red Terror:
Jewish Bolshevik Rape:
The Holodomor (the mass murder of tens of millions of White Russians and Ukrainians, including interviews of people who lived through it):
Jewish takeover of Europe:
As far as WW2 itself, it was Stalin who was planning to take over Europe, and NOT Hitler.
How Hitler Saved Europe:
The Ultimate Red Pill:
That really does not matter.
Jews are influenced by the Talmud, whether they are orthodox, mainstream, secular, or whatever. Makes no difference because they are influenced. And many of them do NOT know the things we are discussing here.
Why Hitler hated the jews (here, 2 rabbis tell their own people things that even the rabbies themselves did not know until recently):
Another rabbi explains the first 2 laws implemented by Hitler, both aimed at the jews in Germany:
Ted Pike explains the truth about Judaism:
Great comment and digs. Vitally important topic for GAW to understand, as you said earlier.
"Israel for last". All GAW users would benefit yugely from spending time on the /pol/ redpill threads, but I know it's not for everyone.
Thank you, will review !
I'm a little hesitant here because I don't want to derail brain_dead's thread. There is much to cover in your questions, but I'll try to summarize as best as I can.
At the same time, Poland made a back-door deal with England, such that England would be a protectorate of Poland in the case of war, and would also pay Poland reparations. Following a particularly bloody massacre of German civilians, Hitler said enough and marched into Warsaw. The jews announced to the world in the various newspapers they ran, "Germany Invades Poland!" Germany was certainly within rights to invade, but that's not how the press spun it.
What the world doesn't know about the "London Blitz" is that it was Churchill's doing. The War was winding down, Germany was essentially winning, and there were no new threats to spin to gain traction again. Against internationally-recognized treaties, Churchill ordered the bombing of civilian targets in Germany. Hitler practically begged Churchill to stop, but these were ignored. In fact, Hitler offered almost three dozens offers of peace to various nations. Churchill wanted to get the U.S. involved, but he knew that Americans wanted no part of the war. He knew it would require something "big" to sway public opinion, so he goaded Hitler into doing what he knew would be the result of bombing civilian targets...and get the U.S. into the War so it could be won.
The same thing was done in WWI to get the U.S. into the War, by sinking the Lusitania.
Excerpts from the Talmud:
Red Army atrocities:
During WWII, Stalin's Order #0428 called for the capture of German uniforms which were then worn by Red Army soldiers committing atrocities. These were photographed so that they could be used as propaganda against Germany.
Your question about the bolsheviks is very complicated, and difficult to summarize. If you're interested, I would highly, highly recommend investing the time in one or more episodes of Europa. I'm including the topics of the episodes here:
Part 1 (1 hour);
2:00 the foundations of communism and Zionism;
8:50 the Federal Reserve, Rothschilds;
20:00 the Bolshevik Revolution;
32:40 the Red Terror, Holodomor;
47:10 the Gulag;
Part 2 (1 hour) The Bad War;
00:00 roots of WWI;
6:00 Balfour Declaration;
5:50 Treaty of Versailles/League of Nations;
9:20 Weimar Republic/Jewish control of Germany;
17:30 The Comintern;
20:00 Fascism to save Europe from communism;
30:00 The Frankfurt School/cultural Marxism;
55:30 the decline of Berlin;
Part 3 (39 minutes) The Rise of Adolph Hitler;
2:30 leads nationalistic Munich Coup, attacked by communists;
6:20 statement on socialism vs. Marxism;
7:40 invention of the term “Nazi”;
10:00 The Rebirth of Germany;
16:20 removed Weimar restrictions on gun ownership;
20:30 Christianity in Germany;
29:00 Hitler on feminism;
Part 4 (1 hour 46 min.) Judea Declares War On Germany;
9:55 Jewish historian speaks the truth about Jews and Hitler;
14:55 The Reichstag fire;
16:10 Kristallnacht;
18:10 The Haavara Agreement;
27:10 Hitler’s Struggle For Peace;
29:44 The Anschluss;
31:15 The Munich Agreement;
33:10 The Polish Corridor;
41:05 Poland’s crimes against ethnic Germans
46:05 The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact;
58:35 Operation Wilfred and Plan R4;
1:11:05 Gandhi;
1:12:00 Battle of Britain;
1:16:10 Rudolph Hess;
1:24:30 “They are the same people we had here in Germany earlier.”;
1:25:45 The International Clique;
Part 5 (57 minutes) The Final Solution to the European Problem;
00:00 Jewish supremacy and “multi-culturalism”;
4:00 Kalergi Plan and the European Union;
7:10 Europa myth symbolism;
8:45 Germany outlaws freemasonry;
13:05 “Germany Must Perish,” by Theodore Kaufman;
19:00 The Morgenthau Plan;
24:20 The Army of Mankind;
47:00 volunteers from dozens of countries joined Germany;
Part 6 (1 hour) Who Is Killing Us?
00:00 Operation Barbarossa;
5:45 Europeans welcomed Germans as they pushed the Red Army east;
8:30 ethnic Russian soldiers joined the German army;
15:55 German retreat from Soviet territory;
19:10 Pearl Harbor;
32:55 Churchill’s Famine;
35:20 D-Day;
39:30 The Battle of the Bulge;
42:25 Death From Above;
46:30 The firebombing of Dresden;
Part 7 (1 hour 8 minutes) Floods of Blood;
00:00 Katyn massacre;
7:00 Stalin’s Order #0428 (faked German atrocities by Soviets);
8:48 rape as a Soviet weapon of war;
25:25 The Last Days of The Third Reich;
28:35 Eisenhower delays Allied advance into Berlin for Soviets;
36:20 Albert Einstein;
46:50 The Genocide of Germany;
1:00:45 Jewish “revenge” squads;
1:07:07 nine to fifteen million ethnic Germans killed 1945-53;
Part 8 (2 hours 5 minutes) “The Holocaust”;
2:10 120,000 Japanese citizens interned by FDR;
9:10 Typhus and Zyklon B;
12:05 testimony by Dr. Russell Barton;
16:08 testimony by female prisoner;
19:50 order from Himmler to improve camp conditions;
21:33 cremation and the impossible math;
23:40 forensic examination of building walls for residues;
32:20 Auschwitz museum curator admitted Soviets created fake gas chamber;
42:50 fraudulent story of gas chamber deaths exposed, yet awarded court claim;
51:05 Eisenhower’s role in spreading the propaganda lies;
55:40 forged photographs;
58:40 Schindler’s List;
59:55 The Diary of Anne Frank;
1:03:25 the truth about the German camps;
1:25:15 the Nuremberg Trials;
1:30:40 the symbolic, magical Jewish number of six million;
1:36:50 more examples of blatant, ridiculous lies and liars;
1:51:50 the consequences of speaking the truth;
1:59:05 Zionist internet agents;
Part 9 (1 hour 56 minutes) Aftermath;
11:20 tally of deaths around the world due to communism;
26:20 The Great Replacement (of the white race);
28:15 Red Ice TV editorial;
43:25 the fallacy of forced immigration;
49:40 exposing the global Jewish plan for domination;
1:23:30 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1905);
1:25:55 The Jewish World Order;
1:31:30 Agenda 2030;
1:41:35 Agenda 21;
1:43:10 Bill Gates’ TED talk excerpt;
1:53:55 interview of George Orwell;
Part 10 (35 minutes) The Awakening; 6:20 Muhammed Ali on race;
22:00 Pastor Ray Hagins speaks truth about Adolph Hitler;
25:55 JFK: “…one of the most significant figures who ever lived.”
26:20 Patton: “We defeated the wrong enemy.”
27:30 Credits
Netanyahu quote:
Star of David:
Jewish control of the world:
Harold Rosenthal interview:
Thank you for your response. Will review.
We need to know about the lies that we are told.
Otherwise, you cannot learn the TRUE lessons of history, which means you cannot figure out what to do in the future.
I find your question to be absolutely shocking that you would not understand that you MUST learn from history in order to make better decisons in the future.
"He who fails to learn from history is condemned to repeat it." -- Santayana
And the REASON people fail to learn from history is because they are LIED TO about history.
Downvoted because you DON'T want to know about the lies you were told.
Thank you, Mr. Ostrich Downvoter! Glad to see you have your head firmly planted in the sand.
Nothing quite like a "Great Awakening" that starts with pretending that lies don't exist.
I didn't downvote you fren.
I was being sincere in asking what folks felt like the lesson was.
My comment was to whoever did downvote.
Notice: My comment was a reply to my own post, not yours.
I already know that people are evil and often lie, including in history. I'm asking in this specific case what do you feel like was an important takeaway.
Thanks for responding.
Are you asking why it is important to know the lies we have been told about the holocaust?
Why would you not want to know if one of the biggest events in history was entirely made up and a lie to deceive you?
Don't you want to know if you are being deceived?
Seems to me it would be important to know about being lied to, and what the agenda was/is, and still is to perpetuate the lie.
That's kinda what "conspiracy theory" stuff is all about. What are the lies -- and what is the AGENDA behind the lies?
Because it is not in YOUR best interest, whatever that agenda might be. It is to YOUR harm. Otherwise, the lie would not be necessary.
Sure but that isn't the question I'm asking. I have a limited amount of time to research any topic period so I'm asking why you feel this particular one will make a difference vs other things we have been lied to about.
I find it more fruitful personally to learn about and expose modern day actors.
But even on this topic I actually previously went out and bought encyclopedias from the 50s for this reason. You are correct that there is no mention of a mass extermination but there are concrete examples of anti-Jewish language. It is difficult to get detailed accounts.
Anyone interested in Hitler and WWII
That one is excellent, but this one is even better:
It is Hitler giving speeches, along with subtitles, EXPLAINING all the actions he was taking. WHY he was doing what he was doing.
It will absolutely turn your stomach to see and hear what revolting things the jews had done to the German people -- mass murder, torture, rape, incredibly hideous crimes against the Germans.
Hitler was REACTING to what the jews had done to the Germans.
Have you ever notice that the "mainstream" sources NEVER actually show you what Hitler was saying in those fiery speeches?
This will show you WHY they never want you to know EVERYTHING he said.
Gonna check it out thanks
Yes. I watched 3 and a half and had to stop. It's powerful.
I don't know about Auschwitz -- but my Uncle fought with Patton and liberated several other concentration camps. His recollections matched up with historical accounts of mass genocide. He said he would never forget what they found. He was just a regular G.I. and not someone high up the command ladder who would have reason to fabricate. These were just stories passed down to family members when he talked about his war time experiences.
My guess is the Red Cross was only shown the part of the camps the Nazis wanted them to see.
He was told lies, and believed the lies -- just like the rest of us have done.
He did not SEE any gas chambers, because even the Americans and Brits at the time acknowledged that there were none on the German side.
He didn't say he was told anything. HE SAID HE SAW THINGS.
He was just a normal guy whom I'm sad to say never really got over WW2. He even wanted to be buried in a military cemetery because as he put it, "I earned that damn patch of dirt."
I don't think a single day of his life ever passed that the war wasn't mentioned in some way. I don't know that he was ever truly happy. Maybe fleeting moments of happiness -- but never deep down truly happy. How can you be after seeing what he saw and experiencing the things he did?
He's with God now and hopefully has found the peace which eluded him in life. But war changes people. Don't let anyone tell you differently.
How DARE you call my uncle a liar! YOU were NOT there. HE WAS.
History is a compilation of accounts of people who witnessed events. There is no way in hell your neo Nazi sources can prove their accounts have more validity than my uncle's account. You're not talking to some moron who has no grasp of formal logic. Your political ideology sticks out like a sore thumb.
Adolph Hitler's regime was responsible for a war which caused the deaths of an estimated 75 million people. The fact that you have the audacity to attempt to whitewash their behavior to bolster your own agenda is frankly appalling.
Your problem is that I'm not some wet behind the ears youngster that you can spin these fairy tales to because I am as old as dirt and grew up knowing WW2 vets. Their eye witness accounts carry as much weight as any source you can produce.
One of the greatest generation's favorite sayings seems apt here: "Go tell it to Sweeney!"
Interesting. Thanks for the info.
Patton said we fought the wrong side of the war ….
The word “fact” is used three times in two paragraphs in the text, which makes me suspicious right from the start. Added to the crap reputation of the Red Cross (they even charged GIs for donated cigarettes during WW2), I’m not convinced at all.
Even so, everybody lies. Even the good guys, if it suits their purposes.
I am so glad to see people here think critically. I have seen other information that tells me about Auschwitz. Look thru the comments and you will find tons of info.
Funny thing about history, seems the good guys win every time. To paraphrase the late great Norm McDonald.
The only "gas chambers" in the camps were closets used to fumigate clothing because of the typhus epidemic. Zyklon B was used to kill fleas and lice. This has been proven multiple times by forensic examination. None of the giant rooms attributed to mass murders stand up to logic, let alone lab tests of the walls for chemicals...
Like I said, we have been lied to by everyone. The reason why I even brought it up was because of all the investigation I have previously done already and couldn't believe how deluded I was.
I will add to this ...
In the beginning, as the camps were being liberated, there were claims that there were gas chambers in ALL the camps.
There were 22 camps in total. 16 were on the German side and 6 were on the Polish side (including Auschwitz).
Right away, the Americans and Brits realized that there were no gas chambers in any of the camps in Germany, since they were investigating those camps themselves.
So, the story changed to the claim that the gassings still happened, but they must have all been done in the camps in Poland (which Germany had occupied).
BUT, the Soviets were liberating those camps, and they refused to allow the Americans and Brits into those camps. They continued to refuse to allow this for the next 45 years. So, there were CLAIMS by the Soviets, but never any EVIDENCE.
Anne Frank's stepsister said, many years later, that there was something wrong with the photos of the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz. She had been a prisoner there (notice: she was not gassed to death -- she lived a long life after the captivity).
The liberation occured in January 1945. BUT ... there was no snow on the ground in any of the photos. She said there was a lot of snow, and it should have been piled high. But no snow.
Being Anne Frank's stepsister, she had connections in the Russian embassy. She asked about this, and they admitted that those liberation photos were faked.
Here she is explaining this:
This is why Ernst Zundel and Fred Leutcher are so important. Their timing was absolutely perfect. Leutcher was able to get into Auschwitz to investigate at a time when Poland and the Soviet bloc were falling apart, and nobody really cared about or knew anything about the Western false claims of the gas chambers.
Auschwitz was no longer under tight control to keep people from the West out, and yet the people in charge of the place didn't really understand what Leutcher was investigating, so they let him do what he wanted and go where he wanted. He was able to do things that nobody would be allowed to do today. His timing to investigate was perfect -- just a few years before the Berlin Wall fell, and during the time that the Soviet control was fading fast.
Remember what Q had to say about the Red Cross:
Great reminder. Thank you.
Ahhh just some thoughts. On here recently were people posting about the Red Cross giving maps to illegals to make their way to this country. Which side are they really on? Could they benefit from not reporting gas chambers? Making it easier for nazi's to come to the US through operation paperclip. Also the possible link between red cross and rosicrucian's.
Yes. I don't believe them but there's other information I have been seeing that confirm this one.
Problem with that theory is that as the camps were liberated on the German side, by Americans and Brits, they realized right away that there were no gas chambers.
So, what was the RC covering up, if nothing was found after the war?
Anyone got a source location for this doc? one that can be used to redpill like a .gov link?
Found one. I actually just ended up searching on yandex dot com and it came right up. For “forbidden” topics always go to yandex
Scroll down to about page 42 give or take. (It shows up weird on my phone so it’s somewhere around there)
Thank you
I’m 99% sure I saved it from a post a while back. I’m at work but I’m gonna try and find it when I have a chance
Maybe I was thinking of this similar thing. I will keep looking though
2nd paragraph, 2nd to last sentence, "That for several months past THERE HAD BEEN NO FURTHER EXTERMINATIONS AT AUSCHWITZ".
Show me where they EVER said there was any evidence of exterminations?
This letter was a response to the question: Is there any evidence of exterminations?
There were rumors, but never any evidence. The writer of the letter might have made an assumption based on the rumors, but nobody EVER presented any evidence.
I went to school in the 60’s with a girl whose father was in one if the camps. He ran a clothing store in our town and had numbers tattooed on his arm. He claimed that he, his mother and sisters were rounded up, brough to a camp and separated. He never saw them again. He was a teenager and was a straight up guy. I have no reason to not believe his story.
To say this is all a lie is counter to the movies and pictures taken at that time.
Is the “Holocost” exaggerated? Probably. But I do believe their is substantial evidence of it happening.
I don’t believe a thing the Red Cross says or said.
Also in the 1950's/1960's, there was an episode on TV of "To Tell the Truth," where they had a POW who claimed to have escaped twice from German prison camps.
There was no mention of any holocaust by the guest or the panel. No questions asked about it. Just a routine war where some people are held as POW's.
The tattoos on the arms have been compared, one person with another. They are all different in terms of fonts used, size of numbers, etc. This was not the German way. The Germans would have made them all uniform.
None of the numbers are 7 figures. All are 6 figures or less.
At least one man admitted that he made the tattoo himself. Others who claimed to have been in the camps and witnessed atrocities later went on the record in on-camera interviews, admitting that they made up their story, but they did so becaused they believed the holocaust was real and the story needed to be told for future generations.
IOW: Many of these jews have embellished or even lied about what they "witnessed." This is not surprising when you know how much the jews lie, and how their religion teaches that they MUST lie if it promotes their people.
Many people who were in the camps (and yes, there WERE real camps and real prisoners) were separated due to the split between the German camps being liberated by the Allies and the Polish camps being liberated by the Soviets.
The Soviets eventually held them captive with the Berlin Wall, and that caused many to be permanently separated.
There was chaos at the end of the war, and many people never found out what happened to their family members.
There was a TV episode of "Donahue" back in the 1980's where a jew claimed his brother was exterminated in the camps "because I never saw him again." He assumed his brother was killed.
BUT ... his brother was alive and well in the US, and saw the episode. He realized he was the brother, contacted the TV show, and they had a reunion of the brothers episode. The brother had been stuck on the east side of the Berlin Wall, and only many years later was able to leave and get to the USA. The brothers were reunited after all those years, each thinking the other had been exterminated in the camps.
So, these stories are largely based on lies or on incomplete information, with the worst possible scenario assumed to have happened.
Such stories are not reliable as evidence.
Was the family Jewish? Lots of people got round up and taken into those camps to work.
When Hitler came to power, his mission was to clean up all the degeneracy that had been allowed to occur in the 1920's Weimar Republic, post WW1.
Jews were the ones who had been behind this degeneracy, as well as the ones who had tried to take over Germany, just as they had a few years before in Russia.
The first people to be arrested and sent to prison camps were jews and non-jews who were criminals of various kinds. In those early years, there was almost no crime at all in Germany due to the bad guys being locked up.
Next were those promoting deneracy, including faggots and porn promoters (all jews), as well as bankers engaging in usury (again, jews). Anyone who had been involved in stealing property from Germans via usury or various schemes (again, jews).
He also went after the leadership of the communists, including Antifa (first started by jews in Germany in the 1920's -- which is why their current flag is a replica of the one back then). These leaders were mostly jews.
Hitler was rounding up jews who were bad and evil, but not all jews.
These were prison camps, nothing more. These included a lot of jews, but not all jews. It was a mixture of people.
Once the British and French declared war on Germany (Germany never declared war on them, even to the end), they needed to add POW's to these camps.
Later, when the jews in Poland and other places that Germany occupied were involved in subversion from within, they shipped them off to the prison/POW camps, as well.
BTW, this is how Anne Frank ended up in Auschwitz. The Germans knew who her father, Otto, was. He owned a business that was supplying a product to the German army and had contracts with the Germans. It is a lie that they were "hiding in the attic, and someone reported them."
No, Otto became a suspect of subversion against Germany for overbilling for his product, and also being involved in a counterfeiting scheme. That is why they raided his office, and found that his family was also living there (but not in hiding).
They DID leave Germany when Hitler took over, and moved to Netherlands. The Germans occupied the Netherlands because the Dutch government was secretly assisting England in an invasion of Germany. The Germans discoverd this plan, and beat them to the punch by occupying the Netherlands.
The Franks were still living their lives openly, but Otto Frank was involved in subversion. The whole family was suspect, so they were sent to Auschwitz. Also, Anne's older sister had previously been ordered to report to a factory to help for the war effort, but Otto prevented her from going. This was also a violation and another reason to suspect them of subversion.
They all went to Auschwitz, in Poland. Later, Anne and her sister were sent to Bergen-Belsen, a camp in Germany. Anne would die there of typhus (just weeks before the war ended). Even the pro-holocaust people admit that there were no gas chambers at Bergen-Belsen.
Otto Frank survived Auschwitz. After the war, he became a very rich man by promoting his fraudlent "Anne Frank Diary" story.
Finally, when the German civilians were getting carpet bombed in their homes by the Brits, the Germans started making the prisoners do labor in factories that were near some of the camps, especially Auschwitz, which had nearby factories. They were put on busses in the morning, worked in the factories during the day, and bussed back to the camps at night.
They became labor camps due to the necessity of war.
When Hitler came to power, there were 500,000 jews living in Germany (with a total population of 60,000,000). Hitler wanted the jews out, but did not force them out.
Many left, and by the time WW2 started, there were less than 200,000 still living in Germany. Of those, 100,000 served in the German military during the war. This was JEWS serving in the GERMAN military -- along with some Japanese, blacks, and various other non-Germans who also wanted to fight on the German side.
The fairy tales we have been told have been for the purpose of propaganda.
As Goebbels said, the "Big Lie" is about a government lying to its own people such that if the lie is big enough and repeated often enough, the people will start to believe it -- UNTIL ... the truth begins to leak out, and then the lie will no longer stand. He was talking about the history of the ENGLISH who engaged in the "Big Lie," and not suprisingly, the jews and their allies in the West have convinced the people in the West that he was bragging about what the Germans could do.
Ironic, when you think about it.
There's a lot not being told.
No one gave the gypsies a country. Why is that?
Does our society look like the winning side? Do you think if the boys on DDay were shown what was going to happen in 80 years do you think they would still storm the beach?
They all turned around and go home.
Now you trust the Red Cross? Typhus was the number one killer back then. Disposing of typhus dead bodies was a necessity.
It was Cholera. Outbreak. They burned the deceased and any possible contaminations. Like…FEMA camps. But German style. Why wouldn’t they keep for slaves? They were superior race amongst basically all. No sense in killing them all. The outbreak was true, thus brings the rational to a sensical conclusion. This one. F*** peoples feelings and agendas. All of them. Truth has to be told.
So many do not believe it. I have a hard time finding anyone who would believe me. It's so entrenched.
The Red Cross was probably trafficking people and selling organs even then.
You suspect them back then? I give them a little more credit than that. Maybe I shouldn't
The cabal started the wars so, yes, I do suspect they used every "in" possible, including the Red Cross.
Why wouldn't the Red Cross be trying to hide what was going since we know their track record regarding Haiti and others around the world. I would never trust anything that comes from a Rothschild corporation!
Were they evil before or just recent? I thought they were decent before
Doing a few good deeds to hide all the evil. I would never trust anything a Rothschild was behind. Rothschild means Red Shield as in the Red Cross.
I understand.
Can someone explain why Kim Clement was obsessed with Israel?
I do not know.
Has anyone seen an explanation for the tattoos? Just to number people in the different camps?
No idea.
Is the next page somewhere?
I don't have it if you are looking for it from me. I am sure you can find lots of info though. This part of the history was nothing but a whole lot of lies.
Okay… so Operation Paperclip was a good thing, because the Nazis were the good guys? Is that what everyone is saying now?
I would not conclude that Operation Paperclip was good. Now the U.S took their scientists because of their technology. In that case, good, but importing them here and later, give them senior positions, bad.
Why would you conclude that?
Paperclip was to steal German technology, which I guess would be expected, since all governments are constantly trying to steal technology of everyone else.
"Nazi" was not the name that the German Socialists called themselves. It was a pejorative the jews used, because that word means "idiot." Clearly, they would not have called themselves that. It was used to dehumanize them, as often happens in war ("gook," etc.).
Yes, the German Socialists were the good guys, fighting against the bad guys. As Patton said, once he got to Berlin and met with the German people and the jews, he said, "We fought the wrong enemy." By that, he meant the communists, but he also was repulsed by the behaviors of the jews, and he knew the jews were behind communism.
He ded a few days later. Coinkidink, I'm sure ...
Your logic is faulty. The fact that the Communists were bad did not make the German Socialists the "good guys."
It was more or less a "choose your poison" scenario. Case in point: I once dated a fellow whose father fought in Hitler's army. I was reasonably appalled and asked him why on earth his father would have supported someone like Hitler. He responded, "He thought the communists were worse."
So perhaps it isn't a case of Patton thinking the German Socialists were such terrific people. He -- like my date's father -- may have considered them the lesser of two evils. That's nothing to recommend them.
The jewish communists were not merely bad. They were horrific barbaric people.
Anyone who is fighting such disgusting animals is good in my book, though there is much more to it than that. The Germans really were the good ones. Some of the best in the history of the world, in fact.
BUT ...
YOU would have to actually research the topic to understand why.
Your intereaction with a boyfriend and his father was meaningless because you had a pre-conceived idea of what to believe, and that idea was formed by indoctrination (that we have all been subjected to).
If you were to take the time to understand why so many of us here defend some or all of what the Germans did and were about, you just might have a better understanding of this aspect of history -- AND you would better understand what is going on today in the world.
It's also conceivable that you are a member of a neo-Nazi organization and have a biased opinion of the WW2 German state.
I don't believe my father or any of my uncles who served in that particular war would agree with your assessment. Nor would my mother and aunts who contributed to the war effort manufacturing aircraft, walkie talkies, and other needed supplies.
We can argue the treaty of Versailles until the cows come home. BUT...
In the final analysis, it was Hitler's lust for "Lebensraum" that kicked off the whole shebang on September 1, 1939 when he invaded Poland.
The agressor is always at fault. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
My dad was less aggravated at the Germans because he fought in the Pacific theater. His ire was directed toward the Japanese. My mother hated the Germans until the day she died because she lost friends in that war.
Never believe that because governments sign documents and say that "it's all over" that the hearts and minds of the populace agree. From what I knew of them -- the greatest generation never forgave and never forgot. And I don't blame them.
In case you are unaware of this fact -- history is compiled by interviewing people who lived during the period in which events occured. I challenge you to prove to me that the recollections of your sources are any more valid than the recollections of the many WW2 veterans I have known. They were also there and there is no power on earth that can play games and create revisionist history to make Adolph Hitler's Nazi regime the "good guys".
So now the Red Cross is a truthful organization as long as it goes with the right narrative? Come on MAN!
I don't trust red cross but there's enough info out there about the work camps vs the death camps.
Hard to believe anything anymore. We live in a world of deception!
Only gas being lit is our media
Is is designed to make you give up.
If you do, you are lost.
Oh I'm not giving up, I just don't believe anything coming from a Rothschild Kazarian organization that would love to deny it happened.
The people running the Red Cross back then are long dead now.
Henry Ford started the Ford Foundation, but it has since been taken over by people who Henry Ford would have hated, not only for thier beliefs, but also for how they have used his money to harm the world and do the opposite of what he would have wanted.
Same thing is likely true of most large "charities" today.
This letter is marked strictly confidential. It wasnt widely disseminated to the public and probably was highly compartmentalized within the government itself. Lies of omission are still lies. A devious organization can be truthful with its co-conspirators even as it lies to everyone else.
Not buying it!
That's because you have never investigated it.
Just one of the many photos and my Ex father in law was a witness to the death camps. To say it did not happen is Nazi propaganda. I don't know how many died but there were death camps.
There were no gas chambers, hence they were not "death camps."
Your ex FIL was subject to propaganda, just like the rest of us.
If there were no gas chambers on the German side -- which the allies acknowledged shortly after liberation -- then the FACT is that he could not have seen "death camps." He saw prison camps/labor camps for sure. We had them, too.
Many photos and film footage were faked.
Anne Frank's stepsister on how some of the footage was faked:
Website that shows how some of the photos that you provided were faked:
Emaciation was real, due to the lack of food supplies, due to the Allies bombing train tracks and roads that were used to deliver food and other supplies. The German people were also in bad health.
You see such photos presented to you, and you ASSUME they were from jews held in prison camps.
But you don't KNOW that. Many of the famous photos have very different captions in different books, indicating that whoever published the photos didn't really know what the source of the photos were, or who they were of.
The Germans were bombed into oblivion, and their dead bodies were piled high. There are photos of bodies being pushed around by a bulldozer, BUT that dozer was American. Such photos were taken AFTER the war, and Americans/Brits were pushing the bodies around (to pile them up and bury them, I presume). Plus, some American/Brit was taking the photos that were published. Were these of jews in the camps, OR Germans who were killed in either the British bombings or the American-controlled death camps of Germans after the war was over?
We don't know.
I can't find them offhand, but there are numerous examples of photos that were faked or altered, or of non-jews that were claimed to be of jews in the camps.