From The Vigilant Fox 🦊 X account
No local law enforcement was on the rooftop used by the shooter.
When law enforcement was notified by citizens of the shooter, there was no prompt action at the rooftop to neutralize the shooter.
Local law enforcement failed to initiate active shooter protocol to protect Trump and the crowd.
There was no apparent communication from local law enforcement to the USSS to get Trump to a secure location.
Police snipers on the roof used binoculars to track the shooter's position and did not warn the USSS below to get Trump off the stage.
Police snipers under scope vision allowed the shooter to get set and shoot six rounds at Trump.
A police sniper got off the scope and looked with the naked eye to be sure the shooter had taken his shots and never looked down at Trump.
Finally, a police sniper shot Crooks.
No local police went up on the roof immediately after Crooks was shot to take away his gun and check on his status.
All the while, there was no active shooter protocol, and no warning was given to Trump or the audience.
It was SO obvious that it was an inside job.
White hats make a good movie.
Where real ammo is used and we heard bullets whizzing across...
and a patriot died?
I'm with you. Our opinion around here seems to be the unpopular. Amazes me. Everything around here is movie movie movie. Everyday. Until somethimg really does look like a staged movie. Now we get down voted and shut up. Lol
Have a downvote.
If any doubt existed whatsoever, watch the CNN bimbo try and tell a former sniper and congressman that he doesn't know what he's talking about as she procedurally degenerates through the 5 minutes of the interview.
Don’t you think they were trying to make it obvious to us? They love f*cking with Patriots.
So obvious !
Yes it is obvious - all the ones in power now who are international money traders and those who sell their positions for gold - both Democrat and Republicans.
Trump will expose them all - that's what they are scared of.
Trump 47 b4 11 5 24
…and yet, Trump lives.
Swing at the King and miss and you are truly fucked. That is the position the rats find themselves in. Look for escalation. Its all they have left.
Good situational awareness…carry if you have the tools and training. Spare mags always. Don’t get yourself into a position that you’re cornered.
Get adequate rest. Condition orange and red exhausts you quickly.
Eat well. Drink enough water.
The wife and I both have our get home bags tucked away in our vehicles. I carry but she doesnt like to. She has her permit though so keeps it in the car.
They will start burning their city's again, pathetic 😒
Well they can't burn ours. Last time they tried the same chicanery here they were arrested or bussed out of the state....or shot dead. I love indiana.
This has been my thought but nobody has said anything about it. I would be brilliant. It would unite the country behind him. The DS has already tried so many times and failed, who would second guess another attempt. I mean the Secret Service has been exposed and now all eyes on them. More revelations requiring more transparency.
Its a horrible thought. I don't want to believe it. But it would make sense. I mean we are at war. In war there are an "acceptable amount of casualties" I believe that it was understood that people would get hurt. The methods would not always be desirable.
I have no clue what the truth is; I am not saying this is what happened. I am just saying its plausible but all the brilliant minds on here aren't talking about this one.
I wonder what would be happening right now if god didnt intervene like i believe he did. Scary thought. I wonder if everything still would have been ok. They say ncswic. And they are in control but this didnt look very in control
Thank you LORD!!
Or his clone is, doesn't matter as long as normies think trump is alive.
Wow, you just made me think "what if the man who got shot in the ear Saturday was one of Trump's body doubles?" Would that mean the real Donald J Trump would have to get his ear surgically altered to match the doubles ear??
Think back to the movie "The Prestige", where Christian Bale's character had to lop off one of his fingers to match that of his twin after the pistol trick went awry.
Ground control to Major Tom.
Yeah, I know that, but I was saying "what if...". What would they have done in that instance?
fucking Rothschild dollar whores
It took almost 60 years for the reality behind the JFK assassination - the reality the conspiracy theorists talked about - entered the mainstream
It took almost 20 years for the reality of 911 to enter the mainstream
What how quickly the reality behind the Trump Assassination attempt gets exposed to the mainstream...
frogs at the ready
Well, seems several of our own agree with you. Still, why are you here?
I want to add point 11 in the form of a question:
This just doesn’t add up to me.
I keep wondering about that as well. Ok, you saw him, and you told the police, and then did nothing yourself?
You are expecting that being surrounded by secret service and police that they would neutralize the enemy. I think they are like "hello?? McFly??" and just being in disbelief.. And could you imagine if someone would have shot the guy while he was on the roof, not only would he have been taken out, but you would have too and "they were both republicans" they would say you were a 'multiple shooters' =--= The media only works through headlines, imagine the headlines.
I guess I was picturing subduing, not shooting.
From the video I saw of the people that saw the shooter beforehand, they were on the opposite side of the building that the ladder was set up on. You can't even see the ladder from their vantage point. So what exactly do you expect them to do? Jump onto the roof of the building from the ground?
It also did not seem clear that they saw a gun, they just saw him. It would be pretty reasonable, if you did not see a gun, that the guy was just trying to get a better view. I've seen people do things like that at tons of venues, climbing up on things to get a better view.
In hindsight, sure they could have done more, but had it not turned out to be exactly what happened, any extreme action would seem pretty unreasonable.
Totally me Monday morning quarterbacking. My hope is that we learn from the experience. CONSTANT VIGILANCE! What movie was that from?
Like normal people, they assumed the police and Secret Service do would what they do. They had no idea that they wouldn't.
Looks like all the men of action and hard core MAGA were inside the perimeter.
As expected.
The people outside the perimeter didn't care enough to get in line and get a good seat, and wait several hours.
Some were literally at work across the street and were going to take a break when Trump spoke. And not everyone likes to deal with crowds like that, I've listened to concerts from outside of venues before, it's very common.
Someone in the SS and Police need to come forward and expose who told them to back off. None of this is normal reactions from the USSS or police and I can't believe all there are traitors.
This is a tricky situation. It is possible that the cops who weren't where they should have been got told to move by bad actors pulling rank and could be still getting bullied into silence or bullied into spreading false information. We need all video and audio comms from that day as well as the geolocation and names of everyone and who they were interacting with globally.
People are so quick to stomp on the local guys on the ground and throw them all under the bus. This hit had to have strategic planning that probably involved far fewer bad guys on the ground than most think. They're not all in on it and they all did not do nothing.
I know this was not part of the PLAN. You would think the PLAN would cover better protection for the most hated man in the world by the Cabal! All communications going through the airwaves are captured by one of the intel agencies so if "we have it all", I feel it it time to expose it!
It needs to be brought forth. This event was yuge. People are going to get wrongly accused and the guilty will walk if the whole package isn't declassified soon.
look at how the local cops stood down in Uvalde TX and Broward County FL, while children were slaughtered. i don't trust local LE or local judges, mayors, none of them.
you forgot doctors.
At the very least if they weren't allowed to neutralize the threat, then why wasn't Trump taken to a safe spot because not only was Trump in danger, so were the people around him in the crowd. Of course it was an inside job like we all suspect. How does a quiet 20yo know which building didn't have any police or SS on them. That was the only building and he somehow knew that. He apparently bought the ladder that morning. How on earth would he have known he needed a ladder of a specific height to climb on the middle section of the building that was a lower height. So having established it was an orchestrated hit, who stopped the communication to get Trump off stage. Surely they aren't so in in it and I'm sure they all had radio communication with each other. Too many obvious questions. Too few answers. It's ironic that the FBI who kept the Hunter laptop quiet is supposedly in charge of the attempted Trump assassination. What are the chances of getting a property investigation. If say it's close to 0% unless Congress intervene like Speaker Johnson said he would with Dan Bongino an hour ago on his podcast.
Well, I am smelling a rat also, from the moment I saw the stage footage ... somethings are off ....
However, there is another contingency that must be addressed. Bear with me, and do not respond immediately. taste it, test it.
First: what makes a good movie?
Second, how do you neutralize a trap laid by an opponent?
Third, FISA works both ways.
Q mentioned two items: good actors, and Jason Bourne.
Now, you all will probably have seen the movies. Q specifically mentions deep dream, which is in the fourth installment movie, Jason Bourne.
What about the book by the same name. The original of 1980, set in the seventies. Did you read it? I bet only few have done so. I for one did, and the movies we have seen these last 10years, do not represent the story in the book. And that is of profound import. Even the series starring Richard Chamberlain does not do real credit to the book.
This book, basically, is about one special skill while lacking knowledge: to spring a trap by moving into it. So, please, take a night or two to read it, and reflect on it, especially, this particular item.
And then look at the stage again. How do you spring a trap?
Ok, one thing needs addressing: getting into benefits of one or the other is nice. However, also a distraction as it puts the horse behind the cart instead of in front. Benefits follow actions, not the other way round. Benefits may indicate reasons to do so. But, what appears to be primary driver, may obscure what lies beneath.
Let' s go up there, at 40.000 feet and look around the world. What do you see? Do you see a war being conducted across the financial system? To point you into a direct correlation:
What happened before 9/11 with the airline stock? What happened before the assassination-attempt with $DJT? Shorting?
Someone is loosing big time here. Someone knew beforehand and thought it a wise move to make a quick buck. Instead it became a fiasco. Did you notice Bitcoin's moves? And Ethereum? Up 10%. Slum' s over I guess.
What does the outcome of the attempt have to do with Crypto coins? Makes you go: hmmmm, right?
This brings us to the question: what was the trap? I find it interesting that the idea of assassination was carried by many on the right 12 months ago.
Imagine. When asked about post Trump plans, Q answered there were. And yet, did we not got carried into the egregoire of an Trump assassination? How did we feel about it? Yes, strongly negative. And this is what happens, when such an egregoire gets setup and fueled by emotional energy.
So, it may not have been a trap laid by the DS, but on a different plane, we are are not very aware of.
And this brings me to another Q quote: Combat tactics, Mr Ryan. You perform the act before it can become a bigger uncontrolled thing that succeeds. You cut the head of when it is small.
I am going to decrease altitude to 20.000 feet. So, what did we really see? What did you really see? Can you count?
Who shot first? No, who shot first? This is not about what you think you saw, what you were told you saw, but what you see moving.
I don' t know about you, but I was cut in the ear by the barber. It is a continuous stream that dropped down on my clothing. I grant you, back then, we did not have instant clotting shit. Maybe they do have that, to temporarily dress a wound. Maybe they don not, but the pics I saw, do show a wound already dried up and clotted. No drops on the collar of the white shirt. No blood on the right hand on the inside.
The the actions of the SS on stage. What' s with the hands. Are they using their hands as a solar shield?
And why the wait? O that is right. That is the fist moment, where the head is stationary and clearly visible. IF, there had been multiple shooters, that would have been the moment.
So, basically, the scheme is setup in such a way, it must fail, yet convey a message.
Now, many will point out to the obvious: Trump needed it for political success. My answer is: no. He does not need it. The man draws crowds of such size, that even Stefanapoulos had to correct Biden and say: no contest.
Is there a political advantage to this mess? O yes, for sure. And Trump acted on it, with his fist in the air.
Has Trump played dirty before? Do I have to mention: mar-a-lago and Trump Tower? Do I have to mention that Trump encourages republicans to fight the dems with their own weapons.
And then, Q says: not everything will be clean. ...
Of course not. Enemies beset on all sides, desperate for booty, ....and what then is the best strategy: to lead the opposition[them] yourself.
Poetically it is even described in Ezekiel about Gog of Magog. With hooks in his jaws to be lead down south. O yes, maybe Gog never wanted to to, but the hooks forced him to. See how it works? Lead them yourself.
IF the DS uses blackmail, infiltration, etc, how do you employ these tactics to your advantage? Art of the deal is knowing what elements are bearing upon all parties to a deal.
NATO: pay up, you are delinquent. Otherwise I might not protect you if push comes to shove. You liked that? Those bloody Europeans not paying their fair share, right? And you would be right. But what is this? it is a form of blackmail: pushing the advantage.
And why did it work? Because they were already meddling in Ukraine! Remember Helsinki?
And they thought to hang it around the neck of the US. Remember Burisma? MH17? Those beautiful gas-reserves the EU longs to exploit for internal security reasons?
Expand this into other areas.
prepare to land
Bringing the altitude further down,we get to the point where we indeed have to consider other items, like the apparent functional impediments of the USSS, the Penn police forces, etc. Better look incompetent than guilty?
Was something planned? By all means, it would be very feasible. The chatter is there. So, how do you front run it? u/#q1800
I have to pose the question: is rather looking incompetent than guilty acting appropriate? In order to do what?
Again, the book Jason Bourne gives you the clues.
This leaves another item,tough item to address. Contemplate the Q posts with the phrase: "this is not a game".
Interesting spelling mistake. But, if that is the stake: humanity, we are seeing two dimensions. One dimension is: man himself. The second one, related to that, is the quality of man. And it all comes down to three elements: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
If these stakes are in play, to what lengths is one to go, or allowed to go? If you could save 500 by acting out a play, that costs one his life, would that be morally feasible? What if that life is given willingly? What if you were asked to shoulder this duty, to take a bullet in service to your country, so that others may live in freedom once more, would you?
end result
With this as a framework, look again. What do you see?
I have seen a man become untouchable for a job still waiting to be done. It is akin to what Putin demanded of Zelenski: surrender, or die. And the eastern front slow grind, is a terrible operation to watch,while the situations becomes more and more critical and desperate.
On a different level, if you would want to imbue your constituency with vigor, with vril, virility, life force [Sanskiet: aner], and this goes beyond animation, to make man what man is: manly: full of life! then there was no better stage to perform at. No q post, no rally could have done what this has done.
Going back to the egregoire. This event means that instead of cowering, looking for cover, remaining in the foxhole, there is now another idea that is being fueled.
And all the messaging surround this event, all call for a showing of humanity, not by dead beating the life force, but by transforming it, redirecting it.
Thanks for your time and attention.
Brilliant. You are a gentleman, and a scholar. More of this please! This forum was built by this kind of intellectual vigor, and indeed it is envigorating. TaQo also making good points, although I understand his frustration (having similar feelings myself) he perhaps needs to have some patience with those new to the scene, or that haven't been around for JFK, Reagan, 9/11, Bushes, Clintons, and even Q. For those that didn't have the fortune of following closely to the Q posts as they unfolded live from the beginnig, it's nearly impossible to catch up. I like your approach of patiently and compassionately explaining to these folks what may indeed be, and what likely is, going on.
If I am reading you correctly (and also TaQo), then WH are indeed in control, Trump is insulated, and WH may have intercepted the BH plans (thus explaining why there were still shorts against DJT stock, and why Vince Fusca wasn't too concerned) , then WH clandestinely replaced the "shooter" with one of their own, ensuring Trump's safety, and then the rest was theater? The "shooter" was never actually killed, Trump's "wound" was WWF wrestling, and there were crisis actors rounding out the show. Interesting indeed. What of the dead father though? But, this is the kind of critical thinking we need more of here. Thank you sir.
Interesting theory. Please accommodate:
Here is a drop of blood on his jacket's right shoulder (zoom in). There's some on his hair in various places. The rest of the blood trailed down his face while he was down, except:.
Here is blood across the inside of his right hand one second after he touched his ear.
Within one minute his face had been wiped (there is a photo of the bloody handkerchief). This all looks consistent with a rapid-bleeding wound to the ear.
Perhaps the theory indicates that Trump was not shot but used other means, but we still haven't sufficiently accounted for the death of the fireman or of the shooter, or for the personal risk to Trump allowed.
So, the temperature of a bullet is somewhere around 600F when fired, 150 yards away it will cool quite a bit I'm sure, but still I would assume it would be 450F+ which may cauterize it at the same time maybe? I don't know just a thought.
Dude I hear ya....on several points. But I wonder if pointing things out is detrimental...They're not going to listen anyway. They WON'T read the EOs or see the significance of Bidet renewing them or the REAL Plan going exactly the way it is supposed to....
People are drunk on stupidity and emotion like a bunch of drunk muppets at mardi gras dressed in full regalia screaming Trump - Logic and facts can't compete with that. So I say, those who know and REALLY want to know, already know...and the rest of them - screw it. Let them jerk each other off trying to "figure it all out" - whatever non-starter thing that is...whether it's a "third shooter" or "Crooks" and his library card or whatever.
Make no mistake...there's dumb around these parts's not just libtards. You literally can't argue with stupid. Social media has made them ADDICTED to craic - and they can't stop. Fuck em. Let them waller around in the filth like retarded piglets. Don't get me wrong, I love 'em, but their dedication to stupidity and cognitive dissonance drives me up a wall.
You are quite right. Thank you for the reminder.
Being your own man is quite difficult for some, as the battle between programming and freedom rages.
Personally, I am a realist but also an idealist. I have often noted the amount of rejection that happens when I field unpopular ideas that do not jive with the winds of the day.
It certaintly reminds me of this:
Thanks for posting that drop - love that one.
Rumor becomes possibility, possibility gets popular, popular opinion creates trend, trend becomes too loud to ignore, popular loud trend becomes accepted truth/fact... and here we are.
Above all, how did the Q team let it happen? They've spent seven years telling us they have things under control, then they put Trump in a position to be shot in the head. Was it all a show on a scale we can't comprehend yet?
Yes it was a show
I lived through the aftermath of the JFK assassination, and this is all giving me a strong sense of deja vu.
It's called 'conspiracy' for a reason ...
I said in an earlier post, “dead men don’t talk.” One answer was the SS is on a shoot to kill order. Dan Bongino said later the snipers aren’t SS but local SWAT hired. Most of his body was exposed, but if you orders are wait till shots are fired the shoot to kill, this is what could have happened.
Law enforcement on the rally side of the fence was isolated from the shooter side of the fence area.
LEOs on the shooter side of the fence need extra scrutiny. The secret service gave them the authority to control this area. Are they even local police? It would only take a couple of compromised officers to pull this off.
And why was the even covered live?
Shh... everyone's so emotionally charged they've gone full retard. There's no place here for logic and questioning anything... How dare you consider all possibilities... 🙄🙄🙄
(Why they didn't get to the shooter after people were screaming)
(Listen to shots and watch who moves and when - ignore commentary)
(Military Law... Trump wartime CIC... Logan act et al)
Derek Johnson
Military Law and Orders tells you EVERYTHING you need to know... but too many are ADDICTED to the shin dig, honky tonk, scuttlebutt, emotionally charged "patriotic frenzy" like a bunch of damned CRAIC-HEADS that they can't, won't or refuse to see the REALITY of what's going on.
You need to realize, PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL. PERIOD. All else is absolute HORSESHIT.
EOs, COG plans and military law is in effect. Take responsibility for perpetuating the bullshit NOISE POLLUTION getting patriotic Americans worked up into a frenzy. Just fucking stop already. This is the GREAT AWAKENING - not Facebook. People come here because it's the tip of the spear looking for truth. If you love your neighbor and love this country, think twice about posting bullshit popular OPINION - and post military laws and orders... because the military has been in charge since at least 2015.
"Aww but that's no fun...I want to post about the third shooter and his dad was a therapist..." 🙄🙄🙄
Thank you. I've been attacked on here all week for saying this was a staged show.
So much help, this post has been
Case in point...look at the dv'ing....Total emotional retards. They don't look at how the Biden character has repeatedly renewed EOs and COG directives..,They're addicted to chaos, confusion and bullshit. It's a BOOM WEEK...and all you DVing retards - Patriots are in control whether you like it or not. Those who KNOW (and not guess) are comfy as F right now...
"the military has been in charge since at least 2015" Understand that the evidence of the eye says that if that is the case they are doing as good of a job as the SS did at the Butler rally.
Don't be a "hoser" - He's still alive and well now isn't he? Look what that event did for the movement? It's perfect.
PicRel -
^^^^ Why would they do that? Why would they move the body ASAP after it happened? Why wouldn't they rope it off for a proper forensic investigation?
Like I said...everyone's so emotional they're retarded. They don't WANT to see that everything is going according to the Plan.
It's all going exactly according to the Plan.
What you think Bidet has doubles but not Trump? Pfft...
Maybe American Gladiators is on now...
Better not interrupt the emotional shin dig...maybe there can be like 6 more posts about JFK or there being a 3rd shooter or something? So much for FACTS like EOs en sheit...Let's conveniently ignore them...Funny how nobody can dispute them...just ignore them.
I understand your frustration, but do you not see that you are also quite emotional? Many here have not had the privilege of seeing all the Q posts unfold live since the beginning, or are new here, looking for a place to find some truth. I know not all are necessarily actually frens here, but to make this the haven we all wish for, it might be helpful to act as though this is the case, IMHO fren.
Sure...but one doesn't negate the other.
What do you think is the proper reaction for those who put in the time and effort to read and understand the drops, the EOs and laws when they're met with ignorance?
That's why for the most part, I just sit back comfy and let them get it all out of their system because they're not being logical and any logical ideas thrown their way, except for a select few, is met with severe hostility. You'd think I'd made an off color joke about Jesus or something... it's gotten that bad.
Like hey brother, walk with me and let's consider this idea for a minute - no screw you for even suggesting an alternate idea than the popular narrative - I'm not even going to listen...Uh... okay? Not into verifiable facts then? The big picture? What happened to unity? I'm certainly not going to unify with hysteria...
FYI, I spent essentially Sat night until Sun night awake analyzing and archiving offline - witnessing the narrative changes, the injection of ideas, misdirection, who was doing it and the JFK Jr, Fusca sliding, all sorts of ridiculous false suppositions about a third shooter etc - with no sleep. Here, the chans and other places...In real time. I learned a LOT about a LOT, including human nature.
I've come to the conclusion that a large portion of the population doesn't really want to know what's really going on, what really happened and why. They want the quick fix/answer & I guess I hate that part about humanity if we're being honest because I feel it's that attitude, the lack of open mindedness, persistence and the drive for precise details and excellence that got us in this situation to begin with.
So yeah... back to lampin I guess... until people grow up some.
I have had almost the exact same thoughts, down to it being this kind of thinking that got us into this mess. It's closed-minded NPC-like thinking, which is what we've traditionally felt the other side did, but, as we can see, it's not that simple. Cheers, brother, and thank you for your tireless efforts!
Except by th clown USSS agent who decided to start moving people out of the way a mere 30 s x before the first shot was fired.
Isn't that amazing. One step towards Truth leads to another. Dr. McCullough discovered the Truth about the vaccines. Now on to everything else! Yay!
They won't get away with this one and they know it. SS agents are being threatened behind the scenes not to open their mouth, or they will lose their job (my guess is life). Bongino said this to Tucker and Don Jr.
Biggest thing for me is, if a cop saw the guy and fell off the ladder after the gun was pointed at him. Why wasn't shooter immediately called in via radio and dispatched to the entire team out there that there was an immediate threat? Especially after citizens were calling him out. It makes 0 sense. The SS should have got the comms within 2 minutes to pull Trump off stage. The sniper should have got comms this was an active sniper not on their team. It was obvious to me watching some film from behind Trump that SS did not receive any comms at all, only after the shots did they maneuver. SS near Trump had no comms of a potential sniper after a cop saw him and was threatened. Why?
Also, it all played out in plain view of many witnesses. It took two minutes for the shooter to get in position as witnesses pointed, yelled to police, took videos and no reaction from USSS to rush Trump out of the line of fire? The plan seemed to be let the nerd kid take out Trump, then take out the kid so no questions could be asked of him.
Sounds like the local police were a bunch of Gomers.
I think they were just not up to doing the job. This was in Butler, Pennsylvania. It's a small town of about 13,000 people and has a high poverty rate. They're not hiring the best of the best with the budget they have.
Occam's Razor says they most likely they were just incompetent.
I mean the 6 wild shots part is weird, the close call ear/ headshot and how much of a miracle that he turned to watch a screen at that moment. I shoot I consider my self good aim always was into accuracy and improving I'm not a pro, or expert but 6 rounds of an A R and I would defiantly hit something in the general area body guard or a gut shot anything? Otherwise whats the point. Excuse me if obvious but dosent anyone know if the shot that grazed him was the last shot fired or first 🤔 The show is amazing, I am in awe also like to see how the flip this. I seen tds members already accusing this, " trump set it up as a media stunt"
There was no active shooter protocol because there was no active shooter.
USSS communicated they had "neutralized" the shooter before Trump even stood up.
#5 is because he was not seen with a gun yet.
#6 and 7 may be because they didn't actually have him on scope. There's some trees between those 2 buildings. It might have been because the roof sloped away from the snipers which is what this witness suggests
#9 was because he was shot through the head.
There should have been an active shooter protocol the moment he was seen, as he was seen and reported ahead of time.
He didn't have a gun when he was first spotted.
Didn't even have a bag according to new video that came out.
That's the thing people are missing. Gun only came out just before he climbed onto the roof and fired
Quite some reach you've got there.