This is not the opening or Ru Paul’s Drag Race.
This is the opening of the Olympics.
Catturd's response: Boycotted. (I agree. Go woke, go broke.)
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

are we in the hunger games wtf
That is the goal. Human hunting for sport and entertainment, They live like Gods, peasants get old bread, no guns, no Freedom, their evils normed, etc.
Openly. They’ve already been hunting humans on their private estates.
Yep, which is why the movie was so hyped up. The love to project.
Have you not seen Gaga’s inauguration broach? I think Jill Biden also wore a hunger games broach.
If so those fat ass hog despicable humans would be easily taken out !
They are not humans, they are Satan disciples, things that are corrupting the human world with lies and deception
I can see it and millions more also.. The Holy Spirit is the most powerful force on this earth..
So when the invasion of immigrates start the rapes of your daughters, wives, mothers and children you’ll understand that you allowed all this onto your nation
What you mean "you" who are you speaking to fren ?
I haven't watch the Olympics since 1984
Yeah, I haven't watched the last bunch either. Nor NFL, nor NBA, nor MLB, nor NASCAR. I still watch the NHL. Woke has taken a lot away from me.
I peeled when they kneeled
That makes two of us. That and I realized it was all fixed, I mean come on man! The Saints won the year Katrina hit. GTFOH!
"Kill the head and the body will die"
Yes to fixed. But when 'deep pockets' JKC owned the Redskins in the '80s, we didn't mind so much. Kek
First, you understand that it’s a waste of time.
Then, you understand that you’re rooting for and arguing over laundry.
Later, you notice that the whole thing is both a money laundering operation, as well as a deliberate movement to undermine the businesses of anyone opposed to the money laundering operation.
Professional Sportsball can’t die soon enough.
All rigged
I finally gave it up when that jogger executed Adam Johnson and received a standing O the next time he played.
NHRA. Still on the right side.
And now we're watching 1984 😂
So true
I have never watched it, thanks to our Lord Jesus and his father.
What are the Olympics?
Something we're supposed to lose our collective minds over for several weeks. I've never cared for it; I thought it was a huge waste of time. I never understood why people watched for hours on end. I'm so glad I finally got rid of my tv years ago!
I showed this to my wife, oh boy. Her getting furious is an understatement. It's disgusting, and after I commented Catturds post with "Disgusting. But imo this will wake some people up. Some people tonight will ask themselves: WTF?", I got labeled on X...
Satanic rituals in full swing. Protect yourselves with the Armor of God:
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full ARMOR OF GOD, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full ARMOR OF GOD, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Let's pray:
thank you tool, we can't get enough reminders of this spiritual war. God bless fren.
The "labels" on Twitter are so retarded.
The people who attacked Dr. Disrespect and anyone who so much as wanted the full context before going ham were labeling the latter as pedos.
But then those same people went on to defend Chris Tyson because he's "trans", when we have the full context, and admissions of impropriety from both sides.
Amen. Definitely we are protected by God and his son, he has giving the wisdom that we all need here in GAW.
Looks like fag's are copying last supper. Disgusting
"The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. I don't think it gave life to Orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them ..." (The Return of the King, p. 190)
What a shame.
The Olympic Games are supposed to be a celebration of human athletic achievement and the full capabilities of the human body, combined with a wonderful (and plagiarized) theme song from John Williams.
They turned it into this.
It has been like this since the beginning
Everything else apart, are they trying to make some of the more fundamentalist Muslims now living in France, a lot of them in Paris, to attack the Olympics?
Heh. This looks like an enemy is flaunting themselves in the face of another enemy who also happens to hate them, although the first enemy seems woefully ignorant of that fact. Unfortunately, if the first party causes the second party to do something about the situation the ones who will suffer most will be members of the third group who may be at most useful fools, and a lot for real innocent bystanders may end up caught in the mess just because they happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Thanks for the link.
who seriously gives a fuck about the Olympics. I really don't give 2 shits.
Is that a child, fourth from the left...?
Looks like one.
God will not be mocked.
I was wondering what faggotary we would have this year 😂
The way these transgenders act trying look and act like women ... note to all of you: Women do NOT act like you. We act like women because we are women NOT pretenders!!
Oh course, the Olympics have always been about including the obese
I wasn't going to watch a single minute anyways
Gay Paris
Olympics are just a farce now, in ancient greece the archery event had contestants shooting an arrow through 3 ringed sword pommells, now they shoot a paper target with a high tech precision calibrated bow. Literally 30x easier.
Besides that sad looking lil girl, not a female in sight. They hate real women. Boycotted.
Olympics have always been BORING anyway. Snore.
I have not watched the Olympics since the 80s. Bob Costas used it as his personal show. What a douchebag!
Absolutely disgusting.
If you have to have judges choose who wins, and not some measurable element, it is not a sport. It's time for the Olympics to take another 2200 year hiatus.
Behold their (zim/zee/zer) god
The only thing they refrained from is placing that awkward out-of-place child naked on a platter with an apple stuck in her mouth—
Beyond vomit. They have abdicated the human race.
It gets even better. They showed a threesome being created in the library, with the 2 men and women trading love-related books. They moved to an apartment and shut the door, with no second-guessing as to what was going to happen.
I used to watch these ceremonies with my kids!! (before I figured out what was really happening…)
Hurry get that little girl off the stage! So are there men competing in women’s sports or women competing in men’s this year at the Olympics? It seems out of place. I would think anyone watching would see that.
They also had some dance where children were dancing with a volcano under them (using some kind of glass with the images projected.) I wouldn’t have known what it was supposed to be if they hadn’t explained. The dancers are all died.
Showing us sacrifice…
Ol' limp pedos.
You watch, that fat bastard, jelly belly pritzger will be her pick. That family (look at jb's "sister" if you ever watch family guy and peter's sister, that seems to be based on this fat bastard's life. That family has been pushing this tranny crap and hormone crap on kids.
Let's henceforth dub it the RuPaulympics
The Olympics are an abomination. And so is the LGBTQ movement.
Not surprised, since I saw olympics opening 2012.
Not one minute
they banned russia and belarus I think... not very "unitive"
An atheist acquaintance on my Facebook friends list said the opening ceremony was the best he’s seen. I knew right then the opening ceremony was anything but the best. 🤮
I’m an atheist, but my “spidey senses” were firing throughout this thing as I understand the symbolism. See my comment in this thread and my recent post.
See my recent post and my comments within this post.