I do because they have been having huge revivals there for a while. I just find it interesting that the Christian Iran population is getting some representation
That priest Marni(sp?), the one that was attacked recently. He showed in their “Bible” that Jesus was labeled as the Christ, and messiah. Basically Marni said Jesus was in their Bible the same as in the Christian Bible. The fact that many Muslim don’t recognize this, as he says, is their own self beliefs. Not what is written. Thought that was very interesting.
Jesus (Isa) is mentioned by name 25 times in the Quran. However, he is referred to by other titles and descriptions, such as "Son of Mary" (Ibn Maryam), "Messiah" (Al-Masih), and "Word of God" (Kalimatullah), which add to the total number of references to him.
Here's the breakdown:
Jesus (Isa) by name: 25 times
Son of Mary (Ibn Maryam): 23 times
Messiah (Al-Masih): 11 times
Word of God (Kalimatullah): 2 times
Spirit of God (Ruhullah): 1 time
So, in total, Jesus is referred to around 62 times in the Quran, making him one of the most mentioned figures in the Islamic scripture.
The most mentioned lady in the Quran is:
Maryam (Mary), the mother of Jesus - mentioned 34 times
She is mentioned more than any other woman in the Quran, and her story is recounted in several chapters, including Surah Maryam (Chapter 19) and Surah Al-Imran (Chapter 3).
Other notable mentions of women in the Quran include:
Hawwa (Eve) - mentioned 3 times
Asiyah, the wife of Pharaoh - mentioned 2 times
Sarah, the wife of Abraham - mentioned 2 times
Hajar, the mother of Ismail and wife of Abraham - mentioned 1 time
Ty for this post. Yes I was looking for the video I mentioned earlier with no success, but I did find this video which is very similar to your post. Also by priest Mari.
But in the end, what these people are doing is an affront to everyone, so a show of solidarity between two peoples who would wage holy wars against one another is a powerful one.
I've seen quite a few Muslims gaping at the audacity of that ceremony.
Make no mistake, they want to corrupt and delete Muslim children as well. They are just tools as well.
Not to say I like them as I've been pretty anti-Islamist for years now, but I can acknowledge an ally against a greater and more encompassing evil.
(((They))) want Islam and Christianity to clash while they sit back and relax. The mind programming and geopolitical engineering has been ongoing for decades.
Taqiyya (تقیة) is an Arabic term that refers to the practice of concealing one's true beliefs or identity in order to avoid persecution, harm, or danger. In Islamic theology, taqiyya is considered a legitimate practice in certain circumstances, such as:
Fear of persecution or harm
Protection of oneself or others from danger
Preservation of Muslim life and community
Taqiyya can take various forms, including:
Concealing one's faith or beliefs
Denying or downplaying one's affiliation with Islam or a particular Muslim group
Avoiding discussion of sensitive topics
Engaging in outward actions that contradict one's true beliefs (e.g., attending non-Muslim religious services)
However, taqiyya is subject to strict conditions and guidelines:
It should only be practiced in situations of genuine danger or necessity
It should not involve harming others or engaging in sinful behavior
It should not be used to deceive or manipulate others for personal gain
It should be temporary and limited to the specific situation
Taqiyya is often misunderstood or misinterpreted, but it is an important concept in Islamic ethics and jurisprudence, aimed at protecting human life and promoting peaceful coexistence.
That, plus they also believe Jesus (P’bu) will die and be buried next to the prophet Mohammad and the Mahdi will come, correct all Christians, shatter crosses, and finally establish global caliphate.
I hope that Jesus will relax a little and do a little bitch slapping. I want him to have the biggest grin on His chin, "my dumb stupid silly children, lol" as he corrects anyone He needs to including us
Dayum. 🤣😁💀 Not disagreeing with you but fuck bro they already calling us natzees n shit so maybe tone it down a notch 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣💀. Kek at these downvoters lmao
Who says Iran is the boogie man, oh yea, USA government and US news media, that’s right same two that says Trump is the boogie man and the same two that says that Putin is the boogie man. Hmmmmmm?
Except with the existence of the Qur’an and Islamic idol worship of Allah (rejection of the biblical Triune God of atoning and redemptive salvation history).
Muhammad was raised by Catholics not surprised that he developed strange doctrines.
Muslims choose Jesus at a faster pace than Rome and Jews.
Where have we seen this combo before?
Fatimah Muhammad's mother raised by Roman Catholics.
Islam is not a ancient religion if Muhammad is the Founder.
I know many Muslims. Many are friends.
Muslims admit our Book is True.
Catholics and jews have murdered more Christians than Muslims.
The inquisition and the Russian revolution killed millions of Christians.
Thanks for the correction though.
There is no clear consensus on the religious affiliation of Muhammad's mother, Aminah bint Wahb. However, based on historical records and traditions, it is believed that she was a member of the Quraysh tribe, which was predominantly pagan, worshipping idols and following pre-Islamic Arabian religious practices.
Some sources suggest that Aminah might have had some exposure to Christianity or Jewish influences, as there were Christian and Jewish communities in Mecca and surrounding areas. However, there is no concrete evidence to confirm that she was a practicing Christian.
It's worth noting that Muhammad was born in a multicultural and multireligious environment, and his early life was influenced by various religious traditions. However, his mother's specific religious beliefs and practices remain unclear.
Christianity and Islam both believe in the existance of God (source of everything in this universe) and Lucifer (whose mission is to mislead mankind, which he thinks is unworthy of God's attention, and who God allows his misleading, in order to filter the God-believing/pious).
The main theological difference between Christianity and Islam is that the former, post-Jesus, decided to elevate Jesus to the status of God (or reduce God to the level of a bipedal human) with its 3-in-1-in-3 mumbo jumbo.
See, Islam and Judaism would say that this 3-in-1-in-3 Christian business is affiliating partners to God (Arabic word: Allah). God is perfection and cannot be reduced to the form of a bipedal animal, they would say.
Everything is building towards a multi-faith alliance against the Jewish, Talmudic NWO and its headquarters, Jerusalem, the harlot, the same enemy the beast rises up to destroy in Revelation 17:16.
The beast kingdom will be ushered in under the guise of righteousness and interfaith unity against evil.
So many are already on the path of being decieved by this.
You know the opening Olympic Ceremony has to be really hot trash if Iran condemns it. Just example number 1000 that the WH are in almost complete control.
Additionally in the woke terminology Iran just declared war on France. They are the victim of France’s and have no choice but to go to war now. The points of no return have been crossed.
Iran hangs those who have the proclivity to cross dress from cranes on the regular. But I will add that the optics that a terrorist supporting nation and many in the west are singing from the same hymnal on this one. This deviant, cross dressing, satanic, over sexualizing of our children has been has been preached against in Iran stating that it's the great satan (USA) who is pushing this garbage on the world. They (organizers of the Olympic opening) have over played their hand yet again. The viewership of the Olympics will be like the oscars and golden globes. People are fed up world wide, it's great to see!
I have had friends die due to the armament that they sent to Iraq. I am old enough to remember their terrorist actions either directly or by proxie throughout the world. I also know the USA has skin in the game on some of these action - reaction. Do I want to go to war with them, I do not. I also know several Americanized Iranians. I also know how Iran was before the mullahs took over Iran from the shah so fuck off with your "mind programming"
Fuck off cunt. Another clueless millennial that has zero idea how the world really works. Stick to giving hand jobs at the local truck stop, I hear you're better at it.
Sorry, I dont roll over when someone insults me with a comment like "mind programming" Like it or not, the freedoms we share in the USA were also secured with the blood of fallen soldiers. I know a bit about what I am commenting on. I have been on that continent and share friendship with a lot of folks who lineage is from that part of the world. So, to come off and call everything that is military derived, "zogbot", where do you draw the line? Vietnam, Korea, WW2 ? WW1? George Washington?
To me, that sounds anti patriotic. To completely eliminate from your mind's eye, actions that were committed by the leadership, not the Iranian people, the state government did support terrorist activities and as I clearly stated, I believe the US government has done the same. Am I looking at the action - reaction and would we have done the same? Do I know about the clowns and the countries that they run and the whole alliance of the military industrial machine? I do. That still does not eliminate the fact that they have supported, financed and commenced terrorist activities against their enemies, to include the USA. I am not going to say that the US is the originator of all of this terrorism and that the mullahs were just poor innocent defending their country. There is a ton of wrong on our side as well as theirs. As I have stated, I have friends who went to this area of the world after the attacks of 2001. Not all people are awake to the evil that is our government and I will always support those who have paid the price to defend our freedoms and this country, not it's government, that's just me, but you do you.
freedoms we share in the USA were also secured with the blood of fallen soldiers
US invasion of Iraq did nothing for US citizen freedoms. Every US soldier now realizes that. That was purely a ZOG project to clear Israel's backyard. Killed countless innocent civilians.
Iran helped its neighbor, Iraq, resist and uproot the invaders. Good for them.
Is that "tErrOrIsM"? The insolence and hypocrisy of the ZOG machine is unmatched.
Stop pretending 'islam' and Iran are now a supporter of Christianity. ISLAM IS about Religion BEING THE LAW over Every action of the citizen, and It Demands Punishment for those who do not agree.= Christians. IF the MSM 'reports it' is Is a criminal lie.
Intentionally not supporting antifa in iran on principle, fkers intentionally supporting terror on allies.... Not so principaled. Itan can kiss charlie hebdo's ass and like it.
Jesus is a beloved prophet in Islam. They also believe he'll return at the end times interestingly enough.
That, plus they have a large minority of Christians in Iran, from before Islam.
As was in Syria, Iraq and Libya
They still have some population of Armenian that are Christians and Jews.
Interesting that they called him Christ; I would have expected them to say prophet, or simply Jesus without a title.
I did Nazi that coming from Iran!
I do because they have been having huge revivals there for a while. I just find it interesting that the Christian Iran population is getting some representation
Probably treated better there than in the western world.
That priest Marni(sp?), the one that was attacked recently. He showed in their “Bible” that Jesus was labeled as the Christ, and messiah. Basically Marni said Jesus was in their Bible the same as in the Christian Bible. The fact that many Muslim don’t recognize this, as he says, is their own self beliefs. Not what is written. Thought that was very interesting.
Really? I'd like to see this one for myself. What a pleasant rabbit hole.
Interesting; I'd never heard that before.
Here's the breakdown:
So, in total, Jesus is referred to around 62 times in the Quran, making him one of the most mentioned figures in the Islamic scripture.
The most mentioned lady in the Quran is:
She is mentioned more than any other woman in the Quran, and her story is recounted in several chapters, including Surah Maryam (Chapter 19) and Surah Al-Imran (Chapter 3).
Other notable mentions of women in the Quran include:
Ty for this post. Yes I was looking for the video I mentioned earlier with no success, but I did find this video which is very similar to your post. Also by priest Mari.
In the Talmud he is burning in hell in human waste
Saving Israel for last. For a specific reason
Muslims will also lie lie lie. Taqiyya
But in the end, what these people are doing is an affront to everyone, so a show of solidarity between two peoples who would wage holy wars against one another is a powerful one.
I've seen quite a few Muslims gaping at the audacity of that ceremony.
Make no mistake, they want to corrupt and delete Muslim children as well. They are just tools as well.
Not to say I like them as I've been pretty anti-Islamist for years now, but I can acknowledge an ally against a greater and more encompassing evil.
(((They))) want Islam and Christianity to clash while they sit back and relax. The mind programming and geopolitical engineering has been ongoing for decades.
Popular miscomprehension.
Read up:
Taqiyya can take various forms, including:
However, taqiyya is subject to strict conditions and guidelines:
Taqiyya is often misunderstood or misinterpreted, but it is an important concept in Islamic ethics and jurisprudence, aimed at protecting human life and promoting peaceful coexistence.
That, plus they also believe Jesus (P’bu) will die and be buried next to the prophet Mohammad and the Mahdi will come, correct all Christians, shatter crosses, and finally establish global caliphate.
Kek them dudes are wild man. Big JC gonna have to gently set em straight 😂🤣💀
I hope that Jesus will relax a little and do a little bitch slapping. I want him to have the biggest grin on His chin, "my dumb stupid silly children, lol" as he corrects anyone He needs to including us
Kek! He knows we all jackasses- he had to fuckin die for us dayum. 😂😂😂 good point axe
But Israel won’t call it out. Why?
Oh yeah, because they say Jesus was a bastard child of a Roman soldier and is currently in Hell, boiling in shit.
Greatest ally!
They sure are in for a big surprise!
Which is always funny to me.. because boiling shit would mostly just sterilize it.
Fucking Heb's didn't know shit. Superstitious desert people. They thought the cure for herpes was to sit in a pool with other people.
Clearly they made a deal with the devil... nature should have claimed them by now.
Dayum. 🤣😁💀 Not disagreeing with you but fuck bro they already calling us natzees n shit so maybe tone it down a notch 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣💀. Kek at these downvoters lmao
Da fuk.
I didn't have this on my bingo card.
Still waiting on NK to invade Hawaii. Kek I'm holding out.
Iran right now: “We aren’t even Christian and don’t particularly like them. And even WE thought that was offensive and a step too far.”
I agree with Iran.
You win the keks today, fren.
well played.
Who says Iran is the boogie man, oh yea, USA government and US news media, that’s right same two that says Trump is the boogie man and the same two that says that Putin is the boogie man. Hmmmmmm?
Guess who owns the US Gov and News?
Shhh that's just a cohencidence, move along goy
Muslims have never disrespected CHRIST.
Exactly, they view him as a prophet
Except with the existence of the Qur’an and Islamic idol worship of Allah (rejection of the biblical Triune God of atoning and redemptive salvation history).
Other than that… they’re probably okay.
Muhammad was raised by Catholics not surprised that he developed strange doctrines. Muslims choose Jesus at a faster pace than Rome and Jews. Where have we seen this combo before?
Fatimah Muhammad's mother raised by Roman Catholics. Islam is not a ancient religion if Muhammad is the Founder. I know many Muslims. Many are friends. Muslims admit our Book is True. Catholics and jews have murdered more Christians than Muslims. The inquisition and the Russian revolution killed millions of Christians. Thanks for the correction though.
You're right. His mother was..She raised him he is the founder of Islam. There you go
Where do you get your info from?
It's wrong.
She couldn't be Muslim as she gave birth to the Founder of Islam. I will look into your information. You brought up some interesting points.
"Allah" just means "God" in Arabic. Christians that speak Arabic also use the term Allah.
Food for thought.
The inherent difference is Yahweh vs the devil (religion not terminology)
I think that you're confused.
Christianity and Islam both believe in the existance of God (source of everything in this universe) and Lucifer (whose mission is to mislead mankind, which he thinks is unworthy of God's attention, and who God allows his misleading, in order to filter the God-believing/pious).
The main theological difference between Christianity and Islam is that the former, post-Jesus, decided to elevate Jesus to the status of God (or reduce God to the level of a bipedal human) with its 3-in-1-in-3 mumbo jumbo.
No. Not confused. Allah is an idol. Yahweh is God, 3-in-1, Savior.
See, Islam and Judaism would say that this 3-in-1-in-3 Christian business is affiliating partners to God (Arabic word: Allah). God is perfection and cannot be reduced to the form of a bipedal animal, they would say.
Perfection remains, even among the Trinity, and is not reduced.
Wait...so Iran is on our side?
I think there are a lot of countries breaking free from the satan worshipping pedophile death cult. Iran is one, NK another. China too.
Western civilization has also been under the thrall of this death cult. We too are in the process of breaking free.
I hope people see what’s happening here.
Everything is building towards a multi-faith alliance against the Jewish, Talmudic NWO and its headquarters, Jerusalem, the harlot, the same enemy the beast rises up to destroy in Revelation 17:16.
The beast kingdom will be ushered in under the guise of righteousness and interfaith unity against evil.
So many are already on the path of being decieved by this.
Iran is not allowed to be a part of globohomo because of a 70 year old grudge.
They're not on our side, so much as they're outcast with us.
What are you talking about?
Iranian revolution was ~50 years ago. This is when the globalist hands into Iran were cut off.
Opportunism often knows no boundaries
I found this q-analysis in the comments very interesting considering Trumps famous words a few weeks ago
They know reality when they see it.
and we must not forget the miracle of the lights on that church in the Parisian blackout.
Behold! There is hope.
Miracle? Probably not. Generators are a thing.
Potent symbol brought about by God? I can get behind that.
What a time line when Iran is sticking up for christianity
Good find.. Truth is coming out.
From here on out iran is to be called PERSIA. Words matter. This video was fantastic. I subscribed to his channel. Such professional presentation.
The original post from @BRICSinfo : https://nitter.poast.org/BRICSinfo/status/1817606487507685770
You know the opening Olympic Ceremony has to be really hot trash if Iran condemns it. Just example number 1000 that the WH are in almost complete control.
The Iranians know who's really behind that deplorable shitshow
"It will be biblical"
how bad is it when a religion that hates christianity is like "hold up, y'all did jesus wrong" that's got to be a shocker for anyone.
Iran is next.
Also, Christianity is booming in Iran currently.
Why do I see this as a sign that we are getting closer to the real precipice?
Why am I seeing this as them mocking Christianity?
Appear weak when strong?
Many things going on but is it a trap to lead the alpha predator into a corridor?
I see men salivating for their prey.
Additionally in the woke terminology Iran just declared war on France. They are the victim of France’s and have no choice but to go to war now. The points of no return have been crossed.
Iran hangs those who have the proclivity to cross dress from cranes on the regular. But I will add that the optics that a terrorist supporting nation and many in the west are singing from the same hymnal on this one. This deviant, cross dressing, satanic, over sexualizing of our children has been has been preached against in Iran stating that it's the great satan (USA) who is pushing this garbage on the world. They (organizers of the Olympic opening) have over played their hand yet again. The viewership of the Olympics will be like the oscars and golden globes. People are fed up world wide, it's great to see!
You need to unlearn your mind programming.
I have had friends die due to the armament that they sent to Iraq. I am old enough to remember their terrorist actions either directly or by proxie throughout the world. I also know the USA has skin in the game on some of these action - reaction. Do I want to go to war with them, I do not. I also know several Americanized Iranians. I also know how Iran was before the mullahs took over Iran from the shah so fuck off with your "mind programming"
Your friends who were ZOGBOTs in Iraq? Yeah okay.
Fuck off cunt. Another clueless millennial that has zero idea how the world really works. Stick to giving hand jobs at the local truck stop, I hear you're better at it.
You need to stop insulting people that don't share your worldview. It's childish behavior. You can do better.
Sorry, I dont roll over when someone insults me with a comment like "mind programming" Like it or not, the freedoms we share in the USA were also secured with the blood of fallen soldiers. I know a bit about what I am commenting on. I have been on that continent and share friendship with a lot of folks who lineage is from that part of the world. So, to come off and call everything that is military derived, "zogbot", where do you draw the line? Vietnam, Korea, WW2 ? WW1? George Washington?
To me, that sounds anti patriotic. To completely eliminate from your mind's eye, actions that were committed by the leadership, not the Iranian people, the state government did support terrorist activities and as I clearly stated, I believe the US government has done the same. Am I looking at the action - reaction and would we have done the same? Do I know about the clowns and the countries that they run and the whole alliance of the military industrial machine? I do. That still does not eliminate the fact that they have supported, financed and commenced terrorist activities against their enemies, to include the USA. I am not going to say that the US is the originator of all of this terrorism and that the mullahs were just poor innocent defending their country. There is a ton of wrong on our side as well as theirs. As I have stated, I have friends who went to this area of the world after the attacks of 2001. Not all people are awake to the evil that is our government and I will always support those who have paid the price to defend our freedoms and this country, not it's government, that's just me, but you do you.
US invasion of Iraq did nothing for US citizen freedoms. Every US soldier now realizes that. That was purely a ZOG project to clear Israel's backyard. Killed countless innocent civilians.
Iran helped its neighbor, Iraq, resist and uproot the invaders. Good for them.
Is that "tErrOrIsM"? The insolence and hypocrisy of the ZOG machine is unmatched.
Who in the Iranian government said this? The national leader? An ambassador?
Stop pretending 'islam' and Iran are now a supporter of Christianity. ISLAM IS about Religion BEING THE LAW over Every action of the citizen, and It Demands Punishment for those who do not agree.= Christians. IF the MSM 'reports it' is Is a criminal lie.
Muslims would probably be lopping heads by now. Jus sayin
Intentionally not supporting antifa in iran on principle, fkers intentionally supporting terror on allies.... Not so principaled. Itan can kiss charlie hebdo's ass and like it.
All yall stood with charlie hebdo when it was someone else's book fanclub.
Intellectual consistency. Get some.
Why does Trump keep suppporting Israel?
Long poker game.