NOT ONLY are the gloves off, BUT, GITMO IS NOW OPENED FOR BIZNESS...whoever trifles with this election is facing charges so heinous that they will die in prison...or shot...or hanged...or take a ride on OL' SPARKY!!!!!!!!!
AND they will NEVER see the shores of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGAIN!!!!!
My dudes, take a second and imagine how it will feel to know Obama is sitting in a jail cell. I can almost taste how sweet the vindication will be. To all those people that looked at me like I was crazy when I tried to explain what was really happening
I volunteer. I can make quick work of it. Thousands or tens of thousands. No problem. I'll do a tour at GITMO. Just line em up and ill get to work. Only accommodation I'll need is belt fed ammo, preferably on a M240B. My finger will go numb loading that many magazines. But a 7.62 to each dome will make quick work of this task. Just need several others in order to carry out shift work and many many many mortuary affairs specialists. But we got this.
This is the RINO mentality that got us in this position. The King of England didn't expect if from our forefathers. Yet here were are. I didn't make the rules but lll damn sure happily enforce them for what they've done to our country, our families, our children and our wealth. I would not bat an eye. Obviously I would not be lucky enough to get to carry out the justice phase but I can certainly dream. You can sit this one out if it makes you uncomfortable. It does not make you any less of a fren.
Just when you think you couldn't appreciate DJT more, he writes this.
I know we are a great country but I'm starting to wonder if we really deserve this guy. I mean it has to be Gods grace that we have this chance and aren't Sodom and Gomorrahified to a crisp instead.
Let them commit the crime. Show the people their actions in real time. Many now know how evil these people are. When justice comes, the majority will understand. Hammer time soon?
We let you steal it in 2020, because letting you think you got away with it was the only real way to wake up America and build the greatest sting operation in the history of the world.
I hear you, and I can sympathize. However, I do think it's important to learn to recognize and control our emotions. Emotions are a BIG part of psychological warfare, not to mention spiritual warfare.
I think that the goal has never been to remove the sheep, or even the vast majority of sheep. Lots of historical studies (studies of historical facts) indicate that in most of the pivotal situations, it has been only a tiny majority that directed where things headed. Cases in point: the American revolution, the Russian revolution, etc.
From a narrative perspective, we are light years ahead where we were four years ago, in terms of numbers of people more awake, very much in terms of the penetration of significant narratives into the broader public mainstream: human trafficking, JFK, media corruption and corrupt govt control.
The sheep will follow because they are sheep. The last four years have been about wresting the external "top of the hill" from the Deep State cabal and putting it in to the hands of the Patriots. The signs of DS disarray are everywhere, if you can learn to recognize them. And the signs of Patriot superiority, in terms of who is controlling the flow, are abundant.
I recommend focusing on those things, and not on the sheep. The sheep are not who drive the direction of the flock.
People that only follow MSM that do not follow Trump will be in for a rude awakening! Many do not understand that the world has changed and believe it's business as usual!
So...why is it that this wasn't done in 2020? From what I remember, they couldn't come up with many names of people who were caught cheating.
And how are we supposed to jail all these people who are cheating, when there are millions and millions of people doing it? We're going to have to build more prisons (quick!) and hire thousands and thousands of people as guards and such. So now we're spending even more tax payer money on government stuff.
Publicly for Ruby Freeman please. The most visually blatant aspect of the 2020 steal needs to be turned into the most visual warning to anyone contemplating election fraud.
It seems like,
Justice will be served
When the cheaters realize...
And they see real justice coming... u/#trumpstorm
I hope they are curled up in a corner sniveling like the weaklings that really are...
Do we have that much rope?
Rope is reusable as long as it's thick enough to handle the weight
I eh, I know. I was being facetious.
he just posted this on X!
How do you punish treason?
Hanging until dead.
I'll allow it!
"Make it so."
Public execution
24 hours as a wind chime, then another 24 hours as a bird feeder
Dump the compost in a landfill, no names, no plaque.
from the top to the local level, a statement needs to be made.
They were warned....
Gloves are now off.
NOT ONLY are the gloves off, BUT, GITMO IS NOW OPENED FOR BIZNESS...whoever trifles with this election is facing charges so heinous that they will die in prison...or shot...or hanged...or take a ride on OL' SPARKY!!!!!!!!!
AND they will NEVER see the shores of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGAIN!!!!!
Excellent delta
I wish these damn links worked on mobile
My dudes, take a second and imagine how it will feel to know Obama is sitting in a jail cell. I can almost taste how sweet the vindication will be. To all those people that looked at me like I was crazy when I tried to explain what was really happening
Also updooted - can't wait! Need video proof!
When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.
Don’t forget the media cucks.
Firing squads needed put your application in now
Do we need to supply our own ammo? Asking for a fren...
I volunteer my copius supply of ammo and my time.
I volunteer. I can make quick work of it. Thousands or tens of thousands. No problem. I'll do a tour at GITMO. Just line em up and ill get to work. Only accommodation I'll need is belt fed ammo, preferably on a M240B. My finger will go numb loading that many magazines. But a 7.62 to each dome will make quick work of this task. Just need several others in order to carry out shift work and many many many mortuary affairs specialists. But we got this.
Wouldn't expect this from a G.A. Sounding just like "THEM".
This is the RINO mentality that got us in this position. The King of England didn't expect if from our forefathers. Yet here were are. I didn't make the rules but lll damn sure happily enforce them for what they've done to our country, our families, our children and our wealth. I would not bat an eye. Obviously I would not be lucky enough to get to carry out the justice phase but I can certainly dream. You can sit this one out if it makes you uncomfortable. It does not make you any less of a fren.
C before D?
This is a major warning shot.
Yes and it is ample time to heed this warning as it is September.
Indeed. AND, also for 2020. We have it all.
Sounds like there’s a PLAN!
Indeed there is a plan and we are starting to see how the sting operation is unfolding.
Just when you think you couldn't appreciate DJT more, he writes this.
I know we are a great country but I'm starting to wonder if we really deserve this guy. I mean it has to be Gods grace that we have this chance and aren't Sodom and Gomorrahified to a crisp instead.
I know. Feel this way many times. What did we do to deserve DJT...
I've rarely been so happy to updoot a thread, but here I am, happy! Kek!
THIS is the tweet I've been waiting for.
Wowza! He’s warning them bigly!
Let them commit the crime. Show the people their actions in real time. Many now know how evil these people are. When justice comes, the majority will understand. Hammer time soon?
This makes me think the hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments are for election frauds and cheaters.
We let you steal it in 2020, because letting you think you got away with it was the only real way to wake up America and build the greatest sting operation in the history of the world.
You won't get away with it again.
I almost feel like the last four years of suffering was for nothing because there's STILL sheep asleep all over the place.
I hear you, and I can sympathize. However, I do think it's important to learn to recognize and control our emotions. Emotions are a BIG part of psychological warfare, not to mention spiritual warfare.
I think that the goal has never been to remove the sheep, or even the vast majority of sheep. Lots of historical studies (studies of historical facts) indicate that in most of the pivotal situations, it has been only a tiny majority that directed where things headed. Cases in point: the American revolution, the Russian revolution, etc.
From a narrative perspective, we are light years ahead where we were four years ago, in terms of numbers of people more awake, very much in terms of the penetration of significant narratives into the broader public mainstream: human trafficking, JFK, media corruption and corrupt govt control.
The sheep will follow because they are sheep. The last four years have been about wresting the external "top of the hill" from the Deep State cabal and putting it in to the hands of the Patriots. The signs of DS disarray are everywhere, if you can learn to recognize them. And the signs of Patriot superiority, in terms of who is controlling the flow, are abundant.
I recommend focusing on those things, and not on the sheep. The sheep are not who drive the direction of the flock.
Don’t forget to prosecute everyone involved in The Big Steal of 2020.
They've been duly warned. Trump and patriots ain't playing. Now let the treasonous swamp creatures FAFO.
Que the mass shootings.
Remember. This. Day.
POTUS threw down the Gauntlet. HISTORY.
People that only follow MSM that do not follow Trump will be in for a rude awakening! Many do not understand that the world has changed and believe it's business as usual!
...addendum And anyone who votes and is illegal will forever be banned from citizenship .
If he says this, he means it! This is it
damn, my man is going full scorched earth
So...why is it that this wasn't done in 2020? From what I remember, they couldn't come up with many names of people who were caught cheating.
And how are we supposed to jail all these people who are cheating, when there are millions and millions of people doing it? We're going to have to build more prisons (quick!) and hire thousands and thousands of people as guards and such. So now we're spending even more tax payer money on government stuff.
You're right... no prison for these countless people.... EXECUTION
For one thing, the decades-old consent decree forbidding the Republican Party from filing election lawsuits was still in effect. Now it's not.
What decree?
Here's a post about it:
Had to be that way, now will be the military way.
Publicly for Ruby Freeman please. The most visually blatant aspect of the 2020 steal needs to be turned into the most visual warning to anyone contemplating election fraud.
President Putin said: "Only God can forgive, I am just the one who is bringing the souls to him." (This is the quote as I recall it, not the original)
This justice must start with the criminal MSM.