Sean 'Diddy' Combs Placed on Suicide Watch While Awaiting Trial But Mental State Unclear, Sources Say (Exclusive)
Combs is being held at Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center after being denied bail twice following an indictment on sex crimes against him
Hey I’ve seen this one before.
What? Are we still doing reruns? I was expecting a new season with some new content by now...
You must admit Haitians eating cats was fresh material.
Yeah, but I’m waiting for Barbecue to enter the scene and really make a splash!
Its rabbit season here ! I could put one on my barbecue and it would look like a cat ?
To be fair, after last seasons cliffhanger of haitians eating humans, it does really feel like a bait and switch.
And don't forget the exploding pagers.
Cruising down Epstein Avenue with the wind in his hair.
They cant do the same script tho, its gonna be something even more ridiculous and not at all suspicious...
Yes they can, watch them do the same exact shit and the sheep won’t bat an eye
No, you can't have your phone Mr. Diddy, but here is a Motorola pager you can use ....
Keklarious! 📟💥
diddy did Not commit suicide.
Copped a deal and went into witness protection.
With his 'info' on the oprah, obama, clinton criminals and a hundred more in hollywood, i see no where for him to run.
You may have misunderstood the deal... The deal from the government would be for them to get all the blackmail material so they could use it, and stipulate to his victims that if something happens to him it will happen to them as well. I am confident the CIA is salivating over this additional cache of blackmail info.
Wonder if the security cameras work...
Not 'this week'.
well, most do, just not the ones we need to have work...
To be precise, exactly 99 out of 100 cameras work perfectly, but one shut down seconds before he killed himself!
I just read it as whiteness protection…are there meds for that ?
Diddy Didn't (Suicide himself).
Perhaps we should start a go fund me to provide the latest security cameras that don't "malfunction" at exactly the right moment?
Can we send some go pros?
Kek! Even if we did, we could never match the trillions that would be on his head & even if we could Biden would pull a Trudeau & steal our money
If they Epstein Diddy, I believe it will open the flood gates of the DOJ's involvement in suiciding potential threats to their operations. 👿
I don't know how the flood gates haven't opened yet...Nevermind, our whole govt has been taken... Forgot that little detail.
Definitely open everybody’s eyes
I’m not surprised about this. he’s literally been on drugs and drinking alcohol every day for the last 25 years? This is going to be a huge come down, From being P. Diddy, the head of the rap industry and the head of the rape industry too a 6x6 cell - how many days has it been now? Three? he’s coming down hard, he’s gonna have to be sober, and look himself in mirror and see the real evil that he is. Not to mention all the MK ultra brainwashing. he definitely is going to be having some serious mental issues, but if he ends up dying in custody… We all know, he didn’t kill himself!
i hope the diddler and r kelly become cell mates.
They misspelled suicided watch.
HRC may have been the articles ghost writer.
Here we go
I bet that within 48 hours, he'll be dead.
Make sure the cameras stay on. Watch the bank accounts of the guards.
Give the guards some No-Doze so none of them fall asleep on the job.
In a perfect world
They want to "watch" someone help him commit "suicide", whether he wants to or not
Get those guards some coffee, don't want them falling asleep
lemme guess.... overworked security guards and a cell camera that was forgotten to be turned on and no witnesses to anything.... and then poor diddy will be deaddy!
So they’re about to whisk him out of there after both guards fall asleep on cue and all the cameras simultaneously malfunction?
Man ever since Katt Williams talked about Diddy it’s been one big habbening after habbening for Diddy… first the Cassie lawsuit and now this
When they pull the body out on a stretcher, the ears and nose will not look like Diddys.
Tell us you're gonna have him k!lled without telling us you're gonna have him k!illed.
People in his line of business supposedly have a Deadman switch
the amount of people shocked by this: 0
Ahhhhh, ahhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhh, Arkancided! Excuse me, I snezed!
It’s going down like this. The FBI was interviewing Diddy and showing him the evidence of 1000 bottles of baby oil. A couple of bottles feel on to the floor, broke, and leaked all over. Just when that happened, Diddy got up off his chair and slipped on the oil on the floor. As he was going down, he hit his head hard on the table, thus killing him. It was an accident.
Ahhh, Brooklyn's MDC...isn't that one of the most "suicide-prone" holding facilities in the country?
P Diddy didn't kill himself....
Suicide watch is similar to death row but with a shorter wait time.
Diddy didn't kill himself
Ive always heard that prisoners don't take kindly to child molestors.
So this is where Killary comes into the picture.
Money will buy him all the friends he needs. Pedos with cash do fine in Prison. But I'd bet on he'll be suicided.
Or maybe he'll make bail on appeal (send mo money), then have a car wreck - plane crash - heart attack - overdose - ..... whatever. Spend time with Epstein, wherever that is
Hope the money & fame were worth its. Almost time to meet your maker. I'd be crapping myself.
Here we go again.,
I'm waiting for the cameras to mysteriously fail.
Hmmm, will they rapstein Diddy?
They gonna Epstein this mfer.
Some possible future news headlines of P Diddy's demise:
Are there more?