Exactly this. It's extremely hard for me to trust anyone in politics. Ive heard so much lip service, words mean nothing to me. I want to see their actions.
I couldn't agree with this more. What makes Trump so awesome, among other things, is the fact that he's NOT a politician, refuses to speak/doubletalk like one and actually does mean what he says and follows thru on it. Case in point, his inauguration speech. At the time, it was just words, like every other politician making a riveting speech. But Trump kept his promises and delivered exactly what he said.
Also Trump, unlike Vance, actually DID SOMETHING IN HIS LIFE. Actually built things. Like places for people to live and work.
So sick of politicians who have never done anything but talk, manipulate, etc. Not a damn clue how to build and maintain civilization, but boy they sure all know how things should be.
Until JD came on the scene as VP I was concerned there would be no one to carry on after Trumps second term. He appears to be eminently qualified for the job.
From construction supervisor I know well, illegals take no pride in their work and it makes a difference. Also, there's a lot of theft of tools and supplies and communication is a huge problem.
The Legal immigrants tend to care more about their quality of work than the illegal immigrants. I've been in construction for 47 years and I made the same money in the 80's as I do now. The difference is my purchasing power is way lower. A$600,000 house now could have been bought for $128,000 back then. Illegal immigration has destroyed wages and the developers don't care because their profits have increased
All the trash left at the border is a prime example of disrespect for our country, add to that murders, rapes, thefts all prove that they don’t want to leave their country for asylum here. They are here for freebies.
This is why building processes, and subsequently what gets built, is of lower and lesser quality, year by year, decade by decade. Cookie cutter Revittowns with no soul, because they're designed with dropdown menus in CAD, built with "value engineering" processes, bought and sold for (((profit))), etc.
Developers care about nothing but skimming money off the process. Just like bankers. And a lot of those developers are WHITE MEN who don't feel ANY solidarity with their own people. All they care about is their boat, their vacation house (or cluster of them), etc.
But there will be war.
It might take some time but eventually all those who would find themselves living outside of the major metropolitan areas will find their needs ignored.
They will be forced to produce everything needed to feed and house the useless eaters living in the cities and not be compensated for it.
They will revolt.
Racist pricks like this interviewer really piss me off.
"Oh, all the illegals are working important jobs, what happens after you deport them?"
Moron, the reason they get hired is because they get paid under the table. If you remove the illegals, then those companies hiring them will be forced to hire citizens and pay them correctly, and stop defrauding the country.
She knows nothing but how to be a talking head for the NYT. She gets paid to fulfill a propaganda function. All she knows is the talking points she knows will secure her career and let her move to the next rung on the ladder.
"Honesty" is a concept so far outside that model, it boggles the mind.
This woman makes my blood boil. My husband employed 9 people 25 years ago. When the economy went to shit in 2004-2008 he never recovered his carpentry business because the builders were hiring illegals and he could not keep his work force and pay them a living wage. Think about that. It was 20 years ago. Also imagine the heartbreak of laying off 7 people one at a time over a period of years,
I’m a home builder. Been in construction my whole life. Vance hit the nail on the head. But, there is another problem. And that’s that people just don’t wanna work anymore. Esp manual labor that makes ya hurt everyday. We get paid garbage compared to other places of business. I could leave this job right now, 4th generation builders in my family, and get a better job with very little time investment. The reason I know this is because I lead my sons away from this line of work. Why do this, when you can do a job that’s amazingly easier and safer, for more money, benefits, insurance, commodities. And currently one son is already making nearly twice what I make, and he’s barely into his 20’s. Being self employed is a really good job for drug heads. No piss test. Seriously. This is who mostly comes into this line of work. They don’t show up on Mondays because of their weekend. They don’t show up on Friday because the weekend already started. They will hound you for their paycheck tho. Which is nearly half of what Walmart would pay you. This whole situation around construction and self employment is crazy right now. And has been for a time. And on top of that, contractors are just charging ridiculous prices now. We are having to adjust subcontractors every 3 months because they are going up so fast. Whose gonna fix that problem? Houses have went up near $30 a sq ft this last year. In a year! We used to see maybe a $5 at most. As for instance, the other builders on my area used to be around $15 higher than us per sq ft on average. Fast forward 2 yrs. They are over $100 per sq ft higher than us now. It’s insane. We don’t rob people like that. So what’s gonna stop this insane price gouging? Competition? Then we’re back to the worker problem. Not enough people want to work. And nowhere near qualified people to do the jobs. Mike Rowe knows this situation best. We are way past the red levels. We’re in the black.
Its not just construction. Pretty much any part of economy where human labour (hard work, or fine work) is very important, is becoming impossible to afford and sustain. The real reason for this is the Fed based beast slavery financial system we are in, where as more money is printed, it dilutes the real value of everything, including human labour, and replaces it with fake valueless commodities.
In this system, its much more safer to be earning lots more money in a cushy job than doing hard work, and its by design. They are literally stealing from our labour by devaluing it.
The only catch is that, all the cushy jobs, the more money they earn the less real value they create, and more deeply embedded into the beast illusion. When the crash comes, these are the ones who will be hit hard.
Those who have physical labour skills are the ones who can continue to feed themselves whereas the ones in the corporate job will be in the street on their backs with no way of earning a living.
You will see the truth in this not too far away from now. I myself am dreading the coming changes (in a good way though) because I am not a builder or tradie and i know I will be hit harder. But its the mindset that matters. Once we are willing to switch back into "real economy" with real work and creating real products, and willing to do what it takes to learn new skills and work hard, we will be fine.
People like you, however, will have a great advantage. You should definitely make sure your kids learn some skills from you even if they dont go into your line of work.
So what’s gonna stop this insane price gouging? Competition?
Again, by design. Its impossible to fix the prices with good competition because we are not in a free market. Workers are a problem, by design. Good equipment is expensive, by design. You have to outsource everything, buy cheap chinese crap and hire illegal immigrants paying them slavery wages. By design.
Its all going to implode and its going to be so spectacular, and its going to make a lot of heads explode.
Yeah, but its not enough to know the issues, its also important to deliver them in small pills packed with punch, without letting it devolve into a long argument. Very hard to do. This guy does it really well.
In Utah, can't speak for other states.
Mr. A. - Illegal Alien with wife and 4 kids
Mr. B. - US Citizen with wife and 4 kids
Both work construction, both make $20/hr, both on Welfare.
Mr. B - Welfare at limit - wages earned via Tax forms = fractional welfare assistance
Mr. A - Welfare at limit - pays NO Taxes = maximum Welfare assistance
How about we put American's FIRST, and kick out every illegal alien? Every last one, man, women and child.
Also, the developer hiring the illegals show a higher profit margin because the wage load is offloaded onto taxpayers. And therefore that feeds back into the economic data as "higher profits." It simply ignores the externalized costs of the model.
Easy answer. They don't know how to work with their hands. Making something with your own hands and loving the finished product is not in their wheelhouse.
Definitely. If he is a controlled opposition, atleast he is a great one! My only fear is that the Zionists pushed him to make sure Trump does not backstab the Zionists when the time comes.
But I like the guy so much that I do hope he is a double agent (or is it triple) and he is actually gonna give the finger to the Zionists when the time comes, and whatever they think they have on him turns out to be a dud.
I had analyzed this after the first assassination attempt, and subsequently he has been saying all the Zionist Israel/Iran rhetorics further confirming this.
Its more accurate to say He was a "Zionist pick" rather than he has Zionist links
He is the Zionist's insurance policy if Trump turns against them after elections and renege on escalating the war against Iran, and giving them the WW3.
The lies of that sallow manipulative mendacious demoness left me feeling I need a salt bath, a sauna, and a full liver detox.
But Vance's easy handling of her, and good humor in doing so, is a tonic.
When she said she "wasn't supporting illegal immigration," coming seconds after saying we can't have houses without illiegal immigration...good gravy. No matter how much you hate the media, and journalists, you don't hate them enough.
Yeah, it really makes you feel like you spread honey all over your body and stand in a field of ants. Great respect for Vance who can not only listen to this crap but keep his calm and knock them out of the park.
I think he enjoys this almost as much as Donald Trump does! And, he's very, very good at it!
So smooth, but not fake-smooth like Fauxbama. Relaxed, in control, in command.
This guy doesn't falter or get flustered. He is unflappable.
Imagine him after four years under the wing of Donald Trump.
I'm cautiously optimistic with him.
He has the verbal ability, but I need so see how he demonstrates his actual positions going forward.
Been burned too many times throughout recent years.
Exactly this. It's extremely hard for me to trust anyone in politics. Ive heard so much lip service, words mean nothing to me. I want to see their actions.
I couldn't agree with this more. What makes Trump so awesome, among other things, is the fact that he's NOT a politician, refuses to speak/doubletalk like one and actually does mean what he says and follows thru on it. Case in point, his inauguration speech. At the time, it was just words, like every other politician making a riveting speech. But Trump kept his promises and delivered exactly what he said.
Also Trump, unlike Vance, actually DID SOMETHING IN HIS LIFE. Actually built things. Like places for people to live and work.
So sick of politicians who have never done anything but talk, manipulate, etc. Not a damn clue how to build and maintain civilization, but boy they sure all know how things should be.
We didn't even understand the depth of his Inauguration Speech at the time...
Until JD came on the scene as VP I was concerned there would be no one to carry on after Trumps second term. He appears to be eminently qualified for the job.
And young enough to bring the energy required
"It is a disgrace and it has led to the evisceration of the American middle class."
Plus, if the illegals are "needed" for the jobs they can come back in legally.
Good point
From construction supervisor I know well, illegals take no pride in their work and it makes a difference. Also, there's a lot of theft of tools and supplies and communication is a huge problem.
The Legal immigrants tend to care more about their quality of work than the illegal immigrants. I've been in construction for 47 years and I made the same money in the 80's as I do now. The difference is my purchasing power is way lower. A$600,000 house now could have been bought for $128,000 back then. Illegal immigration has destroyed wages and the developers don't care because their profits have increased
All the trash left at the border is a prime example of disrespect for our country, add to that murders, rapes, thefts all prove that they don’t want to leave their country for asylum here. They are here for freebies.
The Mexicans are definitely different than Venezuelans. The class of immigrants deteriorates the further south they migrate from
I work in the trades and I can confirm that the large majority of the invaders in the trades do shit work.
Unfortunately, a large amount of American trade worker do shit work too. We need to build back some pride, morals and ethics into our men and women.
This is why building processes, and subsequently what gets built, is of lower and lesser quality, year by year, decade by decade. Cookie cutter Revittowns with no soul, because they're designed with dropdown menus in CAD, built with "value engineering" processes, bought and sold for (((profit))), etc.
Developers care about nothing but skimming money off the process. Just like bankers. And a lot of those developers are WHITE MEN who don't feel ANY solidarity with their own people. All they care about is their boat, their vacation house (or cluster of them), etc.
He is going to make a helluva president one day.
If GEOTUS does not get elected ,there will be no more republican president's ever again.
But there will be war. It might take some time but eventually all those who would find themselves living outside of the major metropolitan areas will find their needs ignored. They will be forced to produce everything needed to feed and house the useless eaters living in the cities and not be compensated for it. They will revolt.
GEOTUS will be elected, though, so don't worry. This is all almost over.
I'm sensing this too. I still worry of course, but I'm PRAYING, and that is our most powerful weapon.
If the whole bribery and threatening people into compliance is removed from society, possibly. How do we decentralize our presidents kek
JD knows his stuff.
He articulates it well.
I love how he cuts them so skillfully that they don't even realize they are bleeding.
Nailed it. And he does it pleasantly.
I'd be happier if "our side" just cut off the legacy media altogether.
They wouldn't get ANY clicks if it weren't for Trump and his followers. They'd bleed out on the ash heap of history.
you cannot hate reporters enough!!! she makes a false premise and expects JD to accept it... he knew better and left her better dish untouched!
Racist pricks like this interviewer really piss me off.
"Oh, all the illegals are working important jobs, what happens after you deport them?"
Moron, the reason they get hired is because they get paid under the table. If you remove the illegals, then those companies hiring them will be forced to hire citizens and pay them correctly, and stop defrauding the country.
They are so intellectually dishonest.
Gotta hand it. I dunno how Vance stays so calm in the face of such retardedness.
She's not being dishonest, though.
She knows nothing but how to be a talking head for the NYT. She gets paid to fulfill a propaganda function. All she knows is the talking points she knows will secure her career and let her move to the next rung on the ladder.
"Honesty" is a concept so far outside that model, it boggles the mind.
This woman makes my blood boil. My husband employed 9 people 25 years ago. When the economy went to shit in 2004-2008 he never recovered his carpentry business because the builders were hiring illegals and he could not keep his work force and pay them a living wage. Think about that. It was 20 years ago. Also imagine the heartbreak of laying off 7 people one at a time over a period of years,
Its all by design, its a slavery financial system that destroys anything of real value and replaces it with fake stuff. And its coming to an end.
I wrote a longer comment here
I’m a home builder. Been in construction my whole life. Vance hit the nail on the head. But, there is another problem. And that’s that people just don’t wanna work anymore. Esp manual labor that makes ya hurt everyday. We get paid garbage compared to other places of business. I could leave this job right now, 4th generation builders in my family, and get a better job with very little time investment. The reason I know this is because I lead my sons away from this line of work. Why do this, when you can do a job that’s amazingly easier and safer, for more money, benefits, insurance, commodities. And currently one son is already making nearly twice what I make, and he’s barely into his 20’s. Being self employed is a really good job for drug heads. No piss test. Seriously. This is who mostly comes into this line of work. They don’t show up on Mondays because of their weekend. They don’t show up on Friday because the weekend already started. They will hound you for their paycheck tho. Which is nearly half of what Walmart would pay you. This whole situation around construction and self employment is crazy right now. And has been for a time. And on top of that, contractors are just charging ridiculous prices now. We are having to adjust subcontractors every 3 months because they are going up so fast. Whose gonna fix that problem? Houses have went up near $30 a sq ft this last year. In a year! We used to see maybe a $5 at most. As for instance, the other builders on my area used to be around $15 higher than us per sq ft on average. Fast forward 2 yrs. They are over $100 per sq ft higher than us now. It’s insane. We don’t rob people like that. So what’s gonna stop this insane price gouging? Competition? Then we’re back to the worker problem. Not enough people want to work. And nowhere near qualified people to do the jobs. Mike Rowe knows this situation best. We are way past the red levels. We’re in the black.
Its not just construction. Pretty much any part of economy where human labour (hard work, or fine work) is very important, is becoming impossible to afford and sustain. The real reason for this is the Fed based beast slavery financial system we are in, where as more money is printed, it dilutes the real value of everything, including human labour, and replaces it with fake valueless commodities.
In this system, its much more safer to be earning lots more money in a cushy job than doing hard work, and its by design. They are literally stealing from our labour by devaluing it.
The only catch is that, all the cushy jobs, the more money they earn the less real value they create, and more deeply embedded into the beast illusion. When the crash comes, these are the ones who will be hit hard.
Those who have physical labour skills are the ones who can continue to feed themselves whereas the ones in the corporate job will be in the street on their backs with no way of earning a living.
You will see the truth in this not too far away from now. I myself am dreading the coming changes (in a good way though) because I am not a builder or tradie and i know I will be hit harder. But its the mindset that matters. Once we are willing to switch back into "real economy" with real work and creating real products, and willing to do what it takes to learn new skills and work hard, we will be fine.
People like you, however, will have a great advantage. You should definitely make sure your kids learn some skills from you even if they dont go into your line of work.
Again, by design. Its impossible to fix the prices with good competition because we are not in a free market. Workers are a problem, by design. Good equipment is expensive, by design. You have to outsource everything, buy cheap chinese crap and hire illegal immigrants paying them slavery wages. By design.
Its all going to implode and its going to be so spectacular, and its going to make a lot of heads explode.
Ever got that bad I’d bring my sons in absolutely. And maybe that’s God’s plan for me. We’ll see. It’s all in His hands.
He knows the issues and he can converse intelligently - this will take some getting used to!
These reporters are so smug and condescending because Biden/Harris always made them look smarter.
Yeah, but its not enough to know the issues, its also important to deliver them in small pills packed with punch, without letting it devolve into a long argument. Very hard to do. This guy does it really well.
Agree - I wasnt sure at first but like him more all the time.
In Utah, can't speak for other states. Mr. A. - Illegal Alien with wife and 4 kids Mr. B. - US Citizen with wife and 4 kids
Both work construction, both make $20/hr, both on Welfare.
Mr. B - Welfare at limit - wages earned via Tax forms = fractional welfare assistance Mr. A - Welfare at limit - pays NO Taxes = maximum Welfare assistance
How about we put American's FIRST, and kick out every illegal alien? Every last one, man, women and child.
Also, the developer hiring the illegals show a higher profit margin because the wage load is offloaded onto taxpayers. And therefore that feeds back into the economic data as "higher profits." It simply ignores the externalized costs of the model.
That NYT reporter was such a bich!!
Yeah, makes it all the more sweeter.
Way interesting stuff about how to handle home construction.
Beautifully handled JD!
Why are liberals so shocked that Americans would work in construction?
Easy answer. They don't know how to work with their hands. Making something with your own hands and loving the finished product is not in their wheelhouse.
They get brainwashed by their own propaganda that Americans are lazy while people from poor countries are so hard working.
Previous one right before this post: https://greatawakening.win/p/199OB4cQZc/jd-vance-just-obliterated-abc-ne/c/
I love it when a MAGA politician looks at some dried-out news lizard like Moldy Martha in the face and says "Do you even HEAR yourself?"
Trump knows how to pick them. This guy is so good!
He is good, but I am still very wary. I still think there will be a change of VP somewhere along the line.
Always be wary but he's already done much better than Pence at his best
Definitely. If he is a controlled opposition, atleast he is a great one! My only fear is that the Zionists pushed him to make sure Trump does not backstab the Zionists when the time comes.
But I like the guy so much that I do hope he is a double agent (or is it triple) and he is actually gonna give the finger to the Zionists when the time comes, and whatever they think they have on him turns out to be a dud.
Rooting for this guy nevertheless.
How do you know he has a Zionists link?
I had analyzed this after the first assassination attempt, and subsequently he has been saying all the Zionist Israel/Iran rhetorics further confirming this.
Its more accurate to say He was a "Zionist pick" rather than he has Zionist links
He is the Zionist's insurance policy if Trump turns against them after elections and renege on escalating the war against Iran, and giving them the WW3.
I lasted one minute.
The lies of that sallow manipulative mendacious demoness left me feeling I need a salt bath, a sauna, and a full liver detox.
But Vance's easy handling of her, and good humor in doing so, is a tonic.
When she said she "wasn't supporting illegal immigration," coming seconds after saying we can't have houses without illiegal immigration...good gravy. No matter how much you hate the media, and journalists, you don't hate them enough.
Yeah, it really makes you feel like you spread honey all over your body and stand in a field of ants. Great respect for Vance who can not only listen to this crap but keep his calm and knock them out of the park.
Agree, fren
Democrats being racist as usual, thinking South Americans are the only ones who can do hard ass labor.