I deeply apologize if this is not allowed but I am throwing all caution to the wind. I had an experience that lead me to Christ. It was the greatest decision of my life. It was the same experience that set me searching based on certain behaviors for understanding and that led me to Q and to this board. I have kept my head down for years. Not so much from fear but more from situations that have kept me too busy to think of anything else. I am so grateful for this board and the fellowship here. I have also learned a great deal. I feel terrible asking for more but I am desperate. I need prayer. I also need minds sharper than mine. I am in a battle not for my life but my child’s. For years I have been fighting and I am so very tired. Pediatric cancer is a monster and we have no savings left no doctors with the knowledge left and now there is yet another new and painful mystery ailment. Now I need to go to yet another new hospital where I have to meet round after round of doctors. We have had such horrible experiences that just the idea of another hospital makes me nauseous. I feel like I am walking this tightrope. I have to give them enough information to help them figure out what to do or test to order but if I don’t address them just right we will be blown off. Twice I didn’t handle that right and twice we had to be life flighted when it wasn’t “me overacting “ it is so hard. My only comfort is knowing that at the end of the day it is in my Lords hands. Yet I am literally trembling as I organize all the paperwork and pack and check meds. Please please pray for us. The pain is tremendous and with a compromised liver my options are limited. We have been pressured so hard to transition to palliative care but that is not something he is ready for and in truth neither am I. He doesn’t want a painless death he wants to live!!!! We are very much in the crosshairs because of my refusal of the clot shot and I suspect there is something in the doctors notes because that was when everything changed. Please please pray we get breakthrough. His cancer is well managed but they still push palliative care. I am alone and I am exhausted and I can’t do it anymore but I will because I can’t NOT fight for him. I have seen God deliver so many times and my faith in him is strong but my faith in our medical system is completely broken.
I can’t do this alone
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
You always pray so magnificently.🙏🏻❤️💐
Thank you so much. Our Lord is truly good to give us fellowship in difficult times
Prayers sent. If you are on facebook, join the following groups:
My Cancer Story Rocks 👈 Has over 4,400 members and shares the Joe Tippins treatment protocol.
Fenbendazole - Cancer Support Group 👈 Has over 110,000 members and growing. They share treatments, tip, care, and prayers.
Cut out all processed sugars (it feeds the cancer), and try to get the body pH from Acidic to Alkaline.
I am praying for you fren. Please search this board for potential alternative treatments and resources. You are all in God's hands. 🙏🏻
u/#lord u/#prayer u/#feelsgood
This is such a nice prayer. I am praying for you too u/joanofsnark
He is good and faithful and he always answers. Not always the answer we want or hope for but he sees things so much clearer and he knows what we need beyond our desires. I trust him
Yes it is and thank you for your prayers
Thank you
Amen. I can't add much to that, except to say that when I faced cancer myself, and then my precious wife went through it 5 years later, we both knew that no matter what the outcome, that this world is not our home and that our real home in Heaven awaited us. We are both survivors today, but we never lost sight of that vision.
Praying for this fragile family in this time of need. They are now in my daily prayers.
Thank you so much. Lifting up our brothers and sisters in Christ is the greatest gift we can offer and I am truly grateful.
Holy Father, please bless u/joanofsnark with serenity and the feeling of our loving presence with her. Bless her kid with a swift recovery and his doctors with an inspired focus and faultless abilities.🙏🏻
Thank you so much. The fellowship is so welcoming the loneliness has been crushing. On my good days I realize I am not actually alone but I am definitely imperfect and it is easy to forget
There are several threads right now specifically about the new cancer protocol. There are anons very well versed in the routine who can help you navigate it
Mexico has kids formula tons of dewormers. OP if possible can go there and get a few bottles. They actually have a ton of kid wormer formulations.
I know two people in my circle of acquaintances who have had either remission or drastic improvements with treatments in Mexico. This link is where a friend of a friend went.
Praying for your son's health and for your psychological and physical strength to endure the battle you face.
How are your son's vitamin D levels? You could find out the "nanograms per milliliter" level.(ng/ml)
I'm not a Doctor, so I can only offer suggestions.
I wish you both all the best and always remember a lot of people care about you both.
Oh dear joan! Grateful you came to your family here for prayer! Desperately sorry you've been carrying this worry by yourself, but now you have us and our voices raised in prayer for you and your son are power filled! 🙏🙌 Our Father knows your heart and every need. I'm praying in His Name that every need will be met, every door will be opened and every obstacle conquered.Thank you for sharing here...best thing you could do after prayer and now all of us are praying, too! Please keep us updated in the General Chat.
Blessings dear fren! ✝️ 👏🙌🤍😘
Praying for you and your beautiful child. I recently TOTALLY gave myself to Jesus after years of alcohol abuse. Pray as much as you can.. This platform/board was a great help. GOD Bless you.
I am both hopeful and concerned because of the compromised liver. Ivermectin I am not concerned about but fenbin may overwhelm his liver. Weirdly his last bone marrow was really good. Clots are our battle ground. Thankfully I denied the vax but yet he clotted. I have ran as close as possible to a clot clearing protocol but again I don’t know enough medically and I don’t have the equipment to do too much. It is so scary and frustrating. If it were me I would not be near so cautious. Not giving up though. There is a way forward I just haven’t found it YET
My son took serrapeptase and nattokinase every day to prevent clotting and still, when the cancer got really bad, it did nothing. He had huge painful clots form and then the hospital ramped up his heperin shots which took care of it. I later came upon using DMSO for clotting and was blown away by what I found. There's a lot of info out there on it if you look on Yandex but here are a couple of links to get you started: https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2903705/posts https://eaec.org/health/what-is-dmso.pdf
Sadly, my son passed away before he was able to try this, but hopefully it will be useful to you. God bless!
sortofsamuel my deepest condolence. The clots are our battle currently.God it's awful. the pain Heperain is a no (HITT. Response).Eliquis is what they are hoping will work.i want to look more into nattokinase because from what I understand it helps the fibrin response.
Please look into nattokinase to dissolve the blood clots. It dissolves 50% of clots within 2 hours. Can purchase on Amazon. I would also start high doses of Vitamin D3 and C. Get plenty of sunlight and NO sugars. My prayers for you and your child.
Added: Methylene Blue in combo with red light therapy, Vit C.
Side effect: pissing green.
The cells take up this coloration (blue) and then light can do it's thingy. Also, together with Vit C, it is the nuke under anti-oxydants. Mitochondria is reset.
There was a post here on removing arterial plaque via lycine and liposomal vit. C. Protocol was no carbs/sugar 2 hrs before and 1 hour. Lycine, no protein 2 hrs before or 1 hour after. Both can be taken at the same time. Dose 2xday
Here it is... https://greatawakening.win/p/1995CSTfQl/how-i-100-cleared-out-my-fatheri/
Have you heard of Milk Thistle for liver?
i was told Milk Thistle and garlic to rejuvenate the liver.
...also see new Dr. Bryan Ardis post on Black Seed Oil.
Also. I hate that we are in the same club. It is the worse club ever. Please let me know if you ever need anything.
Oh THANK YOU!!! Will be following up on mistletoe for sure
Many people recommend taking Tudca with fenbendazole to protect the liver, I’d definitely take it if I were on fenben
I am praying for you
Thank you very much
You are not alone. I am praying for you and your family now. Please keep us updated. God bless you all.
Have you reached out to St. Judes Hospital in Memphis. They treat childhood cancers sans charge. I believe a place to stay is also provided. They cured my ex's son who had downs and cancer. And many others....
My son in law is a St. Jude's survivor. They told him he wouldn't be able to have kids, but I have 4 beautiful grandchildren. The Lord works in mysterious ways
I wish we qualified unfortunately his cancer is not being researched so we were denied
St Jude's is a wonderful resource if you have a cancer they are researching. If not they are not an option unfortunately he doesn't qualify because they don't have a research or study on it. Extremely rare.
I'm sorry to read that. It seems to me that should research that! But then, they are a part of that system we all love so much....
Praise God I love THAT
I hear you. My faith in the medical system has been shattered as well.
My heart goes out to you and your son. I sent a little prayer to our Lord.
Have you done research on gut health in children with cancer?
Did you see this article? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/new-cancer-treatment-protocol-featuring-horse-dewormer-ivermectin/
Best of luck to you and your son! God be with you.
Enough to feel totally overwhelmed. The first chemo sent his microbiom into a tailspin. That was when things began getting difficult I am convinced that is the source of many of the complications. We just are cycling issues so fast I can't learn fast enough before something else hits. Any links appreciated thank you
I found the above article after doing a search for "gut health for children with cancer". It does say what pre and pro biotics they used to restore gut health. Keep in mind, this is just a study but it is evidence.
The above is another study I found that supports evidence of gut health pre, during, & post chemo treatments. I couldn't find what they used but it adds weight to the gut health theory.
I do want to add, I am an adult and I had gut issues for many years from being overprescribed antibiotics. My health was a wreck. I've tried so many different things but the one thing I started doing within the last year that really started to make a difference for me is when I started taking Lactobacillus Salivarius every day.
I did a quick search to see if it's okay for children with cancer and the AI produced this:
Lactobacillus Salivarius for Childhood Cancer Based on the provided search results, here is a summary of the available information on Lactobacillus salivarius (L. salivarius) for children with cancer:
Anti-cancer properties: L. salivarius has been shown to inhibit the development of colon cancer in rats and mice injected with carcinogenic 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) [1]. In a rat model, L. salivarius Ren prevented dimethylhydrazine-induced colorectal cancer through protein kinase B inhibition [2]. Mechanisms of action: L. salivarius may modulate the gut microbiota and immune response to prevent cancer. It can suppress the AKT signaling pathway, leading to inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis [3]. Safety: Oral administration of L. salivarius has been deemed safe in infants and children, with no adverse effects reported [4]. Potential benefits: L. salivarius may be used as a probiotic to prevent or treat cancer in children. Its anti-cancer properties could be particularly beneficial in pediatric oncology, where treatment options are limited and side effects can be severe. Clinical trials: While there are no specific clinical trials focused on L. salivarius for children with cancer, studies have investigated its efficacy in preventing respiratory diseases and modulating the gut microbiota in children [5]. Key Findings
L. salivarius Ren inhibited rat oral cancer induced by 4-nitroquioline 1-oxide [6]. Probiotics, including L. salivarius, may act as potential agents for oral cancer prevention [7]. L. salivarius counteracted unfavorable 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide-induced changes in colonic microflora of rats [8]. Conclusion
While more research is needed to fully understand the efficacy and safety of L. salivarius for children with cancer, the available evidence suggests that this probiotic strain may have anti-cancer properties and potential benefits in pediatric oncology. Further studies are necessary to explore its therapeutic potential and optimal dosage for children with cancer.
[1] Zhang et al. (2013) Lactobacillus Salivarius REN inhibits rat oral cancer induced by 4-nitroquioline 1-oxide.
[2] Zhang et al. (2016) Probiotic Lactobacillus salivarius Ren prevent dimethylhydrazine-induced colorectal cancer through protein kinase B inhibition.
[3] Wang et al. (2017) Lactobacillus salivarius inhibits human colonic cancer cell proliferation and induces apoptosis through suppression of the AKT signaling pathway.
[4] García Carretero et al. (2018) Lactobacillus salivarius infection as a postoperative complication after bariatric surgery.
[5] Kuugbee et al. (2016) Structural change in microbiota by a probiotic cocktail enhances the gut barrier and reduces cancer via TLR2 signaling in a rat model of colon cancer.
[6] Zhang et al. (2013) Lactobacillus Salivarius REN inhibits rat oral cancer induced by 4-nitroquioline 1-oxide.
[7] Zhang et al. (2016) Probiotic Lactobacillus salivarius Ren prevent dimethylhydrazine-induced colorectal cancer through protein kinase B inhibition.
[8] Zhang et al. (2016) Effects of Lactobacillus salivarius Ren on cancer prevention and intestinal microbiota in 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine-induced rat model.
Thank you. I was still trying to grasp microbiome issues when we had a cascade of other issues this is so much excellent information.
Could there be anything better than the beautiful stewards of the fellowship knowing to pray in the Name of Christ and not an our own names on this forum? love you guys so much so grateful to be here same story different tragedy but q led me directly to Christ. my brother in Christ I ask the father in the name of the perfect son Jesus Christ to bestow upon you and yours all of the blessings and the prayer that comes the name of Jesus Christ and I ask the father to fill the holy spirit in you with the most divine grace and that of your son and everyone in your family may you know peace be still. God bless you family
I prayed for you and your son. God will give you peace during these dark times.
I pray for you and your family fern.The lord is watching over you and by his graces he will protect you through it all. So many wonderful prayers given out here.This platform is the best.
My heart hurts for you. Prayers are being said for you and your child. God hear our prayers.
Prayers up 🙏🙏🙏
Have you tried ivermectin, fembendazole?
Don’t lose hope. You are in our prayers. May God bless you with strength and healing for your family.
Ivermectin yes not fenbendazidole because of liver toxicity. His liver is compromised
DM me I’ve helped 7 others heal from their cancers after I healed myself. No promises, but legitimate hope. Praise God I read this, haven’t been on here in a while and for that I apologize. 🙏🤷♂️💯
Trying to figure out the DM I would love help. I really can't do this anymore and the system is literally unable to help Thank you so much
Bless you. So sorry for what you are going through. Sounds like you need a fast track.
If you are on Fakebook, search Linda Sinclair and Always Hope Cancer Network.
She consults and will craft a metabolic protocol based upon the cancer that your child has.
Not sure what she charges, but it would be worth getting a gofundme to cover it. The research is extensive to find the right ingredients and time is of the essence.
Best wishes.
I will thank you
I join in the prayers for your son, you and your family.
And regarding the medical establishment, for many years I labored under the idea that it was misguided and prone to mistreatment. I now believe that, despite the good hearts of most in the industry, the system is designed to create disease, including cancer.
If palliative care removes drugs, there are many hopeful paths to recovery. In my experience, the drugs will only lead to more drugs, and further entrapment in the medical system. I don't want to push other therapies in a prayer thread, but if you're interested in exploring healing outside that system just reply and I'll put them in.
God bless.
Thank you. I am definitely interested
I'll refer you to the page of the health guy I follow. In his native country, medical and veterinary training were the same up until residency; he became a vet and practiced in the US. But after offering helpful advice to too many humans, he moved in order to avoid persecution by the medical boards.
His intro page is here: https://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/introduction/
He has a very simple theory of general health, but you kind of have to unlearn a lot of standard medical knowledge to appreciate it. He explains that cancer is not a mutation, but rather the body's reaction to a known stimulus, that stimulus being an electrically depleted environment within the cell. The cell, in order to continue functioning, concentrates its remaining electrical production in one area and partitions off the unproductive material to jettison it away into a new cell. As long as the deprivation continues in the environment and spreads, this phenomenon will repeat and will spread. Solving it involves correcting the body's imbalance with diet and electrolytes (i.e., salt). Most pharma treatments, often alleviating painful symptoms in the short term, interfere with the body's rebalancing if not completely preventing it in the long term. His treatment takes time, and requires recognizing that the short term pain is a necessary part of the recovery.
It's a big philosophical shift from conventional medicine. It took me a month of reading his stuff and listening to his rumble posts (kefa55 is his channel name) before I decided to dive in and start practicing. I'm hoping to cure my own chronic condition (T1 diabetes), and while that hasn't happened yet, I have received many health benefits from his protocol, mostly in terms of circulatory benefits, faster healing, skin improvements, better energy and greatly reduced insulin injections. The protocol is basically drinking a lot of sea salt paired with a carnivore diet, but studying the reasons behind it was important for me.
My son had very different issues, but I've used the protocol to help my son as well. He had severe psychosis, probably triggered by covid, but he's back to normal today, thank God. Doctors gave him no hope except with zombifying antipsychotics.
At any rate, here are a bunch of this doctor's posts about cancer. https://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/?s=Cancer
Even if you don't adopt it, I think casting a wide net for knowledge is the best approach when you need help. But be prepared: he's extremely dismissive of modern medicine, and the sarcasm can be a shock.
God bless.
Thank you. We have had really good results by incorporating Grounding. It was for a time the only thing that eased his pain. A beach and sun.Thatbis how I discovered the grounding connection. So I definitely am open to the concept of our electrical currents
Prayers on the way fren.
Dear Joan - Today I was going to ask for prayers for my 7 year old grandson and his mom, but when I read your post my heart broke for you. I believe with all my heart in the power of prayer and I send you my light and love. Blessings.
There are enough prayers and faith to go around Fren.
Thank you.
I would love the opportunity to pray for them. Praying for others gives me strength. It is ironically easier because my will is not tripping me up and it reminds me to look beyond my own circumstances. Lifting another up in prayer is a great honor.
Thank you. Hugs.
Sorry you're going through this. Some bear heavier crosses than others.
Have you asked your son what he thinks you should do?
As a follower of Christ, you are NOT alone, fren. I understand it’s difficult to remember this in the midst of your turmoil, but I also understand that deep in your heart you know that the Lord is with you. Place the situation in His hands, and you will be at peace, and you will feel His strength within you. You and your son will be in my prayers. 🙏
Praying for your both, from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you
Everyone else here has prayed so beautifully, so I will just add my Amen to their prayers. I hope what I'm about to offer makes sense; my Mom is battling cancer as well, and she is fighting just like your son. I've found out that the best thing when you're at the end of your rope is after offering prayer up, find something to make you laugh. It's weird, but you can even ask Our Father to send some peace and a small cheer-up into yours and your son's life. He has done it, because even a chuckle at a joke is enough to take you out of the situation for a minute and let you mentally rest. The crappy medical system can make your physical battle rough, but don't let them own your mental outlook.
I hope that makes sense, and I hope that helps a little v
Not weird. The office has saved our sanity I swear lol
Check out Dr Thomas Seyfried on YouTube, also fenbendazole and ivermectin are gaining more traction for their effectiveness against cancer.
It's been said that cancer is caused by parasites and that dewormer medications like Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are very affective. I know one thing for sure, Big Pharma and hospitals are not the direction to go when fighting cancer. Actually, you're better off running in the other direction away from the hospitals and their doctors.
Prayers up. Also menbendazole does not have the same potential for liver toxicity, but it is more expensive and can be difficult to get.
I got mine for cheap from alldaychemist. This is not an advertisement or I'm not getting paid for promoting this but it's really cheap, however the time may be a huge factor here as it took alldaychemist 1 month to process the order and ship it over here from India.
At the time of writing, they have a sale going.
Two packs of 90 each will cost you 49 dollars plus 20 dollars shipping, but I believe first time customers will get some kind of discount? I forgot as when I became a first time customer, it was like 4 years ago when I was trying to get ivermectin due to "Covid".
Here's the link: https://www.alldaychemist.com/mebex-100mg.html
Thanks pede..it’s good to have a bunch of pede approved online pharmacies. Thank you!
The Peace of Jesus Christ and all that He is be to you and yours in Jesus's name. Amen.
I'm really sorry for what you're going through. I suggest kneeling down and accepting the Holy Spirit into your heart, speak in tongues. Get some oil, annoint your son's head and declare he is healed. Declare you break off all past agreements that declared he is sick and you declare right there and then he's healed, there is no such thing as Cancer in God's book, and make a new agreement in Jesus name to break off all or any bloodlie curse that brought youa nd your son to this present situation and that you're both children of God, from this day onward you both surrender to God and trust in Him wholeheartedly, let God's will be done, not your will, nor the will of the earthly things. Let Holy spirit annoint both and your son, get baptized. He is healed. Amen.
Your situation is the storm. Jesus is asking you to walk on water (your problems) and come to Him. The storm will die down, you overcome that storm by holding on to Jesus' hands. He asked you Why do you doubt my child? Don't doubt. God is watching and caring for you at this crucial moment which will shape and purify both and your son. Embrace it and walk with confidence.
Confirmation. Thank you. I was told last year to stand in my authority as his mother and to get anointing oil. I did but I did not quite know what to do or how to do it ( wasn’t raised in the church) thank you.
You're welcome. My pleasure. Words are important, our thoughts and words that come out, you speak out loud. You have to acknowledge this is a supernatural world. Regardless of science, medicines, take this, try that, God is bigger than those things. When Jesus healed, He didn't say go take this medicine, do this chemo, diet, or whatever tech we've got these days. Jesus healed through the Holy Spirit as a man (not by his own superpower because He's the Christ) and child of God. You are a child of God. Your son is a child of God. Know this.
John 14:12 - Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
1 min long video that explains all
"Your Faith Has Cured Your Servant." The Faithful Centurion | Jesus Of Nazareth
Joe tippens protocol w carnivore keto diet. Prayers.
Dear friend, (if I may) how powerful it is when we pray one for another but sometimes what I'm about to share with you is not known. In Mark 16:18 Jesus gives us (you) instructions, on what you should do concerning your son as far as healing is concerned. In (Mark 16:18), Jesus said "THOSE WHO BELIEVE, SHALL GO IN MY NAME, THEY SHALL LAY THEIR HANDS ON THE SICK, AND THEY SHALL RECOVER" Clear instructions by Jesus, FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE.. Go in faith (in his name) and lay hands (your) hands on the sick and they SHALL recover. TESTIMONY: our son-in-law, Derek who was somewhere around 22 years old,was diagnosed with leukemia, my wife and I went and visited him in the hospital with my daughter, after a time of sharing, we asked Derek if we could pray for him(Derek not a believer at the time) Derek said yes. Before we prayed, I was led to say to Derek, Derek is there anyone you're holding any grudges or have anything against, God wants you to forgive them(would you be willing to do this) Derek said yes,, I told him, think for a minute or two, and if there is anyone, forgive them, and then we'll pray, you don't have to feel like you forgive them, all you have to do is forgive them(just say in your heart) you forgive them because God says when you stand praying if you have anything against anyone else, forgive them! This is found in (Mark 11:25) so Derek took a minute or two in silence, and forgave all who he had anything against,or had done him wrong, then my wife and I laid our hands on Derek, and claimed his healing from the top of Derek's head to the soles of his feet, saying you are healed, in Jesus name according to, Isaiah 53:5 - Psalms 103: 3 and what God said to do in Mark 16:18. Somewhere around 3 weeks to a month later, Derek was called in for an appointment, when he came into the hospital room there were five specialists, and they said to Derek, we cannot explain this, but you do not have a trace of cancer in your blood. Derek was completely healed. To this day. They told Derek however because of the leukemia, he wouldn't be able to have children. But we told Derick the same God who healed you, could give you children , we laid our hands on him again and prayed for him to be able to have children, and we now have two grandchildren, Ivy and Keaton. Time and time again we have gone and done as Jesus said to do,lay our hands on the sick and they have recovered to which I testify to the glory of God.
I deeply appreciate the instruction. I was not raised in the church and I love wisdom from breathren. I have prayed many times but I was missing that key point about giving forgiveness before we pray.That makes so much sense but I just missed it. We have been through so much I think we all need to examine our hearts to be sure we have truly released hurts or anger
Yes,although we are taught in the scriptures that there are a number of things that can hinder our prayers, such as unbelief and our own words. Unforgiveness is the only one that Jesus himself (specifically) mentioned. A great example of the benefits of forgiveness is found in "Job 42:10 where this is written "And the Lord turned the captivity of Job (WHEN) he(Job) prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before" During the time of Job's great trials, his friends came against Job,with their tongues, accusing him but (NOTICE) even though his friends had done Job wrong,Job was healed (WHEN) Job (finally) prayed for them. And not a moment sooner. This Bible principle is confirmed by (1John 5:16) where God encourages us to, "Pray ye one for another that (YOU) might be healed. DO YOU SEE IT. "That (YOU) might be healed" Our (OWN) healing comes to us when we pray for others especially those that have done us wrong, even our enemies and so the opposite has to be true, our own healing is hindered by unforgiveness. OUR Physical healing has been PAID FOR IN FULL by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, HEALING BELONGS TO US, we really don't even have to ask for it, we only have to thank God for it, BECAUSE IT IS ONE OF OUR BENEFITS AS CHILDREN BELONGING TO CHRIST. See: Psalms 1031-3. But even though it belongs to us, unforgiveness can hinder it from coming to us. For example,You may own a car, and it's true it's your car and you can drive it when you want, but if the garage door is shut, you are greatly hindered from using your car. Forgiving others and praying for others makes sure the garage door is always open for access to your car, your healing.
That is so much wisdom I think it will take me a while to unpack it. It was there staring me right in the face but I didn't grasp it. Thank you. Powerful stuff.
That is an amazing testimony, not once but twice! Thank you for that!