Which it may be, but do not forget he is suffering from late stage cancer, so it could be the surgeon relaying the best he can what he did. You all may be correct, but who knows??
I will, sadly, remember him as he did more to harm America than all the rest of the presidents-except for Biden. Obama deserves treason charges in the least. I do agree that the people getting back to running the government is a great thing, the way our Founding Fathers planned on our country being governed. And if we don't remember, we fall into the same trap in the near future, they (the Cabal) are always looking to take America down.
100% bullshit Im to believe he performed transgender surgery, at a time when it was probably not even happening, on a 6 year old? And from the age of 6, Big Mike was able to keep an open wound from closing or becoming septic? Because thats what a fake pussy is, an open wound.
I’m thinking there is Hell for criminals and then there is REAL HELL for people that harm children Matthew 18:6-7 says, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea
Give this a 48 hour window before sharing... feels like a news trap.
a trap indeed. but if the surgery happened... what's that swinging around in all them videos?
Exactly this! Obama also said the only time he is afraid of Michelle is when she is Michael.
Trans yes. Snipped .... maybe not?
Problem here is "Michelle" was Michael LaVaughn Robinson who APPARENTLY never had his penis removed. Maybe he had breast augmentation.
Implants are easier than junk removal.
He’s still pretty flat chested. Rarely ever see a woman of that size who doesn’t have a set of knockers on her. Especially a black woman.
Nah, I don’t believe it. The writing is not indicative of a surgeon.
Agree. Just said (essentially) the same.
He missed about a foot according to his dance moves on Ellen
Who can forget that. Yuck🤢🤮
Seems Mungfatchee can... https://greatawakening.win/p/19AK69wBnh/x/c/4ZHlr0vNj3l
Yep! Forgot about that!!
Maybe Big Mike is one of those lizard people everyone likes to talk about. Don't their tails grow back if removed?
Need a reptile enthusiast pede to confirm if lizard dicks also regen
Sounds like something a retard wrote while waiting for the bus...
Prose not consistent with the intelligence of a surgeon...
Timing of this release suspect in light of Mike's recent absence...
Classic deathbed confession story...
Where's the sauce? Nothing he says can really be verified...
Typos DEBATing and the HOE are sus.
Which it may be, but do not forget he is suffering from late stage cancer, so it could be the surgeon relaying the best he can what he did. You all may be correct, but who knows??
All in all... it's small
ballspotatoes...Because... we're getting our Republic back!
Mike will be so far in the rearview in a few days, you might not even remember he existed!
I will, sadly, remember him as he did more to harm America than all the rest of the presidents-except for Biden. Obama deserves treason charges in the least. I do agree that the people getting back to running the government is a great thing, the way our Founding Fathers planned on our country being governed. And if we don't remember, we fall into the same trap in the near future, they (the Cabal) are always looking to take America down.
The way it reads seems fake and gay.
This sounds made up to get ahead of something BIG!
Yeah, 10"
"I received this email that appears to be credible." -Matt Wallace
Yeah Matt has a great track record...
I doubt Barry would still be hanging out with Mike if there wasn't a branch to hang from 😉
Fake and Gay
BM videos definitely appear to indicate a penis presence, so what TS surgery did he perform on BM?
F to M to live as a F?
What evs lol
Hilariously fake. Shit reads like some dipshit redditor.
Matt Wallace consistently make claims with zero evidence. I don't believe anything he says. Plus Big Mike seems to still have a poop poker.
Michelle Obama turned sixteen in January of 1980. I never heard of any child receiving sex-change surgery in the 1970s.
100% bullshit Im to believe he performed transgender surgery, at a time when it was probably not even happening, on a 6 year old? And from the age of 6, Big Mike was able to keep an open wound from closing or becoming septic? Because thats what a fake pussy is, an open wound.
Fuck off Fed larper.
I don't believe this crap.
I saw him swinging on the Ellen Show.
Read through Wallace's click bait posts and it's easy to tell he's a shill.
Obama wouldn't want a penis free Michael. So maybe the doctor did the bolt ons.
It's a lie. I've still got my twig and barrys
Big Mike still has his Johnson it has been documented by pictures.
Michelle Obama is a Man, Oh Yeah!
This doesn’t smell right. I am convinced beyond doubt that Michelle is Michael, but I’m definitely not convinced this anonymous source is legit.
Came to say. Pictures of braack and Micheal college age So couldn't of been as a child conversion. Bait
Where there’s a Apple, there’s a banana!
I call BS. We all saw pics of him as an adult Michael Robinson.
Don’t buy it. Timeline is off…. And the amount of spelling mistakes…. Ooof.
I believe him yo. I don't know why, but I do.
BIG Mike still has his junk. Let's see if Matt gets this interview and what comes along with that
Big Mike It Is
We all saw the bat swinging, but what about the balls?
If this is true, the surgery failed.
I’m thinking there is Hell for criminals and then there is REAL HELL for people that harm children Matthew 18:6-7 says, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea
Well DAMN! This long-lasting rumor is getting interesting now.
He needs to get on ivermectin and fenbendazole.