AGREED, but if I may - Deep state is TRYING TO fight back. They will fail and they are beyond obvious. Lotta hangings gonna need to be done. They are just drawing more attention to themselves and at the same time providing us with more evidence to be used against them.
Not just “Deep State”. It is also the agents of their allies. Many illegal migrants appear to be foreign military. They are now attempting to do as much sabotage as possible before getting deported. It has been going on locally in nearly every state for 2 weeks now.
Just who or what is the deep state. I know there are rogues inside 3 letter agencies. But who or what controls them?
I know people talk about secret organizations etc. Such as illuminati and other similar groups.
I know people have speculated this BUT is this been proven. I know of the "Skull & Bones" group of which the Bushes supposedly part of etc. Are these all the same under different names?
Question is how much of it is still centrally-coordinated by the Cabal and how much of it is from individual tentacles thrashing about after the octopus had been shot in the head?
Looks like mostly tentacles, but they are usually autonomous operators that just need “activation” by an event or public comm. Jeffries appears to have given “greenlight” to all operators today via public comms, so look for amp-up of riots and sabotage.
Firebugs wanna firebug. “Shoot to kill” is currently authorized against anyone engaged in “Terrorist Act” especially if you have been deputized as part of a Const militia (by Const Sheriff) or are part of National Guard. (Verify and coordinate all actions with Sheriff before donning your Batman suit, please).
Some County DAs have agreements with Sheriffs to not prosecute deputized militia for actions against 1. illegals engaging in “economic sabotage” aka Terrorist Acts or 2. Suspected cartel operatives.
I’m not defending or saying NC fires were not attacks, especially after CA & HI. When the WNC fires started is was very windy across NC. We were in a red flag burn notice. I’m in the east and it’s very worse than March winds the last few weeks. After living over thirty years with a volunteer firefighter you learn really quickly people don’t care if it’s windy. They burn yard debris anyway. One day his department had over ten grass fire calls from people burning leaves in 15mph winds. Just Wednesday the wind was hollowing like in a coastal squall.
I’m just saying that it looks strikingly similar to a missile strike. And if they have barriers up already it makes it seem like it was preplanned. There’s no way first responders would focus on erecting barriers first instead. That’s just ludicrous to think that would happen or even a government entity would be that proficient to get the barrier up so quickly.
it does look like a missile strike. I hate to say it, but I am worried that Elon might very well be the antichrist. These are definitely the end times.
musk's NeuroLink has something to do with this.
I’m not sure if Elon is or isn’t the Antichrist. But I am sure that there’s something that makes me uneasy about him and I don’t trust him. And I am also sure that we are living in the end times as well. An exciting time and God created us and preordained us to live in such a time as this. We need to be lights in a very dark world as God has told us to be.
There are many and have been many Antichrists. But we are barreling forward in this space and time. It can be denied that the love of many have grown cold. There has been many to turn away from the faith. The true faith and not what passes as Christianity nowadays. That female impostor that called herself a bishop that spoke at the national cathedral is a perfect example. False teachers. And that’s just the surface. Lovers of money. Lovers of pleasure. In the practice of sin. Always reject the truth like it’s poison to them.
Wow that is the best angle I have seen yet. That thing is in a COMPLETE nosedive, wow.. the video is actually good enough that I could spot the contours of the plane in the silhouette as it came into view.
Two other things I saw and am wondering about:
Does that plane look like it is ALREADY on fire to any of you? If you slow it down, I thought I spotted some ripples or waves in the shape of the plane - its hard to spot what is dark or bright, so I went by that to try and tell what was going on.
Does anyone else see that flash - something small - going DIRECTLY UP INTO THE AIR, as the explosion happens?Wtf was that??? I mean I guess it COULD have been debris, but man, it really shot straight up into the sky, whatever the hell it was.
I just wanted to make a note of these small details and get an idea of what everyone else thought of them or if they noticed at all. I do have close relatives in the aerospace industry but I'm probably as much of a novice as anyone when it comes to aircraft related subjects. It would be great to hear from anyone with a good handle on this to confirm if we are indeed witnessing some WEIRD SHIT or if it's just keen eyes scanning an unfamiliar situation.
Well something’s going on to make it that bright in the sky. It could have been on fire. I’ve seen that flash on every video. The video from a ring camera shows a flash back like the atomic bomb. Two guys are going outside, explosion and they run back inside. Saw it here tonight.
The plane was probably shot with a missile.
President Trump’s media opportunity in Oval right after the Blackhawk/ plane collision— he looked very worried.
I don't know about the plane itself, but that looked like a MUCH larger explosion than you would expect from a small plane crash. Like it had some kind of explosive accellerant on board. Like the car crash in Georgia where the boyfriend of the Governor's daughter was killed. What was the name of that chemical?
I get that. I’m not being a smart ass. I don’t know anything about this subject. How much oxygen would be on a medical plane? Would the fuel on plane and oxygen cause that big of an explosion?
Thanks, guess with plane fuel and fuel in the cars it hit it could make that explosion. I’m not an expert, not even a novice and don’t want to speculate.
It just took off, so it had a full fuel load. It was going to MO. Flight would be roughly 2 hours 20 minutes, so a fair amount of fuel. Compare that to the plane trying to land at DCA - likely very little fuel left. Taking off should be a bigger explosion than landing.
I’m thinking the same thing but I’m not very knowledgeable in explosions, bomb types, c4, etc. I hate to speculate but after two crashes the 🚩was already flying.
We kept tabs on the food supplies caught on fire, bird flu, birds being kills, 10,000 cattle drop dead all of a sudden, trains derailing the list goes on with dates. Oh yes, we have been under attack we are AT WAR. This is a perfect war cause so many are blind to this and believe that this weather is God's weather and have no clue it's man made. Start paying attention and logging things and you will begin to see a pattern.
It has been for decades. I've heard the term panicking thrown around a lot over the last 8 years. Most of the time it wasn't true. I truly see the deep state panicking right now. The attacks are going to get worse before it gets better. We are in the late stages of the chess game. They are making the only moves they have left, and everyone knows they have lost. Nothing can stop what is coming.
My theory on this outlook is this—what would it look like if people wanted to destroy the Greatest Country in the World? These people would be very intelligent but also very cunning. They might devise a way to produce panic in Christian’s and usher them to believe it is The End Times.
For at least a decade, maybe four, they could have secret meetings around the world and develop a way to do this. They would have the brightest minds possible. They would get all giddy about this and very proud of how they will deceive a nation, The Greatest Nation.
They would come up with ways to use secret comms like “climate change” or “our democracy” both really meaning things like encourage their cause. They would even kneel at Satan and ask for help, even though many would not believe in such a thing, they would reason with the prospect of more people for their cause.
The msm and Obama were very key aspects of this plan.
The other theory I might say is —We Might be in the End Times, but God is the Aplha and Omega. What they do not understand is God is real and His people do not panic like they taught themselves and fooled themselves into believing. An Atheist who has faith in his neighbor will not panic either.
It is very serious stuff going on and praying is important for sure.
Deep state is fighting back
AGREED, but if I may - Deep state is TRYING TO fight back. They will fail and they are beyond obvious. Lotta hangings gonna need to be done. They are just drawing more attention to themselves and at the same time providing us with more evidence to be used against them.
Are they desperate enough to do another 9/11?
Yes. I suspect that the DC helo/plane collision will turn out to be a 9/11-type situation.
Try as they may, only God can stop this plan.
The "is" and "trying to" distinction -- good differentiation.
Not just “Deep State”. It is also the agents of their allies. Many illegal migrants appear to be foreign military. They are now attempting to do as much sabotage as possible before getting deported. It has been going on locally in nearly every state for 2 weeks now.
i saw 3 guys in reflective vests shutting off a water main after dark tonight, no water running or work equipment. i called the cops
Any update on this because man that is odd.
Completely agree with you.
Just who or what is the deep state. I know there are rogues inside 3 letter agencies. But who or what controls them? I know people talk about secret organizations etc. Such as illuminati and other similar groups.
It's a collective of bad actors, the players sometimes change but the ones on the very top don't. the Rothschilds are major players
I know people have speculated this BUT is this been proven. I know of the "Skull & Bones" group of which the Bushes supposedly part of etc. Are these all the same under different names?
What's their objective?
Maybe bring as much chaos into Trump’s 2nd term, tie up the news cycle to deflect from their crimes
taking our money and killing us
Question is how much of it is still centrally-coordinated by the Cabal and how much of it is from individual tentacles thrashing about after the octopus had been shot in the head?
Looks like mostly tentacles, but they are usually autonomous operators that just need “activation” by an event or public comm. Jeffries appears to have given “greenlight” to all operators today via public comms, so look for amp-up of riots and sabotage.
“Hakeem Jeffries Faces Backlash Over ‘Fight In The Streets’ Comment“:
I imagine Jeffries probably reeks of bat urine and Hillary’s lingering sulfuric pungency.
Firebugs wanna firebug. “Shoot to kill” is currently authorized against anyone engaged in “Terrorist Act” especially if you have been deputized as part of a Const militia (by Const Sheriff) or are part of National Guard. (Verify and coordinate all actions with Sheriff before donning your Batman suit, please).
Some County DAs have agreements with Sheriffs to not prosecute deputized militia for actions against 1. illegals engaging in “economic sabotage” aka Terrorist Acts or 2. Suspected cartel operatives.
Great analogy!
I’m guessing that we won’t get that information until years after things calm down.
The doorbell video looks like a missile.
That's literally the worst video/angle - go take a look on X. It's undeniably a plane. The question is why, and why now.
Its a Learjet 55 maybe…small business plane. It sounds like turbofans as the sound hits.
Medical transport, pediatric... 4 crew, 1 patient, and 1 escort
Not a missile. Plane on fire in air
RIght? Why does the plane light up like that when it's going down?
Coming down on fire, think medical oxygen might have been involved. Plane comes down 30 seconds after taking off. This is what the Lear looked like:
Q has said repeatedly, they have it all.
This means they have the financial transactions of all the bad actors who would fund the massive riots and all the arson.
Trump is moving at breakneck speed, which is good, but eventually (hopefully soon) they'll arrest the traitors who continually burn down California.
I’m not defending or saying NC fires were not attacks, especially after CA & HI. When the WNC fires started is was very windy across NC. We were in a red flag burn notice. I’m in the east and it’s very worse than March winds the last few weeks. After living over thirty years with a volunteer firefighter you learn really quickly people don’t care if it’s windy. They burn yard debris anyway. One day his department had over ten grass fire calls from people burning leaves in 15mph winds. Just Wednesday the wind was hollowing like in a coastal squall.
Do you believe in coincidences?
There’s no such thing as coincidences
Yes. We are under attack.
Sociopathic monsters do not go quietly. They will fight to the end and burn the country to the ground rather than give it up.
Stay alert.
Why does it look like a missile strike?
I’m just saying that it looks strikingly similar to a missile strike. And if they have barriers up already it makes it seem like it was preplanned. There’s no way first responders would focus on erecting barriers first instead. That’s just ludicrous to think that would happen or even a government entity would be that proficient to get the barrier up so quickly.
Yes we live in a world full of lies
Very suspicious! Suspicious Minds song brings a whole new meaning these days.
While initially it did look like a missile. This footage proves it was a plane.
it does look like a missile strike. I hate to say it, but I am worried that Elon might very well be the antichrist. These are definitely the end times. musk's NeuroLink has something to do with this.
I’m not sure if Elon is or isn’t the Antichrist. But I am sure that there’s something that makes me uneasy about him and I don’t trust him. And I am also sure that we are living in the end times as well. An exciting time and God created us and preordained us to live in such a time as this. We need to be lights in a very dark world as God has told us to be.
The Jerusalem Temple has not been rebuilt.
There are antichrists on every generation— Satan’s agents. Satan is the Great Deceiver, Liar.
There are many and have been many Antichrists. But we are barreling forward in this space and time. It can be denied that the love of many have grown cold. There has been many to turn away from the faith. The true faith and not what passes as Christianity nowadays. That female impostor that called herself a bishop that spoke at the national cathedral is a perfect example. False teachers. And that’s just the surface. Lovers of money. Lovers of pleasure. In the practice of sin. Always reject the truth like it’s poison to them.
Missiles can accelerate faster than a plane tho
Sure is looking like that, doesn’t it?
My view is off the cuff .. When you can't kill the "king" they are going after his people (us). King used lightly here but y'all know what I mean..
Don't forget the various and sundry chemical plant/train explosions or the meat processing plant fires.
And bird flu warnings that probably scare some vulnerable Liberals. Never mind that turkeys, doves, eagles, sparrows are not dropping out of the sky.
Just watched several videos of crash in Philly. Looks more like a missle.
Another angle
Wow that is the best angle I have seen yet. That thing is in a COMPLETE nosedive, wow.. the video is actually good enough that I could spot the contours of the plane in the silhouette as it came into view.
Two other things I saw and am wondering about:
Does that plane look like it is ALREADY on fire to any of you? If you slow it down, I thought I spotted some ripples or waves in the shape of the plane - its hard to spot what is dark or bright, so I went by that to try and tell what was going on.
Does anyone else see that flash - something small - going DIRECTLY UP INTO THE AIR, as the explosion happens? Wtf was that??? I mean I guess it COULD have been debris, but man, it really shot straight up into the sky, whatever the hell it was.
I just wanted to make a note of these small details and get an idea of what everyone else thought of them or if they noticed at all. I do have close relatives in the aerospace industry but I'm probably as much of a novice as anyone when it comes to aircraft related subjects. It would be great to hear from anyone with a good handle on this to confirm if we are indeed witnessing some WEIRD SHIT or if it's just keen eyes scanning an unfamiliar situation.
Well something’s going on to make it that bright in the sky. It could have been on fire. I’ve seen that flash on every video. The video from a ring camera shows a flash back like the atomic bomb. Two guys are going outside, explosion and they run back inside. Saw it here tonight.
The plane was probably shot with a missile. President Trump’s media opportunity in Oval right after the Blackhawk/ plane collision— he looked very worried.
WTF? It keeps diving down. Why is it all lit up like that?
Add the F35 down in Alaska 1/29
Well, the good guys know who is doing this. If they don't, their intelligence is terrible.
They should have filled GITMO some time ago.
Just wait until those 400+ Chinese transgender transformers shit the bed...
Yes, from traitors and ww elites/enemies attempting control.
There are multiple flights in an emergency distress call squawk 7700 simultaneously.
Thanks for sharing
I don't know about the plane itself, but that looked like a MUCH larger explosion than you would expect from a small plane crash. Like it had some kind of explosive accellerant on board. Like the car crash in Georgia where the boyfriend of the Governor's daughter was killed. What was the name of that chemical?
Medical plane, likely carrying oxygen.
I get that. I’m not being a smart ass. I don’t know anything about this subject. How much oxygen would be on a medical plane? Would the fuel on plane and oxygen cause that big of an explosion?
i saw a video of a burning ambulance, once the oxygen tank burst it launched the ambulance off the ground
Thanks, guess with plane fuel and fuel in the cars it hit it could make that explosion. I’m not an expert, not even a novice and don’t want to speculate.
It just took off, so it had a full fuel load. It was going to MO. Flight would be roughly 2 hours 20 minutes, so a fair amount of fuel. Compare that to the plane trying to land at DCA - likely very little fuel left. Taking off should be a bigger explosion than landing.
I’m thinking the same thing but I’m not very knowledgeable in explosions, bomb types, c4, etc. I hate to speculate but after two crashes the 🚩was already flying.
Plus the emergency oxygen system
That's true . I forgot how explosive oxygen is. But it still seems excessive.
I agree explosives on the ground or on plane.
I think it was thermite, like AdAstra suggested.
Yes, I think it was thermite.
And the F35 crash, pilot ejected.
Absolutely. And we have been under attack for some time, it's just getting more open and obvious. And we're starting to notice.
We kept tabs on the food supplies caught on fire, bird flu, birds being kills, 10,000 cattle drop dead all of a sudden, trains derailing the list goes on with dates. Oh yes, we have been under attack we are AT WAR. This is a perfect war cause so many are blind to this and believe that this weather is God's weather and have no clue it's man made. Start paying attention and logging things and you will begin to see a pattern.
This is the beginning of the storm fren.
always has been
Great footage.
It has been for decades. I've heard the term panicking thrown around a lot over the last 8 years. Most of the time it wasn't true. I truly see the deep state panicking right now. The attacks are going to get worse before it gets better. We are in the late stages of the chess game. They are making the only moves they have left, and everyone knows they have lost. Nothing can stop what is coming.
Since (our) inception.
Thatd be a YES. only noone has been informed yet
I wonder if the drones over NJ were tests for kamikaze drones? Weren't they fairly large in size? They lock on a target path and strike?
Poultry plant fires, gas pipeline failures, planes crashing into food plants, Ohio train derail and chem release, and many more
A candle flickers violently just before it goes out.
It landed on/beside a shopping mall as pieces of plane are strewn over parking lot.
And an apartment building too
My theory on this outlook is this—what would it look like if people wanted to destroy the Greatest Country in the World? These people would be very intelligent but also very cunning. They might devise a way to produce panic in Christian’s and usher them to believe it is The End Times.
For at least a decade, maybe four, they could have secret meetings around the world and develop a way to do this. They would have the brightest minds possible. They would get all giddy about this and very proud of how they will deceive a nation, The Greatest Nation.
They would come up with ways to use secret comms like “climate change” or “our democracy” both really meaning things like encourage their cause. They would even kneel at Satan and ask for help, even though many would not believe in such a thing, they would reason with the prospect of more people for their cause.
The msm and Obama were very key aspects of this plan.
The other theory I might say is —We Might be in the End Times, but God is the Aplha and Omega. What they do not understand is God is real and His people do not panic like they taught themselves and fooled themselves into believing. An Atheist who has faith in his neighbor will not panic either.
It is very serious stuff going on and praying is important for sure.