I've been telling normies for the last 5 years that "blue cities" is a lie... one of my test normies the other day actually said to me that he now thinks Epstien was Mo ssad... we had a break though conversation. It was great. It's definitely happening.
Once the people understand how this machine works, the next step will show the money trail of President Trump's impeachments, the organized assassination attempts, the lawsuits, the constant msm attacks and the election fraud. The crescendo will show how the Obama's (and the like) are worth millions. Where did that money come from? The people will know.
Absolutely true. The house of cards will soon entirely crumble on election/voter fraud, USAID funded MSM and more. After that, watch the entire country turn bright red, even Cali, NY, IL, etc. The way it really is.
Most of them are just lost normies. When they do wake up many of them will find them selves on the wrong side of this war and the only way to save them is redemption through Jesus. Have patience and compassion. There was a time where most of us here were normies too. A rude awakening will soon come their way.
I am, too. My FB page is filled with crying normies convinced it's the end of the world. And it's bizarre what they seriously believe about Pres. Trump. Some said "he has no sense of humor and he never listens to music. Those are bad signs!"
Where did they get those ideas?? The man is hilarious and makes his own playlists when entertaining at Mar-a-Lago. He brings people like Lee Greenwood and Christopher (the opera singer) to perform (not just appear) at his rallies.
I think I remember Penn Juliette saying something about Trump not liking music. They must pay them to make these little clips. It’s well rehearsed.
So, what I am hearing is: Our elections have been stolen for quite some time. The democrats and complicit Rhinos have been involved in treasonous activity usurping the will of the people.
All laws EO's, and tax collections have been done via Fraud. So, the past many presidents have been installed against the will of the people and any pardons granted should be null and void.
You are correct. I believe a more accurate assessment is the NUMBERS are smoke & mirrors. No way Kamala or Biden got the vote numbers or approval ratings they did. There are plenty of idiots who buy the leftist shtick hook line and sinker, but not 70 million +.
I'd like to see a comprehensive line item list of where ALL of the taxpayer funds go, department by department. Why can't this stuff be released straight to the public fo our reading pleasure?
p.s. Remember to dump your cable provider to starve the propaganda channels, like CNN and PMSNBC, of the 'carriage fees' rolled up into your monthly cable bill.
I disagree. I have a lot of old high school friends that are lefties. I don't keep regular contact with them as often as recent years, but I do see their social media accounts. A lot of them aren't as rabid regarding certain issues (e.g. trannies), but they do still vote blue and were all gathered together in a discord call on election night. Although, hey believe that the democrats in office are shit and don't push the economic policies they'd like (very socialist stuff).
I think the reality is that it's not as big of a movement these days and majority of the blue voters were centrists that don't really get too involved in politics. The cities I'm nearby definitely have their fair share of blue voters but it's not like TV makes it out to be.
There's a bunch of them at my work that admit that they still dislike Trump but just want the illegals gone and don't care about his "mean tweets" anymore.
Do you really think that we would all think he meant D voters don't exist at all, and then actually believe that to be true? Lol. Why don't you try contributing something to this site besides your annoying smart boy comments. I also don't care what you think is a bad idea, since you are not very smart.
I've been telling normies for the last 5 years that "blue cities" is a lie... one of my test normies the other day actually said to me that he now thinks Epstien was Mo ssad... we had a break though conversation. It was great. It's definitely happening.
Blue states don’t exist. Blue counties do.
Blue congressional districts. Rare to find a full blue county.
And only because they have been gerrymandered together.
This is big and has to be the most underrated news of the year.
There’s no turning back or going soft for Trump and team with this. They must go all the way and finish it.
"Who cares? He pulled out a chair for Netanyahu! WE'RE FUCKED!"
Saw people claiming exactly this elsewhere.
Some people have no concept of long-term strategy...
Saving for last.
Like Chris Hansen?
Why don't you have a seat? Like from "to catch a predator" the show where they catch kiddie diddlers.
Once the people understand how this machine works, the next step will show the money trail of President Trump's impeachments, the organized assassination attempts, the lawsuits, the constant msm attacks and the election fraud. The crescendo will show how the Obama's (and the like) are worth millions. Where did that money come from? The people will know.
Big Pharma does a lot of the heavy lifting on keeping the media funded through ads. Go watch CNN for an hour. Every commercial break has pharma ads.
If I want to watch fags kiss, I'll go check out a local protest.
Not even if you paid me.
We always knew [they] were funding the entire rigged D media machine.
Now, we finally know how
Absolutely true. The house of cards will soon entirely crumble on election/voter fraud, USAID funded MSM and more. After that, watch the entire country turn bright red, even Cali, NY, IL, etc. The way it really is.
I agree, but still feel like I am surrounded by Orange-Man--Bad TDS'ers. I want to see that dam(n)break.
Most of them are just lost normies. When they do wake up many of them will find them selves on the wrong side of this war and the only way to save them is redemption through Jesus. Have patience and compassion. There was a time where most of us here were normies too. A rude awakening will soon come their way.
Well said.
I am, too. My FB page is filled with crying normies convinced it's the end of the world. And it's bizarre what they seriously believe about Pres. Trump. Some said "he has no sense of humor and he never listens to music. Those are bad signs!"
Where did they get those ideas?? The man is hilarious and makes his own playlists when entertaining at Mar-a-Lago. He brings people like Lee Greenwood and Christopher (the opera singer) to perform (not just appear) at his rallies.
Where are they getting this stuff?
I think I remember Penn Juliette saying something about Trump not liking music. They must pay them to make these little clips. It’s well rehearsed. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XMnTZdPGkKw
I remember many years ago when Penn used to be based.
They will grasp at anything to satiate their programmed belief that Trump is this big mean guy..
Maybe a few declassifications would help. But some people have to be shown. Not sure how this is going to work out for the remaining brain washed.
We will need to break the grip of the secret handshake society.
My God, this is glorious to witness, the timeline of timelines!!
I say twice a week. EVERYTHING about the left is fake. It's why they want our minds so bad. It's a prerequisite to get ppl to believe the lies.
" Do not try to bend the spoon. Instead try to realize the truth. There Is No Spoon ".
Trump on the people slapping down msm narratives as fast they can spew them " They are beginning to believe ".
So, what I am hearing is: Our elections have been stolen for quite some time. The democrats and complicit Rhinos have been involved in treasonous activity usurping the will of the people. All laws EO's, and tax collections have been done via Fraud. So, the past many presidents have been installed against the will of the people and any pardons granted should be null and void.
Did I miss anything?
Professors at colleges are still extremely left wing and their bullshit is still being taught to students going to public colleges today.
School faculty, government employees, corporate executives all seem to be hip to the liberal agenda.
Females and the LGBTQ crowd are definitely libs.
I don't believe it's just smoke and mirrors.
You are correct. I believe a more accurate assessment is the NUMBERS are smoke & mirrors. No way Kamala or Biden got the vote numbers or approval ratings they did. There are plenty of idiots who buy the leftist shtick hook line and sinker, but not 70 million +.
Yeah it's the gaslighting that the left ever was close to a majority that is fake.
There aren't 50M lib voters? Only computer check marks? Hmmmm....I guess useless eaters have a hard time getting down to the polling stations.
and reddit is an echo chamber of the minority divorced from reality
I'd like to see a comprehensive line item list of where ALL of the taxpayer funds go, department by department. Why can't this stuff be released straight to the public fo our reading pleasure?
When are we going to fix the elections? Needs to be before midterms.
I can only get so hard
p.s. Remember to dump your cable provider to starve the propaganda channels, like CNN and PMSNBC, of the 'carriage fees' rolled up into your monthly cable bill.
Lies, lies, lies.
Well all the touchy-feely narratives could be astro-turf, but I believe they garnered a large army of ardent followers.
Left wing political power? Maybe. But left wingers do definitely exist, and they're foaming at the mouth they're so mad right now.
Sure as hell is.
Direct hit!!!
I disagree. I have a lot of old high school friends that are lefties. I don't keep regular contact with them as often as recent years, but I do see their social media accounts. A lot of them aren't as rabid regarding certain issues (e.g. trannies), but they do still vote blue and were all gathered together in a discord call on election night. Although, hey believe that the democrats in office are shit and don't push the economic policies they'd like (very socialist stuff).
I think the reality is that it's not as big of a movement these days and majority of the blue voters were centrists that don't really get too involved in politics. The cities I'm nearby definitely have their fair share of blue voters but it's not like TV makes it out to be.
There's a bunch of them at my work that admit that they still dislike Trump but just want the illegals gone and don't care about his "mean tweets" anymore.
I wish this was true because there are a whole lot of these dem voters living on my Facebook page.
Some of us have known this for decades.
Do you really think that we would all think he meant D voters don't exist at all, and then actually believe that to be true? Lol. Why don't you try contributing something to this site besides your annoying smart boy comments. I also don't care what you think is a bad idea, since you are not very smart.
His comment history contains: "What Marx defined as communism has objectively never been actually attempted." Let's see how long he lasts.