report from India with a photo of Pres. Trump holding the signed commission of Kash Patel as director, and Kash Patel in miniature superimposed over the signed commission
I have a friend in the FBINA 3 month class right now. He said they are running around with their heads cut off and the main agent in charge of that program took the severance package. Hahahahaha
If you can’t have a basic conversation with somebody then perhaps you should. However, I don’t recommend it, as we’ve already lost a lot of longtime users here because of censorship. But you want to leave because I don’t want censorship, so that is so strange. We’re living in upside down world right now.
I apologize if I hurt your feelings, that was not my intention. However; I do take censorship, very seriously, and don’t need people to tell me when and what I should post.
Please reconsider leaving because we need you here!
To be clear… Yes, the mods have made it obvious that they want censorship here. I get it. It’s my choice to stay here or to leave. I’m not leaving. So I live with the rules. But I do find it interesting that there are foot soldiers demanding that we be censored.
Also - regarding your original comment. Not everyone goes to a hot when they come to this platform. A lot of people go straight to NEW, and would not see the stickies. Then people make posts without checking, and there are duplicates. Over the past month there have been many posts regarding people searching first before posting. I generally do that and I think it’s a good policy. However, just because somebody doesn’t do something the way I do, doesn’t mean that I should deny them the right to post something that they want to post.
It’s really not that big of a deal. But it seems to be to you. If there are too many duplicate posts, a mod will pop up and tell you hey… I deleted your post. And then we all move on with our lives. We don’t need YOU helping us to decide what we’re gonna post and not post. Thanks, but no thanks!
The question is, “How are they sailing through conformation without months of democrat obstruction?”, something is definitely happening behind the scenes. I hope this isn’t Quiet capitulation where everyone will be allowed to quietly bow out without public knowledge of crimes.
Q did say that not all will be prosecuted, but will do as told. So, we're watching a movie? Planned? Scripted? Story boarded? People reading their lines (as told)?
It's not so mysterious really. They're cutting deals for the lesser offenders. Basic RICO prosecution tactics. Murkowski and the others are probably just low level grifters that will get a fine and slap on the wrist afterward, if they go along with the program. It is a "movie" in a figurative sense for sure.
The crimes, all crimes need to be paid for. Justice must be done! They stole our money, they lied, and what about the children and their families? They stole our children and robbed them of their lives, innocence, family... When people learn about what they did to our children and why!!!... NOPE. They knew what they were doing. They tried to hide it and blame others that were innocent and failed. THEY GOT CAUGHT and they are still trying to hide what they've done!!!
God† tells us we're supposed to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven for our own sins. God† also loves justice. So personally I believe that we should forgive them, and I have, but for the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this.
Due respect...but Faux News is controlled opposition, who is (arguably) complicit in the 2020 steal. Even if they WOULD be given the first heads-up...I wouldn't be watching, and haven't been since Nov 2020. When they called Arizona early on Election Night 2020, I checked out then and never went back...and found PLENTY of other independent, and BETTER, news outlets since then.
Its 4 tough years searching for hope. Watching Trump speeches. Reading bout thousands of sealed indictments. Living on this site. Living on Truth Social. Watching Brandon demo the country. Watchin Fauci poison the masses with impunity. I got 3 kids who took the shot. This Kash win is like the Most Glorious Win. The FBI has been corrupt since its inception. Hoover was a spying crime loving bitch. No doubt he was an installed tool. We now can speed the cleaning of this criminal enterprise!
You know n the 70s i was a college intern working as a co-op in downtown for US gov. I could not believe the laziness and lack of professionalism. Im sure the waste is worse now 40 yrs later. There has been a of time spent and stress on my soul since The Steal. We pray for each other and pray for the best.
I am sorry to hear that about your three kids. I was not able to keep 3 grandkids from getting the vaxx. And possibly another, though I begged. Not sure if my pleading made a difference. Such a horrible time. Tired. But now a glorious one that feels like justice will be possible.
Yeah, I'm sorry...I saw, but didn't post, the link to his little (and I DO mean little) protest with, like, 4 other demtard senators in front of the FBI building. (Sorry.) It was one of the most pathetic things I've seen.
I sorta hope he was already waiting in the Beast, in the Fed Boi Institute parking lot with a handpicked team ready and waiting, along with DJT and a judge to swear him in and let him loose.
But Kash deserves all the pomp and circumstance of a White House swearing in ceremony.
AHHHHH need patience due to the OVERFLOWING of the swirling guts that are sitting on the toilets and letting the loose bowels takeover AND the regurgitating of TODAY'S BREAKFAST, LUNCHES, AND LAST NIGHTs DINNER!!!!!
There's so many criminals that need to be brought to justice; where does Kash start?
I saw a message from Kash that indicated his X profile would be something like FBIDirectorKash, but have searched X and do not see it.
Do you know what it is?
Update: I found President Trump's message again that says: Follow Kash on his new 𝕏 account: @FBIDirectorKash
That works:
The hammer of justice and revenge is here 🇺🇸 ❤️
Kash is a hammer looking for a nail. 😁
report from India with a photo of Pres. Trump holding the signed commission of Kash Patel as director, and Kash Patel in miniature superimposed over the signed commission
Does McConnell think voting for Kash will protect him from criminal prosecution? Kek!
That's exactly what I was thinking.
I have a friend in the FBINA 3 month class right now. He said they are running around with their heads cut off and the main agent in charge of that program took the severance package. Hahahahaha
In today's class we will be going over how to gracefully exit the stage.when you sense a storm coming.....
Is that a problem though?
Censorship much.🤷♀️
I remember a leader somewhere screaming about ORDER! Sorry, but you made me chuckle. That was not a really a good word to use. Seig heil furer! 😂😂
The exchange was worth it just for the chuckle. Have a great night.
If you can’t have a basic conversation with somebody then perhaps you should. However, I don’t recommend it, as we’ve already lost a lot of longtime users here because of censorship. But you want to leave because I don’t want censorship, so that is so strange. We’re living in upside down world right now.
I apologize if I hurt your feelings, that was not my intention. However; I do take censorship, very seriously, and don’t need people to tell me when and what I should post.
Please reconsider leaving because we need you here!
Bye sweetie!
To be clear… Yes, the mods have made it obvious that they want censorship here. I get it. It’s my choice to stay here or to leave. I’m not leaving. So I live with the rules. But I do find it interesting that there are foot soldiers demanding that we be censored.
Also - regarding your original comment. Not everyone goes to a hot when they come to this platform. A lot of people go straight to NEW, and would not see the stickies. Then people make posts without checking, and there are duplicates. Over the past month there have been many posts regarding people searching first before posting. I generally do that and I think it’s a good policy. However, just because somebody doesn’t do something the way I do, doesn’t mean that I should deny them the right to post something that they want to post.
It’s really not that big of a deal. But it seems to be to you. If there are too many duplicate posts, a mod will pop up and tell you hey… I deleted your post. And then we all move on with our lives. We don’t need YOU helping us to decide what we’re gonna post and not post. Thanks, but no thanks!
God bless and have a great night.
Post 1418 baby!
What about it? u/#q1418
Trump, Kash, RFK, Elon are all like, "WE'RE IN YOUR BASE, KILLING YOUR DUDES!"
Ninja's with Lions
Kash me on the ouside how bout dat.
I envision a Viking opera meme....
"When you have a corrupt government and you need Kash Now,"
"Call the F.B.I, 877-Kash-NOW!"
For those not familiar:
That made it to YT? 😂
Crowning moment?
Does that mean KA$H is King?
This is WILD. If anyone had doubts about Q before, the Kash delta seals the deal. That's a WOWSER - it even says "Q Proof" right on it. Q3879
The one I recall was 1481
Kashyap Patel - name to remember. Q
Right? Undeniable at this point! Come on, get on the wagon! Another almost 7k sealed indictments for your big blue balls!
The question is, “How are they sailing through conformation without months of democrat obstruction?”, something is definitely happening behind the scenes. I hope this isn’t Quiet capitulation where everyone will be allowed to quietly bow out without public knowledge of crimes.
Q did say that not all will be prosecuted, but will do as told. So, we're watching a movie? Planned? Scripted? Story boarded? People reading their lines (as told)?
Q did tell us this. Didn't he?
It's not so mysterious really. They're cutting deals for the lesser offenders. Basic RICO prosecution tactics. Murkowski and the others are probably just low level grifters that will get a fine and slap on the wrist afterward, if they go along with the program. It is a "movie" in a figurative sense for sure.
No deals
The crimes, all crimes need to be paid for. Justice must be done! They stole our money, they lied, and what about the children and their families? They stole our children and robbed them of their lives, innocence, family... When people learn about what they did to our children and why!!!... NOPE. They knew what they were doing. They tried to hide it and blame others that were innocent and failed. THEY GOT CAUGHT and they are still trying to hide what they've done!!!
God† tells us we're supposed to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven for our own sins. God† also loves justice. So personally I believe that we should forgive them, and I have, but for the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this.
He's confirmed 51-49
u/# KashPatel
Ok, it's driving me crazy trying to find it... Do you have the link to the original video for this?
Kash makes a great mover and shaker!
Soooooo much winning!!!!
oh my goodness that new pic on the homepage ----------->
Thank God. America rejoices.✝️
Helluva proof. Oh what a day. What a Lovely day.
Honey badger unleashed. And as a friendly reminder how long has it been since you checked your popcorn reserves ?
Training phase COMPLETE! u/#rocky
GREAT NEWS! Maybe we will see some prep walks now! But this time with Fox News being given the heads up so they can be there first.
Due respect...but Faux News is controlled opposition, who is (arguably) complicit in the 2020 steal. Even if they WOULD be given the first heads-up...I wouldn't be watching, and haven't been since Nov 2020. When they called Arizona early on Election Night 2020, I checked out then and never went back...and found PLENTY of other independent, and BETTER, news outlets since then.
Its 4 tough years searching for hope. Watching Trump speeches. Reading bout thousands of sealed indictments. Living on this site. Living on Truth Social. Watching Brandon demo the country. Watchin Fauci poison the masses with impunity. I got 3 kids who took the shot. This Kash win is like the Most Glorious Win. The FBI has been corrupt since its inception. Hoover was a spying crime loving bitch. No doubt he was an installed tool. We now can speed the cleaning of this criminal enterprise!
You know n the 70s i was a college intern working as a co-op in downtown for US gov. I could not believe the laziness and lack of professionalism. Im sure the waste is worse now 40 yrs later. There has been a of time spent and stress on my soul since The Steal. We pray for each other and pray for the best.
I am sorry to hear that about your three kids. I was not able to keep 3 grandkids from getting the vaxx. And possibly another, though I begged. Not sure if my pleading made a difference. Such a horrible time. Tired. But now a glorious one that feels like justice will be possible.
u/#q3879 Nice delta
I noticed the quotes around "twitter"... they knew it was going to be "X" instead but still referred to it as "quote" "twitter" "quote"
That IS a helluva delta. :)
Is it finally SUICIDE WEEKEND???
Well, given Adam Schiff's histrionics before AND after Kash's confirmation...we can only HOPE.
Oooh! Idiot had histrionics after too? I'm gonna have to go find that for my viewing pleasure lol
Yeah, I'm sorry...I saw, but didn't post, the link to his little (and I DO mean little) protest with, like, 4 other demtard senators in front of the FBI building. (Sorry.) It was one of the most pathetic things I've seen.
Oh I saw that! I thought he had another break down verbally lol
There's no cheating God
Amen, fren.
I recall a drop... Week Week Week Suicide weekend
So, I'm theorizing three weeks will pass first. But, I know nothink. [Sic]
The 9th of March?
Ask and you shall recieve!
Reckoning Ball 💥
I sorta hope he was already waiting in the Beast, in the Fed Boi Institute parking lot with a handpicked team ready and waiting, along with DJT and a judge to swear him in and let him loose.
But Kash deserves all the pomp and circumstance of a White House swearing in ceremony.
President Trump can swear him in himself. VP Vance (or VPJD) swore in Rubio.
Dang - just about nailed it. JD swore Kash in.
They could do both.
Kash confirmed 51-48!!!
It was 51-49. Dipshit Whitehouse was the last NO vote.
Did you see Liz Warren scurry out of there.... she's prolly getting her affairs in order 😂
-Peter Pan (1953)
Maybe she just ran out of TP. I know - Dad joke.
Joys1Daughter...YOU BE BRINING THE DYYYYYNOOOOMITE...🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
Outstanding Young Lady!!!!!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
J G Wentworth!
Guis it's been like 10 minutes now. Why no arrests?!?! Where Epstein list?!?! kek /s
top KEK
AHHHHH need patience due to the OVERFLOWING of the swirling guts that are sitting on the toilets and letting the loose bowels takeover AND the regurgitating of TODAY'S BREAKFAST, LUNCHES, AND LAST NIGHTs DINNER!!!!!
Well I am doing the dance of joy! Yay!!!!! So much winning I can't stop smiling.
Done in 30!!!!
You're right! That's too perfect too lol