The media so far has not understood this ruling properly, but I admit it looks bad.
This is a one-page unsigned order by the Supreme Court. It entertains no legal analysis and therefore it has no true precedential effect. It merely says the DOJ did not argue that the monies were not owed to the NGOs for work already performed, and therefore the lower court's order to pay the monies was something the lower court could order at his discretion.
I do feel like the DOJ bungled this petition. They will learn from this and I think we'll win the second bite at the apple when a similar case comes up next.
Now, sadly, this order will encourage other rogue district court judges to make the same kinds of findings, but I do predict something will get to the Supreme Court soon which will compel a full legal analysis of the executive's authority. This case did not do that, and I do fault the DOJ for its handling of this case.
But I am gobsmacked by Roberts and Barrett. Something is up with those two.
Your title is misleading it is not to continue funding USAID. It is about 2 billion that is owed for work they have done. That will win in any Court.
Now Trump can pay back a dollar a month? Maybe a hundred? All while calling for an audit to show the work that was done to make sure it was done to the satisfaction to which they were paid. Just like you are treated on a home project hiring people to do work. So if the work was done and completed they should be paid. If it wasn't it will be a legal reason not to pay them.
The ruling is to pay for services rendered. Not to continue finding them.
Hopefully the receiving entities are found involved in fraud and no longer have to pay
WOW... Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh with a TRUTH NUKE in their dissenting opinion.
"Does a single district-court judge who likely lacks jurisdiction have the unchecked power to compel the Government of the United States to pay out (and probably lose forever) 2 billion taxpayer dollars? The answer to that question should be an emphatic “No,” but a majority of this Court apparently thinks otherwise. I am stunned."
So well said!
To a effing foreign entity at that!!! They should have 0 justification to force payment to especially a foreign entity.
DOJ should have argued that they need time to evaluate fraud, waste and abuse, which has been found to run rampantly through USAID NGOs. They should've come up with a toehold on that argument which would have allowed for more time. You don't have to pay for fraud regardless of a binding contract.
Fraud vitiates every solemn act, meaning that any agreement or legal act that involves fraud is considered void and unenforceable. This principle applies to contracts, judgments, and other legal documents, as fraud undermines their validity. Long game.
Whew! Thanks for this clarification.
they didn't do any work, it was all a scam
In one instance we paid mullions to build and to maintain schools. They had no teachers and the buildings could not be used safely after only 2 years, the roof on the class rooms were coming down.
This is not the end of the world. We have many cards in hand. We could call for an investigation into the quality of the work provided and then punish them if they are found to cook the books.
Roberts and Barrett have adopted kids. Did Epstein arrange the adoptions? Lin Wood said he did. Understand now?
I have been suspicious of Roberts since the Obama care ruling. Remember how he left the country immediately afterwards, going to Malta (“to teach a class”). I’ve never had a good feeling about Barrett. I suspect they both have control files.
To "be knighted in Malta" means to be admitted as a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a Catholic religious order with a long history of providing medical care and humanitarian aid, where members are formally called "Knights of Malta" and can be referred to as "Sir" or "Dame" depending on their gender; membership is by invitation only and requires a strong commitment to the Catholic faith and charitable work.
They are considered as a sovereign country to 114 different countries, having diplomatic immunity. Knights of Malta as a command and control center goes deep.
Roberts Obamacare ruling almost read like it was repealed, but the word repealed was replaced with sustained or something similar. I'm going from memory, so I might be forgetting something.
Anyway, the both of them are mostly useless fucking fakes.
There's something weird about federal appointees and celebrities 'adopting' children outside their race. Probable blackmail cards to be played if needed
Rep. Thomas Massie Demands Congress Cut Off USAID Funding After Supreme Court’s Outrageous Ruling
Thomas is demanding the House GOP drop-the-gloves. This absolutely needed doing. The SC has no business interfering in foreign aid decisions. He's still the smartest kid in class.
His interview with Tucker is one of the most enlightening things I've ever watched.
Shipwreckedcrew's thoughts are worth reading on this.
and his follow up post
That's a well-written analysis. Thanks.
Fantastic analysis. Thank you for pointing it out to all of us.
As the address was over last night and President Trump was walking out, he put his hand on Judge Roberts shoulder and said "Don't forget". I would LOVE to know what he meant by that.
Barrett gave Trump the stink eye last night. Did I imagine that or did anybody else see that?
She sure did!
It looked like Trump snubbed her as he walked by yet interacted with the justices on either side. She appeared to be quite unhappy with being ignored.
It seems we (MAGA) are all well aware that Barrett and Roberts and being blackmailed because of the illegal way they got their adopted kids from Haiti and Ireland and most likely with Epstein's help. I just wish it would get exposed so we can replace them on the Supreme Court. Maybe it is yet another reason for holding up the Epstein files.
If you’re going to make a claim that they both got their children through Epstein, please add some sauce
Edit: not sauce, but a more detailed claim. Multiple in one day?
Roberts is compromised, his children are Irish and adopted. It is illegal to adopt Irish children from abroad. He did it anyway because he wanted power. The commodity they trade is their children. The Irish have suffered an eternity by the cabals hand. Roberts is cabal
Looks like both kids are in their 20's now. What part of the adoption is illegal? The 'provider' of the children? No law in the US banning adoption of foreign kids that I am aware of. And, at this point, the kids are 'theirs' by virtue of raising them. Even if paperwork is rescinded or reversed, they are all still a family for all intents and purposes.
Ireland has very strict adoption laws, they typically restrict adoptions to Irish only. However, I learned from a comment that the children are English and went through the Irish system. I also heard Epstein was involved. Stuff to dig. Thanks for the comment.
I appreciate the analysis provided in the comments. YET . . . I trust the justices in dissent more . . .
Roberts has been wishy-washy for a LONG time.
The Barrett nomination was to provide another solid, reliable vote for understanding of the Constitution with no holds barred.
So she is the monkey in the works.
"Nominate a woman! The dems will not attack her or derail her confirmation!" DEI anyone??
Nominate the first woman to the Supreme Court! Did the Republicans get any credit for nominating the first woman?? How did Sandra Day O'Connor work out??
No matter how brilliant, most women just do not think like the best of logical, rational, analytical, dispassionate men (not you frens!!)
[I have been told I have a "male brain". HA! I know when I am operating on emotion, which must be confined to the personal sphere.]
I swear, I will never vote for a woman who is not clearly superior to her opponent. Or the lesser of the two evils . . .
Consider this a win.
If we are billed for work that USAID already completed... then we have full rights to AUDIT THEIR WORK AND THE ACCOUNTING BOOKS.
If we weren't obligated to pay for work completed... then we would have no rights to audit. Let the DOGE begin.
This is why I feel like priority #1 for Elon's team should be investigating the 2020 election and proving that it was fraudulent. Proving that Biden was illegitimately installed into office would put into question the validity of all of his appointments over the last 4 years, from federal judges to the SC justice. It might also prove many our so-called "elected" members of Congress do not actually belong there. I know I need to be patient and trust the plan, but I just feel like nothing can truly be accomplished until we purge all of the fraudulently installed people in positions of power.
When the SCOTUS betrays the Constitution, it is OUR right to overturn their decisions. We, the People, have the final say in ANY government action or decision.
Yea I don’t think this is a big deal at all. It’s money already spent before DOGE even showed up, basically. Just wasn’t paid yet. It will be tracked this time of course. I feel it was just frozen up in the hundreds of billions locked up due to waste and fraud. The media will spin it, but this, imo, IS a nothing burger. And I despise that reference, lol. Problem is, they will have to find someone to issue the funds out. All those people are unemployed, lol.
That pitchforks sharpening party looking more and more likely. JS
Does it mean the NGO will need to prove “the work performed”?
That would be hilarious to watch them showing the bills and where the money went.
Send email to DOGE showing which sections of the constitution allow the funding.
I would send the aid in increments of $50 a month for the next 4 years. It's about time these people including the Supreme Court allow the president to run the country
If an audit is done properly, and promptly, it's doubtful Trump would have to pay it back. This is S(c)ROTUS's way of saying an audit needs to be done without saying an audit needs to be done.
Hey Elon, make it happen!
You nailed it. People can stop getting all whipped up about the other shit.
Trump 45~47 can do exactly what Bioden did. Ignore the SCOTUS. Democrats set the bar Trump 45~47 should follw that bar.🫤
Robert’s and ACB are compromised Need to investigate them to see what is being held over them and who is doing that.
What the holy hell???
Some usaid money was grants; some was for work performed. Big distinction and doesn't free up all isaid money. Just money owed for work. Now uncovered the fraud. My guess is this is meant ton Uncover something deeper. Like extreme overpayment, bloat, double charging etc.
I’ll give my unprofessional opinion , judges sided with the payment on contracts already complete , not stopping the actual funding , now trump can still probably hold the funds pending criminal investigation, and the court could probably rule on the the actual challenge of a federal judge in another jurisdiction can make a broad ruling that is unconstitutional or not ….. but hey wild times
What kind of work was done for 2000 million dollars????????????????
There goes our $5000 rebates.
I'm no law hawk, but they insure Opinions not laws. So just ignore? They have no enforcement means.
About the Supreme Court decision that results in Trump having to still pay the 2 billion in foreign aid, it seems that the work had already been done. Also, it seems that the 5 justices thought Trump should have appealed the lower courts ruling, rather than bringing it to the SC. But. Apparently, Trump did appeal, but the circuit court ignored it.
"The foreign-aid recipients emphasized that, as a general rule, temporary restraining orders like the one Ali issued on Feb. 13 are not appealable. But the government has not even asked the Supreme Court to lift the TRO, they observed. Instead, it has asked the justices to lift Ali’s Feb. 25 order directing the government to comply with the TRO and pay for work that had already been completed – something that is even less amenable to an appeal than a TRO. Moreover, they noted, because the government has not appealed the temporary restraining order, it would still have to comply with it even if the court were to lift the Feb. 25 order."
To rule otherwise would be to abrogate a contract. Liquidating businesses and closing government agencies is not a simple process. Existing arrangements and debts need to be honored/paid/terminated per contract.
He should pay it out a dollar a day. Also, Bondi needs to get off her ass and get that list released and all the other information as well. Very disappointing. You know at least one of those Supreme Court judges is on that list guaranteed.
If Rubio is heading up USAID I assume he can replace all the heads of the different USAID organizations and have them send the money back and say they don't need it.