"I don’t know what Trump told Rutte behind closed doors, but based on Rutte’s comments today, it appears he has accepted that Trump holds all the cards. NATO officials are beginning to accept their fate that this conflict is soon going to be over and the money laundering operation is done.
Granted, Rutte is still a slimy Soros-owned politician, but it appears even he knows when he is beaten. Trump is dictating the terms for the agreement between Russia and Ukraine, and there’s nothing EU/NATO officials can do about it.
This might seem small, but Rutte admitting Ukraine membership is off the table, is a MASSIVE step towards ending this war."
Lets be honest, President Trump is well on his way to becoming one of if not the greatest President in American History, if not of the history of Humanity.
That's not Trump love, that's fact. (I did not like The Apprentice).
A lot of people seemed confused a few days ago when POTUS turned off all money, military and supplies and then turned them back on again.
Why is he turning it back on!? Why!? Why!? Why!?
He turned ALL it off to SHOW Ukraine, NATO, AND Russia, that POTUS holds all the cards.
Royal Flush.
Once Z agreed to the ceasefire, Trump turned it all back on so he could finish negotiations with Putin, holding his powerful hand.
All Trump had to say to Rutte yesterday was
Do you want me to turn it all off again for good? I can. You can do this all yourself if you want to.
That's all he has to say to NATO, EU, UK, France, Ukraine, all of them.
And that is just the status quo.
What could Trump say to Putin?
Vlad, we're friends. It's in both of our country's best interest to get along. If you don't end this war now, we're going to wipe your forces out in Ukraine. It will take us 48 hours to glass every stronghold you have. Then we're going to ask Ukraine to join NATO. Then we're going to put Nukes on your doorstep. You so much as flinch in the future, and we'll wipe Moscow out. But you don't want any of that. I don't want that either. It's much better if we're friends. Let's get to peace, and we'll keep Ukraine out of NATO for good.
This is all IMO, I also think that POTUS struck a deal with Putin before he did with Z. With all of the stupid antics that Z was pulling with his 4-times-agreed-to-mineral-deal, I bet Putin said to Trump, "If you can get that imbicile to agree to a ceasefire first, I will too."
Ain’t nobody gonna talk to Russia like that mock up post you made. Can’t be friends when your being threatened. Russia is fighting for survival. Been pushed into a corner for decades and is punching out. Threatening them at this point just ruins what decent negotiations we’ve had. Russia understands America’s position. We’re both fighting a deepstate. Putin has called this out publicly. And Russia has been very public to warning those who get in the way of their survival and safety of their people. America and Russia want the same things. We just got some trash to get rid of first.
This makes sense to me. I think Trump respects Putin, and I think Putin respects Trump. They are two grownups amongst a world full of toddlers throwing tantrums. Given how this went down, I do think MAGA_Patriot is right that Trump and Putin had some sort of agreement before things went into motion, but I can't buy that Trump basically threatened Russia's existence to get cooperation when that is literally the only reason they made a move in the first place. You don't attack a cornered bear... unless you want to be lunch.
My comment slid from serious to trying to be witty about Trump supposedly telling Putin he would take the beautiful domes off his head (attacking Moscow) if he ever invaded Ukraine. It was a supposed threat that Putin said he never heard, and Foreign Minister Lavrov considered to be "just a figure of speech" while campaigning for president.
Excellent post. Primarily the first half. Chapeau.
I do agree though that Trump would not talk to Putin like that, because he doesn't need to do so. Putin knows our capabilities. Putin might also see it as an empty threat as well, which would cause it to backfire.
It is far more effective to reach out to Putin and say that we want a strong partnership with Russia for a host of reasons, and to remind Russia that, once, we saved them all with munitions. And we want to rebuild our blood bond on the site of Stalingrad/Volgograd, to remind ourselves and show the world that this is the new Golden Age.
I want Trump and Putin to shake hands on that soil. To show the vampires that this evil fraud they have perpetrated for over 100 years is OVER.
This is semi-personally interesting. Rutte was the former Prime Minister of the Netherlands. At least by stereotype, the Dutch are considered to be very stubborn, but also very hardheaded and practical. Possibly, his national character got the better of him and he realized the hand he held had no cards. Well, it's not in the nature of a Dutchman to resist a foregone conclusion.
Ukraine was never going to be allowed to join NATO as long as Trump is president anyway, but it's good to hear it from Rutte. Maybe now the European countries can stop the WWIII drumbeat and allow the war to end.
Also, now that the global elites got their war and laundered all that money, their promise of Ukraine joining NATO has served its purpose.
In no sane world would Ukraine be granted entry into NATO's mutual obligation.
Neither would the recent nations let in, either . . . who have NOTHING to contribute to the common defense! Only the ability to drag other nations into war.
Maybe threaten to pull the 80,000 American troops, stationed in Europe. And if they want to be on the 'world stage', the 'free loading' has ended, the American taxpayer will no longer pay for their military defense. NATO is on their own!
Let me guess. Trump Told NATO secretary Rutte, NATO is off the table as far as Ukraine is concerned or we are off the table as far as the United States is concerned. "I set before you life and death blessings and cursings you choose." Choose wisely.
Trump probably showed him a picture of his house with coordinates included! I don't know if people here really understand that NCSWIC and all we are witnessing is the movie play out!
"I don’t know what Trump told Rutte behind closed doors, but based on Rutte’s comments today, it appears he has accepted that Trump holds all the cards. NATO officials are beginning to accept their fate that this conflict is soon going to be over and the money laundering operation is done.
Granted, Rutte is still a slimy Soros-owned politician, but it appears even he knows when he is beaten. Trump is dictating the terms for the agreement between Russia and Ukraine, and there’s nothing EU/NATO officials can do about it.
This might seem small, but Rutte admitting Ukraine membership is off the table, is a MASSIVE step towards ending this war."
Brought to you by the Greatest President in Our Lifetimes Uncanny understanding of the Art Of The Deal !!!
Lets be honest, President Trump is well on his way to becoming one of if not the greatest President in American History, if not of the history of Humanity.
That's not Trump love, that's fact. (I did not like The Apprentice).
A lot of people seemed confused a few days ago when POTUS turned off all money, military and supplies and then turned them back on again.
Why is he turning it back on!? Why!? Why!? Why!?
He turned ALL it off to SHOW Ukraine, NATO, AND Russia, that POTUS holds all the cards.
Royal Flush.
Once Z agreed to the ceasefire, Trump turned it all back on so he could finish negotiations with Putin, holding his powerful hand.
All Trump had to say to Rutte yesterday was
That's all he has to say to NATO, EU, UK, France, Ukraine, all of them.
And that is just the status quo.
What could Trump say to Putin?
This is all IMO, I also think that POTUS struck a deal with Putin before he did with Z. With all of the stupid antics that Z was pulling with his 4-times-agreed-to-mineral-deal, I bet Putin said to Trump, "If you can get that imbicile to agree to a ceasefire first, I will too."
To which Trump said, "Hold my Diet Coke."
Ain’t nobody gonna talk to Russia like that mock up post you made. Can’t be friends when your being threatened. Russia is fighting for survival. Been pushed into a corner for decades and is punching out. Threatening them at this point just ruins what decent negotiations we’ve had. Russia understands America’s position. We’re both fighting a deepstate. Putin has called this out publicly. And Russia has been very public to warning those who get in the way of their survival and safety of their people. America and Russia want the same things. We just got some trash to get rid of first.
This makes sense to me. I think Trump respects Putin, and I think Putin respects Trump. They are two grownups amongst a world full of toddlers throwing tantrums. Given how this went down, I do think MAGA_Patriot is right that Trump and Putin had some sort of agreement before things went into motion, but I can't buy that Trump basically threatened Russia's existence to get cooperation when that is literally the only reason they made a move in the first place. You don't attack a cornered bear... unless you want to be lunch.
I agree with you u/Cyberhawk, u/marvinthehaggler, and u/HereComesTrouble that POTUS would not talk to Putin like that.
My comment slid from serious to trying to be witty about Trump supposedly telling Putin he would take the beautiful domes off his head (attacking Moscow) if he ever invaded Ukraine. It was a supposed threat that Putin said he never heard, and Foreign Minister Lavrov considered to be "just a figure of speech" while campaigning for president.
I agree we've been on the same side for some time against the powers of evil in high places.
Excellent post. Primarily the first half. Chapeau.
I do agree though that Trump would not talk to Putin like that, because he doesn't need to do so. Putin knows our capabilities. Putin might also see it as an empty threat as well, which would cause it to backfire.
It is far more effective to reach out to Putin and say that we want a strong partnership with Russia for a host of reasons, and to remind Russia that, once, we saved them all with munitions. And we want to rebuild our blood bond on the site of Stalingrad/Volgograd, to remind ourselves and show the world that this is the new Golden Age.
I want Trump and Putin to shake hands on that soil. To show the vampires that this evil fraud they have perpetrated for over 100 years is OVER.
This is semi-personally interesting. Rutte was the former Prime Minister of the Netherlands. At least by stereotype, the Dutch are considered to be very stubborn, but also very hardheaded and practical. Possibly, his national character got the better of him and he realized the hand he held had no cards. Well, it's not in the nature of a Dutchman to resist a foregone conclusion.
"Also, I'm getting Greenland so get used to it."
That’s the Danish.
But regardless, yes, we’re getting Greenland.
Ukraine was never going to be allowed to join NATO as long as Trump is president anyway, but it's good to hear it from Rutte. Maybe now the European countries can stop the WWIII drumbeat and allow the war to end.
Also, now that the global elites got their war and laundered all that money, their promise of Ukraine joining NATO has served its purpose.
In no sane world would Ukraine be granted entry into NATO's mutual obligation.
Neither would the recent nations let in, either . . . who have NOTHING to contribute to the common defense! Only the ability to drag other nations into war.
Bobby Kennedy did a brilliant 3 minutes on what membership in NATO requires a country to bend over for.
This slime is a "Guardians of the Pedophiles".
Maybe he handed him a recent photo of his house, like he did with the Middle Eastern guy.
Art of the deal.
Didn't paint your roof blue, huh?
nice pool wonder how it would look with a missile in the middle of it....
President Trump is really making things happen.
It's almost as if he has some kind of leverage.
It's almost as if some individuals are in serious trouble and even though they won't be prosecuted, they will nevertheless do as told.
Almost like that.
Yep, remember all those arrests of pdfs in Saudi after President Trump left there after his world tour as 45? This Pepe remembers.
I speculate he was told that he was NATO's last SG if he could not see it Trump's way if we walk there is no NATO going forward.
He is not only SG of NATO, but also steering the MP in the Netherlands Dik Schoof, ex spook. They are twins.
Maybe threaten to pull the 80,000 American troops, stationed in Europe. And if they want to be on the 'world stage', the 'free loading' has ended, the American taxpayer will no longer pay for their military defense. NATO is on their own!
Let me guess. Trump Told NATO secretary Rutte, NATO is off the table as far as Ukraine is concerned or we are off the table as far as the United States is concerned. "I set before you life and death blessings and cursings you choose." Choose wisely.
This is actually pretty huge. And for me, it’s a Q proof that “we have it all,” and Trump is using it to get these slimeballs to toe the line.
To enjoy life while you still can?
Trump probably showed him a picture of his house with coordinates included! I don't know if people here really understand that NCSWIC and all we are witnessing is the movie play out!
Pretty simple actually.
NATO is nothing without the US, so if they don't comply we withdraw.
Trump probably showed Rutte the Epstein Island flight logs... and which dates he visited.
Problem solved. Conversation over in 5 minutes.
Impressive turn for a better future for us all.
meaning Putin shouldn't be put in a situation like this again where he feels he has to show force? Is he saying Putin had legitimate reasons?
I hope he told Rutte that he'll personally canoe his fucking head if he doesn't do exactly as he's told.
"...and that relations with Russia need to be normalized post-war."
This part is way overdue for the US and Russia.
I hope this guy watches his back...
I wouldn't put it past evil forces to take him out and install someone who'd toe the party line no matter what...
Then again given the cards, I don't think they can trump Trump.
This here is a good video summary analysis by BPS of the US - EU’s love-hate relationship in light of the Russia - Ukraine - NATO conundrum.
Trump NOT Putin ─ TERRIFIES the EU
Maybe, “Imagine Rutte, the 82nd Airborne and B2 bombers landing in Moscow for joint training with Russian forces…… wouldn’t that be a sight to see…”