I have doubts about the tuberculosis, which is the result of bacteria, not a virus. Bacteria are complete, living cells. Viruses are essentially molecules that use a cell to reproduce. I don't see how they could be genetically compatible.
Yea but that doesn’t mean the psychopaths haven’t found a way to make a viral-bacterial concoction. Remember Dr Zelenko was one of the first to prescribe HCQ, Zinc, and Quercitin. He also advised the anti-biotic Z-pack aka Azizthromyocin for active COVID cases.
Zelenko arrived at his cocktail strictly from consideration of the biology of viruses. Their reproduction is inhibited or prevented by the presence of zinc in the host body cells. Thus zinc. But the zinc in the bloodstream solution is hindered from permeation into the body cells. A "zinc ionophore" is needed to increase the permeability of the cell wall to zinc. Thus HCQ. Quercetin is also an ionophore. The third element of his cocktail was an antibiotic to deal with any collateral bacterial infection.
The clue on HCQ was first discovered by Didier Raoult in France, their top virologist who was conducting comparative trials (with and without). He had to stop the trial on ethical grounds. The HCQ patients were responding so well, he deemed it unethical to withhold it from the "without" patients.
So, none of this suggests that Covid was a fusion of virus and bacteria.
Beats me. Not sure if a bacterium could carry a virus without the virus either dying or taking over the cell. But the Covid has been identified as a coronavirus, created by a laboratory. I don't see any point in arguing about that.
In Spring of 2021 Del Bigtree had a doctor on his show speaking about these ingredients of COVID-19. At that time he was calling it a bioweapon as it was clear to him that it was a chimera of other diseases.
He was even showing the C-19 DNA code and all the different sequences that were spliced in from other diseases.
I think the video has since been scrubbed or lost. This was before the launch of ICAN. ICAN was just starting to be spoken of as a future project.
I believe the doctor’s name was Richards or Richardson. Something like that.
So ya, stuff we have known for quite a while. At least those who cared to know.
If Covid was man made then so is Flu and I bet they have not stopped doing this up until today. How many of these virology places in the US or Ukraine or China have been shut down? ZERO.
The first influenza vaxx was developed in the 1940s. I feel like if you get the vaxx, you'll eventually get flu (they try to say it will be mild) but like with Covid Vaxx shedding, you can now give others the flu of that year. Now they've basically admitted in the last couple of years, we have one PCR test for Covid+Flu. That on its own tells us they are similar/same.
I made the stupid mistake of getting the flu shot in 2011 because like so many others I believed the hysteria and hype, and that was around the start of the bird flu bullshit. I immediately got the flu and thought I was dying. After that point I get the flu every few years. Now I'm down to getting sick every year, and each time I get it, it gets harder to fight. I know something is seriously not right with these illnesses when it feels like its scrambling my brain with intense internal head pain.
Spanish flu.
1917. Created in Fort Riley or fort Detrick?
Rockefeller and a 'Dr Fred Gates' was involved....hnm that last name sounds familiar?
Avian flu. Swine flu. Sar/covid 1 was back in 2000 or so. Everything has been created and amplified.
Have been curious - was the Black Plague of the 1300's maybe not all 'natural' and spread randomly? Certainly fits the motive and operations of these people.
And the only way this has been happening for this long is because the powers that be have allowed it. Which is really sickening to think about that. No one has done anything to shut it off in fact they've continued to fund it.
Only one thing wrong with this “conspiracy theory; TB is a bacterium, not a virus. C’mon frens, let’s not look like idiots here. And as far are “…that explains increase in TB cases;” my money is on uncontrolled illegal immigration to a large population of (vaxxed) people with significantly weakened immune stystems.
Ok. I made the mistake of saying viral for both. But the context is in the post. Logan is one of the most respected reporters out right now, but we need more information on the TB and HIV covd19 comparison.
She says “sliced” into it…prob meant “spliced;” still don’t know how you combine a virus with a bacterium. I can see how you can modify a bacterium by modifying it with the DNA or RNA from a virus. But I would think that would (could) result in someone infected with the modified TB bacteria perhaps getting COVID or HIV as a bonus, not the other way around. Just thinking out loud.
I believe they were creating such toxins, but I also believe the covid thing was done without such toxins actually being released. It was an exercise, all the effects were due to suggestion, fear, and the normal seasonal illnesses that occur. There was no virus released, if there were then there would have been people dying without the aid of Remdesivir and ventilators and the numbers would have been higher than you get with seasonal flu/colds - obviously right? If the seasonal flu gave people AIDS and TB it would have been very different.
All the bad effects were due to the reaction and messaging, then later due to the vax.
There was no additionally deadly virus in evidence, that cannot be explained satisfactorily by the power of suggestion due to the OTT reaction. Their knowing about the experiments might explain the OTT but literally there was no mass death except where other measures were applied.
People falling down dead in China was the "suggestion" but they were clearly faked.
Not really. Tuberculosis has been around since forever (specimens have been dated from 17,000 BC). Someone weakened by any flu would be vulnerable to TB, if TB carriers were present. Hospitals, of course, are the last place you want to be if you want to avoid anything catching.
Does this mean, and I believe it does, that the vax, which has instructions for notionally the same spike protein as Covid, codes for parts of TB and HiV too?
That the vax asks your body to make TB and HiV toxic components?
For, it was the incredibly specific targeted censorship when it was first unleashed that indicated that people like Fauci and Daszak were fully informed of covid origins + nature before any investigation had uncovered anything. Demonstrated foreknowledge. For theories that in hindsight of course turned out to be true.. but how could anyone else other than the creator of the disease have known the specifics?
Does anyone actually KNOW how many people "died" from covid? I remember the networks treating it on TV like a vote counter on the screen. Where did those numbers come from?
I think the actual number of deaths was greatly exaggerated.
If they were the result of the malpractice treatment, they could have been artificially increased over what might have otherwise been the case. But that is not the same thing as saying "exaggerated," which implies fiddling with the numbers. The grey area is when the hospitals were given financial incentives to call someone "dead by covid" if they had even a remote excuse for claiming them infected with it. So, the number of deaths were the number of deaths (no exaggeration), but the forced miscategorization caused the COVID-associated total to be higher than it should have been. There were various levels of perfidy and it is important to keep the distinctions clear, to avoid making confused claims.
Yes, manipulating the numbers like they did when the vote counts were being shown on the screen and all of the sudden Trump just lost 500,000 votes. Who was the actual keeper of the death reports and providing the numbers to the networks?
We heard about all these deaths and were shown all the scary pictures of refrigeration trucks storing the bodies, but we know the navy ships were never used or the Javits Center in NYC. And then we were treated to the videos of the dancing nurses.
That's because to use them would have folded up Cuomo's game plan of incubating victims in the elderly care facilities. The guy needs to be charged with mass murder. (Along with our own Jay Inslee, who started the play.)
So if we've previously gotten sick with covid, does that mean we now have HIV/AIDS or tuberculosis? Even if we've recovered, and especially if we didn't get the vax?
No. I'm so tired of all the HIV scare mongering from people who don't have a clue as to how genetic sequencing is done. Almost none of it has any bases in reality -- they are all computer constructions, built on top of other computer constructions. It's computer constructions all the way down.
The fact that part of an HIV or tuberculosis sequence shows up in a computer generated genetic sequence (and they are ALL computer generated, the papers admit "isolation" was done in silico, meaning in silicon) just means the genetic databases that were mined for matches paired a part of those sequences (also created in silico) with one of the contigs (short segment of amino acids) floating in the patient sample. A sample, mind you, taken from deep inside the nose filled with God knows what, but that presumably contains the virus, which is only a hypothesis. But that's the hypothesis computer algorithms and heuristics attempt to pull out of the sample soup. There is no honest observation here, it is all biased by preconceived solutions: this patient is sick from a virus, which is in his sample, that we somehow know looks like SARS-CoV-1, so computer, I command you to make it so.
For what it's worth I have a fairly recent PhD in computer science, my thesis was on modeling, and I spent a lot of time studying and attending seminars on bioinformatics, which is almost exclusively about genetic sequencing.
I still firmly believe covid was only a part of the formula. The other part being the vaxxine. If the airborne was the full hand, then all the Satanists would be suseptible to it. No way bill gates and fauci would put themselves in harms way from a random encounter of some leftist loyalist.
Correct. I think these so called viruses and outbreaks are narratives. To Shepard us to their medical mafia. But I do think our food and air are contaminated with parasites. Not just congress. That’s easily taken cared of with HCQ and horse paste
If they knew to stay on a prophylactic dose of zinc, HCQ, etc. They could have escaped it, or reduced its severity. Foreknowledge is very important in defense. The cure was already known by Didier Raoult's announcement in 2020, for which he is being retroactively condemned.
Really? So you are saying I was not sick for over half a week? That it was all a bad dream? Or I was off my nut? Sorry, pal, but direct personal experience trumps your stupid declaration. I agree that cases of flu were mingled in with cases of Covid for dishonest statistical results (I tried to unscramble them early in the game and discovered exactly that). But it doesn't mean there were NO Covid cases. And as Covid was of the cold/flu family of viruses, there would be similarities.
If it was "just a flu," why did the disease follow vectors from Wuhan? There should have been no discernible source. It behaved like a biowarfare campaign, not like "a flu." If it was "just a flu", why would the Wuhan lab be involved in anything? If it was created/concocted, the "just a" modifier is wrong and dishonest.
No SARS-COV-2 virus has ever been demonstrated to exist. No test was ever calibrated to known infecteds. If you don't calibrate a test, it means you have no idea what the accuracy or specificity of it is. So, it's fake. What we witnessed was a pandemic of false positives from a fake test, and the shifting of a different name onto a flu/cold season. Overlaid on top of this was a mass terrorism and propaganda war against the world's peoples on a scale never seen in world history. They could have run the psy op just as easily in 2019 or in 2021, or any other year, because there's a flu/cold season every winter.
And yet we had disease, different from a common flu. And evidence that something was genetically concocted in the Wuhan laboratory, with vectors emanating from that locale. It can't both be fake (nonexistent) and concocted. You are ignoring the bio-warfare aspect of its progression.
Exactly! The whole lab origins disclosure is a limited hangout. Let out some truth -- the virus wasn't natural -- in order to keep a much more important secret -- viruses don't exist. The latter can't be let out, because it is the biggest weapon of fear generation and control in ruler wanna be's toolbox.
You're either referring to what may be called viruses but they are phages. Or you're referring to CPEs in cell cultures, which are claimed to be viruses, but are material being ejected from a dying cell. In neither case is what's depicted a virus.
There is a conceptual problem here. On the one hand, you claim there are no such things as a virus. On the other hand, you seem to have very specific criteria for what is not a virus. How can you have exclusion criteria for something that does not exist? Not a persuasive epistemological position.
I agree that what I dashed off might sound circular.
I make the claim that nothing we have been told is a virus can in fact be proven to be a virus by the very definition used in virology. What is it about a blurry splat on the outside of a cell that proves it is a virus as opposed to something else?
TB with HIV.
Airborne aids.
I have doubts about the tuberculosis, which is the result of bacteria, not a virus. Bacteria are complete, living cells. Viruses are essentially molecules that use a cell to reproduce. I don't see how they could be genetically compatible.
Yea but that doesn’t mean the psychopaths haven’t found a way to make a viral-bacterial concoction. Remember Dr Zelenko was one of the first to prescribe HCQ, Zinc, and Quercitin. He also advised the anti-biotic Z-pack aka Azizthromyocin for active COVID cases.
Zelenko arrived at his cocktail strictly from consideration of the biology of viruses. Their reproduction is inhibited or prevented by the presence of zinc in the host body cells. Thus zinc. But the zinc in the bloodstream solution is hindered from permeation into the body cells. A "zinc ionophore" is needed to increase the permeability of the cell wall to zinc. Thus HCQ. Quercetin is also an ionophore. The third element of his cocktail was an antibiotic to deal with any collateral bacterial infection.
The clue on HCQ was first discovered by Didier Raoult in France, their top virologist who was conducting comparative trials (with and without). He had to stop the trial on ethical grounds. The HCQ patients were responding so well, he deemed it unethical to withhold it from the "without" patients.
So, none of this suggests that Covid was a fusion of virus and bacteria.
Okey dokey then.
Could you infect that bacteria with HIV, and then it can go on to do its thing?
Beats me. Not sure if a bacterium could carry a virus without the virus either dying or taking over the cell. But the Covid has been identified as a coronavirus, created by a laboratory. I don't see any point in arguing about that.
Everybody has AIDS! AIDS AIDS AIDS!
The Fauci ouchie 1980s edition
We all knew from the start. I also think that a lot of the work was done in the Ukraine.
In Spring of 2021 Del Bigtree had a doctor on his show speaking about these ingredients of COVID-19. At that time he was calling it a bioweapon as it was clear to him that it was a chimera of other diseases.
He was even showing the C-19 DNA code and all the different sequences that were spliced in from other diseases.
I think the video has since been scrubbed or lost. This was before the launch of ICAN. ICAN was just starting to be spoken of as a future project.
I believe the doctor’s name was Richards or Richardson. Something like that.
So ya, stuff we have known for quite a while. At least those who cared to know.
I was here then.
Thank you to all who posted and saved me from that shit.
If Covid was man made then so is Flu and I bet they have not stopped doing this up until today. How many of these virology places in the US or Ukraine or China have been shut down? ZERO.
The first influenza vaxx was developed in the 1940s. I feel like if you get the vaxx, you'll eventually get flu (they try to say it will be mild) but like with Covid Vaxx shedding, you can now give others the flu of that year. Now they've basically admitted in the last couple of years, we have one PCR test for Covid+Flu. That on its own tells us they are similar/same.
I made the stupid mistake of getting the flu shot in 2011 because like so many others I believed the hysteria and hype, and that was around the start of the bird flu bullshit. I immediately got the flu and thought I was dying. After that point I get the flu every few years. Now I'm down to getting sick every year, and each time I get it, it gets harder to fight. I know something is seriously not right with these illnesses when it feels like its scrambling my brain with intense internal head pain.
Spanish flu. 1917. Created in Fort Riley or fort Detrick? Rockefeller and a 'Dr Fred Gates' was involved....hnm that last name sounds familiar?
Avian flu. Swine flu. Sar/covid 1 was back in 2000 or so. Everything has been created and amplified.
Have been curious - was the Black Plague of the 1300's maybe not all 'natural' and spread randomly? Certainly fits the motive and operations of these people.
PDJT'S grandfather died in 1918 from the Spanish flu.
Indeed. Im sure he will well aware of the origins of all that.
Plague is from bacteria that is vector transmitted. Plague is transmitted from fleas bites.
And the only way this has been happening for this long is because the powers that be have allowed it. Which is really sickening to think about that. No one has done anything to shut it off in fact they've continued to fund it.
Not just allowed it - been a part of it.
Anyone that disagreed...assassins show up out of the woodwork.
"Is a big club..."
Only one thing wrong with this “conspiracy theory; TB is a bacterium, not a virus. C’mon frens, let’s not look like idiots here. And as far are “…that explains increase in TB cases;” my money is on uncontrolled illegal immigration to a large population of (vaxxed) people with significantly weakened immune stystems.
Ok. I made the mistake of saying viral for both. But the context is in the post. Logan is one of the most respected reporters out right now, but we need more information on the TB and HIV covd19 comparison.
She says “sliced” into it…prob meant “spliced;” still don’t know how you combine a virus with a bacterium. I can see how you can modify a bacterium by modifying it with the DNA or RNA from a virus. But I would think that would (could) result in someone infected with the modified TB bacteria perhaps getting COVID or HIV as a bonus, not the other way around. Just thinking out loud.
We need to ask Ecohealth alliance and Dr Fauci.
…in some other non-parallel universe 😏
I didn't know about the TB. Knew about the HiV though.
I think there was SV-40 (cancer) as well.
Do better, there is no tuberculosis virus. It’s bacterial.
TB is caused by a bacterium. A cursory check would show this.
I believe they were creating such toxins, but I also believe the covid thing was done without such toxins actually being released. It was an exercise, all the effects were due to suggestion, fear, and the normal seasonal illnesses that occur. There was no virus released, if there were then there would have been people dying without the aid of Remdesivir and ventilators and the numbers would have been higher than you get with seasonal flu/colds - obviously right? If the seasonal flu gave people AIDS and TB it would have been very different.
All the bad effects were due to the reaction and messaging, then later due to the vax.
There was no additionally deadly virus in evidence, that cannot be explained satisfactorily by the power of suggestion due to the OTT reaction. Their knowing about the experiments might explain the OTT but literally there was no mass death except where other measures were applied.
People falling down dead in China was the "suggestion" but they were clearly faked.
remember, places that had no measures had no effects.
The boat incident where everyone got ill - that was severe buy not beyond the normal parameters
This explains why tuberculosis cases started to appear.
Not really. Tuberculosis has been around since forever (specimens have been dated from 17,000 BC). Someone weakened by any flu would be vulnerable to TB, if TB carriers were present. Hospitals, of course, are the last place you want to be if you want to avoid anything catching.
Tuberculosis killed my grandfather back in the day when they had sanitariums for the people who had it.
It was virtually nonexistent until recently.
I think I've read that the upsurge matches the increase in illegals who are infected with it.
Common sense.
Does this mean, and I believe it does, that the vax, which has instructions for notionally the same spike protein as Covid, codes for parts of TB and HiV too?
That the vax asks your body to make TB and HiV toxic components?
I'm asking for the record.
<Yoda> Slain these people need to be </Yoda>
For, it was the incredibly specific targeted censorship when it was first unleashed that indicated that people like Fauci and Daszak were fully informed of covid origins + nature before any investigation had uncovered anything. Demonstrated foreknowledge. For theories that in hindsight of course turned out to be true.. but how could anyone else other than the creator of the disease have known the specifics?
Does anyone actually KNOW how many people "died" from covid? I remember the networks treating it on TV like a vote counter on the screen. Where did those numbers come from?
I think the actual number of deaths was greatly exaggerated.
You mean from the flu, remdesivir, and ventilators?
well it included the flu deaths, so...
If they were the result of the malpractice treatment, they could have been artificially increased over what might have otherwise been the case. But that is not the same thing as saying "exaggerated," which implies fiddling with the numbers. The grey area is when the hospitals were given financial incentives to call someone "dead by covid" if they had even a remote excuse for claiming them infected with it. So, the number of deaths were the number of deaths (no exaggeration), but the forced miscategorization caused the COVID-associated total to be higher than it should have been. There were various levels of perfidy and it is important to keep the distinctions clear, to avoid making confused claims.
Yes, manipulating the numbers like they did when the vote counts were being shown on the screen and all of the sudden Trump just lost 500,000 votes. Who was the actual keeper of the death reports and providing the numbers to the networks?
We heard about all these deaths and were shown all the scary pictures of refrigeration trucks storing the bodies, but we know the navy ships were never used or the Javits Center in NYC. And then we were treated to the videos of the dancing nurses.
That's because to use them would have folded up Cuomo's game plan of incubating victims in the elderly care facilities. The guy needs to be charged with mass murder. (Along with our own Jay Inslee, who started the play.)
I saw a hazy video of a lady placing the 'virus' in a wet market! Still believe from it's effects, that it was more electromagnetic than biological
At this point we all should be looking at not the why, where or how , but WHO
So if we've previously gotten sick with covid, does that mean we now have HIV/AIDS or tuberculosis? Even if we've recovered, and especially if we didn't get the vax?
No. I'm so tired of all the HIV scare mongering from people who don't have a clue as to how genetic sequencing is done. Almost none of it has any bases in reality -- they are all computer constructions, built on top of other computer constructions. It's computer constructions all the way down.
The fact that part of an HIV or tuberculosis sequence shows up in a computer generated genetic sequence (and they are ALL computer generated, the papers admit "isolation" was done in silico, meaning in silicon) just means the genetic databases that were mined for matches paired a part of those sequences (also created in silico) with one of the contigs (short segment of amino acids) floating in the patient sample. A sample, mind you, taken from deep inside the nose filled with God knows what, but that presumably contains the virus, which is only a hypothesis. But that's the hypothesis computer algorithms and heuristics attempt to pull out of the sample soup. There is no honest observation here, it is all biased by preconceived solutions: this patient is sick from a virus, which is in his sample, that we somehow know looks like SARS-CoV-1, so computer, I command you to make it so.
For what it's worth I have a fairly recent PhD in computer science, my thesis was on modeling, and I spent a lot of time studying and attending seminars on bioinformatics, which is almost exclusively about genetic sequencing.
Thanks for this! Really good info!
Glad if it helps still your mind. As Frank Herbert told us, "Fear is the mind killer."
Spike protein from HIV may still be in the system. Never heard of the TB thing but I have heard of the hiv spike protein being in the blood.
I still firmly believe covid was only a part of the formula. The other part being the vaxxine. If the airborne was the full hand, then all the Satanists would be suseptible to it. No way bill gates and fauci would put themselves in harms way from a random encounter of some leftist loyalist.
Correct. I think these so called viruses and outbreaks are narratives. To Shepard us to their medical mafia. But I do think our food and air are contaminated with parasites. Not just congress. That’s easily taken cared of with HCQ and horse paste
If they knew to stay on a prophylactic dose of zinc, HCQ, etc. They could have escaped it, or reduced its severity. Foreknowledge is very important in defense. The cure was already known by Didier Raoult's announcement in 2020, for which he is being retroactively condemned.
Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier has been saying this since early '22. No surprise.
There was no virus. Covid was a total scam. All they did was rebrand the flu and cold, and create a fake test.
I had it. No hospitalization. Different from past cases of flu, but similar. Pretty nasty. No scam.
No, there was never any virus, so it was all a scam. Test was fake. Flu numbers dropped to zero because it was the flu rebranded with another name.
Really? So you are saying I was not sick for over half a week? That it was all a bad dream? Or I was off my nut? Sorry, pal, but direct personal experience trumps your stupid declaration. I agree that cases of flu were mingled in with cases of Covid for dishonest statistical results (I tried to unscramble them early in the game and discovered exactly that). But it doesn't mean there were NO Covid cases. And as Covid was of the cold/flu family of viruses, there would be similarities.
If it was "just a flu," why did the disease follow vectors from Wuhan? There should have been no discernible source. It behaved like a biowarfare campaign, not like "a flu." If it was "just a flu", why would the Wuhan lab be involved in anything? If it was created/concocted, the "just a" modifier is wrong and dishonest.
I'm saying you had the flu or a cold.
No SARS-COV-2 virus has ever been demonstrated to exist. No test was ever calibrated to known infecteds. If you don't calibrate a test, it means you have no idea what the accuracy or specificity of it is. So, it's fake. What we witnessed was a pandemic of false positives from a fake test, and the shifting of a different name onto a flu/cold season. Overlaid on top of this was a mass terrorism and propaganda war against the world's peoples on a scale never seen in world history. They could have run the psy op just as easily in 2019 or in 2021, or any other year, because there's a flu/cold season every winter.
And yet we had disease, different from a common flu. And evidence that something was genetically concocted in the Wuhan laboratory, with vectors emanating from that locale. It can't both be fake (nonexistent) and concocted. You are ignoring the bio-warfare aspect of its progression.
You keep saying it, I’ll keep upvoting. The scammers don’t care where you think it comes from as long as you think it is real.
Ha ha, so true!
Exactly! The whole lab origins disclosure is a limited hangout. Let out some truth -- the virus wasn't natural -- in order to keep a much more important secret -- viruses don't exist. The latter can't be let out, because it is the biggest weapon of fear generation and control in ruler wanna be's toolbox.
Funny that we have a profusion of scanning electron microscope photographs of viruses. "Don't regard that photo of a zebra. There are no zebras!"
You're either referring to what may be called viruses but they are phages. Or you're referring to CPEs in cell cultures, which are claimed to be viruses, but are material being ejected from a dying cell. In neither case is what's depicted a virus.
There is a conceptual problem here. On the one hand, you claim there are no such things as a virus. On the other hand, you seem to have very specific criteria for what is not a virus. How can you have exclusion criteria for something that does not exist? Not a persuasive epistemological position.
I agree that what I dashed off might sound circular.
I make the claim that nothing we have been told is a virus can in fact be proven to be a virus by the very definition used in virology. What is it about a blurry splat on the outside of a cell that proves it is a virus as opposed to something else?
When they are found microscopically and proven to be infectious, I don't know what you have against that. By the way, phages are viruses.