For a quick moment, imagine you were born in 1900. When you are 14, World War I starts, and ends on your 18th birthday with 22 million people killed. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until you are 20. Fifty million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million.
When you're 29, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, global GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 33. The country nearly collapses along with the world economy. When you turn 39, World War II starts. You aren’t even over the hill yet.
When you're 41, the United States is fully pulled into WWII. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war and the Holocaust kills six million. At 52, the Korean War starts and five million perish.
At 64 the Vietnam War begins, and it doesn’t end for many years. Four million people die in that conflict. Approaching your 62nd birthday you have the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War. Life on our planet, as we know it, could well have ended. Great leaders prevented that from happening.
As you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends. Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900. How do you survive all of that? A child in 1985 didn’t think their 85 year old grandparent understood how hard school was. Yet those grandparents survived through everything listed above.
Perspective is an amazing thing. With so much going on right now and 2024 just beginning, let's try to put things in perspective, knowing that we can handle it all. There has never been a storm in world history that has lasted forever. This too shall pass.
Great post! Yes, just that brief list of what people born in the early 1900s lived through makes our situation seem almost benign.
👍Me Too
It's great content. Definitely stickworthy.
But I wonder, OP, why you refuse (ever) to give proper credit to original authors or sauce (and happily let other's think something you've posted is actually your own work).
This makes me sad. It downgrades the quality of what you post. This would be an excellent post if you simply noted before the text that this is not your own content, or even just provided a link to the sauce that you got it from. Because you got it from somewhere, right?
(Some) Original Sauces
Simple solution, give him a 3 day timeout or something. I was given one a long time ago and it works. I was breaking the rules and the time out made me realize I should follow them.
For something so simple as providing sauce I don't know why he ignores you or the other mods.
This is the $64,000 question that has more than one or two of us scratching our heads and questioning the user's intent.
Wow. You have brilliantly illustrated how far this board has strayed from its origin and source, the Q operation.
Q was an elite operation, inspiring a totally unprecedented worldwide movement of researchers, investigators, truth tellers and thinkers.
The fact that you state that there is "nothing wrong with giving sources, but its not mandatory" just shows that GAW has become a social media website, and strayed deeply from its real purpose.
Thank you.
And yet, this poster consistently, continuously REFUSES to respond to any such requests. So, do you mean, "Oh, it's OK if you ask for source, but no one posting here should have to provide it if they simply do not want to"?
Whoever needs to hear this:
Its kind of crazy that I was having the exact same debate with another poster on another thread by the same OP.
It goes WITHOUT SAYING (but we still keep saying ) that SAUCE is very important. You can post sauceless posts on facebook or telegram and have it be effective, but out here in GAW you are just wasting everyones time if you refuse to post sauce, esp when its just a question of pasting what you already have.
Posting sauceless content is how misinfo is laundered amongst good info by the channels that are controlled oppositions. Those who post them without thinking twice or even checking once, are becoming tools of these enemies.
"Maybe, I'm too far in one ditch and you're too far in another?" I was about to applaud you for making an effort to see the other side, but in the full reading, it's clear that you are just being silly. You paint an extreme, irrelevant example, and attempt to win rhetorical points with it? Sigh.
What a load of nonsense. The OP is not Q and this is not the Q board.
Yes, there is a valid distinction between certain types of post. Informational posts, for example require sauce. Opinion does not, at least not in the same way.
For informational posts, unless one is a complete newbie, not providing sauce is just plain lazy, and shows a disregard for all the other participants who make an effort to apply good practice.
Opinion or just discussion, these are a different type of post. Opinion does not require sauce for confirmation. They should, however, if not original, be honestly attributed to the original creator or origin (credit given where it is due).
OldPatriot does neither.
For some reason, you think this is relevant?
I do not care if people care. I care. I've been here more than four years. I think the board has a relevant role to play, and is worth the effort. I've invested a LOT of effort and time here. People that value that know it.
People who simply do not care can do what they want. But I do not count them among any of the participants I value engagement with here.
The real issue is a thorough and resolute disregard for the board standards, the purpose of the board, and the parameters that the creators here established. If it was incompetence, it would be a different issue. But, the poster's track record shows it clearly isn't.
Plagiarism is only plagiarism if the person intends to make a false representation. Sharing stuff on faesbuk, or twitter, or social media, people can do what they like. It's not plagiarism, because they are not pretending they are the origin of the material. It's just sharing.
This is not what the poster here does. His track record and behavior show it.
Do you think its a virtue that some people do not care about the quality or purpose of this board? Such people are exceedingly happy to take, but they do not give. They don't put in any effort to develop it, or upgrade it, or maintain the board. These are not pedes, or frogs. They are fly-by-night participants who take only with a thought for themselves. Ask a mod what they think.
Of those so-called positive comments, how many came away praising the poster for his thoughts, his comments, with a complete misunderstanding about the origin of the sentiments? Did you notice that the poster made zero effort to correct any mistaken attribution to himself?
How much have you done this? You've been here one year, have made zero posts, and have a comment record of less than 2k. The score is irrelevant, but it shows the extent of your engagement.
Somehow, I really do not think you have any foundation to lecture me on what is or should be standard practice here.
Yeah, nah. You have shown that you have no grasp of the issues, and in your fantasy world, you draw comparisons with Q not posting sauce, or the relationship between law and grace. You've missed the point so badly, it's ludicrous.
Frogs like myself are very grateful for sincere, good-faith participation, at whatever level can be done. Because, yes, indeed, not everyone has the time, or the skills to participate on all levels.
But OP has been doing this for three years, and consistently flaunted any effort in adhering to board standards, which exist to advance and benefit the whole board population, not a single, self-indulgent poster. He consistently ignores it when anyone asks for source, or comments on the absence, or even incorrectly attributes work to him when its not his. And yet, he can copy paste, and format, and apply text as suits the forum.
You're argument in defense of him is just plain silly. And if you were not so condescending or smug, I might thank you for it. As it is, I'll simply give you a blessing, and see you on your way.
Edit: Although I do think you are engaging in good faith, and I don't fault you for your lack of skills (if this is what they are), but in my view, you're simply dead wrong on this issue, and your reasoning is frankly nutso. But hey, maybe that's just you. Either way, have a great day.
And, in case you missed it, we have here a comment from a mod. Might be worth your considering it.
Now it makes sense. Now I understand why you were getting your feathers up, and rightly so. You're talking about posts, and I'm talking about regular comments, for some reason I was locked into comments (a brain freeze) I think the reason that happened is because the old Patriot post that started all this, I took as more like a comment,information that was readily known and it didn't register on me that it was a post. But when you said that I had made roughly 2,000 comments but zero posts, and click a light went on. My bad, I agree when it comes to posts, they should be scrutinized, and held to a high standard otherwise you'll have people posting all kinds of nonsense, wasting a lot of people's time,, and people like yourself would end up spending more time correcting them, then doing the good job of posting as you have been. Thank you for your hard work.
Ideas are not free my dude. They cost time. Do the right thing by linking the sauce at least. Its complete disrespect to the person who wrote it originally.
Well said.
It's all about integrity and respect.
It's concerning that not only do so few people have it or give it, but that it's openly and actively scorned when pointed out that people should do it.
I thought about making a point by copying your comment and making it a post, but then I realized how retarded your comment actually is and decided it would be a bad example.
Read his comments on this post leading anons to falsely believe he wrote this.
Oldpatriot (the "contractor" that somehow has time to make 20 posts here every day) is straight up deceiving other anons by doing this crap.
Do you know what the bible says about "deceit"?
Easy tiger. (You remind me a lot of the month of March you come in like a lamb and go out like a lion) in response to your comment, I just now read all the comments up to this time regarding this post, nowhere that I saw does "oldPatriot" say he is the originator of all the thoughts in his post (nor did I get that impression)and it seems neither did 33 other people, who seem truly thankful that he posted it. In response to others commenting on the original post, as best as I can gather "oldpatriot" just says he agrees with how hard they had it in that day and in the other comments to people he says, he agreed with what they said. To this time, 33 positive comments, three negative, which of the three you are one, and then interestingly you point out to me how "oldpatriot" somehow has time to make 20 posts here everyday. Hummmmm? Do you see it? What does the Bible say about deceit (you ask) God's word (the holy scriptures) speaks about deceit, the same way it does about compassion, understanding, Mercy, and treating others as you would have them treat you. My original comment, was to hopefully reveal how we are quick to point out the deceit (that we think) is in others (yet don't really know) as we overlook the deceit in our own lives. Truly, We are all guilty of deceit (deceiving ourselves). And plagiarizing,when we take credit for anything without giving the credit to God, from whom absolutely everything originates, without whom, we could do nothing. Once we realize this, we (hopefully) drop the stones representing our belief, that we are not like others (when we are) and we would never do what they did (when we do). "Deceiving ourselves"(James 1:22)
Who cares?
Both my grandparents were born in 1900 and grandmother was healthy in mind and body at 98 when she died of pneumonia. The one thing I can say...she was never shocked when someone revealed something to her. She had seen it all already.
I've noticed more and more people are like your grandparent in they are not shocked anymore. Which is not shocking, really. People who see and hear a lot of this world have figured out that the world doesn't stop, no matter what is happening outside of a certain perimeter. One can even be awake without flipping out, but instead see to the things we'd like to make a life out of. I have also seen folks see or hear something, and throw their life away practically, because they became so fixated or preoccupied. Lets all be like barbie 555 grandmother, I say.
The world seems to move back and forth far left and then right. When it goes far left, and when people have had enough, they push it far right. Eventually it goes to the middle where it stays until the next wave.
When you have seen it all, like our grandparents, and you believe in God the father, you know how it will turn out and nothing shocks you. We should all be patient and not overwhelmed by the magnitude of the evil and stay informed and ready and never be surprised.
This was the Greatest Generation. I know someone who was born in 1926. Fought as a Marine in WW2. He’s very old and grumpy now. He won’t even talk to me. We used to go to Trump rallies together. I loved listening to his stories of the war. He told me about the commie movement in the early 70s. He was my dad’s best friend. All of his friends are gone. I love him. I pray that one day he sees through this anger and contacts me once again. He is the remnant of the Greatest Generation.
Could just be old age. Don't take it personally.
You should share this with him Trumpgirl.
My grandma was born on May 2, 1890 and she lived through it all. She was completely in sound mind all the way up until her death on Feb 12, 1987 at the age of 96.
She was a tough individual. Very disciplined, self assured, but still charming. She knew how to get her way. And she liked to flirt with the men.
She played cards with us kids as we were growing up and taught us how to play gin, honeymoon bridge and canasta
When I was a kid I listened to her bc she knew how to get you to do things without ever raising her voice. She could be very stern and opinionated and you always knew where you stood with her. And she really let you know when you slipped up. I had a great fear of disappointing her so was always on my best behavior when I was around her
I know exactly what you’re talking about with your grandma. My grandpa was born in 1888 and his wife my grandma was born in 1890. They were both very disciplined. From the moment they woke up everyday at 5:30am to the time they went to bed around 8:30pm their day was full of self discipline. When I was a kid I spent every spring break at their house, this was back all through the 1970s and they were in their 80s then. First thing they would do is take me to the barber shop for a crew cut.
My grandma would wake up at 5:30am and set up the breakfast table, it looked like a smorgasbord with every breakfast food you could think of including multiple fruit dishes. Lunch was just a toasted sandwich and dinner at 5:00pm was small and basic with a portion of meat, potato and vegetable, no desert. I spent my days working in my grandpa’s garden are putting a multiple thousand pice jigsaw puzzle together that my grandma would buy to keep me busy. Fun Days 😎. I use to dread spring breaks, but after they passed away I realized how much I missed them.
Great post! My grandparents were born between 1907 and 1911. One of them lived to 2004 … and came to Texas in a covered wagon. I’ve contemplated many times how weird it must have been to live through all of the changes during those 95 years of life.
Thank Thank you for this post! I needed this.
Not to be redundant, but Me Too👍
Thank you. I needed to hear this.
It's lots of fun,to meme them till they cry.......
Excellent post and timely.
If my mafs is correct…thats 162 million people dead over their (80 year) lifetime (not counting those who died in the Great Depression).
Today…that would be about half the U.S’s population murdered for evil purposes, greed and power. 👿
That’s a lot of killing by these demons.
Yes. This should be a stickied post every month or so. Some of these things in this post, I have said. Not in such detail, but in the way of contrast or at least comparison to "our" time. It's so very true that those were hard times. All of them. My father lived in those days. I won't bore you with stories... But I will defy anyone to say these are not hard or incredulous times as well. At the same time, this is an amazing time to be alive. Scary? Yes. Incredibly unsure? Check. I wake up (way too early) every morning hoping to get the "news". I would wager that folks if still alive and cognitive, which would be in their late 90's or so, if they were to awaken tomorrow morning and see what is the United States of America today, they'd crap their pants or cry for revolution. A good post and definitely thought provoking.
This could be sticked for 1 month and it would be well deserved.
Amazing post. Truly. We've tapped into less than 10% of humanity's hardest challenges. Most of this war is not kinetic and we're relatively well insulated socially/economically. We'll likely never even meet that 10% threshold in comparison to your example of someone born in 1900.
They were some Strong folks… humbles me
Agreed! The worst thing about all that you mentioned, is that it was all staged by very powerful forces, who during these trials and tribulations, lived lavish lives! The Patriots are finally liberating the world from these staged events to give humanity a fair shot! We have always been watching a movie! There are no coincidences! Expand your thinking!
I remember asking my Grandma back in the 60's what was life like when she was young. She said there was no electricity, telephones, indoor plumbing and they used out houses. Everyone ran outside to see a car drive by.
Factor in how hard just living was back then and add in the poster's facts.
My grandmother was born in 1900 and lived to 95. To think of all she experienced and saw in her life is pretty amazing. She said she lived to see the spread of electrical service to homes, use of cars, planes and later rockets and computers! People born in 2000 can say they have lived to see the invention of the I-phone 10, 11, 12, 13, ... :)
Great perspective that doesnt even include the genocide of 100s of millions more by the Bolsheviks and then Stalin, Mao and minor demons like Pol Pot, Papa Doc and Idi Amin.
And we have something someone born in 1900 didnt have, a growing worldwide awakening to the mechanisms used to kill and enslave us and a very real hope that the end of this reign of terror is close at hand.
Six million didn't die in Ike's holocaust. Stop the banker wars.
Amen wyoming
Your post offers a good perspective, but why are you acting like we need that boost right now? We're winning, things are good, what's the problem?
No problem at all Fren… Just rampin’ up my 2nd Wind !!!
You didn't write this. Why are you pretending that you did?
Why are you trying to deceive anons? It's all very fake and extremely gay.
So perfectly stated.
We are so Blessed to live now.
Thanks OP ! , now lets make sure we catch every one of them and clean out the cancer for the future of all of our families. The world is watching and they will follow our lead !
My grandfather born in 1900 experienced that just as you layed it out. Hr didn't have a trump trying to turn it around.
Thank you for putting this into perspective. It reminds me of all the stories my great grandparents would tell us & the stories my mother raised me on to encourage us to take care of what we had, because we didn't know when another would come along (always referencing the WW1 & Great Depression times).
We certainly have our own challenges today, but they are a very different set of challenges & at leat my family isn't having those same physical battles & challenges of those times. Battling in the war for minds & souls is where I would rather be, though my mom just wants a TV with a knob she can more easily understand. I am so glad she & my father strongly encouraged me to learn teach as young as they did.
Maybe its just me, but I seriously wonder why this poster consistently refuses to give proper credit to original authors or sauce, and happily pretends that other's hard work is his own....
u/Brent75 this is the reason why I keep reporting him. He almost never does it, and I've commented many times in his threads about it. Have y'all verified him? Many other posters have complained. If the guys actually old, I guess I get it, but it's getting tiring.
Perhaps they need the content so much that they just turn a blind eye to it?
I don't think the mods would do something like that. Mods have the say so here regardless and i wouldn't cast doubt on their judgement, though it doesn't account for the issue of sourcing which is highly important. Its no shame to Oldpatriot, i just want to make sure we have verifiable material, because many more eyes are on this board than we realize, and we have to be very careful.
Except a moderator basically said just that right below this post.
Said what? If you're trying to score a gotcha it's not going to work. You're being cynical. I'm referring to the content itself not being sourced, that wasn't addressed.
People get posts removed for not having source content. There's special treatment going on
Said that they were turning a blind eye because the person we're talking about is a long time and frequent contributer.
I feel like the conversation has broken down somewhere. I don't know why you would think what I posted was some sort of trap for a "Gotcha" moment.
You were asking why that person continually got away with not sourcing their martial.
I replied that the mods might value his contributions to the board (long time history of frequently posting material) and were willing to turn a blind eye to what they thought was a minor issue.
You said you didn't think that was it.
I provided a quote from a mod that suggested that was exactly it.
You then claim I'm cynical and trying to trap you in some Gotcha trap.
There could be a reason we ignore reporting on OP: like long time contributor, follows the rules 99% of the time, is very consistent with content, and deeply knows his stuff about the GAW movement.
Maybe it’s time to worry about other things more pressing in life, than a simple Patriot contributor on a digital forum if it’s “tiring”. 😑
It does matter because it's a guideline here (unverified content). I made a post that got stickied here talking about posting the sauce. He was one of the posters I was referring to. "There could be a reason"? I'm not telling you to ban him or discipline him, but you seem to be skirting around the edges of what I'm trying to tell you; if he knows his stuff, help others by POSTING THE SAUCE instead of karma farming!
And I actually do have a LOT going on in my life, and it's a great struggle, but I appreciate the insult. "Sauce or it didn't happen" existed long before this board and is how we separated the shills, doomers, feds and other noise makers from content research.
OP is certainly on our side. We Mods already know this, nor do we need to provide you proof. Take a chill-pill and move on please. This needs no further debate.
When Old Patriot said, "I Know I Needed It!!!", I figured they likely found it somewhere else.
Also how many times have frogs gotten after each other for FB posts? That said, I haven't seen them post to links that could be making them a paytriot & according to a moderator (link below), they are following the rules 99% of the time & deeply knows their stuff about GAW.
With those 5 up votes, there seem to be at least 4 others who would appreciate some sort of link, I just don't happen to be one that worried on a post like this. I didn't feel a need to prod deeper. Though if I did, I would have asked them for the sauce & then thanked them when they provided it.
If Old Patriot truly is old & computer use is a secondary (recently acquired) skill set for them, then I can give it a pass. Having worked with thousands of elderly, teaching them how to use a plethora of programs on a variety of OSes, it can be difficult for them to remember everything unless a check list is written down (that is where I saw the most success) & a reminder of how to accomplish each of those steps is readily available.
I grew up using & loving tech (DOS & GBasic being my initial interaction platform). Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V, along with many other keyboard shortcuts are second nature to me, Though I was blessed with a PC in my home, while most kids my own age didn't have one until we were almost teenagers. I was suprised at how many didn't have access to a computer unless they were at school.
Ultimately there are other things that irk me more than this, but to each their own 😊
If he can copy text, he can copy an URL. He can post an url in the text. At a minimum, he could write: "I found this <on facebook>." Or anything.
Consistently and immaculately copy/pasting content while avoiding or ignoring the value and important of identifying sauce, or at a minimum, giving credit where it is due, is lame at best, dishonest at worst.
For a long time I accepted it and gave OP the benefit of the doubt. But then there were the recent posts where he did just what he did here: copy/pasted large article or text, and refused to give any credit, aside from sauce.
How do you think the patriot journalist who wrote the recent article about Elon feels about OP just copy pasting the content and ignoring all decent practice to identify that it was the authors (and thereby deliberately impart the impression that he is the author himself)?
What kind of board gives a free pass to assh*les who so willingly take credit for other people's efforts? Are we on Reddit? Or GAW?
Fair enough. I will need to dig into the account. Thank you for bringing that toy attention.
I thought OP was a newbie, so I was more forgiving. Then I found out he's been posting here for 3+ years.
I did that, and it helped form my perspective, But even just keeping an eye out will help, I suspect.
Note: I try to love this board, and I feel a frog's obligation to do my part, in my own good practices and also keeping us, myself included, to account. Can't rely purely on the mods. They already carry a massive basket of tasks. Engaged civic duty on the part of all participants is the hallmark of a truly great internet forum, imo.
Its not a second pass if he is posting so frequently. This board is comp'd and has been since 2022.
The days between weren't filled with non stop advertising of the latest threat. People didn't scroll looking to get outraged as a way to feel something. These people were resilient because they didn't stay lit as a badge of honor.
Amen to that ~
Great point! I've wondered about this sort of thing myself many times.
I don’t take my life for granted one bit. Modern dentistry and air conditioning: *chef’s kiss ❤️
No way someone survives all that lol
Well Said. A bit of perspective is always welcolm
My parents were born in 1914 & 1917 so not terribly far off. Dad made 83 and Mother 104. Tough people for sure, never took that for granted…
Now add the following common denominator:
The Rothschild.
My dad, born in 22 always said, when you hear someone referring to yesteryear's as the good-ole-days, you can be sure they never lived during that time. He would say, "The good-old-days are what we are living right now."
Uuuuh it’s 2025? Riiight???
Plz tell me it is 2025🤪
Powerful post Oldpatriot!
We stand on the shoulders of our previous generations who molded and shaped our understanding of the world. Their lives taught us that we can achieve and survive anything. God bless them! 🙏🫡
Thank you J1D… Frens like you inspire me and keep me going..
Blessings brother!
Actually there was never ANY TIME IN ALL OF CREATION that so much has happened in the last 7 years. FACT, if you didn't take the made it to HEAVEN and it's OVER. Q STATED it was over for US. The rest is just revealing what transpired and executing Justice on those who tried to over throw God. The BOOKS WERE OPENED...I find Biblical people to be lost in this scenario. It all HAPPENED RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES. It was never what you expected because they LIED TO YOU.
Really good point. Globalist fuckery is nothing new.
LOL… So Appreciate your Comment… I , I’m sure like yourself, Recognize much of what was written in this post was the result of the Deeper Battle we’re fighting today… What keeps me in the fight is the belief that this battle is to Expose and Eliminate the ROOT that produced that Horrible Fruit and what we’re seeing today… “Future Proves Past”…
Thanks, ole patriot. I'm a new poster and a long time lurker here. I have enjoyed your input and thoughts here for quite some time. 👍
Thank You Fren… Helps knowing folks appreciate the effort …. And Right back at ya !! Be looking forward to your posts !!!