I think it's not that pointing out that a Jewish person has done something illegal or evil that people would downvote, but the impression that they are being targeted based on their ethnicity/religion.
I, personally, don't think Jewish people are any more at fault of misdeeds as any other person.
If I went around, and found every Christian who has ever done something heinous or been involved in some sort of cover up or conspiracy and used that as evidence that all Christians (or some specific branch of Christianity) are evil or untrustworthy, I'm pretty confident that I would get called out for attacking Christians.
The same if I went around doing the same thing based on people who did horrible things and were white.
I feel like that's what people are doing with this type of thing. So if I wouldn't approve of doing that to Christians or white people, why would I approve of it being done to Jewish people?
There is no one race or ethnicity or religion that doesn't have a metric shit ton of horrible people. There isn't one race or ethnicity or religion that doesn't have plenty of wonderful people.
The biblical Israelites and the modern state of Israel are not the same. The people who actually come from what was know as the Kingdom of Khazaria are jewish converts and share no DNA with the actual Hebrews/Israelites.
And on the flip side: Jesus was from Galilee, so was not seen as a 'Jew' as we understand so today.
Furthermore, the Palestinians have genetic ties to the people who lived around Christ's time. They are the Semites - which makes the whole thing very silly.
You mean all that Jesus Born in a manger in Bethlehem is a lie ? Isn't that a bit convenient for getting some off the hook ?
"And thou Bethlehem Ephrathah art little to be among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me, that shall be the ruler in Israel: whose goings forth have been from the beginning and from everlasting." ---Micah 5:2 --1599 Geneva
And it was before Birthright Citizenship. But doesn't change the profit's work quoted. Nor absolve those who never miss a chance to miss a chance. Examples are not always ... Chosen to be good examples.
I honestly don't understand the point to these types of responses.
Are you trying to say that "modern day Jews" don't have any rights because they're not the same genetically as the original Israelites?
I just honestly don't know where you're going with this.
But, anyway, just like how modern Christians aren't direct descendants of the first Christians in terms of DNA—since Christianity has spread across the world and includes many different cultures and ethnic groups—Jewish identity is also about faith, culture, and shared history, not just DNA. The fact that some Jewish people may have different ancestral backgrounds doesn't negate their connection to the Jewish faith and tradition. Faith communities evolve over time, and their identity is shaped by both religious belief and shared experiences, not just by biological lineage.
Not all Jewish people are biologically from the same group. Specifically, converts. Not all Jewish people from the same biological origin are religious.
That's why I mentioned both ethnicity and religion in my posts. All Jewish people aren't necessarily both genetically Jewish and religious.
But based on comments I've read around here, about religious practices like metzitzah b’peh and physical attributes commonly associated with Jewish people (nose shape and size), then they're definitely being targeted based on either their religion or their ethnicity, no matter if that ethnicity is genetically the same as the original Israelites or not.
What you wrote isn't as clear as you believe it to be.
Do jewish people consider themselves a religion or a race?
Depends on the person. Some Jewish people are converts, so they don't have the same ethnic background as others. Some Jewish people aren't religious, but are born into Jewish families and consider themselves ethnically and culturally Jewish.
It's not an either/or or all or nothing thing. Being Jewish is not only a religion or only an ethnicity or only a culture. It's a combination of all of that.
Right, some jewish people are converts, which is why my original statement is accurate. There is an actual bloodline/DNA line of ethnic jews that originate from the biblical Israelites. Then there are a bunch of converts who are in fact not jewish at all except that they follow the religion and they use the jewish religion as a shield for the things they do. This is much of modern day Israel. The Rothschilds, who were instrumental in the creation of the modern nation state of Israel, are converts. Their true lineage goes back to the Khazarian Empire.
From what I understand, this shift from the "original" Jewish bloodline to the Khzars happened around the 8th or 9th century.
If so, I think having 1,000+ years history of being Jewish/claiming Jewish/whatever gives them the right to whatever religious/cultural/ethnic identities they now claim.
I honestly don't understand this argument.
It seems as if you're saying that because they don't have the same genetic profile as ancient Israelites, they aren't legitimately Jewish?
To be clear, I don't think "original" Jews, or those whose genetics are from ancient Israelites are in any way special or are more deserving of having their religion/culture/ethnicity respected any more than anyone else is.
So, even if Khzars did convert over 1,000 years ago, well damn. I think they've been around long enough to be able to legitimately call themselves Jewish.
This argument makes zero sense to me. It would be like me saying that because white Christians of anglo-saxon descent aren't the same bloodline/DNA as the original biblical Christians, then they're not really Christians at all, except that they follow the religion and they use the Christian religion as a shield for the things they do.
Help me understand please. So someone can convert and be identified as Gods chosen? I would think there is a very big difference. And I'm not dooming you I am just trying to understand your point fren.
Do you think that people have to have a specific genetic profile in order to be part of a community or religion?
Because it seems like you don't understand religious converts.
Quick question. If someone from South Korea, who is genetically from people who have been in that area for thousands of years converts to Christianity, do you think they aren't "true Christians"?
What about Christians now, who are genetically from people in the UK and Western Europe? Are they Christians? Because they are very different from the original Christians of the Bible. Who were Jewish, genetically.
Let me explain, since people are busily downvoting you.
Christ changed it all. His argument was that gentiles can be God's children, and made a point in finding 'sinners' to convert. (illness was considered God's work, so if one, for example, laid hands on someone and prayed, then one was considered to be interfering with God's work. And anyway, tax colletors and prostitutes were definitely not acceptable to attend prayer meetings.
So, for your Korean example: I would definitely consider a convert as a true Christian, because Christ said anyone can worship God.
Some people are still butthurt about that, because the doctrine was exeptional - as in, only those with the correct bloodlines was accepted in the club. How dared he?
Sure. The whole "God's Chosen" is just a label people put on themselves or others.
Edited to add: Or do you think God himself is up there, checking that everyone has a specific genetic profile to determine whether or not they meet His criteria for being "chosen"?
My best friend is Jewish and I have no doubts about them or their ethics. But I think what people are pointing out more here is that a lot of the top level conspirators do seem to belong to one particular religion. I think it's less that all Jewish people are bad (obviously silly, there are lots of great Jewish people) and more that the top conspirators all seem to belong to the same club and that club seems to stick to one religion.
lol of course I know about confirmation bias. And I just said I FULLY believe there are lots of great Jewish people. Personally, I generally find that on average, I have much more in common with your average Jewish person than your average Christian. I find on average Jewish people tend to share more interests and outlooks with me and are generally very interesting conversationalists.
But leaving personal preferences aside, I am also going to stand by my assertion that when you look at top conspirators, this one religion is overrepresented. I do NOT think this is due to a moral failing in the religion. I just think it's the religion the conspirator club often happens to use (or pretends to use as cover, I don't actually think the conspirators are what you'd call "god fearing monotheists"). If you are concerned about confirmation bias Let's talk about numbers then. Google tells me "Globally, the Jewish population is estimated to be around 0.2% of the world's population." What are the odds that this extremely small population happens to encapsulate Weinstein, Epstein, Ghislane Maxwell, George Soros, the pizza gate guy, the Rothchildes, is massively overrepresented in the liberal media, the Frankfurt school,, Marx, Hollywood, congress etc etc etc
Confirmation bias doesn't mean that you think there aren't any "great Jewish people".
It means that you're paying more attention to things that point out that Jewish people are involved in misdeeds.
You're taking the global percentage of Jewish people and applying that to famous people in the USA/Canada and Israel, for the most part.
There are myriad reasons why Jewish people make up a (relatively) large percentage of people in finance, politics, Hollywood, and the media.
Historically, one of the main reasons Jewish people are prominent in finance is because they weren't allowed to own land. And since Christians weren't allowed (at certain times and in certain places) to charge interest on loans (thus, few Christian bankers) banking was one of the ways Jewish people could make money and support their families.
When Jewish people were excluded from joining other (predominantly Christian) social circles (country clubs, hotels, universities, etc...), they created their own networks and industries. Again, finance is one of those industries. Due to when and where the film industry in the US was established, it became yet another industry that had a heavy Jewish population.
Traditionally, Judaism has placed a high value on things like education and debate. Because of those values, high profile careers like medicine, law, and academia have been favored by Jewish people.
It's not that bad things are more likely to be done by Jewish people. It's that Jewish people are historically more likely to be involved in highly visible careers (which means it's likely anything they do will become public knowledge) and confirmation bias makes people think the fact that they're Jewish is the reason they're doing bad things.
If you really want to narrow down the common denominator that's shared by all the people you've listed, it's wealth.
But I don't see it being said that insanely rich people are evil or being criticized for doing bad things when they're rich, or that money is a bad thing. Especially considering how well regarded Trump, Musk, Wilbur Ross, Linda McMahon and all the other high networth people in Trump's circle are.
What we would really need to do, to break this down, would be to agree on a list of top conspirators, list their religions/heritage and then compare the percentage of elite conspirators to the general population of each religion. HAHhahaha, I'm not going to do that because I feel I've gotten a pretty good gist but if you want to start the list I'd be curious to see what your numbers are!
Except you're ignoring that Jewish people have historically been involved in high profile industries like finance, law, politics, and media.
I pointed out in another post here why they're more likely to have those types of highly visible careers, so you can go read that if you want.
It's not that Jewish people are more likely to do misdeeds than others. It's that they're more likely to be involved in careers that make them more publicly known, so any misdeeds they might do get spread far and wide. Then add confirmation bias, where people specifically look for and post about their horrible acts because they're Jewish, and you have the reason why you hear/read more about Jewish people doing horrible things than others.
I fully expect at this point that the Exec Producer of that film Stew Peters, renowned conspiracy firebrand, is a Mossad/CIA operative running point on inversion and limited hangout strategic psyops and that that film is a vehicle for such deception… Such is the scale and severity of the deceit and destruction we are up against…
It was only a few years ago that the word Naive had two dots on the I. I remember looking it up and striping the doubledotted I, beause I didn't want to submit to the single dot.
Just now, I went to do that, and the dictionaries have all removed the double dot.
So I suppose we will pronounce it naive, to rhyme with crave, (not Nah-eeve).
Not being lazy at all. That movie simply hits valid data points, a useful primer for normies and naive alike. Not that you need it because I suspect you know exactly what’s up, that the disproportionate over-representation of ethno-supremacist, extremist, religious cultism throughout human endeavour, history and captured institutions has run its course. The Great Awakening writ large is a people waking up to its enslavement, impoverishment, poisoning, corruption, destruction and slaughter. Beware, when the Saxon begins to hate…
Who committed an act of war by attacking the USS Liberty. We did nothing because they thoroughly own and have compromised our government and "leaders."
Other information indicates that our government directed the Liberty to urgently arrive at the "kill box." The rest seems to be a Fog of War fiasco, for which the Israeli government apologized and paid reparations to the families of the wounded and killed. According to the negotiation, and by the U.S. government, the matter is settled and over.
I really don't understand the point of this carping. Do you want to declare war against Israel? You might as well accept the reality that it will never happen. Do you want to have a chip on your shoulder so you can use any occasion to express hatred of Israel? Seems like a pretty empty social life.
It doesn't matter what I think, now that the U.S. government has addressed the issue and does not think it was an act of war. I hear your prejudice speaking, not the voice of reason.
What prejudice? We give them billions in cash and weapons every single year, yet get nothing in return. Practically every senator and congressman has an AIPAC handler.
JFK didn't want israel getting nukes, and he was assassinated shortly after. What prejudice?
Prove your case, write a book, make lots of money. All you have is prejudice. JFK was also in the bad graces of organized crime. He was also a Catholic. He did the hot-cha with Marilyn Monroe. He captained a torpedo boat. There are all kinds of circumstantial coincidences. You get to supply the imaginary connection.
Governments addressed the safety of the vaccine many times. You just didn’t like what they said.
You’re poor at logic, which is what I was pointing out. “The government addressed it so it’s settled”. But clearly you don’t feel that way for all issues.
The government lied about essential information during the Covid fiasco. That's not "addressing" anything.
Whatever dispute might have been between the U.S. and Israel was settled between them. There was no state of war. The evidence is that the U.S. was complicit. This is old news for me; I read an analysis article on this, decades ago, in the Journal of the Naval Institute. No one has explained a reasonable rationale for making old news a cause celebre. Other than holding a grudge against certain people.
Although I understand your bristling, because the air is smelling like antisemitism, which we are all hypersensitized to, I believe the people here want to stop the corruption in the USA. This includes rooting out bought and paid-for politicians, foreign interference, vanishing money - that type of thing.
I now understand why all these antisemitism edicts were passed, before the JFK-reveal. We need to see who killed JFK. That's the gold standard. So now we see Mossad, and immediately shills are yelling 'antisemitism'. You do realize that this is a learned response, right?
And to be sure, assassinations take money to organize, so following the money is the best remedy. And ultimately this is the theme: How much foreign interference and mob-tactic assassinations and drug money and gunrunning (to raise money for the black-ops) will the American people put up with? Russians didn't. Yeltsin was a drunk CIA plant and caused a deep depression in Russia, and Putin was intelligence, who saw what was up.
Also - It's not really an anti-jew thing anymore, I think we are all adult enough to just simply talk about what's legal or constitutional, and Jews need to be part of that conversation - of course they do. And, the constitution protects people of all races and religions - even as we have seen it eroded in front of our eyes in the last decades.
Unfortunately, the secret services from USA and Israeli Mossad need to explain themselves, now that the big reveal is on the table. So sorry, they were playing a dirty game, and I don't care if they were Jewish or not.
There are plenty of people in Israel who are suffering from that blind, naked corruption as well, BTW. Not just Palestinians. Before Oct 7, there were huge demonstrations in the major towns in Israel demanding Net-and-Yahoo's resignation. Hamas is a self-admitted Mossad operation to destabilize the PLO - and to ensure a constant pipeline of money from gullible Amerians - and those in congress are the most gullible, because they are paid to be. Just as in anything, there are Jews against that. And that's normal.
All these words, and you do not explain why all the carping about the Liberty. So, it's just an excuse to piggy-back the history on other gripes?
You seemingly know it all, that the culprits are conspicuous and we should all go along for the lynching party. Sorry, but I would like to see the evidence for myself. I've heard these gripes now for quite a while, and I get a lot of self-explanation but no clarification.
Replace "Jews need to be part of the conversation" with "blacks need to be part of the conversation" or "Italians need to be part of the conversation," to see how blatant your ethnicism is. You as much as admit it when you say "it's not really an anti-Jew thing anymore." Anymore? So, formerly, it was? I remember when Germans were called "krauts." (I am a quarter German.)
If what you say is true, you shouldn't have a problem with an intergovernmental incident being resolved peacefully to the satisfaction of both parties. Whoever they are.
i mention Jews, because it's appearing in the JFK papers. i.e.
Our new backers are Jews (see above quote)
I understand that this is pulling a plaster off. Obvio, rich jews were funding the black ops, in a plot to kill the President. And yes, Jews need to speak up, just like anyone. I will not back down for that comment. And as far as the waddabout thing, I can point to the decades-long psyop against white males. So I can say the same thing.
Not sure where you are going with the race-based thing, akshully.
Also: I don't 'know it all'. I am just expressing how it should be. IMO. That's kind of how thinking works. Are you wanting me to take back what I wrote?
And, to put a cherry on top: the wounds from WW2 run deep. Most Americans do not understand: My grandmother used to go up to German tourists in the 70s, and demand if they believed in Hitler. Excruciatingly embarrassing for me, a seventies child of "peace-time". And for greater perspective: Every Russian today has a relative that died in WW2.
But, to provide some understanding for her outrageuous behavior: Germans personally hassled my grandma at checkpoints, in case she was carrying contraband (milk in bottles tucked into her stockings, smuggled from local farms), and she witnessed Germans taking all the butter, milk and bread, and any wool for knitting out of the shops (about 60km from the German border), when she was feeding two toddlers during the war.
Ration cards? LOL, there was NOTHNG in the shops. To keep her baby warm, she collected scraps of wool off the fences, and spun it by hand, to make a jersey for my mother, who was two.
My remarks pertain to the subject of the USS Liberty. The quotation is a scrap of hearsay. We don't even know if it was said. We certainly have no evidence that it is true. You don't explain why the Liberty is even relevant in this context. All you do is back-handedly admit that the motive is anti-Semitism. This has nothing to do with anti-white campaigns.
Your opening in this comment takes for granted a lot about who was behind the assassination, not evident from evidence. That pretty much qualifies as being "know it all." Perhaps you should reconsider what is most important to you: respecting the known facts, or pushing your personal convictions.
Your grandmother had a personal grudge, but failed to open her vision. Meanwhile, as well as Japanese, both Germans and Italians were interned during World War II. Not as well known, because the numbers were not as large, and nobody gives a shit about those of European extraction. All it proves is that your grandmother and the U.S. government were wrong.
If you have nothing to say about the Liberty, our discussion is complete.
People need to understand that there are nefarious people in society, it doesn’t matter what they believe in or claim to follow.
I no longer listen to what people say I watch what they do, behavior never lies.
By 1955, Israeli Chief Rabbi Yitchak Herzog had unequivocally declared that “metzitzah forms no part whatsoever of the actual precept of milah, whether l’chatchila or bedieved.” from https://jewishlink.news/the-origins-of-metzitzah/
How many Jews follow the Talmud? Even most Orthodox which are a tiny minority, don't. Most western Jews are conservative or reform. Most don't even observe Shabbat fully which is one of the primary covenants in the Torah. Let alone do whatever the hell you're talking about.
Keep it clean in here Anons. No rant racism against Jewish people or anyone else. The common folk have nothing to do with the Elites and their evil. So y’all keep in adult check so us Mods don’t have to. 🔨
Sorry been a busy night/day. Wasn't this released in Trumps first term. But all the Israel connections where redacted. This time around redactions are removed.. And it's come out that the c_a just really wanted anything with {} should be redacted. Haven't slept much since yesterday so I maybe a little off on something.. Any help would be helpful. And thx for the question fren.
You guys are intellectually lazy. Documents numbers for the files released by the government begin at 104* and run to 202*. All files released have a label at the top with the document number and a notice of 2025 release under the president John F Kennedy assassination records act of 1992. Your Patriot Front meme has a “file number” not a document number and it reads CO-2-34, 030 which is not in the series of files released. Fake and gay.
All I did is point out a very obvious and verifiable fact about the file release by the US government on the JFK files. No were did I even mention Israel. It seems the only thing you hate more than the Jews is the Truth. You behave like a true Socialist...
The USS Liberty indecent was a joint operation between LBJ, CIA and Israel, seems plausible these same exact parties could have pulled off the assassination just a couple years earlier.
So not only did they kill Jesus Christ, they continue killing beloved presidents. Nice, Jews a world War to rescue you and we find this is what you do. Now, continue to call me goyim - In Hebrew and Yiddish, "goy" (גוי, plural: goyim/גוים) refers to a non-Jew or gentile, and the term has been adopted into English, sometimes with a pejorative connotation. Meaning it's an insult.
Wonder how many downvotes this suddenly gets cause someone mentioned the J word.
Oh, man. You are soooo close. I am nervous for you. I have spent time in Time Out for this. And I was just being silly.
Pretty sure we all have.
Same here… But it was mostly for optics because we can't let the MSN twist our movement into "merely a bunch of Jew haters."
Going to do a post on this
I look forward to it!
me too
Ok, unpopular opinion coming.
I think it's not that pointing out that a Jewish person has done something illegal or evil that people would downvote, but the impression that they are being targeted based on their ethnicity/religion.
I, personally, don't think Jewish people are any more at fault of misdeeds as any other person.
If I went around, and found every Christian who has ever done something heinous or been involved in some sort of cover up or conspiracy and used that as evidence that all Christians (or some specific branch of Christianity) are evil or untrustworthy, I'm pretty confident that I would get called out for attacking Christians.
The same if I went around doing the same thing based on people who did horrible things and were white.
I feel like that's what people are doing with this type of thing. So if I wouldn't approve of doing that to Christians or white people, why would I approve of it being done to Jewish people?
There is no one race or ethnicity or religion that doesn't have a metric shit ton of horrible people. There isn't one race or ethnicity or religion that doesn't have plenty of wonderful people.
Just...don't be hypocrites.
The biblical Israelites and the modern state of Israel are not the same. The people who actually come from what was know as the Kingdom of Khazaria are jewish converts and share no DNA with the actual Hebrews/Israelites.
When i see it posted that way my mind immediately provides the askanazi.
And on the flip side: Jesus was from Galilee, so was not seen as a 'Jew' as we understand so today.
Furthermore, the Palestinians have genetic ties to the people who lived around Christ's time. They are the Semites - which makes the whole thing very silly.
You mean all that Jesus Born in a manger in Bethlehem is a lie ? Isn't that a bit convenient for getting some off the hook ?
"And thou Bethlehem Ephrathah art little to be among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me, that shall be the ruler in Israel: whose goings forth have been from the beginning and from everlasting." ---Micah 5:2 --1599 Geneva
Well they were told to go to Bethlehem, despite Mary's condition.
And it was before Birthright Citizenship. But doesn't change the profit's work quoted. Nor absolve those who never miss a chance to miss a chance. Examples are not always ... Chosen to be good examples.
thx fren
I honestly don't understand the point to these types of responses.
Are you trying to say that "modern day Jews" don't have any rights because they're not the same genetically as the original Israelites?
I just honestly don't know where you're going with this.
But, anyway, just like how modern Christians aren't direct descendants of the first Christians in terms of DNA—since Christianity has spread across the world and includes many different cultures and ethnic groups—Jewish identity is also about faith, culture, and shared history, not just DNA. The fact that some Jewish people may have different ancestral backgrounds doesn't negate their connection to the Jewish faith and tradition. Faith communities evolve over time, and their identity is shaped by both religious belief and shared experiences, not just by biological lineage.
Not all Jewish people are biologically from the same group. Specifically, converts. Not all Jewish people from the same biological origin are religious.
That's why I mentioned both ethnicity and religion in my posts. All Jewish people aren't necessarily both genetically Jewish and religious.
But based on comments I've read around here, about religious practices like metzitzah b’peh and physical attributes commonly associated with Jewish people (nose shape and size), then they're definitely being targeted based on either their religion or their ethnicity, no matter if that ethnicity is genetically the same as the original Israelites or not.
"Are you trying to say that "modern day Jews" don't have any rights because they're not the same genetically as the original Israelites?"
No, if I was trying to say that I would have typed it. What I wrote is what I am saying.
Do jewish people consider themselves a religion or a race?
What you wrote isn't as clear as you believe it to be.
Depends on the person. Some Jewish people are converts, so they don't have the same ethnic background as others. Some Jewish people aren't religious, but are born into Jewish families and consider themselves ethnically and culturally Jewish.
It's not an either/or or all or nothing thing. Being Jewish is not only a religion or only an ethnicity or only a culture. It's a combination of all of that.
Right, some jewish people are converts, which is why my original statement is accurate. There is an actual bloodline/DNA line of ethnic jews that originate from the biblical Israelites. Then there are a bunch of converts who are in fact not jewish at all except that they follow the religion and they use the jewish religion as a shield for the things they do. This is much of modern day Israel. The Rothschilds, who were instrumental in the creation of the modern nation state of Israel, are converts. Their true lineage goes back to the Khazarian Empire.
From what I understand, this shift from the "original" Jewish bloodline to the Khzars happened around the 8th or 9th century.
If so, I think having 1,000+ years history of being Jewish/claiming Jewish/whatever gives them the right to whatever religious/cultural/ethnic identities they now claim.
I honestly don't understand this argument.
It seems as if you're saying that because they don't have the same genetic profile as ancient Israelites, they aren't legitimately Jewish?
To be clear, I don't think "original" Jews, or those whose genetics are from ancient Israelites are in any way special or are more deserving of having their religion/culture/ethnicity respected any more than anyone else is.
So, even if Khzars did convert over 1,000 years ago, well damn. I think they've been around long enough to be able to legitimately call themselves Jewish.
This argument makes zero sense to me. It would be like me saying that because white Christians of anglo-saxon descent aren't the same bloodline/DNA as the original biblical Christians, then they're not really Christians at all, except that they follow the religion and they use the Christian religion as a shield for the things they do.
Yeah no one cares, dude. There is such a a thing as a "convert."
And Ashkenazi or not, it's not like God is going to condemn an entire race of humans based on having the "wrong" Jewish bloodline, so why are we.
I think only the non believers in Christ are condemned, regardless of race or whatever.
Thank you!
Help me understand please. So someone can convert and be identified as Gods chosen? I would think there is a very big difference. And I'm not dooming you I am just trying to understand your point fren.
Do you think that people have to have a specific genetic profile in order to be part of a community or religion?
Because it seems like you don't understand religious converts.
Quick question. If someone from South Korea, who is genetically from people who have been in that area for thousands of years converts to Christianity, do you think they aren't "true Christians"?
What about Christians now, who are genetically from people in the UK and Western Europe? Are they Christians? Because they are very different from the original Christians of the Bible. Who were Jewish, genetically.
Let me explain, since people are busily downvoting you.
Christ changed it all. His argument was that gentiles can be God's children, and made a point in finding 'sinners' to convert. (illness was considered God's work, so if one, for example, laid hands on someone and prayed, then one was considered to be interfering with God's work. And anyway, tax colletors and prostitutes were definitely not acceptable to attend prayer meetings.
So, for your Korean example: I would definitely consider a convert as a true Christian, because Christ said anyone can worship God.
Some people are still butthurt about that, because the doctrine was exeptional - as in, only those with the correct bloodlines was accepted in the club. How dared he?
Sure. The whole "God's Chosen" is just a label people put on themselves or others.
Edited to add: Or do you think God himself is up there, checking that everyone has a specific genetic profile to determine whether or not they meet His criteria for being "chosen"?
Found one!
Found one what?
My best friend is Jewish and I have no doubts about them or their ethics. But I think what people are pointing out more here is that a lot of the top level conspirators do seem to belong to one particular religion. I think it's less that all Jewish people are bad (obviously silly, there are lots of great Jewish people) and more that the top conspirators all seem to belong to the same club and that club seems to stick to one religion.
Sure it seems that way if only one religion/ethnicity is consistently highlighted for such things.
Do you think because it's not consistently pointed out that white Christians are at the head of nefarious dealings that there aren't that many?
Are you familiar with the term "confirmation bias"?
lol of course I know about confirmation bias. And I just said I FULLY believe there are lots of great Jewish people. Personally, I generally find that on average, I have much more in common with your average Jewish person than your average Christian. I find on average Jewish people tend to share more interests and outlooks with me and are generally very interesting conversationalists.
But leaving personal preferences aside, I am also going to stand by my assertion that when you look at top conspirators, this one religion is overrepresented. I do NOT think this is due to a moral failing in the religion. I just think it's the religion the conspirator club often happens to use (or pretends to use as cover, I don't actually think the conspirators are what you'd call "god fearing monotheists"). If you are concerned about confirmation bias Let's talk about numbers then. Google tells me "Globally, the Jewish population is estimated to be around 0.2% of the world's population." What are the odds that this extremely small population happens to encapsulate Weinstein, Epstein, Ghislane Maxwell, George Soros, the pizza gate guy, the Rothchildes, is massively overrepresented in the liberal media, the Frankfurt school,, Marx, Hollywood, congress etc etc etc
Confirmation bias doesn't mean that you think there aren't any "great Jewish people".
It means that you're paying more attention to things that point out that Jewish people are involved in misdeeds.
You're taking the global percentage of Jewish people and applying that to famous people in the USA/Canada and Israel, for the most part.
There are myriad reasons why Jewish people make up a (relatively) large percentage of people in finance, politics, Hollywood, and the media.
Historically, one of the main reasons Jewish people are prominent in finance is because they weren't allowed to own land. And since Christians weren't allowed (at certain times and in certain places) to charge interest on loans (thus, few Christian bankers) banking was one of the ways Jewish people could make money and support their families.
When Jewish people were excluded from joining other (predominantly Christian) social circles (country clubs, hotels, universities, etc...), they created their own networks and industries. Again, finance is one of those industries. Due to when and where the film industry in the US was established, it became yet another industry that had a heavy Jewish population.
Traditionally, Judaism has placed a high value on things like education and debate. Because of those values, high profile careers like medicine, law, and academia have been favored by Jewish people.
It's not that bad things are more likely to be done by Jewish people. It's that Jewish people are historically more likely to be involved in highly visible careers (which means it's likely anything they do will become public knowledge) and confirmation bias makes people think the fact that they're Jewish is the reason they're doing bad things.
If you really want to narrow down the common denominator that's shared by all the people you've listed, it's wealth.
But I don't see it being said that insanely rich people are evil or being criticized for doing bad things when they're rich, or that money is a bad thing. Especially considering how well regarded Trump, Musk, Wilbur Ross, Linda McMahon and all the other high networth people in Trump's circle are.
What we would really need to do, to break this down, would be to agree on a list of top conspirators, list their religions/heritage and then compare the percentage of elite conspirators to the general population of each religion. HAHhahaha, I'm not going to do that because I feel I've gotten a pretty good gist but if you want to start the list I'd be curious to see what your numbers are!
Except you're ignoring that Jewish people have historically been involved in high profile industries like finance, law, politics, and media.
I pointed out in another post here why they're more likely to have those types of highly visible careers, so you can go read that if you want.
It's not that Jewish people are more likely to do misdeeds than others. It's that they're more likely to be involved in careers that make them more publicly known, so any misdeeds they might do get spread far and wide. Then add confirmation bias, where people specifically look for and post about their horrible acts because they're Jewish, and you have the reason why you hear/read more about Jewish people doing horrible things than others.
You’re either naive, deflecting or in denial.
This’ll get you started…
I fully expect at this point that the Exec Producer of that film Stew Peters, renowned conspiracy firebrand, is a Mossad/CIA operative running point on inversion and limited hangout strategic psyops and that that film is a vehicle for such deception… Such is the scale and severity of the deceit and destruction we are up against…
No, don't be lazy and foist it off on some video.
Tell me, in your own words, how I'm naive, deflecting (what, exactly) or in denial about.
It was only a few years ago that the word Naive had two dots on the I. I remember looking it up and striping the doubledotted I, beause I didn't want to submit to the single dot.
Just now, I went to do that, and the dictionaries have all removed the double dot.
So I suppose we will pronounce it naive, to rhyme with crave, (not Nah-eeve).
Not being lazy at all. That movie simply hits valid data points, a useful primer for normies and naive alike. Not that you need it because I suspect you know exactly what’s up, that the disproportionate over-representation of ethno-supremacist, extremist, religious cultism throughout human endeavour, history and captured institutions has run its course. The Great Awakening writ large is a people waking up to its enslavement, impoverishment, poisoning, corruption, destruction and slaughter. Beware, when the Saxon begins to hate…
Uh huh
No, this is trash because it's 4 degrees of hearsay. Read the entire document not just the highlight.
Someone (Marcineau) says, they heard someone (Mooley) saying, that they heard someone else (Echevarria) say something about someone else (Jews)
This wouldn't pass muster in middle school let alone an elite research board
Instead of the "J" word call em Revelation 2:9ers!
I'm sorry but if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and is involved in world banking and fiat money systems, then it's probably a duck. 😁
"our greatest ally"
Who committed an act of war by attacking the USS Liberty. We did nothing because they thoroughly own and have compromised our government and "leaders."
Other information indicates that our government directed the Liberty to urgently arrive at the "kill box." The rest seems to be a Fog of War fiasco, for which the Israeli government apologized and paid reparations to the families of the wounded and killed. According to the negotiation, and by the U.S. government, the matter is settled and over.
I really don't understand the point of this carping. Do you want to declare war against Israel? You might as well accept the reality that it will never happen. Do you want to have a chip on your shoulder so you can use any occasion to express hatred of Israel? Seems like a pretty empty social life.
Do you not think attacking one of our warships was an act of war? Apologies? Reparations? They laugh at us.
Keep supporting a landmass that was promised to a Rothschild by a member of the British government, Balfour.
It doesn't matter what I think, now that the U.S. government has addressed the issue and does not think it was an act of war. I hear your prejudice speaking, not the voice of reason.
What prejudice? We give them billions in cash and weapons every single year, yet get nothing in return. Practically every senator and congressman has an AIPAC handler.
JFK didn't want israel getting nukes, and he was assassinated shortly after. What prejudice?
Prove your case, write a book, make lots of money. All you have is prejudice. JFK was also in the bad graces of organized crime. He was also a Catholic. He did the hot-cha with Marilyn Monroe. He captained a torpedo boat. There are all kinds of circumstantial coincidences. You get to supply the imaginary connection.
Governments worldwide addressed the vaccine. It was good and necessary. You agree, right?
Not as an act of war. The "vaccine" was more like a crime against humanity. Nothing has been addressed on that level.
Poor at argument. Always need to switch the topic.
Governments addressed the safety of the vaccine many times. You just didn’t like what they said.
You’re poor at logic, which is what I was pointing out. “The government addressed it so it’s settled”. But clearly you don’t feel that way for all issues.
The government lied about essential information during the Covid fiasco. That's not "addressing" anything.
Whatever dispute might have been between the U.S. and Israel was settled between them. There was no state of war. The evidence is that the U.S. was complicit. This is old news for me; I read an analysis article on this, decades ago, in the Journal of the Naval Institute. No one has explained a reasonable rationale for making old news a cause celebre. Other than holding a grudge against certain people.
Sounds like you love the government and supported the actor playing Biden.
Although I understand your bristling, because the air is smelling like antisemitism, which we are all hypersensitized to, I believe the people here want to stop the corruption in the USA. This includes rooting out bought and paid-for politicians, foreign interference, vanishing money - that type of thing.
I now understand why all these antisemitism edicts were passed, before the JFK-reveal. We need to see who killed JFK. That's the gold standard. So now we see Mossad, and immediately shills are yelling 'antisemitism'. You do realize that this is a learned response, right?
And to be sure, assassinations take money to organize, so following the money is the best remedy. And ultimately this is the theme: How much foreign interference and mob-tactic assassinations and drug money and gunrunning (to raise money for the black-ops) will the American people put up with? Russians didn't. Yeltsin was a drunk CIA plant and caused a deep depression in Russia, and Putin was intelligence, who saw what was up.
Also - It's not really an anti-jew thing anymore, I think we are all adult enough to just simply talk about what's legal or constitutional, and Jews need to be part of that conversation - of course they do. And, the constitution protects people of all races and religions - even as we have seen it eroded in front of our eyes in the last decades.
Unfortunately, the secret services from USA and Israeli Mossad need to explain themselves, now that the big reveal is on the table. So sorry, they were playing a dirty game, and I don't care if they were Jewish or not.
There are plenty of people in Israel who are suffering from that blind, naked corruption as well, BTW. Not just Palestinians. Before Oct 7, there were huge demonstrations in the major towns in Israel demanding Net-and-Yahoo's resignation. Hamas is a self-admitted Mossad operation to destabilize the PLO - and to ensure a constant pipeline of money from gullible Amerians - and those in congress are the most gullible, because they are paid to be. Just as in anything, there are Jews against that. And that's normal.
All these words, and you do not explain why all the carping about the Liberty. So, it's just an excuse to piggy-back the history on other gripes?
You seemingly know it all, that the culprits are conspicuous and we should all go along for the lynching party. Sorry, but I would like to see the evidence for myself. I've heard these gripes now for quite a while, and I get a lot of self-explanation but no clarification.
Replace "Jews need to be part of the conversation" with "blacks need to be part of the conversation" or "Italians need to be part of the conversation," to see how blatant your ethnicism is. You as much as admit it when you say "it's not really an anti-Jew thing anymore." Anymore? So, formerly, it was? I remember when Germans were called "krauts." (I am a quarter German.)
If what you say is true, you shouldn't have a problem with an intergovernmental incident being resolved peacefully to the satisfaction of both parties. Whoever they are.
i mention Jews, because it's appearing in the JFK papers. i.e.
I understand that this is pulling a plaster off. Obvio, rich jews were funding the black ops, in a plot to kill the President. And yes, Jews need to speak up, just like anyone. I will not back down for that comment. And as far as the waddabout thing, I can point to the decades-long psyop against white males. So I can say the same thing.
Not sure where you are going with the race-based thing, akshully.
Also: I don't 'know it all'. I am just expressing how it should be. IMO. That's kind of how thinking works. Are you wanting me to take back what I wrote?
And, to put a cherry on top: the wounds from WW2 run deep. Most Americans do not understand: My grandmother used to go up to German tourists in the 70s, and demand if they believed in Hitler. Excruciatingly embarrassing for me, a seventies child of "peace-time". And for greater perspective: Every Russian today has a relative that died in WW2.
But, to provide some understanding for her outrageuous behavior: Germans personally hassled my grandma at checkpoints, in case she was carrying contraband (milk in bottles tucked into her stockings, smuggled from local farms), and she witnessed Germans taking all the butter, milk and bread, and any wool for knitting out of the shops (about 60km from the German border), when she was feeding two toddlers during the war.
Ration cards? LOL, there was NOTHNG in the shops. To keep her baby warm, she collected scraps of wool off the fences, and spun it by hand, to make a jersey for my mother, who was two.
My remarks pertain to the subject of the USS Liberty. The quotation is a scrap of hearsay. We don't even know if it was said. We certainly have no evidence that it is true. You don't explain why the Liberty is even relevant in this context. All you do is back-handedly admit that the motive is anti-Semitism. This has nothing to do with anti-white campaigns.
Your opening in this comment takes for granted a lot about who was behind the assassination, not evident from evidence. That pretty much qualifies as being "know it all." Perhaps you should reconsider what is most important to you: respecting the known facts, or pushing your personal convictions.
Your grandmother had a personal grudge, but failed to open her vision. Meanwhile, as well as Japanese, both Germans and Italians were interned during World War II. Not as well known, because the numbers were not as large, and nobody gives a shit about those of European extraction. All it proves is that your grandmother and the U.S. government were wrong.
If you have nothing to say about the Liberty, our discussion is complete.
People need to understand that there are nefarious people in society, it doesn’t matter what they believe in or claim to follow. I no longer listen to what people say I watch what they do, behavior never lies.
"god's chosen people" perform a blood ritual on their newborn boys. It involves "oral suction."
By 1955, Israeli Chief Rabbi Yitchak Herzog had unequivocally declared that “metzitzah forms no part whatsoever of the actual precept of milah, whether l’chatchila or bedieved.” from https://jewishlink.news/the-origins-of-metzitzah/
You are 70 years out of date. Do your research.
How many Jews follow the Talmud? Even most Orthodox which are a tiny minority, don't. Most western Jews are conservative or reform. Most don't even observe Shabbat fully which is one of the primary covenants in the Torah. Let alone do whatever the hell you're talking about.
How are jews commanded to treat the goyim? Are they allowed to charge interest for loans when loaning money to each other?
/pol/ thread-- https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/500892404
Oh OP gonna get banned for naming them
Keep it clean in here Anons. No rant racism against Jewish people or anyone else. The common folk have nothing to do with the Elites and their evil. So y’all keep in adult check so us Mods don’t have to. 🔨
thanks for the reminder. everyone needs to see your comment.sticky at top of comments would help for all to see fren. and again thx
Ooh, things are getting Jewsy!
OP can you confirm if this doc is from the new dump?
Sorry been a busy night/day. Wasn't this released in Trumps first term. But all the Israel connections where redacted. This time around redactions are removed.. And it's come out that the c_a just really wanted anything with {} should be redacted. Haven't slept much since yesterday so I maybe a little off on something.. Any help would be helpful. And thx for the question fren.
first ever use of jew parenthesis, circa 1963
super kek
Careful not to get banned by the mods for pointing out facts.
Whoop, there it is!!
So the pronoun problems stretch back 60+ years
A hearsay allegation with no verification follow-up? And if he said "our new backers are Martians" we would take that also as true?
You guys are intellectually lazy. Documents numbers for the files released by the government begin at 104* and run to 202*. All files released have a label at the top with the document number and a notice of 2025 release under the president John F Kennedy assassination records act of 1992. Your Patriot Front meme has a “file number” not a document number and it reads CO-2-34, 030 which is not in the series of files released. Fake and gay.
Will you continue to support israel if their government admits to killing JFK?
All I did is point out a very obvious and verifiable fact about the file release by the US government on the JFK files. No were did I even mention Israel. It seems the only thing you hate more than the Jews is the Truth. You behave like a true Socialist...
How could that be possible if (as it appears) OUR government kiled JFK?
The USS Liberty indecent was a joint operation between LBJ, CIA and Israel, seems plausible these same exact parties could have pulled off the assassination just a couple years earlier.
Sounds like you don't think it's possible for governments, or infiltrators, to kill people that are in the way of them doing whatever they want.
So the Basques were with the ((tribe)) at the time?
So not only did they kill Jesus Christ, they continue killing beloved presidents. Nice, Jews a world War to rescue you and we find this is what you do. Now, continue to call me goyim - In Hebrew and Yiddish, "goy" (גוי, plural: goyim/גוים) refers to a non-Jew or gentile, and the term has been adopted into English, sometimes with a pejorative connotation. Meaning it's an insult.
–chahn1138 --- And now you know why this evidence was hidden so long.
The Era of Radical Transparency might save us! https://patriots.win/p/19Ae3zmRef/interesting/