He better not roll over and take this. I want to trust the plan because this isn't the Trump we know. He didn't lose the election, it was horribly stolen. We are in for the darkest times in our history if Biden gets sworn in.
It's still incredibly vague. However the feeling I get is that this is not the Trump we know. We haven't seen that Trump since the 6th. I'm praying that we get the justice this country needs.
No country that is powerful enough can come to our land and our terrain and win against millions of americans spread out looking like innocent civs... Remember, we won 9/10 battles in Vietnam, and lost because the insurgents looked like civs and were native to their lands.
They want our country, land, and resources. They don’t want people. So what’s better than urban warfare. How about infiltration from within and a virus genetically modified to affect non-mongoloids.
Instead they fuck you over 80 years into the future, making the people strangle themselves through their legal ignorance while they binge the latest and greatest from the matrix.
Take away the 2A which leads to the ban of the 1A, completely ban conservatives from social media, Trump supporters barred from using banks, certain companies, services etc, Trump supporters and especially those who worked in his administration will be blacklisted and their names put into black books, re-education camps as many Democrat politicians have called for, forced vaccination, brainwashing our children to hate the US, segregation will happen again as BLM wants, give billions of dollars in cash to Iran again while giving Americans less then $600 in Covid relief, completely selling out our country to China, and so much worse.
Edit: Add the dissolve of the electoral college and amnesty as well as free healthcare for 11 million illegals as Biden promised which is literally just 11 million more votes for Democrats.
Will never happen, my friend...Americans aren't built like that...If we ever were to be defeated, we would go down in a BLAZE of GLORY!!! And, God, our Father and Creator isnt ready for that yet!!! We wear his Armor, while they loathe his Omnipotence and Glory!!! Trust His plan, Patriots!!! Jesus will lead us through!!!
Took the words right out of my mouth, Patriot. Americans are not built for slavery to anyone,heck I am a female but even we will be shoulder to shoulder with other Patriots fighting the good fight with Jesus Christ leading us. I have faith it won't come to that. ??????
I'm already scrubbing my social media, and I told my kids that if anyone asks not to say they support Trump.
We're in a super conservative area and I'm still afraid of what will happen to us.
I won't stop fighting, I'm just going to not be quite so vocal about my hatred for joe and the ho
Edit: good lord you guys are sensitive. Scrubbing social media = getting rid of FB and twitter. I thought that was what everyone was supposed to do after all this bullshit?
As for my kids - if teachers or strangers ask I told them to keep it to themselves. They don't need to worry about that.
I'm nowhere near quitting... I'm more engaged in the fight than ever, just going to try to be a little more quiet.
Thank you. I'm nowhere near giving up, and if I didn't have kids I would probably continue to be a loudmouth pain in the ass. But if I can keep it from affecting them, I will.
U have a pacifist attitude though, fren...Ur teaching ur children to roll over to the pretend mob! God tells us to STAND against the wiles of the devil. Teach ur kids to pray for God to grant them His Armor, and then STAND strong in their faith in God against the evil of this material world!!! Live on ur feet, don't die on ur knees!!! Ur never too young to have convictions! I pray God helps u correct the errors of ur ways...for ur children's and ur children's children's sake! God bless!
Take away the 2A which leads to the ban of the 1A, completely ban conservatives from social media, Trump supporters barred from using banks, certain companies, services etc, Trump supporters and especially those who worked in his administration will be blacklisted and their names put into black books, re-education camps as many Democrat politicians have called for, forced vaccination, brainwashing our children to hate the US, segregation will happen again as BLM wants, pack the Supreme Court, give billions of dollars in cash to Iran again while giving Americans less then $600 in Covid relief, completely selling out our country to China, and so much worse.
Pick any topic they covered in the Democratic debates and it'll probably find its way into policy in some form. Open borders immigration, climate accords, UBI, neutering several Amendments through unchallenged EOs or excessive taxation. I think the open borders will be what creates the most stress on the system. In my part of the country the school systems are already badly managed, and the homeowners (especially those on fixed incomes) are being taxed out the wazoo to support every illegal child that has been enrolled. Add in the free healthcare the Democrats promised to illegals, and that's a perfect storm for conflict. Citizens work one, maybe two jobs for an income that's basically stolen from them before they even see their paycheck all so that illegal aliens are given free stuff. The latest trillion dollar bills passed by Congress seem to be the bellwether of what's to come - a government and a populace with no idea that money isn't free, and the only money a government has is what it can either take from people now, or future generations.
Take away the 2A which leads to the ban of the 1A, completely ban conservatives from social media, Trump supporters barred from using banks, certain companies, services etc, Trump supporters and especially those who worked in his administration will be blacklisted and their names put into black books, re-education camps as many Democrat politicians have called for, forced vaccination, brainwashing our children to hate the US, segregation will happen again as BLM wants, give billions of dollars in cash to Iran again while giving Americans less then $600 in Covid relief, completely selling out our country to China, and so much worse.
You've posted this several time, but taking away 2A requires an amendment with 38 states signing off. They could impose unreasonable taxes on ammo let's say, but the guns and ammo you have is not going anywhere. Hope you've been stocking up like the rest of us...
Did you see Biden’s speech in Delaware today? He knows he will never see his home state again. It is the left that is coming for him, The military is there to protect him from an attempt on his life after he is sworn. They want to blame an attempt on MAGA. He said himself that if he and Harris disagreed, he’d get a disease and she’d take over.
He won't be. Stay faithful. Even the children of Israel who were freed into the wilderness who lost faith did not make it to the promised land. Stau faithful we will be free.
Watch from time 18:45 on out again. One thing we know Trump is, is authentic.
How can he have a "loyal and joyful heart, an optimistic spirit, and a supreme confidence that for our country and our children the best is yet to come" if he's handing "power over to a new administration" proven to be rooted in pedophilia and deep corruption? Especially when it's proven that Biden is Obama v3.0?
It just doesn't make sense. He wouldnt say it that way. He especially wouldnt bring up the CHILDREN. There's many other ways he'd say it. It seems to me he chose these words specifically.
I have more confidence that the New Administration at Noon Tomorrow will be the Generals, and this speech was to prepare us for it.
I caught that children line as well. There was a lot of things in that speech that I think we will have cleared up tomorrow. But it definitely didn’t sound to me like a concession to Biden
Why should he though? First it was “we need to catch them committing the crime”. Then it was “we need them to be certified”. Now it’s “we need Biden to be sworn in first”.
At what point do we all just admit that everyone got duped?
because we are God's people. And we honor God in our actions. I want blood to satisfy my Crnal mind. But I want peace to satisfy my God. Vengeance is His and I am but his faithful servant.
When Christ sent them out before, He had sovereignly arranged for their needs to be met. Henceforth they were to use normal means to provide for their own support and protection. The money bag, knapsack, and sword were figurative expressions for such means (the sword being emblematic of protection, not aggression). But they mistakenly took His words literally.
We admit that on the 21st, Announcing your moves while you're waiting for everyone to get to washington would be a big mistake, He would be trying to avoid additional civil unrest and announcing and making a big play of it on youtube would rile people up and tip off Biden and Co. To flee.
POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.
It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”
God bless my fellow Americans.
Trump scheduled to take AF1 to Florida. Landing aprox 11:00am
Biden reported to take first oath of office around 12:00pm
He was clear to stress "we did everything we came here to do" ... if the Military's plan is in motion, he can take off at 8am, get safely in the air, then the country is in the Generals' hands.
You guys need to stop with the “corporation” garbage. You interpret that word from a 21st century lens where you think it means a company or business, when that’s not true. A corporation is just a group of people that make up something. That’s it. That’s why the legal documents never said USA, Inc. If they did, then you’d all be right, but that’s not what happened. They didn’t even capitalize the C in “corporation” either. Just stop with the ignorance.
Well they always point to the Organic Act of 1871 when talking about it and all that did was make Washington, D.C. an actual city (i.e. give governance rights to) and allow for us to sue the government iirc. The only other thing I can think of is 28 U.S. Code § 3002, but all that does is give the definitions for what each word means in the chapter it’s talking about (and only that specific chapter, not the whole thing).
I used to love history class. You are wrong. It was turned into a company that was no longer owned by We The People. There was a lot of other bad shit going on at the time and no one really noticed until it was too late. It is not a United States company, it does not have to run by our rules for companies. It is run under maritime law. Learn about maritime law and then come back and tell us to stop.
But, it is all good now President Trump Trumped them!
There are literally no sources in your post, it’s all conjecture bro. Maritime law is just how other nations/companies/entities deal with one another; it has nothing to do with turning the US into a business.
**"Maritime law is just how other nations/companies/entities deal with one another" **Exactly, UNITED STATES INC is another nation/companies/entitie, it is not The United States.
Look, I read the books, aced the classes. It is like you are asking me to give sources for my claim that water is 1 parts hydrogen, 2 parts oxygen. My Source is my knowledge I learned in school. There is a reason MANY schools stopped teaching history! Maybe you need to pick up a book.
Go get a United States History book from the library, an older one from early 80s or older. 10th grade level. It is all in there in black and white (some color pictures too, that might help you). I am sure digging you can find the info on the net, but it is obscured on purpose. They make money from CAPITALIZING on your name and owe you a shit ton. What does CAPITALIZING mean?
So in other words, your source is "dude, just trust me".
If you're going to post a conspiracy theory, make sure there is adequate evidence behind it.
Maritime laws are universally-agreed upon laws of the sea so as not to trespass on another nation's territory or do any other thing to piss off another nation (in other words, it's naval etiquette)This does not mean that all nations are businesses.
The US does not have "Inc." in its name, there are literally no documents that have that in there.
Names have been capitalized since before the US was even founded, much less before 1871. Even other nations and languages capitalize the first letter of their first and last names. Basic English grammar is not a conspiracy.
If capitalization matters so much to you, then why is it that the first letter in the word "corporation" isn't capitalized when talking about the US supposedly becoming a company? I'll tell you why: it's because it's bullshit and simply not true.
You are literally just spouting out nonsense. Stop.
That's the word...Trump dissolved USA,Inc through bankruptcy. The pope was part of the proceedings and was given notice. Ive read that POTUS handed off power to the military as of 01-11-21. NESARA is in play, and a new gov't will be seated within 120 days....Jubilee, jubilee!!!
Yes, me as well. I also noticed he referred to the “end of his term” and “the new administration” in the same open-ended language that might imply he’s referring to his second term with an effectively new administration.
What's the deal with these 4 (or so) camera cuts that were done too soon and were jarring? Could just be a human mistake in editing, but this is a super important video with a professional media team. I'm an amateur video editor and still noticed the shoddiness.
There are no mistakes. Everything at this level is intentional, as we have seen in the past. If you can't bake the crumbs you've identified, please share them for others to carry forth from you.
lol, why are you people even here? shouldn't you be partying and having cool glasses of Hunter Biden piss. You should be out celebrating... yet you are here.
"Because we're not a cult" lol literally the people who chant slogans while burning things, because you don't get your way.... you did that for the past 5 years.
Oh, but now you have moral authority...
I mean I wish you well, you voted for the war candidate, the corporate candidate, the anti-free speech candidate Oh and also the racist candidate.
I mean to be fair, I don't want my kids to grow up in an "urban Jungle" just like Joe Biden so I moved to S. Korea, so at least I can agree with him on that.
I hope you all get everything you want, I'm good honestly. If they install Joe Biden, then whatever, life goes on.... and I really don't have to deal with anything he does outside of a world war.
How is Biden unproven? He is already proven to be a China shill and literally said he will get rid of "America First"... what president doesn't put his own country first?????
If you honestly don't recognize the election was rigged and the far reaching implications of that fact you have completely lost your head up your own ass.
And don't bother arguing the point. We watched the rigging happen live. 7 states across the nation freeze their vote counts simultaneously... then, hours later, they resume counting and the numbers instantly flip???
You will never convince me there are only three lights when I can see four with my own eyes.
Rigged elections not only disenfranchise voters, it means our candidates will only be beholden to whomever pulls the levers on election day. In addition, your citizens will have no recourse to combat tyrants as they will never have a fear of losing office as long as they appease the lever pullers.
If you were nearly as intelligent as you claim to be you would be hoping and praying Trump had a final ace up his sleeve because the power to rig the US elections is a threat to every single person in this country, regardless of politics.
Charms are very important to the Satanist Cabal. They wear them for LUCK
Like this one, which we saw an example of on Anderson Cooper's mother, Gloria Vanderbilt.
You'll realize it will be Biden in less than 24 hours when he swears in. Truth is, Trump copped out. Its a bitter pill to swallow, but its reality. Need to figure out where we go from here.
Alright so basically, allegedly, well I think it's true but I'm no lawyer ... the united states as you know it is really a corporation, aka the united states inc. The act of 1871 turned the U.S into the U.S incorporated. The last REAL president of the real, original U.S was the 18th president. Since then every president has been a president of the U.S corporation. People on this site and some other sites believe that if Trump remains president then he will dissolve the corporation therefore returning it to the original republic. Personally I wish that were true and that's it's going to happen but I am a doomer and have been since the SCOTUS didn't give a flying fuck about BLATANT massive election fraud. Read this ... https://freedom-school.com/us-is-not-a-country.pdf
There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
You people really didn't learn Nythi g this past four years did you. HaVe fun in doomerville while we go get some freedom. Oh yeah he still didn't recognize identity or concede lol.
There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
Look at DC clown, funny part is, you and likeminded will be the first ones to go, one way or the other. Tune in for more dose of brainfuck dummy, go watch MSM clown
To the original shill, Trump uses nicknames for his opponents. "Sleepy Joe", "Crazy Nancy" etc. He never just avoids saying the name altogether so this is significant.
I've not been a longtime Q follower, but I am a longtime Trump supporter. Lots of things don't add up. Why has Trump been making so many high level replacements post-election? New AG, defense secretary, NSA general counsel, and more. Then Haspel stepped down today. Will she be replaced before Trump leaves tomorrow?
None of those actions make sense for an outgoing president. And the national guard buildup doesn't make sense for a normal transition of power. But all of it makes sense if viewed with the knowledge of what Q has been saying for years.
I don't know what will happen tomorrow. None of us do. I expect nothing, but I'm prepared for anything.
His opponent didn't win fairly you shit stain - so he's not being given the dignity of being named in that patriotic farewell speech. Fucking fool. You have no idea what you're doing to your country. You'll be the first put against a wall and shot when true Marxism/Leninism takes hold.
Go watch some Yuri Bezmenov and learn your history before you come over here to a place of informed patriots talking slick.
He did refer to the Biden administration..but that's because there already is a Biden admin. It's being put together right now. Whether or not it will take power is another thing.
And he did not, and will not, refer to the NEXT administration as the Biden administration.
A part of me hopes Joe gives a crazy, fiery, "we are coming to get you conservatives" threat-filled speech tomorrow just to make the shit-show complete.
Joe Biden is a walking vegetable that really wanted to go the corner drug store and get a soda for a nickle with Corn Pop. "Joe Biden" is shorthand for the fascist socialists who are using him like a meat puppet.
Joe will probably "die" in the first few months anyways. But the point stands.
No but if Trump really does quit, we’re a movement without a leader. Completely demoralized. You’ll be hard pressed to find a leader already in dc that the people will rally behind.
Trump was a once in a century president. A president truly for the people, whom we love / loved very much. We don’t get 2 chances to throw a grenade into the system. They’ll make absolute sure of that.
The old ideas were shit...the bushes were complete ass and swamp monsters. Romney, McCain, Mitch, Ryan, Boner, Graham. The old Republican Party is complete shit.
Without real and effective actions and massive cooperation, I wouldn't be surprised if god lets us become the equivalent of Egypt's slaves. Then eventually he might free us.
My only problem with this statement is that god Is going to allow the end times to come. Trump being president prevents some of these prophecies. If God had decided it’s time, it’s time. Pray for your soul, pray for your children and pray for your safety during the end days. Best of luck to you all.
I'm saying you can pray all you want...it's not going to fucking change anything. The only person that can change anything is you. If all you do is pray, nothing is going to happen so you might as well just shit in your hand instead.
If you wait for God to help you you're gonna fucking die. That actually is a perfect way to put it...I mean I could pray to the Festivus pole for birthday presents for my kids, but it's probably best if I just work hard and go out and buy them myself.
There have been ~3,000 "known" Gods, deities, prophets, etc in the course of human history. You don't believe in 2,999 of them. I just take my disbelief one god further than you do. So hey, at least we can agree the other 99% of man made gods are bullshit.
All I'm saying is over 2,000 years ago Jesus promised to rid the world of Sin...5,000 years ago Ra promised to fight the Dark Lord every night and bring the sun back every morning.
I have seen the hand of God, that's why I believe in Him. I hope and pray someday you would wake up from that slumber. Also, commies go to hell, bonafide. Don't be a commie.
Maybe Trump's signaling he's the last president (45th) president of USA INC and that he will soon become the 19th president of the restored USA republic.
Following the established narrative, recently Trump has been doing a lot of the “act weak when you are strong” thing. If he was giving up, he would make sure to announce his next plan to take down the deep state (like that rumored media company). This doesn’t fit, and so I can only reason that this is a facade.
Everyone is dooming. He seems as strong as ever and even said "china virus" -- "government answers to the people" -- "Together we put the American people back in charge of our country" -- he knows he couldn't say that if he walks away after the election was stolen. Also, he doesn't look defeated at all.
Yes! That was the first red flag for me - if the power is with the people, why is the fuckknob nobody voted for being inaugurated? And how could a Biden presidency give hope and allow us to reach our potential? Like everything else, these lines don’t add up. It’s slim, but they provided some hopium.
I really wish he'd just say;
"Eh, you know what? Fuck it. This isn't who I am.
It wasn't supposed to happen this way because "optics" but......screw it.
Forget the teleprompter.
Thank you so much fren! That was disgusting.... all his crying and pandering. He makes me want to vomit! Trump will never leave us in his senile commie hands
He better not roll over and take this. I want to trust the plan because this isn't the Trump we know. He didn't lose the election, it was horribly stolen. We are in for the darkest times in our history if Biden gets sworn in. It's still incredibly vague. However the feeling I get is that this is not the Trump we know. We haven't seen that Trump since the 6th. I'm praying that we get the justice this country needs.
I really hope so. The country will be in a civil war within 2 years if half the stuff they've got planned happens
Looting and rioting + civil war = international powers step in
No country that is powerful enough can come to our land and our terrain and win against millions of americans spread out looking like innocent civs... Remember, we won 9/10 battles in Vietnam, and lost because the insurgents looked like civs and were native to their lands.
They want our country, land, and resources. They don’t want people. So what’s better than urban warfare. How about infiltration from within and a virus genetically modified to affect non-mongoloids.
How did Bill Gates become the largest farmland owner?? Wait, never mind, all assets will be seized...lol
Endlessly consuming and paying interest. Tax our money over and over, then give it to their friends
We are the paypigs to their production slaves. A match made in hell.
Instead they fuck you over 80 years into the future, making the people strangle themselves through their legal ignorance while they binge the latest and greatest from the matrix.
That´s why CCP and old USSR communist did infiltration. Only way to destroy US was with unrestrictive/irregular warfare
No, but. A handful of traitors could and did.
2 years? More like 2 months.
Take away the 2A which leads to the ban of the 1A, completely ban conservatives from social media, Trump supporters barred from using banks, certain companies, services etc, Trump supporters and especially those who worked in his administration will be blacklisted and their names put into black books, re-education camps as many Democrat politicians have called for, forced vaccination, brainwashing our children to hate the US, segregation will happen again as BLM wants, give billions of dollars in cash to Iran again while giving Americans less then $600 in Covid relief, completely selling out our country to China, and so much worse.
Edit: Add the dissolve of the electoral college and amnesty as well as free healthcare for 11 million illegals as Biden promised which is literally just 11 million more votes for Democrats.
Will never happen, my friend...Americans aren't built like that...If we ever were to be defeated, we would go down in a BLAZE of GLORY!!! And, God, our Father and Creator isnt ready for that yet!!! We wear his Armor, while they loathe his Omnipotence and Glory!!! Trust His plan, Patriots!!! Jesus will lead us through!!!
Took the words right out of my mouth, Patriot. Americans are not built for slavery to anyone,heck I am a female but even we will be shoulder to shoulder with other Patriots fighting the good fight with Jesus Christ leading us. I have faith it won't come to that. ??????
Thanks, sister Patriot! We will fight together and then drink together, and rinse and repeat!!! We know no quit!!!
The answer is “nothing”. I don’t think they will do anything!!! ?????????
I'm already scrubbing my social media, and I told my kids that if anyone asks not to say they support Trump. We're in a super conservative area and I'm still afraid of what will happen to us. I won't stop fighting, I'm just going to not be quite so vocal about my hatred for joe and the ho
Edit: good lord you guys are sensitive. Scrubbing social media = getting rid of FB and twitter. I thought that was what everyone was supposed to do after all this bullshit?
As for my kids - if teachers or strangers ask I told them to keep it to themselves. They don't need to worry about that.
I'm nowhere near quitting... I'm more engaged in the fight than ever, just going to try to be a little more quiet.
You guys are pussy weak minded pussies. Quitters
You did a good job. Some people will have to become less vocal for their own interim survival. Live to fight on. God, family, country.
Thank you. I'm nowhere near giving up, and if I didn't have kids I would probably continue to be a loudmouth pain in the ass. But if I can keep it from affecting them, I will.
this is the way
you're either hiding in the attic or you're hiding people in the attic, I prefer the more useful of the two
I also purged FB and Twitter
U have a pacifist attitude though, fren...Ur teaching ur children to roll over to the pretend mob! God tells us to STAND against the wiles of the devil. Teach ur kids to pray for God to grant them His Armor, and then STAND strong in their faith in God against the evil of this material world!!! Live on ur feet, don't die on ur knees!!! Ur never too young to have convictions! I pray God helps u correct the errors of ur ways...for ur children's and ur children's children's sake! God bless!
You are so far from reality. They’ve already made public their agenda and America has to fall for their NWO to succeed.
You haven't a clue either
Take away the 2A which leads to the ban of the 1A, completely ban conservatives from social media, Trump supporters barred from using banks, certain companies, services etc, Trump supporters and especially those who worked in his administration will be blacklisted and their names put into black books, re-education camps as many Democrat politicians have called for, forced vaccination, brainwashing our children to hate the US, segregation will happen again as BLM wants, pack the Supreme Court, give billions of dollars in cash to Iran again while giving Americans less then $600 in Covid relief, completely selling out our country to China, and so much worse.
Pick any topic they covered in the Democratic debates and it'll probably find its way into policy in some form. Open borders immigration, climate accords, UBI, neutering several Amendments through unchallenged EOs or excessive taxation. I think the open borders will be what creates the most stress on the system. In my part of the country the school systems are already badly managed, and the homeowners (especially those on fixed incomes) are being taxed out the wazoo to support every illegal child that has been enrolled. Add in the free healthcare the Democrats promised to illegals, and that's a perfect storm for conflict. Citizens work one, maybe two jobs for an income that's basically stolen from them before they even see their paycheck all so that illegal aliens are given free stuff. The latest trillion dollar bills passed by Congress seem to be the bellwether of what's to come - a government and a populace with no idea that money isn't free, and the only money a government has is what it can either take from people now, or future generations.
Take away the 2A which leads to the ban of the 1A, completely ban conservatives from social media, Trump supporters barred from using banks, certain companies, services etc, Trump supporters and especially those who worked in his administration will be blacklisted and their names put into black books, re-education camps as many Democrat politicians have called for, forced vaccination, brainwashing our children to hate the US, segregation will happen again as BLM wants, give billions of dollars in cash to Iran again while giving Americans less then $600 in Covid relief, completely selling out our country to China, and so much worse.
You've posted this several time, but taking away 2A requires an amendment with 38 states signing off. They could impose unreasonable taxes on ammo let's say, but the guns and ammo you have is not going anywhere. Hope you've been stocking up like the rest of us...
Sorry, might have pressed "save" at least 3 times lol.
They won’t change the amendment they will just use the atf to ban the majority of our tools.
This I can accept. Uncle Perv serving as POTUS - NEVER.
Did you see Biden’s speech in Delaware today? He knows he will never see his home state again. It is the left that is coming for him, The military is there to protect him from an attempt on his life after he is sworn. They want to blame an attempt on MAGA. He said himself that if he and Harris disagreed, he’d get a disease and she’d take over.
He won't be. Stay faithful. Even the children of Israel who were freed into the wilderness who lost faith did not make it to the promised land. Stau faithful we will be free.
I was always a believer this event happening right now was military long before Trump became a factor to it.
I did notice the name “Biden” was absent and he did say the best is yet to come
Watch from time 18:45 on out again. One thing we know Trump is, is authentic.
How can he have a "loyal and joyful heart, an optimistic spirit, and a supreme confidence that for our country and our children the best is yet to come" if he's handing "power over to a new administration" proven to be rooted in pedophilia and deep corruption? Especially when it's proven that Biden is Obama v3.0?
It just doesn't make sense. He wouldnt say it that way. He especially wouldnt bring up the CHILDREN. There's many other ways he'd say it. It seems to me he chose these words specifically.
I have more confidence that the New Administration at Noon Tomorrow will be the Generals, and this speech was to prepare us for it.
I caught that children line as well. There was a lot of things in that speech that I think we will have cleared up tomorrow. But it definitely didn’t sound to me like a concession to Biden
Now why in the hell would he say that if he’s leaving tomorrow?
He is leaving. Military will step on and sort it out but fkr all intents and purposes trump will have left.
And then what? Military rule for about a month then Trump gets inaugurated March 4th?
Yes sir. You are correct. He is a player in the plan not the author.
... hmmm. Interesting thought :)
His role is complete. Time to exit stage left.
.... for now...
Acting neutral like he should
Why should he though? First it was “we need to catch them committing the crime”. Then it was “we need them to be certified”. Now it’s “we need Biden to be sworn in first”.
At what point do we all just admit that everyone got duped?
because we are God's people. And we honor God in our actions. I want blood to satisfy my Crnal mind. But I want peace to satisfy my God. Vengeance is His and I am but his faithful servant.
He said new administration not president.
Sometimes, the sword is the way.
We admit that on the 21st, Announcing your moves while you're waiting for everyone to get to washington would be a big mistake, He would be trying to avoid additional civil unrest and announcing and making a big play of it on youtube would rile people up and tip off Biden and Co. To flee.
Man, I just hope you’re right...
He needs to be the Peaceful Prez. Notice he stressed "No New Wars"
Post 35:
Trump scheduled to take AF1 to Florida. Landing aprox 11:00am
Biden reported to take first oath of office around 12:00pm
You do the math and come to your own conclusions.
Don't feel bad. Lots of people are bad with math. You just need to find out what you're good at and focus on that instead.
I guess it all starts tomorrow
8 am tomorrow, when he boards AF1.
Who trump? Because I heard Biden is not allowed on a military aircraft
Yes Trump.
Thought so....just makeing sure ?
Thank you
That was my exact thought. Thank you!
Indeed it was vague, but positive, energetic, enthusiastic and optimistic.
Have faith.
This will all be over one way or another tomorrow.....
So true.. I noticed as well that he hasn't been the same since the 6th..
Luck. A very important word
c'mon autists, impress me!
He was clear to stress "we did everything we came here to do" ... if the Military's plan is in motion, he can take off at 8am, get safely in the air, then the country is in the Generals' hands.
Edit: there. 13:26. "We restored self-government."
Is the 1870 corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA officially defunct now? Legal/Constitutional Anons, help pls?
You guys need to stop with the “corporation” garbage. You interpret that word from a 21st century lens where you think it means a company or business, when that’s not true. A corporation is just a group of people that make up something. That’s it. That’s why the legal documents never said USA, Inc. If they did, then you’d all be right, but that’s not what happened. They didn’t even capitalize the C in “corporation” either. Just stop with the ignorance.
Do you have evidence to disprove? I'm not an expert. That's why I'm asking for info, not blustering talk.
Well they always point to the Organic Act of 1871 when talking about it and all that did was make Washington, D.C. an actual city (i.e. give governance rights to) and allow for us to sue the government iirc. The only other thing I can think of is 28 U.S. Code § 3002, but all that does is give the definitions for what each word means in the chapter it’s talking about (and only that specific chapter, not the whole thing).
I used to love history class. You are wrong. It was turned into a company that was no longer owned by We The People. There was a lot of other bad shit going on at the time and no one really noticed until it was too late. It is not a United States company, it does not have to run by our rules for companies. It is run under maritime law. Learn about maritime law and then come back and tell us to stop. But, it is all good now President Trump Trumped them!
There are literally no sources in your post, it’s all conjecture bro. Maritime law is just how other nations/companies/entities deal with one another; it has nothing to do with turning the US into a business.
**"Maritime law is just how other nations/companies/entities deal with one another" **Exactly, UNITED STATES INC is another nation/companies/entitie, it is not The United States.
Look, I read the books, aced the classes. It is like you are asking me to give sources for my claim that water is 1 parts hydrogen, 2 parts oxygen. My Source is my knowledge I learned in school. There is a reason MANY schools stopped teaching history! Maybe you need to pick up a book.
Go get a United States History book from the library, an older one from early 80s or older. 10th grade level. It is all in there in black and white (some color pictures too, that might help you). I am sure digging you can find the info on the net, but it is obscured on purpose. They make money from CAPITALIZING on your name and owe you a shit ton. What does CAPITALIZING mean?
So in other words, your source is "dude, just trust me".
If you're going to post a conspiracy theory, make sure there is adequate evidence behind it.
Maritime laws are universally-agreed upon laws of the sea so as not to trespass on another nation's territory or do any other thing to piss off another nation (in other words, it's naval etiquette)This does not mean that all nations are businesses.
The US does not have "Inc." in its name, there are literally no documents that have that in there.
Names have been capitalized since before the US was even founded, much less before 1871. Even other nations and languages capitalize the first letter of their first and last names. Basic English grammar is not a conspiracy.
If capitalization matters so much to you, then why is it that the first letter in the word "corporation" isn't capitalized when talking about the US supposedly becoming a company? I'll tell you why: it's because it's bullshit and simply not true.
You are literally just spouting out nonsense. Stop.
Wsazait until you see how a citizen operates in a free country. It's glorious
That's the word...Trump dissolved USA,Inc through bankruptcy. The pope was part of the proceedings and was given notice. Ive read that POTUS handed off power to the military as of 01-11-21. NESARA is in play, and a new gov't will be seated within 120 days....Jubilee, jubilee!!!
1/11? Nice; I had heard potentially back in march (to FEMA), but couldn't confirm.
Ive heard that as well, just like u, couldn't find any further sauce...Time will tell!!! Stay frosty, Patriot! God bless!
Hard to believe!! Scroll Down.
Gematric calculator changes LUCK = DO IT Q
Sauce https://www.gematrix.org/?word=luck
Scroll further down and you’ll see FROGS!
LUCK = Love Understanding Caring Kindness?
We will need it during the Great Awakening
Yes, me as well. I also noticed he referred to the “end of his term” and “the new administration” in the same open-ended language that might imply he’s referring to his second term with an effectively new administration.
What's the deal with these 4 (or so) camera cuts that were done too soon and were jarring? Could just be a human mistake in editing, but this is a super important video with a professional media team. I'm an amateur video editor and still noticed the shoddiness.
The cuts weren't given enough time to breath.
There are no mistakes. Everything at this level is intentional, as we have seen in the past. If you can't bake the crumbs you've identified, please share them for others to carry forth from you.
I took it like "you fucks aren't getting out of this one" kinda vibe.
He said that to Maxwell. "good luck". It's like the kiss of death XD
Most funny part about that is how idiots took it as if he was literally “wishing her well”, liberals are so stupid.
Lmao. He won fool. Watch the show and don't be stupid. You wanna see the promised land dontcha??
yes i know. I'm listening. But is there some deeper meaning im missing?
ooh you got under some skin. But we Won Biden won't be president.
He certainly will never be my president, he's literally demented.
There isn’t another redpill left to take bro. All that’s left are blackpills....
^ New account. Doomer shill. Deport!
lol, why are you people even here? shouldn't you be partying and having cool glasses of Hunter Biden piss. You should be out celebrating... yet you are here.
The shills are still here because they know it's not over.
You know how I know you’re delusional ? “ we evaluate the president more fairly and honestly”.
"Because we're not a cult" lol literally the people who chant slogans while burning things, because you don't get your way.... you did that for the past 5 years.
Oh, but now you have moral authority...
I mean I wish you well, you voted for the war candidate, the corporate candidate, the anti-free speech candidate Oh and also the racist candidate.
I mean to be fair, I don't want my kids to grow up in an "urban Jungle" just like Joe Biden so I moved to S. Korea, so at least I can agree with him on that.
I hope you all get everything you want, I'm good honestly. If they install Joe Biden, then whatever, life goes on.... and I really don't have to deal with anything he does outside of a world war.
U evaluate zip knucklehead. You don't know it yet but you are deficient in intellect.
How is Biden unproven? He is already proven to be a China shill and literally said he will get rid of "America First"... what president doesn't put his own country first?????
"Unproven" Biden has been in politics since the 1970s. He's been a filthy socialist rat for over 40 years!
What does that have to do with posting here? Is it just the paycheck?
If you honestly don't recognize the election was rigged and the far reaching implications of that fact you have completely lost your head up your own ass.
And don't bother arguing the point. We watched the rigging happen live. 7 states across the nation freeze their vote counts simultaneously... then, hours later, they resume counting and the numbers instantly flip???
You will never convince me there are only three lights when I can see four with my own eyes.
Rigged elections not only disenfranchise voters, it means our candidates will only be beholden to whomever pulls the levers on election day. In addition, your citizens will have no recourse to combat tyrants as they will never have a fear of losing office as long as they appease the lever pullers.
If you were nearly as intelligent as you claim to be you would be hoping and praying Trump had a final ace up his sleeve because the power to rig the US elections is a threat to every single person in this country, regardless of politics.
You sound upset. Come back tomorrow and let us know how you feel
Hi faggot
Did you just assume my gender?
Charms are very important to the Satanist Cabal. They wear them for LUCK Like this one, which we saw an example of on Anderson Cooper's mother, Gloria Vanderbilt. https://qagg.news/siteimages/postimage1904.jpg
Qpost #117 has the hashtag: #DoitQ
No shit these guys can't see the goal and it's 6 inches from the ball. Blind mice
This can’t just happen randomly... can it?
That post ends with 'Good Luck and God Bless'...Did he end his speech with that?
Ok, I understand how do you get it to be DO IT Q with association of luck?
Thanks and agree!
And then when you calculate do it q it becomes frogs ????
POTUS stated it in his speech.
Speech started at :06
LUCK = 47
Tomorrow is Freedom Day. Q posted a flag named Freedom and timing is everything.
Tomorrow. [D]ay [Of] [D]ays Q
TODAY = 19
New to Q, but this is what I've come up with:
I don't even know what Gematria is
I just added up L-12 U-21 C-3 K-11=47
Q post 47.
Why else would he have emphasized LUCK, and said that LUCK was a very important word?
It was the one part of his speech that really stood out to me.
Good lord.
I know I heard how he said luck.
This doesn't sound like a farewell but more like a greeting to what's ahead.
He's touting a bunch of things Joepedo can undo on day 1... if the fool was allowed to be president.
Would he think Biden will make America great??? Think people. Deepnbreath and think. And to the former shills, just go home and eat a baG of dicks.
lol OK.
“The best is yet to come.”
“The best is yet to come.”
Farwell to the deepstate maybe.
He STILL did not say the new administration is Joe Biden.....I'll bet it will be the military THEN back to him.
You'll realize it will be Biden in less than 24 hours when he swears in. Truth is, Trump copped out. Its a bitter pill to swallow, but its reality. Need to figure out where we go from here.
Well, you have less than 24 hours now to prove me wrong. I'm waiting on the mass arrests.
I look forward to all this cloke and dagger being over.....and I HOPE it ends with Trump being president again
Never once mentioned Biden. Never once said the word president or new president. Never once said we were doomed. So, no Biden.
He's gonna be the 19th president homie
What do you mean 19th?
Ulysses S Grant was the 18th President when the United States turned became a corporation
I can't wait for EVERYTHING to be done and over with....the sooner Trump takes office again the better
Alright so basically, allegedly, well I think it's true but I'm no lawyer ... the united states as you know it is really a corporation, aka the united states inc. The act of 1871 turned the U.S into the U.S incorporated. The last REAL president of the real, original U.S was the 18th president. Since then every president has been a president of the U.S corporation. People on this site and some other sites believe that if Trump remains president then he will dissolve the corporation therefore returning it to the original republic. Personally I wish that were true and that's it's going to happen but I am a doomer and have been since the SCOTUS didn't give a flying fuck about BLATANT massive election fraud. Read this ... https://freedom-school.com/us-is-not-a-country.pdf
Not bad
Thank you so much! But I am always hopeful!
The true endgame with Directive 51.
There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
Not a theory it's history Nd reflected all over our Laws and corporate set up.
You people really didn't learn Nythi g this past four years did you. HaVe fun in doomerville while we go get some freedom. Oh yeah he still didn't recognize identity or concede lol.
Your mom is a loon
How is he going to be the 19th?
There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
How is he going to be the 19th?
Look up the Act of 1871.
This will blow your mind: https://americannationalmilitia.com/the-organic-act-of-1871-with-notes/
Dissolution of US, Inc. 19th President of original republic.
Act of 1871.
Look up the Act of 1871.
This will blow your mind: https://americannationalmilitia.com/the-organic-act-of-1871-with-notes/
There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
so hopefully here comes next term as 19th president of the USA (not the corporation, which is what we have now)
Ok THAT makes sense ?
Pompeo is going to be 46 for a bit.
It’s funny cuz this makes his tweet storm almost make sense, as in if i knew i was secretly the next President I’d have fire tweeting fingers too
Cause he will be the 19th president of the republic next
His "opponent" cheated and stole the election. Go fuck yourself, shill.
That explains nothing that’s happening.
Look at DC clown, funny part is, you and likeminded will be the first ones to go, one way or the other. Tune in for more dose of brainfuck dummy, go watch MSM clown
To the original shill, Trump uses nicknames for his opponents. "Sleepy Joe", "Crazy Nancy" etc. He never just avoids saying the name altogether so this is significant.
I've not been a longtime Q follower, but I am a longtime Trump supporter. Lots of things don't add up. Why has Trump been making so many high level replacements post-election? New AG, defense secretary, NSA general counsel, and more. Then Haspel stepped down today. Will she be replaced before Trump leaves tomorrow?
None of those actions make sense for an outgoing president. And the national guard buildup doesn't make sense for a normal transition of power. But all of it makes sense if viewed with the knowledge of what Q has been saying for years.
I don't know what will happen tomorrow. None of us do. I expect nothing, but I'm prepared for anything.
He is not outgoing.....................
I wouldn’t acknowledge a thief either...
His opponent didn't win fairly you shit stain - so he's not being given the dignity of being named in that patriotic farewell speech. Fucking fool. You have no idea what you're doing to your country. You'll be the first put against a wall and shot when true Marxism/Leninism takes hold.
Go watch some Yuri Bezmenov and learn your history before you come over here to a place of informed patriots talking slick.
He still hasn't mentioned the "Biden" administration
He never uses those words and people pretend he does, it’s hilarious.
He said it at Alamo.
i mean, yeah, but not in that context.
IIRC, he said it like "a biden administration would do X and Y", but never in the context of "there WILL BE a biden administration"
i know this doesnt mean anything, like, at all, but anyways, its still what i remember hearing in that livestream and discussing after.
He did refer to the Biden administration..but that's because there already is a Biden admin. It's being put together right now. Whether or not it will take power is another thing.
And he did not, and will not, refer to the NEXT administration as the Biden administration.
Thanks for the clarification
Yes he has, at Alamo.
He did at the wall
There is no "biden administration".
Obama did the same thing with Trump.
Anyone would hate saying someone's name they spite. Trump is a proud person.
A part of me hopes Joe gives a crazy, fiery, "we are coming to get you conservatives" threat-filled speech tomorrow just to make the shit-show complete.
Joe Biden is a walking vegetable that really wanted to go the corner drug store and get a soda for a nickle with Corn Pop. "Joe Biden" is shorthand for the fascist socialists who are using him like a meat puppet.
Joe will probably "die" in the first few months anyways. But the point stands.
No but if Trump really does quit, we’re a movement without a leader. Completely demoralized. You’ll be hard pressed to find a leader already in dc that the people will rally behind.
Trump was a once in a century president. A president truly for the people, whom we love / loved very much. We don’t get 2 chances to throw a grenade into the system. They’ll make absolute sure of that.
The old ideas were shit...the bushes were complete ass and swamp monsters. Romney, McCain, Mitch, Ryan, Boner, Graham. The old Republican Party is complete shit.
14/88? :3
Without real and effective actions and massive cooperation, I wouldn't be surprised if god lets us become the equivalent of Egypt's slaves. Then eventually he might free us.
My only problem with this statement is that god Is going to allow the end times to come. Trump being president prevents some of these prophecies. If God had decided it’s time, it’s time. Pray for your soul, pray for your children and pray for your safety during the end days. Best of luck to you all.
This is true, I'm not a religious person.
I'm saying you can pray all you want...it's not going to fucking change anything. The only person that can change anything is you. If all you do is pray, nothing is going to happen so you might as well just shit in your hand instead.
If you wait for God to help you you're gonna fucking die. That actually is a perfect way to put it...I mean I could pray to the Festivus pole for birthday presents for my kids, but it's probably best if I just work hard and go out and buy them myself.
Religious is not the same as having faith in God. Pharisees were religious.
There have been ~3,000 "known" Gods, deities, prophets, etc in the course of human history. You don't believe in 2,999 of them. I just take my disbelief one god further than you do. So hey, at least we can agree the other 99% of man made gods are bullshit.
Ok, Sam Harris.
All I'm saying is over 2,000 years ago Jesus promised to rid the world of Sin...5,000 years ago Ra promised to fight the Dark Lord every night and bring the sun back every morning.
...One of those prophets kept their word.
I have seen the hand of God, that's why I believe in Him. I hope and pray someday you would wake up from that slumber. Also, commies go to hell, bonafide. Don't be a commie.
Like...the Father of Jesus God's hand, or Thor's hand? DID YOU SEE THOR'S HAMMER TOO!?
Which God is the true God?
Have fun explaining that to Jesus when you see him...
I plan on doing that as soon as I get done talking with Vishnu and Thor.
17 stars on the left! 17 stars on the right!
I love this post
I love your name!
NO. FUCKING. CONCESSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gold around the flags. RIP USA INC
Maybe Trump's signaling he's the last president (45th) president of USA INC and that he will soon become the 19th president of the restored USA republic.
Gold around the flags is the flag of the corporate America that formed in 1871
Their lack of proofs glows.
Nothing about transitioning to a Biden admin.
Nope, just a new administration.
Following the established narrative, recently Trump has been doing a lot of the “act weak when you are strong” thing. If he was giving up, he would make sure to announce his next plan to take down the deep state (like that rumored media company). This doesn’t fit, and so I can only reason that this is a facade.
"The best is yet to come". What didn't you understand about that? Trust the fuckin' plan. Or don't, but then leave.
He's said that at the end of every speech.
It's not code for anything.
It's a rhetorical device.
Let's all make our way back to reality here.
How many coincidences do you need to see?
To where? Re-education camps?
The part where he says he "purposely chose the most difficult path, the biggest & toughest fights" and so on;
I think that gives us all the proof we need that he's not giving up.
Looks like The Plan will unfold tomorrow, if not today....
This is a wonderful speech, what I've heard so far.
Hoping "luck" a signal.
He said the same think in the 1980 Rona Barrett interview (Bottom of page 7): https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-stat/graphics/politics/trump-archive/docs/rona-barrett-1980-interview-of-donald-trump.pdf
? ding ding ding. He knows damn well if he hands over the keys to Biden the WORST is yet to come. He wouldn't lie to us.
Literally Pompeo today:
Biden is going to be locked out of the White House. That would be funny to see.
Speech started at :06 LUCK = 47 https://qanon.pub/#647 I have posted this so many times.
Tomorrow is Freedom Day. Q posted a flag named Freedom and timing is everything.
TODAY = 19 https://qanon.pub/#1947
Great find
Check out the bottom of #647 [D]ay [o]f [D]ays (DoD = Dept of Def = military).
Can you please explain?
Yes, but that was already announced.
Everyone is dooming. He seems as strong as ever and even said "china virus" -- "government answers to the people" -- "Together we put the American people back in charge of our country" -- he knows he couldn't say that if he walks away after the election was stolen. Also, he doesn't look defeated at all.
Fuck. Keep hearing this, need to watch that speech
If he's really going to end up at GITMO; doesn't he have terminal something?
Well, demented, at least...
The fact xiden didnt hit back with some smart ass remark when asked if there was any chance he wouldnt be inaugurated, speaks volumes.
He was literally speechless at that question.
Yes! That was the first red flag for me - if the power is with the people, why is the fuckknob nobody voted for being inaugurated? And how could a Biden presidency give hope and allow us to reach our potential? Like everything else, these lines don’t add up. It’s slim, but they provided some hopium.
I really wish he'd just say; "Eh, you know what? Fuck it. This isn't who I am. It wasn't supposed to happen this way because "optics" but......screw it. Forget the teleprompter.
My fellow Americans....
THE STORM IS UPON US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Its prerecorded. entire speech in youtube whitehouse channel. 19 minutes long
Omg! I missed this! I need to see this!
Thank you so much fren! That was disgusting.... all his crying and pandering. He makes me want to vomit! Trump will never leave us in his senile commie hands
Any info on being barred from green zone?
This shit don't even look real yo. Pre recorded.
Smoke em if ya got em
Never heard him say Biden administration, just next admin. And multiple BEST IS YET TO COME!
I love watching the trolls try so hard
Trump's style! I love that man!
There's a lot of demoralization shills coming in, they must've gotten some new orders.
Seems less a farewell and more an “I’ll be back”
'Farewell', vagueries like 'new administration'.
Thanks. That's how I spelled it originally and spellcheck said different.
Concluding his term as the 45th president...to become the 19th?
He said the best is yet to come for the children. I know he would not say that if Biden was going to be taking over.
It is all about the children!!!
“The best is yet to come!” No way he’d say that if Joe Bleau was going to be in charge!! ??????
did not sound in any way like a man that is going away
He's set himself up nicely for a return in March.
His loooooong list of accomplishments. People will be begging for him to come back.