Rainn Wilson seems as satanic as it gets. Q called him out specifically. I dont think I can watch the office anymore. I always loved Michael Scott but I'd be surprised if hes clean.
Look I loved Steve carell but he stars in netflix propaganda show "space force" - The will feral / Judd Apatow crew is dirty. Seth Rogen/ Franco dirty. Paul Rudd has looked the same for 30 years. Rain Wilson eats kids. It's not looking good for Steve ?
The Royal Family have requested that no man-in-the-street attend the funeral. (There'll be plenty of weeping & wailing about that! Mostly from women with purple hair and wearing masks.)
haiti appears to be kept intentionally poor so that rich elites can swipe kids away without anyone really knowing or caring. any celebrity involved with haiti is probably eating kids from haiti. your friend works for a psychopath.
Look up his deleted tweets. He's a sick a fuck. His character, Dwight is funny, but the actor who lies for a living, pretending to be other people is a sick, satanic, pedo fuck.
A Q post referenced Diana and that her death was no accident. Sorry I don't have post number.
Diana told her assistant that Phillip wanted her dead so if anything happened to her someone would know. She knew they would make her death look like an accident. Her assistant wrote about this in his book. She was very fearful and she was right to be.
It's extremely refreshing to be in GAW where we don't have to pretend that the royal family is some icon to look up to. It's cancer over on P.W with how much idolizing is going on.
He may have been a "straight shooter" as most of those over there are saying, but at the very least, anyone who stands back while the atrocities took place that the royal family has been involved in for literally a century is just as evil.
I often forget that people who don't believe what we do about the royal blood line adrenochrome users exist in such masses.
Call it my personal echo chamber but I just don't understand how so many people could remain willfully ignorant about the true nature of how the sociopaths of society took their places amongst the most powerful seats of society.
Psychopaths, in Psychoanalysis, is after all associated with achievements in business, leadership, and often end up becoming corporate executives, CEOs, business tycoons, and the like.
I don't understand why so many others can't see the connection between this facet of Q doctrine and the genuine role of Psychopathy in the modern era. That's science. Not conjecture.
I really don't either. On one hand, they hate large corporations, but on the other hand, they love the royal family for their "stabilizing" effect on a whole country. It makes no sense as the royal family is run like a corporation.
It's known that we will see that type of stuff on the left, but it's weird to see Europeans on boards like this defend the crown.
Maybe it's just a fondness for tradition and national identity. Maybe a British fren can weigh in. Personally, they just seem like expensive figureheads feeding on the national wealth. So basically just slightly more useful than the average Congressman.
Research the true history, and you'll ser that Vlad was a warrior of christ, who gave the muslim ottoman hordes some little playback for what they did to christians for centuries
He did it to a bunch of royals who were trying to make him a puppet and not fight invaders. Basically it came down to help me defend the nation or your getting a wood enema.
Every royal in Europe is related to the others. And a lot of people alive today are too, because there were fewer people in the past. I'm descended from Robert the Bruce, supposedly. So what?
Jesus wept! I thought we were all better than this. If I didn't know any better I would think I was sitting among heartless Demonrats reading the vitriol.
Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,
and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles,
lest the Lord see it and be displeased,
and turn away his anger from him.
The only way to win this is to trust in the Lord and obey him. That even means loving your enemies and praying for them. Jesus was pretty clear about all that.
After the election, it was kind of a wake up call for me about how much hate I was holding on to. “be angry and do not sin”. Doesn’t mean you cant be angry at the wickedness, but you can’t let it conquer you. “Do not let the sun go down on your anger”. I was definitely allowing that to happen.
Hate the sin but not the sinner. With hate in our hearts we can only create more hate. Look at Donald Trump's statement about his death. We aren't better than them, we aren't "better" than people who don't see the truth yet. Those who don't know and don't know that they don't know, we should have pity on them, not contempt.
Right there with you, fren. Thanks for speaking up. Every life lost is a tragedy. Sometimes the tragedy just begins before the date of death. It's still sad. Deeply so.
Speaking more hopefully, maybe we'll see good come from this if we pray. God knows who is guilty of what, so He can make things right, too.
That's not the point, there was something about him or some other royal dying. There was also something about a lot of celebs dying all of the sudden too which seems odd seeing all the deaths after getting the shot.
So the earthbound DEMON is now dancing with the REAL DEMONS. Couldn't have happened to a more evil POS. (Yeah, I'm speaking badly about the dead!! Sue me)
Not to be a doomer, or anything, but this is the man who wished he could be reincarnated as a virus that would wipe out most of humankind. So, bye and good luck with that!
― Prince Philip
Rainn Wilson seems as satanic as it gets. Q called him out specifically. I dont think I can watch the office anymore. I always loved Michael Scott but I'd be surprised if hes clean.
That’s really disappointing.
Well he donated money to the antifa bail fund. That’s enough for me.
Look I loved Steve carell but he stars in netflix propaganda show "space force" - The will feral / Judd Apatow crew is dirty. Seth Rogen/ Franco dirty. Paul Rudd has looked the same for 30 years. Rain Wilson eats kids. It's not looking good for Steve ?
The Royal Family have requested that no man-in-the-street attend the funeral. (There'll be plenty of weeping & wailing about that! Mostly from women with purple hair and wearing masks.)
President Trump issued a statement:
Damn, do you have the sauce on Rainn Wilson?
This is not things normal people would post on the internet. The guy is either truly evil or truly mentally ill.
Thanks. Disturbing stuff
Well, that's shocking and sad.
https://qalerts.app/?n=1860 haiti appears to be kept intentionally poor so that rich elites can swipe kids away without anyone really knowing or caring. any celebrity involved with haiti is probably eating kids from haiti. your friend works for a psychopath.
Look up his deleted tweets. He's a sick a fuck. His character, Dwight is funny, but the actor who lies for a living, pretending to be other people is a sick, satanic, pedo fuck.
Hey sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Please let us know how your friend responds to those tweets from rain wilsonn.
Did he actually say that?
as far as i can tell, but some fact check might cuck otherwise.
It seems like I did hear that awhile back somewhere.
ive know of it for quite some time. been waiting for that right moment... here it is after 99years and 9 months of his inbred life
On the 99th day of the year.
the chief Draco ruler of this planet is dead ...things will accelerate quickly .../!
Such a darling!
I doubt Jesus chuckled during his Judgement.
Im waiting for Soros to be next
Alexander too.
alexander who?
Soros, his son
The one involved in the Myanmar fiasco.
Long overdue. But I want to see him face a tribunal first. And then the noose.
...hes already dead.. face palm
UK media reported him dead several weeks ago...just like RBG.
Wondering if he had to die on a satanic date?
Diana said he wanted her dead. She knew too much.
A Q post referenced Diana and that her death was no accident. Sorry I don't have post number.
Diana told her assistant that Phillip wanted her dead so if anything happened to her someone would know. She knew they would make her death look like an accident. Her assistant wrote about this in his book. She was very fearful and she was right to be.
Drop 100
Rumour has it that she's still alive.
Psychic medium Utsava says that Diana will replace Melania in Trump's affection - or already has. Wouldn't that be weird!
Don’t listen to the occult
Believe me, I'm not mocking God but these satanic people are! They do everything by ritualistic dates...they think it an honor to die"by the numbers".
Please do more digging into this. It will hurt your heart and make your hair stand on end.
"Those good who know can't sleep".
No no no, he died a while back. Only now do the satanic cultists pretend like he died today so they can hit their satanic numbers...
His death date is Prince Charles 16th wedding anniversary with Camilla. They tied the knot in 2005.
Hum...wonder what this means? Will need to dig...thanks fren!
Adrenochrome supply got held up in Suez Canal and unfortunately Prince Pompous Philip permanently fainted. Ding dong King Kong sing song.
*more dead
I came here to say this^^^. Beat me to it!
We all remember this one!
Naked man climbs out Buckingham Palace !
man my ass! That's a kid!
What the actual fuck! These people are long overdue for execution
No its not but nice try shill. The TV show was a LARP made by the British secret service
I have. I have seen this looooong before it was posted above.
No it was not the TV show angle was made by the British secret service to calm people down
They are.
We got some shills here ignore them they amateurs
It's extremely refreshing to be in GAW where we don't have to pretend that the royal family is some icon to look up to. It's cancer over on P.W with how much idolizing is going on.
He may have been a "straight shooter" as most of those over there are saying, but at the very least, anyone who stands back while the atrocities took place that the royal family has been involved in for literally a century is just as evil.
I often forget that people who don't believe what we do about the royal blood line adrenochrome users exist in such masses.
Call it my personal echo chamber but I just don't understand how so many people could remain willfully ignorant about the true nature of how the sociopaths of society took their places amongst the most powerful seats of society.
Psychopaths, in Psychoanalysis, is after all associated with achievements in business, leadership, and often end up becoming corporate executives, CEOs, business tycoons, and the like.
I don't understand why so many others can't see the connection between this facet of Q doctrine and the genuine role of Psychopathy in the modern era. That's science. Not conjecture.
Really astute though. Thanks for the read.
I really don't either. On one hand, they hate large corporations, but on the other hand, they love the royal family for their "stabilizing" effect on a whole country. It makes no sense as the royal family is run like a corporation.
It's known that we will see that type of stuff on the left, but it's weird to see Europeans on boards like this defend the crown.
Maybe it's just a fondness for tradition and national identity. Maybe a British fren can weigh in. Personally, they just seem like expensive figureheads feeding on the national wealth. So basically just slightly more useful than the average Congressman.
Good God - I just went over to look and they're living in 2016. The battlefield has changed dramatically since then and they refuse to wake up.
News just posted on the official royal family website www.royal.uk
Is this something or just natural?
He was age 99.
That's young for a vampire
Top kek
Totally natural execution, I heard.
And announced on the 9th
Could be both. Dude was 91 or so.
Ninety-nine, two months shy of his hundredth birthday.
Good riddance evil son of a bitch
This guy said that he was related to Vlad Dracul.
Research the true history, and you'll ser that Vlad was a warrior of christ, who gave the muslim ottoman hordes some little playback for what they did to christians for centuries
Vlad was a fucking legend and a true leader.
He was reported to be a good and fair ruler of his people.
I believe he also invited people to dinner and they ended up getting impaled ass-first on sharpened stakes. That would put a damper on the evening.
I’m sure he did that. And tbh, they probably had it coming.
He did it to a bunch of royals who were trying to make him a puppet and not fight invaders. Basically it came down to help me defend the nation or your getting a wood enema.
Every royal in Europe is related to the others. And a lot of people alive today are too, because there were fewer people in the past. I'm descended from Robert the Bruce, supposedly. So what?
So nothing really. The real problem are those of them who think they are "superior". Probably those belong to satanist cult harming children.
Thing some kings and aristocrats fucked every woman which didn't run up the tree is quite common thing. After all they were rich and powerful.
Hey I met someone who claimed to be related to him too!
He died in 1326. I think anyone that far back is going to gave a lot of relative today.
Seems like a document you'd want to spell check!
Right? No one spell checks anymore...drives me insane haha.
Actually, I do. And sometimes I even get paid for it!
Jesus wept! I thought we were all better than this. If I didn't know any better I would think I was sitting among heartless Demonrats reading the vitriol.
Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles, lest the Lord see it and be displeased, and turn away his anger from him.
Proverbs: 24:17-18
The only way to win this is to trust in the Lord and obey him. That even means loving your enemies and praying for them. Jesus was pretty clear about all that.
After the election, it was kind of a wake up call for me about how much hate I was holding on to. “be angry and do not sin”. Doesn’t mean you cant be angry at the wickedness, but you can’t let it conquer you. “Do not let the sun go down on your anger”. I was definitely allowing that to happen.
Hate the sin but not the sinner. With hate in our hearts we can only create more hate. Look at Donald Trump's statement about his death. We aren't better than them, we aren't "better" than people who don't see the truth yet. Those who don't know and don't know that they don't know, we should have pity on them, not contempt.
Right there with you, fren. Thanks for speaking up. Every life lost is a tragedy. Sometimes the tragedy just begins before the date of death. It's still sad. Deeply so.
Speaking more hopefully, maybe we'll see good come from this if we pray. God knows who is guilty of what, so He can make things right, too.
I think a LOT of people are dead. It just hasn't been announced yet.
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care.
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care.
Jimmy crack corn and I don't care.
The bastard's gone away!
One less satanic pedophile.
Finally. For fucks sake.
Some asshole is downvoting everyone who's praising Philip's death lol
Whatever. Dude's been dead for like 10 years anyway.
Please oh please...
Public Pay-Per-View footage of Soros being fed into a mulching machine, feet first.
A random selection of viewers will receive one of the bony remnants.
Wasn't there something about this being planned last year as a distraction?
He was 99 though. Not everything is a conspiracy.
Died on the 99th day of the year age 99 years 9 months on the 9th day of April. Surely " not everything is a conspiracy" aye
So what? How is that supposed to be a conspiracy? What’s the endgame?
Satanists like their numerology.
Flip those nines.
What time zone was it 9 o'clock? Maybe we need to look there and see if anything is 'not normal'
That's not the point, there was something about him or some other royal dying. There was also something about a lot of celebs dying all of the sudden too which seems odd seeing all the deaths after getting the shot.
I hope that he suffered....!
Fuck him... And his family of beasts....!
Lizzie the lizard.
Allegedly, Lizzie was executed last year.
So the earthbound DEMON is now dancing with the REAL DEMONS. Couldn't have happened to a more evil POS. (Yeah, I'm speaking badly about the dead!! Sue me)
Perhaps he’s being pegged while burnt in hell
One less pedo.....
Peacefully? I'd like to imagine him screaming as he slowly transitioned to Hell last night.
Good riddance you piece of shit.
oh oh oh do the queen next!
Not to be a doomer, or anything, but this is the man who wished he could be reincarnated as a virus that would wipe out most of humankind. So, bye and good luck with that!
His life support must be stuck on the ever given.
Good riddance
She’s just outliving everyone
Reptilian phisiology, adrenochrome is just a delicacy for them
Fuck him and his wife.
No mourning here. Good riddance to another evil elite. Let's hope queenie is next and the rest start falling like dominoes.