I've always said it's the frickin flu. This has been nothing but a brainwashed exercise in testing the control of sheeple. And it looks like a lot of the sheep are stupid enough to follow the rules and those who don't, let's see what rules and restrictions we can put into place to force compliance. Their evil plan is working, unfortunately.
Conformity doesn't make you an idiot directly, it's just a sign of misplaced faith in authority. There is a line and I know the line has vanished here for "us types", but most people are biologically wired to be agreeable, which basically means "Do what I am told". Society wouldn't work if everyone was autistic. Even if autism these days means "I can read what is put in front of me and comprehend that it is bullshit".
How is this making the rounds again without any additional evidence?
Looking up the person quoted from this article, Dr. Derek Knauss (or Derick Knauss) gives me absolutely nothing except links to websites posting this story in one form or another. Looking up Dereck/Derick Knauss on a people finder produced zero results in CA (he said he works in Southern CA). Looking him up on scholar.google.com also provides nothing. Zero, zilch, nada, which is basically impossible if he is in fact a Ph.D.
There is NO evidence that this person exists or does the job he says he does, therefore this person is not a source of credible information.
The virus existing has substantial credible evidence however. That does not mean it does exist. It most certainly does not mean it is as deadly as reported. It does not mean anything other than that in doing research on it, I find credible evidence of its existence.
Here is a link to a database where sars-cov-2 variants from all over the world were submitted from independent tests that can be compared and studied.
Here is an early analysis of the virus that suggests it was designed in a lab.
Here is another analysis that suggests the reason it is so contagious is because its cell surface binding proteins were modeled after the same proteins used by the HIV virus. Something that is almost impossible to have happened naturally. This particular paper was forced to be retracted by the PTB, almost certainly to force people to not look deeper into this line of reasoning.
Here are labs that have specifically stated they have isolated it. This is a small sample of those available.
There is much, much more evidence that it has been isolated and tested. Please note I am not saying anything about this scamdemic (in this post) OTHER than that the sars-cov-2 has been isolated and is a real virus.
If anyone can provide evidence that these are untrue assertions, preferably from a source other than the seemingly fictitious Dr. Derek Knauss I will be more than happy to look into it.
That’s funny! ? The Publix, Walmart, Target where I live don’t say anything to me and I never wear one. Our mandate was over 4/9, but even before then they never said a thing about it. Funny that Florida has been open and they still are forced to wear masks in stores & schools.
I must of had the China flu also. I have not had any other symptoms except for phantom burning smell for the last week. I was wondering where that was coming from! Kept searching for the source for 3 days and could not coming up with anything. Again, I have had absolutely no flu or cold like symptoms.
Thanks for solving my mystery.
Thanks, the phantom smell has been annoying at times but not nauseating, Can live with it for now, maybe will go away or I'll finally get used to it.
I am NOT going to the doctor or getting the china jab.
This story crops up on here every 72h and goes to one guy saying this shit on a bulletin board or somesuch, it's basically misinformation at this point unless someone has more info.
Agree - I pointed out in another comment that his claim the CDC did not have a sample of the virus was 'internally' false. He hyperlinked to an FDA document and put a quote from 'page 39' in the article that did not exist on page 39 of the linked document. My guess is this is total BS - seen this kind of stuff circulating for some time. In my experience, folks who get COVID have very distinct symptoms that in NO WAY resemble the flu. Have over 20 folks who report to me who have had the VID, symptoms all very similar and NOT flu.
Seriously, thank you for stickied comment. This scam keeps popping up like every other week on these boards. I remember seeing this in December with a prof in Cornell who immediately denied it. Made the rounds on FB and eventually got deboonked. Looks like they just recycled the story and changed the professor to some unnamed virologist who can't be verified. I want to believe, but the evidence says the story isn't true.
Not disagreeing that the tests are picking up influenza A and B, but does anyone have either a link to the lawsuit or even LinkedIn profiles for the people named in this? I haven’t been able to find a Dr. Knauss or anything.
I found something on politifact from last December with the same letter, but using a Cornell professor's name, who subsequently denied any link to it.
Looks like the letter is shenanigans.
This is the closest we’ve gotten it seems. Thank you.
Despite the sources of the lawsuit being sketchy at best, the CDC admitting they don’t have virus samples and the fact the PCR tests also catch influenza A and B are publicly available, if I’m remember correctly. Don’t have the links at hand and I’m on mobile.
As I remember, I tried back in the ?fall when this story came up, to get better references and couldn't, and then got distracted or didn't follow up further. But I remember it being such a big deal if true, there should be something more concrete on it, and was puzzled why I couldn't find. I attributed it to perhaps search engine censorship? Even w/DDG.
Good find. I had heard about their work and them finding only Influenza A&B. Glad to see it's going further. A bit of hope in this otherwise dismal situation.....
For what it’s worth I saw this sometime ago but I thought there were many that probably haven’t seen it. Perhaps it will help you influence your friends and families not to get the shot
Here's a tidbit. These papers are important to find!
‘The four research papers describing the genome extracts of the Covid-19 virus never managed to isolate and purify the samples. All four papers describe only small pieces of RNA that are only 37 to 40 base pairs long. That is NOT a VIRUS. A viral genome normally has 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs.’
Well well well...where is mr Slyver on this board? He posted long misleading information from CDC and NIH claiming all THIS info was fake when a mr Dereck Knauss posted a video stating that he and others had been involved in confirming this exact info. Slyver claimed Knauss' namedidnt exist from his "google"searches and mr Knauss probably didnt even hold the position he claimed. Where is dr Slyver when more proof shows he was dead wrong? Lol. Itried to tell him using CDC and NIH info here was kinda moot. Oh well. More vindication feels good after the lashing i took for defending mr Knauss' info...Anyone else recall the video i refer to? Was out of Southern CA...?
Fauci Perp Walk better be coming soon. People off the street might recognize him and handle it themselves.
The NWO/Buyden Ministry of Truth is gangbanging the airwaves with pro-vax propaganda around the clock. Different ads targeting grannies. little kids, and females. If it didn't piss me off so much it would be funny.
I'm taking the Georgia Guide Stone stuff more seriously every day. I think a lot of these woketards probably do too. Do they really believe that they and their ungendered children will be amongst the 500.000,000 that will be allowed to live?
I read this article a while back. There is so much disinformation on the internet these days. Can’t just read articles you need to back them up with a source.
I thought to myself. Why not just go directly to the CDC and try to get a sample. Should be pretty easy to do.
So, I decided to email the CDC directly and requested a isolated purified COVID-19 sample to study. Guess what? So far I am getting the run around. I can’t get a sample from the CDC. Maybe I am not finding the correct person? I don’t know... LOL
Does someone else what to try and see if they have better luck with the CDC getting a sample?
What has been admitted and confirmed by the CDC itself, is that is does not possess a sample of the "Covid virus". This alone should be enough to raise a red flag that this whole pandemic is nothing more than a hoax.
I was at disney world on 3/15/2020, right before covid and the lockdowns were announced. Afterwards I became very sick for the first time in 5-10 years. I think evil disney was releasing something on the guests; this is the only thing keeping me from saying covid is 100% fake. it didnt feel like the normal flu.
Hubby and I got something nasty in early Jan 2020. Weirdest worst cold/flu-like thing ever. Took ~ 3 weeks to feel 'ok' again. Our college-age kids stayed away from us in our townhouse (but it's the same air....) and never got sick at all.
Can't remember if smell was affected.
I was working in a Boston hospital at the time, and later theorized I got it from an employee in the elevator or something. You know, cough and flu season.
Many many have similar stories and time frames as we do.
OP here....after seeing many of the comments....and a few hours of research...I TOO have been unable to confirm the existence of a lawsuit against the CDC as indicated in the article, the existence of any studies documenting the testing of the 1500 samples by any university, or the existence of a Dr Derek Knauss. I DID, however, find a Derek Knauss, who is a contributing writer to prepareforchange.net credited to a number of highly questionable “articles.” I found this on another site and posted without independent verification. My Bad....lesson learned.
This is interesting - UNTIL I tried validating the author's statement regarding the CDC not having a virus sample:
From Author:
"CDC itself admits to having no identifiable virus
Deeply hidden in an official document on Covid-19, the CDC ruefully admitted as early as summer 2020 that it does not have a measurable virus: ‘As no quantified (= measured) isolated virus objects of 2019-nCoV are available at this time…’ (page 39 of the ‘CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel’ (July 13) In other words, the CDC, as one of THE leading medical authorities in the world, could not, and still cannot, demonstrate a virus."
Quality Control
• Quality control requirements must be performed in conformance with local, state, and federal
regulations or accreditation requirements and the user’s laboratory’s standard quality control
procedures. For further guidance on appropriate quality control practices, refer to 42 CFR
• Quality control procedures are intended to monitor reagent and assay performance.
• Test all positive controls prior to running diagnostic samples with each new kit lot to ensure all
reagents and kit components are working properly.
• Good laboratory practice (cGLP) recommends including a positive extraction control in each
nucleic acid isolation batch.
• Although HSC is not included with the 2019-nCov rRT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the HSC extraction
control must proceed through nucleic acid isolation per batch of specimens to be tested.
• Always include a negative template control (NTC) and the appropriate positive control (nCoVPC)
in each amplification and detection run. All clinical samples should be tested for human RNase P
gene to control for specimen quality and extraction.
• All users, analysts, and any person reporting diagnostic results should be trained to perform this
procedure by a competent instructor. They should demonstrate their ability to perform the test
and interpret the results prior to performing the assay independently.
• Performance of the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel has only been established
in upper and lower respiratory specimens (such as nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs,
sputum, lower respiratory tract aspirates, bronchoalveolar lavage, and nasopharyngeal
wash/aspirate or nasal aspirate).
• Negative results do not preclude 2019-nCoV infection and should not be used as the sole basis
for treatment or other patient management decisions. Optimum specimen types and timing for
peak viral levels during infections caused by 2019-nCoV have not been determined. Collection of
multiple specimens (types and time points) from the same patient may be necessary to detect
the virus.
• A false-negative result may occur if a specimen is improperly collected, transported or handled.
False-negative results may also occur if amplification inhibitors are present in the specimen or if
inadequate numbers of organisms are present in the specimen.
• Positive and negative predictive values are highly dependent on prevalence. False-negative test
results are more likely when prevalence of disease is high. False-positive test results are more
likely when prevalence is moderate to low.
• Do not use any reagent past the expiration date.
• If the virus mutates in the rRT-PCR target region, 2019-nCoV may not be detected or may be
detected less predictably. Inhibitors or other types of interference may produce a false-negative
result. An interference study evaluating the effect of common cold medications was not
• Test performance can be affected because the epidemiology and clinical spectrum of infection
caused by 2019-nCoV is not fully known. For example, clinicians and laboratories may not know
CDC-006-00019, Revision: 06 CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ Division of Viral Diseases Effective: 12/01/2020
In summary - author hyperlinks to a study, quotes it, tells us where the quote is to be found, AND there is no such quote.
I've always said it's the frickin flu. This has been nothing but a brainwashed exercise in testing the control of sheeple. And it looks like a lot of the sheep are stupid enough to follow the rules and those who don't, let's see what rules and restrictions we can put into place to force compliance. Their evil plan is working, unfortunately.
It's true, just about every business owner that I suspected was a leftist sheep has outed themselves as exactly that.
Conformity doesn't make you an idiot directly, it's just a sign of misplaced faith in authority. There is a line and I know the line has vanished here for "us types", but most people are biologically wired to be agreeable, which basically means "Do what I am told". Society wouldn't work if everyone was autistic. Even if autism these days means "I can read what is put in front of me and comprehend that it is bullshit".
I have experienced the same thing. People who I thought were intelligent and wise beyond their years have revealed how normal they are.
I call them sheeple.
How is this making the rounds again without any additional evidence?
Looking up the person quoted from this article, Dr. Derek Knauss (or Derick Knauss) gives me absolutely nothing except links to websites posting this story in one form or another. Looking up Dereck/Derick Knauss on a people finder produced zero results in CA (he said he works in Southern CA). Looking him up on scholar.google.com also provides nothing. Zero, zilch, nada, which is basically impossible if he is in fact a Ph.D.
There is NO evidence that this person exists or does the job he says he does, therefore this person is not a source of credible information.
The virus existing has substantial credible evidence however. That does not mean it does exist. It most certainly does not mean it is as deadly as reported. It does not mean anything other than that in doing research on it, I find credible evidence of its existence.
For example:
Here are labs that have specifically stated they have isolated it. This is a small sample of those available.
Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida
NIAID’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories
University of the Western Cape (UWC) and Stellenbosch University (SU) (South Africa)
McMaster’s Institute for Infectious Disease Research
There is much, much more evidence that it has been isolated and tested. Please note I am not saying anything about this scamdemic (in this post) OTHER than that the sars-cov-2 has been isolated and is a real virus.
If anyone can provide evidence that these are untrue assertions, preferably from a source other than the seemingly fictitious Dr. Derek Knauss I will be more than happy to look into it.
I almost said “I fucking knew it” but decided to read down. Knew there were some more level headed folks around here than me. Thank you.
Confirmation bias gets us all sometimes.
Yeah.... Once you flagged the circular references it became DoA as a story for me
I am totally willing to entertain the idea, but there better be some damn good evidence that refutes a ton of other good evidence to the contrary.
Thanks friend I appreciate your diligence!!
Yeah, this is at least the third time I saw this one. But the mRNA modifies your DNA has this one beat by a lot.
It's a chain letter, if you don't immediately forward it to ten friends you'll get bad luck. ?
And you hate Jesus and forfeit your soul.
Muahahahammad speaks
ain't working here in Florida
It's like I live in a different country, when I read comments like this.
I can’t wait to move!!!!!!
Love Florida.
Just wish some private corporations remove the mask mandate.;
Sounds like your talking about Publix.
If so, I've never worn a mask in Publix and management never says a thing.
However... an old bag on a scooter told me "they have masks up front, you know" and I responded:
That’s funny! ? The Publix, Walmart, Target where I live don’t say anything to me and I never wear one. Our mandate was over 4/9, but even before then they never said a thing about it. Funny that Florida has been open and they still are forced to wear masks in stores & schools.
Publix, Sprouts, Winn Dixie, etc.
If they can make this big step of removing mask mandates it would be a huge victory for freedom.
So it doesn't hurt to call corporate and offer feedback that mask mandates should go!
It may not be real, but don't base your opinion on this fake article.
Follow the 'source' link at the bottom of the article. I wish it were real, but this article appears 100% fictitious.
I must of had the China flu also. I have not had any other symptoms except for phantom burning smell for the last week. I was wondering where that was coming from! Kept searching for the source for 3 days and could not coming up with anything. Again, I have had absolutely no flu or cold like symptoms. Thanks for solving my mystery.
Thanks, the phantom smell has been annoying at times but not nauseating, Can live with it for now, maybe will go away or I'll finally get used to it. I am NOT going to the doctor or getting the china jab.
This story crops up on here every 72h and goes to one guy saying this shit on a bulletin board or somesuch, it's basically misinformation at this point unless someone has more info.
Agree - I pointed out in another comment that his claim the CDC did not have a sample of the virus was 'internally' false. He hyperlinked to an FDA document and put a quote from 'page 39' in the article that did not exist on page 39 of the linked document. My guess is this is total BS - seen this kind of stuff circulating for some time. In my experience, folks who get COVID have very distinct symptoms that in NO WAY resemble the flu. Have over 20 folks who report to me who have had the VID, symptoms all very similar and NOT flu.
Seriously, thank you for stickied comment. This scam keeps popping up like every other week on these boards. I remember seeing this in December with a prof in Cornell who immediately denied it. Made the rounds on FB and eventually got deboonked. Looks like they just recycled the story and changed the professor to some unnamed virologist who can't be verified. I want to believe, but the evidence says the story isn't true.
I agree. I want it to be true, but can't find anything about the guy or suit.
My theory on Florida is they got called out for this at the beginning, and backed TF off
Not disagreeing that the tests are picking up influenza A and B, but does anyone have either a link to the lawsuit or even LinkedIn profiles for the people named in this? I haven’t been able to find a Dr. Knauss or anything.
I’m looking. Can't find anything. I wouldn’t be surprised by these findings, but I try to poke holes before I share with family etc.
this same story pops up here every few weeks and I've NEVER seen anything substantial to back up the claims.
I found something on politifact from last December with the same letter, but using a Cornell professor's name, who subsequently denied any link to it. Looks like the letter is shenanigans.
This is the closest we’ve gotten it seems. Thank you.
Despite the sources of the lawsuit being sketchy at best, the CDC admitting they don’t have virus samples and the fact the PCR tests also catch influenza A and B are publicly available, if I’m remember correctly. Don’t have the links at hand and I’m on mobile.
Follow the 'source' link at the bottom of the article. I wish it were real, but this article appears 100% fictitious.
"The source of the article...is the article itself...but in German!!1!" - M. Night Shyamalan
As I remember, I tried back in the ?fall when this story came up, to get better references and couldn't, and then got distracted or didn't follow up further. But I remember it being such a big deal if true, there should be something more concrete on it, and was puzzled why I couldn't find. I attributed it to perhaps search engine censorship? Even w/DDG.
Covid technically has never been isolated, and failed to pass Koch's Postulates.
It's always been a fake disease
I have accepted this as others have pointed the way and I have done some reading.
I am in the "show me" state of mind because I am more skeptical now than I was six months ago.
Good find. I had heard about their work and them finding only Influenza A&B. Glad to see it's going further. A bit of hope in this otherwise dismal situation.....
Any other English sources?
And I bet you find this all over the country.........
One of my favorite words!
A young college kid.
Those were the days.
This was out a while back and if I remember correctly no one was able to back up the claims.
Here is the previous article I responded to, and that was the second time I saw it:
Can't find the first article I saw. I watched the video and did some searches after that. No credible sources to back it up is what I remember.
This might be the link to the first time I saw this story posted here:
So yeah, seems to keep popping up. And as I said, as far as I can tell there's been no credible evidence to back it up.
CDC: Covid appears to be like systemic racism, it can't be detected but it's there, trust us!
For what it’s worth I saw this sometime ago but I thought there were many that probably haven’t seen it. Perhaps it will help you influence your friends and families not to get the shot
People can't believe that they are IN the conspiracy that was contrived decades ago for a time such as this.
The article doesn't link the actual lawsuit or even name the universities involved in the suit, seems to be a big nothing burger just click bait.
Here's a tidbit. These papers are important to find!
‘The four research papers describing the genome extracts of the Covid-19 virus never managed to isolate and purify the samples. All four papers describe only small pieces of RNA that are only 37 to 40 base pairs long. That is NOT a VIRUS. A viral genome normally has 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs.’
I've wondered the same at times. I see these posts which are somewhat easy to determine are false and they end up getting hundreds of upvotes.
any update on this?
Well well well...where is mr Slyver on this board? He posted long misleading information from CDC and NIH claiming all THIS info was fake when a mr Dereck Knauss posted a video stating that he and others had been involved in confirming this exact info. Slyver claimed Knauss' namedidnt exist from his "google"searches and mr Knauss probably didnt even hold the position he claimed. Where is dr Slyver when more proof shows he was dead wrong? Lol. Itried to tell him using CDC and NIH info here was kinda moot. Oh well. More vindication feels good after the lashing i took for defending mr Knauss' info...Anyone else recall the video i refer to? Was out of Southern CA...?
Check the date of the article ....
European style of dating. The month and day are switched.
11/4/2021 clearly from the future! /s
Please unstick this post. No one can find a creditable source for this info.
Fauci Perp Walk better be coming soon. People off the street might recognize him and handle it themselves.
The NWO/Buyden Ministry of Truth is gangbanging the airwaves with pro-vax propaganda around the clock. Different ads targeting grannies. little kids, and females. If it didn't piss me off so much it would be funny.
I'm taking the Georgia Guide Stone stuff more seriously every day. I think a lot of these woketards probably do too. Do they really believe that they and their ungendered children will be amongst the 500.000,000 that will be allowed to live?
European designation of date-day/month.
link to the suit and complaint?
I read this article a while back. There is so much disinformation on the internet these days. Can’t just read articles you need to back them up with a source.
I thought to myself. Why not just go directly to the CDC and try to get a sample. Should be pretty easy to do.
So, I decided to email the CDC directly and requested a isolated purified COVID-19 sample to study. Guess what? So far I am getting the run around. I can’t get a sample from the CDC. Maybe I am not finding the correct person? I don’t know... LOL
Does someone else what to try and see if they have better luck with the CDC getting a sample?
What has been admitted and confirmed by the CDC itself, is that is does not possess a sample of the "Covid virus". This alone should be enough to raise a red flag that this whole pandemic is nothing more than a hoax.
I was at disney world on 3/15/2020, right before covid and the lockdowns were announced. Afterwards I became very sick for the first time in 5-10 years. I think evil disney was releasing something on the guests; this is the only thing keeping me from saying covid is 100% fake. it didnt feel like the normal flu.
Hubby and I got something nasty in early Jan 2020. Weirdest worst cold/flu-like thing ever. Took ~ 3 weeks to feel 'ok' again. Our college-age kids stayed away from us in our townhouse (but it's the same air....) and never got sick at all. Can't remember if smell was affected.
I was working in a Boston hospital at the time, and later theorized I got it from an employee in the elevator or something. You know, cough and flu season. Many many have similar stories and time frames as we do.
Why is the date on the article 11/4/2021??
But it isn't November yet
Europe reverses the day and month. Or we do. One of the two.
Official EU documents still tend to use DD.MM.YYYY
Thank you. I just never even think of that...
I wondered the same thing but I found another article dated 4/11/2021. Phew!
Read the above comments. It’s been addressed multiple times. C’mon people!
It had not been addressed when I asked the question, thanks for Your unhelpful comment.
Trump/Tesla time travel???? :))
Where is the isolated virus? What were these guys looking for? https://archive.vn/WWKP2
don't you just love it when some liberal shill send you a fake check website in response to this article?
like wtf is this garbage https://fullfact.org/health/Covid-isolated-virus/
OP here....after seeing many of the comments....and a few hours of research...I TOO have been unable to confirm the existence of a lawsuit against the CDC as indicated in the article, the existence of any studies documenting the testing of the 1500 samples by any university, or the existence of a Dr Derek Knauss. I DID, however, find a Derek Knauss, who is a contributing writer to prepareforchange.net credited to a number of highly questionable “articles.” I found this on another site and posted without independent verification. My Bad....lesson learned.
This is interesting - UNTIL I tried validating the author's statement regarding the CDC not having a virus sample:
From Author:
"CDC itself admits to having no identifiable virus Deeply hidden in an official document on Covid-19, the CDC ruefully admitted as early as summer 2020 that it does not have a measurable virus: ‘As no quantified (= measured) isolated virus objects of 2019-nCoV are available at this time…’ (page 39 of the ‘CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel’ (July 13) In other words, the CDC, as one of THE leading medical authorities in the world, could not, and still cannot, demonstrate a virus."
Author hyperlinks to FDA document. https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download Here is page 39 in full for your own checking:
Quality Control • Quality control requirements must be performed in conformance with local, state, and federal regulations or accreditation requirements and the user’s laboratory’s standard quality control procedures. For further guidance on appropriate quality control practices, refer to 42 CFR 493.1256. • Quality control procedures are intended to monitor reagent and assay performance. • Test all positive controls prior to running diagnostic samples with each new kit lot to ensure all reagents and kit components are working properly. • Good laboratory practice (cGLP) recommends including a positive extraction control in each nucleic acid isolation batch. • Although HSC is not included with the 2019-nCov rRT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the HSC extraction control must proceed through nucleic acid isolation per batch of specimens to be tested. • Always include a negative template control (NTC) and the appropriate positive control (nCoVPC) in each amplification and detection run. All clinical samples should be tested for human RNase P gene to control for specimen quality and extraction. Limitations • All users, analysts, and any person reporting diagnostic results should be trained to perform this procedure by a competent instructor. They should demonstrate their ability to perform the test and interpret the results prior to performing the assay independently. • Performance of the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel has only been established in upper and lower respiratory specimens (such as nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs, sputum, lower respiratory tract aspirates, bronchoalveolar lavage, and nasopharyngeal wash/aspirate or nasal aspirate). • Negative results do not preclude 2019-nCoV infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or other patient management decisions. Optimum specimen types and timing for peak viral levels during infections caused by 2019-nCoV have not been determined. Collection of multiple specimens (types and time points) from the same patient may be necessary to detect the virus. • A false-negative result may occur if a specimen is improperly collected, transported or handled. False-negative results may also occur if amplification inhibitors are present in the specimen or if inadequate numbers of organisms are present in the specimen. • Positive and negative predictive values are highly dependent on prevalence. False-negative test results are more likely when prevalence of disease is high. False-positive test results are more likely when prevalence is moderate to low. • Do not use any reagent past the expiration date. • If the virus mutates in the rRT-PCR target region, 2019-nCoV may not be detected or may be detected less predictably. Inhibitors or other types of interference may produce a false-negative result. An interference study evaluating the effect of common cold medications was not performed. • Test performance can be affected because the epidemiology and clinical spectrum of infection caused by 2019-nCoV is not fully known. For example, clinicians and laboratories may not know 39 CDC-006-00019, Revision: 06 CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ Division of Viral Diseases Effective: 12/01/2020
In summary - author hyperlinks to a study, quotes it, tells us where the quote is to be found, AND there is no such quote.
We're being punked dudes.
go figure,, the flue