It's actually an inferior complex they believe because they're democrats come because that's what cabbage taught them They believe they are morally superior people. They truly believe republicans are deplorable.
My mom is reasonably red pilled, but in a weird boomer resistant sort of way. She still refuses to believe that tons of Hollywood and politicians are all pedos etc. Until the other day we were talking and she just suddenly admitted that maybe I'm right... maybe they really are all devil worshiping pedos. I about fell out of my chair.
Why do people always crap on boomers here. It’s like lumping an entire group of people together and saying they’re all one thing.
I am a boomer. And I have known all along things are not right with this world, As a child, and more recently upwards to 15 years ago, I used to sit with my best friend who is also a boomer and we would talk about these so-called conspiracy theories, in great depth.
When I was seven years old I remember watching the news, and remembering how unfair the world was, and how fake and phony everything was and what a lie everything was. I refuse to watch it, I would go in my room and slam my door because I would be so angry about being the only person in our family that knew what was up.
I grew up in Southern California, and I knew Hollywood was just one big cesspool of disgusting people. Children shouldn’t have to be burdened with these things, but I knew!
I spent my entire childhood and my adult years knowing. Knowing it all. Probably before you were even born. You may want to reconsider lumping an entire group of people into your boomer comments.
It was US - those that knew all along, that were burning the candle brightly! We’ve been waiting for years for the rest of you to catch up. It’s been quite a burden knowing all these years - all this ridiculousness, just waiting for the world to wake up.
All these years - waiting! Welcome to the party though Frens! We have been waiting so so long!
Now let’s Do This! Do you Feel the energy rising? Do you see the tides turning? I do… And it feels good man!
I felt every word , I too feel as though I was the only one who knew something was seriously wrong ..what a life I’ve lived and yes it feels good that things are beginning to break , I sometimes wonder if another damn will be created as in some ways it feels as though it’s getting worse as the light peers through ..not dooming just been a long wait,and the left has such a strong force, I thank God That He is in control, and NCSWIC I’m in San Diego not sure if u r still in scali
I totally understand what you’re saying. Yes I feel the energy rising, but at the same time evil is strong. But God will win. No I am no longer in California and I think God for that. But I do miss it so much. I am in this hot hellhole called Arizona! Moved here more than 20 years ago because my families here, and I’ve never liked it to be perfectly honest. There’s some kind of dark cloud that hovers over this entire state. So many stupid people here, and I think a lot of them is from being born and raised here. The heat gets to you. I think it melts peoples brains. ! But not everyone’s bad, it’s just a long hot summer every year and I hate it. As long as my daughter is here I will be here. Even though she won’t talk to me. She needs to wake up. Pray for her!
I have one too, she’s 28 , it’s really hard for me to understand the level of brainwashing ! For years she was so vocal and proud that her mother signed school wavers , because I refused to put poison vax in her , NOW , she tells me this shot is safe and I’m ridiculous , she has TDS and is as left as you can be !?. I’m devastated ! I can’t talk to her and it’s really hard on me . I raised three alone , I also have a son and a 29 year old daughter with Downs and autism ! I want to get out of Cali , I could sell my home and head to Tennessee or somewhere ..not AZ I could never ever do the heat ..but somewhere red , but it’s a tough deal to do alone starting over at our age isn’t easy . My business is here , I work for myself and built a client base these past 15 yrs , that would be gone ! I’m not sure what to do , but Cali is bad , real bad as far as CCP , soon Kaiser drs will refuse medical for my daughter and me due to refusing the vax it’s already slightly being threatened over text messages! I’m in the process of getting my mortgage refined and once that is done and my payment is lowered I may rent out a few rooms to pay the mortgage and take off in small RV with daughter , I’ll still have my home to come back to as I won’t rent the whole place just rooms ..not sure what else to do ..of course God wins ..just not sure when or if I’ll be here than ..after all a thousand years is as a day to Him .. with that math , none of us may be here and our children will face a lot of horror ! Hopefully our country and humanity will be saved soon , within the next year, so all we can do is hope and pray ..God help us until it does as it’s getting tough , I was just sent a photo of flatbeds with UN tanks on them , fk it’s getting bad!
Just like the name says… Never stop believing! I am proud of all that you’ve done in your life, and raising your children the best you could. Stand strong Fren. Rest in the Lord, he will be there for you no matter what!
It’s been a very long hard difficult life for me. But I have Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and that’s what keeps me going each day now. I’m 57 years old. I’ve known for 50 years! I’ve always been considered a crazy one in the family, I did drugs for many years because I couldn’t deal with it all. But I quit all that when I was 26, and excepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I’ve had a beautiful daughter. It’s funny now though, even the people in my family have been Christians all along, are opening their eyes and seeing everything as it is. I just visited them recently, we all laughed and talked stories. I told him that I’ve known all along, and I guess I’m not so crazy after all am I! LOL. I told them that if I’m the voice of reason, that Jesus is coming soon! God bless you and have a great Father’s Day.
I have defended boomers repeatedly here and completely agree with how wrong it is to make assumptions about an entire group. There are plenty of awake and asleep people from all age groups. Many of us who watched JFK being shot knew something didn't add up. And when 911 happened, we knew we were on another merry chase for the truth. Thanks for posting.
Every thread does not need to be turned into a Holocaust denial fest by people who seem to think 21st-century film fakery techniques existed in the 1940s
As I have begun directly coordinating with local patriots in my area and opening up lines of communication with anons and creating literal org charts that keep our groups safe and discreet, I finally realized this is what Dems have been doing all along. There is great communication and, I guarantee, direct planned links between overtly satanic orgs and Dems and that their goals are literally spelled out. The mass murder of millions is the literal goal running through the minds of many celebrities on television as they smile and wave at our cameras.
How did you start this? My husband and I know very few Patriots in our area, but we know we need to network. This is shocking for my husband to agree to, because he's not a joiner.
As methods have become refined, I have considered posting on this, but have waited to also do it in a way that does not leave data that can be tracked back to our patriots. Nevertheless, I can give you a few pointers: (1) I am lucky because we live in a patriot-rich area (2) church. Churches are the densest centers of like-minded people. A small to moderately sized church is a group of people who have self-selected based on more than religious orthodoxy. Over the course of one or two years one can become very familiar with the nature of one's fellow parishioners. This is the ground zero of recruitment. (3) It begins with your spouse--not your kids or friends--your spouse and you are the first cell. You will create the documents and texts that match your vision. Then you will both recruit others who share that well-defined division. (4) When your group is large, subdivide. Take a spousal cell and allow it to nucleate a new group. Groups do not even need to interrelate. Your org chart is held in the nucleus of the first cell--spouse only. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. These are the starter tips. There are MANY others. Within five years you can have a very powerful and active organization that DOES THINGS in your community and also contributes to boards like these.
I really appreciate this guidance. I will talk with my spouse and we’ll start working on our steps. Our church is more liberal than we would prefer, but we know there are others more like us.
When working in a church, it isn't about dividing the church or damaging the structure of the church family/community. It is about finding those who are ready for service. Often those will know others in other churches, and be able to recruit likeminded people. The first step is to figure out what you want to DO. Right now, we have patriots preparing for runs for school board, city council, county commission, and even a career change to school teacher and one for police officer. You want to avoid a coffee klatch that will only be a social group. Your community needs are unique. We also carpool for protests and are printing a large number of pocket documents that contain works and excerpts that exemplify the patriotic spirit of the founders and people up until this very day. There is a martial aspect, as well.
If you have an interest, I can be in touch. The development of an org through undetectable means is difficult but CAN be done. They can even be sizable and active. The org is not a secret in itself, but one must, from the inception, be aware of who will share what information and via what channels. We've made mistakes but we have learned from them. Things that were slow are becoming faster.
There's a rumour that the white guy in the beginning of the video, in front of the black guy, is JFK jr. Seconds 6-9. Just looking at his expression, makes me wonder. He doesn't look light and excited. He looks pensive and like he's carrying a burden. Why would a random man at a Trump rally look like that? And why the focus on him when there's tens of thousands of other men to chose clips from? Hm.
I don't know what to believe anymore.
Unless it's you then dont say who it is t
Fact if the matter is..its not outside therwalm of possible.
In fact knowing what we would be more amazing and outlandish to think JFK Jr. Would be out of touch of any of it and died. Oppsie by accident.
Where the roots of this plan started says a lot.
It's still hugely possible. Not one argument has been presented to prove that he did die.
The idiot who asked the unanswerable question to Q should be ejected from 8kun.
Stipid to think you could ask that loaded question and get the truth on a board Q knows the enemy watches
Its was grade school thought process to think that if you ask a super sensative question that you could get the truth.
Still more possible their deaths were faked than that they all died in that crash .
No body (to be seen) no death .
It's crazy we have flat earthers n people who believe in lol aliens etc. But they cant wrap their head around the fact it's still possible. And their rebuke to the idea is hysterical
Fact is you cant rule it out based on what we know..even Q couldnt...WOULDNT answer it truthfully because it's not safe to do so.
Multigenerational plan to save the world unhinged because some dumb Anon did not think about how unanswerable the question was.
It's more possible hes alive than that bs story of plane down death.
Full stop.
The idiot who asked the unanswerable question to Q should be ejected from 8kun. Stipid to think you could ask that loaded question and get the truth on a board Q knows the enemy watches. Its was grade school thought process to think that if you ask a super sensative question that you could get the truth.
LOL well put - many times I've seen folks shot down for daring to suggest JFK Jr might be alive and in on the Plan...mainly by patriots who were around in the spine-tingling days of Q doing Q&A's and who remember him saying flat out that JFK is dead. Of COURSE he's going to say that. We now know all about misdirection and deception being part of the Plan. Naysayers will scoff that this means we all are just blindly accepting Q even when he "lies" and is "wrong" because muh disinformation is necessary, yet the fact remains that he can't be expected to unveil the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth on a public board the enemy is tracking with the feverish intensity of the most patriotic anon.
If you think about it, it doesn’t matter if it’s him or not. It’s the fact that it does look like him, and it’s pointing out the big middle finger to the deep state! It’s a message! Be afraid… Be very afraid. We are coming for you, and no one can stop what is coming!
Almost like it’s a recompense for their sins. They know what they did to him, and now they know that we know. All of us! We all know, and more people are waking up every day
"Damn it Bethany he guessed it!"
Dont be a mental midget.
It was wholly stupid to think you can ask that question on such a serious matter, on an infiltrated board to think you could ask that powerful a question and be given truth. Being in witness protection faking ones own death is a huge deal. And anyone who defaults to Q said no. Isnt thinking . That's sheepish thought process. Some questions due to timing and the serious nature of the subject matter are always going to be...unanswerable.
Giving the negative answer was the only answer that could be given.
Nothing in the world makes it impossible to be true.
LOL ... “disinformation is necessary” is always the fallback
Maybe because it's true.
Seriously think for a second...just suppose JFK Jr. WERE actually alive. Everybody including the enemy thinks he's dead. Is Q really going to blow the man's perfect cover by admitting in the AMA that he's alive? Just give that massive secret away to the enemy for free, because an anon asked?
So, he's GOING to say JFK Jr. is dead, if either one of the following is true:
Maybe the name is dead. Life insurance paid out. Etc. But the person who once had that name is alive and well under a new one. Who knows. Crazier things have happened.
Yeah and there’s another relative that has a podcast, or was on a podcast and somebody in the comment section asked if JFK Junior was alive, for him to scratch his nose. And he did. Who knows the truth. Maybe we will find out one day.
With all of the conspiracy theories I've read and seen over the past 6+ years that have come true, why not? Heck I'll throw Bob Joyce in as Elvis lol hoping soon we will all know the truth!
Lol yeah, my sister told me about Bob Joyce, I haven't actually looked into him. It was just one of the most recent theories I've heard. I'll look into Jesse, thank you!
That made me tear up. All those people, so powerful. They make it seem like more people want socio-communism than peace and freedom. Nothing thing is farther from the truth. Trump woke up a lot of people and we’re never going to go back to sleep. They won’t be able to silence us forever. It’s all coming out slowly but surely. I pray for him and this country…the world.
There is an entrenched number of completely brain washed citizenry who have bought into the Left’s “orange man bad narrative.” They can not see that no one is perfect. Instead of focusing on the good President Trump has done, they focus on the weaknesses. Trump worked to 1) Secure the border in order to protect the children and adults from trafficking, decrease the flow of drugs and ensure those coming in were doing so legally and were vetted for prior crimes and terrorist activities; 2). Increase jobs and brought industry back and worked to employ youth, and minorities; 3). Begin prison reform-saw that sentences were just and followed the advise of others in achieving early release for some, 4). Keep us out of wars-brokered deals with N. Korea, Middle East, achieved peace with Russia and China, 5). Make us energy independent and lowered gasoline prices, 6). Lower taxes. 7). improve living conditions in the inner city through opportunity zones, 8). Show what rule of law and following the Constitution meant, 9). Show and remind us what patriotism meant, 10). Save the children from human trafficking-sex and torture, 11). Expose the extreme views of the radical Left and the abuses of power in local, state and a Federal government, up to and including the CIA, FBI, NSA, NIH, CDC, POST OFFICE, IRS, CONGRESS, JUDICIAL SYTEM AND SUPREME COURT, 12). Reveal how easily those in power could, in a blink of an eye, get the masses to believe them/comply with quarantines, mask wearing and taking a shot that is not a vaccine and is an EUA shot which prevents nothing, can destroy your health, leave you disabled or dead, force others to comply or be excluded (airlines, hospitals, cruise ships mandating masks-which can be harmful to your health. Remember the Jonestown massacre and how easily the masses drank the koolaide and killed themselves?). These are just a few of his accomplishments. He always put America first. Can you say the same about the Bushes, Clintons, Obama, Carter, Biden just to name a few recent Presidents? I wasn’t going to vote for Trump in 2016 because of his abrasive language and I thought he wasn’t dignified enough for the office. However, I took a chance, despite the the MSM, because I felt they were rigging everything against Trump from the Presidential debates, spying, etc. I also felt the Clintons, HRC in particular, were scum of the earth and to many associates wound up dead for Bill and Hillary not to be involved. I voted for Trump and never looked back. I am proud of him and what he accomplished and have nothing but scorn for MSM, social media, and most of our government agencies and those elected and unelected officials, who are in office through cheating. Trump opened my eyes and many others. We became lazy and complicit. Never again. My only regret is that Trump can not remain as President for as long as he lives and chooses to do so. That would be selfish on my part. Just think what he could have accomplished in 4 years without the lies and obstruction of the Left. For their obstruction alone, he should be afforded another 4 years as a do over for their interference and then the four years he legitimately won in 2020. God bless President Trump and May God bless him, his family and the U.S.A.
Nov 12, 2017 5:10:49 PM EST
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: X/EWIOzz No. 149157229
NYT/Clowns In America article released today re: Q-group is a DIRECT attack/warning re: what is being dropped here.
Read between the lines.
Why was the article published today?
POTUS has been briefed.
New measures active and in place.
Update the graphic.
Every time one of these drops we automatically get excited, and let's face it, a little impatient. But put ourselves in the heads of the enemy and think about their state of mind when these drops. They never know how "soon" soon is. This is when they make mistakes.
How can any moron think that Joe Biden actually won?
It's even harder for them to accept that fact about many Republicans.
I've seen far leftists think Patriots are the enemies of mankind
It's actually an inferior complex they believe because they're democrats come because that's what cabbage taught them They believe they are morally superior people. They truly believe republicans are deplorable.
Cabbage ?
My mom is reasonably red pilled, but in a weird boomer resistant sort of way. She still refuses to believe that tons of Hollywood and politicians are all pedos etc. Until the other day we were talking and she just suddenly admitted that maybe I'm right... maybe they really are all devil worshiping pedos. I about fell out of my chair.
Why do people always crap on boomers here. It’s like lumping an entire group of people together and saying they’re all one thing.
I am a boomer. And I have known all along things are not right with this world, As a child, and more recently upwards to 15 years ago, I used to sit with my best friend who is also a boomer and we would talk about these so-called conspiracy theories, in great depth.
When I was seven years old I remember watching the news, and remembering how unfair the world was, and how fake and phony everything was and what a lie everything was. I refuse to watch it, I would go in my room and slam my door because I would be so angry about being the only person in our family that knew what was up.
I grew up in Southern California, and I knew Hollywood was just one big cesspool of disgusting people. Children shouldn’t have to be burdened with these things, but I knew!
I spent my entire childhood and my adult years knowing. Knowing it all. Probably before you were even born. You may want to reconsider lumping an entire group of people into your boomer comments.
It was US - those that knew all along, that were burning the candle brightly! We’ve been waiting for years for the rest of you to catch up. It’s been quite a burden knowing all these years - all this ridiculousness, just waiting for the world to wake up.
All these years - waiting! Welcome to the party though Frens! We have been waiting so so long!
Now let’s Do This! Do you Feel the energy rising? Do you see the tides turning? I do… And it feels good man!
I felt every word , I too feel as though I was the only one who knew something was seriously wrong ..what a life I’ve lived and yes it feels good that things are beginning to break , I sometimes wonder if another damn will be created as in some ways it feels as though it’s getting worse as the light peers through ..not dooming just been a long wait,and the left has such a strong force, I thank God That He is in control, and NCSWIC I’m in San Diego not sure if u r still in scali
I totally understand what you’re saying. Yes I feel the energy rising, but at the same time evil is strong. But God will win. No I am no longer in California and I think God for that. But I do miss it so much. I am in this hot hellhole called Arizona! Moved here more than 20 years ago because my families here, and I’ve never liked it to be perfectly honest. There’s some kind of dark cloud that hovers over this entire state. So many stupid people here, and I think a lot of them is from being born and raised here. The heat gets to you. I think it melts peoples brains. ! But not everyone’s bad, it’s just a long hot summer every year and I hate it. As long as my daughter is here I will be here. Even though she won’t talk to me. She needs to wake up. Pray for her!
I have one too, she’s 28 , it’s really hard for me to understand the level of brainwashing ! For years she was so vocal and proud that her mother signed school wavers , because I refused to put poison vax in her , NOW , she tells me this shot is safe and I’m ridiculous , she has TDS and is as left as you can be !?. I’m devastated ! I can’t talk to her and it’s really hard on me . I raised three alone , I also have a son and a 29 year old daughter with Downs and autism ! I want to get out of Cali , I could sell my home and head to Tennessee or somewhere ..not AZ I could never ever do the heat ..but somewhere red , but it’s a tough deal to do alone starting over at our age isn’t easy . My business is here , I work for myself and built a client base these past 15 yrs , that would be gone ! I’m not sure what to do , but Cali is bad , real bad as far as CCP , soon Kaiser drs will refuse medical for my daughter and me due to refusing the vax it’s already slightly being threatened over text messages! I’m in the process of getting my mortgage refined and once that is done and my payment is lowered I may rent out a few rooms to pay the mortgage and take off in small RV with daughter , I’ll still have my home to come back to as I won’t rent the whole place just rooms ..not sure what else to do ..of course God wins ..just not sure when or if I’ll be here than ..after all a thousand years is as a day to Him .. with that math , none of us may be here and our children will face a lot of horror ! Hopefully our country and humanity will be saved soon , within the next year, so all we can do is hope and pray ..God help us until it does as it’s getting tough , I was just sent a photo of flatbeds with UN tanks on them , fk it’s getting bad!
Just like the name says… Never stop believing! I am proud of all that you’ve done in your life, and raising your children the best you could. Stand strong Fren. Rest in the Lord, he will be there for you no matter what!
Boomer here. I tried to upvote a million times, but was allowed only one. Hats off.
Hats off to you as well Pede!
i've known for a year and i'm already losing my mind. I don't know how you've done it for so long
It’s been a very long hard difficult life for me. But I have Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and that’s what keeps me going each day now. I’m 57 years old. I’ve known for 50 years! I’ve always been considered a crazy one in the family, I did drugs for many years because I couldn’t deal with it all. But I quit all that when I was 26, and excepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I’ve had a beautiful daughter. It’s funny now though, even the people in my family have been Christians all along, are opening their eyes and seeing everything as it is. I just visited them recently, we all laughed and talked stories. I told him that I’ve known all along, and I guess I’m not so crazy after all am I! LOL. I told them that if I’m the voice of reason, that Jesus is coming soon! God bless you and have a great Father’s Day.
I have defended boomers repeatedly here and completely agree with how wrong it is to make assumptions about an entire group. There are plenty of awake and asleep people from all age groups. Many of us who watched JFK being shot knew something didn't add up. And when 911 happened, we knew we were on another merry chase for the truth. Thanks for posting.
No problem Fren ?
Happy Father’s Day- if it applies!
We can do everything we need to do without that.
Hitler is and will be always. Don't come in here and try to flip.
Exactly my thoughts
Every thread does not need to be turned into a Holocaust denial fest by people who seem to think 21st-century film fakery techniques existed in the 1940s
Probably orchestrated. Notice all the handshakes peddling it more and more lately?
As I have begun directly coordinating with local patriots in my area and opening up lines of communication with anons and creating literal org charts that keep our groups safe and discreet, I finally realized this is what Dems have been doing all along. There is great communication and, I guarantee, direct planned links between overtly satanic orgs and Dems and that their goals are literally spelled out. The mass murder of millions is the literal goal running through the minds of many celebrities on television as they smile and wave at our cameras.
How did you start this? My husband and I know very few Patriots in our area, but we know we need to network. This is shocking for my husband to agree to, because he's not a joiner.
As methods have become refined, I have considered posting on this, but have waited to also do it in a way that does not leave data that can be tracked back to our patriots. Nevertheless, I can give you a few pointers: (1) I am lucky because we live in a patriot-rich area (2) church. Churches are the densest centers of like-minded people. A small to moderately sized church is a group of people who have self-selected based on more than religious orthodoxy. Over the course of one or two years one can become very familiar with the nature of one's fellow parishioners. This is the ground zero of recruitment. (3) It begins with your spouse--not your kids or friends--your spouse and you are the first cell. You will create the documents and texts that match your vision. Then you will both recruit others who share that well-defined division. (4) When your group is large, subdivide. Take a spousal cell and allow it to nucleate a new group. Groups do not even need to interrelate. Your org chart is held in the nucleus of the first cell--spouse only. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. These are the starter tips. There are MANY others. Within five years you can have a very powerful and active organization that DOES THINGS in your community and also contributes to boards like these.
I really appreciate this guidance. I will talk with my spouse and we’ll start working on our steps. Our church is more liberal than we would prefer, but we know there are others more like us.
When working in a church, it isn't about dividing the church or damaging the structure of the church family/community. It is about finding those who are ready for service. Often those will know others in other churches, and be able to recruit likeminded people. The first step is to figure out what you want to DO. Right now, we have patriots preparing for runs for school board, city council, county commission, and even a career change to school teacher and one for police officer. You want to avoid a coffee klatch that will only be a social group. Your community needs are unique. We also carpool for protests and are printing a large number of pocket documents that contain works and excerpts that exemplify the patriotic spirit of the founders and people up until this very day. There is a martial aspect, as well.
If you have an interest, I can be in touch. The development of an org through undetectable means is difficult but CAN be done. They can even be sizable and active. The org is not a secret in itself, but one must, from the inception, be aware of who will share what information and via what channels. We've made mistakes but we have learned from them. Things that were slow are becoming faster.
Let me talk with my husband. I need his buy-in. I usually end up taking on more than I can manage solo (unfortunately).
There's a rumour that the white guy in the beginning of the video, in front of the black guy, is JFK jr. Seconds 6-9. Just looking at his expression, makes me wonder. He doesn't look light and excited. He looks pensive and like he's carrying a burden. Why would a random man at a Trump rally look like that? And why the focus on him when there's tens of thousands of other men to chose clips from? Hm. I don't know what to believe anymore.
It’s literally the only other person shown up close in the entire video.
It looks a lot like him that's for sure.
its not jfk jr.
Unless it's you then dont say who it is t Fact if the matter is..its not outside therwalm of possible. In fact knowing what we would be more amazing and outlandish to think JFK Jr. Would be out of touch of any of it and died. Oppsie by accident. Where the roots of this plan started says a lot. It's still hugely possible. Not one argument has been presented to prove that he did die. The idiot who asked the unanswerable question to Q should be ejected from 8kun. Stipid to think you could ask that loaded question and get the truth on a board Q knows the enemy watches
Its was grade school thought process to think that if you ask a super sensative question that you could get the truth. Still more possible their deaths were faked than that they all died in that crash . No body (to be seen) no death . It's crazy we have flat earthers n people who believe in lol aliens etc. But they cant wrap their head around the fact it's still possible. And their rebuke to the idea is hysterical Fact is you cant rule it out based on what we know..even Q couldnt...WOULDNT answer it truthfully because it's not safe to do so. Multigenerational plan to save the world unhinged because some dumb Anon did not think about how unanswerable the question was. It's more possible hes alive than that bs story of plane down death. Period Full stop.
LOL well put - many times I've seen folks shot down for daring to suggest JFK Jr might be alive and in on the Plan...mainly by patriots who were around in the spine-tingling days of Q doing Q&A's and who remember him saying flat out that JFK is dead. Of COURSE he's going to say that. We now know all about misdirection and deception being part of the Plan. Naysayers will scoff that this means we all are just blindly accepting Q even when he "lies" and is "wrong" because muh disinformation is necessary, yet the fact remains that he can't be expected to unveil the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth on a public board the enemy is tracking with the feverish intensity of the most patriotic anon.
If you think about it, it doesn’t matter if it’s him or not. It’s the fact that it does look like him, and it’s pointing out the big middle finger to the deep state! It’s a message! Be afraid… Be very afraid. We are coming for you, and no one can stop what is coming!
Almost like it’s a recompense for their sins. They know what they did to him, and now they know that we know. All of us! We all know, and more people are waking up every day
That was honestly the first thing I noticed when I watched the video. Thanks for pointing it out, too!
Are you new here? JFK Jr has been discussed ad naseum on here.
Q was asked "Is JFK Jr alive"? And Q answered "No".
"Damn it Bethany he guessed it!" Dont be a mental midget. It was wholly stupid to think you can ask that question on such a serious matter, on an infiltrated board to think you could ask that powerful a question and be given truth. Being in witness protection faking ones own death is a huge deal. And anyone who defaults to Q said no. Isnt thinking . That's sheepish thought process. Some questions due to timing and the serious nature of the subject matter are always going to be...unanswerable. Giving the negative answer was the only answer that could be given. Nothing in the world makes it impossible to be true.
LOL ... “disinformation is necessary” is always the fallback
Maybe because it's true.
Seriously think for a second...just suppose JFK Jr. WERE actually alive. Everybody including the enemy thinks he's dead. Is Q really going to blow the man's perfect cover by admitting in the AMA that he's alive? Just give that massive secret away to the enemy for free, because an anon asked?
So, he's GOING to say JFK Jr. is dead, if either one of the following is true:
JFK Jr. is dead.
JFK Jr. is alive.
Maybe the name is dead. Life insurance paid out. Etc. But the person who once had that name is alive and well under a new one. Who knows. Crazier things have happened.
Now he may go by a sole letter, Q perhaps??
Yeah and there’s another relative that has a podcast, or was on a podcast and somebody in the comment section asked if JFK Junior was alive, for him to scratch his nose. And he did. Who knows the truth. Maybe we will find out one day.
Seriously, you haven't heard?
With all of the conspiracy theories I've read and seen over the past 6+ years that have come true, why not? Heck I'll throw Bob Joyce in as Elvis lol hoping soon we will all know the truth!
Bob Joyce is definitely not Elvis.
But listen to the album “Elvis Found Alive”… THAT is Elvis (goes by Jesse).
Lol yeah, my sister told me about Bob Joyce, I haven't actually looked into him. It was just one of the most recent theories I've heard. I'll look into Jesse, thank you!
"Coming Soon"
Pretty sure the video is literally saying "Trump Rallies Coming Soon."
love our president that was stolen from us.
That’s 100% correct!
he knew! lol. bc we live in the bizarro matrix!
That made me tear up. All those people, so powerful. They make it seem like more people want socio-communism than peace and freedom. Nothing thing is farther from the truth. Trump woke up a lot of people and we’re never going to go back to sleep. They won’t be able to silence us forever. It’s all coming out slowly but surely. I pray for him and this country…the world.
In one of the Kim Clement videos, he talks about how God says he will fool the people. Your comment reminds me of it.
I want this all to be over with. I call on God Almighty to send His angels to war against the evil messing up our country in Jesus’ mighty name!
Amen ??
How can you not love him.
A good man
Cause lefties refuse to see him other than bad orange man and don't bother watching his rallies where his personality really shines
There is an entrenched number of completely brain washed citizenry who have bought into the Left’s “orange man bad narrative.” They can not see that no one is perfect. Instead of focusing on the good President Trump has done, they focus on the weaknesses. Trump worked to 1) Secure the border in order to protect the children and adults from trafficking, decrease the flow of drugs and ensure those coming in were doing so legally and were vetted for prior crimes and terrorist activities; 2). Increase jobs and brought industry back and worked to employ youth, and minorities; 3). Begin prison reform-saw that sentences were just and followed the advise of others in achieving early release for some, 4). Keep us out of wars-brokered deals with N. Korea, Middle East, achieved peace with Russia and China, 5). Make us energy independent and lowered gasoline prices, 6). Lower taxes. 7). improve living conditions in the inner city through opportunity zones, 8). Show what rule of law and following the Constitution meant, 9). Show and remind us what patriotism meant, 10). Save the children from human trafficking-sex and torture, 11). Expose the extreme views of the radical Left and the abuses of power in local, state and a Federal government, up to and including the CIA, FBI, NSA, NIH, CDC, POST OFFICE, IRS, CONGRESS, JUDICIAL SYTEM AND SUPREME COURT, 12). Reveal how easily those in power could, in a blink of an eye, get the masses to believe them/comply with quarantines, mask wearing and taking a shot that is not a vaccine and is an EUA shot which prevents nothing, can destroy your health, leave you disabled or dead, force others to comply or be excluded (airlines, hospitals, cruise ships mandating masks-which can be harmful to your health. Remember the Jonestown massacre and how easily the masses drank the koolaide and killed themselves?). These are just a few of his accomplishments. He always put America first. Can you say the same about the Bushes, Clintons, Obama, Carter, Biden just to name a few recent Presidents? I wasn’t going to vote for Trump in 2016 because of his abrasive language and I thought he wasn’t dignified enough for the office. However, I took a chance, despite the the MSM, because I felt they were rigging everything against Trump from the Presidential debates, spying, etc. I also felt the Clintons, HRC in particular, were scum of the earth and to many associates wound up dead for Bill and Hillary not to be involved. I voted for Trump and never looked back. I am proud of him and what he accomplished and have nothing but scorn for MSM, social media, and most of our government agencies and those elected and unelected officials, who are in office through cheating. Trump opened my eyes and many others. We became lazy and complicit. Never again. My only regret is that Trump can not remain as President for as long as he lives and chooses to do so. That would be selfish on my part. Just think what he could have accomplished in 4 years without the lies and obstruction of the Left. For their obstruction alone, he should be afforded another 4 years as a do over for their interference and then the four years he legitimately won in 2020. God bless President Trump and May God bless him, his family and the U.S.A.
Jonestown is an interesting analogy. But one point that while some drank the Kool-aid freely, many drank it at gunpoint.
Because things appear to be heating up, remember:
See something. Say something.
If things are about to get declassified/released/etc., those the information will harm will try to stop it by any means necessary.
I'm not crying...YOU'RE CRYING!
Who stuck this post to the front> asking for a fren...
Trump walks out against the background of a flag that has ZERO stars on it..
i believe this was debunked on twitter - they zoomed in and the stars are there just very faint.
Yeah, what's up with that?
Video is 1:48
Q # 148:
148 Nov 12, 2017 5:10:49 PM EST Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: X/EWIOzz No. 149157229 NYT/Clowns In America article released today re: Q-group is a DIRECT attack/warning re: what is being dropped here. Read between the lines. Why was the article published today? POTUS has been briefed. New measures active and in place. Update the graphic.
_DGB79FTWA-0ZjBT_19-T_yes _Conf_13_pre-lau_yes _HTzD09BA_conf_yes _^yRTPCCA-7^DFWTAb_yes _green1_green2_green3_green4_conf-ZDjTwT9Ry Godspeed. Q
We need a side-by-side with GEOTUS and flash-bang. This is a leader/this is a putz
Our friends at have posted a thread about what's likely going on here. Dan should have put up or shut up months ago.
I counted 17 US flags in the video ?
Not soon enough catch them all, Gods speed, stay safe, Americans are waiting,
Thanks posting that, really need that dash of hookup today.
I could watch this video over and over ❤️
JFK, Jr., Fo-Sho!! NCSWIC!
Trump rally go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
How many more hype videos are necessary? Get on with it.
Every time one of these drops we automatically get excited, and let's face it, a little impatient. But put ourselves in the heads of the enemy and think about their state of mind when these drops. They never know how "soon" soon is. This is when they make mistakes.
Can't be too soon for us!! Hurry!!
The BEST is Yet to Come?????? WWG1WGA ??
Love the coming soon at the end.
"Coming soon."