I want to know why they're going door to door when parents are working and older kids are generally home alone during the day. Sounds very suspicious. Flashing government badges just might get kids to open up the door and talk about anything.
Or get the jab without the parent's knowledge. Like some twisted drug pusher.
"Hey kid! I got that Pfizer or J&J for ya! Which one you want? It's the cool thing to do! All the cool kids are doing it, you should, too! Think about your family!"
This is exactly it. They will have record of all who have been vaccinated, and since we aren't on that list we are going to get hassled and our rights violated.
I have gotten flyers in the mail telling me they know I haven't had the jab, that the jabs are "free" (just not me) and You too can win a million bucks.. As a veteran, they better not come to my door. I have an appointment this month at my VA clinic-I just hope they respect my rights.. People shouldn't fear their "healthcare"...
I haven't gone.tonthe VA doctor in over a year because of how they act. Now with the jab they pressure the shit out of yiu. Im Gonna beat somebody senseless if they don't stop So I just don't go now.
I'm keeping an open mind at the moment. This video is the only source I've heard of it so far. I do however believe that they do indeed have the technology to do this.
That will get you put on a list. The point isn't so much to get you vaccinated. It's to create a database of people who refuse to share vaccination information with the Government.
They are creating a database of people who are resistant to getting the death vax or who refuse to share their death vax status. The next phase will be to start busting in doors with the cameras rolling so they can plaster these "domestic terrorists" on the nightly news for all to see.
So if we’re not compliant, they know exactly who to target/whose lives to mess up. This is sinister as F.
My advice-don’t say anything to them if they come. Not “hell no” or “over my dead body.” Don’t communicate anything. Just don’t answer. Let your dog do the talking if you have one. Don’t give them anything. This is about as tyrannical as it gets.
This theory that the vax might be about their ability to makes lists of compliant versus non-compliant is very compelling. That would also explain the “two dose” nonsense. They might just want to know who is partially compliant versus who is fully compliant. It might be smart to be very friendly to these Gestapo agents. Be enthusiastic about the shot and just play it like you haven’t had time. Try to subvert their lists.
"I'm so glad you're enthusiastic about the jab, anon. I have your first dose with me right here, and I'll have this nurse practitioner to my left administer it for you now!"
Because all this trouble going door to door to make sure people have their vaccines that have a very low effectiveness rate to protect against a virus that has (per CDC) survival rates of
Ages 0-19: 99.997%
Ages 20-49: 99.98%
Ages 50-69: 99.5%
Ages 70+: 94.6%
It has to be because they care about us, right? Nothing sinister about it. A massive expense to organize, recruit personnel and pay for all this Avon Calling nonsense.
I plan on having a very creepy, perverted and uncomfortable conversation with whomever comes to my door. If they haven't regretted signing up to be part of the demonRat stasi by the reaction to the first few houses they go to, there will definitely be regret after visiting mine. Ill keep them engabed by telling them im unvaxxed and considering it but just need put over the "edge". They will have to shower and seek counseling after they meet me.
They probably want a headline like "White man shoots peaceful government employee over vaccine, why antivaxxers and white supremacy is extremely dangerous." Ticks all the boxes for them
I've been getting and hanging up on or not answering phone calls from the CDC Immunization somethingsomething. I live in rural America red state, you see my username, and they won't drive through my gate but once if at all. BUT...y'all know that they would love to report on conservative antivaxxers displaying violence, so please guys, be aware and calm but firm!
The reason this door to door shit is happening is people have wised up and their plan is falling flat. A lot of alt social media is getting the word out about what these shots are doing and perhaps what the shots are really for. Because we see you can still get Covid after the shit and according the the instigators have to wear a mask even after the shot so why bother for those so inclined to get the jab.
I just seriously hope every one behind every door is ready for some handing out of red pills! If they're sending out government drones from FEMA and CDC, then this is the chance of those of us on these types of boards to be well prepared to act like the missionaries we sometimes have to be. Send forth your best cordial attitude and smile and sell those bureaucrats some sensible Pro American ideals!
Well guess this changes my mind on training my large pups from acting like wild animals when someone knocks on our door ? We have a window in our door so they can see how big they are and how the “smaller” one (100 lb Pitweiler) jumps basically to the top of the door, lol. Makes most folks back way away from the door. I don’t answer the door to people I don’t know or don’t want to see, lol (like certain neighbors ?). Just let the pups go crazy. Once some people see big dogs, especially ones like I have they keep their distance. The bigger one can almost look them in the eyes from the doorway, lol. She’s an oldie but has a loud bark.
They are going to have to send people with big balls and a loaded weapon to come up to peoples homes and demand them to be vaxxed! If they think the “nicer” neighborhoods will put up with that shit they have another thing coming.
No one's come to my door yet but I got a phone call today from someone asking if I got the vaccine I posted this elsewhere in the Forum and I got one person calling bullshit. I don't care. I got a phone call just letting you know.
In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court found that there is an implied right to privacy.
Tort law says that "Public disclosure of private facts: the dissemination of truthful private information which a reasonable person would find objectionable" would be violation of our right to privacy.
An agent of the government coming to a person's house would basically let everyone around know that at least one family member had not been vaccinated.
"False light: the publication of facts which place a person in a false light, even though the facts themselves may not be defamatory"
Again agent would be broadcasting or publishing the fact for everyone around to see that someone had not been vaccinated. Some nutjobs might decide to harm people in the house because of the homeowners being unvaccinated.
They need to be greeted with firepower.
The pandemic is over, why are they pushing it so hard?
Could it be their globalist puppet masters want more death?
They censor people talking about the vaccines side effects.
They censor the drugs that can prevent and cure covid.
They offer free weed, food and lottery tickets if you get vaccinated.
Constant commercials with celebrities pushing it.
Withholding your freedom.
Employers threatening your careers.
Scaring you with death statistics.
Promising your freedom back after you comply.
When did these people start caring about your well being?
That is a serious question.
The answer is, they never have and never will.
That means there is a ulterior motive.
Hold your ground, refuse the vaccine and kill them if you have to.
Pull your weapon and blow their brains out if they physically threaten you.
Leave your job and find a new one.
Relocate if need be.
Its easier to find a new job than come back from the dead.
How much will this cost? Who are they hiring to do this? This is unacceptable. Everyone knows the vaccines are out there, and anyone who wants one can get one.
I want to know why they're going door to door when parents are working and older kids are generally home alone during the day. Sounds very suspicious. Flashing government badges just might get kids to open up the door and talk about anything.
Didn’t the Nazi’s have the kids report on their parents. As Art Linkletter, use to say “ Kids say the darndest things”.
Stassi did worse.
45% of society directly reported.
It wasn’t Word to them.
It was their totally normal this is what people do paradigm.
Notes do you under stand why they want cops gone?
Yep they'll be kidnapping kids from houses, holding them hostage. For SURE.
Or get the jab without the parent's knowledge. Like some twisted drug pusher.
"Hey kid! I got that Pfizer or J&J for ya! Which one you want? It's the cool thing to do! All the cool kids are doing it, you should, too! Think about your family!"
Oh, and we'll give you this nice candy sucker as a reward.😈
For all of the liberal talk about "racism"... I bet they go door-to-door only in the White neighborhoods.
Nobody with any sense will go "door-to-door" in the 5th Ward in Houston. That wouldn't be healthy.
I wouldn't advise going "door-to-door" in the 2nd Ward either without an armed police escort.
Hello my Houston fren,
You got that right.
Never been so scared in my life as the time I had to stop for gas in SE Houston.
Wouldn’t be healthy to go to anyone’s door no matter race religion background appearance.
Worked with a band there a long time ago, Afghanistan is a little tamer than East H-Town.
How do they know if we’ve been vaccinated? I don’t share medical information with door to door pharmaceutical salesman. (drug dealers)
I just found out Virginia has a vaccine database. I am filling out opt-out forms for all my family.
I came across this short video this morning. It's from May 24th. Interesting if true.
Why? Just don't do it. They have no right to be informed. You don't need their permission.
I live in Virginia. Can you send me the link on how to do this or tell where to look on the internet, please?
I got you fam: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/11/2021/02/VIISOptOutForm.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1bt4za4DspSBPYOyuJSJ6wDfpinxna6P-ME4PZXnfkdQxtNVi0k3r6r7g
they know if you HAVE been. So...
Because ... medical professionals ... have been ... violating ... HIPAA, you say?
This is exactly it. They will have record of all who have been vaccinated, and since we aren't on that list we are going to get hassled and our rights violated.
I have gotten flyers in the mail telling me they know I haven't had the jab, that the jabs are "free" (just not me) and You too can win a million bucks.. As a veteran, they better not come to my door. I have an appointment this month at my VA clinic-I just hope they respect my rights.. People shouldn't fear their "healthcare"...
I haven't gone.tonthe VA doctor in over a year because of how they act. Now with the jab they pressure the shit out of yiu. Im Gonna beat somebody senseless if they don't stop So I just don't go now.
I think United Airlines today said they won’t hire anyone that is not vaccinated. So it begins...
I came across this video this morning from May 24th.
U saying they are actively monitoring? As in the Vax allows this?
I'm keeping an open mind at the moment. This video is the only source I've heard of it so far. I do however believe that they do indeed have the technology to do this.
That will get you put on a list. The point isn't so much to get you vaccinated. It's to create a database of people who refuse to share vaccination information with the Government.
You forgot about those electric signs on the freeway.
plus the words VAX UP! Chalked along the first base line at SF Giants baseball games.
it's all just so WEIRD.
I'm ready for the end of this “movie”
Exactly....this behavior of pushing a vaccine is NOT normal.
They are creating a database of people who are resistant to getting the death vax or who refuse to share their death vax status. The next phase will be to start busting in doors with the cameras rolling so they can plaster these "domestic terrorists" on the nightly news for all to see.
What ever. They'll get good shots of people dying. Their own.
They'll vax your kids while you're at work
Fuckin' James Woods. Top Kek, that guy is a gem and the gift that keeps on giving.
me: [gathers all 17 freedom balls]
Qshenron: Yeah, I know... I have to unban James Woods's twitter again...
So if we’re not compliant, they know exactly who to target/whose lives to mess up. This is sinister as F.
My advice-don’t say anything to them if they come. Not “hell no” or “over my dead body.” Don’t communicate anything. Just don’t answer. Let your dog do the talking if you have one. Don’t give them anything. This is about as tyrannical as it gets.
This theory that the vax might be about their ability to makes lists of compliant versus non-compliant is very compelling. That would also explain the “two dose” nonsense. They might just want to know who is partially compliant versus who is fully compliant. It might be smart to be very friendly to these Gestapo agents. Be enthusiastic about the shot and just play it like you haven’t had time. Try to subvert their lists.
"I'm so glad you're enthusiastic about the jab, anon. I have your first dose with me right here, and I'll have this nurse practitioner to my left administer it for you now!"
Because all this trouble going door to door to make sure people have their vaccines that have a very low effectiveness rate to protect against a virus that has (per CDC) survival rates of Ages 0-19: 99.997% Ages 20-49: 99.98% Ages 50-69: 99.5% Ages 70+: 94.6%
It has to be because they care about us, right? Nothing sinister about it. A massive expense to organize, recruit personnel and pay for all this Avon Calling nonsense.
Don’t open your door.
If theybhave the voting list they already know.
We don't answer the door to strangers nor answer the phone when a phone # flashes up we don't know.
Tennessee aint buyin what they’re sellin. That’s how you get lead poisoning around here.
That’s not really going to work out here in a Montana... just FYI.
I would actually like to talk to them haha. I'll video it if they show up here.
I plan on having a very creepy, perverted and uncomfortable conversation with whomever comes to my door. If they haven't regretted signing up to be part of the demonRat stasi by the reaction to the first few houses they go to, there will definitely be regret after visiting mine. Ill keep them engabed by telling them im unvaxxed and considering it but just need put over the "edge". They will have to shower and seek counseling after they meet me.
That's the spirit! Lol
We don't answer the door for strangers.
Sure I will listen to your vaccine propaganda, but first let me tell you about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
This is the way. Fight the demons with the Word of God.
Wonderful idea; best yet!
Are we at the precipice yet?
Fuck yeah, I thought that I had reached the precipice on November 5th but this shit - hell no. I fell off the fricking precipice.
They probably want a headline like "White man shoots peaceful government employee over vaccine, why antivaxxers and white supremacy is extremely dangerous." Ticks all the boxes for them
I really don't think they care all that much.
I've been getting and hanging up on or not answering phone calls from the CDC Immunization somethingsomething. I live in rural America red state, you see my username, and they won't drive through my gate but once if at all. BUT...y'all know that they would love to report on conservative antivaxxers displaying violence, so please guys, be aware and calm but firm!
The reason this door to door shit is happening is people have wised up and their plan is falling flat. A lot of alt social media is getting the word out about what these shots are doing and perhaps what the shots are really for. Because we see you can still get Covid after the shit and according the the instigators have to wear a mask even after the shot so why bother for those so inclined to get the jab.
The whole thing is utter nonsense.
I just seriously hope every one behind every door is ready for some handing out of red pills! If they're sending out government drones from FEMA and CDC, then this is the chance of those of us on these types of boards to be well prepared to act like the missionaries we sometimes have to be. Send forth your best cordial attitude and smile and sell those bureaucrats some sensible Pro American ideals!
Just like when my Grandma gets a call from a salesman and sends them double barrels of "Have you heard of Jesus?" back.
Well guess this changes my mind on training my large pups from acting like wild animals when someone knocks on our door ? We have a window in our door so they can see how big they are and how the “smaller” one (100 lb Pitweiler) jumps basically to the top of the door, lol. Makes most folks back way away from the door. I don’t answer the door to people I don’t know or don’t want to see, lol (like certain neighbors ?). Just let the pups go crazy. Once some people see big dogs, especially ones like I have they keep their distance. The bigger one can almost look them in the eyes from the doorway, lol. She’s an oldie but has a loud bark.
They are going to have to send people with big balls and a loaded weapon to come up to peoples homes and demand them to be vaxxed! If they think the “nicer” neighborhoods will put up with that shit they have another thing coming.
No one's come to my door yet but I got a phone call today from someone asking if I got the vaccine I posted this elsewhere in the Forum and I got one person calling bullshit. I don't care. I got a phone call just letting you know.
Thanks for the heads up.
I do not answer any phone calls unless I KNOW who is calling.
In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court found that there is an implied right to privacy.
Tort law says that "Public disclosure of private facts: the dissemination of truthful private information which a reasonable person would find objectionable" would be violation of our right to privacy.
An agent of the government coming to a person's house would basically let everyone around know that at least one family member had not been vaccinated.
"False light: the publication of facts which place a person in a false light, even though the facts themselves may not be defamatory"
Again agent would be broadcasting or publishing the fact for everyone around to see that someone had not been vaccinated. Some nutjobs might decide to harm people in the house because of the homeowners being unvaccinated.
They don't care about rules they don't like.
I’m really curious to how long it will be before one of these door knockers gets their skull smashed in.
Constitutional sheriffs can stop feds without authority in the States of the Union.
My “door”, even if they could find it, is completely inaccessible to knockers of any kind. I have several layers of protection to prevent walk in's.
This action will redpill even MY family holdouts. This will massively increase the Republican Party's hold.
Glad I picked up a few boxes of green tip 5.56 recently.
Armor piercing rounds, my friend.
They need to be greeted with firepower. The pandemic is over, why are they pushing it so hard? Could it be their globalist puppet masters want more death? They censor people talking about the vaccines side effects. They censor the drugs that can prevent and cure covid. They offer free weed, food and lottery tickets if you get vaccinated. Constant commercials with celebrities pushing it. Withholding your freedom. Employers threatening your careers. Scaring you with death statistics. Promising your freedom back after you comply. When did these people start caring about your well being? That is a serious question. The answer is, they never have and never will. That means there is a ulterior motive. Hold your ground, refuse the vaccine and kill them if you have to. Pull your weapon and blow their brains out if they physically threaten you. Leave your job and find a new one. Relocate if need be. Its easier to find a new job than come back from the dead.
This never rose to the level of a pandemic. The numbers are all lies.
just two words from me, "fuck off"
Don't you think they are getting loads of young kids from the border though?
If Trump was back in office, he'd stop this door to door tirade wouldn't he?
How much will this cost? Who are they hiring to do this? This is unacceptable. Everyone knows the vaccines are out there, and anyone who wants one can get one.
would like to see the video of her saying this
https://twitter.com/CalebJHull/status/1412460388994670592 - Here's the twatter link...no need to sign in to view the video.
Edit - Just saw this youtube link on rising as well - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDy0kOKOx64
They will use our own money to enslave us. Ive always been a lawful taxpayer but maybe its time for a tax revolt.