ELECTION FRAUD FRIDAY: Post symposium discussion thread! What did we learn? What should we be working on, now? What happens next? Where's my coffee?

My brain dead neighbors did not see it on the china news network, so it did not happen l.o.l.
“If it was real it would be on the news”
Haha for fuckin’ real
Our job is to push out the information from the Cyber Symposium.
Also, the need for a Full Forensic Audit is not determined by 100% proof, you don't need a body to investigate a murder. These are our elections, for us to supposedly choose our representatives. If there is even a slight possibility of fraud we should be digging into it. There a mountain of possibility.
This. It gives us condensed information in an easily presentable way. Normies aren’t going to sift through pages and pages of this shit, but some will watch it that have never seen any of this.
Upvoting you for being a based Lady.🤗
Effectively no, not possible, not exactly how it works.
Its not like video editing where you can splice in more footage, or create multiple overlapping images.
If even one or two things are ommitted or altered, the pcaps are thrown off, and glaring errors show up.
It it mathematical computation, more than subjective viewing. Not sure that helps, sorry.
Correct. It's like blockchain. The scattered, individual data points validate the whole.
You can always go into a file and change bits around.
The trick here is that all the parts must agree on the whole, otherwise the data will not line up right.
It literally has a built in tamper-proof feature wherein a change to one piece is called out by all the other pieces in the chain.
If any bit were altered, it would be easy to spot.
((Jena Griswold)) looks shittier than usual
Not all government employees are corrupt. Most but not all.
Guys like Lindell and Bannon need bodyguards.
Maybe some f15s and a couple nukes?
What did we learn? They have it all thanks to some "sympathetic clerks" who helped provide the evidence they needed before, during, and after the election: TIMESTAMP 1:18:35 https://www.trunews.com/stream/mike-lindells-cyber-symposium-day-2
First let me say mike and all of the company are great patriots . I am having trouble understanding though as they didn't show any proof of data packet captures or even show that china was flipping votes. I wanted them to be able to flip the election but now its nothing more than a double nothing burger. Really sucks
Regarding the PCAPs, the experts who attended and waited for the data packet captures to be revealed so they could try and claim the $5 million were SOL.
I get the disappointment with the packets but if you haven’t yet, watch everything else. The amount of other evidence they have should be more than in enough
awesome I watched alot but also missed some of it. I will rewatch.
Are you paying attention to what they did show you? The rest is for the courts to see, not the public.
Probably just over excited to see all the demonrats go to jail LLLoooollllll
This is big. Bombshell worthy imo
And here, I typed it out for anyone who doesn't want to watch:
"Remember how I told you that around the country we had sympathetic clerks? We've been able to do full forensic imaging of the machines before during and after the election since the 2020 election. How would you like to have access to a machine, a whole set of machines, a whole system? You go in and you record absolutely everything that happens, then the company that makes the voting machine comes in and programs the machine (for the election), and then a forensic image copy is made of all the machines. So we know everything that was put into the machines. Then during the election since we know all the back doors since we imaged it at the beginning, we track everything that happens in the election, and then after the election, the voting company comes in and erases everything, and we do a complete forensic audit and track the fact that that's what happened - which is illegal. We have that." (applause) -Dr Frank
what demoralizes the base is that it clearly doesnt matter what they show or prove; if nobody is willing to prosecute and courts are owned by the criminals it's all pointless. And doing these symposiums serves to do nothing but rub salt into the wounds of pissed off patriots.
We've known they cheated since No 4. We dont need any more proof. We just need somebody TO. DO. SOMETHING.
So what are we waiting for? This seems like enough hard evidence to start arresting people, or is law enforcement and the courts too compromised to move forward.
We are not waiting on anything. They literally discussed the steps that will be taken. You need to watch the whole thing. They were educating groups of people about what their share of the responsibility is to get this thing moving forward by the book. The process has been happening all this time, it's never stopped. This is the stage those who didn't know what we've all known, get updated and told what to do to move into act 2 of the plan.
what are the next steps then??
All discussions of IT forensics & analysis aside...many anons already showed analysis above☝🏼 & below 👇🏻 (here)...this is an ongoing battle obviously. A great group of people were involved and I especially liked Seth Keshel & Dr Shiva as well as Colonel Waldron. A big part of this is getting the normies TO THINK. Planting alternate seeds of doubt against the msm narrative is crucial. We already know the military IT division has all the data and did their analysis after Jan 20(?). The forensic Audits to include ballot hand inspections and ground investigations NEED TO BE DONE IN EVERY STATE. The IT analytics are just another prong in the effort. This can’t drag out for months & years. The damage the DS is doing DAILY is intense and Lady Liberty can’t stand forever.
IN short, I Agree 100%
There was definitely a lot of finger pointing and name calling. Attaching names and faces to the guilty parties was a good thing. They won’t be able to walk down the street 😁
Obvious fraud in every state. Need to decertify now, not later. The fraudsters will waste no time to stay in power and they will succeed if we delay.
There is enough to decertify now and then do full forensic audits.
So guys i assume the main stream did not do there job reporting on mikes event? Do you think it will be EBS next and military action/tribunals? or will we have to see how the educated legislators will start asking for froensic audits and going through the process the experts suggested? P.s. Mike Lindell is a true Patriot!
We have to prove we can save ourselves or we arnt worth saving. So yeah, audits.
Another thing specific for us non-politicians to do is to meet our representatives in person or, at bare min., speak with them on the phone. Ask to partner with them respectfully instead of coming down on them like a ton of bricks.
They need actual faces to come to mind as they fight for us.
This! Many legislators said contact your local representative. Get involved. Their power comes from us and we need to make our voices heard.
Enemies foreign AND domestic!
I found the way that Professor David Clements explained and compared the "drug traffickers" scenario to the " vote traffickers" very very interesting and presented in a way that everyone should be able to understand....!
And gave us a glimpse of how it will play out in the end to the public.
I learned any county with a computer voting system needs to be put into question.
Even non dominion voting machine could be connected to the internet via a backdoor Chinese Remote Access Card.
Rats, you are right
Hey Cats...is that a SCOTUS Pepe up top (meme)? Looks like RBG in green 😂 💕
How to find your local state representatives.
2)look for a link that says “find your representative.” Some states you have to click on House or Senate before you find the link
I am planning to email my district rep (Jason Crow) and senator(Hickenlooper) and tell em " I did NOT vote for you, the Dominion machines did; prove me wrong by supporting a full forensic audit of the 2020 election."
This is the way.
I think we were reminded how big this is, and how many people were paying attention/wanted Mike to fail, obvious with some of the posts here.
Mike Lindell does a great job smoking out the shills. they Love to attack him.
knowing that they want him to fail, we should be fight them with facts and positive messages about ML demons hate the light.
We learned that we need to start taking over state houses, sherriff positions (no law enforcement experience required) city council, county commissioners, and mayoral positions if we want to save this country. School boards! Or abolish government schools and use school vouchers.
The media narrative must be ridiculed and overcome.
I agree, I’m going to be getting directly involved with my county.
I disagree on sheriffs not requiring experience-give me ANY MP from an MP regiment ANYTIME!!
We just need sherrifs with a spine.
Where are we with the Dominion narrative?
OK, LISTEN—nobody had the passwords. OK, we did, but they were kept secure. OK, they leaked, but not before May 21st, 2021. OK, they leaked in 2020 before the election, but nothing happened because the machines couldn't be connected to the internet. OK, the machines had modems, but they weren't activated. OK, they were activated, but nothing happened. OK, connections happened, but it was just routine. OK, China and Iran connected, but they couldn't do anything.
OK, China and Iran connected, but nothing changed...
On several victims of adultry support forums I'm involved in, they call it "trickle truth". The more the jilted spouse keeps on it the more truth comes out of the adulterer.
Our CSS got bloated. We're going to look into it next week.
It's what gives us Pepes
i have been having problems signing in to the site do you know whats going on with this??
We protest. Get loud. They stole our election and now there’s proof! If we don’t get loud with Lindells energy it will just go unnoticed. Everyone needs to organize protests at city halls and capitols! GET LOUD. BE UPSET!
We also learned that Doug scrolls way too fast.
Pray 4 Doug
Doug needs to get it together! 🙂
Constitutional Sherrifs and Peace Officers Association.
I've got something we should be working on. Why hasn't Georgia started a forensic audit? We've got video proof of the fraud. The video proof lines up with the vote spike. The video proof lines up with the duplicate ballot images. What are they waiting for? Send an email and/or call the Georgia state representatives and tell them to get going on the forensic audit.
Here's a few:
[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
got these off of:
I thought they started one?
Yeah, I thought I might have heard something about Georgia doing an audit but I'm pretty sure no forensic audit of the 2020 election has started. The only significant thing going on that I have seen is the stuff Garland Favorito has been doing.
This should be a weekly post on this site with the latest updates on fraud uncoverings
Agree, and I'll make a custom meme for each one.... tho, I'm going to make them topical to that week, tho, kind of a week in review thing
You're the hero we need.
To quote Seth Keshel, "If not you, who?"
Great idea, pede!
I like this idea.
Aye! I second that! Hear hear!
Scotch and water, DO IT. DO IT.
Isn’t it interesting that Biden(ok, the puppet masters) now talks about vaccine passports for interstate travel now. This week. Comes out last night. More tyranny promised if we don’t comply.
Is this to fly or does it include driving a car across state lines?
I’m not super tech savvy. I don’t understand the PCAP thing at all hahaha but I kinda get the jist of IP addresses. Wasn’t it found that Colorado was connected to Arizona’s maricopa county? If that is the case my understanding that IP addresses can be faked to an extent that is what a VPN is for. So realistically with that wouldn’t it mean the IP could of been set to that to throw of the real location?
VPNs spoof an address but are almost always traceable if you get your hands on the VPN services.
You’re doing well and obviously were paying attention!!
I get the strong feeling that the same people behind Q were behind this, who gave Mr. Lindell the PCAPS?
That video they played at the very beginning of the symposium (and many time after) was very Q-y, as it were.
You also had the Space Force logo in there, Dr. Frank even made sure to remark it on video, was at the beginning of the second day I think.
And so this marks their next phase, Q was them training technical people for their digital army in the information wars, this is the beginning of them training the more general folk to be the "ground troops".
I also got some serious Q vibes from that video they played about teaching people to engage in the judicial system, maybe that's just me, but you got a lot of questions being posed, then you have a retired Colonel (funny how a lot of em are ex military) looking sternly at the camera while talking about selecting targets, and harnessing FOIA stuff.
If millions of patriotic people start running for local office, and suing over election fraud, that's pretty much insurmountable, there is no stopping that.
Yep, I noticed many Q clues throughout this whole event. I think we just got a first glance into what the Q team have been working on. This event showed us this is not just "One man sitting on some alleged evidence that some weirdo gave him to scam him", as the media wants everyone to believe. No, this is quite a large team of very experienced professionals and military (or ex military) who have been working together for quite some time to put all this together.
What I got from this is that the presentation wasn't for us, we were told this stuff a long time ago, it was for the people sitting at those tables to get educated on how to move forward and do this LEGALLY (as this is the required next step of the plan). And it was for the individual people in the media, as a warning to start doing their job or they will find themselves on the wrong side of the law when this all comes out. I think the lawyer did a good job at communicating this to the media, the question is, were they listening? It was also a public warning for the deep state and to give people (who knowingly or unknowingly helped them) a chance to come out as witnesses or leakers while they still have time. The lawyer's presentation of the girl who came forward to make a deal clearly communicated this to them. And I think the Q clues were for us, simply to tell us, "hang in there, keep the faith, all is going according to the plan".
Man this is great
I agree, lots of Q in the ether around Mike Lindell/symposium.
His Frankspeech speech bubble looks like a Q.
and just realized (after 50+ years here;) that South Dakota is shaped like a Q speech bubble too.
SD is also featured on the cover of George Magazine Survival Guide to the Future which predicted Bill Gates and a crisis in 2020 involving the elderly. HOW many coincidences before people can see the plan...
The FOIA, File, Sue, & Settle? https://rumble.com/vl0i1g-special-re-asserting-your-influence-over-elections-the-foia-file-sue-and-se.html
I posted this yesterday in another thread but it sums up my overall impression of the three day Symposium. I watched most of the three days at the expense of doing anything else lol
"I perceive the same. Events are accelerating and converging at a break neck pace. This Symposium was NOT about sending soccer moms, legislators and the public back home to unfuck 2020. It was held for 2 reasons. One to inform, educate and piss off the public and two, to send said soccer moms, legislators and public back home to enact voter integrity laws and measures to protect 2022 and beyond. The military will be incoming. Not datefagging, its just a fact. Many subtle clues. It was a strange event, the Symposium, but i think what was intended was mostly accomplished. I would guess it also allowed the .mil to drill down into origins of bad actors the past three days to identify even more and tidy up coming tribunals. Yes Dr Frank, it's almost like this was being run like a military operation. Having been in, i concur.😉😎🍿"
I would also add I believe most of the presenters are aware something BIG is happening behind the scenes and its not just some dumb conspiratorial crackhead pillow merchant behind this as the media would have normies believe. I dont believe any of them but perhaps one is part of Q. Which one i do not know. If i had to guess it would be Colonel Waldron who did/does MI work.
Captain K (Seth Keshel) was also MI for the Army.
I think the news about Mesa County CO was a boom that we did not expect. It forced the DS to fumble on the MS news and twitter. There were a lot of break out rooms going on all 3 days so there was a lot more talked about than we know.
The symposium was referred to "Normandy." The forces have gathered together and landed on the enemy's beach. Since all 50 states were eventually present, we need to find out who was there from each state (that would make a great list) and then see what they are doing and support them.
At the end of the 3rd day, the Rep from the state of Virginia had ALL the reps line up and introduce themselves- it is in the video..
Some were missing - I was watching specifically to see who was there from Louisiana and no one announced themselves at the very end.
I was hoping for Jeff Landry. He’s on board with us, I think.
Then I'll send him an email also - my area rep and senator haven't bothered answering me.
I prayed that God would make his presence known at this event. I believe he did. In many ways...
This is a good idea because you know the other side has already made a list for themselves to mount attacks online, we need to counter. Start a post on this topic so we can put links together to support these people.
We learned conclusively that Trump won and Biden cheated. Evidence was presented to the public as necessary. All lawful steps must be taken in order to oust the occupying power. Patience.
Not sure learned is the right term, but were we supposed to understand someone on the red team inserted the poison pill into the data? That the “big reveal” was actually scooped by the before, during, and after the election forensic images of Dominion machines being handed over? And possibly that the symposium was used to flush out black hats?
Sometimes I wonder if the "red team plant" was known and was stung.
We need to start creating memes,videos again and upload it everywhere in US. all the evidence we collected.
This is the final battle.
So lets get organized and terminate these Marxist criminals with the sword of truth!
I loved the intro video that the Arizona Patriots (Wendy Rogers, Sonny Borelli, and Mark Finchem) played before their presentation. I think it would be a good one to share to grab attention. Then, follow-up with others.
I sit here and I wonder if the AZ PCAPs could be isolated and released in a clean form, in whole or in relevant part.
Agreed. It’s the new front in the Meme War…
Agreed! Whose going to go wake up those lazy, dooming cucks on Patriots.win and tell them all able minded frogs are needed at the front lines?? We need all the ammo we can get. boomer memes, tactical pepes, rare pepes, all of it. This weekend proves Q is not a LARP, get with the program pedes.
I read a stream there yesterday where quite a few were saying how important the GAW crowds work is overall. Several remarked how helpful the research here is...with the usual as long as....something came to the forefront for them about Lindell’s cyberparty.
This is the way
This is what brought us here