I feel hatred in my heart for these people at first, but after pondering for a brief moment, I begin to feel pity for them. This is towards the vax nazis*. Trump envisions a United America, but these people are so headstrong in the wrong direction. We all want everyone to wake up. Some won’t. I think what I’m getting at, is how do we respond? As a Christian, I think it’s high time we start using TOUGH love. Gentle love on sins only nurtures it. This man is leading the way how we can effect change.
As a Christian, I think it’s high time we start using TOUGH love. Gentle love on sins only nurtures it. This man is leading the way how we can effect change.
At first, people think you're crazy, but they go home and remember what they saw.
Seeing more and more demonstrations, they'll think "Maybe theres something true to this" and dig for answers. This is how it works.
If you're black, that's an even bigger red pill because the MSM is trying to spin it like "its all the Trump supporters".
You have to remember that to the brainwashed, Trump supporters = White.
God, bless this man for standing up, and may more of us have the balls to do it.
I honest to God wish I could see this shit happen by me. I'd join in with this patriot and start raising the mother fucking roof on this bullshit. That faggot with the afro who flicked him off.... oh lawdy by the time I was done ridiculing that cock holster his woman would walk off embarrassed to be near him.
We need moral Alphas is ALL arenas: in all countries, governments, businesses, and especially families. God is pleased with this man for standing up to these satanic and indifferent clowns, having conviction and defending his faith. BLESSED IS HE WHO IS PERSECUTED BECAUSE OF ME.
I just called and told them that They should be ashamed of themselves for illegally segregating people and if they are “just following orders” they are no better than nazis.
What a Patriot! God bless him and his family. I wonder how many people in the restaurant would come to his aid if (((they))) were forcing him into a rail car. Probably none.
Praying this will change...
Lots of people will egg you on and 'support' you, until you actually confront 'the man'.
Then you look around for your support and they've all taken a step backwards, leaving you looking like the sole trouble maker. Then they all throw you under the bus in 1:1 HR meetings.
Most people live in fear. They are so afraid, they aren't spiritually alive, they are so scared of death.
Conquer your fear of death, and courage will be your constant companion.
"Fear is the mind killer" and for a year and a half, we have seen fear destroy relationships, jobs, households and the basic social structure of America (and the world), all for what?? I figure a small number of self serving "elites" are benefitting greatly from all this chaos and they are heading for a reckoning they won't like at all. In their arrogance and vast hubris, they "dint do nuffin" and since they are incapable of remembering what they have said, they can sleep at night, leaving us to be sleepless...
Bc they know they are despised and can’t stop what is coming. They are the real racists. We are black and we have been treated this way by jews and black folks working for them in our old city.
Bravo to this man for standing up for himself and his family. It’s what we all need to do for ourselves and our loved ones. If there was ever a time to grow a backbone, this is it.
lol at the normy guy whos says yeah i do want segregated society, flicks off the guy standing up for our rights, then proceeds to put on his mask while still at the table, what a commie cuck
Interesting that he picked the goy with brown kids to harass. This is what we experienced in water main break county since they moved in... that’s one reason we moved! Can you see who really is the discriminatory ones now?
Good for this guy and his family. The woke leftist white guy flicking off this family being segregated against… just wow. When they said mandatory vaccine passports I really didn’t expect restaurants to ask for them to be served… this is eye opening.
I saw someone mentioned a few people chimed in to support this guy, but I didn’t see one person standing up against this… I guess I’ll need to watch it again.
He’s doing them a HUGE favor by explaining exactly what is happening to ALL OF US! And what do they do? That one pos gives him the finger & they say this is the America they want to live in. Holy Fck!!!! This is infuriating. People are so stupid. Where are the ones who aren’t brain dead? I truly think there is nothing to be done with them and I know a lot of people like this too that are nice but asleep at the wheel. It would take a nuclear bomb (either information wise or actual) to wake them up.
After working in Manhattan for most of 22 years, I have no desire to EVER go back for ANY reason! Despite working there all those years, I never visited a lot of the museums and other tourist spots, but my disgust for that city outweighs any desire to go see those things.
UPVOAT for finding the restaurant. Patriots, flood the place for one night and demand to be served. Make a speech like this patriot and then walk out. Have your phones shooting from all angles.
I pray the scales can be removed from the eyes of those that cannot see, the wax removed from the ears of those that cannot hear, & the obstruction removed for those that cannot understand.
Find out this restaurant name and let’s do work!! BOYCOTT!! Make them go out of business!!! Fuck that place and fuck all the others that wanna roll that way.
Wow. Just wow. That was a serious punch in the gut.
And the fact that the others weren’t indifferent but AGAINST this lone patriot is as equally disgusting as it is maddening.
This is legitimately HORRIFYING to watch.
Bunch of gutless cucks all looking at their phones ubcomfortaby while this man makes a stand. Pathetic.
A couple folks chimed in, in support. It's gotta start somewhere.
Yeah, and someone else said that 'yes' they were happy to have a segregated America.
I can't wait for these bozos to find out they now have a subscription immune system.
I feel hatred in my heart for these people at first, but after pondering for a brief moment, I begin to feel pity for them. This is towards the vax nazis*. Trump envisions a United America, but these people are so headstrong in the wrong direction. We all want everyone to wake up. Some won’t. I think what I’m getting at, is how do we respond? As a Christian, I think it’s high time we start using TOUGH love. Gentle love on sins only nurtures it. This man is leading the way how we can effect change.
At first, people think you're crazy, but they go home and remember what they saw.
Seeing more and more demonstrations, they'll think "Maybe theres something true to this" and dig for answers. This is how it works.
If you're black, that's an even bigger red pill because the MSM is trying to spin it like "its all the Trump supporters".
You have to remember that to the brainwashed, Trump supporters = White.
God, bless this man for standing up, and may more of us have the balls to do it.
Christians can fight. We are actually allowed by the Bible. We are not to be brawlers but self defense is 100 percent there.
Yup, that dude was lame, like the owner. A lot of inhumane humans out there.
I honest to God wish I could see this shit happen by me. I'd join in with this patriot and start raising the mother fucking roof on this bullshit. That faggot with the afro who flicked him off.... oh lawdy by the time I was done ridiculing that cock holster his woman would walk off embarrassed to be near him.
Thats the type who talks shit then runs when fists go up or cries in a ball after a jab. Faggot.
And this is why we will lose this war
What? You've lost already. I'll never admit defeat because I don't lose.
I would have stood up right with this guy and gave them hell. Good for him!
New York is woke trash
Me too.
This is a truly courageous man. His family should be proud.
A lot of blue hellholes are lost.
They can be rebuilt again but it is going to take time.
He's got balls. I don't yet. I'm a girl. Soon I'll grow girl ballessess.
Hey, lady all’s are a thing. Representative Greene has ‘em. So does Candace Owen.
Wendy has a huge set
Just wait til next week, she'll show ya!
God yes we could use a break ..Im in San Diego ..felt like a mini Nov 3 yesterday
Yeah it did! What ANOTHER maddening "election" theft!
Don’t forget Big Mike !
It’s called being ALPHA. 💪🏽
We need big alpha in the army.
We need moral Alphas is ALL arenas: in all countries, governments, businesses, and especially families. God is pleased with this man for standing up to these satanic and indifferent clowns, having conviction and defending his faith. BLESSED IS HE WHO IS PERSECUTED BECAUSE OF ME.
Light their phone up.
Yes!!! Would it be mean to place a bunch of to-go orders from a few states away?
I submitted a contact form and might order a few lunches later ;)
Stuff their inbox https://julianaspizza.com/contact/contact-us-form/
(718) 596-6700
I just called and told them that They should be ashamed of themselves for illegally segregating people and if they are “just following orders” they are no better than nazis.
What a Patriot! God bless him and his family. I wonder how many people in the restaurant would come to his aid if (((they))) were forcing him into a rail car. Probably none. Praying this will change...
Lots of people will egg you on and 'support' you, until you actually confront 'the man'.
Then you look around for your support and they've all taken a step backwards, leaving you looking like the sole trouble maker. Then they all throw you under the bus in 1:1 HR meetings.
Most people live in fear. They are so afraid, they aren't spiritually alive, they are so scared of death.
Conquer your fear of death, and courage will be your constant companion.
"Fear is the mind killer" and for a year and a half, we have seen fear destroy relationships, jobs, households and the basic social structure of America (and the world), all for what?? I figure a small number of self serving "elites" are benefitting greatly from all this chaos and they are heading for a reckoning they won't like at all. In their arrogance and vast hubris, they "dint do nuffin" and since they are incapable of remembering what they have said, they can sleep at night, leaving us to be sleepless...
One man with courage is enough. Two...
I notice that 99 times out of 100, when someone brings (((them))) up it always has a down vote.
Bc they know they are despised and can’t stop what is coming. They are the real racists. We are black and we have been treated this way by jews and black folks working for them in our old city.
Probably because (((they))) are here. SHILL Alert!
If that waiter had ever been asked what he would have done in Nazi Germany or Stalin's Russia, the world now knows the answer.
If I was just watching the MSM, one might say that the pro-vaccine NPC flipping him off is a "white supremacist".
I love that he said “ u agree ..that’s because you’re not an American” ..get the fuck out of America
Youtube already flagged it to be "Unlisted" lmao
Bravo to this man for standing up for himself and his family. It’s what we all need to do for ourselves and our loved ones. If there was ever a time to grow a backbone, this is it.
lol at the normy guy whos says yeah i do want segregated society, flicks off the guy standing up for our rights, then proceeds to put on his mask while still at the table, what a commie cuck
Interesting that he picked the goy with brown kids to harass. This is what we experienced in water main break county since they moved in... that’s one reason we moved! Can you see who really is the discriminatory ones now?
The owner is racist and used the Vax to satisfy his hate.
As they always have
Good for this guy and his family. The woke leftist white guy flicking off this family being segregated against… just wow. When they said mandatory vaccine passports I really didn’t expect restaurants to ask for them to be served… this is eye opening.
I saw someone mentioned a few people chimed in to support this guy, but I didn’t see one person standing up against this… I guess I’ll need to watch it again.
He’s doing them a HUGE favor by explaining exactly what is happening to ALL OF US! And what do they do? That one pos gives him the finger & they say this is the America they want to live in. Holy Fck!!!! This is infuriating. People are so stupid. Where are the ones who aren’t brain dead? I truly think there is nothing to be done with them and I know a lot of people like this too that are nice but asleep at the wheel. It would take a nuclear bomb (either information wise or actual) to wake them up.
Q stated that 4% to 6% would never wake up. Maybe they are all congregated in NYC.
After working in Manhattan for most of 22 years, I have no desire to EVER go back for ANY reason! Despite working there all those years, I never visited a lot of the museums and other tourist spots, but my disgust for that city outweighs any desire to go see those things.
This needs to happen 100 times a day in EVERY commie establishment enforcing this crap. And we need massive protests. Fuck this shit
Good to see people fighting back against the stupidity.
What a hero!!!
Contact them, tell him CONGRATS on going VIRAL, pun intended https://julianaspizza.com/contact/contact-us-form/
UPVOAT for finding the restaurant. Patriots, flood the place for one night and demand to be served. Make a speech like this patriot and then walk out. Have your phones shooting from all angles.
Balls of Steel.
God bless this man & his family.
I pray the scales can be removed from the eyes of those that cannot see, the wax removed from the ears of those that cannot hear, & the obstruction removed for those that cannot understand.
Armor of God right there !
Archived on catbox because You Know They'll Delete This Video
Great for him, this has to happen all over the country.
That cuck in the white tshirt needs to be taken outside for a talking to...
Find out this restaurant name and let’s do work!! BOYCOTT!! Make them go out of business!!! Fuck that place and fuck all the others that wanna roll that way.
why even bother going to the restaurant?
let them lose money
Need to eat outside like they did in Paris
Well done! However, he should be careful of eating the food they bring him.
They do that to a man and His daughter.... Fucking sick
This man's daughter is going to be a WARRIOR. Not having pizza is a small price to pay.
This is 100% true... They just started the fire of freedom in that girl's heart.
Thanks for the positive take.
Sit in
Wow. Just wow. That was a serious punch in the gut. And the fact that the others weren’t indifferent but AGAINST this lone patriot is as equally disgusting as it is maddening. This is legitimately HORRIFYING to watch.
I'm ok if the Vax finishes off the vaxxed. No more sorrow for me. The vaxxed think theybare special for bowing. If you dont bow, you won't break.