Now the blasphemous lies are using God to vax us all. 🤢
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Look at the swirl on the podium....the all black
Satanic AF
This! 🙌🏻
No, a real Christian would respect God's will. And God will destroy Satan.
Jesus did not shed His blood for Satan. He shed His blood to redeem mankind.
This this this x1000.
It’s safe to say the satan falls under the category of evil.
& more importantly, you better watch what you say and choose your words carefully.
Forgiveness doesn't mean you let someone walk all over you, rape, and shit on you.
So you're not a glowie but you're definitely a huge faggot.
Jesus was never polite to demons
^ This. This is where the modern day Christian church has failed. The church loves to teach "love everyone, be nice, dont judge!" because that is easy, that is what we can easily understand and do.
But what about the savage Jesus?
The one that cast demons out like the foul pieces of shit they were?
The Jesus that whenever he saw evil being committed in the temple by the money-changers (i.e. modern day bankers probably), he threaded a whip, stormed in, flipped their tables, beat the fuck out of them all, and ran them all out of the temple?
If Jesus is indeed the PERFECT example of life in flesh, then getting angry and beating the piss out of EVIL is indeed part of that PERFECTION.
Why is this stickied? Because, holy shit. Ummmm.... mega props to God for not sending down a lightning bolt, right there and then. Holy shit, this is bold. Matthew 4:7: "Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."
Amen, Cats.
A lightening Bolt would have been appropriate. I think they are getting desperate to go this far. The sheeple are not at cowed as they thought.
she tempted him, she'll have stage 4 ass cancer by the end of the week, calling it now.
I miss Old Testament god. And also I know if he was Old Testament god I’d also be smote. So...idk
No one ever did say that the devil lacks boldness. He did march right into the throne room to attempt destruction on God's people.
I'm not as religious as most are here on GA.W, but WOW this made my blood boil.
Your God particle resonated.
Aaahh 👆🏼
Similar, but not so much as agnostic, but more in the line of the churches are corrupt to some degree, and really unnecessary.
That said, my first question was who paid them and how much?
Followed closely by the bad karma of speaking for God, one time I came close to putting something similar and felt compelled to modify to "I won't pretend to speak for God, but I would hope that..."
I'm sure I've got more than my fair share of bad karma already without inviting more.
You are saved through faith, salvation is not earned through acts, the Book of John is very clear on this. That's not to say you should go around acting immorally with the intention of repentance, we should strive everyday to walk in Jesus' footsteps, but we are all sinners and all fall down, never far enough to not be saved. The glory of God is in his knowledge of this and his grace in sending his Son to save us.
Thank you for your uplifting testimony. Yes, I get great spiritual feeding regularly (every DAY) and you have just added to my bounty. MAY. JESUS CHRIST. BE. PRAISED!!!
It brings me joy to have Christ work through me in any way, thank you and God bless you 🙏
I needed this...thank you.
If God can touch you through anything I type on the internet that only shows me how amazing he is! If you want to read some powerful testimonies, and listen to a solid Christian artist, check out Zach Williams videos:
I've been being tested harder than ever in life and have been finding courage and strength through his music. He"s very talented and not afraid to praise God to for all of it. God bless you, brother 🙏
By 'karma' I mean in the sense of reaping what you sow. I've seen it in action too many times to count.
As for faith, any religion would have to 'work' in a more universal sense. Which would include those that have no connection to christianity.
However, (if anyone actually pays attention to my posts) I have talked about the time I was in a coma and had a conversation with what could only be described as a guardian angel.
"first comes faith..." there are multiple steps, read your bible.
I won't get into apologetics here, but I'd sincerely suggest you reread both Acts and John, there is nothing but clarity here.
ive read them, i can think of at least 3 or 4 verses where jesus himself explains that the beginning of salvation is through faith, then comes works etc etc hes explaining the process. churchianity says that all you need is faith, well according to jesus thats not true.
Faith alone, by Grace alone, in Christ alone, we are not saved by works, we cannot lose our salvation.
I understand many verses in the Bible do say we are saved by faith and that is true but we also need works.
Have a read of Epistle of James chapter 2:14 and onwards.
Here's some verses
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. Verse 17
You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? Verse 20
You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. Verse 24
As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. Verse 26
I'm not saying this to cause an argument but helping you live in faith and also to Bear fruit.
God bless.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
I'm not doubting you have, which is why I said reread. We could throw verses all day, but it does not change the meaning of my message. Have a beautiful day in Christ's love!
You cant save yourself
Actually, now that you mention it, I had been aware of that program. So, i suppose the correct answer is the "always has been" meme.
Your foundation is solid.
I'm an atheist. Whether god is real or not isn't the biggest problem. The corruption of organized "religions" is one of the biggest problems we've faced throughout history. Just like governments can be corrupted so can religions and religious leaders.
I don't need to believe in god to believe in evil. THIS is true evil.
PS - For some reason I thought this psycho was a religious leader. Now that I know she's actually a politician it makes sense. The whole leveraging god to get your way thing is almost as old as the oldest profession. Maybe they are the same thing? Still evil as hell either way.
I agree with you regarding corruption of all religious institutions here on this plane...let me give you some advice for the atheist part.
Look for "Source energy"
God is not necessarily the best term to use as many people have been burned by religious institutions in the past.
Source energy is there...find it and it will speak to you!
Good luck
This made my gut scream. I am thoroughly appalled at these freaks. Never seen anything like it.
There is a special place for that kind of karma
Thanks lady but God has already given me everything I need.
Like intelligence and common sense!
AND a very strong immunity system, thank you, Heavenly Father!!
I sense a death by lightning in her future.
Barak ברק
Thanks for making me smarter, Woodinleg!
Paldies, ka padarījāt mani gudrāku, Strelnieks!
TLDR: Thank you for making me smarter, Strelnieks! [Latvian]
⛈ or possibly ☄
I love you guys - I was going to say the same thing and did not expect everyone to be in agreement already 😂
Ooh, the false prophets are showing.
Their heresy is hanging out, flopping all over the place, VERY disrespectful.
She is the Barney Frank nipples of false Christianity? I admit I couldn't bear to look at either one..
"False prophet" was my immediate first thought as well.
Even before I found my relationship with God, I would have thought that crossed the line.
I don't even listen to Christians who claim affirmations from God, what the fuck makes you think Imma listen to you?
Her words, along with the mandates, might equate to the establishment of a religion.
Trust someone who says they seek the truth, doubt someone who says they've found it.
I think it was Alan Watts who said something along the lines of,
Basically saying they don't have their ego in check so you should take their advice and "wisdom" with a grain of salt.
Repulsive. God can't be happy with any of this. She will have eternity to regret that statement.....if she doesn't repent and change her ways.
So, NY replaces one demon with an even worse demon. Sounds about right.
I think she is saying that Faucci is her God.
Clearly she's a disciple of the Church of Faucism
She said she wears her vax necklace like a crucifix
Trump created the vax so she's saying he is GodKing
Memes meet reality
2016: If Trump told people to get fresh air, liberals would suffocate themselves to death out of spite.
2020: Liberals, “Where’s your maaaask?!”
"...people out there aren't listening to what God + what God wants..."
Now, I'm fairly non religious, however I fully understand and respect that everyone has full entitlement to their belief systems. What you believe is for you, and nobody has any right to tell you that you're wrong , or you believe in the wrong God.
I'm also fairly certain, ANY God would certainly not want, nor be telling anyone to consistently and continuously lie and cheat your fellow man from living their life they way they see fit. I'm also quite confident ANY God would certainly not be cool with condemning anyone because they don't do / believe what someone else is doing.
So, the left using God in their reasoning just proves their mockery of God. If this story played out in the Bible, this stunned cunt would've been a pile of ash before she even finished her sentence.
I'm also pretty sure that it is frowned on from above to mess around with our genetic code and kill babies.
Sounds like something allah would do.
Then this will really blow your mind!
Nope, no agenda here! :-/
Re: the "pope", I've spoken with more than a few Catholics who agree with you, fren.
These demons have no shame. We need God to set this right, we cannot do this on or own. Jesus please end this satanic stranglehold of US and world governments.
Join us in prayer each day at 8:00 PM EST. We pray for many acts of God but especially, we pray that God Almighty will crush the demonic spirits that control the lives of far too many people. I am not mature enough in the faith to rebuke demons on my own.
However I DO know someone (our Lord) who is an old hand at driving out demons and sending them into eternal chaos (the 'sea'). Our dear friend Slechta5614 leads that particular prayer group and usually posts every day to help us remember. You will be most welcomed.
I would love to, I pray before bed every night that Jesus will right this planet. Do you all come here to pray or simply all pray at 8 PM EST on your own but together in time.
We are together in time - but even this effort has helped me to upgrade my prayer life. However, Slechta5614 has connections to SEVERAL prayer resources that may be live.
Alrealdy, I am also privileged to now be a part of an IRL prayer group that means a great deal to me. However, I think you would be welcomed in any of prayer activities with which Slechta is involved.
You already are on the path and GOOD for you! DO NOT discount the value and importance of even the tinyest "Thank you, Lord!" God looks on the heart and may His loving presence Bless and Keep you! AMEN!
sounds great thanks, At 8pm I watch before bed shows with my middle son. But I can make a few minutes at that time, then pray again later.
While I have always been close with God, this mess we are in makes me turn to him more. Anytime I get down or angered about the current climate in our world I turn to God and ask for help, I ask Jesus to take the burden from me and give me peace. It works everytime, life with Christ seems to be a constant battle to refocus on him rather than the world.
And you are right, thanking God for what we have and what he does for us is very important.
There are a couple of contemporary Christian songs I really enjoy, if you haven't heard them you can find them on youtube
The Blessing, by Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes Waymaker, by Leland
Both are very uplifting for me.
HALLELUJAH! I was one of the later discoverers of Ms. Jobe's & Mr. Carnes "Blessing". Spent (and still spend) a lot of time shedding joy-tears. So MANY beautiful versions of that "hymn". And YES! I love the affirmation that HE is the "Waymaker", when there was no way. I'm glad you know about BOTH of these! (and more, I'll bet)
He has been preparing us for this war for quite some time, with His Holy written Word, with His people and with His message. He is not surprised by any of this. It is not for nothing that He is well known as the "Waymaker". And, He has been "The Blessing" for thousands of generations before us - and will be "The Blessing" for thousands of generations to come. GBY & your loved ones! THANK YOU for being here! Together, we MAGA!
thanks for the reply and encouragement. Funny I discovered the Blessing on voat of all places. There were a lot of strong Christians there, mixed in with the rifraf.
Blasphemous was my first reaction to this. I’m sure their god is totally ok with using the blood of the innocents to test & make these vaccines- but not The Alpha and Omega.
““Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15
Bet this is because so many people are using the religious exceptions with their jobs. So now they are saying that God wants us to get the jab. I can’t imagine God likes her using his name for their deceitfulness. ⚡️⛈
People use God's name all the time to manipulate and use people, so this is just the latest in a long line.
Pretty sure this is classified as "using his name in vain".
She’s obviously Satan’s spawn to use God in such a way. Only the devil wouldn’t fear blasphemy.
She makes herself out to be god by telling people to be her apostles. This has nothing to do with the One, True, Living God.
Just like Lucifer, Son of the Morning, she seeks to raise her throne above the stars of God. (Isaiah 14:13)
Her god and my God are definitely different entities.
Their “god” is very different our God. Their’s is more like a creature.
Perhaps Cthulhu???
From their god, Saturn
Saturn has nothing to do with the elites.
Satan is Trappist 1. The red dwarf sun 7 planet solar system. The beast with the 7 heads.
Goddess Nut, the lions gate = Leo constellation.
Satan is released from prison after 1,000 years. Temps Jesus for 40 days.
Emerald Tablets Thoth "a hundred times ten have I descended" 100x10 = 1,000 What's Thoth counting up to on the tomb? 40
How many monks in the opening of Madonna's Eurovision performance. Nebra sky disk, Mayan calendar "40".
Oh but it's a satanic ritual. Only ignorant people call that a ritual.
Guess who NASA tried to past off as a new discovery in 2017?
Satan = Saturn lol keep sleeping.
Tell me more about your wisdom.
How about how much you know about the 144,000 of the Bible, Egypt, Mayan and Aztec tradition...
True meaning of pyramid, and what it symbolizes too whilst you're on it
As above so below. The Milky Way is mirrored to our star system.
12 Zodiacs above 12 Zodiacs below. 1 millennium for each age, 3 millennium within each element. 12,000 years for our star system to complete a full circuit around the Milky way.
Mayan Baktun Cycle = 144,000 12,000 years = 144,000 month
12 tribes of Israel
Yuga cycle
Pyramid above, pyramid below. Milky way is the flat Earth above, our planet earth is the earth below.
Pyramid upside is 28 powers putting our Earth at 29.
Pyramid upside down is Trappist 1's reign (Satan) 32 powers putting our Earth at 33. Once again Aztec Knowledge.
Adam & Eve
Same stories different coat of paint. Bhagavad Emerald Tablets Moses
The secrets of our universe has been known for thousands of years. The elite hide it in many things.
You want to know how the elite own everything. Follow the white rabbit into the rabbit hole.
Ice Age is hell. No food, no vegetation, no suns. Everything on the surface dies. Hence why there are all these underground cities, and to survive it, requires cannibalism.
The number of the beast is the number of man. 666 has two meanings. 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons. Trappist 1 brings with it the red dust, which contains the ingredients for life. We do not exist without the red sun.
This CIA whistleblower is confusing Nibiru Planet X with Trappist 1.
This is how you decode Lost Book Of Enki. Zacharia tricks people with the use of the word circuit which has several meanings.
Video explaining Trappist 1, not Nibiru.
Trappist 1 has already come and gone, it won't be frying everyone's brain. It ushers in the new world. The climate change and all the current catastrophe's aren't due to global warming, it is due to Trappist 1 new energy, frequency, vibration. 8 suns awakened for 200 years and our planet's Earth's magnetic field is weakened to receive the new energy. Our Earth is being renewed/reborn.
Trappist 1 making changes to our yellow sun for 40 days and 40 nights.
Trappist 1 gaining followers. It took away Pluto and was caught flying over Papua New Guinea. Satan will gain followers. They are trying to cover up the fact that Pluto is gone, by saying they no longer consider it a planet, but allegedly it's still there, which is a lie. Trappist 1 can take any planet with it to the abyss. They call it the beast for a reason.
The bible is coded like all religions, it contains many, many secrets. Many I still haven't cracked yet. It takes thousands of hours of reading many books to figure it all out.
All the illuminati hand signs and symbols are based on ancient knowledge of our hidden cycles from ancient civilizations. They hide the knowledge/cycles from the general population to maintain power and control. As humanity won't know about things such as the great deluge followed by Ice Age (every 12,000 years), amongst other cycles that repeat themselves, which all pose a unique challenge and are difficult to survive if you don't prepare for it. This is how the are able to continually rewrite history.
It's just like Q says, the truth would put 99% of people in hospital. Especially Ice Age aka Hell.
Aaand she's outta the gate tearing down the track, Blasphemy one length in front, and Deceit following-up the rear!
Going from Cuomo to this piece of work was like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. She's not just manipulative and dishonest here, but so condescending. Get her out, too, so we can make New York great again.
They replaced Governor Cuomo with the antichrist
Yeah. I had a feeling his replacement would be worse than him :(. Lord help us
I had the same feeling. If Cuomo was not dirty enough and had to be outed, what kind of creature would replace him?
Someone he picked... another unelected asshole ruining lives.
actually, god gave us immune systems that typically work very well against the flu. its our job to keep our immune systems up and working correctly. this c19 vax is not heaven sent to say the least
The true meaning of “using God’s name in vain”.
You're absolutely right!
Revelations anyone? False prophet confirming the beast?
The beast denies God. This is not Revelation
So can we agree that using God to confirm the vaccine is false testimony? Does this not give power and confirmation to the beast? The beast and the false prophet will then confirm the antichrist. The antichrist will deny God during during his reign. Just thoughts popping in my head.
Sure a lot of end-times prophecy has come true in the last 5 years...
Trump/America did sign the peace treaty with Israel...
And it seems that literally every sector of our world has been infiltrated by the enemy...
The more time that goes by the more I feel we are in end times.
Isiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
I am soooooo ANGRY and SICK of this BULLSHIT.
after 38 seconds this nasty heathen made me shut it down... she's the reason i hate organized religions... belief and love of God is wonderful... then when people get involved with the process they screw it up every time!!
And she’s hit by lightning in a freak incident 30 minutes later.