Most of these people are surrounded by parents, siblings, friends, etc that are totally gaslighting them into fearing Covid and view the vaccine as the savior of humanity.
Mothers are disqualified from winning the Darwin Award by definition. You have to remove yourself from the gene pool BEFORE replicating in order to improve it. This woman has two kids who are probably just as thick as she is.
You don't win a dawrin award from someone else killing you. It's not like she's giving the Jab to herself.
That being said, Why do we believe some people are actually getting the jab, and then others are just claiming they are getting the jab but are actually getting saline solution?
She's the wife of a big Pharama Executive? Yet she's taking the Jab? Why would she be taking the Jab if the Jab is bad.
She wouldn't be. She Is saying she is taking the second jab. She probably never even took the first.
Contradictions.... Contradictions everywhere. (admittedly I'm also guilty of contradicting myself.... "Covid is hardly more deadly than the FLu... Most "Covid deaths" are those with multiple comorbidities, and the average age of covid death is still older than the average age of death in general..... But then Covid is a BIO WEAPON, deliberately leaked from wuhan." And I do think the answer is still "both". Shit be cray
Shes The wife Of a big Pharma Executive. Maybe She's lying.
Or maybe she's a white hat, and they are lying about all the Health affects, and about getting the jab... But knows it will only hurt the "Get everyone vaxed" movement.
Or maybe she's lying black hat, and somehow they think his would help calm peoples skepticism.
Or maybe she actually isn't lying, and actually is straight up retarded.
Good. Well after shot #2, and then the booster, she’ll finally be “fully vaccinated”, which she can virtue signal to the world over Twitter using one of those mouth wands to type from her vegetable bed.
In denial they cant admit to being fooled and causing their own health demise. Maybe its random and bad luck or genes. oh well let me take the next shot.
Yes coof is a bioweapon, but in concert with a very heavy marketing campaign of fear was intended to frighten everyone to run to the vaxx which is the much more dangerous binary bioweapon that is triggered when the native corona virus is contracted which causes antibody dependent enhancement which kills the patient.
What a dumb cunt
Cupid stunt😉
I give her 17 days max
Its not a darwin award until you leave the gene pool.... But i appreciate the effort.
Darwin Awards counts removal from reproduction, not just death.
A Derwood Award, then?
The NWO is proud and certainly will erect a statue in her remembrance.
now when you say "erect"...
perfectly said....
wtf man? leave this poor woman alone - she had 3 brain surgeries and a stroke. Its a miracle she can even spell Pfizer at this point
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... THAT is what I call funny!!!
completely brainwashed
The brain surgeries must have been lobotomies.
That was my thought as well.
…with a triple rinse.
3X Literally and from the 1 figuratively....
This story hurt my head.
Hurt hers much worse. 🤣
Why do I continue to be surprised by how dumb people are?
She honestly just deserves to die at this point.
Most of these people are surrounded by parents, siblings, friends, etc that are totally gaslighting them into fearing Covid and view the vaccine as the savior of humanity.
NPC’s are real!
You don't win the Darwin Award until you permanently remove yourself from the genepool. It's harder for gals.
Mothers are disqualified from winning the Darwin Award by definition. You have to remove yourself from the gene pool BEFORE replicating in order to improve it. This woman has two kids who are probably just as thick as she is.
You don't win a dawrin award from someone else killing you. It's not like she's giving the Jab to herself.
That being said, Why do we believe some people are actually getting the jab, and then others are just claiming they are getting the jab but are actually getting saline solution?
She's the wife of a big Pharama Executive? Yet she's taking the Jab? Why would she be taking the Jab if the Jab is bad.
She wouldn't be. She Is saying she is taking the second jab. She probably never even took the first.
Contradictions.... Contradictions everywhere. (admittedly I'm also guilty of contradicting myself.... "Covid is hardly more deadly than the FLu... Most "Covid deaths" are those with multiple comorbidities, and the average age of covid death is still older than the average age of death in general..... But then Covid is a BIO WEAPON, deliberately leaked from wuhan." And I do think the answer is still "both". Shit be cray
Nobody can force you to take the jab. She jabbed herself. She’s a big girl and could have made the decision not to.
I suspect the percentage is much higher.
Me too. At least 10%.
Higher still
Shes The wife Of a big Pharma Executive. Maybe She's lying.
Or maybe she's a white hat, and they are lying about all the Health affects, and about getting the jab... But knows it will only hurt the "Get everyone vaxed" movement.
Or maybe she's lying black hat, and somehow they think his would help calm peoples skepticism.
Or maybe she actually isn't lying, and actually is straight up retarded.
That pretty much sums it up
Maybe 14-16%.
Good. Well after shot #2, and then the booster, she’ll finally be “fully vaccinated”, which she can virtue signal to the world over Twitter using one of those mouth wands to type from her vegetable bed.
And be the first in line for the next booster.
I enjoy seeing these people removed from the gene pool
In denial they cant admit to being fooled and causing their own health demise. Maybe its random and bad luck or genes. oh well let me take the next shot.
Woe is me.
At this point, this is just trolling.
It’s called trolling we do a little trolling
I have confidence that Pfizer can cure her problem!
Well we won't have to worry about her for much longer.
Give her the Darwin of the century award.
Probably fetishizes medicine, loves going under the knife
How is she still alive?
5th brain surgery is free.
Only with completed punch-card
Sh even looks stupid.
Shows exactly the type of people corporations want. Slaves.
Could this be fake? Who in their wrong mind would not make a connection? Good grief...
Let her die then.
Yes coof is a bioweapon, but in concert with a very heavy marketing campaign of fear was intended to frighten everyone to run to the vaxx which is the much more dangerous binary bioweapon that is triggered when the native corona virus is contracted which causes antibody dependent enhancement which kills the patient.
You can't earn a Darwin award if you survive.
Oddly enough, it's real. 😵
... and the eutimes link:
She’s already reproduced. No Darwin Award unless ya obliterate your genes.
😭 oh her poor poor children
Is taking shots from competing companies even supposed to work? I don't think they are meant to be interchangeable.
Heck nobody knows.
“Pharmaceutical Executive” ?
Apparently they drink their own Kool-Aid
I'm glad stupid finds a way to remove itself from the genepool.
I’m no gynecologist.......