I just got a phone call. He died this afternoon.
I don't even know what to say. I just don't have anybody else that I can share my frustration with. So I am posting this here.
Thanks for just being here.
Thank you mods for making this place available.
Stand strong, he made the choice. I lost my big brother the same way. It hits the feels.
Terrible. So Sorry.
dam. i got a younger brother, i keep telling him not to take it. he knows its not right but he also has the attitude that he was in the army and hes been stuck with all kinds of stuff... very sorry to hear that fren but youre absolutely right, decisions were made.
My younger brother (16) had it forced on him by his psycho ass mother. She's always been a nutcase but this takes the cake. Praying he doesn't get myocarditis.
My retarded father did the same fren
did they say the cause?
restaurant owner in my town got double vaxx and like 2 weeks later died of "covid"
They are saying Heart attack
These sudden onset deaths and disabilities seem to occur because the syringe wielder injects directly into a vein instead of muscle. They don't "aspirate" to check.
Sorry it took so long to reply. Damn right I am letting everybody know it was the shot.
That is how my uncle died of the vax too. :(
heart stopped
He had previous heart problems and the ME said it was the VAX 100%, Younger brother was there and confronted the ME while wearing his Flight uniform and FAA badge.
God bless your family u/littlestown! 💔🙏
You, too u/Greatheart...💔🙏
Overwhelming grief for so much suffering. I HATE this part of the movie. "The end isn't for everyone"
Everyone please put on the full armour of God and pray Psalm 93 over yourself, families & friends.
There is always that part of the movie where everything comes to a head. The pain, the suffering, the death, the destruction. HANG IN THERE!
Yes...praying we are at the Precipice! 🙏 take care fren!
His wife posted on Facebook yesterday that he got the booster shot at 4pm at the local Walmart. Now He is dead less than 24 hours later.
My sincerest condolences fren. Unfortunately this is a war and theres going to be a lot of casualties. Did you talk to any of the other friends you hung out with over the weekend and talk about this and why no one else should get it?
I just talked to one of my friends that was with us on Saturday. He just told me he is not going to take any more shots... He already has the first two.
He has been encouraging me to get the shots for months. I made it plan to him that I will NEVER accept any of their shots. I told him these shots have nothing to do with the virus. He thought I was a little nuts.
He now understands. I just wish we did not have to go down this road for people to wake up.
well good youre friend woke up, sad it had to happen this way, but it is a war for the minds and there are casualties. godspede.
They all have the two shots already. They know my stand but I didn't push it because they already are vaxxed. I did not know that anybody was even thinking about getting a booster shot. I did not even know a booster was available.
dang. ya my parents got it without telling me. im pretty sure when they get forced to take the booster in commiefornia they will.
Tragic. How old? Kids?
Very sorry that good people had to get caught up in this war, but it is what it is. The age old battle is raging: Good vs Evil
Fortunately we know who wins. But I do pray that the collateral damage is minimized and evil is decimated soon.
I think hes asking for a source. It would be a useful red-pill for everyone to use, if you share direct evidence - like the wifes FB post you mentioned, talking about him getting the booster and dying in 24 hours.
I can do that. My wife is friends with his wife so she saw the FB post and knew he had the shot when we got the call. I will try to post that when she gets if for me. I don't think I should post a link. I really do not want people telling her she should not have allowed her husband to get the shot. I will post a screenshot.
Here is the FB post I tried to remove personal information. https://www.screencast.com/t/ZpF6pksEUBgU
Youre the best, thank you! I will be showing this morning. Sorry for your loss. ❤️
Sorry to hear this. It's heartbreaking when loved ones do this, not because they are dumb, but because they have been deceived by every expert and authority they have been taught to trust.
Ultimately, every person makes their own choices. These are the times we live in. Just know that there is nothing you could have done to change the outcome.
Yup. Unfortunately, this is something we are more prepared to deal with than most people are. Or at least we should be by now. Prepare for suffering the likes of which we have never seen.
Lady in my office just told me her ovaries and uterus are full of tumors and her doc doesnt know how they could have grown so quickly. I have always strongly disliked the lady, but I will be praying for her.
Another lady in the office collapsed out of no where a few months ago. Both are vaxxed as fuck.
At this point we cannot hate, or even judge the sheep. Our hate needs to be directed @ the shepherds leading them.
Also had a coworker call me about uterus cancer. I did not ask, but am pretty confident she took the jab early on. She had treatment but now has to go every 6 months for checks. Keeping the money flowing through the corrupt SickCare system.
Is the theory on this that cancer is able to flourish bec the immune system is 'focused' on corona-type viruses? Stops the natural apoptosis function of the body?
The spike protein causes the depletion of a certain type of white blood cell called a natural killer. Normally new spontaneous sites of cancer are destroyed by these cells.
The spike proteins deplete these cells.
It's a bit like how HiV destroys CD4 white blood cells and produces AIDS.
Helpful, thank you.
The biggest problem is that people are actively denying vaxx connection to crazy, unusual and sudden health problems people are developing, and hence its hard to stop others from taking it. I feel sorry for these people too, I wish them well, but I also wish they were smart enough to make connections
I dunno how they can deny it. It’s ridiculous
Because that's the domino that topples their entire worldview.
I can't imagine how difficult it would be to have to swallow the red pill over a short time. So much pain, no wonder they avoid it,
I guess they’d go crazy
Great post, especially the last sentence.
they have been deceived by every expert and authority they have been taught to trust
Growing up, I was let down, deceived, betrayed, etc. by every Big Force in life that you’re supposed to admire, look to as authority figures, trust to guide you through life. If none of that had happened, I would have lined up and gotten the jab too. Weird how life primes you for things. All that crap I went through is saving my life now. You can’t learn to not trust authority figures until they’ve taught you that they’re untrustworthy. Sometimes you learn that as a little kid. Sometimes you learn it at the end of a syringe. The ones I grew up thinking were “lucky” are actually supremely unlucky. Ain’t life grand?
There is something we all could have done, actually. But so ingrained in us are the idea that we cannot violate someone's else rights that we choose to let them die.
Too bad the cabal already violated their rights with the mandate and made them die.
Once people realize this, that the sheeps' rights were already violated time and time again. The awakening will happen.
Shepherds who can't lead their herd will lose many. Establish yourself as a shepherd if you want to stop losing people.
If you are suggesting forcing your friends to not take vaccines, it doesn't work on multiple levels. Firstly, the FUD. If something, God forbid, happens to them it will be on your head forever. Secondly, its free will. We cannot force people to do something. Every person has to make their own choices.
My best friend is a trump-loving conservative. Knows all of this is BS and a scam. Has taken ivermectin. We’ve spent hours on the phone about all of this.
Well, her work mandated the shot, and she loves her job and her income. She said she would file exemptions but in the end she just went and got the shot and told me afterward. I pledged to help her and do whatever I could; but she couldn’t live with losing her stupid job.
This is the sad reality. She is risking her health and fertility with these jabs and thinks she will be just fine. I’ve been sick about it… but the choice was hers to make… I did all I could. Just sucks. I’m so over it all.
You did the best you could. Now lets just hope here and all others in our lives who have succumbed will stay healthy until the time comes when they can be healed.
The sad part about getting jabbed for a job is that most jobs are at will and they can be fired for any reason the next time the company needs to fire someone.
Thank you. I was in shock when she told me. I sent her tons of articles she never looked at. That’s exactly my thought. I understand loving your job and needing the $, esp when you’ve been somewhere a while, but in the end it’s a JOB and they won’t hesitate to fire you if they feel the need. It’s not worth risking your health and bodily autonomy over. But she came to a different conclusion… so I will just pray for her and for all of us.
I have a friend I really tried to convince- she got the shot and for her oldest son who is 12. I'm devastated, but it was her choice. I had to let it go. I know of very few people who are NOT vaxxed - I try not to think of it.
Force is not needed. There are many ways to non violent protest. Many ways to force research.
We all saw a monk self immolate right? don't do that but do something that make them know it's not a matter of opinions.
Why dont we go on a hunger strike? show them we'd lose our jobs our bellies, our smiles. Anything that you can lose without irreparable harm.
Cause this is their lives. No this is not a choice to make this is suicide.
Choices are better suited for chocolate or vanilla. Did you know its illegal to commit suicide so when the paramedic come to save you, you can't sue them. Or something like that.
I’d rather become abundant than starve myself. Become highly competent and sophisticated.
America has an obesity problem I've noticed. I'm pretty competent :) and if you are attractive enough, plenty sophisticated. But being crude and stupid can also be very fulfilling.
A narrowly competent and sophisticated person is as good as an electric tooth brush. Usually wastes more time for barely any improvement in cleanliness, and not very good at cleaning boots or gun barrels.
"There is something we all could have done, actually. But so ingrained in us are the idea that we cannot violate someone's else rights that we choose to let them die... Shepherds who can't lead their herd will lose many. Establish yourself as a shepherd if you want to stop losing people."?? What?? I don't understand what you mean. How do save someone from the jab (subject at hand) by taking away their right to choose? Other than minor dependents- whose healthcare I did direct, by & large, until they moved out on their own- now they are adults, with their own jobs & homes... I care deeply about them, but their freedom to choose is as precious as their lives.
How and WHY would I stop another adult from making their own choices about whom they trust regarding information to support and direct their thoughts, beliefs, and healthcare? Why would I do more than let my own thoughts and ideas and the information resources I trust be known? WHY would I usurp their freedom?
I have dealt with those who choose to bully others out of their opinion with shaming and shunning and verbal abuse and controlling behavior. That is not "shepherding" in the sense that Jesus spoke of a Good Shepherd. No thanks.
My freedom to choose is not to be imposed on other adults. My body, my choice, my responsibility to own those consequences. Same for all those I love. Same for the anonymous stranger. I share ideas. The choice & the consequences belong to each individual.
Your reaction is spot on, you are literally repeating what I said with more words.
See do we have enough proof they are killing people? yes Are they trying to kill kids 5-11? soon yes.
Now I believe all people can stop being sheeps and just be people and deserve free choice. But if they have be 100% demoralized and cannot use their full human ability to think. You should treat them like 'dependants'
But of course we know most of us (me included when it comes to things like soda or gambling) rather watch them die (or be in ruins) than violate their rights, regardless of how impaired or manipulated.
But where is the line, when is enough stupidity? kids 5-11?
Exactly ! ! !
I’ve done Exact thing with all of my friends and they’re just so fucking stupid that they’re still pro vaxx
Sheep 🐑 Times 1000. No waking them from the slaughter
Um the word for that is "dumb."
Im sorry fren. From someone who lost his wife to astra
😔I remember you. I hope you are doing well. Fight the good fight, for her.
I havent stopped fighting. Never will. I've been doing human trafficking news reviews here every evening now.
I see you! Keep bringing this awareness to to the world. More need to understand this is a global catastrophe.
This is happening a lot. Glad you have a safe space to come and speak your mind and not get canceled. Sorry about your friend.
OMG My heart is breaking for you and his family. I despise these people that are doing this. I’m very worried about friends and family members that have taken the shot for whatever reason. God help us all. 🙏🙏🙏
I’m so sorry. I lost my brother in law to the cdc Covid hospital protocol. These are tough times.
Praying for your family fren 💔🙏
Wow. Just, wow. Sorry to hear that.
Someone in management where I work died "unexpectedly" a few weeks back. Of course most of us will never know why, but no one said covid. Just unexpected. I've been wondering about every unexpected death or serious health event I hear about, but too many people are not making the connections.
They're going to get vaxxed AFTER they had Covid? Man, so many people have cognitive dissonance related to Covid and the vaccine.
No kidding... Like I think we all know that if we had chicken pox as a child we wouldnt go back and take the chicken pox vaccine??? Makes zero sense. Am I right?
In the hierarchy of dumb...that has to be dumbest. Wtf would you take a vaccine for something you just had and survived swimmingly. I don’t get it.
It's a strange thing. I have twin uncles that live together and work in the same area doing similar jobs. One got put on his ass for 2 weeks and lost some weight while the other just had mild symptoms during the same time frame. Identical twins who cohabitate and have basically the same lifestyle since they eat together and their jobs have them doing the same amount of physical labor. They're qtards as well so they've been red pilled to all of the natural remedies available for dealing with more typical illnesses. Yet they had two completely different experiences with the stuff. They think it has something to do with blood types but I can't recall if that was a theory of theirs from before they got hit with it or not.
I guess it would depend on whether they are fraternal or identical twins.
They actually are. I thought I included that info. From a light search it seems they're usually the same blood type but it can be different.
Edit: Oh I did lol.
Sounds like a premise for a tv show. Identical twins who work at the same place and live together? SHENANIGANS
It could be that one of them has cross immunity from a prior infection of a related virus
Man…I could save Washington state if I had a twin the same as me.
Well done! 👏
Why get vaccinated after you have it?
They will have the antibodies now. I'm not understanding what people are thinking about doing this after they've had the infection.
Heh...they ain’t doing THAT!
Getting vax after Covid also wipes out all those glorious antibodies. Red Cross told me this when donating.
Curious - did you ask RC how they verify that donors are of pureblood vs the spike? Won't put it past people to donate even after jabbed so to pass on the programming.
It’s only if you are donating plasma for the antibodies, they were finding that those who had Covid the got the jab no longer were showing the antibodies. So , basically they do a normal antibody check on it after donating but not for regular blood donations.
Interdasting.....very interdasting
Praying they will wake up! 🙏
Damn dude. I’m sorry for you. That sucks.
The only thing I can say is that I hope the other friends see this and realize you’re not just some “anti-vax weirdo” but that you might have some idea what you’re talking about. I hope they refrain now, too. Wish it didn’t have to come at the cost of somebody being the canary in the coal mine.
Condolences for the loss of your friend.
My heart just sunk...didn't expect that. So sad for his friends and family and you. We now know of 4 who have passed (3 under 40) and another dealing with cancer. I hope this will save someone else's life in his circle. This is just TOO tragic and unnecessary.
Sorry friend. I just got a call from my triple vaxed sister that she now has breast cancer. She had a clear mammogram 6 months ago. Its so sad and frustrating to see the casualties of this poison
I don’t know what’s the right thing to do. Tell them it’s from the vax or not?
Right... my sister is so bought in so I didn't tell her because she wouldn't believe me she has TDS bad but my mom's husband had a heart attack last month 6 months after the jab no clogged arteries. I for sure told her it was from his vaccine The stupid thing is they are fully vaccinated and they gave me covid this summer. So not only did it not protect them from covid but her husband had a heart attack and now my sister has breast cancer....
I’m sorry. Dang. I’m afraid we will all be seeing a lot of this soon. I have many coworkers and friends and family who got it. They wouldn’t listen. A guy I work with who is about 70 got his booster yesterday. Im afraid of what might happen to him.
Like any War, soldiers will die. Innocents will die.
You did your part in fighting and, despite your warnings, your friend walked into a minefield of his/her own choice and stepped on one. Perhaps their poor decision will be a better warning to any other friends thinking they can avoid being blown up.
War is Hell, soldier. Embrace the suck and save whomever you can.
In the end, it's all any of us can do.
I hate this fucking movie. Very sorry for your pain.
The ending better be good.
You said it fren!
Damnit man, I'm sorry to hear that. RIP for your friend. WRWY
Sorry for your loss. I hope all of his friends and family recognize the cause then atleast this tragic event can be a warning to others so no more shots are taken.
Yes, at least the other vaxxed friends may realize they should not vaccinate their kids, etc.
I'm so sorry about your friend. I had a friend of mine talked out of the vax but her kidney doctor talked her into it a couple weeks ago. She is not experiencing terrible leg pains. I told her she needs to report the symptoms to both the place she got the shot and her doctor. I'm so concerned that she may have blood clots. Makes me just sick. Stay strong fren.
I am so sorry for your loss.
This thread has me reflecting back to a friend who had a stroke &/or brain bleed suddenly last spring at age 55-56. We were in the same graduating class and he was relatively healthy otherwise. The jabs had been available for a few weeks across the country by that time, so getting jabbed may have precipitated the incident. He had a piece of his skull removed to relieve pressure on the brain, which has since been put back in place. He is still in a wheel chair with no sensation on one side of his body and no use of that side (not paralyzed, but not enough motor control to use that arm or leg). He is/was pastor of a church and can no longer recite much of the scripture he had memorized decades ago, so perhaps permanently disabled from his career, even though his speech may yet recover. I don't know for certain, but I am pretty sure that he and his wife had gotten the vaxx because it never was an issue for where he/ they could be admitted or visit or receive treatment in Virginia, which had pretty tight mandates, to my knowledge.
Will they ever make the connection? They were always pretty quiet, go along to get along types in finding a path of agreement to exercise their faith. This friend of mine is dealing with greater disability than my dad faced until his death at age 85 in July 2021- all because of a mandatory vaxx for the c19 flu variant that my dad survived in May 2020- in spite of Rachel Levine's deliberately flawed policies in PA nursing homes!
How many, many more will be suffering this sort of needless death and devastating disability at very, very young ages? Will these sheeple types ever actually wake up?
I hope and pray that this needless suffering from worldwide medical malpractice will be exposed soon. Trump's Truth platform could not get up and running a minute too soon.
Too many young, healthy people's funerals these days. I hate it. I'm so sorry.
Damn. My condolences fren. I know it may sound a little premature or harsh, bit don't let this opportunity go to waste with your other friends and family. Don't let your friend die in vain. Any person you save from the coof shots in this manner will bring justice and peace in your friend's name.
Prayers for your friend and you. And prayers that God helps us to end this all soon.
I am so sorry.
We're in for some real rough times.
This vax bullshit has got to fuckin end. I have fucking had it!
Sorry for your loss.
That must have been a real gut punch, fren, especially after just seeing him. Sorry for your loss.
Yes it is.
I am so sorry. Many of us are grieving right here with you. Father God wrap your arms around Greatheart.
The name I use here "Greatheart" is from the Book Pilgrim's Progress volume 2. those 2 books had a major impact on my life for over 40 years now.
Greatheart is the guide and helper sent to help Christiana on her path to the Celestial City.
I have determined to be "Greatheart" to as many as possible. In my own eyes I have failed many times yet I know who my father is and I will trust Him. He will take the little I offer and save many even If I will never know them.
Those two books are wonderful allegories. Written about 400 years ago.
I have been thinking about those books and my commitment from so long ago since the phone call about my friend. Anyway, thank you for the prayer.
Wonderful books and very inspiring that you have chosen this path. Must have touched you deeply for a reason.
Stay on your path Pilgrim Patriot. You have chosen wisely.
I’m sorry to hear that fren stay strong lean on Christ and we love you
I am so sorry for your loss my fren.
Wow…. I’m sorry to hear that
Both my adult children and some of my siblings went ahead and got vaxxed. My information was simply overshadowed by evil propaganda — I worry what’s ahead for them. I hate to say this, but Satan is really skilled … I’m sorry about your friend!
I'm so sorry about your friend. He made the decision and paid the price, but it is so horrible for his family and you. It is very sad and so unnecessary. Sorry.