Xiden creates a logical fallacy by equating TV commercials with reality:
Based on small glimpses of culture, one might assume half or more of all relationships involve some sort of race-mixing. If a person who had no information about the US or Europe were to see our television, magazine, billboard, and storefront advertisements, he might assume there were virtually zero normal white men anywhere to be found. The combination of white women with black men is hands down, the most common mixed-race couple depicted in advertising; that combination will be the focus of this essay.
A study of over two million online dating interactions revealed distinct racial preferences between groups. White women responded most frequently to white men, and least frequently to black men. Sexually transmitted disease rates per the 2016 Center for Disease Control speak for themselves.
In terms of combined median incomes of interracial marriages, black husbands with white wives earned the lowest amount of any other combination. The black husband and white wife combination were also the least educated. Of the interracial combinations, marriages between whites and blacks were found to be the least stable, and the most likely to result in divorce. The divorce rate is higher in all interracial marriages for white women relative to a white marriage.
A 2015 study examined the outcomes of women that have children with black men, the results were staggering. Currently, 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, however when the mother is white and the father black, the rate jumps to 97%. 98% of white mothers studied reported the father does not support their children financially, 97% report the father is not in the child’s life, and 97% of the women have used welfare to help support themselves and their children. Only 10% of women that have children with black men out of wedlock end up marrying. The vast majority of white women that have children with black men live far below the poverty line.
A 2013 study of intimate partner violence in relationships, surveyed nearly ten-thousand people, the authors hypothesized that interracial couples would experience higher levels of violence compared to intra-racial relationships. They found that compared to white relationships, both black couples and interracial couples experience statistically significant higher levels of relationship violence.
The purpose is to demoralize the host population. In addition, the synagogue of satan views whites, and especially white men, as the greatest threat to their goal of world domination. This is likely due to a combination of IQ, importance of individuality, and value of personal liberty that white people typically possess. So they wish to breed us out. It's even in their books, they want to rule over a dumb mono-mixed-brown race, just smart enough to serve them. But you already know all this.
Interesting. My lefty-leaning, MSM-trusting mother-in-law who is in her 60's was saying how the mixed-race push in commercials was over the top.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing her say. "I've noticed that! It's too much!"
I said, "ummm now you're a racist, you know that, right?" lol
Who very odd that for the most part, THEY are . . .
(Drum roll)
White men.
Hang 'em high!
Ummmmm........NO. The (((synagogue of satan))) and its adherents are most definitely NOT white. Do your research.
Careful, goyim! You'll trigger (((them))).
What makes you think I haven't? You apparently haven't seen the Committee of 300. Do your reasearch too, and I will look for other lists at your suggestion.
Precisely, they’re just in denial about who they are so they can cling on to their ancestors status as ‘God’s Chosen People’. They are Europeans with some Semitic DNA, like myself actually. The Palestinians have more Semitic DNA than the Jews!
Amalek must be erased from history, germanic peoples (anglo saxons) and anyone related are felt to be of Amalek. The hague has a memorial to the holocaust with "Remember what Amalek did to you" written on it.
Amalek was already erased from history, I Chronicles 4:43 says all the remaining members of Amalek were wiped out. Most people don't learn Chronicles so they are not aware of this.
Ascribing other nations/tribes to Amalek is just looking for a new evil.
Right, doesn't stop them doing it does it though.
Yeps, Social engineering 101.
Brainwashing. They've been doing it for years. They almost always show the white man as weak and feminine.
Decades now. Which man in "Friends" would be called a chad? Homer Simpson as well did untold damage.
Joey Tribiani
Keep an eye on the casting in movies and TV shows as well. It's subtle. The person in the leadership roles or cast as Doctors, Judges, Police Chiefs are all minorities now, as a general observation. This is also subtle messaging.
Here is another thought, this works against their agenda in one way, they give role models to young blacks who see there are other jobs for them besides Basketball player or drug dealer.
A teacher friend asked her 2nd-grade class what they wanted to be when they grew up. Firemen? Policemen? Nope. They all wanted to be YouTubers.
Unfortunately, the next step will be inserting Blacks into those positions based on QUOTAS and not merit.
It's already happening on a massive scale.
Quit watching TV and movies.
Yeah, there’s always wide receiver or rapper.
Also, people understand that this is not reality and are switching off their tvs and not going to see those films. You think a black female 007 will draw the fans? Everything woke turns to shit.
This! ☝🏻Nobody wants to watch gay Superman and if they say they do it’s only b/c they fear the cancel culture that runs rabid right now in western civilization. 🙄🤦🏼♀️
Some used to wonder if there was an alternate reality or a parallel universe.
All evidence to the contrary has evaporated.
I have also noticed that I see a lot of Asian / Black combos on commercials and more same sex instances, too. When it is two white people, the white husband is usually caught in a predicament after doing something dumb, to which his white Karen wife comes to his rescue.
Yup, yup, yup.
Your post should be stickied. The (((cabal))) is trying to destroy white people and white culture via mass immigration of rapists into white countries like America, Canada and Europe. Ethnically homogenous societies are the strongest and that's another reason why the cabal is trying to destroy us.
"The cabal has destroyed white peoples and their culture via successful mass migration".
It's a done deal in Ire/UK/Ger/Fra/Swe at this point, seriously.
Falsely promoting the frequency of these black male-white female relationships is also a potential cause of violence.
If you’re a disenfranchised young black man, you get the idea from the media that all white women are open to a relationship or sex with you. When a black male tries to chat up a white women up on the street and she refuses, well an appropriate reactions is violence.
“How dare this white bitch deny me“.
yep... that's right in the article:
An alien monitoring our tv transmissions would conclude that whites are a tiny minority in America.
Start with "Whites are a tiny minority globally" and end there too. When all the whites vanish from the US and Europe there will be zero shortage of arabs in MENA, indians in India, Chinese in Asia or Bantus in Africa.
^^This guy is firing on all cylinders. Can you say "Great Replacement"?
It is an attack on the psyche of White men. Something to make them seem "less" or "weak" and "not chosen" which is 100% el bullshitto. Generalization is a tool of communism. Disheartened people are weak and easier to control. (Kalergi Plan) They are doing this to women too of course, so don't feel bad, guys. Not all women are ball-cutting rude hateful creatures with superiority complexes. All for the same goal, though! Unhappy frustrated people that spend more money to make themselves feel better!
You gotta laugh at the Joy Reid's who spread hatred of Whites while ignoring their same paymasters pushing Black men on White women in the very commercials that air during her show.
Like the commercials that show black families that have both parents and a boy and girl living in a house that looks like HGTV built and furnished it?
^^^THIS. 70% of black kids born out of wedlock in real life, but everything's (((kosher))) on tv!
Did Chelsea Clinton marry a black? Nope. Did Cindy McCain marry a black? Nope. Did the Bush girls marry a black?
Do deep state mix marry? Nope. This is their reflection. They do it because they think what pains them divides you.
It’s a joke
Shit, gay couples, inter racial, no whites depicted at all, fat people, etc is every add and commercial now. Disgusting and ridiculous. Especially says majority of America is still white and straight, for now anyway...
Once you see this you can’t un-see it
Interesting writing on Microchimerism
Prevalent genetic diseases are primarily introduced by outbreeding depression, which results from mating between unrelated or distantly related individuals, In turn, these genetic diseases tend to be concentrated in a small gene pool as a result of being isolated. There are examples this found in human cultures across the world. One of the most amazing examples of this is found in the Jewish community. Even today marriage outside the Jewish community is greatly discouraged. In essence, inbreeding makes the genetic disease more prevalent in the community (gene pool). There is no other people on Earth where this is more exemplified than within the Jewish community. It is a taboo subject mentioning that the Jewish community as a group have more genetic diseases than any other people in the world.
Notwithstanding, there is much more to this than just simply stating it. The explanation can be realized by understanding the following. The presence of DNA/cells that originate from another individual, and are genetically distinct (racially) from the cells of the host individual, can cause certain types of autoimmune diseases. This is known as microchimerism and occurs from having sexual intercourse from a genetically different partner (racially different; outbreeding). The DNA/cells from a racially different sex partner has a deleterious effect to the female's own immune system, it’s homeostasis, and her mental equanimity. The DNA or RNA from sperm of a non-kindred male sexual partner influences the women's own phenotype. It also influence the traits of their subsequent offspring. This phenomena is passed on to future generations. If you have ever wondered why historically multicultural societies consistently implode into crime ridden societies, I offer this as a possible explanation warranting further investigation.
Evidence shows that the male's cells/DNA from a sexual encounter has been found living in the brains of women from 38 years ago. If the male is from a similar genetic background, the DNA/cells are beneficial to the mother and baby's immune system. However, the cells/DNA from a racially different partner are in conflict with the mother’s immune system and are attacked through what is known as a cytokine storm. The body's own immune system becomes the greatest threat to the health and longevity of the female (and baby). The health consequences can be immediate and neuro-immunological diseases involving inflammation are evident through many diseases producing systemic sepsis, as defined by persistent hypotension, hyper- or hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, and often thrombocytopenia. Viral, bacterial, and fungal pulmonary infections all cause the sepsis syndrome, and these etiological agents are difficult to differentiate on clinical grounds. In some cases, persistent tissue damage without severe microbial infection in the lungs also is associated with a cytokine storm and clinical manifestations that mimic sepsis syndrome. In addition to lung infections, the cytokine storm is a consequence of severe infections in the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, central nervous system, skin, joint spaces, and other sites. Other diseases take hold many, many years later.
The consequences are always the same. This is something that isn't publicized, but is instead censored. The studies are hidden from the public. Any mentioning of this is immediately labeled as a "myth" or racist conspiracy theory. It is a fact the children of racially mixed couples are far more apt to neuro-immunological and psychological diseases. Of any racial group, the Jews have by far the most genetic diseases, and because of this, it provides evidential example how genetic diseases are spread to other distinct genetic groups.
Found this and provides some credence to the polemic [racial difference in birth weight]. It may be one factor combined with microchimerism.
Also here is another study,
But this is what they have always done. We must all stop watching their programing; stop watching the black propogana box. Its entire existence is meant to do what it is doing. I cut cable out over 6 years ago and I feel free now. Im reminded of this freedom every time I visit someone that has the TV on. Its as obvious as one scratching a chalkboard.
Kalergi plan
Lots of handshake shills in this thread. Gee, I wonder why?
85% of black men vote Democrat.
85% of white woman vote the same as their husband’s.
Put white women with black men and odds are that you will get more votes for Democrats. ?
How about 85% of the times you go to vote in a black neighborhood and republicans do not run candidates.
Ever thought about that?
White men kissing is big also.
Yea but like everything else it will backfire on them. What are they gonna do when there is no "other?"
they will celebrate
This is the PR campaign of fomenting race wars and genocide of White people
Create one. Like the trannys.
What do you think happens when the global IQ is 78 and theirs is 110 as they begin to use crispr to elevate it higher? We are talking about speciation here.
Mexican beaner with a polish white wife.
We are doing great.
Thankfully we are both Catholic and old school ("concervative") with our beliefs.
I am a black man.
You say I smell!!!
I am sorry. With your whole statement. I cannot take it seriously!!
You are taking a situation with a BUM BLACK MAN.
And applying that experience to what you see on the CABAL's TV stations. To form an opinion about people you don't even know personally!
Thank you.
For some reason we can be generically stereotyped but THEY want to be treated as individuals. So unless we’re going from voting dnc to Potus, we’re just smelly white womens beating knuckle draggers.
It’s hard supporting a movement and wake up to see posts like this. WWG1WGA seems to be for a certain few. It’s disheartening to say the least.
I’m sure I made a grammar or spelling typo above that will prove how low my IQ is.
I am assuming you are black to.
It's up to us to PUSH OUT these racist idiots to the ocean.
Here is what these racist idiots don't understand.
They think they are different than the race conscious left.
In reality.
They are the same people!!!
Umm you're the one talking like a lefty:
People are allowed to be racist. Move on. Only the left wants to hurt people who don't think like them.
It's about calling a spade a spade. It's about being truthful right?
Are you saying that racist people don't exist? Are you saying that some people just don't like other people? Yes.. they try and use stats and logical reasons of why.
But in reality. It's nothing but pure emotions.
I am not here trying to silent you for being racist. I am here to debate these low IQ ideas by strong disagreement and logical thinking.
And yes.
People are allowed to be racist all they want. I am not trying to change them.
I am going to call their bullshit views out though. No different than I call out these Black Power idiots as well.
Funny thing is, one minute it’s “hiv infested black men ruining things for everyone”, next it’s…. “Fauci was behind the hiv epidemic”. Cant have it both ways.
The Republican party was the abolitionist party and to see today what it’s become is sad.
I agree.
This is why I call out the BULLSHIT views of these people.
These are some of the biggest SHEEP in the world. One thing about race obessive people.
NONE of their views are really their own.
How do you know this.
Because most of them have no real experience with be people they talk shit about.
They listen to Cabal Propagnda about race. They then might have a bad experience.
Then they say. "Ahh ha... You see.. those blacks are XYZ"
Stupid black people do this shit as well.
Everyone knows damn well it was the straight conservative black male who literally had no political home who put Trump over the top and solidified the dnc collapse.
Not one R has run as a candidate in my area for decades but people always claim we vote only for dnc.
I go into vote for a Republican president and all other options for lower office down to dog catcher is dnc.
I must fully fill out the voting info, there’s no option for “no option”.
PS Had a freind who tried to run against the local dnc crime bosses and had his car fire bombed just to name one threat. WW1WGA means something. The inner cities as an actual war college.
Why I think you and I need to be here.
Leftist get their ammo from white conservatives who think it's all about "Us(Whites)" vs "Them(Others)".
These same white conservatives are fake and phonies.
They talk about "individual freedom".
When in reality.
They are just the same as white leftist who break things down into groups.
These white conservative group thinkers are the same as their white leftist counterparts.
They do the same thing to make an argument. They post articles and studies to prove their "group think" is right.
I do think the key to destroying the Cabal is us true "indivdualist black men". Who can both debate leftist and right (group thinkers).
Because you are correct brother. We have no real political home.
Trump is an outsider to the system. This is why I think a lot of real individualist black people.
Are now speaking out.
It's not that we love the RNC or republicans so much.
It's that Trump has really created something special. To care about the important things of soceity.
That is jobs, security and opportunity to live as we want to live.
I am not going anywhere in the fight. I hope the mods here don't perm ban me for debating white conservatives on issues like race.
They attack me and call me a leftist. I am anti "Group Think".
Hook Nose Tribe finishing what they started.
Right? Isn’t that racism or something? I remember a few years back it was all “stop stealing our men, you’re killing our race and diluting our culture” (which i feel like would be ultimate racism is a white person said it but white ppl don’t have culture so….)
Now diluting the black community is fine?
Patriots have no skin color. Inadvertently these commercials support that idea. They portray that we live in a country where we actually are not hung up on race. These commercials also portray almost exclusively upwardly mobile people from all races, another thing that is counter to the social justice agenda.
Just a hypothesis, the study you cite is probably more based on economic status and educational levels. And they are also the outcome of decades of federal government social engineering. I’m old enough to remember when the vast majority of American black people came from close knit families. But again, that was true of all races and social classes then too. Not so much anymore.
pathetic attempt at narrative control ^
or you're just naïve
which is it?
I respect you have the right to voice your opinion. My opinion on this topic comes from the perspective the NWO and DS want us divided. If there is a narrative I’m trying to control it comes from Q.
Q makes the point in multiple posts, Patriots Have No Skin Color.
And that they want us divided.
Again, I respect your right to your opinion. I just don’t see how it is helpful in overcoming the NWO/DS desire to keep us divided.
yeah... and Q has nothing to do with this woke garbage ERASING White culture and forcing powerful propaganda into the minds of the American people..
Stop labeling me as DIVISIVE for noticing it.
I don't see how allowing the AGENDA OF RACE MIXING by the NWO to continue unites anyone.
Maybe I’m too damned old and still too idealistic. I remember when the idea was for America to have one culture. American. And sorry, but for me Q, reignited that idealism.
like I said
NWO is pouring OTHER CULTURES by the millions into this country and waging a powerful psychological operation through total media control. A campaign of guilting Whites and advantaging Blacks in higher education, federal hiring and subsidies. All without merit. All 100% RACIST.
You've bought it hook, line and sinker and are actually ASKING FOR IT.
You call it white culture, I call it American culture. I want everyone to have access to it. I don’t want it torn down. I want it built up. If that’s naive, I’m guilty.
Our debate is about the effects of 50 plus years of Democrat/DS social engineering. The Great Society was about making sure we did not become one united American culture. And you’re right, the DS still fears that so they import impoverished people who are so far outside America life they are unlikely to assimilate.
The good news is we see brave black patriots standing against CRT because they can clearly see it damages everyone.
Thanks for the debate, I don’t think we’ll change each other’s minds, but we need to focus on the causes of the problem, not the effect. We have no idea what the world will be like absent NWO social engineering. And it will take a couple decades to unravel things after the cabal falls.
You're rationalizing the propaganda and ignoring the entire point.
You are pretending that it is RACIST to point out the propaganda and 'against American values'.
You point to 'DEMS' running urban centers when in fact IT'S BLACKS running governments in urban centers. You ADMIT these people are victims of NWO propaganda but refuse to accept the nature of the propaganda.
Have you even been to Detroit or the South Side of Chicago? Very few patriots there, my friend. You could not enter those areas, as a white person today. The people that live there, as a collective, have REJECTED American values and are by and large, a lost generation. How does not focusing on the EFFECT help those people?
Most cultures/races gravitate toward their same culture/race. It is ONLY the white culture/race that is demonized for not welcoming "diversity" and on many occasions are required to allow wholesale "integration" of every aspect of their lives or risk being labeled "racist" and attacked or destroyed. There is an overt agenda to destroy the white race as well as the God-fearing Christian men and women (note only TWO sexes) in Ameica. Memo...it is NORMAL to be most comfortable with your own culture/race...it happens naturally throughout the world.
The point I’m failing to make well is this topic is much more complex than the color of our skin. Would anyone bat an eye if a white conservative guy married Candace Owens? Are we offended that one of the most staunchly conservative Supreme Court Justices, Clarence Thomas is married to a white lady? Of course not.
If this country was not controlled by the cabal and was once again solidly anchored in faith, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
But you fail to understand we are not against people of different races marrying each other. People are essentially people free to choose whatever and whoever they choose in life. Most whites accept people on the "content of their character, not the color of their skin". Racism and reverse discrimination are alive and well in our country and God forbid you should ever point it out or call it what it is...that's racist! I am against using propaganda on people to illicit an outcome whose sole purpose is to destroy a specific culture/race. We have a right to defend our culture/race against those that would wipe it all out. Big difference.
The ethnic cleansing of the founders' posterity is fine because [feels].
In truth, there is actually no such thing as mixed race marriage or identity. We are all human with the same exact patriot blood running through our veins. Skin color is no deterrent to blood donation or organ transplant. There are different cultures with different values that are distinctive within ethnicities or religions or geographic regions, but our blood is our humanity.
There are many values & freedoms that need to be protected and upheld. Racial purity is not one of them. God created all humanity from one family line. I am here in defense of the freedom of the entire human race against tyranny.
Nice that you completely left out all of HISTORY from your feel good conclusion.
No such thing as sex either right, be whatever gender you want. Retard.
The Deep State is helpless. Flailing against the wave that is washing over them. Their manufactured hate is meeting the real hate of their kind. Nothing can stop what’s coming. They will all be destroyed.
Well as the old 4chan saying goes “burn the coal, pay the toll”
It’s amazing how people could turn off that propaganda by not turning on their tv I haven’t for years don’t even notice
why did you say dysgenics?
Because the 8 point IQ drop and cultural displacement from either parent is not in keeping with onwards success? Obviously?
Because race mixing is bad for the baby, a race mixed child will not be as healthy as a child whose parents are the same race. Race mixed children can have bad mutations, diseases etc. Just look it up, be careful though because this information is difficult to find, it is suppressed because it goes against the "RACE MIXING IS GOOD" narrative that the cabal is pushing to try and destroy white people and white culture.
Races gravitate towards others of their own, for a biological reason. Mohammed Ali's little talk about why he dated only Black women? Purely sensible and certainly no shame or trouble expressing his philosophy.
Not true.
Believe are attracted to ATTRACTIVE people dude.
If you work out. Keep yourself up. Carry yourself with class.
People will be attracted to that.
You race conscience people are all the same. You talk about COLLECTIVISM.
When in reality. It's a bunch of none sense!!
That's your belief, that isn't reality. Your view of reality is skewed by propaganda. You're welcome to be the outlier but you are not speaking for a majority of people on planet Earth. Go to Japan, China, etc. Most people want their children and grandchildren to resemble them.
that your belief dude. reality is that people like the familiar as well as the exotic. there are plenty of biological reasons to mate with another race.
That's called fetishizing and objectifying.
Nope. People are genetically attracted to people of similar facial features regardless of race. And are naturally attracted to increasing their gene pool
The MAJORITY of the people on the planet. Takes their cultural views from OTHER ELITES.
It's called being a fucking sheep!!
I'll ask you like I ask all the other "It's my culture fools".
WHO gave you your cultural identity???
it also doesn't make any sense. the worst genetic defects are inherently recessive. Increasing the size of your gene pool would reduce chances of defects not increase.
Where are you getting your evidence at?
From RACIST professor in some social studies field??
You are full of shit!
There are plenty of studies that show race mixing is dygenic, here you go https://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_race_mixing
What have we learned about STUDIES???
Most of them are SHORT SIDED bullshit.
Here is how it works.
Come on brother.
Can we really trust STUDIES anymore???
COVID has exposed how these STUDIES are bullshit.
Way to throw the baby out with the bath water.
That isn't how this works.
ALL STUDIES are now invalid because of COVID?
Explain how organ transplants work for mixed race children. Small complication that science and studies clearly explain. Let me guess, you don't BELIEVE those? lol
What studies are you talking about organ transplants?
I guess this is bunk science, huh?
These studies are full of shit!!!
You can use DATA to explain ANYTHING!!!
How many arguments have people made that MASK WORK!!
We have STUDIES that say that MASK WORK right???
But guess what??
Those are LIES!!!
All you say is "this is nonsense, this is lies" but never actually articulate WHAT is nonsense and WHY or what is a lie and what is true.
Reality is that most people prefer others of their own race.
If this bothers you, you can keep it to yourself. Only a lefty would try to force others to accept YOUR preferences.
Let me guess, you're the same kind of person who thinks men are homophobic for not wanting a man who comes onto them or transphobic for not wanting to date a transwoman.
Stop trying to force people to think like you. You are not morally superior than anyone here because you want mix the races. If God wanted us all the same he wouldnt have put people into tribes and made us different.
Let me guess, you're going to cry "nonsense!" again.
Not true.
People will only prefer what is COMFORTABLE to them "AT FIRST".
So... if you are born around nothing but people who look like you. Yes.. that's what you would seek naturally. Because it's the ONLY OPTION that you are USE TO!!!
Once that same person gets out in the world. And they meet OTHER groups of people.
They will open their mind up for other options naturally.
What happens here.
It's that there is also a racist CANCEL CULTURE that exist as well.
This racist CANCEL CULTURE will use propaganda and "studies" to SHAME people who will seek new options once they have experiene.
You know.
It's the racist white man who will call a white woman DIRTY or TRASH if she leaves the "White Plantation".
This forms of shaming. Will keep white women in check.
So when you say people naturally will stick with their own.
That's a lie.
That happens because
They only have experience with white people. Therefore it's COMFORTABLE for them.
They meet other groups of people. They find a person from another ethnic group that they actually like.
The racist CANCEL CULTURE will use propaganda and "studies" to SHAME them to STAY within their own group.
You don't know what you are talking about.
How am I right?? Beause I have EXPERIENCE with various women and ethnic backgrounds.
I am FRIENDS with tons of different people.
I've experienced something completely different having grown up in a multicultural town and having served in the US Army with people from every culture.
Speaking of cancel culture...you are the outlier and it's very lefty of you to shame those who don't think like you.
The fuck is this? Patriots.win?