WATCH: Durham Drops A BOMB; Says He Will Target Rogue ‘Deep State’ FBI Agents Next
👀 EYES ON! 👀
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Watch, Durham's team is Q
...holy shit, think about it. Moves and counter-moves. Durham's got it all, so maybe his team was behind posting certain things to smoke out rats from their holes and get them to make certain necessary moves? They'd need a way to keep an open line of communication with the rats in a manner where the rats would know he's legit but without breaking plausible deniability. Disinfo was necessary because it mattered most that the rats understood that Q was legit and Q showed them things that only THEY would understand -- ergo Q proofs that were proofs to THEM but not even to us! They'd need to do that from a position of anonymity and would need a manner of communicating with all the rats on the field in order to properly manuever them around. ...if so, might that have been Q this whole time? Q's very last word (other than a YouTube link and his own signature) was Durham. Maybe that was his way of signing off on the entire operation?
Just thinking out loud here, it makes a lot of sense to me at least!
Durham is the spear head...
Tore was posting as Q, at least originally. Thats how she was able to post as "B" in May '21 and send the whole Q community into a complete tizzy and they deleted the B post from everything. Check post 1004 for more info on why B would have posted.
She also claims to be the one who retrieved husseins birth cert before they replaced it with the shitty fake one or something like that. One of her fanboys on here should be able to clarify that.
the actual person who did that is dead
That's the person who publicly 'verified' the birth cert. She was killed in the most mild mannered plane crash in the ocean filmed on a go pro. Tore claims to be the one who retrieved his original off the gov server and it was replaced by another spook which was later looked at by the dead chick.
Ratcliffe said he "provided John Durham with a lot of intelligence documents that have not yet been declassified that he can use in his investigation to prove this point that folks lied about this all the way along the way to influence the 2016 election and the 2020 election."
I was saying this a year ago. I got my popcorn ready
Think Durham and his son & team are critical players but not Q team.
My money is on Admiral Rogers as Q team member.
Rogers is now working for a think tank in Israel.
Could be cover?
They aren't rogue. They ARE the FBI. And they have been this way since forever. See The Franklin Coverup. That started at the top.
Sean Hannity, probably
The problem is the ratio. All along we the public have believed it was 1-3% of the rank and file plus all the political people at the top that were bad actors. Everyone is now waking up to the reality that not only is 10% maybe even 20 or 30% of the "rank and file" either part of it or knows its happening and does nothing to stop it, but the worst part is because the bad actors are mostly at the top the entire system for decades has been rigged so people not only fail upwards but the only way to get promoted is to be corrupt. Thus the ENTIRE top of the command structure is the most corrupt part.
If the entire command structure is corrupt and the lower level people for the most part follow orders then the entire FBI is an utterly lost cause. You either fire half of it including the entire upper tier or you disband it entirely.
I think the same thing has been happening to the military. Getting promotions is no longer about being a good commander or soldier its about being a yes man for the political elites. We have to put a stop that that before its too late.
It's not how smart or talented you are; it's your willingness to do despicable things that gets you promoted. All across the Deep State. Ever notice how many of the people at the top seem to come out of nowhere and be installed? They've proven to the DS that they'll do whatever's asked of them, no matter how illegal or depraved. Not just the FBI - every department and agency in Washington. These people are all operatives.
This! ☝🏻
"willingness to do dispicable things"
Which is why/how top brass of [FBI] are compromised to begin with.... same system over & again... Hell, they could run for Con-gress, where, according to the FBI's own estimation (per Gordon Duff/ at least 80% of Congress persons are comp'd pedos.
Comp'd by whom, you ask? That's the 64 Thousand $ question, and many say Mos
System of a down, indeed
That’s why there are so many stupid and senile people running the country.
Not a single whistleblower. The FBI is crooked top to bottom. The cabal at the top make sure that any Patriots are removed quickly and only the evil is left.
Yep, we've even gotten DHS whistleblowers lately but not a peep from the FBI and we all know that Snowden is just a whistleglower for the CIA.
This is the kind of well thought out post/theory I come here for. I too have found it hard to believe the percentage of the bad guys is so big. And the good guys are so intimidated they just stay quiet. If you think the level of monitoring our comms is intense for citizens , imagine being an b or c level agent and what they must do to "keep an eye on them"
The rank and file are all CPAs and Lawyers they know the difference and choose to shit on the constitution
The Franklin Coverup is what started me down the rabbit hole. I came across it in 2005 or so. Everyone should read it.
Nick Bryant Gang
Yeah unless he’s going after the entire FBI, that verbiage is not really what I want to hear.
I think the FBI will be dismantled like the CIA. There will be a new Nuremberg.
I don't believe this. I do believe there are those who joined the FBI with an intent to do the right thing, and some still exist.
The number who are corrupt or become corrupt in the process is the truly sad part of the FBI.
So, all of them?
Except the whistleblowers. Here's to hoping there's more than 2 of them.
no deals? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
John Solomon Just The News article “biggest loser of Durham indictments: James comeys fbi” not that we didn’t know.
Don’t your mean, Corney??
And stinky -- very very stinky.
There are like a bazillion inigtments outstanding.
They must have already done the work
Indictments are just that. There is a group of Federal prosecutors that review the criminal charges, look at the details, present their findings and then, only then when all the facts etc. are poured over, requestioned etc., do they pass it before a grand jury that listens to the prosecutor and witnesses, and then votes in secret on whether they believe that enough evidence exists to charge the person The reason for a SEALED indictment, is to stop the subject from fleeing. They’ll never know, until they are arrested, if they will be indicted. I believe there were something like 460 prosecutors that work on the Durham team.
Ooooooooooooh, thanks for explaining that fren
Just imagine if this was happening under Trump 2.0 POTUS? Wow, there would be DAILY Impeachments going on, and MSM would be SCREAMING about DJT the dick-tator.
Instead, they have to BLATANTLY cover and spin for POTATUS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - delicious.
I must have missed something. The article linked to has a piece of a transcript between Maria Bartiromo and John Soloman. Where is John Durham saying he's going after the FBI next?
Seems like John is a source, and has been one.
Not sure what that means? John Soloman is a source? Title of the post says Durham drops a bomb and will target FBI next. While I can somewhat understand that as it was just copied from the linked article, I would say the linked article's title is WAY misleading. I thought I was going to see or hear John Durham say that. Looks like we're not going to hear or see John Durham say anything. And that's fine by me as it's probably best he stay out of the limelight.
Yes it’s a super misleading headline. Durham does not say anything
You're correct, and it's kind of even worse. Six months ago Soloman was all over the place saying Durham would never go after the FBI.
John seems to know what is going on re Soloman. What John spoke about is clearly related to what Durham is doing.
The OP should have made things clear, agree.
The entire FBI then right?
Channel "17" in the rt. corner of video?
Durham didn’t drop any bomb. It’s John Sullivan firing blanks!
He is coming for you, Strzok-Stroke-Smirk and Horseface.
To all the FBI agents reading this... you hear that Glowies? They coming for you faggots, keep it up! 🖕
“...but many other people are being examined at this moment”. We Have It ALL.
Start with NY 5th district
Where Corney's daughter works...
Just a reminder. Q asked us to look up month/day Durham initiated. Durham started as the interim US Attorney on October 28, 2017. That was the exact date of Q's first post on 4 Chan.
Remember; The corrupt Global Cabal runs the State Dept along with the United Nations and Counsel on Foreign Affairs. The CIA works in conjunction with these agencies to maintain power & control (blackmailing, money laundering of our tax dollars, special operations, etc). The CIA is aligned with the FBI to handle the 'dirty work.'
UNDER BHO ADMINISITRATION which included BIDEN; Hillary was State Dept under her puppet master Soros, Rothschilds, Saudis-Muslim Brotherhood, Russia and the pipeline wars in the Middle East through Europe.
John Brennan was CIA
Mueller was AG-DOJ and Comey was FBI Directors covering it all up!
16 yr plan to destroy America and the Constitution Nov 13 2020 00:20:55 (EST) Durham. Q
Is November 13th, 2020 showing us a marker for 5:5 in the timestamp?
What was Q's last drop? A song called We're Not Gonna Take It that came to be released in 1984.
April 27, 1984
What else happened on this day?
Libyan embassy siege ends The siege of the Libyan Embassy in St James's Square in London is over. In the end, the diplomats, holed up in the building for 11 days since the shooting dead of WPC Yvonne Fletcher which began the siege, simply walked out.
She was killed on April 17th, 1984
Yvonne Fletcher is back in the news as the Scotland Yard has submitted over 600 documents regarding this case and their continued pursuit of justice and answers
The trial raises the prospect of a a senior Libyan official, Saleh Ibrahim Mabrouk, becoming the first person to be brought to justice for a murder that shocked the nation.
Mabrouk was arrested on charges of conspiracy to murder WPc Fletcher but no charges were brought after the criminal inquiry was dropped in 2017 on grounds of national security.
Marbouk has denied all wrongdoing, pointing out he was in custody at the time. Mabrouk was expelled from the UK after the criminal case was dropped, preventing lawyers from dragging him to the High Court to give evidence. He is now living in Libya.
Remember these unforgettable words...
Obama is a son of Africa H1N1 was created by an unnamed military Set up a tent on Donald Trumps' estate
Coincidences? How do these things come together?
Comey and Hillary get arrested at minimum or this isn’t going to wake anyone up.
I believe it'll be Jenn Psaki.
She might be PR-Executive-1 and Q brought her up with Huma in posts referring to NOV.
Those who are the loudest...
They have the most to lose. Psaki has been nothing short of a bullhorn into a giant loud global echo chamber, that censors any dissenting thought...
Wasnt she in one of those podesta glow in the dark parties?
hope it's Corny but probably lower level turd, but that okay more pain for the upper level knowing it's getting closer all time.
Durham didn't drop this bomb though, it's the opinion of the dude being interviewed.
I hate being the guy who has to straighten out these headlines which are designed for pure hopium.
Looks like Strozk was wrong when he said Durham wouldn't touch the FBI or the Clinton campaign.
By rogue they mean just FBI agents?
At this point a "rogue FBI agent" is a good person who's trying to do the right thing.
Could all of this be coincidental?? Look at what's starting here in the US...massive walkouts from Jobs due to mandates....people will be home rather than at they will surely have time to "Catch Up" with all the News, about enlightenment
This story doesn't really tell us anything that we already don't know. Tracy Bean provides more insightful information than Solomon's "two sort of buckets that John Durham has been focused on."
Not sure how this got stickied and 600+ upvotes. It's appears to be a partial transcript from John Solomon talking about the Durham investigation.
No ,durham isnt Q…. Q even said less than 10 with only 3 being non military… Unless of course , that was also misdirection…
I don't see anywhere in that story where Durham said anything. Nor did Soliman say Durham said anything. Clickbait, completely untrue headline. Is this En-volve site at all reliable? Yesterday they called the Jan. 6 prisoners "rioters."
Where is queer boy Frankenstein Communist Muslim Brennan these days?
Isn't there suppose to be 2 more non-civilians arrests ? Not that I'm opposed to civilian arrests, just wondering because q post says 5 non-civilians
Anyone else notice the “17” watermark in the lower right hand corner of the video?
Why is this stickied? Read the story - Durham never said ANYTHING. Solomon never said Durham said anything. The headline is bogus. Read the story. There is not one word in that story about Durham saying who he will target or anything else.
Great news, but wouldn't it be fair to say that the en-volve headline is misleading? I did not actually hear the Du man say anything.
Durham did not drop a bomb. The headline is clickbait.
The article says: According to John Solomon of Just The News, Durham wants to bring the FBI to justice for knowingly and willfully lying about the debunked Trump-Russia dossier, and John S. does not even claim that Durham told me this directly, so it does not even count as second hand information.
I hope this does occur, but I f'ing hate sensationalized news articles.
Durham = Q….. hmm… Q knows….
The title states that Durham said it but the article is just Solomon speculating. Kind of misleading.