Can we get some paper work on that. From the looks of things, missing the first one wasn't so bad. A Q cruise! What a diabolical fun idea for the near future.
When I saw that giant penis, that's when my own inner booze cruise started. Along with the big tub of popcorn. It's not healthy to bait the enemy if still in dangerous engagement. It said the all clear. IMHO
Like Jack Black’s obsession with the Devil. Thought it was just a cutesy jab at religious people who wouldn’t give up their archaic baggage.
Now I understand that peoples intuition regarding the “Satanic Panic” were actually on to something meaningful even if they went overboard with banning stuff like D&D.
Well, I dont think people like Zuckerberg and Klaus Schwab are remotely human. They are totally soulless and there's a few videos on youtube pointing out all these crazy reptilian eyes
Alex Jones and Icke were right about a hell of a lot. Yh this may be crazy but Q did say we'd never believe, and we know he Greys exist and were working with Trueman/Eisenhower etc
Abby Jones
Thu, November 18, 2021, 8:01 AM·1 min read
The post Reno 911! The Hunt for QAnon Gets Release Date, Teaser Trailer appeared first on Consequence.
Just in time to argue with your conspiracy theorist family members over Christmas supper, Paramount+ has announced the new Reno 911! film, The Hunt for QAnon, will premiere on December 23th. Additionally, the streaming platform has also shared a teaser trailer that, really, explains all you need to know about the special.
“The only cop show they forgot to cancel is back,” Jim Dangle (Thomas Lennon) announces in the teaser. Deputy S. Jones (Cedric Yarbrough) follows up with some clarification: “Reno 911 has done it again!” Whatever “it” is, it’ll include an array of mischief and hijinks that involve a QAnon convention gone awry and an accidental trip to Jeffrey Epstein’s old island. Watch the trailer below.
Reno 911 originally ran for six seasons on Comedy Central between 2003 and 2009. Quibi revived the series last year, before news broke that Paramount+ would premiere The Hunt for QAnon.
In addition to Lennon and Yarbrough, the film welcomes back original cast members Robert Ben Garant, Kerri Kenney-Silver, Carlos Alazraqui, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Niecy Nash, Mary Birdsong, and Ian Roberts.
It was fucking awesome, there were these six guys in cuffed shorts, black socks and sunglasses there. They were really buff and cool, and they had a lot of ideas about doing insurrections.
They really have ran out of ideas for shows haven't they.
I think this will end up being a parody of sorts, might actually be good. Reno is one of those shows comedy central let stay on the air that they shouldn't have (sort of like how South Park has CC blackmailed into using their material). Of course they will try to push this as a way to misdirect from and delegitimize Q, but i think it will only get some people to think more about what is behind it. Those who know the message already know, and those who don't didn't care in the first place. This can only be a win, because you can't lose anyone that already understands the message. Q has a movement that is stronger than Trump by himself could have ever imagined.
This has to be white hats pushing it. This is going to turn so many normies towards qanon.
Toward Q, not qanon.
Q explained there is Q and there are anons.
"Qanon" is a name invented by C_A to link Q to ACTIONS OF RANDOM ANONS.
Then all the glowy Joeys of the Fake Bureau of Iniquity have to do is dress some unhinged left-wing psycho from their Rolodex in a Q shirt with a MAGA hat, have him do some stupid random violence, and they can endlessly flog the Q movement with it.
Also searching for the letter Q alone is problematic so the glowies had to create another unique name that they could seed the Internet with to distract normies.
Holy shit... I just noticed the bow of the ship - even tho “horns” isn’t one of us I’ll take ghillie suit dude and those rooftop Koreans on my team any day! Bahahahah that’s actually pretty funny shit!
I’m telling you whoever wrote this I’m pretty sure has a deep, deep knowledge of what Q is all about. And may indeed be a very based person. And I’ve said it before, Thomas Lennon the show creator has done interviews in the past that lead me to believe he isn’t a lefty commie. Kinda like Kevin James and Adam Sandler being closeted Hollywood conservatives and both are tight friends with... Rob Schneider.
In some ways, it does make me proud, though. Look how far we've come!!! They obsess day and night over the one who opened Pandora's box. Which will never be shut. Which means Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
Wait, what?
Q had a booze cruise and I missed it?
Can we get some paper work on that. From the looks of things, missing the first one wasn't so bad. A Q cruise! What a diabolical fun idea for the near future.
We could go out in the ocean and draw a giant....
When I saw that giant penis, that's when my own inner booze cruise started. Along with the big tub of popcorn. It's not healthy to bait the enemy if still in dangerous engagement. It said the all clear. IMHO
It's called the Trump boat parade and there's one like every weekend.
You didn’t get the invite at the JFK airport waiting for RFK? /s
i got my invite from a dude in a black tahoe and ray-bans parked near Dilley Plaza
Yep, Isaac was tending bar, Capt Stubing got trashed, and Gopher hooked up with the Cruise Director, Julie
Reference noted and appreciated. You know only people over 50 are gonna know what yer referencing tho right? 😆😆😆
I do, I am, and very much enjoy being part of the greatest genX ;)
Ayyyyy High 5's 😎👍
I got it and LOL'd! This is one of my all time favorite shows, Reno 911. I really hope I don't hate it now
I'm in my 40s and get the reference. Love Boat was on TV until halfway through Reagan's second term.
I'll have you know I'm only 48 years young and I get the reference, thank you very much!
Julie was a hottie.
Tried telling my uncle that, but he would always quote the fact based Wikipedia.
Shh don’t spoil the end for them
Huh? You sure
Just to be sure you see this
This will be either incredibly unfunny or it will introduce more red pills to the masses. Or both.
It'll be unfunny for the most part. Too many forced 'jokes' to paint a picture rather than just be humorous.
Which is sad because you could do a legitimately funny movie that would have even this sub giving praise.
These actors haven't aged in 20 years?
I want my baby-back baby-back baby-back...'s a happy sounding song but they eat babies dude
I couldn't help envisioning [them] biting into some near-dead baby's back ribs.
with a lil sweet baby rays
Jonesy is looking rough
I remember when some of them were on The State.
That'd be great if they actually get sucked into rabbit holes
never heard of it. is it like the office or something?
Sort of. Like an Office version of Cops. Very funny show back in the day.
You work in the film industry too?
My fren!
Just a show by faggots, for faggots.
I use to watch this show when I was younger, funny to me at the time, not so much now.
Like Jack Black’s obsession with the Devil. Thought it was just a cutesy jab at religious people who wouldn’t give up their archaic baggage.
Now I understand that peoples intuition regarding the “Satanic Panic” were actually on to something meaningful even if they went overboard with banning stuff like D&D.
I prefer the movie Hunters become the HUNTED.
💯 The Q posters were infinitely more enjoyable. And believable. And true.
The preview for the new season of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia shows someone dressed up as the "QAnon Shaman" as well.
did this board talk about the shaman's arrest yesterday> i was away so missed it
i dont know what to make of him at all
"Trump using a channel like Q with general Flynn to backchannel comms to patriots online for morale support"
Q is so much more than this. These plans were laid decades ago.
Why were they crazy? They must be saying same sort of things as us...?
Well, I dont think people like Zuckerberg and Klaus Schwab are remotely human. They are totally soulless and there's a few videos on youtube pointing out all these crazy reptilian eyes
Alex Jones and Icke were right about a hell of a lot. Yh this may be crazy but Q did say we'd never believe, and we know he Greys exist and were working with Trueman/Eisenhower etc
There were a few posts about his sentencing. None gained much traction.
Here is one of them:
Abby Jones Thu, November 18, 2021, 8:01 AM·1 min read
December twenty-threeth? ;)
“QAnon convention”? And I wasn’t invited???
It was fucking awesome, there were these six guys in cuffed shorts, black socks and sunglasses there. They were really buff and cool, and they had a lot of ideas about doing insurrections.
I’d like to watch some Nickelodeon shows like Angry Beavers 🦫 at some point.
How is the quality? I've been holding out for a blue ray set. I wonder if the Paramount stream is higher res than 480p DVDs?
I've been holding out for years, refusing to even pirate because I've been hoping for some broadcast quality blue ray discs instead of 480p DVDs.
They really have ran out of ideas for shows haven't they.
I think this will end up being a parody of sorts, might actually be good. Reno is one of those shows comedy central let stay on the air that they shouldn't have (sort of like how South Park has CC blackmailed into using their material). Of course they will try to push this as a way to misdirect from and delegitimize Q, but i think it will only get some people to think more about what is behind it. Those who know the message already know, and those who don't didn't care in the first place. This can only be a win, because you can't lose anyone that already understands the message. Q has a movement that is stronger than Trump by himself could have ever imagined.
Can you blame them? How do you compete with the current reality playing out before us.
This has to be white hats pushing it. This is going to turn so many normies towards qanon.
Toward Q, not qanon.
Q explained there is Q and there are anons.
"Qanon" is a name invented by C_A to link Q to ACTIONS OF RANDOM ANONS.
Then all the glowy Joeys of the Fake Bureau of Iniquity have to do is dress some unhinged left-wing psycho from their Rolodex in a Q shirt with a MAGA hat, have him do some stupid random violence, and they can endlessly flog the Q movement with it.
Iniquity = "immoral or grossly unfair behavior"
How fucking perfect is that for FBI
Also searching for the letter Q alone is problematic so the glowies had to create another unique name that they could seed the Internet with to distract normies.
Hate to admit it, but i loved r911 in the past.
While I'm sure this'll be lame and gay, ill watch it just to get a peek at lt. Dangles balls again...
I’ve been wondering what Qanon was too. As for the booze cruise sounds fun. Watch the water!
watch the water? lol
its funny this will actually work in favor of q, gettin the word out and whatnot, even if theyre trying to poke fun at it
Holy shit... I just noticed the bow of the ship - even tho “horns” isn’t one of us I’ll take ghillie suit dude and those rooftop Koreans on my team any day! Bahahahah that’s actually pretty funny shit!
I’m telling you whoever wrote this I’m pretty sure has a deep, deep knowledge of what Q is all about. And may indeed be a very based person. And I’ve said it before, Thomas Lennon the show creator has done interviews in the past that lead me to believe he isn’t a lefty commie. Kinda like Kevin James and Adam Sandler being closeted Hollywood conservatives and both are tight friends with... Rob Schneider.
Lol, is this crap for real? 😆😆😆😆
You know what's the biggest threat to your enemy by looking at what he attacks the most.
That's hilarious!!! Yes, how did I miss the booze cruise?!!
Streisand effect. Bring it!!!!
So after Christmas we get a flood of handshakes and everyone here now gets a new OG-Badge 😂😎
We them 1.0 Anons 😎
We can call the handshakes Renotards. Ha!
This will send Q mainstream!
This is gonna be hilarious I can’t wait to watch it 😂😂😂😂
Some people think the HBO one was real.
Silly “I know who Q is. HBO said it’s the 4chan guy”.
Well, I guess they'll be putting this back in the vault to age for 20 years or so if JFK is back. Won't that be fun?
This is from the Bee..... right?
it never ceases to amaze me how obsessed the establishment is with something that is supposedly fake
In some ways, it does make me proud, though. Look how far we've come!!! They obsess day and night over the one who opened Pandora's box. Which will never be shut. Which means Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
Interesting way to deflect the Q message of, “The Hunt For Red October.”
They even brought in a sea fairing vessel as part of their plot.
Reminds me of how badly Satan tries to mimic the role and power and position of Jesus Christ... and how miserably he (Satan) fails.
Nice try at mocking the truth through satire. Not working on this monkey though.