Can we stop pushing this nonsense narrative? Most parents who are jabbing their kids are so wholly brainwashed they have no concept of the vaccine even possibly being dangerous. They're not vaccinating their children to virtue signal, they're doing it because they quite literally live in a different reality perpetuated by media and think they're protecting their children.
If you are ignorant in the information age, it is a choice. If you choose to put an unknown substance made by a medically criminally guilty corporation in your child, while living in a time when everything you need to make an informed decision for that child and more is in your pocket, it is NOT being duped and you are being a less than stellar parent. It is laziness. Those same parents make sure they spend plenty of time reading reviews and price shopping when ordering yoga pants on Amazon. They invest less in making informed medical decisions for their children, how can you defend that. If you turn your parental decision makig over to someone else, you're a shitty parent, especially in the information age. They've seen enough over the last 1.5 years to know something ain't right bit did it anyway.
Just because they posted on Facebook doesn't mean that the actual reason they vaccinated their kids was just to do that. They were lied to by the media and even worse by their doctors. There's a very significant difference between jabbing your kid to virtue signal on Facebook vs jabbing your kid because you think it's "safe and effective" and the right thing to do to protect them and then virtue signaling on Facebook after. One of these is half decent and an attempt at good parenting while the other is effectively treating your child as a prop to carry around and show off. I highly, highly doubt there's any significant group of people who actually do the latter.
Facebook is also a massive minority of nutjobs. It's also filled with bots to push a narrative. So if someone for example posts a picture of their kid after getting the shot and you get dozens of people responding saying they did or are going to do the same, you could reasonably assume that dozens of people haven't actually done this as only the original person posted a picture. The rest could simply be bots keeping the echo chamber alive.
They posted their kid after getting the jab but it's exceedingly clear after reading her descent into madness (Read: reality) that she cares about her kid and was lied to by a world that makes it possible to live in a thick, protected bubble that's completely separate from any form of truth. Lied to by the media, by the doctors, by the schools, by other people calling """ani-vaxxers""" "conspiracy theorist flat earthers". By the end, she seems to realize her mistake and likely regret it. If she only did it to virtue signal that wouldn't have happened. So even among the minority of people posting their kids on Facebook and Twitter some among that small subgroup can't even be pinned down as jabbing their kid to virtue signal.
Bonus point, the kid even says "yes" he's happy to be jabbed. Now imagine he didn't get any adverse reaction (in fact, I just reread and he said yes he was happy AFTER the myocarditis diagnosis), he'd grow up into the perfect little drone who's fully submerged in the fantasy world, ready to be controlled and weaponized against the truth. Not because he wants to virtue signal, but because it's all he knows.
The Omicron variant has the highest transmissibility of all COVID variants to date due to its novel koppa-factor [k-factor] spike protein which has an increased virulence in areas serviced by 4G LTE and 5G based communications systems.
In these areas, once the variant is introduced, cascade spread becomes near instantaneous and herd mutiny in those locations is achieved in a matter of hours.
The contagion is considered non-lethal for the majority of those infected for the time being.
The infected with the Omicron variant with the k-factor spike protein are easily identifiable, and therefore easily quarantined within the infected areas by the unique tell tale APC systemic side effect.
APC - Addictive Popcorn Consumption
Indicative of the infected during the shedding phase is high frequency consumption of popcorn saturated with butter (butter oil appears to be tolerated).
The only approved effective prophylactic preventive measure approved by the CDC is to wrap aluminum foil around the upper portion of the head to include all of the forehead to the top of the bridge of the nasal orifice and to completely wrap the genital and anal areas with a special copper-nickel-copper foil (available only at Females should also wrap the breast area front to back with the copper-nickle-copper foil.
Since it takes a second person to effectively wrap the foil, I have setup a station for MILF’s to come by my place and I’ll wrap for free. I love volunteering especially living in TN, home of the VOLUNTEERS.
It could be the disease itself or, perhaps, society wasn't psychologically ready to accept harsh measures.
It could be the dis ease itself or, perhaps, society wasn't psychologically ready to accept harsh measures.
Did you see what I did there?
American Dictionary of the English Language
Noah Webster 1828
DIS. A prefix or an inseparable preposition, from the Latin, whence Fr. des, Sp. dis, and de may in some instances be the same word contracted. Dis denotes seperation, a parting from ; hence it has the force of a priviative and negative, as in disarm, disoblige, disagree. In some cases, it still signifies separation, as in distribute, disconnect.
EASE. n. s as z. [Fr. aise ; Arm. eaz ; W. hawz ; Corn. hedh ; Sax. at or aeth, easy ; L. otium ; It. agio ; Ir, aisgaidh.]
Rest ; an undisturbed state. Applied to the body, freedom from pain, disturbance, excitement or annoyance. He sits at his ease. he takes his ease.
Applied to the mind, a quiet state ; tranquility ; freedom from pain, concern, anxiety, solicitude, or anything that frets or ruffles the mind.
His soul shall rest at ease. Ps. xxv
Wo to them that are at ease in Zion. Amos vi.
Rest from labor.
Facility ; freedom from difficulty or great labor. One man will perform this labor with ease. This author writes with ease.
Freedom from stiffness, harshness, forced expressions or unnatural arrangement ; as the ease of style.
Freedom from constraint or formality ; unaffectedness ; as ease of behavior.
At ease, in an undisturbed state ; free from pain or anxiety.
DIS'EASE. n. dize'eze. [dis and ease.] In its primary sense, pain, uneasiness, distress, and so used by Spenser. but in this, sense obsolete.
Glad this was brought-up. “Sacred ritual of renewal” and her calling the Capital the “TEMPLE” was memorable. I had just seen a video of a guy describing the Washington Monument as Nimrod’s phallus and the Capital symbolized the pregnant womb of Isis so her comments struck a note with me.
wait wait wait, so youre tellin me the reason ive been eating so
much dam popcorn lately us cuz i have covid?? shit no wonder i thought it was cuz i was high
So, basically, the per-capita death rate for 0-19 is 3 in 100k... Yet we must vaccinate every one of our kids.
I have a very good friend who is extremely smart, but he's very liberal, who is vaccinating his kids. One of them is immunocompromised, so I get the rationale there. But what strikes me is the casualness with which he talks about vaccinating his kids.
When he says "my kids are getting their second shot this week" he does so with the same tone that I tell my wife "I gave our son Ibuprofen for his fever." I really hope his kids don't have any adverse reactions... But the lack of even the curiosity about how bad it could be for his kids is baffling to me.
I don't understand vaccinating the immunocompromised. At least not for the kung flu jab. I'm not arguing with you, I truly do not get it given what this thing does to the immune system.
Right, but think of it from his perspective. He believes it boosts the immune system. That's why I can understand his "why," even though I disagree with it.
Statistically speaking, people under 50 are more likely to be killed in a car crash than by the coof.
(Based on NHTSA's 2020 aggregate numbers)
People over 65 are as likely to be killed in a car crash as from the coof- because they largely stayed home in 2020. Using the normal 2019 stats, car crash deaths are more likely.
(NHTSA Detailed "Fatality Rates by Sub-Category")
But people are still driving around with kids in the car and putting them on school buses. How dare they!
It's to the point where the sheeple don't even believe the CDC numbers unless CNN announces it. Tired of showing people hard data and them just blowing it off and getting their kids vaccinated anyway. The walking dead are doomed.
This whole “pandemic” narrative is brutal and cruel. Good people out here are being driven to the very edge of insanity. As the game continues, people are waking up and are absolutely devastated! As they learn the depth of depravity that has willingly and knowingly been liberally applied to themselves and their families, the rage grows. It is absolutely vital we keep as many eyes on GMaxwell and “The Dangler” Juicy Smellit… These two cases alone blow their bs narrative waaay out of the water! That might very well be “why” the media are latching on to Bannon… that’s the Jan 6th case… likely a lot easier to explain away than KHarris involved in a fake lynching or how a lot of big names did unforgivable things to children. They’re avoiding MLindell’s SC visit also… Not going to be able to explain the Big Steal either looks like… damn those pesky lies… they’re so stupid and evil. NCSWIC
It's truly frightening. I get that we are born to die but these fools are exacerbating the situation and when they don't succeed with immediate death, a portion of the immunized are ruined for life. "They" also includes the the conglomerates who create toxic mixtures for cleaning and things of that nature.
It's like when they'd tell us, "would you jump off a bridge if your friends told you too?" the answer is yes I guess. 1 BIG VOICE is telling them to jump and they do not hear God' nor frens Still Small Voice.
Every single person who has had the shots, and who gets covid, says the same thing. "The shot saved me from being put on a ventilator or dying".
This is the end game of the special unicorn mentality. These idiots have been programmed to believe that they are so unique that this terrible covid is coming to kill each of them, specifically.
I'm referring to the medical doctors who know that having children get the shots is not supported by data, or any other medical/scientific reason, yet due to political reasons, push them anyway. Simple ignorance should not get them thrown out of the medical profession, but they shouldn't be totally forgiven either.
My heart hurts, my neighbor just sterilized her children. They are 100% gaslit and she is looking for virtue points by sharing their vaxxed status on fakebook. Those beautiful children, they do not deserve this. Their immune system are destroyed. I hope to god they got some kind of saline shoot instead of the death shot. So much damage and destruction...
This is horrifying. I am in a survival category with less than four nines so if I don't have chance to say goodbye later, well, it's been nice knowing all of you.
Is this like the joke where do you bury the survivors? Ie no critical thinking? joke: two planes crash at the border of two countries where do you bury the survivors?
You don't bury survivors....I am wondering if its a critical thinking issue?
Assume the vax was 100% effective at preventing death and if the unvaxxed are all going to get sick at some point... The benefit for the 99.98% group would be completely negated if:
There's a 0.1% chance of 20% of the vaxxed dying
There's a 1% chance of 2% of the vaxxed dying
There's a 10% chance of 0.2% of the vaxxed dying
Can you just dismiss the 0.1% possibility? Given all of the evil surrounding the vax I can't.
Fact is a lot of parents are selfish, they are afraid to lose the worldly things they possess. So they believe the media and rush out and jab their kids because they believe their kids will kill them. They can tell you all they want to how they are scared for their children but is all bs, they are cowards. There is no worse thing for me than if my children died before me, I've seen it first hand with my grandfather, he lost his wife and 4 out of his 10 kids and it was hard on him.
I’m SKEEERED!!! 😷😱. Valid question; so when a parent gets their child vaxxed isn’t it symbolically the same as sacrificing your child to Moloch? I mean, the Caananites & Phoenicians did so thinking they would get some sort of reward or gain from it aka “protection”. Same reason a tarded parent vaxxes their child; “protection”. Unknowing FOOLS!!!
I believe even when the Branch Covidians see their immune systems go down, their cancers come back, and sadly people dying, they will never correlate these things to the vaccine. They act as though they have been hypnotized. Maybe they have. Maybe MSM has some way to do that.
QUESTION: how do they calculate these survival rates?
Number of dead is obvious. Of course, they inflate the death numbers.
But where do they derive the total of those who caught COVID? What are they basing this number on? Where are they getting it? Are they constantly revising it?
Humanity is being passed through a sieve. The beauty is that it is entirely (here, so far) predicated on free will. The wheat is being seperated from the chaff. With each Fauci-Ouchi administered, the cabal further proves it's point.
It's crazy how parents are not protecting their own children. So sad.
Abortion outside the womb.
So sad indeed
Can we stop pushing this nonsense narrative? Most parents who are jabbing their kids are so wholly brainwashed they have no concept of the vaccine even possibly being dangerous. They're not vaccinating their children to virtue signal, they're doing it because they quite literally live in a different reality perpetuated by media and think they're protecting their children.
This is true.
I was getting gas and there was a PSA, on the pump, with children thanking their parents for loving them enough to vaccinate them.
From the time we are young, and get a sucker for being good, many of us have an almost childlike trust in doctors.
People are being willfully misinformed and manipulated.
If you are ignorant in the information age, it is a choice. If you choose to put an unknown substance made by a medically criminally guilty corporation in your child, while living in a time when everything you need to make an informed decision for that child and more is in your pocket, it is NOT being duped and you are being a less than stellar parent. It is laziness. Those same parents make sure they spend plenty of time reading reviews and price shopping when ordering yoga pants on Amazon. They invest less in making informed medical decisions for their children, how can you defend that. If you turn your parental decision makig over to someone else, you're a shitty parent, especially in the information age. They've seen enough over the last 1.5 years to know something ain't right bit did it anyway.
They're still retards
That's what drives me crazy. Next thing they'll be doing is taking selfies when they get a pap smear.
Just because they posted on Facebook doesn't mean that the actual reason they vaccinated their kids was just to do that. They were lied to by the media and even worse by their doctors. There's a very significant difference between jabbing your kid to virtue signal on Facebook vs jabbing your kid because you think it's "safe and effective" and the right thing to do to protect them and then virtue signaling on Facebook after. One of these is half decent and an attempt at good parenting while the other is effectively treating your child as a prop to carry around and show off. I highly, highly doubt there's any significant group of people who actually do the latter.
Facebook is also a massive minority of nutjobs. It's also filled with bots to push a narrative. So if someone for example posts a picture of their kid after getting the shot and you get dozens of people responding saying they did or are going to do the same, you could reasonably assume that dozens of people haven't actually done this as only the original person posted a picture. The rest could simply be bots keeping the echo chamber alive.
Then there's this person:
They posted their kid after getting the jab but it's exceedingly clear after reading her descent into madness (Read: reality) that she cares about her kid and was lied to by a world that makes it possible to live in a thick, protected bubble that's completely separate from any form of truth. Lied to by the media, by the doctors, by the schools, by other people calling """ani-vaxxers""" "conspiracy theorist flat earthers". By the end, she seems to realize her mistake and likely regret it. If she only did it to virtue signal that wouldn't have happened. So even among the minority of people posting their kids on Facebook and Twitter some among that small subgroup can't even be pinned down as jabbing their kid to virtue signal.
Bonus point, the kid even says "yes" he's happy to be jabbed. Now imagine he didn't get any adverse reaction (in fact, I just reread and he said yes he was happy AFTER the myocarditis diagnosis), he'd grow up into the perfect little drone who's fully submerged in the fantasy world, ready to be controlled and weaponized against the truth. Not because he wants to virtue signal, but because it's all he knows.
Living in a different reality is brainwashing...
What are Phoenician ways? Is it something you can explain without too much trouble? Thanks.
No, I wasn't, but I know that sort of evil has been around for millennia. It's just hard to know.
The Chilling Truth Of The Phoenician Child Sacrifice Ritual | Blood On The Altar | Timeline
I remember that video. It’s amazing how many “Historians” diss the evidence?! I’m thinking they’re protecting the cabal.
Oh dear. Thank you for this. I'm not sure I'll be able to watch it. I'm very sensitive to anything where children are hurt.
There, fixed it for yas
What are the rates of other things? Put those up and compare with it, to really drive the point home that this was all a fucking scare scam. the survival rate of this experimental gene therapy.
The Omicron variant has the highest transmissibility of all COVID variants to date due to its novel koppa-factor [k-factor] spike protein which has an increased virulence in areas serviced by 4G LTE and 5G based communications systems.
In these areas, once the variant is introduced, cascade spread becomes near instantaneous and herd mutiny in those locations is achieved in a matter of hours.
The contagion is considered non-lethal for the majority of those infected for the time being.
The infected with the Omicron variant with the k-factor spike protein are easily identifiable, and therefore easily quarantined within the infected areas by the unique tell tale APC systemic side effect.
APC - Addictive Popcorn Consumption
Indicative of the infected during the shedding phase is high frequency consumption of popcorn saturated with butter (butter oil appears to be tolerated).
The only approved effective prophylactic preventive measure approved by the CDC is to wrap aluminum foil around the upper portion of the head to include all of the forehead to the top of the bridge of the nasal orifice and to completely wrap the genital and anal areas with a special copper-nickel-copper foil (available only at Females should also wrap the breast area front to back with the copper-nickle-copper foil.
cc: u/MAGAdeburger u/8Vpower
Let me be the first to volunteer for copper-nickle-copper foil breast wrap application. It is my solemn DUTY!
Since it takes a second person to effectively wrap the foil, I have setup a station for MILF’s to come by my place and I’ll wrap for free. I love volunteering especially living in TN, home of the VOLUNTEERS.
Your calling.
The irony is that climate alarmists are and most "scientists" are psychics and charlatans... Dawkins included
Answer: Yes. It used to be called flu season or lack of vitamin D3 season as we now understand it.
It could be the disease itself or, perhaps, society wasn't psychologically ready to accept harsh measures.
It could be the dis ease itself or, perhaps, society wasn't psychologically ready to accept harsh measures.
Did you see what I did there?
American Dictionary of the English Language
Noah Webster 1828
DIS. A prefix or an inseparable preposition, from the Latin, whence Fr. des, Sp. dis, and de may in some instances be the same word contracted. Dis denotes seperation, a parting from ; hence it has the force of a priviative and negative, as in disarm, disoblige, disagree. In some cases, it still signifies separation, as in distribute, disconnect.
EASE. n. s as z. [Fr. aise ; Arm. eaz ; W. hawz ; Corn. hedh ; Sax. at or aeth, easy ; L. otium ; It. agio ; Ir, aisgaidh.]
His soul shall rest at ease. Ps. xxv
Wo to them that are at ease in Zion. Amos vi.
At ease, in an undisturbed state ; free from pain or anxiety.
DIS'EASE. n. dize'eze. [dis and ease.] In its primary sense, pain, uneasiness, distress, and so used by Spenser. but in this, sense obsolete.
cc: u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power
Mass psychogenic illness
I do believe that the psyche has a lot to do with illness. Our bodies definitely respond to what we don't.
Who talks this way?
I would consider this woman had lost her mind but I would be making the assumption that she had a mind to lose in the first place.
cc: u/MAGAdeburger
Glad this was brought-up. “Sacred ritual of renewal” and her calling the Capital the “TEMPLE” was memorable. I had just seen a video of a guy describing the Washington Monument as Nimrod’s phallus and the Capital symbolized the pregnant womb of Isis so her comments struck a note with me.
wait wait wait, so youre tellin me the reason ive been eating so much dam popcorn lately us cuz i have covid?? shit no wonder i thought it was cuz i was high
BOHICA, bro.
So, basically, the per-capita death rate for 0-19 is 3 in 100k... Yet we must vaccinate every one of our kids.
I have a very good friend who is extremely smart, but he's very liberal, who is vaccinating his kids. One of them is immunocompromised, so I get the rationale there. But what strikes me is the casualness with which he talks about vaccinating his kids.
When he says "my kids are getting their second shot this week" he does so with the same tone that I tell my wife "I gave our son Ibuprofen for his fever." I really hope his kids don't have any adverse reactions... But the lack of even the curiosity about how bad it could be for his kids is baffling to me.
I don't understand vaccinating the immunocompromised. At least not for the kung flu jab. I'm not arguing with you, I truly do not get it given what this thing does to the immune system.
Right, but think of it from his perspective. He believes it boosts the immune system. That's why I can understand his "why," even though I disagree with it.
Statistically speaking, people under 50 are more likely to be killed in a car crash than by the coof. (Based on NHTSA's 2020 aggregate numbers)
People over 65 are as likely to be killed in a car crash as from the coof- because they largely stayed home in 2020. Using the normal 2019 stats, car crash deaths are more likely. (NHTSA Detailed "Fatality Rates by Sub-Category")
But people are still driving around with kids in the car and putting them on school buses. How dare they!
It's to the point where the sheeple don't even believe the CDC numbers unless CNN announces it. Tired of showing people hard data and them just blowing it off and getting their kids vaccinated anyway. The walking dead are doomed.
so.... you're saying there's still a chance???? we're just about as likely to die from a shark bite in a hotel pool than by the china virus....
Let’s do the asteroid one that one’s good.
We need a sticky post of these comparisons. It would be a good laugh!
Never go near a hotel pool without your Evil Knievel rocket 🚀
Uh, if I had a 99.98% of hitting red on a Roulette table, I would mortgage my home and put it all on red.
I'm going to play the odds because they are unbelievably fantastic
Great analogy. Keeping this one in my arsenal, thanks!
Who can tell me the same historical death rates for those categories with the flu?
10 to 1 they are veeerrrry similar..
This whole “pandemic” narrative is brutal and cruel. Good people out here are being driven to the very edge of insanity. As the game continues, people are waking up and are absolutely devastated! As they learn the depth of depravity that has willingly and knowingly been liberally applied to themselves and their families, the rage grows. It is absolutely vital we keep as many eyes on GMaxwell and “The Dangler” Juicy Smellit… These two cases alone blow their bs narrative waaay out of the water! That might very well be “why” the media are latching on to Bannon… that’s the Jan 6th case… likely a lot easier to explain away than KHarris involved in a fake lynching or how a lot of big names did unforgivable things to children. They’re avoiding MLindell’s SC visit also… Not going to be able to explain the Big Steal either looks like… damn those pesky lies… they’re so stupid and evil. NCSWIC
I've been showing normies this and they don't blink, they still going to get poisoned.
Yup, it's honestly amazing at this point.
When you "sacrifice" your child, they got you. You'll sacrifice anything.
Here it is:
Knowing what we know now about Big Pharma, I would be very cautious regarding any childhood immunization or feeding them manufactured formula.
It's truly frightening. I get that we are born to die but these fools are exacerbating the situation and when they don't succeed with immediate death, a portion of the immunized are ruined for life. "They" also includes the the conglomerates who create toxic mixtures for cleaning and things of that nature.
It would be interesting to see the data for survival rates after being vaccinated.....
Not just the survival rates but ALL of the damage caused would be even more eye opening.
It's like when they'd tell us, "would you jump off a bridge if your friends told you too?" the answer is yes I guess. 1 BIG VOICE is telling them to jump and they do not hear God' nor frens Still Small Voice.
Every single person who has had the shots, and who gets covid, says the same thing. "The shot saved me from being put on a ventilator or dying".
This is the end game of the special unicorn mentality. These idiots have been programmed to believe that they are so unique that this terrible covid is coming to kill each of them, specifically.
Real numbers are just a pesky triviality.
All medical doctors who are documented to actively promote having children get the covid shots should lose their medical licenses.
I agree, if they can't figure out simple percentages, they shouldn't be making decisions for other people.
I'm referring to the medical doctors who know that having children get the shots is not supported by data, or any other medical/scientific reason, yet due to political reasons, push them anyway. Simple ignorance should not get them thrown out of the medical profession, but they shouldn't be totally forgiven either.
My heart hurts, my neighbor just sterilized her children. They are 100% gaslit and she is looking for virtue points by sharing their vaxxed status on fakebook. Those beautiful children, they do not deserve this. Their immune system are destroyed. I hope to god they got some kind of saline shoot instead of the death shot. So much damage and destruction...
Those are from last year though.
You mean the year where all of our policy making was done regarding COVID?
This is horrifying. I am in a survival category with less than four nines so if I don't have chance to say goodbye later, well, it's been nice knowing all of you.
Is this like the joke where do you bury the survivors? Ie no critical thinking? joke: two planes crash at the border of two countries where do you bury the survivors? You don't bury survivors....I am wondering if its a critical thinking issue?
Link to tweet? I don’t see it on his page. Thanks!
Here is the tweet:
Thank you!
Assume the vax was 100% effective at preventing death and if the unvaxxed are all going to get sick at some point... The benefit for the 99.98% group would be completely negated if:
Can you just dismiss the 0.1% possibility? Given all of the evil surrounding the vax I can't.
Fact is a lot of parents are selfish, they are afraid to lose the worldly things they possess. So they believe the media and rush out and jab their kids because they believe their kids will kill them. They can tell you all they want to how they are scared for their children but is all bs, they are cowards. There is no worse thing for me than if my children died before me, I've seen it first hand with my grandfather, he lost his wife and 4 out of his 10 kids and it was hard on him.
I’m SKEEERED!!! 😷😱. Valid question; so when a parent gets their child vaxxed isn’t it symbolically the same as sacrificing your child to Moloch? I mean, the Caananites & Phoenicians did so thinking they would get some sort of reward or gain from it aka “protection”. Same reason a tarded parent vaxxes their child; “protection”. Unknowing FOOLS!!!
Wait… is the cdc actually producing the truth?
I believe even when the Branch Covidians see their immune systems go down, their cancers come back, and sadly people dying, they will never correlate these things to the vaccine. They act as though they have been hypnotized. Maybe they have. Maybe MSM has some way to do that.
Egads!!! And even those numbers don't reflect how many have died WITH Covid vs FROM Covid.
QUESTION: how do they calculate these survival rates?
Number of dead is obvious. Of course, they inflate the death numbers.
But where do they derive the total of those who caught COVID? What are they basing this number on? Where are they getting it? Are they constantly revising it?
I finally found this actual tweet. It was tweeted in September of 2020.. so this is over a year old tweet. Not really a updated number for today.
14 month old tweet posted as 'current' ...this place??
Humanity is being passed through a sieve. The beauty is that it is entirely (here, so far) predicated on free will. The wheat is being seperated from the chaff. With each Fauci-Ouchi administered, the cabal further proves it's point.
When did Ron tweet this? I went to his twitter.. couldn't find this tweet
Love muh Gov