Per Trump's Executive Order, we technically now own China and all other entities that interfered in our presidential election, enabling a treasonous coup d'etat against our country.
Once the dust settles, I think that's when Trump's oft repeated expression "You're going to be very happy" kicks into high gear.
There is no longer any legitimate justification for American citizens to pay federal income tax (there never actually was) or federal student loan debt. The latter is a sickening scheme to make students pay a lifetime penalty for their ambition by constantly capitalizing interest and pretending the student borrowed it, so they have to pay interest on interest on interest on interest on interest, etc., with no possibility of a fresh start through bankruptcy—effectively making them debt slaves to the federal government for the rest of their lives—over a decision made when they were teenagers (the group best known for making really excellent major life decisions).
I believe it is. Those I listen to on a daily basis are screaming a warning. The collapse of the OLD GUARD and the end of worldwide central banks is upon us.
What's more important is that China's entire sector of property investment firms has been defaulting for the past several months. During that time, Evergrande has barely made last minute payments by scraping together money using CCP bailouts, fire sales of their own assets, and the CEO's personal wealth. Evergrande itself will make a big splash when it comes down, but that entire industry collapsing could bring down the CCP.
If the Nationalists default and then redefine currency within all good Nations. You preserve the fair capital. It's a thought to consider all brave capital.
I can pick things up fine but I've noticed that Asians have all the nuance down when it comes to the other experience required to effectively eat different things with chopsticks.
For all intensive purposes you could grammar cop that until you're blue in the face, anon. Irregardless, people will still say "I could care less." ;p
Believe it or not, Merriam-Webster (once an authority on words) actually lists "I could care less" as acceptable. Why? BECAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE SAY IT WRONG, IT'S NOW OK.
Same with "libary" and "Febuary." They list those as acceptable pronunciations. I shit you not. It's like the editors were all sitting around getting stoned listening to Don McLean's American Pie, and one suddenly blurted out "OK guise! 'Febuary' is in! It's LITERARY!!" LOL
How long can it be until "ain't" receives their official blessing? God help us.
LOL thank you but I think in this case you mean to go back and check the context for other intentional errors I planted to reinforce the original point about "could care less" :)
I'm not saying that I am especially proficient at English but it does bother me that basic mistakes are so common.
It'll be interesting to see how the current and upcoming school children will end up given the deterioration of the education system and of course how reliant people are becoming on spell checking services.
I'm not saying that I am especially proficient at English
Your comment says otherwise :) It's great, even if 'schoolchildren' and 'spellchecking' are now usually written as single compound words—about as minor as it gets. You're certainly not slowing readers down with your English, anon :)
how reliant people are becoming on spell checking services
...which are so often ridiculously wrong, it's laughable
Zerohedge always predicts doom, no one does it better than they do. If something goes wrong, they have more articles that predicted it than anyone else.
Good news is.....Ammo is still available......Best investment...Maximum return lol. Also I saw for the first time in life...a 357 caliber pellet gun.......I dont think I could have gotten any harder :D:D:D....No ballistics.....and this thing put a pellet straight through a 2x6. :D:D:D
Never mind, I found a local source that says they are in 147 grain and that a decent pellet gun can achieve a muzzle velocity of just under 1,000 fps. Now that's some pretty good ballistics for an air gun, and should be effective between 50 and 100 yards. Sweet.
I know from a reliable source that they're fantastic at taking down a turkey at 50yds, are much quieter than any gunpowder rifle, and that a 3 stage hand pump will give you essentially infinite ammo.
The reliable source may have a name that starts with i.
The reliable source may own a Benjamin Bulldog 357.
Historical side note: The air rifle was coming into its own back in Napoleonic times and we actually in the field. I can't recall which army he was fighting (he fought so many) but they were using air rifles at some distance to kill Napoleon's officers. Napoleon made a public announcement that any soldier captured with an air rifle would be summarily executed without a trial.
I saw for the first time in life...a 357 caliber pellet gun.......I dont think I could have gotten any harder :D:D:D....No ballistics.....and this thing put a pellet straight through a 2x6. :D:D:D
A comment I saw on pol about the supposed default:
Here is a list with names you will hear very often the next days:
Country Garden
Poly Real Estate Group
Sunac China Holdings
Longfor Properties
Seazen Holdings
China Resources Land
China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd.
R&F Group
All of them are going to default, all of them are hiding humongous ammounts of bad debt.
You think the 130% dept to GDP ratio of the US is bad?
Whait untill they tell you that China is actually indebted with 2400% GDP and that is not a typo!
This is Japan 1991 all over again.
Ultimately this is the beginning of the collapse of the current financial money systems and the beginning of return of the Gold Standard back system
How do you know?
(Not being a dick this time - not well versed in finance, just wondering how this can be known. Also does this mean financial ruin for the average person?)
sure, but it's complicated, and i'm not really an expert, and i'm kinda high... so we'll see how it goes...
China's economic strategy has been 3 fold
devalue currency
This allows them to keep their costs of labor artificially low which makes them attractive for manufacturing (because foreign money buys a lot in china). Also with money being pretty much worthless comparatively speaking it doesn't hurt them at all to just print out billions of their currency and pass it around like monopoly money with good clean US dollars rolling back in via mfg and investments
this means it's very easy for them to buy up influence around the region (belt and road) and the world at large
dominate mfg
Make the world reliant on you as a manufacturer of everything. Starting with trinkets and fireworks, then cheap electronics, now the list includes everything from chips to all of the worlds vehicle "brains" and computers to all the important chemicals and medications. all the investments are being made in china because of the devaluation of their currency is making it possible. the goal being to keep it cheap until they can shift gears and all that investment will pay off huge (which is part 3)
sell china as the future
they are attempting to convince everyone to place all their bets on china and use every dirty trick in the book to make that a reality... because the more people of influence they can blackmail, the more IP and tech they can steal, the more influence they can gain over the destruction of their rivals (both in business and the politics)... the more money all those "investors" stand to make.
the problem is all of it is one big giant lie... it's all built on the promise that china is going to come out ahead at the end of this moment in history... but their gamble is built on the Ponzi scheme of unlimited growth and earnings potential
you see, all this investment is mostly based on things like evergrande style property development cons where they build massive ghost cities with absolute shit building practices... the buildings remain vacant and they all start crumbling after a few years because they are made like movie sets. as cheaply as possible, as quick as possible, then slap a coat of paint on it and show it off to the investors.
streets buckling, stone work falling off in the rain, hollow walls, leaking roofs, electrical fires, structual shit made with bamboo hidden with plaster (not even kidding).
problem with investing in growth is when there is no growth, and there are no droves of people moving into these cities, and there is no massive workforce ready to work at all the factories that the CCP is trying to con people into building... it all falls apart.
because it's all fake bullshit and the whole world is starting to figure it out.
evergrande defaulting is a serious deal, it's going to screw a bunch of investors sure... but more importantly it's the canary in the coalmine for all these other potential investors. people are going to stop investing and start moving money out so they don't get burned, the ripples are going to touch everything.
this is just the tip of the iceberg, hopefully others can chime in to add or correct me... but that should be enough to give you a general overview.
all the investments are being made in china because of the devaluation of their currency is making it possible.
Trump was bellowing about this over 30 years ago on shows like Rona Barrett and Oprah. They would often ask respectfully if he would consider running for president.
Funny, no one ever asked him about being a racist or nazi Hitler back then. Very odd. Maybe he isn't one??
There is another side to currency you have not mentioned. There is a currency was going on, or rather, CCP and US are enthralled in a war that is fought in the financial arena (among others).
It is not so much CCP could not up the liquidity. It is a simple matter of printing it/ creating it. Let's consider one asset:
Asset 1 is the basis on which paper currency is produced. Let's say, a hundred paper yuan's. These go into circulation and change hands over and over again. This means that asset 1 can push a multitude of transactions.
On each transaction taxes are due, so in the end, the amount of currency decreases over time and ends up where it originated: with the CCP who created it. And if more currency is needed, Because without currency, trade stops when no currency is available, , it is a simple push on a button to create more. Asset 1 then can be burdened with several rounds of currency creation, without anyone noticing.
Asset 1 can be many things. Buildings, persons, a right to tax, a right to lease. Coincidentally, the CCP owns all the land on the mainland. People can only lease their plot. Infrastructure increases the value of land.
It is easy to see how currency creation and investment fuels the next round of what is now called quantitative easing (neologisms always tell you what the lie is!), or in short: flushing the market with cash.
However, the more currency comes into circulation, due to demand and supply, the value of the currency will suffer changes. Access to this currency can be restricted, to artificially keep the value higher. Or, access to it can be loosened, causing the value to drop, meaning, the amount of goods and services that can be bought with a unit of currency changes over time, up and down.
How can you wage a war against your major opponent via a currency war? Especially, when you try to maintain a peg to the currency of your opponent?
Enter the bought and paid for rinos and dems. IF they create 3.5 trillion extra in currency, it is easy to see, in order to maintain the peg, where the room to create 25 trillion yuan comes from.
When Trump said, the CCP was manipulating it's currency to maintain the peg, the CCP is forced to dance with the devil due to the peg. IF it wants to increase it's value against the currency of the opponent, it must follow a restrictive currency policy.
So, how do you increase the value of your own currency? By soliciting of the dems and the rinos to create vast amounts of currency in their denomination. Hence, the 3.5 trillion. And let's be fair, more is to come.
Meaning, that the CCP can look forward to upward pressure on the Yuan. WIth this pressure it gives the opportunity to create more liquidity to ease the markets.
This ties in with the political system. When one section of the financial market goes bad, the government has the liquidity to move in and stabilize.
Here is where it get's interesting. Despite the vast amounts of currency already created by the FRN crowd, the 3.5 trillion is on top of that. And the amazing part is, we see the EUR/FRN relation as now 1: 1.16. Not so long ago it was 1: 1.18. And in the beginning of the year: 1:1.23 (Amazingly: the exchange rate now is 1.13!!!-red)
Meaning, with the currency creation by the FRN crowd, we see the Euro losing steam. The only reason that can happen is when the Euro is creating more euro's for the financial system.
Remember, eventually, the BIS (Postal) is behind all of it, and orchestrates in collusion with the IMF to move closer to an SDR financed world.
And since the UPU is making sure every person is hooked up to their postal system for access to internet, government services, commerce and birth certificates it is easy to see why the need arises to stifle competition and make the world a bit more predictable.
And being unpredictable is the most important accusation leveled against Trump. Unpredictable in a "rules based international order". What exactly these rules are, they do not tell you, but they become clear once you look at the moves of the UPU since 1871.
One other aspect needs to be taken into account: Money creation fuels inflation. However, industrial production fuels specialization and production maximization, or streamlining the process to it's optimum. This means that products over time decrease in value. Because optimization leads to a larger number of products in the market and thus, by supply and demand, a lower value.
You can appreciate from this that inflation is not easily achieved by money creation alone. And why is inflation important? Well, not to the average user. As an average user, you want prices to go down, or deflation, because with the same amount of money, you can buy more.
However, when you have a debt of say a 100 and every year inflation is 2%. In 30 years, how much is left of those 100? 2% times 30 is not the real answer, because inflation builds up over time. it is 2% over 2% over 2%, etc. It is called compounding. Meaning in the first year that 100 decreases in value of 2%. Nominally it still remains 100, but what you can buy with it decreases with 2%. The buying-power of the currency deceases. So, in the first year 100 -2% = 98. In the second year, 2% of 98 = 96.04. In the third: 2% of 96.04 = 94.12 etc.
In the total of those 30 years of 2% inflation a debt of 100 decreases to 54,54. Almost 46% decrease.
It can be easily appreciated how huge government debt over time is not a problem for the government, as it's value in the present is eroded over time. This is why you hear Central banks insist on creating inflation.
It is also easy to understand why deflation is a horrific idea to those governments in debt. In such a scenario, the debt would INCREASE in buying power.
It is also easy to see that the more you start to tinker with the concept of a free market where prices are set by the market, the more you need to control. Because now you want to "guide" the spending habits. First they will try this by regulation and taxation, excises, etc. By increasing the taxation, people will make different choices. Consider the imposition of taxes on fuel.
A second way for a government to impose itself on the habits of people, is by subsidy.
A third is by outright mandate or prohibition.
Now the circle is square and you are looking at the world of today. Welcome to 1984.
hmm.. I remember reading that CA's CalPers had heavily invested in Chinese properties. I wonder if those properties were part of Evergrande. If so, there might be a lot of people, some I know personally, that will lose their retirement funds.
The Q Team and POTUS45 have been bleeding China dry. Hence the container ship blockade off both coasts. Whilst that may seem small change, China doesn’t get paid UNTIL these ships berth and pass customs. Plus security. These containers could be fitted with a small nuclear devise that could launch a missile onto US soil. The world (except the globalists as they are the problem)) needs to stop being dependent upon China. We should all be mineral/fuel/food etc. independent of any other country and trade only our surplus. China’s bullying has been stymied and there are many countries, especially since the pandemic that are saying enough is enough. India. Japan. Australia. Singapore and the fact the world have threatened China if they come anywhere near Taiwan is heartening. Our politicians have sold us out by giving away farmland, water rights, fuel, military secrets, intellectual property etc. Those that have done this are evident in this pandemic. They should be tried for treason. I’ve said this before on this board. Get your house in order. NOW. There is a financial crash coming and it could be ANY DAY. If this is correct then we are days away as things will start to grind to a halt. Stock up on food, (bulk rice, beans, flour, oil) water, meds, baby needs (alternative to disposable nappies) pet needs, fuel, protection and suss out your community for like minded people. Get some silver (gold if you can in smaller bars/coins), but walk into a shop - do not place an online order - and walk out with it in your hands. If you cannot hold it you don’t own it. Get in bartering items like salt, sugar, coffee, alcohol, candles etc. The gov. cannot help - will not help - as this is their goal - destroy the middle class. Pray. Come quickly to the realisation that you are on your own NOW. God bless.
I would say that if you are like me and have been dragging your feet on changing your bank, now is the time to do it. Get your money into a local bank or credit union ASAP. I'm finally getting my account with Wells Fargo closed tomorrow.
Bear with me, I’m just a dumb grunt but since China has invested billions in real estate in the US, what do you think will happen with the housing market? Any thoughts?
Evergrande, Fantasia, Sinic, Kasia, Aoynan, Sunshine 100, Modern Land, Yango, Bozza Develop, Million Stars, etc.... It’s all crashing down and the US media has been trying to hide it.
Whats this, like 4th time this month ?
It's been defaulting on its defaulting. What a failure.
Per Trump's Executive Order, we technically now own China and all other entities that interfered in our presidential election, enabling a treasonous coup d'etat against our country.
Once the dust settles, I think that's when Trump's oft repeated expression "You're going to be very happy" kicks into high gear.
There is no longer any legitimate justification for American citizens to pay federal income tax (there never actually was) or federal student loan debt. The latter is a sickening scheme to make students pay a lifetime penalty for their ambition by constantly capitalizing interest and pretending the student borrowed it, so they have to pay interest on interest on interest on interest on interest, etc., with no possibility of a fresh start through bankruptcy—effectively making them debt slaves to the federal government for the rest of their lives—over a decision made when they were teenagers (the group best known for making really excellent major life decisions).
This reply makes me very horny.
Like they say on stonk it’s jacking my tities
You want a good country then talk descent in public!
Titties, seriously? Language puritans are so motherfucking boring. 29 day account finds Titties offensive. We better stop posting.
Same thought. I think I broke my desk
Don't get to excited. China's high maintenance.
Best description of student loan debt yet. Those mf’ers are soulless.
Not to mention the money pit called University. Well paid professors and coffee bars. Universities have been and always will be a ponzie scheme.
Eh...we may own China, but it's a fixer-upper.
SHIT! This will be fun to watch,I don't think! Buckle up,the rides gunna get rough!
Chairman Dan has really fucked up big time. How do you think this will affect VIC? The State debt is already pretty huge,I gather.
I suppose it's like in Sydney,people don't want to take public transport for fear of catching "the deadly covid".
I hope you are managing OK down there. Keep your chin up and stay strong. Hopefully this shit doesn't last too long.
Hang in there,Brother!
I wonder if its's the first domino to bring down the CCP? Imagine all the traitors world-wide running for cover if that happens.
I believe it is. Those I listen to on a daily basis are screaming a warning. The collapse of the OLD GUARD and the end of worldwide central banks is upon us.
Cause we're taking down the CCP!
What's more important is that China's entire sector of property investment firms has been defaulting for the past several months. During that time, Evergrande has barely made last minute payments by scraping together money using CCP bailouts, fire sales of their own assets, and the CEO's personal wealth. Evergrande itself will make a big splash when it comes down, but that entire industry collapsing could bring down the CCP.
If the Nationalists default and then redefine currency within all good Nations. You preserve the fair capital. It's a thought to consider all brave capital.
How's your chopstick skills?
I can pick things up fine but I've noticed that Asians have all the nuance down when it comes to the other experience required to effectively eat different things with chopsticks.
Ya, no one gives a shit now. This shell game the Chinese are using has backfired and people could care less. Lol.
A frennly reminder: if you COULD care less, then why dont you? ;) makes it sound like you still care. It's you could NOT care any less about ______...
For all intensive purposes you could grammar cop that until you're blue in the face, anon. Irregardless, people will still say "I could care less." ;p
Believe it or not, Merriam-Webster (once an authority on words) actually lists "I could care less" as acceptable. Why? BECAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE SAY IT WRONG, IT'S NOW OK.
Same with "libary" and "Febuary." They list those as acceptable pronunciations. I shit you not. It's like the editors were all sitting around getting stoned listening to Don McLean's American Pie, and one suddenly blurted out "OK guise! 'Febuary' is in! It's LITERARY!!" LOL
How long can it be until "ain't" receives their official blessing? God help us.
A frennly reminder: Although phonetically they sound similar, the idiom is actually "for all intents and purposes" ;)
I argue with dictionaries. I still fight about the pronunciation of “taupe”. Thanks for meeting others here who fight the good fight.
I think you mean "For all intents and purposes"
LOL thank you but I think in this case you mean to go back and check the context for other intentional errors I planted to reinforce the original point about "could care less" :)
Lately, I see a lot of people write “apart” instead of “a part.”
For example: “I’m so glad to be apart of this team.”
So they’re saying the exact opposite of what they intend to say.
Yeah, that's a good one.
That reminds me of the famous joke about apartments. Why are they called apartments when they're all together?
And, why is it called a building when it's already built? Instead of an apartment building, it should be called a togetherment built! :)
I'm not saying that I am especially proficient at English but it does bother me that basic mistakes are so common.
It'll be interesting to see how the current and upcoming school children will end up given the deterioration of the education system and of course how reliant people are becoming on spell checking services.
Your comment says otherwise :) It's great, even if 'schoolchildren' and 'spellchecking' are now usually written as single compound words—about as minor as it gets. You're certainly not slowing readers down with your English, anon :)
...which are so often ridiculously wrong, it's laughable
Thanks! I seem to have had a decent grasp on the patterns through observation but I never really learned all the rules through schooling.
You are kicking ass
It's just a shortened version of "I could care less, but I'd have to try."
Absent that knowledge it sure does seem stupid.
Like it.
I always thought it was a truncated version of, "I could care less [than you think I care]."
Should of been here yesterday. Maybe it’s still on a post about wanting to hurt Fauci. Anyway, someone typed that Fauci torchers animals!
Can you please find that person and correct them? Thanks internet grammar patrol.
I think Evergrande has always been the red herring to make people apathetic when the real stuff starts collapsing behind the scenes. Lets see.
China's been collapsing for 30 years. ;)
UPDATE - China's property developer #Kaisa defaults on $400 million debt.
The Great Awakening is happening. The great reset is their plan. And I agree, keep praying!
I wonder how big the snowball will get before it hits the bottom of the mountain.... 🤔
I have calls on FAZ, an ETF of financial institutions.
It moves inverse, so that’s why calls instead of puts.
I'll wait for zerohedge or Disclose to see if it's for real. If It is, fuck chyna,chyna is asshoe
disclose posted it
Zerohedge has been “calling” it on way too many things way too early, then it seems like nothing happens.
Zerohedge always predicts doom, no one does it better than they do. If something goes wrong, they have more articles that predicted it than anyone else.
Best succinct summary of ZH I've ever read: Pro-Russian goldbugs gonna goldbug
Bruh, it's on CBS, let alone ZH. It's real.
Good news is.....Ammo is still available......Best investment...Maximum return lol. Also I saw for the first time in life...a 357 caliber pellet gun.......I dont think I could have gotten any harder :D:D:D....No ballistics.....and this thing put a pellet straight through a 2x6. :D:D:D
Interesting. What are the specs of .357 pellets? Weight in grains... muzzle velocity, etc?
It's a pellet. Muzzle velocity is 100% a factor of the launcher.
Aren’t they all .177?
Great find, and thanks for the report, u/cablez
Never mind, I found a local source that says they are in 147 grain and that a decent pellet gun can achieve a muzzle velocity of just under 1,000 fps. Now that's some pretty good ballistics for an air gun, and should be effective between 50 and 100 yards. Sweet.
I know from a reliable source that they're fantastic at taking down a turkey at 50yds, are much quieter than any gunpowder rifle, and that a 3 stage hand pump will give you essentially infinite ammo.
The reliable source may have a name that starts with i.
The reliable source may own a Benjamin Bulldog 357.
The reliable source may absolutely love it.
Roger that, i.
Historical side note: The air rifle was coming into its own back in Napoleonic times and we actually in the field. I can't recall which army he was fighting (he fought so many) but they were using air rifles at some distance to kill Napoleon's officers. Napoleon made a public announcement that any soldier captured with an air rifle would be summarily executed without a trial.
Lewis and Clark had a air rifle Forged in Fire judge enters the chat "It will keel".. 😎
I see you are also a person of culture 😎
I believe it was the Austrians that used air rifles.
You may be right. My European history is not as well tuned as my American history.
Got sauce? Because this can't be it, it says 357 but it's a .177 caliber:
Thanks anon This was it
Thanks, yeah I saw one of those on amazon yesterday. Didn't "pull the trigger" because five rounds...
That wasn't it...what I seen and held was a heavy ass rifle :D......maybe look up "air gun".....essentially a pellet gun
They get bigger than even .357, but you won't find them on Amazon.
Here's one in .45
The Benjamin Bulldog .357 bullpup is integrally suppressed and on amazon for $740
A comment I saw on pol about the supposed default:
Here is a list with names you will hear very often the next days:
All of them are going to default, all of them are hiding humongous ammounts of bad debt. You think the 130% dept to GDP ratio of the US is bad? Whait untill they tell you that China is actually indebted with 2400% GDP and that is not a typo! This is Japan 1991 all over again.
Can anyone tell me what would be the effects of this event? I'm not up to speed on economics.
Ultimately this is the beginning of the collapse of the current financial money systems and the beginning of return of the Gold Standard back system
How do you know?
(Not being a dick this time - not well versed in finance, just wondering how this can be known. Also does this mean financial ruin for the average person?)
This could be the beginning of the NWO one world currency for all you know. Careful with the hopium Dave. Now, let’s talk about your health.
It’s one of the worlds largest debts owed and so therefore when it’s not being paid it’s going to cause the value of currency to decline
Thank you, that makes sense. How about the financial ruin for the average person part? :p
sure, but it's complicated, and i'm not really an expert, and i'm kinda high... so we'll see how it goes...
China's economic strategy has been 3 fold
This allows them to keep their costs of labor artificially low which makes them attractive for manufacturing (because foreign money buys a lot in china). Also with money being pretty much worthless comparatively speaking it doesn't hurt them at all to just print out billions of their currency and pass it around like monopoly money with good clean US dollars rolling back in via mfg and investments
this means it's very easy for them to buy up influence around the region (belt and road) and the world at large
Make the world reliant on you as a manufacturer of everything. Starting with trinkets and fireworks, then cheap electronics, now the list includes everything from chips to all of the worlds vehicle "brains" and computers to all the important chemicals and medications. all the investments are being made in china because of the devaluation of their currency is making it possible. the goal being to keep it cheap until they can shift gears and all that investment will pay off huge (which is part 3)
they are attempting to convince everyone to place all their bets on china and use every dirty trick in the book to make that a reality... because the more people of influence they can blackmail, the more IP and tech they can steal, the more influence they can gain over the destruction of their rivals (both in business and the politics)... the more money all those "investors" stand to make.
the problem is all of it is one big giant lie... it's all built on the promise that china is going to come out ahead at the end of this moment in history... but their gamble is built on the Ponzi scheme of unlimited growth and earnings potential
you see, all this investment is mostly based on things like evergrande style property development cons where they build massive ghost cities with absolute shit building practices... the buildings remain vacant and they all start crumbling after a few years because they are made like movie sets. as cheaply as possible, as quick as possible, then slap a coat of paint on it and show it off to the investors.
streets buckling, stone work falling off in the rain, hollow walls, leaking roofs, electrical fires, structual shit made with bamboo hidden with plaster (not even kidding).
problem with investing in growth is when there is no growth, and there are no droves of people moving into these cities, and there is no massive workforce ready to work at all the factories that the CCP is trying to con people into building... it all falls apart.
because it's all fake bullshit and the whole world is starting to figure it out.
evergrande defaulting is a serious deal, it's going to screw a bunch of investors sure... but more importantly it's the canary in the coalmine for all these other potential investors. people are going to stop investing and start moving money out so they don't get burned, the ripples are going to touch everything.
this is just the tip of the iceberg, hopefully others can chime in to add or correct me... but that should be enough to give you a general overview.
hope this helps.
Trump was bellowing about this over 30 years ago on shows like Rona Barrett and Oprah. They would often ask respectfully if he would consider running for president.
Funny, no one ever asked him about being a racist or nazi Hitler back then. Very odd. Maybe he isn't one??
I wrote this 2 months ago, and I hope it helps to enlighten the dark corners of currency manipulation.
There is another side to currency you have not mentioned. There is a currency was going on, or rather, CCP and US are enthralled in a war that is fought in the financial arena (among others).
It is not so much CCP could not up the liquidity. It is a simple matter of printing it/ creating it. Let's consider one asset:
Asset 1 is the basis on which paper currency is produced. Let's say, a hundred paper yuan's. These go into circulation and change hands over and over again. This means that asset 1 can push a multitude of transactions.
On each transaction taxes are due, so in the end, the amount of currency decreases over time and ends up where it originated: with the CCP who created it. And if more currency is needed, Because without currency, trade stops when no currency is available, , it is a simple push on a button to create more. Asset 1 then can be burdened with several rounds of currency creation, without anyone noticing.
Asset 1 can be many things. Buildings, persons, a right to tax, a right to lease. Coincidentally, the CCP owns all the land on the mainland. People can only lease their plot. Infrastructure increases the value of land.
It is easy to see how currency creation and investment fuels the next round of what is now called quantitative easing (neologisms always tell you what the lie is!), or in short: flushing the market with cash.
However, the more currency comes into circulation, due to demand and supply, the value of the currency will suffer changes. Access to this currency can be restricted, to artificially keep the value higher. Or, access to it can be loosened, causing the value to drop, meaning, the amount of goods and services that can be bought with a unit of currency changes over time, up and down.
How can you wage a war against your major opponent via a currency war? Especially, when you try to maintain a peg to the currency of your opponent?
Enter the bought and paid for rinos and dems. IF they create 3.5 trillion extra in currency, it is easy to see, in order to maintain the peg, where the room to create 25 trillion yuan comes from.
When Trump said, the CCP was manipulating it's currency to maintain the peg, the CCP is forced to dance with the devil due to the peg. IF it wants to increase it's value against the currency of the opponent, it must follow a restrictive currency policy.
So, how do you increase the value of your own currency? By soliciting of the dems and the rinos to create vast amounts of currency in their denomination. Hence, the 3.5 trillion. And let's be fair, more is to come.
Meaning, that the CCP can look forward to upward pressure on the Yuan. WIth this pressure it gives the opportunity to create more liquidity to ease the markets.
This ties in with the political system. When one section of the financial market goes bad, the government has the liquidity to move in and stabilize.
Here is where it get's interesting. Despite the vast amounts of currency already created by the FRN crowd, the 3.5 trillion is on top of that. And the amazing part is, we see the EUR/FRN relation as now 1: 1.16. Not so long ago it was 1: 1.18. And in the beginning of the year: 1:1.23 (Amazingly: the exchange rate now is 1.13!!!-red)
Meaning, with the currency creation by the FRN crowd, we see the Euro losing steam. The only reason that can happen is when the Euro is creating more euro's for the financial system.
Remember, eventually, the BIS (Postal) is behind all of it, and orchestrates in collusion with the IMF to move closer to an SDR financed world.
And since the UPU is making sure every person is hooked up to their postal system for access to internet, government services, commerce and birth certificates it is easy to see why the need arises to stifle competition and make the world a bit more predictable.
And being unpredictable is the most important accusation leveled against Trump. Unpredictable in a "rules based international order". What exactly these rules are, they do not tell you, but they become clear once you look at the moves of the UPU since 1871.
One other aspect needs to be taken into account: Money creation fuels inflation. However, industrial production fuels specialization and production maximization, or streamlining the process to it's optimum. This means that products over time decrease in value. Because optimization leads to a larger number of products in the market and thus, by supply and demand, a lower value.
You can appreciate from this that inflation is not easily achieved by money creation alone. And why is inflation important? Well, not to the average user. As an average user, you want prices to go down, or deflation, because with the same amount of money, you can buy more.
However, when you have a debt of say a 100 and every year inflation is 2%. In 30 years, how much is left of those 100? 2% times 30 is not the real answer, because inflation builds up over time. it is 2% over 2% over 2%, etc. It is called compounding. Meaning in the first year that 100 decreases in value of 2%. Nominally it still remains 100, but what you can buy with it decreases with 2%. The buying-power of the currency deceases. So, in the first year 100 -2% = 98. In the second year, 2% of 98 = 96.04. In the third: 2% of 96.04 = 94.12 etc.
In the total of those 30 years of 2% inflation a debt of 100 decreases to 54,54. Almost 46% decrease.
It can be easily appreciated how huge government debt over time is not a problem for the government, as it's value in the present is eroded over time. This is why you hear Central banks insist on creating inflation.
It is also easy to understand why deflation is a horrific idea to those governments in debt. In such a scenario, the debt would INCREASE in buying power.
It is also easy to see that the more you start to tinker with the concept of a free market where prices are set by the market, the more you need to control. Because now you want to "guide" the spending habits. First they will try this by regulation and taxation, excises, etc. By increasing the taxation, people will make different choices. Consider the imposition of taxes on fuel.
A second way for a government to impose itself on the habits of people, is by subsidy.
A third is by outright mandate or prohibition.
Now the circle is square and you are looking at the world of today. Welcome to 1984.
Buckle up buckaroos
Oh jeeeeeez!
hmm.. I remember reading that CA's CalPers had heavily invested in Chinese properties. I wonder if those properties were part of Evergrande. If so, there might be a lot of people, some I know personally, that will lose their retirement funds.
Oh well
CalPERS doesn't exactly have a track record. They were hip deep in Enron. They completely messed up their long term care insurance program as well.
The Q Team and POTUS45 have been bleeding China dry. Hence the container ship blockade off both coasts. Whilst that may seem small change, China doesn’t get paid UNTIL these ships berth and pass customs. Plus security. These containers could be fitted with a small nuclear devise that could launch a missile onto US soil. The world (except the globalists as they are the problem)) needs to stop being dependent upon China. We should all be mineral/fuel/food etc. independent of any other country and trade only our surplus. China’s bullying has been stymied and there are many countries, especially since the pandemic that are saying enough is enough. India. Japan. Australia. Singapore and the fact the world have threatened China if they come anywhere near Taiwan is heartening. Our politicians have sold us out by giving away farmland, water rights, fuel, military secrets, intellectual property etc. Those that have done this are evident in this pandemic. They should be tried for treason. I’ve said this before on this board. Get your house in order. NOW. There is a financial crash coming and it could be ANY DAY. If this is correct then we are days away as things will start to grind to a halt. Stock up on food, (bulk rice, beans, flour, oil) water, meds, baby needs (alternative to disposable nappies) pet needs, fuel, protection and suss out your community for like minded people. Get some silver (gold if you can in smaller bars/coins), but walk into a shop - do not place an online order - and walk out with it in your hands. If you cannot hold it you don’t own it. Get in bartering items like salt, sugar, coffee, alcohol, candles etc. The gov. cannot help - will not help - as this is their goal - destroy the middle class. Pray. Come quickly to the realisation that you are on your own NOW. God bless.
I would say that if you are like me and have been dragging your feet on changing your bank, now is the time to do it. Get your money into a local bank or credit union ASAP. I'm finally getting my account with Wells Fargo closed tomorrow.
Yeah this is like a Schrodingers default
Derivatives, beware.
Suppressing for at least two weeks so their cronies could get out.
Bear with me, I’m just a dumb grunt but since China has invested billions in real estate in the US, what do you think will happen with the housing market? Any thoughts?
I think many of those purchases were by wealthy chinese people trying to store wealth for themselves outside of CCP.
Mooooooon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Time for the great reset
dis goin be gud
The Great Awakening, not reset
Reset is the other side's wet dream
No, The Great Reset, where we go back and reset to just before Biden takes office, but it's Trump and it all gets reset!
you got the spirit, we gotta take that term over
Finally sweet satisfaction.
They keep doing that. How many defaults do you get?
Maybe China will collapse, really for real this time.
Evergrande, Fantasia, Sinic, Kasia, Aoynan, Sunshine 100, Modern Land, Yango, Bozza Develop, Million Stars, etc.... It’s all crashing down and the US media has been trying to hide it.
Iceberg news.