Of course I pray she has a full recovery and is fine, because while I disagree with her about everything, she is my coworker and I want her to be healthy. Plus she actually has a very important role in our small business.
That said, I can't help but laugh about the irony!
I'm still the only pure blood in the office, have never gotten COVID (while 2 of my vaccinated coworkers did) and everyone now is clamoring to schedule their boosters -- including a pregnant woman!! I've gotten to the point now where it's too late, their minds won't be changed, and I just hope they're getting saline solution.
Favorite engineering saying...Stupidity is a self correcting problem.
The thing about the supposed saline is, I don't know anyone who didn't get really sick from the vaccine, except for the guy I told you about that took Ivermectin before and after. So I have a hard time believing there are a lot of saline doses out there. Has this been other people's observation?
I personally know 3 deaths within 2 weeks of second shot and I know 10-12 in the 2-shot club that still don’t feel right and now wish they hadn’t taken it.
0 of my unvaxxed friends have died but quite a few have got it and said they’ve never been sicker, myself included. 1 was hospitalized but was severely overweight with underlying Comorbidities but he pulled through.
If we saw people winning lotteries at the rate we are seeing adverse reactions from these vaccines people would be lined up for miles and for days upon days to get tickets. People would drop their life savings to buy as many tickets as possible. And they would be smart since it would be the winningest lottery in history.
Lottery prizes come from a pool of funds, winnings would be so small it might not even be worth the price of a ticket.
I personally know of 1 death within 90 mins of getting the booster (anaphylactic reaction + heart failure); a 24 year old with multiple "mini-strokes" + cognitive impairment one week post 1st jab; and a 30 year old athlete who now has ongoing heart palpatations which cardiologist says may require surgery; several others sharing about family members with heart attacks, blood clots, and cancer returning. Crimes against humanity.
Similar. I haven't had but some very good unvaxxed friends have and say they wouldn't wish it on their worst enemy.
My dad took 2 Pfizer shots. He didn't feel so good the night of the first one, didn't complain about the second one at all. And has been fine since. That was maybe 3 months ago his second shot that is.
Same here. He's not getting the booster or anything and didn't go hunting after his second expecting it to be worse. Turned out to be nothing.
He's 69 for reference
I mentioned this elsewhere, but I know people in South America that were mandated to get jabbed by the government in order to participate in any aspect of society. These people that I know, plus all their vast families, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. have not had one adverse reaction of any kind. I don’t think they’re getting the same jab that the US is getting. Someone would have gotten sick. It’s not plausible that everyone that got jabbed is fine and dandy, unless they got saline, or a non-poisonous vial of whatever.
I know 1 out of several dozen if not hundreds between students, coworkers, family, friends, extended family. Etc.
I know people who had no reaction at all and one who got really sick so 7 of 8 that I can think about off the top of my head.
My wife works at an elementary school. The vast majority of young kids that are getting vaxxed (K-2nd) are getting sick for a day or two.
They’re also still getting Covid of course.
WOW. Gives credence to theory that they are good and bad in batches though.
Stunning breakdown. Completely deliberate criminal conspiracy between all three vax companies. https://rumble.com/embed/vnn3lo/?pub=4
Everyone I know got really sick after tbr first jabs. Not too bad after the 2nd. One guy with pre-existing heart condition felt the worst after his 3rd shot. :(
On needed lots of OBGYN procedures, one lost her leg from blood clots, one had their first ever car accident in their 40 years of driving. One has an enlarged heart, has been hospitalized 3 times with multiple organ failures - coded twice and was revived - they are really suffering.
They all think what's happening to them is vax related.
Most of them are surprised I'm not vaxed yet.
Mods of them are encouraging their kids to have their grandchildren vaxed.
Most of them say the KNOW the vax is safe.
All but 2 have gotten "covid" since being vaccinated.
All but one had lost a loved one during 2020 "Covid" rollout.
If 70 percent of the jabs are basically a placebo, the more you play increases your chances of winning. Click, click, boom.
Likely to call in dead tomorrow.
My fav... "As soon as you engineer something to be idiot proof, someone will build a better idiot."
The corollary is, 'You can't fix stupid, and stupid oughta hurt!'
Um, I really don't care that much. Besides, since I'm not vaxx'ed I would have no standing to sue.
Sorry for MAGAMAN. Not you
I pray their eyes are opened to the potential danger the shots can pose.
Yikes pick up a Bible
I like Yikes.
true but dont use the faggotspeak "yikes"
Yikes who gives a fuck how people talk
"who gives a fuck" is the same -100IQ that brought us gay marriage, gay curriculum, transgender dick chopping etc
"who gives a fuck" = degeneracy enabling
I also don’t see what’s wrong with gay marriage. So what if two adults want to get married? Why should that affect me?
its affecting the concept of marriage, which has always revolved around making kids and caring for them
its also normalizing an abnormal act
Yikes kek
Zoinks Scoob!
Replying to an earlier comment because the thread got too deep.
Your question is sort of broad. I know that homosexuality is when a person is sexually/romantically attracted to someone of the same sex as themselves.
What answer are you looking for here?
What's your argumentation for deeming it normal
Well because it's a natural inclination for sexual attraction for some people. In terms of marriage, that would be between two consenting adults who have sexual/romantic attraction for one another. When two gay people get married, there is no harm that is being done towards members of the couple, or to anyone else.
So, there is not a negative impact I see to making it a normal aspect of society.
This is the most common trope.
The reasoning that it's "sexual attraction" justifies it. You do know there are people sexually attracted to cars for example, right? As in they get sexual arousal off it, erections etc. There are hundreds of paraphilias and they all share sexual attraction. Pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, etc, those are genuine sexual attractions. Before you jump in with the classic consent counter argument, you do know there is now the technology to make ultra realistic silicone full body dogs, kids or what have you. Following your logic, any sexual acting out with any of those is genuine and natural on the only premise that "sexual attraction" exists. Necrophilia with a real dead animal body would also not violate any rights.
As for marriage, ignoring all the negative aspects of homosexuality you have no idea about, any normalization of behavior encourages it. You think the explosion of "transgenders" is natural or normal? It's not, it's learned behavior because peers normalized it.
Can't get CoVID
-taps temple meme-
If I never get tested
My boss is getting her booster shot this afternoon. She has MS so is perpetually sick as it is. I told her just Monday that Pharma will say all her past shots won't protect against Omicron and she'll need another one. These people don't, can't, and won't understand. Don't need to wait on them to come around.
So she has an autoimmune disease she's probably frightened and that's why she's getting her third shot I'm not excusing it but it's got to be a scary world for people with compromised immune systems.
I know two people with Lupus, that had been in remission, have flare ups with it again after their second jab. One of them, female in her 50s, is now chronically ill with her Lupus again.
The other person that I answered had the coworker with m.s. so far my work has not mandated the vaccine I don't think they will it's hard enough to get employees here..
It's ok I knew what you meant.
Ya I'm not bugging too hard. She's a nice person and obviously I don't want the vaccine to harm her.
And to follow up, as expected, she's not feeling well and has reduced working capacity today.
Yeah, I feel you. Tragically, I think an Anon had it right the other day....
Good thing she got her booster could you imagine how bad it would have been if she hadn’t gotten it?
I have a coworker who has missed 6 days due to 3 shots. My pureblood has missed 0.
I think the pregnant woman and her child will be the one needing our prayers the most.
Agreed ☝🏼
Agree. This makes me sad and worried for pregnant women who take the jabs.
It happened to our jobs local COVID Commissar as well and that shit was funny AF! He got COVID less than a week after his last booster and is still out (since Tuesday).
I would guestimate 40% of us are still unvaccinated. One did get (COVID pnemonia) a few months ago and her doctor treated her with Ivermectin, but other than that, these have been the only two COVID cases since probably February. 50 employee site.
When he comes back his story will be " Thank God I was vaxxed just in time or I might not be here."
Yup, 'cause it COULDA BEEN WORSE or he COULDA DIED without it.
The "science" of the jab
These people injecting themselves with the very thing that scared them so much to get injected. Circular idiocracy.
My only kid took the booster and she is 38 and wouldn't listen to me at all. Hey, her choice but I tried.
Had a guy at work literally say "there is no such thing as natural immunity" and when I asked him "well then how do families not constantly reinfect each other when one of them catches a cold?"
No answer. Might not have changed his mind outright but the seed of doubt grows into a mighty tree indeed.
A girl at my work got her booster, ended up being a full shot, she is now hurting and sick.
Might want to monitor her. She could very well end up dying.
Yeah I know, she is barely 20...
Maybe you could ask her what the batch number was and check it against VAERS?
All I know is that it's moderna.
I am only unvaxxed in my office now and they're all fine (to my knowledge) so either it's saline or designed to poison slowly over time
Good hope she dies
Biological life has strict rules.
But watch and see, she'll go get another booster because its working.
I'm also the only unvaccinated person in my team.. my fully vaccinated manager actually got COVID, tested positive for it and was out for 2-weeks. But my director still says "if everyone just gets the vaccines, covid would be over." I don't know what is wrong with these people, they are very smart people but when it comes to COVID they have zero common sense... it's actually very wierd.
The same people can't figure out why they are now paying $4.00/gal for gas.
Wait for the obligatory "Almost died from this shot, can't wait to get my next one!"
Openly wash your hands in front of them when you've shaken their hands. Then report their behaviour and words back to us 😃
Friend got his “booster” the other day. Feel bad because he’s conservative but has totally bought into the Covid fear. He broke out in a rash all over the place one day after taking it, had no explanation. Is now having to wash his whole body in medication, feel bad.
my son took the first pfizer shit shot and broke out in a rash from head to toe and then could not breath. He spent a day in the ER on IV's.....bastards
Well, tell Patty to get her 4th booster and plan an entire sick week.
Has any "vaccine" sample been submitted to thorough analysis and not found to contain graphene hydroxide (or graphene oxide)?
Come join us at my first annual Pureblood Christmas Party this weekend!
I would seriously try to warn that pregnant one one last time, maybe she her some articles about miscarrying after the shot etc. that baby is probably already fucked if she is on boosters but surprised its even still alive.
I view it like one massive hunger game. May the last ones standing prosper in the new world.
People now are as stupid as they can be. LOL. Wait and see how she is in one years time. Dead maybe.
We are oil and water in so many different ways. While I see many of us have some humanity in us, I'll bet she has wished a 100+ times for pure bloods to get sick - so she can be right and to teach us a lesson. You can't fix stupid.
Say a prayer for the sheep you care about and go about your lives as best you can. Nothing we say or do anymore matters to them. This part of why we have to all go thru this shitshow anyway.
They will never learn.
It was a text, but still
I really thought that the person that "had never been this sick in their life" would be awake to the fact that these doses are dangerous. No such luck. She's the one transporting the elderly for all of their doses. 🙄