I dunno. Seems like a lot of people really forget or don't even reflect on q3906 (and others):
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
When we react to something, not from logic, reason, etc, but from emotional reactionism, dogma, etc, we sell ourselves short.
No one here supports the tranny agenda - we see it for what it is - but are we just knee-jerk normies or anons who look deeper and try to figure out what the heck is actually going on?
OR, and I am just going out on a limb here, once Larry became Lana, and they tried to claim the entire original trilogy was about transitioning to trans … many fans insides shrunk and a piece of their soul ripped out(figuratively) at that preposterous notion, and never want to hear anything from a confused, sick man again.
I was one of those who theorised that the brothers were made to transition as a punishment for spilling too much in the Matrix. However, upon digging some more, I found that Larry had always been a troubled guy, who used to wear women's clothes in secret and used to visit dominatrix etc. Eventually he married a famous dom, left Hollywood, transitioned and eventually became born again it seems.
I am not even convinces that the Wachowsky's had much to do with the original script - their history was nothing spectacular and they were too far inside the beast to have a 40,000 feet view. Its quite possible they stole the original script without even realising what it was really about.
and they tried to claim the entire original trilogy was about transitioning to trans
I am convinced this is just a way to sell it to the woke crowd. The movie itself does some superfluous wokeness, but its definitely dispensing more redpill. They even make fun of the woke quite glaring , but in a way that the woke folks might even miss it. Some of the messages are pretty good, like original Neo went into the belly of the beast 60 years ago and got killed, resurrected and captured in the Matrix. 60 years later got he came out once again and finished the job. It was 60 years ago that JFK did the same thing - entered the belly of the beast and died. Now Trump is the new Neo. There are lot more stuff like that, some explaining the current situation, the Cabal fighting each other, the patriots who are controlled opposition, the cleaning of the house (Zion cleaned up into Io, for example).
Those who dismiss it because of "trans" are missing a whole lot.
I agree. And the new Morpheus I feel like reflects the anons. The NEW redpill peddlers. We're "old Morpheus" in spirit, but we we're born into the matrix and awoke to become the "new Morpheus" and guide others towards the great awakening. Just a theory
It's a reasonable position- such things do turn the stomach - but I think the OP's premise is interesting and puts another angle on it.
I've had no interest in the film over the past (weeks?) for several reasons:
Yep, the whole W men pretending to be women thing (trans-disease)
The 2nd and third movies were underwhelming at best (whereas I see the first one as inspired)
A general distaste and now passionate dislike for anything coming out of the (big) film industry. Hollywood has been revealed in all its poison.
However, the OP's reasoning has sparked my interest. Most important, in my mind, is that the OP is clearly focused on the Great Awakening as a whole, on the People as whole, and is focused on THEIR good, their wellbeing, etc.
That focus on others and on the greater whole is powerful and important, imo.
On the other hand, a lot of people objecting here seem to be more focused on their own personal reaction, on their own experience of disgust, etc. i.e. NOT thinking about whether the film serves a valuable purpose, but thinking more about their own personal reaction and experience.
I'm not attempting to attack people for that, but in terms of who is pursuing the nobler, higher purpose, I have to give cred to the OP.
The reason for applying logic, reason and empiricism is to unplug our thinking and reacting processes from the programming that other factors tend to enforce, to our detriment.
That said, I find it utterly bizarre that your comment received 2 downvotes. Evidence of some rather ill spirits around here... Updoodle from me, because you make a reasonable and relevant comment!
What is more important? Spreading the word of God (by awakening people) or the gender identity of the writers? I bet you don't even consider it when watching a movie by some director that has committed other sins like premarital sex for example. Why is that any different?
Sin???are you joking??? Premarital sex a sin??. Who said that?? Oh don't tell me agod did...well no not god but his priests..special people who get messages from this god that ordinary people don't get...
Everyone has a pineal gland...our this eye ..to contact the divine.
I can't conceive that men wearing frocks and raping choir boys etc have a functioning pineal gland
Control a man's sex life and you own him for life...
Is t It enough wechave governments controlling our every move ?
Q often quoted scriptures .In mho he did this to get us to research and question what the bible said. And the god who some man wrote down god had said to him and put in the Bible.
Are you aware 60 books were removed?
Do you know why?
Are you aware through mistranslation the meanings in the book are now not what people are led to believe?
Did you know at the council of Nicea all references to reincarnation including words ascribed to Jesus were removed and why?
Do you know 1000 years have been added to our history by satanic popes and clerics? Volumes being written to correct all the history.
What God where they supposedly listening to..if you remember Julius Caesar and other emporers referred to them selves as gods ..so did the people refer to them as gods
The Annanuki referred to them selves as gods.lied and said they were our creators when they were not but our DNA was tampered with to make us slaves
.the four that ruled here..Jehovah Adonai Yahweh and another I can't recall..
Do your research. Religion means money power and control.
You expect people around here to click...links? That's crazy talk. We sure aren't short of any NPCs on our side. I was also very surprised when I finally checked it out after hearing so much about it sucking and expecting it to fail to meet my expectations. The first half is a bit slow, but it wasn't the lefty propaganda I expected after seeing the trailers. Btw tards you can pirate an hd version already since it was released on HBO max so you won't give them any money.
Because The Matrix Resurrections is far better than most anons give it credit for, and I believe there is a concerted effort in both social media, and main stream media to pan this film as complete shit, which it isn't! This film is filled to the brim with comms, symbolism, and messaging that are pertinent to our Great Awakening, and that deserve to be analyzed. As OP noted: This film isn't for everyone. We anons have a job to do though!
I'm assigning this reading as homework for all anons. There are so many hidden comms in this film, its CRAZY!
A lot of folks are getting caught up on the tranny narrative. I'll repost one of my comments on this below:
Look beneath the disguise. See the truth hidden in plain sight. The tranny shit is a distraction.
How do you trick a generation of indoctrinated woke NPCs into seeing a film about The Great Awakening? Would having "trannies" produce it be effective?
Came here to say exactly this ^^^ I watched it and it was a redpill party! So obvious. Im gonna watch it a second time this weekend on HBO max and really dig into it now that I've seen it once. Plus my wife is a HUGE matrix fan and she fell asleep half way through kek. So I gotta watch it again anyway
I think it's of a joke than comns. Comns implies something important needs to be told.
It felt more like something funny needs to be told.
Trinity is married to a CHAD. NEO is a 'loser' that is used by his boss. who say this isn't happening and hides under a table.
NEO literally keeps trying to kill himself...fucking useless/helpless since 1999 like our population.
Fuck it maybe Trinity will do better, she does. Maybe angry momma bears will actually do a better job in the awakening (lol which is turning out to be true).
Men are useless if they don't get sex as a reward, NEO literally only does shit according to the architect. when het gets 'close' to trinity.
Kinda fucking hilarious.
PS: Trinity = how do you meet girls with lockdown/mask? maybe the desire to mate will wake all the sheep up this time. Like NEO literally took the red pill to get laid.
Movie will age like wine. It also shits on nostalgia. But my favorite COMM was the unity. No one cared who anyone was or what their lifestyle was. It was about coming together to defeat the enemy.
It's hilarious how many right wingers who "don't see color" are quick to judge someone for their hair. At no point is it ever established if anyone is woke or not. Oh women in leadership bothers you? Sounds like a personal insecurity brought on by misplaced traditionalism.
It's difficult to rebut your self-sticked opinion of a Jewish Pedowood film when you've got a sidebar ban-hammer rule about disagreeing with the mods..
Red Pill '78 interviewed the guy who actually wrote the original Matrix. The studio stole the screenplay and assigned the Wachowski's. That's why it's the only good movie they've ever made and everything else is garbage.
Most folks forgo Hollywood out of the "shoot the messenger" attitude. I've always leaned more towards analyzing message over messenger. I couldn't care less about the brothers turning into sisters. That is pure distraction. They likely underwent this transition as either punishment, or some twisted form of witness protection from the Cabal after their creation of the first film.
The Matrix Resurrections has so much symbolism and messaging pertinent to our Great Awakening. Hollywood has always been a corrupt cesspool of propaganda and narrative control. That the Matrix 4 so pointedly addresses these controlling narratives tells me that this is no ordinary production. This film was clearly forced into existence. It does not feel like a passion project, but rather a mission. I believe the White Hats were responsible for the first Matrix film, and I again believe that they had a hand in the production of this fourth installment. Too many coincidences in the narrative, the characters, and the symbolism.
As soon as I get home from the holidays, I will create a proper analysis post going over all of my findings.
The concept of the sheeple thinking that ignorance is bliss was already well conveyed in Matrix 1. There’s Cypher who actually says it and chooses it. There’s Morpheus saying he has to be careful who to free because some minds can’t handle reality and Neo would be too old if he wasn’t the one. And Morpheus says: “The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”
That’s one of the problems of using metaphors: some people will be entertained during the story but they won’t apply the meaning to their everyday lives.
The first film did have the desired effect. That is why 9/11 was needed in order to put the world back to sleep. The War on Terror was the second biggest psyop played upon humanity. Not until COVID-19 did that narrative go away. COVID is the Cabal's new weapon of fear and intimidation.
The second film is needed at this time in order to call back the nostalgia of the first film, and remind us of the original messaging. This is the reason for all of the direct call backs and reuse of film in Resurrections. It is both new, and old. It layers new comms upon an old foundation.
I discovered yesterday that there is hidden meaning in the name the Analyst gives to Trinity in the Matrix. She is renamed Tiffany. Most folks probably think this is a random change.
If you follow the origins of both Trinity and Tiffany, you can come to a very interesting conclusion...
Trinity represents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost in biblical scripture. The Trinity exists within each person on Earth. We all experience each of these three parts of life as a human.
Tiffany, as quoted from Behind the Name:
Medieval form of Theophania. This name was traditionally given to girls born on the Epiphany (January 6), the festival commemorating the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus.
Furthermore, the name Epiphany comes from the Greek word epiphainein, which means to reveal.
What caught my eye immediately was the January 6th reference, and the day of Epiphany. Her transformation from Tiffany, back to Trinity is her regaining the power over her own humanity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost).
There is absolutely no freakin way this is a coincidence. This brings even more meaning to the events that unfolded on January 6th of 2021, and what may be revealed (Epiphany) on January 6th of 2022.
Wikipedia claims that filming began in February 2020. IMO, the original plan for January 6th was supposed to be a lot bloodier or at least a lot different than what actually happened (think memory-holed pipe bomber), which is why Congress and media keep sticking to the 9/11 comparisons. Anyways, the point here is that there's a possibility that particular Matrix symbolism was written and filmed for a (then) future event that later did not happen as expected.
Not everyone who disagrees with you is a bot. Your post history shows you are obsessed with this film and people have a legit reason to criticize your second stickied post for it.
How much would I want to bet OP has an Amazon Prime account and a Netflix account... lol
I made it about halfway through the movie. They totally lost me on this sequel with all the new characters, plus nano-Morphius or whatever, Trinity talking about the struggles of raising children, and humans keeping sentinels as pets. With cyberpunk there's a fine line between coolness and horseshit, and this movie definitely crossed the line.
Also, I have to say that Keanu is looking pretty aged these days. His speech sounds more labored and it's just harder to take him seriously as an action star anymore. I'm not convinced he's one of the good guys but I know a lot of you guys love him for whatever reason, so sorry for saying that. Like so many Hollywood tools, before he became every guy's role model he was starring in gay erotic plays and things like that. Hollywood elites and the Wachowskis clearly gave this Canadian a pass and made him the biggest superstar ever a long time ago, and that situation has never changed. Hard to see how he has managed to stay firmly on the blessed side of all those elite pedos for so many decades without being one of them.
Made it halfway through this comment. Totally lost me at bailing for silly reasons including one of the main messages of this film: we over indulge in nostalgia.
Case and point. You're upset that Morphius wasn't the same. You wanted Fishbourne and were mad you didn't get him. Understandable, but he even called out the comforts of nostalgia.
Trinity talking about the struggles of raising children
Raising children can be a struggle. If you didn't have issues, then cool. Your anecdotal experience is not the sum of the human experience as a whole. Only one miniscule part.
humans keeping sentinels as pets
Lol. So by this point I realized you weren't actually watching the film, but had it on in the background and were distracted by other things. They aren't pets. You can watch the film yourself and prove me wrong or discover what was actually going on there.
With cyberpunk there's a fine line between coolness and horseshit, and this movie definitely crossed the line.
How can you make this determination without finishing the movie?
It's not for me, my friends, the people I work with, or anyone that is disgusted by Hollywood. Cuties isn't for me either, and I look at anyone defending that garbage the same way.
I'm not maga. I don't trust anyone in power right now. I also think it's laughable how hard some of you are trying to justify supporting garbage made by two garbage people. Watch whatever you want. I can't stop you, but as for me and my household, we aren't wasting our time with it.
Whatever. I wrote up a long response, but it was erased. I guess maybe it was the Spirit. In any case, the only thing that matters is Yeshua anyhow. You make assumptions about me from a couple of posts, just like you criticize me for making assumptions off of many reviews from people I trust. I liked your write up and vocabulary you were flexing, but it was fairly smug and condescending. If you were actually trying to teach, it's not a good approach, but who knows. Maybe you have good intentions, but it didn't come off that way.
I hope you were guided by the Spirit and prayed before you responded, but I suppose if you didn't you might not be honest about it anyhow. Don't worry about me in these dark times ahead of us. I have faith and even if I'm not worthy, I've been blessed beyond most by God for whatever reason. If you ever want to talk in person I am willing. It would be interesting for me at least.
mOVie is SO BaD DuR cAusE HoLlyWoOd iS bAD DUrRrrr
It amazes me the lengths people will go on these boards to try to make something into a Q proof because they need to defend "their guy" but will completely turn their brains off to deny such glaringly obvious symbolism and subliminal messaging in a movie because they need to attack "the bad guys."
Expand your thinking. Climb to 40,000 feet... or go back to eating crayons.
Fuckin seriously. Way too many insecure babies in this group who one, can't respect that other people like things and two, think that their opinions are objective fact.
It's very sad and disappointing as you mentioned to see "free thinkers" quickly become NPCs. Yes there are bad people in Hollywood. There are bad people everywhere and in everything. Evil exists. That does not mean everything is bad.
Some are probably still hung up on "If it isn't about Jesus it's bad". Oh well He created everything so that is retarded.
Part of the problem is the overkill with Operation Mockingbird. Seems like some people here now have determined that "because bad forces are using media to program and manipulate, therefore all Hollywood movies are bad and gay, and anyone who dares watch something I might not find entertaining or I'm too intellectually dense to pick up on messaging, is an idiot."
I'd agree that generally speaking, most of today's movies are shit... shit acting, shit recycled monomyth plots, shit themes, shot character development etc... this addition to the saga does have a lot of weakenesses in terms of "entertainment" value, but it has some incredibly deep messaging, a lot of it straight in your face, especially for crayon eating normies. Either the producers were complete retards to accidentally put it in, or they were so arrogant to shove it in our faces, or they were forced to put it in because #PatriotsInControl... I highly doubt they were tbat dumb, so it's either of the latter two options.
Some Christians are extremely intellectually lazy. Most people in general, are intellectually lazy. Some things are 100% binary black and white. A rock is not a living thing. Human males cannot be pregnant. Drop an apple from a hot air balloon and it will eventually fall to the ground. Murder is immoral. However, in many cases there is also gray area, requiring more complex thought and decision making. This version of the Matrix explored this reality, which I appreciated.
The short scene of the group in the elevator all glued to their phones was simple, yet powerful. Probably the most telling, sad, angering scene was all of the bodies being unknowingly sacrificed by being possessed and then turned into human bodies dropping out of buildings. Remember, if your avatar dies in the Matrix, your consciousness still dies too. All of those bodies and the souls within them, collateral damage of a greater conflict.
It's not an effective red pill... even for normies and fence-sitters... the original Matrix is. If people can't understand the original Matrix and how it applies to the modern day, they don't deserve to be included in society.
Fuck the message of Matrix 4, it was diluted and weak, and the movie was a piece of cheesy shit.
Best to pretend Matrix IV didn't even happen, and just watch #1... then 2 & 3 in due time. But skip 4. Wow. What an absolutely abysmal film.
Agreed, watched it yesterday and felt the acting was crap and there were huge plot holes/leaps. HOWEVER, I was shocked by the intended premise. Definitely a red pill of a red pill, with white rabbit perspective being very relevant to the matrix WE live in.
I'm just saying that the movie sucks ass, and that this dude as a movie reviewer sucks ass. I don't have a dog in the hunt in terms of this movie or the dude pumping it. I think they both suck ass, and my opinion has nothing to do with how I feel about myself as a person, how much confidence I have, or how much value I find in myself.
I think you are just confused about what the term, "insecurity," means. In which case, your vocabulary sucks ass.
You've gone out of your way to make sure everyone knows you think the movie sucks. You're pining for upvotes because you think if others validate your opinion, you're objectively correct. You are not.
Your opinions of OP being a shit critic are your personal opinions and nothing more. And your opinions of me are irrelevant because I don't care.
If you have no dog in the fight, then why are you saying anything at all?
I've gone out of my way to make sure everyone knows I think the movie sucks ASS.
I don't pay attention to upvotes.
I never said I was objectively correct. However, my subjective opinion is sublime.
My opinions of the OP being a shit critic are my opinion, but they are more than that. They are radiant, luminescent beacons in a dark world leading people to the light.
My opinions of your vocabulary may be irrelevant to you, but that does not mean they are not irreverent.
It's not dog in the fight, it's dog in the hunt. Maybe cock in the fight. Horse in the race is good.
All these fucking comments and I finally find ONE articulated response as to why someone didn't like it. Thanks.
No one cares about the meat robots working at mr. anderson's software company, or their bullshit shallow pop-philosophy about matrix...it was cringe, but maybe it was supposed to be
Yes. That was the intent. This film took an overdue shit in nostalgia cereal. And in more ways than just that scene. Every meta moment was purposeful.
Naiobi, to her credit did change her position after being convinced with facts and logic.
In five to ten years, people will look back on this and realize it's a borderline masterpiece. It's a team movie about uniting against a common foe and the best part about these movies is everyone wins. Neo needs Trinity and Trinity needs Neo. They were always both "the one".
You can see my comments to see my deeper perspectives. A lot of themes in this film were very Q centric. It's amusing yet also sad to see so many "I don't see color" people suddenly judge a character for her hair. It's never stated that she's woke yet people judged her by her appearance.
Sorry, critic Critical Drinker has the final word on this shitshow of a movie. I trust his assessment (it stinks) far more than some hollywood shilling.
No he does not. I respect his opinion on most things, but he was wrong here. He made gross assumptions and generalizations based on appearances that were not expressly confirmed in the movie.
Also, I have final word on what I choose to consume as does everyone else. Stop surrendering your thought authority to others.
The cabal is trying to bury the message, and their shill army is working overtime to review bomb the movie... Any youtuber with 1mil followers has been compromised a long time ago
They're also compromised by their own greed. They don't want to lose their audience which is pathetic. Drinker doesn't SEEM like the type, but when revenue from 1 million followers is flowing in, who knows what his motivations are.
That's why I respect people like Rush Limbaugh. He said what he said and did not care if you listened or not. That's hated him. He never pandered.
What a thread... This is a forum for awakened people, rejecting a movie about awakening the masses.
You're definitely not required to watch a certain film, but it seems like the minds here aren't so open...
If you want to see a bit of what you're missing go check out Mark Passio's Decoding the Matrix video on YouTube and see if you can understand it. If you can't, you have research to do. It's about the original movies, not this one. This one is pretty loaded with symbolism too though.
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
Even soldiers need training. In fact, soldiers need training more than anyone...
M1 > Animatrix > M4 > M2 > M3 in that order.
Movie was okay. They really should have spent more time on it. Action was mediocre. Acting was average. I like the concept behind the movie it was just poorly executed. I did really like the idea of Trinity & Neo both becoming The One, that their bond is what woke Neo up. It gets a 6.5/10 from me whereas Matrix 1 gets a 10/10 and Animatrix a 9/10.
After watching this the first time, I put Resurrections at Number 2 after the original. 2 and 3 were OK and moved the story and concept forward, but it seemed like they existed for the action scenes. And I don't watch Matrix for action. I watch for concepts and dialogue. Now that I've seen this one a few more times, I think it may just be the best Matrix film of all of them, even though it could never exist without at least the original. Thanks for linking the transcript, because I couldn't catch everything. I didn't find it "woke" at all, any more so than the other 3. I like what they did with Morpheus, now that I understand it. I liked the slow awakening of Neo, I liked Io, with the new definition of "our side," I liked the "meta" aspects, and I got a kick out of the kamikazi bots. Plus, I like a Matrix where Neo and Trinity are both alive at the end. In a world full of open possibilities.
Wow! Amazing how a number of bots have made their way from the matrix to downvote people for liking a film they didn't! This is the most anti-woke film I have seen in a country mile. You want to downvote? I just watched it again and STILL love it! Punches holes in psychiatry, the narrative, "our side," marketing to the masses, reality, cancel culture, and so much more. Go at it, bots! Have fun!
Lana almost got me. She fooled a lot of people with Trinity being able to fly and followed it up with her fucking up the Analyst. Gurl power, right? But then right at the very end they are both flying on their own implying the two become The ONE.
This is why the movie can never be classified as woke. Trinity didn't steal her power from Neo. She realized her own potential, just as Neo did. It was her realization of true humanity that reawakened Neo and gave him back the power he had forgotten he had.
This film is partially about the unity between a man and a women, and how a true unity such as this is the most powerful concept known on Earth. The Cabal want us separated, divided, and at war with each other. The moment we come together, we over power them.
Movies are poison for your mind and money for those that oppress us.
Okay, boomer.
I wish I could leave it at that, but your sheer ignorance needs to be called out. Movies are a medium with which to tell stories. Nothing more. Can some be used for programing? Sure. But most movies and shows are meant to entertain and some can even promote good ideals and messages. Go watch Spider Man No Way Home and tell me movies are poison for the mind and money.
Diversity IS our strength. Jesus is the Core of the Great Awakening and Jesus said to love everyone.
I will defend your right to be a piece of shit and allow you to coexist peacefully away from the rest of us civilized folk. But if this war goes hot and I find you or anyone like you on the field of battle I will arrange your meeting with Jesus.
Ok but will it make me want to cut off my balls and become a fake chick? Because I don't trust the Wachowski freaks to not put subliminal messages in there.
Nah. It's a continuation of the series. The action was meh and it took a bit for the movie to really pick up. It's very different in feel to other Matrix films. It's not a bad watch. Pirate it and enjoy.
i thought it was great especially the part where NPH was breakin down the whole part where humans choose to be ignorant and how people would much rather stay in the matrix
Your post makes no sense. So basically… You are spreading confusion. Yes I was kind of trolling you, but the post really is confusing. Try reposting it maybe you’ll get more traction
Disagreeing with people is not being negative. Pointing out they are wrong is not being negative. Calling out insecurity is not being negative. The fact people think so is what's got us where we are now.
Honestly the tranny allegory was made up after the first three films were released, and after the Brothers became Sisters, during a time when it was politically advantageous to do so.
I simply dont buy their rewritten history, just like I dont accept the crap outside of the original Star Wars trilogy, or the "Hermione is black" bullshit from JK Rowling, or that Sonic the Hedgehog was based off of Bill Clinton for his "can do" attitude.
Also they're acting like they invented the "red pill" when it existed in other films decades earlier: "They Live" had the sunglasses that let you see the world as it really is and "Total Recall" had a literal red pill that was supposed to bring the protagonist back to reality (and it's up for debate if it really would have, nearly everything that happens after that point was predicted by the guy who offered him the pill so who knows if the second half of the film was just a dream playing out still.)
Great points and understanding of Total Recall’s ambiguity.
Other examples: pills in Alice in Wonderland, peyote in Young Guns (“we’re in the Spirit World, asshole, they can’t see us”), LSD in The Doors giving vision of the band, and mj in Platoon.
In Platoon, Jack-Daniels-drinking Barnes says “you guys smoke this shit to escape reality?… I am reality.” No, he’s delusional. His poor decision gets Gardner killed and Chris shot. He murders a Vietnamese woman which dooms him to a court-martial. He murders Elias which weakens the platoon. He almost murders Chris but they’re both concussed by a bomb. Liquor can make people black out and not remember reality, but mj can help people think more deeply about reality. Elias smokes mj and he’s the best soldier and Sargent in the platoon. He treats the Privates kindly so they have a chance to become good soldiers. He’s got the guts to be a tunnel rat. He diagnoses the enemies’ crossfire and outflanks them. He’s the first to realize that America is going to lose the war.
Exactly and well said. Keep up the good work. It is really quite frightening the manner in which some (not all , only some) communicate in this forum. The idea is to espouse and promote Patriotism. We all have something to contribute in that regards. But the reality is that some people are here not to promote the Great Awakening, but rather their own opinions. If 'blowing up a city full of women and children' would promote their uneducated opinion, they might just do it. The raw dogmatism is not espoused by Donald Trump, Gen. Flynn or really anyone else in the GA at the higher levels. The Hills have Eyes is not one of our motivational movies.
Hollywood will never make or promote a movie that truly threatens the agenda. Full stop. Even the first Matrix movie, released in 1999, was meant to prepare the masses for the post-9/11 NWO push. You only need to look at how "woke" the franchise was even back then. All of the villains are White men (Agents, Cypher, and later the Architect and the Merovingian), the heroes are an Asian man, Black man, elderly Black woman, and androgynous White woman, and the inhabitants and government structure of Zion are mostly women and not White. It was always propaganda.
Who cares what color the heroes were. Come on man. The way you’re talking is bad. “If they aren’t white it HAS to be propaganda.” You’re missing the point. Color doesn’t matter. We are all human. I agree THEY use it for propaganda but you gotta get out of that mindset real quick. We’re better than THEM.
So if your theory floats then why is "the one" a straight white masculine male? Isn't he the hero of the story? The savior of mankind within that story universe. I never made the color connection and I've seen the matrix trilogy quite a few times. Mostly because I don't race bait people.....
Total retcon BS. It doesn’t matter who saved who, or you could say that Morpheus and the whole crew of the Nebuchadnezzar are also The Ones because they saved Neo from his pod, Morpheus saved Neo in the bathroom wall space scene, and Tank saved Neo by shooting Cypher before he could pull Neo’s plug. Neo was The One because he had the unique ability to manipulate the matrix as he saw fit: flying around, stopping bullets, super fast Kung Fu, diving into Agent Smith to explode him, etc. Trinity couldn’t do any of those things in the first three movies.
Why is it bad? We're dealing with people who believe it means everything. Self-preservation isn't some evil concept. Also, just because we're all humans doesn't mean our cultures mix well. I get what you're saying, but not all of us are that naive. The people of this world will never all hold hands together while singing Kumbaya. We can coexist, but intermixing should be done sparingly. When you have a bunch of equal sized groups of different cultures living amongst each other, that's when the problems start as we see today.
How about we stop making dumb ass affirmations of which we know nothing about. If peaceful co-existence is the end result so be it. But I reject your racist "intermixing should be sparingly" horseshit. We're here to unite and you bring division. People should be allowed to live how they choose with no inhibitions aside from basic laws (obviously serial killers should not). The goal should be to hold hands and sing songs. What is so horrible about that?
Hey, I'm not bringing division. I simply have eyes and can see what's happening around me. Go ahead and assume whatever you want about me if that makes you feel better. The truth of the matter is there are good and bad people in this world. Ignoring that fact doesn't magically make everyone good.
I apologize. Keanu is a racial mutt, not "Asian." Not what I'd call "White," either.
Keanu Charles Reeves was born in Beirut, Lebanon, on September 2, 1964, the son of Patricia (née Taylor), a costume designer and performer, and Samuel Nowlin Reeves Jr. His mother is English, originating from Essex.[8] His American father is from Hawaii, and is of Native Hawaiian, Chinese, English, Irish, and Portuguese descent.[5][9][10] His paternal grandmother is Chinese Hawaiian.[11] His mother was working in Beirut when she met his father,[12] who later abandoned his wife and family when Reeves was three years old. Reeves last met his father on the island of Kauai when he was 13.
There are tons of people who got into conservativism because of Matrix.
Yeah, no. 2000 was the most divisive election in a generation up until 2016, and "conservatism" back then was "Dick Cheney" not "Donald Trump." Nobody was rushing into that who wasn't already an NPC following the Afghan/Iraq war drums on the TV. The real conspiracy folks were screaming "inside job" about the Bush Administration and 9/11, not joining them.
Not even going to touch the "Keanu is White" retcon.
As OP pointed out, this film is not for you or I. It is seeded with subliminal messaging and symbology meant to target the normies and NPCs.
Many films in Hollywood can be analyzed for comms from both the White Hats and Black Hats. Learn their comms, and you will learn to understand them. Both sides have been telling us the truth all along. They chose to hide those truths in narrative films so as to seed disbelief and the idea that these truths are fiction.
Nobody spends $190 to make a film to "send a secret message".
Why do you think they had Kubrick killed after Eyes Wide Shut?
The Black Hats use Hollywood to indoctrinate the people of the world into their twisted narratives.
The White Hats also use Hollywood for seeding the truth among the endless lies of the Cabal. Directors like Kubrick got too close to revealing real truths.
There is both light, and dark in Hollywood. There are very good people still working in the industry like Mel Gibson.
Look beneath the disguise. See the truth hidden in plain sight. The tranny shit is a distraction.
How do you trick a generation of indoctrinated woke NPCs into seeing a film about The Great Awakening? Would having "trannies" produce it be effective?
They are doing this with a bunch of netflix series, baiting with woke lines and main characters but the plot lines end up as the archetype of woke failure and the main plot lines are all about "a shadow power structure controlling everything behind the scenes", the shows are still running but each one has the power structure get destroyed like its nothing within a few episodes.
doctor who is one of them, the new season after their tragic full blown woke 2 prior seasons. the big plot was literally a shadow organization that has near infinite resources controlling the all events through time from outside the universe, the woman who was running it died the episode after she was introduced and assume the rest of the season will be about its collapse.
I've been watching this obsessively with a few shows, always enjoyed watching them to see the sneaky propaganda and one of the main things i learned is to see it you have to view it as if you're a super woke lefty as it's directed at them not us.
BUT lately i've noticed the shift, the woke main characters wokeism is always the leading cause in everything going to shit and causes them non-stop grief and drama in a negative light, as apposed to prior when the same woke lead characters would have everything in a good light and they just magically solve every problem. This along with the main plots constantly being about the downfall of a secret cabal and the nuance of how they fall are all the same across shows,
Really illuminates the shills, I think. Most genuine people here rarely use the deport, or the downvote, for that matter. Traditionally, we have a LOT of respect for differing views, for open discussion, with a sense of common cause.
In this thread, look at all the downvotes. Seems to me this reveals the shills/bots out in force.
It's the sort of divisive spirit that the Cabalites have been attempting to force down our throats for the past month or so, with the Woods vs Flynn content, the DJT & vaccines content, etc.
You know they are either deeply desperate or deeply infiltrated when they can stir up this sort of dissention and conflict. It's not a heavenly spirit, and the kind of high, uplifting spirit behind all the best things about the Great Awakening. Rather, its a vindictive, aggressive, destructive and divisive spirit.
I hope people can see it for what it is. THEY will always protest that its not the case, but if you have eyes to see, you can see.
As soon as the brothers turned to sisters I was out.
I dunno. Seems like a lot of people really forget or don't even reflect on q3906 (and others):
When we react to something, not from logic, reason, etc, but from emotional reactionism, dogma, etc, we sell ourselves short.
No one here supports the tranny agenda - we see it for what it is - but are we just knee-jerk normies or anons who look deeper and try to figure out what the heck is actually going on?
OR, and I am just going out on a limb here, once Larry became Lana, and they tried to claim the entire original trilogy was about transitioning to trans … many fans insides shrunk and a piece of their soul ripped out(figuratively) at that preposterous notion, and never want to hear anything from a confused, sick man again.
I was one of those who theorised that the brothers were made to transition as a punishment for spilling too much in the Matrix. However, upon digging some more, I found that Larry had always been a troubled guy, who used to wear women's clothes in secret and used to visit dominatrix etc. Eventually he married a famous dom, left Hollywood, transitioned and eventually became born again it seems.
I am not even convinces that the Wachowsky's had much to do with the original script - their history was nothing spectacular and they were too far inside the beast to have a 40,000 feet view. Its quite possible they stole the original script without even realising what it was really about.
I am convinced this is just a way to sell it to the woke crowd. The movie itself does some superfluous wokeness, but its definitely dispensing more redpill. They even make fun of the woke quite glaring , but in a way that the woke folks might even miss it. Some of the messages are pretty good, like original Neo went into the belly of the beast 60 years ago and got killed, resurrected and captured in the Matrix. 60 years later got he came out once again and finished the job. It was 60 years ago that JFK did the same thing - entered the belly of the beast and died. Now Trump is the new Neo. There are lot more stuff like that, some explaining the current situation, the Cabal fighting each other, the patriots who are controlled opposition, the cleaning of the house (Zion cleaned up into Io, for example).
Those who dismiss it because of "trans" are missing a whole lot.
I agree. And the new Morpheus I feel like reflects the anons. The NEW redpill peddlers. We're "old Morpheus" in spirit, but we we're born into the matrix and awoke to become the "new Morpheus" and guide others towards the great awakening. Just a theory
It's a reasonable position- such things do turn the stomach - but I think the OP's premise is interesting and puts another angle on it.
I've had no interest in the film over the past (weeks?) for several reasons:
Yep, the whole W men pretending to be women thing (trans-disease)
The 2nd and third movies were underwhelming at best (whereas I see the first one as inspired)
A general distaste and now passionate dislike for anything coming out of the (big) film industry. Hollywood has been revealed in all its poison.
However, the OP's reasoning has sparked my interest. Most important, in my mind, is that the OP is clearly focused on the Great Awakening as a whole, on the People as whole, and is focused on THEIR good, their wellbeing, etc.
That focus on others and on the greater whole is powerful and important, imo.
On the other hand, a lot of people objecting here seem to be more focused on their own personal reaction, on their own experience of disgust, etc. i.e. NOT thinking about whether the film serves a valuable purpose, but thinking more about their own personal reaction and experience.
I'm not attempting to attack people for that, but in terms of who is pursuing the nobler, higher purpose, I have to give cred to the OP.
The reason for applying logic, reason and empiricism is to unplug our thinking and reacting processes from the programming that other factors tend to enforce, to our detriment.
That said, I find it utterly bizarre that your comment received 2 downvotes. Evidence of some rather ill spirits around here... Updoodle from me, because you make a reasonable and relevant comment!
What is more important? Spreading the word of God (by awakening people) or the gender identity of the writers? I bet you don't even consider it when watching a movie by some director that has committed other sins like premarital sex for example. Why is that any different?
It is high-larious how quickly Christians forget that 90% of the heroes in the Bible were some of the biggest pieces of shit to walk the Earth.
"Oh they're trans? Yeah I'm not supporting them they're messed up in the head and need help."
Yeah and what did Jesus say to do? Love them and help them.
Sin???are you joking??? Premarital sex a sin??. Who said that?? Oh don't tell me agod did...well no not god but his priests..special people who get messages from this god that ordinary people don't get...
Everyone has a pineal gland...our this eye ..to contact the divine.
I can't conceive that men wearing frocks and raping choir boys etc have a functioning pineal gland
Control a man's sex life and you own him for life...
Is t It enough wechave governments controlling our every move ?
Not priests, God himself tells us its a sin in the Bible.
Q often quoted scriptures .In mho he did this to get us to research and question what the bible said. And the god who some man wrote down god had said to him and put in the Bible.
Are you aware 60 books were removed?
Do you know why? Are you aware through mistranslation the meanings in the book are now not what people are led to believe? Did you know at the council of Nicea all references to reincarnation including words ascribed to Jesus were removed and why? Do you know 1000 years have been added to our history by satanic popes and clerics? Volumes being written to correct all the history. What God where they supposedly listening to..if you remember Julius Caesar and other emporers referred to them selves as gods ..so did the people refer to them as gods The Annanuki referred to them selves as gods.lied and said they were our creators when they were not but our DNA was tampered with to make us slaves .the four that ruled here..Jehovah Adonai Yahweh and another I can't recall..
Do your research. Religion means money power and control.
This is what we are fighting to get rid of.
Third eye. I hate this tablet!
Those of us without telegram have no way to watch what it is you linked to
I can see it in the browser just fine.
But yeah, if you don't have telegram, I guess you just miss out? I mean, free choice.
Click the link THEN judge.
Uh, I DID click the link.. and it has a video along with a small snippet under it. I said it cant be WATCHED... I never said it cant be READ
It's not a video, it's a picture. A screenshot of a video.
Ah, ok, misunderstood. Thanks
most accounts in telegram can be viewed by inserting a 's' in the address: e.g.
Perfect! Thank you :)
You expect people around here to click...links? That's crazy talk. We sure aren't short of any NPCs on our side. I was also very surprised when I finally checked it out after hearing so much about it sucking and expecting it to fail to meet my expectations. The first half is a bit slow, but it wasn't the lefty propaganda I expected after seeing the trailers. Btw tards you can pirate an hd version already since it was released on HBO max so you won't give them any money.
Why is this stickied?
Because The Matrix Resurrections is far better than most anons give it credit for, and I believe there is a concerted effort in both social media, and main stream media to pan this film as complete shit, which it isn't! This film is filled to the brim with comms, symbolism, and messaging that are pertinent to our Great Awakening, and that deserve to be analyzed. As OP noted: This film isn't for everyone. We anons have a job to do though!
For those who can't or won't watch the film, here is the script.
I'm assigning this reading as homework for all anons. There are so many hidden comms in this film, its CRAZY!
A lot of folks are getting caught up on the tranny narrative. I'll repost one of my comments on this below:
Look beneath the disguise. See the truth hidden in plain sight. The tranny shit is a distraction.
How do you trick a generation of indoctrinated woke NPCs into seeing a film about The Great Awakening? Would having "trannies" produce it be effective?
Thanks friend, I'm going to try and take it in this weekend.
Came here to say exactly this ^^^ I watched it and it was a redpill party! So obvious. Im gonna watch it a second time this weekend on HBO max and really dig into it now that I've seen it once. Plus my wife is a HUGE matrix fan and she fell asleep half way through kek. So I gotta watch it again anyway
I think it's of a joke than comns. Comns implies something important needs to be told.
It felt more like something funny needs to be told.
Trinity is married to a CHAD. NEO is a 'loser' that is used by his boss. who say this isn't happening and hides under a table.
NEO literally keeps trying to kill himself...fucking useless/helpless since 1999 like our population.
Fuck it maybe Trinity will do better, she does. Maybe angry momma bears will actually do a better job in the awakening (lol which is turning out to be true).
Men are useless if they don't get sex as a reward, NEO literally only does shit according to the architect. when het gets 'close' to trinity.
Kinda fucking hilarious.
PS: Trinity = how do you meet girls with lockdown/mask? maybe the desire to mate will wake all the sheep up this time. Like NEO literally took the red pill to get laid.
Movie will age like wine. It also shits on nostalgia. But my favorite COMM was the unity. No one cared who anyone was or what their lifestyle was. It was about coming together to defeat the enemy.
It's hilarious how many right wingers who "don't see color" are quick to judge someone for their hair. At no point is it ever established if anyone is woke or not. Oh women in leadership bothers you? Sounds like a personal insecurity brought on by misplaced traditionalism.
It's difficult to rebut your self-sticked opinion of a Jewish Pedowood film when you've got a sidebar ban-hammer rule about disagreeing with the mods..
You are free to form your own opinion regarding this film.
You are not free to spam the board in an attempt to dissuade the opinions of others.
You may have your opinion just so long as you peaceably allow others to have theirs.
Good day.
Red Pill '78 interviewed the guy who actually wrote the original Matrix. The studio stole the screenplay and assigned the Wachowski's. That's why it's the only good movie they've ever made and everything else is garbage.
No there are others. The OG is, however the best.
That's like saying there are more than 2 Home Alones. Technically yes, but not really.
There are only 8 seasons of scrubs.
Nope! There is no season 9.
Most folks forgo Hollywood out of the "shoot the messenger" attitude. I've always leaned more towards analyzing message over messenger. I couldn't care less about the brothers turning into sisters. That is pure distraction. They likely underwent this transition as either punishment, or some twisted form of witness protection from the Cabal after their creation of the first film.
The Matrix Resurrections has so much symbolism and messaging pertinent to our Great Awakening. Hollywood has always been a corrupt cesspool of propaganda and narrative control. That the Matrix 4 so pointedly addresses these controlling narratives tells me that this is no ordinary production. This film was clearly forced into existence. It does not feel like a passion project, but rather a mission. I believe the White Hats were responsible for the first Matrix film, and I again believe that they had a hand in the production of this fourth installment. Too many coincidences in the narrative, the characters, and the symbolism.
As soon as I get home from the holidays, I will create a proper analysis post going over all of my findings.
The concept of the sheeple thinking that ignorance is bliss was already well conveyed in Matrix 1. There’s Cypher who actually says it and chooses it. There’s Morpheus saying he has to be careful who to free because some minds can’t handle reality and Neo would be too old if he wasn’t the one. And Morpheus says: “The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”
That’s one of the problems of using metaphors: some people will be entertained during the story but they won’t apply the meaning to their everyday lives.
The first film did have the desired effect. That is why 9/11 was needed in order to put the world back to sleep. The War on Terror was the second biggest psyop played upon humanity. Not until COVID-19 did that narrative go away. COVID is the Cabal's new weapon of fear and intimidation.
The second film is needed at this time in order to call back the nostalgia of the first film, and remind us of the original messaging. This is the reason for all of the direct call backs and reuse of film in Resurrections. It is both new, and old. It layers new comms upon an old foundation.
Well said fren
Very good points.
I discovered yesterday that there is hidden meaning in the name the Analyst gives to Trinity in the Matrix. She is renamed Tiffany. Most folks probably think this is a random change.
If you follow the origins of both Trinity and Tiffany, you can come to a very interesting conclusion...
Trinity represents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost in biblical scripture. The Trinity exists within each person on Earth. We all experience each of these three parts of life as a human.
Tiffany, as quoted from Behind the Name:
Furthermore, the name Epiphany comes from the Greek word epiphainein, which means to reveal.
What caught my eye immediately was the January 6th reference, and the day of Epiphany. Her transformation from Tiffany, back to Trinity is her regaining the power over her own humanity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost).
There is absolutely no freakin way this is a coincidence. This brings even more meaning to the events that unfolded on January 6th of 2021, and what may be revealed (Epiphany) on January 6th of 2022.
Tiffany blue, anyone? (haven't seen the movie)
Wikipedia claims that filming began in February 2020. IMO, the original plan for January 6th was supposed to be a lot bloodier or at least a lot different than what actually happened (think memory-holed pipe bomber), which is why Congress and media keep sticking to the 9/11 comparisons. Anyways, the point here is that there's a possibility that particular Matrix symbolism was written and filmed for a (then) future event that later did not happen as expected.
Analyze “don’t look up” , please ? And send me the link. Thanks ! Kek
Sorry, this movie sucked.
I've seen reaching.
No it is not.
Not everyone who disagrees with you is a bot. Your post history shows you are obsessed with this film and people have a legit reason to criticize your second stickied post for it.
How much would I want to bet OP has an Amazon Prime account and a Netflix account... lol
Nah. Having a contrary thought doesn't make me that. But your knee jerk reaction surely makes you.
I disagree
Only saw the first one, glad about that.
I made it about halfway through the movie. They totally lost me on this sequel with all the new characters, plus nano-Morphius or whatever, Trinity talking about the struggles of raising children, and humans keeping sentinels as pets. With cyberpunk there's a fine line between coolness and horseshit, and this movie definitely crossed the line.
Also, I have to say that Keanu is looking pretty aged these days. His speech sounds more labored and it's just harder to take him seriously as an action star anymore. I'm not convinced he's one of the good guys but I know a lot of you guys love him for whatever reason, so sorry for saying that. Like so many Hollywood tools, before he became every guy's role model he was starring in gay erotic plays and things like that. Hollywood elites and the Wachowskis clearly gave this Canadian a pass and made him the biggest superstar ever a long time ago, and that situation has never changed. Hard to see how he has managed to stay firmly on the blessed side of all those elite pedos for so many decades without being one of them.
Made it halfway through this comment. Totally lost me at bailing for silly reasons including one of the main messages of this film: we over indulge in nostalgia.
Case and point. You're upset that Morphius wasn't the same. You wanted Fishbourne and were mad you didn't get him. Understandable, but he even called out the comforts of nostalgia.
Raising children can be a struggle. If you didn't have issues, then cool. Your anecdotal experience is not the sum of the human experience as a whole. Only one miniscule part.
Lol. So by this point I realized you weren't actually watching the film, but had it on in the background and were distracted by other things. They aren't pets. You can watch the film yourself and prove me wrong or discover what was actually going on there.
How can you make this determination without finishing the movie?
Definitely not watching that garbage.
Watching anything from hollywood seems out of scope for most pedes on this forum.
It's not for me, my friends, the people I work with, or anyone that is disgusted by Hollywood. Cuties isn't for me either, and I look at anyone defending that garbage the same way.
I'm not maga. I don't trust anyone in power right now. I also think it's laughable how hard some of you are trying to justify supporting garbage made by two garbage people. Watch whatever you want. I can't stop you, but as for me and my household, we aren't wasting our time with it.
Whatever. I wrote up a long response, but it was erased. I guess maybe it was the Spirit. In any case, the only thing that matters is Yeshua anyhow. You make assumptions about me from a couple of posts, just like you criticize me for making assumptions off of many reviews from people I trust. I liked your write up and vocabulary you were flexing, but it was fairly smug and condescending. If you were actually trying to teach, it's not a good approach, but who knows. Maybe you have good intentions, but it didn't come off that way.
I hope you were guided by the Spirit and prayed before you responded, but I suppose if you didn't you might not be honest about it anyhow. Don't worry about me in these dark times ahead of us. I have faith and even if I'm not worthy, I've been blessed beyond most by God for whatever reason. If you ever want to talk in person I am willing. It would be interesting for me at least.
mOVie is SO BaD DuR cAusE HoLlyWoOd iS bAD DUrRrrr
It amazes me the lengths people will go on these boards to try to make something into a Q proof because they need to defend "their guy" but will completely turn their brains off to deny such glaringly obvious symbolism and subliminal messaging in a movie because they need to attack "the bad guys."
Expand your thinking. Climb to 40,000 feet... or go back to eating crayons.
Fuckin seriously. Way too many insecure babies in this group who one, can't respect that other people like things and two, think that their opinions are objective fact.
It's very sad and disappointing as you mentioned to see "free thinkers" quickly become NPCs. Yes there are bad people in Hollywood. There are bad people everywhere and in everything. Evil exists. That does not mean everything is bad.
Some are probably still hung up on "If it isn't about Jesus it's bad". Oh well He created everything so that is retarded.
Part of the problem is the overkill with Operation Mockingbird. Seems like some people here now have determined that "because bad forces are using media to program and manipulate, therefore all Hollywood movies are bad and gay, and anyone who dares watch something I might not find entertaining or I'm too intellectually dense to pick up on messaging, is an idiot."
I'd agree that generally speaking, most of today's movies are shit... shit acting, shit recycled monomyth plots, shit themes, shot character development etc... this addition to the saga does have a lot of weakenesses in terms of "entertainment" value, but it has some incredibly deep messaging, a lot of it straight in your face, especially for crayon eating normies. Either the producers were complete retards to accidentally put it in, or they were so arrogant to shove it in our faces, or they were forced to put it in because #PatriotsInControl... I highly doubt they were tbat dumb, so it's either of the latter two options.
Yep. And traditionalist bullshit black and white logic adds to the fire. Christians are extremely intellectually lazy.
Some Christians are extremely intellectually lazy. Most people in general, are intellectually lazy. Some things are 100% binary black and white. A rock is not a living thing. Human males cannot be pregnant. Drop an apple from a hot air balloon and it will eventually fall to the ground. Murder is immoral. However, in many cases there is also gray area, requiring more complex thought and decision making. This version of the Matrix explored this reality, which I appreciated.
Fucktard has entered the chat
Well at least you're honest with yourself.
Here's a good collection to start
The short scene of the group in the elevator all glued to their phones was simple, yet powerful. Probably the most telling, sad, angering scene was all of the bodies being unknowingly sacrificed by being possessed and then turned into human bodies dropping out of buildings. Remember, if your avatar dies in the Matrix, your consciousness still dies too. All of those bodies and the souls within them, collateral damage of a greater conflict.
Disease of the mind unfortunately seems unstoppable
It's not an effective red pill... even for normies and fence-sitters... the original Matrix is. If people can't understand the original Matrix and how it applies to the modern day, they don't deserve to be included in society.
Fuck the message of Matrix 4, it was diluted and weak, and the movie was a piece of cheesy shit.
Best to pretend Matrix IV didn't even happen, and just watch #1... then 2 & 3 in due time. But skip 4. Wow. What an absolutely abysmal film.
4 is better than 2 and 3. Not as good as one, but this was a perfect bomb to drop in the nostalgia era.
4 will age like wine.
Agreed, watched it yesterday and felt the acting was crap and there were huge plot holes/leaps. HOWEVER, I was shocked by the intended premise. Definitely a red pill of a red pill, with white rabbit perspective being very relevant to the matrix WE live in.
i want to watch it to study symbolism but thats as far as it goes
Sucks ass too much to bother.
I don't care if people watch it or not. I'm saying that I think it sucked ass.
Not exactly, it’s just jew Hollywood gritting off the awakening as usual
What are you talking about? The election was NOV 2020. The Presidential primaries started in February and ended in August (due to "COVID").
My earleir analysis if this movie.
It was shit
Nothing can be said or done now to make it suck ass any less than it sucks ass.
As a film critic, you suck ass.
Your insecurity is on full display.
I'm just saying that the movie sucks ass, and that this dude as a movie reviewer sucks ass. I don't have a dog in the hunt in terms of this movie or the dude pumping it. I think they both suck ass, and my opinion has nothing to do with how I feel about myself as a person, how much confidence I have, or how much value I find in myself.
I think you are just confused about what the term, "insecurity," means. In which case, your vocabulary sucks ass.
You've gone out of your way to make sure everyone knows you think the movie sucks. You're pining for upvotes because you think if others validate your opinion, you're objectively correct. You are not.
Your opinions of OP being a shit critic are your personal opinions and nothing more. And your opinions of me are irrelevant because I don't care.
If you have no dog in the fight, then why are you saying anything at all?
I've gone out of my way to make sure everyone knows I think the movie sucks ASS.
I don't pay attention to upvotes.
I never said I was objectively correct. However, my subjective opinion is sublime.
My opinions of the OP being a shit critic are my opinion, but they are more than that. They are radiant, luminescent beacons in a dark world leading people to the light.
My opinions of your vocabulary may be irrelevant to you, but that does not mean they are not irreverent.
It's not dog in the fight, it's dog in the hunt. Maybe cock in the fight. Horse in the race is good.
Dog in the hunt, like this:
Lol new matrix movie is a pathetic woke nightmare through and through.
Based on what?
All these fucking comments and I finally find ONE articulated response as to why someone didn't like it. Thanks.
Yes. That was the intent. This film took an overdue shit in nostalgia cereal. And in more ways than just that scene. Every meta moment was purposeful.
Naiobi, to her credit did change her position after being convinced with facts and logic.
In five to ten years, people will look back on this and realize it's a borderline masterpiece. It's a team movie about uniting against a common foe and the best part about these movies is everyone wins. Neo needs Trinity and Trinity needs Neo. They were always both "the one".
You can see my comments to see my deeper perspectives. A lot of themes in this film were very Q centric. It's amusing yet also sad to see so many "I don't see color" people suddenly judge a character for her hair. It's never stated that she's woke yet people judged her by her appearance.
Sorry, critic Critical Drinker has the final word on this shitshow of a movie. I trust his assessment (it stinks) far more than some hollywood shilling.
No he does not. I respect his opinion on most things, but he was wrong here. He made gross assumptions and generalizations based on appearances that were not expressly confirmed in the movie.
Also, I have final word on what I choose to consume as does everyone else. Stop surrendering your thought authority to others.
The cabal is trying to bury the message, and their shill army is working overtime to review bomb the movie... Any youtuber with 1mil followers has been compromised a long time ago
They're also compromised by their own greed. They don't want to lose their audience which is pathetic. Drinker doesn't SEEM like the type, but when revenue from 1 million followers is flowing in, who knows what his motivations are.
That's why I respect people like Rush Limbaugh. He said what he said and did not care if you listened or not. That's hated him. He never pandered.
Its impossible by definition to stay on YouTube with this following if you don't bend the knee. They'll kick you off.
What a thread... This is a forum for awakened people, rejecting a movie about awakening the masses.
You're definitely not required to watch a certain film, but it seems like the minds here aren't so open...
If you want to see a bit of what you're missing go check out Mark Passio's Decoding the Matrix video on YouTube and see if you can understand it. If you can't, you have research to do. It's about the original movies, not this one. This one is pretty loaded with symbolism too though.
Dude.. your post history. You are obsessed with promoting this movie for some reason.
They have lots of valid points about why they don't want to watch it, and I basically agree with all of them.
Like you said though it's the message not the messenger.
In no less than 8 posts....
Even soldiers need training. In fact, soldiers need training more than anyone...
Where did you get your notion from, exactly?
M1 > Animatrix > M4 > M2 > M3 in that order. Movie was okay. They really should have spent more time on it. Action was mediocre. Acting was average. I like the concept behind the movie it was just poorly executed. I did really like the idea of Trinity & Neo both becoming The One, that their bond is what woke Neo up. It gets a 6.5/10 from me whereas Matrix 1 gets a 10/10 and Animatrix a 9/10.
It was garbage as a movie, garbage as a message delivery system, and garbage at redpilling.
If the movie is bad, any message it is trying to convey will be IGNORED.
After watching this the first time, I put Resurrections at Number 2 after the original. 2 and 3 were OK and moved the story and concept forward, but it seemed like they existed for the action scenes. And I don't watch Matrix for action. I watch for concepts and dialogue. Now that I've seen this one a few more times, I think it may just be the best Matrix film of all of them, even though it could never exist without at least the original. Thanks for linking the transcript, because I couldn't catch everything. I didn't find it "woke" at all, any more so than the other 3. I like what they did with Morpheus, now that I understand it. I liked the slow awakening of Neo, I liked Io, with the new definition of "our side," I liked the "meta" aspects, and I got a kick out of the kamikazi bots. Plus, I like a Matrix where Neo and Trinity are both alive at the end. In a world full of open possibilities.
Wow! Amazing how a number of bots have made their way from the matrix to downvote people for liking a film they didn't! This is the most anti-woke film I have seen in a country mile. You want to downvote? I just watched it again and STILL love it! Punches holes in psychiatry, the narrative, "our side," marketing to the masses, reality, cancel culture, and so much more. Go at it, bots! Have fun!
Lana almost got me. She fooled a lot of people with Trinity being able to fly and followed it up with her fucking up the Analyst. Gurl power, right? But then right at the very end they are both flying on their own implying the two become The ONE.
This is why the movie can never be classified as woke. Trinity didn't steal her power from Neo. She realized her own potential, just as Neo did. It was her realization of true humanity that reawakened Neo and gave him back the power he had forgotten he had.
This film is partially about the unity between a man and a women, and how a true unity such as this is the most powerful concept known on Earth. The Cabal want us separated, divided, and at war with each other. The moment we come together, we over power them.
Brilliant writing.
Okay, boomer.
I wish I could leave it at that, but your sheer ignorance needs to be called out. Movies are a medium with which to tell stories. Nothing more. Can some be used for programing? Sure. But most movies and shows are meant to entertain and some can even promote good ideals and messages. Go watch Spider Man No Way Home and tell me movies are poison for the mind and money.
It’s too dark and woke.
Blue hair...
Not interested.
Woke AF.
"Black people...
Not interested."
It's never confirmed if they are woke, but you passed judgement on appearance. Faggot.
Me while watching literally anything else other than the new matrix movie...
I will defend your right to be a piece of shit. But do not attempt to stand by me. You are not an ally and no friend to this community.
Lol part of the great awakening is realizing that diversity is not our strength
Diversity IS our strength. Jesus is the Core of the Great Awakening and Jesus said to love everyone.
I will defend your right to be a piece of shit and allow you to coexist peacefully away from the rest of us civilized folk. But if this war goes hot and I find you or anyone like you on the field of battle I will arrange your meeting with Jesus.
Lol whatever dude. Study history
It's not for us to tell people their lifestyle is wrong (criminal behavior excepted), but rather to love and help them through life.
Their issues are between them and God. And they're likely to resolve them quicker if we love them. God is the Judge. Not us.
Ok but will it make me want to cut off my balls and become a fake chick? Because I don't trust the Wachowski freaks to not put subliminal messages in there.
Nah. It's a continuation of the series. The action was meh and it took a bit for the movie to really pick up. It's very different in feel to other Matrix films. It's not a bad watch. Pirate it and enjoy.
i thought it was great especially the part where NPH was breakin down the whole part where humans choose to be ignorant and how people would much rather stay in the matrix
There are days where I would rather stay in the Matrix... but now I know what it is so... let's remake it into our own.
This movie was dogshit.
Objectively, you are wrong.
Ok Lana
Your post makes no sense. So basically… You are spreading confusion. Yes I was kind of trolling you, but the post really is confusing. Try reposting it maybe you’ll get more traction
Well third times a charm
No big deal! I’m happy!
This film will age like wine.
EDIT: Downvotes without responses are five times the vindication of upvotes. Your disagreement without reason just exposes how insecure you are.
Disagreeing with people is not being negative. Pointing out they are wrong is not being negative. Calling out insecurity is not being negative. The fact people think so is what's got us where we are now.
Badges of honor.
If you’re trying to cause more confusion… It’s working!
Oh no I’m not confused… You are confused!
No u!
Honestly the tranny allegory was made up after the first three films were released, and after the Brothers became Sisters, during a time when it was politically advantageous to do so.
I simply dont buy their rewritten history, just like I dont accept the crap outside of the original Star Wars trilogy, or the "Hermione is black" bullshit from JK Rowling, or that Sonic the Hedgehog was based off of Bill Clinton for his "can do" attitude.
Bread and circuses, people.
Also they're acting like they invented the "red pill" when it existed in other films decades earlier: "They Live" had the sunglasses that let you see the world as it really is and "Total Recall" had a literal red pill that was supposed to bring the protagonist back to reality (and it's up for debate if it really would have, nearly everything that happens after that point was predicted by the guy who offered him the pill so who knows if the second half of the film was just a dream playing out still.)
Great points and understanding of Total Recall’s ambiguity.
Other examples: pills in Alice in Wonderland, peyote in Young Guns (“we’re in the Spirit World, asshole, they can’t see us”), LSD in The Doors giving vision of the band, and mj in Platoon.
In Platoon, Jack-Daniels-drinking Barnes says “you guys smoke this shit to escape reality?… I am reality.” No, he’s delusional. His poor decision gets Gardner killed and Chris shot. He murders a Vietnamese woman which dooms him to a court-martial. He murders Elias which weakens the platoon. He almost murders Chris but they’re both concussed by a bomb. Liquor can make people black out and not remember reality, but mj can help people think more deeply about reality. Elias smokes mj and he’s the best soldier and Sargent in the platoon. He treats the Privates kindly so they have a chance to become good soldiers. He’s got the guts to be a tunnel rat. He diagnoses the enemies’ crossfire and outflanks them. He’s the first to realize that America is going to lose the war.
That is perfectly fine. You're allowed to like what you do and others are allowed to like the things you don't.
I never implied they couldn't.
Yeah! What u/aPosteriori said!
Reinstalls Tin-foil hat
Edit: Ohh lighten up, pedes.
Exactly and well said. Keep up the good work. It is really quite frightening the manner in which some (not all , only some) communicate in this forum. The idea is to espouse and promote Patriotism. We all have something to contribute in that regards. But the reality is that some people are here not to promote the Great Awakening, but rather their own opinions. If 'blowing up a city full of women and children' would promote their uneducated opinion, they might just do it. The raw dogmatism is not espoused by Donald Trump, Gen. Flynn or really anyone else in the GA at the higher levels. The Hills have Eyes is not one of our motivational movies.
Most Christians don't follow Christ, they follow Paul.
Oh ok, thanks! Happy New Year!
I have no problem with disagree with you.
Hollywood will never make or promote a movie that truly threatens the agenda. Full stop. Even the first Matrix movie, released in 1999, was meant to prepare the masses for the post-9/11 NWO push. You only need to look at how "woke" the franchise was even back then. All of the villains are White men (Agents, Cypher, and later the Architect and the Merovingian), the heroes are an Asian man, Black man, elderly Black woman, and androgynous White woman, and the inhabitants and government structure of Zion are mostly women and not White. It was always propaganda.
Who cares what color the heroes were. Come on man. The way you’re talking is bad. “If they aren’t white it HAS to be propaganda.” You’re missing the point. Color doesn’t matter. We are all human. I agree THEY use it for propaganda but you gotta get out of that mindset real quick. We’re better than THEM.
Why are all of the Agents White men?
Why are there are no woman Agents?
Why are there no Black Agents?
So if your theory floats then why is "the one" a straight white masculine male? Isn't he the hero of the story? The savior of mankind within that story universe. I never made the color connection and I've seen the matrix trilogy quite a few times. Mostly because I don't race bait people.....
Neo was never The One. It was always both of them. If Trinity hadn't been there to save Neo, he would have died. They've always needed each other.
Total retcon BS. It doesn’t matter who saved who, or you could say that Morpheus and the whole crew of the Nebuchadnezzar are also The Ones because they saved Neo from his pod, Morpheus saved Neo in the bathroom wall space scene, and Tank saved Neo by shooting Cypher before he could pull Neo’s plug. Neo was The One because he had the unique ability to manipulate the matrix as he saw fit: flying around, stopping bullets, super fast Kung Fu, diving into Agent Smith to explode him, etc. Trinity couldn’t do any of those things in the first three movies.
Why is it bad? We're dealing with people who believe it means everything. Self-preservation isn't some evil concept. Also, just because we're all humans doesn't mean our cultures mix well. I get what you're saying, but not all of us are that naive. The people of this world will never all hold hands together while singing Kumbaya. We can coexist, but intermixing should be done sparingly. When you have a bunch of equal sized groups of different cultures living amongst each other, that's when the problems start as we see today.
How about we stop making dumb ass affirmations of which we know nothing about. If peaceful co-existence is the end result so be it. But I reject your racist "intermixing should be sparingly" horseshit. We're here to unite and you bring division. People should be allowed to live how they choose with no inhibitions aside from basic laws (obviously serial killers should not). The goal should be to hold hands and sing songs. What is so horrible about that?
Nothing. You're just a horrible person.
Hey, I'm not bringing division. I simply have eyes and can see what's happening around me. Go ahead and assume whatever you want about me if that makes you feel better. The truth of the matter is there are good and bad people in this world. Ignoring that fact doesn't magically make everyone good.
Wait, since when was the hero Neo not white?
I apologize. Keanu is a racial mutt, not "Asian." Not what I'd call "White," either.
Take your racist faggotry back to Patriots.
If this goes hot, I suggest you racist faggots stay away from me or you're catching lead.
Yeah, no. 2000 was the most divisive election in a generation up until 2016, and "conservatism" back then was "Dick Cheney" not "Donald Trump." Nobody was rushing into that who wasn't already an NPC following the Afghan/Iraq war drums on the TV. The real conspiracy folks were screaming "inside job" about the Bush Administration and 9/11, not joining them.
Not even going to touch the "Keanu is White" retcon.
You're describing republicanism, not conservatism. George Bush and his cronies had nothing to do with conservative values.
But they pretended to and because of that the people who followed them called themselves "conservatives". More like neoconservatives.
Pure Hollywood grift
Mods stickied this thread. Read that again, the Mods stickied this thread. Go ahead and report him. That is some next level smoothbrain analyzing.
I can think for myself / am capable of independent thought. I don't need mods to think for me or tell me what to think.
I'm funny like that.
You must be related to Scott Adams.
Learn to analyze message over messenger.
As OP pointed out, this film is not for you or I. It is seeded with subliminal messaging and symbology meant to target the normies and NPCs.
Many films in Hollywood can be analyzed for comms from both the White Hats and Black Hats. Learn their comms, and you will learn to understand them. Both sides have been telling us the truth all along. They chose to hide those truths in narrative films so as to seed disbelief and the idea that these truths are fiction.
Learn not to be scammed by shills.
Nobody spends $190 for trannies to make a film to "send a secret message".
These posts are poorly disguised Hollywood adverts.
Why do you think they had Kubrick killed after Eyes Wide Shut?
The Black Hats use Hollywood to indoctrinate the people of the world into their twisted narratives.
The White Hats also use Hollywood for seeding the truth among the endless lies of the Cabal. Directors like Kubrick got too close to revealing real truths.
There is both light, and dark in Hollywood. There are very good people still working in the industry like Mel Gibson.
Look beneath the disguise. See the truth hidden in plain sight. The tranny shit is a distraction.
How do you trick a generation of indoctrinated woke NPCs into seeing a film about The Great Awakening? Would having "trannies" produce it be effective?
They are doing this with a bunch of netflix series, baiting with woke lines and main characters but the plot lines end up as the archetype of woke failure and the main plot lines are all about "a shadow power structure controlling everything behind the scenes", the shows are still running but each one has the power structure get destroyed like its nothing within a few episodes.
doctor who is one of them, the new season after their tragic full blown woke 2 prior seasons. the big plot was literally a shadow organization that has near infinite resources controlling the all events through time from outside the universe, the woman who was running it died the episode after she was introduced and assume the rest of the season will be about its collapse.
I've been watching this obsessively with a few shows, always enjoyed watching them to see the sneaky propaganda and one of the main things i learned is to see it you have to view it as if you're a super woke lefty as it's directed at them not us.
BUT lately i've noticed the shift, the woke main characters wokeism is always the leading cause in everything going to shit and causes them non-stop grief and drama in a negative light, as apposed to prior when the same woke lead characters would have everything in a good light and they just magically solve every problem. This along with the main plots constantly being about the downfall of a secret cabal and the nuance of how they fall are all the same across shows,
What an interesting thread.
Really illuminates the shills, I think. Most genuine people here rarely use the deport, or the downvote, for that matter. Traditionally, we have a LOT of respect for differing views, for open discussion, with a sense of common cause.
In this thread, look at all the downvotes. Seems to me this reveals the shills/bots out in force.
It's the sort of divisive spirit that the Cabalites have been attempting to force down our throats for the past month or so, with the Woods vs Flynn content, the DJT & vaccines content, etc.
You know they are either deeply desperate or deeply infiltrated when they can stir up this sort of dissention and conflict. It's not a heavenly spirit, and the kind of high, uplifting spirit behind all the best things about the Great Awakening. Rather, its a vindictive, aggressive, destructive and divisive spirit.
I hope people can see it for what it is. THEY will always protest that its not the case, but if you have eyes to see, you can see.