Nevermind swallow, more like a suppository. I cried a bit when I accepted that 9/11 was orchestrated and carried out by our own government. Took me 20 years.
I knew it when the 1st power fell. If it was due to fire the top of the building of the building would have toppled over not collapsed into its own footprint
I’ll never forget the night in the early 2000’s (2003ish timeframe) as I read various websites, forums, watched videos, it slowly dawned on me that we might be the bad guys in this…… it shook me like nothing had before or has since. Life has not been the same since.
I’m 60 years old! People around me have said I have the gift of prophecy… I said then “something is wrong with this
picture “ speaking of 911…I repented for voting for GW Bush !
Then in 2007 I began to say “Don not vote for this man or you will stumble over bodies in your own country then a week after the election FORT HOOD and the headlines read “People were stumbling over dead bodies to get away from this mad man!” Hmmmm… who sent him there? My guess the Oslum Lord. I wrote many things on fb about he was and still maybe the antiChrist but he is for Obama says much against Christ!
Back in 2012 I sang from my band wagon about We were about to see in every city a fire! (It happened under BLM)
I could prove all of this but about that time Facebook hacked me off their page!!! People ask me to resign “I said not on your life they are evil snd they don’t want us to tell the truth” sensorship began like hacks!
Not so big for me but my husband still thinks I'm deluded about 9\11 and he refuses to let me discuss it with him. I'm trying to lessen the shock when the truth is revealed but he's in denial.
That seems to be a pill too big to swallow for some, even those who know about and despise the DS, cabal, globalists, the Reset and the coof/jab depopulation effort.
'Guess the idea of a group of people orchestrating and outright killing that many innocent people in plain sight without warning in a couple/few hours and controlling/spinning all "reports" and communications about it - and seemingly getting away with it - is one step too far for them to deal with. (Same with Sandy Hook and some of the other mass shootings, FFs and hoaxes.)
You're probably right. I was way into the theoretical sciences back in the day (20yo), string theory, theoretical quantum physics etc. I even read Hawking's A Brief History of Time twice trying to wrap my head around it. Now I realise it's all bullshit. The scientific method is where it's at, I'm no longer interested in the theoretical stuff that decades later still cannot be proven, eg: Einstein's relativity, evolution, big bang, gravity etc. Interestingly enough, all the research into the Large Hadron Collider at CERN really opened my eyes to the spiritual aspect of this reality we live in. I came to the conclusion that the "physicists" working on that project aren't (in all likelihood) there to attempt to discover the "god particle" but are instead motivated by a nefarious agenda, (as clearly demonstrated in their opening ceremony).
Same here… when I was seeing things about it being planned I thought “who would do something like that.” I couldn’t believe it and dismissed it. Yeah, how wrong I was. At least now my eyes are open and I don’t take anything for granted anymore. Nothing
when a plane crashes & hits trees the wings are torn off but we are supposed to believe on 9/11 these planes & their wings just cut right thru concrete & iron into the buildings ?
Well considering there should have been like 20 stories of rubble and there was only, what like 3 or 4? Most of the towers turned to literal dust that spread through NY, so im gonna say it was a little bit more then just a controlled demolition.
Tesla made a device that could shake a building woth resonances so hard that the occupants thought there was an earthquake...
Trump furthermore claims that Russia got the plans from the Obama Administration, which is untrue.
These propagandists never post sauce when they fact check. "Trust me, I'm the author, so it has to be true. Trump is the liar. Not me."
Also, the author says Trump is giving away all the secrets and then he goes into detail on the accuracy and range of all of our best missiles. What a dolt.
My take away is simple, Trump said 17 many, many times for one good reason. And, we all know what that reason is.
Also consider, a writer at popular mechanics isn't as exposed to or aware of everything the Commander in Chief is aware of. A paradigm shift in knowledge base.
the whitehats are in control and we're watching the movie they made, so the whitehats are mocking what's left of the DS. think it's more for our benefit, so we can laugh at the people who tried to kill us, break their spell over society.
I'm still convinced that they are going to try to nuke us before this is all over, probably using the nuclear material from U1. In my mind, this is Trump telling them that Space Force is already 17 steps ahead with countermeasures.
Luis Elizondo said UAPs have been observed at U.S. nuclear sites as well as at sites all over the globe.
“There does seem to be some sort of congruency or some sort of intersection between these UAP or UFO sightings and our nuclear technology, whether it’s nuclear propulsion, nuclear power and generation, or nuclear weapons systems. Furthermore, those same observations have been made overseas in other countries. They too have had the same incidents, so that tells us this a global issue. Now in this country, we’ve had incidents where these UAPs have interfered and actually brought offline our nuclear capabilities.”
His grandson is wealthy and tried to refuse the settlement, as he thought it could be better used elsewhere. They forced him to take the settlement check. That's what sounded hinky to me.
If we have UFO tech, which I believe is more plausible than aliens (not including
manifestation /communication with demons), then we could easily have highly mobile UFO sentry drones that can intercept missiles with laser tech on a UFO platform.
Bashar says aliens will never again allow a nuclear weapon to be detonated on earth. They will intervene and issue a shutdown before the rockets even leave the base.
Makes sense tbh. Earth is a rare goldilocks planet and we cant be allowed to destroy and contaminate it just for political warfare between our pathetic tribes.
When I was watching UFO testimony videos, one recurring theme was that use of nuclear weapons is something the aliens seem to strongly disallow as part of some inter-galactic rules. This brings up the rabbit hole of the atom bombs used against Nagasaki and Hiroshima. A lot of people believe these were conventional bombing and the atomic weapons were never used.
Personally I hope this is true - I would like to live in a world where there are guardians stopping us from the ultimate destruction.
Atomic bombs disrupt neighbouring dimensions, is the problem. As well as potential to render a goldilocks planet like ours uninhabitable for centuries, over petty political nonsense.
I think the Nagasaki thing was the first time they realized what we were capable of and it drew their attention. I've never heard of conspiracy theories that they were not atomic though, whats that about?
I think the Nagasaki thing was the first time they realized
Couple of counterpoints with no agenda.
If that were true, then they would have stopped the Hiroshima attack. On top of that, the Bikini testrun was also a full fledged atomic bomb and should have alerted the aliens as well.
There has been numerous documented UFO entities that supposedly approached fighter pilots during WW2, much before the Nagasaki bombing, some of them even deactivating conventional weapons. Point being, they were interested in us even before the Nagasaki.
So we have to either deduce that these entities don't care whether we detonate atomic bombs or not OR that they do care, but we never actually detonated these bombs OR they somehow missed all the atomic tests and the two actual bombs.
I've never heard of conspiracy theories that they were not atomic though, whats that about?
Remember the Q post about the supposed missile launch at Trump's plane? I think that event/post hasn't happened yet..and it has nothing to do with Trump or any plane Trump is on.
I have a strong hunch this subject will come back around as the first post was a head fake with a different meaning than everyone thought at first (that a missile was launched against Trump while he was in AF1 - which would mean this may or may not appear in the movie coming up and not necessarily about Trump at all this time).
Disinformation is necessary - what if it what we interpret Q telling us about in those posts (missile launch against AF1) is actually a tip off of an event that will happen in the future and had not actually happened. There was no 'proof' of a missile launch - just speculation on our part based on Q's post.
They cant just nuke anywhere they want, nukes are much more complex then just dropping a bomb. Japans "nuked" cities look exactly like the ones that were only firebombed.
Id be more worried about those giant tungsten rods, theyre the real WMD.
But i wouldnt really worry at all. There are rules, if the DS was gonna "nuke" someone they would have done it long ago...
Why would you worry more about tungsten rods? 1) They're incredibly expensive because tungsten isn't exactly common. 2) You fire them and they don't explode, they penetrate. They're bunker-busters, meant to get into hard targets with high precision. Nukes are a little less discriminating.
Consider a WWI analogy. Would you worry more about a machine gun or mustard gas? Both can kill you, but you worry more about the mustard gas because if the wind changes, you're the one breathing it right along with your enemies.
There's a reason nukes are heavily regulated under international treaties and tungsten (and similar armor-piercing tech) are considered conventional weapons.
As for the conspiracy theory about Hiroshima, how would you explain the cancer rates? Firebombing doesn't cause cancer, but radiation does.
IMO the situation with the nukes vs. conventional or electro gravitics is the nukes may have a quantum effect on space-time that really messes with the celestial beings. But I digress.
We've seen the atom bombs' effect, and for decades people have been afraid of Nukes, so a super-fast nuke is conceivable and respected. Lasers and electrowhatzits are not familiar and vague in power/threat. I have a laser I use to play with my cat, how is that a weapon?
Have we really? Compare the nuked Japanese cities to the firebombed ones, very similar level of damage.
Go look back at the nuclear footage from the 50s, some look extremely fake.
I think nukes are real hut i think theres more to it then just dropping a bomb, if it was as simple as a regular bomb i feel like we would have seen them used much more.
I have a toy gun that shoots pellets, they hurt but cant kill, scale the power factor up by using explosions and bigger projectiles and you got a deadly gun. Same with a laser, its a toy that can damage your eyes, scale up the power factor and specific wavelengths and such and it'll destroy cars, theres footage of a laser equipped drone destroying stuff...
Nikola Tesla used a device to simulate an earthquake in a house by attaching it to the foundations and using certain frequencies, if Tesla could do this in the late 1800s or early 1900s how far do you think this tech has been developed by the DS?
Youre thinking too small, in the box that the DS has put you in, where nukes are the only WMD, but some simple searching will show you theres mich more out there.
I'm talking about fear though, not trying to prove the atom bomb happened (which is what most believe), people are afraid of nukes. Hopefully that clarifies my statement. The fear is built on a common event people believe in history. I forget there are questions about every significant event in history here. Some people are afriaid of unshown demonstrations of power, but most people are afraid of what they've already seen (or believe to have seen), magnified. The masses have decades of cold war fear of nukes to build off of for their imagination. I'm not saying "Rods from God", lasers, etc aren't or couldn't be more powerful.
I've been to Nagasaki in the '70s. It wasn't fire bombed. Japanese smaller towns at the time were bamboo and paper basically. When they were fire bombed they pretty much disappeared, but were quickly rebuilt. Nagasaki was brick and mortar. There were still plenty of ruins.
this was absolutely done intentionally there would be no reason not to say 15 times faster. once you start talking about the speeds of these things nobody knows exactly how much faster they go by using the number 17 He was playing with them And they were too stupid to even know it.
it's also the 7th prime number & 7 is God's number.
and whitehats throughout history have hidden 17 clues for us to find in the future; George Washington's code name was Agent 711 (117 mirrored) and his spot at Mt Rushmore is #17. John Q. Adams was in House of Representatives for 17 years. JfK was born in 1917 and his famous handwritten quote had 17 words, etc.
Ask not what your country can do for you - but what you can do for your country.
I'll attempt to expand on the other comments. Yes, Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. Great, so now you see the symbol. What does it mean? That's more complicated.
Trump made many references to 17 and the letter Q throughout his presidency. Typically, that serves as a marker to identify that whatever topic he's talking about next is related to the Q concept. Great, so what's that? Q's main premise is that the world is controlled by a handful of so-called "elites" who are abjectly evil and who use that power to control people's minds, pacify them, and rule over them. As an extension, they abuse this power to make others suffer either through forcing people into poverty or through outright evil, specifically child sexual predation and child sacrifice. Trump got into the presidency and used that power specifically to disrupt their control structures and give power back to the People - not just of America, but worldwide (which is why you frequently see Q posts showing patriots rising up around the world). That's the Q premise.
Any time you deal with Q, you have to understand that the entire thing works by communicating through symbols. This concept is very, very old. Egyptian hieroglyphs were symbols. Symbols communicate meaning in millennia-old religions, and often with layers of meaning attached to the same symbol. The Phoenician numbers that eventually became the Latin alphabet we use are symbols. Numbers are symbols. Shapes can signify numbers and themselves become symbols. You can spend a lifetime trying to unpack the layers of meaning attached to some of these things. Freemasons do. Jewish Kabbalists do, which is where we dive into numerology and gematria. And interpreting it is difficult because of these layers of meaning. People can easily go in the wrong direction, and really the message only becomes clear after something has already happened (also a central Q premise - the news unlocks - that is, we'll see Q was predicting something abstractly, then see the results on the news).
While there's a TON of stuff in the 4600 or so Q posts, the major themes are: giving democratic control back to the people and stopping the child abuse. In this particular case, the issue is democratic control. Hypersonic missiles are intended to scare people into submission and into running to government and handing over egregious amounts of money to the MIC (Eisenhower's military-industrial complex) to buy "protection." Trump's saying he has weapons in place to protect us. Go live your lives freely. The double meaning is also a threat to the Deep State, but that's a larger discussion =)
Keep asking questions! Then use discernment regarding whether or not to believe the answers. I could be wrong, as could anyone else. You do your own thinking and find the wisdom you can be sure of. A core principle of thinking is that any belief you claim, you should be able to explain why you believe it. If you find that you can't, you need to discard that belief and look for a better explanation - that's discernment - a path to weed out the BS and find truth.
Wow this is great. Thank you for that. I’ve been using context clues to piece things together. And asking my very knowledgeable friend. This is so helpful!
When Putin & Trump had their private chat and journos went apeshit? I’m convinced Putin gave 45 a few flash drives “with everything” (their intercepts). ie “learn Russian”.
Just watched the latest reality check jay Weidner. It seems this year could be the year lots of conspiracy theories are proven true
. He was covering that JFK had been threatened by Mafia. He was in love with someone else..didn't want to be president and he goes step by step how JFK pulled it off. Jay as a film producer could watch films and dissect it all and I totally believe him. Give it a watch.
Had interesting things to say on Paul McCartney too
So..I now know there were no planes at 9/ many mysteries being revealed...
The msm has to be brought down. They are responsible for so much..CIA trained apparently
Just type reality check jay Weidner website. He travels the world solving mysteries..was in the film industry
Makes you wonder if JFK got himself out of being prez did John John do the same thing? I can believe he got out before he got was his brother who got killed that his dad was grooming for prez.
Think mirror. 6565 = anihC anihC. (the 19 is implied by the COV)
Also, didn't our favorite funny press sec just say "eve eve" the other day whilst agreeing with Trump on the jabs? Seems like someone souped up some old comms from May to sync up with today..
He's Q+ in the Q posts. Q is a group of less than 10 people, mostly military. Clif High's linguistic analysis of the Q posts indicate at least three different authors, so there's not just one person writing all of them.
how can you show relevance to 17 without looking at the others? ofc he uses our favorite number but he likely uses other numbers too. this makes us look stupid
A casual search of Trump and other numbers show that the other numbers are more often mentioned by other parties, mostly news people.
Can you think of any logical reason Trump would use an odd number like 17 to describe so many things that most of us would use round numbers for?
Trump has been to DC countless times, yet even now he says he's been there 17 times. He says the super-duper missile is 17 times faster, even though we probably don't know exactly how fast the enemies' new missiles will go. Anyone else would say 10 or 15 times or 20 times, but not 17 times.
It's not just that he uses 17, but that he uses it in such odd places, where most people wouldn't.
The logical conclusion is that 17 is special and is communicating something.
Funny when people dump on Q... It becomes incredibly easy to see "they" haven’t researched And / Or are disinfo...
I too never considered they weren't telling the truth.
raises hand That was a really big red pill for me to swallow. :-(
Nevermind swallow, more like a suppository. I cried a bit when I accepted that 9/11 was orchestrated and carried out by our own government. Took me 20 years.
I hear ya! :-(
I knew as soon as I saw building 7 collapse.
Six months ahead of me. I said I needed more evidence before accusing the government of genocide, then I saw Loose Change.
I knew it when the 1st power fell. If it was due to fire the top of the building of the building would have toppled over not collapsed into its own footprint
I’ll never forget the night in the early 2000’s (2003ish timeframe) as I read various websites, forums, watched videos, it slowly dawned on me that we might be the bad guys in this…… it shook me like nothing had before or has since. Life has not been the same since.
some dark humor for that
oops! Guess I miss that. But good! Clueless
Yep. I was 19 when it happened. Fast forward a decade or so and I highly questioned a lot. My family still thinks I'm nuts..
I’m 60 years old! People around me have said I have the gift of prophecy… I said then “something is wrong with this picture “ speaking of 911…I repented for voting for GW Bush !
Then in 2007 I began to say “Don not vote for this man or you will stumble over bodies in your own country then a week after the election FORT HOOD and the headlines read “People were stumbling over dead bodies to get away from this mad man!” Hmmmm… who sent him there? My guess the Oslum Lord. I wrote many things on fb about he was and still maybe the antiChrist but he is for Obama says much against Christ!
Back in 2012 I sang from my band wagon about We were about to see in every city a fire! (It happened under BLM)
I could prove all of this but about that time Facebook hacked me off their page!!! People ask me to resign “I said not on your life they are evil snd they don’t want us to tell the truth” sensorship began like hacks!
I mean, you could both be right to question the public narrative and be nuts at the same time...
Well, I’m called nuts by my family too cause I question everything, but I also have bipolar
Not so big for me but my husband still thinks I'm deluded about 9\11 and he refuses to let me discuss it with him. I'm trying to lessen the shock when the truth is revealed but he's in denial.
That seems to be a pill too big to swallow for some, even those who know about and despise the DS, cabal, globalists, the Reset and the coof/jab depopulation effort.
'Guess the idea of a group of people orchestrating and outright killing that many innocent people in plain sight without warning in a couple/few hours and controlling/spinning all "reports" and communications about it - and seemingly getting away with it - is one step too far for them to deal with. (Same with Sandy Hook and some of the other mass shootings, FFs and hoaxes.)
Lol...Me too till a few years back...
Same with New Scientist. I read that mostly fictional theoretical garbage for 10 years.
You're probably right. I was way into the theoretical sciences back in the day (20yo), string theory, theoretical quantum physics etc. I even read Hawking's A Brief History of Time twice trying to wrap my head around it. Now I realise it's all bullshit. The scientific method is where it's at, I'm no longer interested in the theoretical stuff that decades later still cannot be proven, eg: Einstein's relativity, evolution, big bang, gravity etc. Interestingly enough, all the research into the Large Hadron Collider at CERN really opened my eyes to the spiritual aspect of this reality we live in. I came to the conclusion that the "physicists" working on that project aren't (in all likelihood) there to attempt to discover the "god particle" but are instead motivated by a nefarious agenda, (as clearly demonstrated in their opening ceremony).
Who is Lancet!
Like the British Medical Journal.............prestigious at one time.
Same here… when I was seeing things about it being planned I thought “who would do something like that.” I couldn’t believe it and dismissed it. Yeah, how wrong I was. At least now my eyes are open and I don’t take anything for granted anymore. Nothing
I agree 100% with that...
when a plane crashes & hits trees the wings are torn off but we are supposed to believe on 9/11 these planes & their wings just cut right thru concrete & iron into the buildings ?
So which do you think it was instead of plane crashes and fires?
Well considering there should have been like 20 stories of rubble and there was only, what like 3 or 4? Most of the towers turned to literal dust that spread through NY, so im gonna say it was a little bit more then just a controlled demolition.
Tesla made a device that could shake a building woth resonances so hard that the occupants thought there was an earthquake...
Combination of both.
I’m in your camp too Mack.
Controlled ...IMO
These propagandists never post sauce when they fact check. "Trust me, I'm the author, so it has to be true. Trump is the liar. Not me."
Also, the author says Trump is giving away all the secrets and then he goes into detail on the accuracy and range of all of our best missiles. What a dolt.
My take away is simple, Trump said 17 many, many times for one good reason. And, we all know what that reason is.
NEVER! They just state it as misinformation or fake news and leave it at that and they expect the sheep to just take it as fact.
And the sheep do just that!
Also consider, a writer at popular mechanics isn't as exposed to or aware of everything the Commander in Chief is aware of. A paradigm shift in knowledge base.
There's also this....
I'm not entirely sure of the point you're making and I'm not being rude...
Hey FOH, no worries. We're all just truth seekers here, no matter how ugly it may be.
We just want justice and to save the children.
PFFFFFFFFFFFFffffffffffffffffffffffttttttttttttt. In this scan do you see me flipping you the bird?
I still can't get over the 17 singers and dancers at the "White House" singing about slicing up the fruitcake.
Great Number don't you think...😉
17 washers behind him at Whirlpool. 17 American flags when he said “goodbye” on the tarmac.
Not trolling, comms...
the whitehats are in control and we're watching the movie they made, so the whitehats are mocking what's left of the DS. think it's more for our benefit, so we can laugh at the people who tried to kill us, break their spell over society.
I'm still convinced that they are going to try to nuke us before this is all over, probably using the nuclear material from U1. In my mind, this is Trump telling them that Space Force is already 17 steps ahead with countermeasures.
I'm wondering if they're guarding us against a nuclear strike via UFOs or if this is a false story...
Luis Elizondo said UAPs have been observed at U.S. nuclear sites as well as at sites all over the globe.
“There does seem to be some sort of congruency or some sort of intersection between these UAP or UFO sightings and our nuclear technology, whether it’s nuclear propulsion, nuclear power and generation, or nuclear weapons systems. Furthermore, those same observations have been made overseas in other countries. They too have had the same incidents, so that tells us this a global issue. Now in this country, we’ve had incidents where these UAPs have interfered and actually brought offline our nuclear capabilities.”
I’d like to add, I live a stones throw from a nuke plant and not too far from Oak Ridge TN. We have sightings pretty regularly.
I had a cousin who worked at Oak Ridge. His descendants got pretty good settlements from the federal government, as he died from his work.
Interesting as I've heard many similar stories. Not too surprising?!
His grandson is wealthy and tried to refuse the settlement, as he thought it could be better used elsewhere. They forced him to take the settlement check. That's what sounded hinky to me.
Understand…wow. Lotta probable nefarious/advanced sci stuff goes-on there still.
If we have UFO tech, which I believe is more plausible than aliens (not including manifestation /communication with demons), then we could easily have highly mobile UFO sentry drones that can intercept missiles with laser tech on a UFO platform.
Bashar says aliens will never again allow a nuclear weapon to be detonated on earth. They will intervene and issue a shutdown before the rockets even leave the base.
Makes sense tbh. Earth is a rare goldilocks planet and we cant be allowed to destroy and contaminate it just for political warfare between our pathetic tribes.
All of this is very interesting....
When I was watching UFO testimony videos, one recurring theme was that use of nuclear weapons is something the aliens seem to strongly disallow as part of some inter-galactic rules. This brings up the rabbit hole of the atom bombs used against Nagasaki and Hiroshima. A lot of people believe these were conventional bombing and the atomic weapons were never used.
Personally I hope this is true - I would like to live in a world where there are guardians stopping us from the ultimate destruction.
Atomic bombs disrupt neighbouring dimensions, is the problem. As well as potential to render a goldilocks planet like ours uninhabitable for centuries, over petty political nonsense.
I think the Nagasaki thing was the first time they realized what we were capable of and it drew their attention. I've never heard of conspiracy theories that they were not atomic though, whats that about?
Couple of counterpoints with no agenda.
If that were true, then they would have stopped the Hiroshima attack. On top of that, the Bikini testrun was also a full fledged atomic bomb and should have alerted the aliens as well.
There has been numerous documented UFO entities that supposedly approached fighter pilots during WW2, much before the Nagasaki bombing, some of them even deactivating conventional weapons. Point being, they were interested in us even before the Nagasaki.
So we have to either deduce that these entities don't care whether we detonate atomic bombs or not OR that they do care, but we never actually detonated these bombs OR they somehow missed all the atomic tests and the two actual bombs.
Maybe, you raise interesting points. Will check out the link too thanks.
Remember the Q post about the supposed missile launch at Trump's plane? I think that event/post hasn't happened yet..and it has nothing to do with Trump or any plane Trump is on.
You got the drop # for that one?
1469 + 1476 , 2729 + 2730 , 4829
I have a strong hunch this subject will come back around as the first post was a head fake with a different meaning than everyone thought at first (that a missile was launched against Trump while he was in AF1 - which would mean this may or may not appear in the movie coming up and not necessarily about Trump at all this time).
Disinformation is necessary - what if it what we interpret Q telling us about in those posts (missile launch against AF1) is actually a tip off of an event that will happen in the future and had not actually happened. There was no 'proof' of a missile launch - just speculation on our part based on Q's post.
They cant just nuke anywhere they want, nukes are much more complex then just dropping a bomb. Japans "nuked" cities look exactly like the ones that were only firebombed.
Id be more worried about those giant tungsten rods, theyre the real WMD.
But i wouldnt really worry at all. There are rules, if the DS was gonna "nuke" someone they would have done it long ago...
Why would you worry more about tungsten rods? 1) They're incredibly expensive because tungsten isn't exactly common. 2) You fire them and they don't explode, they penetrate. They're bunker-busters, meant to get into hard targets with high precision. Nukes are a little less discriminating.
Consider a WWI analogy. Would you worry more about a machine gun or mustard gas? Both can kill you, but you worry more about the mustard gas because if the wind changes, you're the one breathing it right along with your enemies.
There's a reason nukes are heavily regulated under international treaties and tungsten (and similar armor-piercing tech) are considered conventional weapons.
As for the conspiracy theory about Hiroshima, how would you explain the cancer rates? Firebombing doesn't cause cancer, but radiation does.
IMO the situation with the nukes vs. conventional or electro gravitics is the nukes may have a quantum effect on space-time that really messes with the celestial beings. But I digress.
We've seen the atom bombs' effect, and for decades people have been afraid of Nukes, so a super-fast nuke is conceivable and respected. Lasers and electrowhatzits are not familiar and vague in power/threat. I have a laser I use to play with my cat, how is that a weapon?
Have we really? Compare the nuked Japanese cities to the firebombed ones, very similar level of damage.
Go look back at the nuclear footage from the 50s, some look extremely fake.
I think nukes are real hut i think theres more to it then just dropping a bomb, if it was as simple as a regular bomb i feel like we would have seen them used much more.
I have a toy gun that shoots pellets, they hurt but cant kill, scale the power factor up by using explosions and bigger projectiles and you got a deadly gun. Same with a laser, its a toy that can damage your eyes, scale up the power factor and specific wavelengths and such and it'll destroy cars, theres footage of a laser equipped drone destroying stuff...
Nikola Tesla used a device to simulate an earthquake in a house by attaching it to the foundations and using certain frequencies, if Tesla could do this in the late 1800s or early 1900s how far do you think this tech has been developed by the DS?
Youre thinking too small, in the box that the DS has put you in, where nukes are the only WMD, but some simple searching will show you theres mich more out there.
I'm talking about fear though, not trying to prove the atom bomb happened (which is what most believe), people are afraid of nukes. Hopefully that clarifies my statement. The fear is built on a common event people believe in history. I forget there are questions about every significant event in history here. Some people are afriaid of unshown demonstrations of power, but most people are afraid of what they've already seen (or believe to have seen), magnified. The masses have decades of cold war fear of nukes to build off of for their imagination. I'm not saying "Rods from God", lasers, etc aren't or couldn't be more powerful.
I've been to Nagasaki in the '70s. It wasn't fire bombed. Japanese smaller towns at the time were bamboo and paper basically. When they were fire bombed they pretty much disappeared, but were quickly rebuilt. Nagasaki was brick and mortar. There were still plenty of ruins.
Maybe it is meant as a quagmire for those seeking to unseat us.
A DIW will be useless against a tungsten or depleted uranium dart traveling at mach 30.
Video for those curious. Short Clip!
"Russia has 5 times and China's working on 5 or 6, we have 1......"
5 + 5 + 6 + 1 == 17 :)
this was absolutely done intentionally there would be no reason not to say 15 times faster. once you start talking about the speeds of these things nobody knows exactly how much faster they go by using the number 17 He was playing with them And they were too stupid to even know it.
I’m sorry to ask. Recently awakened person here. Can someone explain 17 to me? I see it often on here and don’t know what it’s in reference to.
17th letter of the alphabet is Q.
Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet.
Makes sense. Ty!
it's also the 7th prime number & 7 is God's number.
and whitehats throughout history have hidden 17 clues for us to find in the future; George Washington's code name was Agent 711 (117 mirrored) and his spot at Mt Rushmore is #17. John Q. Adams was in House of Representatives for 17 years. JfK was born in 1917 and his famous handwritten quote had 17 words, etc.
Ask not what your country can do for you - but what you can do for your country.
Wow! These are some I haven’t heard. They are great! Especially love the JFK quote one.
I agree, it's one of my favorite Qoincidences. think it shows he had awareness of 17 as code/the whitehats. especially since he wrote it himself🇺🇸
I'll attempt to expand on the other comments. Yes, Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. Great, so now you see the symbol. What does it mean? That's more complicated.
Trump made many references to 17 and the letter Q throughout his presidency. Typically, that serves as a marker to identify that whatever topic he's talking about next is related to the Q concept. Great, so what's that? Q's main premise is that the world is controlled by a handful of so-called "elites" who are abjectly evil and who use that power to control people's minds, pacify them, and rule over them. As an extension, they abuse this power to make others suffer either through forcing people into poverty or through outright evil, specifically child sexual predation and child sacrifice. Trump got into the presidency and used that power specifically to disrupt their control structures and give power back to the People - not just of America, but worldwide (which is why you frequently see Q posts showing patriots rising up around the world). That's the Q premise.
Any time you deal with Q, you have to understand that the entire thing works by communicating through symbols. This concept is very, very old. Egyptian hieroglyphs were symbols. Symbols communicate meaning in millennia-old religions, and often with layers of meaning attached to the same symbol. The Phoenician numbers that eventually became the Latin alphabet we use are symbols. Numbers are symbols. Shapes can signify numbers and themselves become symbols. You can spend a lifetime trying to unpack the layers of meaning attached to some of these things. Freemasons do. Jewish Kabbalists do, which is where we dive into numerology and gematria. And interpreting it is difficult because of these layers of meaning. People can easily go in the wrong direction, and really the message only becomes clear after something has already happened (also a central Q premise - the news unlocks - that is, we'll see Q was predicting something abstractly, then see the results on the news).
While there's a TON of stuff in the 4600 or so Q posts, the major themes are: giving democratic control back to the people and stopping the child abuse. In this particular case, the issue is democratic control. Hypersonic missiles are intended to scare people into submission and into running to government and handing over egregious amounts of money to the MIC (Eisenhower's military-industrial complex) to buy "protection." Trump's saying he has weapons in place to protect us. Go live your lives freely. The double meaning is also a threat to the Deep State, but that's a larger discussion =)
Keep asking questions! Then use discernment regarding whether or not to believe the answers. I could be wrong, as could anyone else. You do your own thinking and find the wisdom you can be sure of. A core principle of thinking is that any belief you claim, you should be able to explain why you believe it. If you find that you can't, you need to discard that belief and look for a better explanation - that's discernment - a path to weed out the BS and find truth.
Wow this is great. Thank you for that. I’ve been using context clues to piece things together. And asking my very knowledgeable friend. This is so helpful!
Q = 17th letter in the alphabet.
Questions are good...
Thank you. It’s like every day I learn more and more and it’s… a lot.
17 / 3 = 5.66666
"Almost Three" = Less than, so round down:
Post No.566
Need a few red pills for family, friends, and others?
Read the #Memo.
Release coming.
Final clearance underway.
Make sure to learn Russian.
When Putin & Trump had their private chat and journos went apeshit? I’m convinced Putin gave 45 a few flash drives “with everything” (their intercepts). ie “learn Russian”.
That was Epic...loved it...
Hrmm... Idk, man. Seems like a coincidence. I'll need him to say it at least 500 more times before I'd consider it because I'm a rational thinker.
Noted 😂👍🏽
I may not need to write that here but dude. It's insane what kind of obvious jokes just goes over ppI these days.
Aint it sumpthin? Like spelling sh1t out for second graders ugh.
Also said he had only been to D.C. 17 times before inaugurated. He kept repeating it too.
Im reading this with 17% left on my phone battery...
He says it a LOT.
Also go to youtue and type in Trump and 17 you'll get this video and you'll also get a few other surprises about Trump and 17 it's hilarious.
Just watched the latest reality check jay Weidner. It seems this year could be the year lots of conspiracy theories are proven true
. He was covering that JFK had been threatened by Mafia. He was in love with someone else..didn't want to be president and he goes step by step how JFK pulled it off. Jay as a film producer could watch films and dissect it all and I totally believe him. Give it a watch.
Had interesting things to say on Paul McCartney too
So..I now know there were no planes at 9/ many mysteries being revealed...
The msm has to be brought down. They are responsible for so much..CIA trained apparently
Did Q have anything to say on these things?
A link plz?
Just type reality check jay Weidner website. He travels the world solving mysteries..was in the film industry
Makes you wonder if JFK got himself out of being prez did John John do the same thing? I can believe he got out before he got was his brother who got killed that his dad was grooming for prez.
I'm familiar with Jay's name...will lookup, tx!!
link?? never heard of him
Reality bites jay Weidner website...
17 17 eve eve teen teen? Trump comms are 5 or 6 layers deep...
eg. China =~ 56? Meanwhile COVFEFE =~ COV(19) 6565.
That would have been so good if 6+5+6+5 were 19, alas it is 22 so I have no idea of your point.
Hopefully signifying it will end in 22 (2022).
Think mirror. 6565 = anihC anihC. (the 19 is implied by the COV)
Also, didn't our favorite funny press sec just say "eve eve" the other day whilst agreeing with Trump on the jabs? Seems like someone souped up some old comms from May to sync up with today..
That's what I call a winkie winkie!
Definitely space force.
I mean…. That’s a LOT of 17’s.
Is this on video? Because I can hear that jpg.
A couple of links ...
How does the math of 17x being a factor of 3 work?
3 times China's 6 equals 18, he said almost a factor of 3...
Is Trump Q?
He's Q+ in the Q posts. Q is a group of less than 10 people, mostly military. Clif High's linguistic analysis of the Q posts indicate at least three different authors, so there's not just one person writing all of them.
Super fucking duper boys
ok but now can you cross reference any of the other times he used other numbers?
edit: getting downvoted for asking a simple logical question? 10-4
how can you show relevance to 17 without looking at the others? ofc he uses our favorite number but he likely uses other numbers too. this makes us look stupid
A casual search of Trump and other numbers show that the other numbers are more often mentioned by other parties, mostly news people.
Can you think of any logical reason Trump would use an odd number like 17 to describe so many things that most of us would use round numbers for?
Trump has been to DC countless times, yet even now he says he's been there 17 times. He says the super-duper missile is 17 times faster, even though we probably don't know exactly how fast the enemies' new missiles will go. Anyone else would say 10 or 15 times or 20 times, but not 17 times.
It's not just that he uses 17, but that he uses it in such odd places, where most people wouldn't.
The logical conclusion is that 17 is special and is communicating something.
No. And we don't "chimp out" anyway. Only certain people participate in that behavior.