Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Hebrew 10:25
Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching.
Acts 1:4
They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
Acts 1:14
These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.
Acts 4:31
And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness.
Acts 2:42
They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Acts 12:5
So Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God.
Matthew 7:21-23 NKJV
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. [22] Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' [23] And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'
We have entered that phase of the info war when the new recruits have only basic training and have no real idea HOW to think, how to apply discernment or due diligence. They see an illuminati behind every window, and pedo symbols in every pack of cereal.
Sigh. When you grow the army from a few million to a few hundred million, that's that you get. Vets have to hurry the training of the new recruits up.
Throw them in the meme trenches. They'll learn soon enough.
Until then, just hope that they don't go around killing too many with friendly fire.
In information warfare, information is the weapon. Learn to handle your weapon, recruit!
Addendum: It's reading replies and comments to posts like this that make me wanna simply shake my head and give up.
Perhaps its just information fatigue, but anons are meant to be able to use flippin critical thinking and logic. Instead, far too many recruits see a cornflake and run away screaming "the Cabal is grinding microchips into our corn cereals and when you eat them, they control you with 6G". The tinfoil hat brigade seems to be sending us too many of their staff.
OK, analogy kinda sucks, but my goodness, do these people think that medical boots existed ONLY in order to track down deep state villains? <Facepalm x 100>
Yes I understand that, I had mentioned his oversized clothing in a previous comment. It looks like a man who went into prison as a fat man, but left as a skinny man who's clothes no longer fit correctly as the clothes that you wore into prison, are returned to you upon release.
Keto can do it, if you're a stickler. Would make sense that both Trump and Pompeo are taking this time to shape up. Pompeo's appearance was worrying me in the last year of 2020. He looked to have gained 60+ pounds during his tenure. The stress these guys must be under is hard to imagine.
I do know all about the surgery. You can lose 30lbs or more the first month.
You're quoting the average duration of TOTAL weight loss, which listen, I appreciate your even looked it up. Someone close to me lost 42lbs in 40 days.110lbs in 8 months.
You also need to show the last date he was fat and when you first saw him with melting face.
a LOT of them ... have some how lost weight/ gained it ... or just straight out look like their about to either enter a shallow grave or have just come out of one ...
ironically though ... that one orange guy .... didnt gain/lose wieght nor does he look like a sun dried tomato from aging over night .........................
one theory i've been floating around in my noodle has been that a lot of what we've been seeing could have all been shot soon after the plan went into effect after Trump was elected, and some of these people we haven't seen for several years even though they have appeared on shows. just a thought.
The last time I saw a boot was actually myself. 5 years ago underwater wire fence went 6" into my foot and broke a bone. I was throwing a cast net for shiners. Total freak accident.
The point: yeah we know people wear them, but after McNoname was so obviously wearing one to hide an ankle monitor, including switching feet....It makes sense to examine people who might be criminal targets. How else would you better hide a monitor?
I’ve had a bad feeling about him since the first weight loss pic. Q told us to Trust Kansas? Why no exercise pics on social media. No healthy foods pics either. All the things you would expect from a public figure (pun intended) during a massive weight loss endeavor.
The Koch brothers funded his political campaign. There's some other shady stuff on his wiki. Has q mentioned Pompeo specifically or did everyone just assume Kansas referred to him?
Could be he had foot surgery, hence the scooter. He looks like he had a gastric bypass, but his face looks entirel different. He also could have cancer and a spontaneous bone fracture in his foot or ankle.
But that was only one foot at a time:) And who knows why he had it on. We can speculate, but pointing to all the public figures with boots on and suggesting they are under white hat control is a bit much.
Here's the thing about that though. In my lifetime I have had one friend wear a boot. Once. Like 45 years ago. Seems like a lot of very high profile famous people wear boots as compared to the general population. And it seems like they only started wearing them en masse recently.
Having said that, Pompeo wearing a boot could be a medical condition, but it also could be a troll. I assume half of the information war is keeping the other side guessing as to whose side people are actually now on.
I'm certainly not saying there's not something to this. Just pointing out that there are several medical reasons someone might be wearing a boot. That being said, it is a bit suspicious if we're starting to see more boot wearing by public figures.
My aunt was just in a boot because she fell and broke her ankle. Granted, she's not a public figure but there are several reasons why someone might have a boot on.
Frick. Did you SEE here fall and break her ankle? Huh? No, right? Your aunt is clearly compromised. Time to ostracize her, or just whack her cos we all know she's deep state.
/Oops. Sarcing so hard, my brain literally inverted.
I think Mike is a White Hat by his actions in the past. Could have been pressured or maybe told Trump and all about the CIA. I would have to see evidence he is a Black Hat ---- more than a boot!
I'm starting to think white hats are using entities like the J6 committee and boots on perfectly fine patriotic feet to draw a dividing line among their own ranks. It's interesting to read such harsh comments from newer and unfamiliar names on this board. I wonder if this is a loyalty test on a more significant level and we here are just seeing it on a less significant level. The newest generation of shill here attacks last year's patriots.
Sometimes the paranoid delusions on this site get a bit thick. This Sunday at church, we had occasion to sing hymn # 333 out of the hymnal. Really? I looked up hymn # 666. It was there, all right. I still can't figure out if hymn # 333 is half as evil as hymn # 666.
Ugh! So many things come to mind when I see Crenshaw’s name but I’m so disgusted/annoyed by him that I can’t articulate even one thing..he’s just so...ugh! 🙄🤮😂
Crenshaw = Romney = McCain = Pelosi = HRC.. DS.. we really oughta do a better job spelling this out to people. They take a guy like 'Crenshaw' and parade him around lower information Republicans to rope them back into the narrative.
I watched him say in his own words that in January '21 he realized he had gone over 300 lbs for the first time in his life. He then simply made a gym in his basement and started exercising and eating and the weight began to fall off. That's some crazy ass shit. Obese people should try it, cuz it seems to work. Not sure what happened to his foot.
This is going to be a hard one for clowns to cope with. The ones who followed his every tweet for months, waiting for a countdown. Not knowing he was a blackhat pos the whole time.
I mean hes former cia. Literally the worst of the worst on the entire planet.
Gastric Bi-pass surgery for the rapid weight loss or extreme KETO diet. The boot is puzzling; he's former CIA Director and then Secty of State.
GPS tracker is done to prevent cross border run and surveillance of his daily movements, meetings, etc. If he's wearing a GPS tracker, who is investigating/interviewing Pompeo? Black Hat CIA/FBI? White Hat US Military?
Remember; The US Globalist run State Dept is aligned with CIA and FBI to do the dirty work. They then leak the propaganda fake news to WaPo, CNN and other slimy fake MSM outlets.
Point in Fact; My husband just had foot surgery in Dec 2021 and he had a shoe-foot support, not an ankle boot that went up the calf.
Conclusion; Pompeo has legit foot/ankle medical condition or is hiding the GPS tracking device.
They say; 'Once CIA, always CIA.'
Will we see Pompeo with a left black eye in the days following?
hes former cia, one good ex cia,,. i never like him when he first joined Trumps Admin,..I thought,..,.something smelled bad about him,.I never liked Bill Barr, .samething it didnt sit right with me,..and it turned i I was right,...!!
Where does this whole thing come from that anyone wearing a boot, must be wearing ankle monitor? Is our most advanced intel agencies still using ankle monitors from the fucking 90's?
I mean c'mon ya'll don't think they have a much smaller, and more concealable ankle monitor by now? Especially for important assets like Mike Pompeo?
Fuck yourself for being a condescending piece of shit, so don't be pissy when i return the favor.
When you get older your and your Periorbital veins under your eyes tend to start popping out and looking quite unsightly most people turn to Sclerotherapy which causes the vein walls to collapse and makes for some really long last bruising.
Other treatments like laser treatments to remove spider veins, and varicose veing also causes bruising that lasts for weeks.
But you go ahead and keep believing retarded ass, easily debunked non sense that makes you like an idiot.
The McCain and HRC boot thing went around quite a lot in the past and I don’t think everyone is sold on it but at times it did mean ankle monitor. I heard a prophet say someone close to the president was going to turn and we would see it soon. This might be related to that word
I hate arguing with people on here because you, and I would probably agree 90% of the time. I often get into a disagreement with someone on here, I regret the things I say. So let's just be cool.
I agree with it being an odd pattern, but it's very easy to hide ankle monitor. You just wear pants, why do they need a boot to hide an ankle monitor?
Joe Biden had a boot on his foot, shortly after the fraud election, and post on here are like "oooOOO see, he's under arrest, happenings!!." What happened to his boot now?
So what do you say about all the people who had boots on for a short period, and then never have the boot on again? Were they allowed to have the boot removed?
Any Veterinarian in your area can put a tracker in your dog the size of a tick tac with a simple implantation that doesn't require any surgery and you think they need Ankle monitors with giant boots on their feet to conceal something?
So I'm not here to debunk, nor am I here to argue with someone who I probably agree with almost all other times, but it just doesn't make logical sense to me.
Like I Said with the Schelerotherapy, and Vein treatments that bruise up the face.
Often older people have problem with Bunions, Cysts, Plantar Fibroma there is ALL sorts of surgical procedures that would require someone to wear a boot for a couple weeks.
I thought Pompeo was a white hat? He's the one who's always posting Bible quotes, right?
Found on 8kun here:
"Not all those who say "Oh Lord Oh Lord" will go to heaven"
The Bible says to pray privately or not at all
Also; Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Hebrew 10:25 Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching.
Acts 1:4 They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
Acts 1:14 These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.
Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness.
Acts 2:42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Acts 12:5 So Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God.
You'd miss out on a knees up at your local revivalist group. Hallelujah and praise the Lord!
Matthew 7:21-23 NKJV "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. [22] Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' [23] And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'
How the hell does a boot mean he isn't a white hat? Is there even a remote chance he slipped on ice? FFS
This lmfao. What’s he supposed to do if he really needed a boot?
We have entered that phase of the info war when the new recruits have only basic training and have no real idea HOW to think, how to apply discernment or due diligence. They see an illuminati behind every window, and pedo symbols in every pack of cereal.
Sigh. When you grow the army from a few million to a few hundred million, that's that you get. Vets have to hurry the training of the new recruits up.
Throw them in the meme trenches. They'll learn soon enough.
Until then, just hope that they don't go around killing too many with friendly fire.
Addendum: It's reading replies and comments to posts like this that make me wanna simply shake my head and give up.
Perhaps its just information fatigue, but anons are meant to be able to use flippin critical thinking and logic. Instead, far too many recruits see a cornflake and run away screaming "the Cabal is grinding microchips into our corn cereals and when you eat them, they control you with 6G". The tinfoil hat brigade seems to be sending us too many of their staff.
OK, analogy kinda sucks, but my goodness, do these people think that medical boots existed ONLY in order to track down deep state villains? <Facepalm x 100>
What would they do if Trump sports a boot???
He looks malnourished, like he was just released from gitmo. I mean, he's still wearing his fat person clothes.
Fit is king. A $1000 outfit that is too big looks clownish.
I don't think he looks fit. To me, he looks sickly. His face looks different too.
Perhaps he meant fit as in the correct size of clothing rather than fit - the physical and health condition of the body
Yes I understand that, I had mentioned his oversized clothing in a previous comment. It looks like a man who went into prison as a fat man, but left as a skinny man who's clothes no longer fit correctly as the clothes that you wore into prison, are returned to you upon release.
I think he meant the fit of the suit. The tailoring.
Y'know, often when people get replaced by a double, they claim the differences are due to things like weight loss or nip-n-tuck plastic surgery...
Just sayin'.
Keto can do it, if you're a stickler. Would make sense that both Trump and Pompeo are taking this time to shape up. Pompeo's appearance was worrying me in the last year of 2020. He looked to have gained 60+ pounds during his tenure. The stress these guys must be under is hard to imagine.
Maybe he's been whitemailed...
Didn't he get appointed in like a day, with no obstruction from democrats?
Things that make you go hmmm.
He obviously had gastric bypass surgery.
Look it up. That is why he looks completely different.
The rest? I'm not sure what his role is. He seems to say the right things.. but a lot of people do until they don't.
Thats an easy copout, but i posted pictures of him one month to the next where he lost all of the weight, "supposedly".
I dont care what surgery you have, youre not losing that much weight in a month.
Now the boot, something stinks.
Lol a copout...
Okay. So he lost how much weight in what time frame?
Without that info your "something stinks" or "it's not pompeo!" scenario holds no water.
Typical surgery plans are in 12-18 month time intervals. I mean anyone that knows anything about the surgery wouldn't even ask such a question.
Nice comment dripping with dickhead attitude
I do know all about the surgery. You can lose 30lbs or more the first month.
You're quoting the average duration of TOTAL weight loss, which listen, I appreciate your even looked it up. Someone close to me lost 42lbs in 40 days.110lbs in 8 months.
You also need to show the last date he was fat and when you first saw him with melting face.
is this why he lost so much weight? he's under the thumb now? Locked up? Accounts controlled? Blackhat turned?
a LOT of them ... have some how lost weight/ gained it ... or just straight out look like their about to either enter a shallow grave or have just come out of one ...
ironically though ... that one orange guy .... didnt gain/lose wieght nor does he look like a sun dried tomato from aging over night .........................
Pompeo had a previous foot injury according to the articles of why he put off losing weight, so he probably reaggravated it working out
Enough with the sanity!
Anyone watching their weight who wears a surgical shoe....evil agent of the deep state, apparently
...and Biden tripped over his dog coming out of the shower. C'mon man, they all have excuses.
one theory i've been floating around in my noodle has been that a lot of what we've been seeing could have all been shot soon after the plan went into effect after Trump was elected, and some of these people we haven't seen for several years even though they have appeared on shows. just a thought.
Are they starving him? He definitely doesn’t look right
Doesn't even look like him. Never trust anyone with links to the CIA no matter how many Bible verses they quote.
I kept saying it does not look like him
Same, never trusted him. Former cia, massive weight loss in less than a month? Doesnt look like the same person. Something stinks.
Exactly! He’s always kissing IsraHell’s ass. Never trusted him from the beginning. Once a spook, always a spook.
...this foot/ankle malady must be "contagious"...
I haven't seen anyone with a boot in person in several years.
I had a boot in the fall from a fall
The last time I saw a boot was actually myself. 5 years ago underwater wire fence went 6" into my foot and broke a bone. I was throwing a cast net for shiners. Total freak accident.
The point: yeah we know people wear them, but after McNoname was so obviously wearing one to hide an ankle monitor, including switching feet....It makes sense to examine people who might be criminal targets. How else would you better hide a monitor?
My wife had one at the same time as well. occasional ball player....
I’ve had a bad feeling about him since the first weight loss pic. Q told us to Trust Kansas? Why no exercise pics on social media. No healthy foods pics either. All the things you would expect from a public figure (pun intended) during a massive weight loss endeavor.
The Koch brothers funded his political campaign. There's some other shady stuff on his wiki. Has q mentioned Pompeo specifically or did everyone just assume Kansas referred to him?
Could "Kansas" be Roger Marshall?
"Trust Kansas" ?
Then WHO or what would be "Kansas" (if Pompeo is compromised)?
We will find out wont we.
Middle America maybe? A metaphor that the red states would have their shit together during the pandy.
Could be he had foot surgery, hence the scooter. He looks like he had a gastric bypass, but his face looks entirel different. He also could have cancer and a spontaneous bone fracture in his foot or ankle.
It's just a boot. Many people have to wear them for medical reasons.
Like McCain on both feet
The traitor was different
But that was only one foot at a time:) And who knows why he had it on. We can speculate, but pointing to all the public figures with boots on and suggesting they are under white hat control is a bit much.
Here's the thing about that though. In my lifetime I have had one friend wear a boot. Once. Like 45 years ago. Seems like a lot of very high profile famous people wear boots as compared to the general population. And it seems like they only started wearing them en masse recently.
Having said that, Pompeo wearing a boot could be a medical condition, but it also could be a troll. I assume half of the information war is keeping the other side guessing as to whose side people are actually now on.
I'm certainly not saying there's not something to this. Just pointing out that there are several medical reasons someone might be wearing a boot. That being said, it is a bit suspicious if we're starting to see more boot wearing by public figures.
I’m sure all the elites with random black eyes isn’t suspicious either.
Exactly. I can't remember seeing anyone i know with a black eye since maybe I was 6 years old.
I did. Ankle surgery.
My aunt was just in a boot because she fell and broke her ankle. Granted, she's not a public figure but there are several reasons why someone might have a boot on.
Frick. Did you SEE here fall and break her ankle? Huh? No, right? Your aunt is clearly compromised. Time to ostracize her, or just whack her cos we all know she's deep state.
/Oops. Sarcing so hard, my brain literally inverted.
Nah, you’re a black hat glowie!!!1!
I think Mike is a White Hat by his actions in the past. Could have been pressured or maybe told Trump and all about the CIA. I would have to see evidence he is a Black Hat ---- more than a boot!
But he has a BOOOOOT!!!!!! Don't you see the obvious satanic pedo link?
Neither do I.
I'm starting to think white hats are using entities like the J6 committee and boots on perfectly fine patriotic feet to draw a dividing line among their own ranks. It's interesting to read such harsh comments from newer and unfamiliar names on this board. I wonder if this is a loyalty test on a more significant level and we here are just seeing it on a less significant level. The newest generation of shill here attacks last year's patriots.
Is that a mobility scooter behind him? His weight loss looks like it's out of control.
oh you're right ... that is a mobility device
Looks like it could be a knee walker scooter, to keep weight off an injured leg/foot.
That thing looks like more trouble than it's worth. I'd go for the crutches.
This photo is from a Dairy Business Association event called Dairy Strong which was held in Wisconsin, January 19-20.
Maybe it is a trap... The Deep State is probably running around to find out what put a boot on him:)
Sometimes the paranoid delusions on this site get a bit thick. This Sunday at church, we had occasion to sing hymn # 333 out of the hymnal. Really? I looked up hymn # 666. It was there, all right. I still can't figure out if hymn # 333 is half as evil as hymn # 666.
Not saying he’s a bad guy but he was seen with Crenshaw recently
Ugh! So many things come to mind when I see Crenshaw’s name but I’m so disgusted/annoyed by him that I can’t articulate even one thing..he’s just so...ugh! 🙄🤮😂
Actually you conveyed that very well.
Crenshaw = Romney = McCain = Pelosi = HRC.. DS.. we really oughta do a better job spelling this out to people. They take a guy like 'Crenshaw' and parade him around lower information Republicans to rope them back into the narrative.
I watched him say in his own words that in January '21 he realized he had gone over 300 lbs for the first time in his life. He then simply made a gym in his basement and started exercising and eating and the weight began to fall off. That's some crazy ass shit. Obese people should try it, cuz it seems to work. Not sure what happened to his foot.
Not afraid to admit it, I'm confused?
#MeToo. Been confused for quite some time now. It's why I rarely post here anymore.
That’s the kind from medical supply store for if an ankle or foot is broken or sprained.
Didnt Q say to trust Kansas?
That doesn't look like the same person.
The tell would be if he “forgets” and walks on it normally
It looks like he has an assistance scooter behind him
I dont see a boot. I see that his feet are crossed, so together looks bigger, but not a boot.
i hope to god you dont have a drivers license
That made me laugh out loud.
He's wearing 2 different colored shoes then
One shoe is brown, and the other has a black boot on it.
This is going to be a hard one for clowns to cope with. The ones who followed his every tweet for months, waiting for a countdown. Not knowing he was a blackhat pos the whole time.
I mean hes former cia. Literally the worst of the worst on the entire planet.
He was always a bit of a warmonger, who knows anymore...
Gastric Bi-pass surgery for the rapid weight loss or extreme KETO diet. The boot is puzzling; he's former CIA Director and then Secty of State.
GPS tracker is done to prevent cross border run and surveillance of his daily movements, meetings, etc. If he's wearing a GPS tracker, who is investigating/interviewing Pompeo? Black Hat CIA/FBI? White Hat US Military?
Remember; The US Globalist run State Dept is aligned with CIA and FBI to do the dirty work. They then leak the propaganda fake news to WaPo, CNN and other slimy fake MSM outlets.
Point in Fact; My husband just had foot surgery in Dec 2021 and he had a shoe-foot support, not an ankle boot that went up the calf.
Conclusion; Pompeo has legit foot/ankle medical condition or is hiding the GPS tracking device.
They say; 'Once CIA, always CIA.'
Will we see Pompeo with a left black eye in the days following?
He was recently stirring tensions with Russia.
hes former cia, one good ex cia,,. i never like him when he first joined Trumps Admin,..I thought,..,.something smelled bad about him,.I never liked Bill Barr, .samething it didnt sit right with me,..and it turned i I was right,...!!
Dudes pushing 70 right? Sometimes old people need walking boots due to joints etc. I worked in medical supplies and they always flew off the shelves.
I thought everyone here had a hard on for him. Trust Kansas. What happened?
This doesn’t even look like him.
Where does this whole thing come from that anyone wearing a boot, must be wearing ankle monitor? Is our most advanced intel agencies still using ankle monitors from the fucking 90's?
I mean c'mon ya'll don't think they have a much smaller, and more concealable ankle monitor by now? Especially for important assets like Mike Pompeo?
Be aware, this place is obsessed with medical boots. You cannot question the boot, it always means bad guy.
It’s stupid, but thems the rules.
We're an off-shoot branch of the cult. Bootists. We all know that boots indicate supreme evil. This is why professional skiers are our high priests.
Hey, rules is rules.
Fuck yourself for being a condescending piece of shit, so don't be pissy when i return the favor.
When you get older your and your Periorbital veins under your eyes tend to start popping out and looking quite unsightly most people turn to Sclerotherapy which causes the vein walls to collapse and makes for some really long last bruising.
Other treatments like laser treatments to remove spider veins, and varicose veing also causes bruising that lasts for weeks.
But you go ahead and keep believing retarded ass, easily debunked non sense that makes you like an idiot.
The McCain and HRC boot thing went around quite a lot in the past and I don’t think everyone is sold on it but at times it did mean ankle monitor. I heard a prophet say someone close to the president was going to turn and we would see it soon. This might be related to that word
I hate arguing with people on here because you, and I would probably agree 90% of the time. I often get into a disagreement with someone on here, I regret the things I say. So let's just be cool.
I agree with it being an odd pattern, but it's very easy to hide ankle monitor. You just wear pants, why do they need a boot to hide an ankle monitor?
Joe Biden had a boot on his foot, shortly after the fraud election, and post on here are like "oooOOO see, he's under arrest, happenings!!." What happened to his boot now?
So what do you say about all the people who had boots on for a short period, and then never have the boot on again? Were they allowed to have the boot removed?
Any Veterinarian in your area can put a tracker in your dog the size of a tick tac with a simple implantation that doesn't require any surgery and you think they need Ankle monitors with giant boots on their feet to conceal something?
So I'm not here to debunk, nor am I here to argue with someone who I probably agree with almost all other times, but it just doesn't make logical sense to me.
Like I Said with the Schelerotherapy, and Vein treatments that bruise up the face.
Often older people have problem with Bunions, Cysts, Plantar Fibroma there is ALL sorts of surgical procedures that would require someone to wear a boot for a couple weeks.
How do we even know the pictures are legit?
Oh no..
Pompeo went from Hero to Zero in my book fast over the last year