Totally understand why you would feel this way. We all are born plugged into the matrix and we look at the world and try to figure out reality based on how we have been taught what reality is. It's what you read in the headlines. It's what your friends talk about. It's what your professors, or experts or whoever else tells you what it is.
Of course when you look at the world through this belief system, it clearly looks like we are losing. Yes, there is another way of looking at this world. It's looking past the constructs of the matrix and seeing the reality. You need that one glitch in the matrix that makes you want to see behind the illusions.
You have to feel that NEED badly. Until then you cannot see past it. Each person finds this need in a different way. Some saw it after JFK was assassinated and we were all told it was one crazy lone gunman. That there was no conspiracy to kill him.
Others woke up after watching all the wars that kept breaking out throughout the century that never made any sense whatsoever.
Yet others woke up when they watched a bunch of hijackers who had learnt flying for a few months, flew jetliners precisely into two towers. Or when the BBC news casters seemed to know that building 7 was going to collapse even before it did.
In the last couple years the glitches have accellerated. The BLM, Antifa, Covid, Mask/Nomask, No-Vaccines/Yes-Vaccines, Censorship of everything, Fed printing trillions and no economist seems to understand whats going on, and so on and on and on.
For some the matrix is really strong and they will never wake up until something hits them in the face. When you do wake up and you feel that NEED to learn the truth about our world so badly, then you will understand nothing is as it seems, and what you call losing is actually winning on the biggest scale ever.
Imagine what total and complete victory will look like
It could look like two countries. And that might not be such a bad thing.
The homespun idea of "unity at all costs," no matter how much death it takes, "UNITY" with socialistic vermin violently antagonistic against basic science (e.g., reproductive biology, virology, geology, epidemiology, meteorology), against our history, culture of freedom and individual responsibility, our rule of law, everything that makes America the greatest country ever to have existed...not sure unity with communists is needed or desirable. And if it's expected that they're all getting reprogrammed by our Great Awakening, that expectation seems foolish at best.
Seriously, Europe isn't one strong "united" country just because Europeans tend to be white and have some common cultural background. South America isn't one strong "united" nation, and, unlike European countries, the great majority of them even share a common national language! Like all other primates, humans too are highly territorial, strongly contentious animals. People divide into separate tribes when differences among them become too massive to unite over. It's how humankind has successfully survived and thrived from prehistoric times to today. Only one-world government types, who systematically deny human nature, want to destroy this normal, absolutely essential human dynamic and force everyone to "get along."
The left always hysterically shrieks about an imagined "divisiveness" of Trump, while they deliberately divide the nation along the lines of all the categories: sex, color, religion, education, politics, income, etc. I'm in the mood today where I wouldn't mind not having to share a country with committed commies, assholes who want to destroy our Constitution, soak our wealth, and squash our freedoms to soothe their fear and anxiety.
Instead of which party can snow the masses with the most fake promises, I want the political debates to be about which party is more faithfully aligned with the Founding Fathers' principles. Libertarian Party vs. Tea Party vs. Constitution Party, that kind of thing. Whoever you choose, you're in the right :)
Thanks. I live in Japan, so by the time I wake up, the entire day has gone by in the USA and I feel like Han Solo who just got out of carbonite. So much happens every day and I can't keep up with it.
Yeah, no worries. I far as I can tell, Rachel Maddow is still filming with MSNBC too. I believe the image OP is incorrect. There's no date on the image, other than 3hrs, which gives zero information of when it was actually posted.
I have to see Japan before I get too old :-) ... That country fascinates me :-). The other day I watched part of one of their game shows. It was a competition where they roll tires down an Olympic ski jump and measure the distance they fly. They displayed the stats for each tire (economy, sports, truck, tractor trailer, and a couple others). I almost thought that they were poking fun at professional sports.
Of all the countries of the world, you'd expect "not blindly believing whatever the government tells you" to be the #1 sentiment in Japan, beating out even the USA, considering what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The sheer amount of normalfags here is pretty irritating. I try to tell people that the inventor of the PCR itself said multiple times that it is useless to determine if someone is sick or not and they think I'm talking crazy... just because their national average of English understanding is the least among Asian countries and they are too lazy to look it up for themselves. At least there aren't any rabid Karen-types here. I go maskless everywhere I go, outside of work, and only on occasion will a store clerk as me where my mask is. I just refuse to wear one and they leave me alone (at least in my area).
That said, my wife reads Yahoo News Japan and the comments on the Corona-chan articles are full of people speaking about the vaccine side-effects and how omicron is nothing more than a bad cold.
Everyday i listen to conservative talk radio and on the 15, 30, 45 of every hour they take a break and do the local news hits...everyday for two year the lead would be the number of new covid cases and covid deaths in the for the first time the covid reporting just stopped...out of nowhere
It's awesome, but I won't get too excited until we start seeing the US government start to roll back vax and mask mandates everywhere. Pfizer is about to push the jab on 6 month old babies to 5 year olds now. That cannot stand.
we will win when the evil leadership around the planet is destroyed... otherwise it's nothing more than feel-good stories and nothing will change going forward.
Same thing I heard from another source who has had some connections to former players. So I figure it's probably true.
I had a boss who's wife practiced witchcraft. He didn't see any issues with it, but he cheated on her on one of our business trips together (I doubt that was the first time), and they divorced a couple years after I left the company. I don't know if his wife's stuff had anything to do with his behavior, but I doubt it helped any.
I don't dive deep into EM but with what I've seen him do the past few years, in my opinion, he's one of those guys who I hope is good, but wouldn't be surprised if he's a wolf in sheep clothing. He's a wildcard to me.
Brady and Musk did both come out as pro-Trump early on, before the TDS really went out of control. That at least suggests they are not totally on board with the globohomo destruction of America. But leashes were pulled and they both fell in line. I think Brady made some weak anti-Trump criticism and Musk backtracked over I think the Paris Accord. So that suggests they are both somewhat controlled. Was it blackmail, or just cowardice though? It could be either.
I don’t think so. He’s 44 years old and he almost saved the game in the last 2 minutes. If they could have held for 2 more minutes they’d be in the playoffs and probably SB. He’s a great athlete. He’s a decent guy.
Don’t forget Cuomo is out too
Both of them
I won't be happy till he's in prison
Traitors who commit murder should NOT get such a light sentence.
and Jacinda Ardrn of New Zealand
Amen to that.
His replacement isn’t better.
Or his brother from CNN
We will NEVER get tired of winning
Totally understand why you would feel this way. We all are born plugged into the matrix and we look at the world and try to figure out reality based on how we have been taught what reality is. It's what you read in the headlines. It's what your friends talk about. It's what your professors, or experts or whoever else tells you what it is.
Of course when you look at the world through this belief system, it clearly looks like we are losing. Yes, there is another way of looking at this world. It's looking past the constructs of the matrix and seeing the reality. You need that one glitch in the matrix that makes you want to see behind the illusions.
You have to feel that NEED badly. Until then you cannot see past it. Each person finds this need in a different way. Some saw it after JFK was assassinated and we were all told it was one crazy lone gunman. That there was no conspiracy to kill him.
Others woke up after watching all the wars that kept breaking out throughout the century that never made any sense whatsoever.
Yet others woke up when they watched a bunch of hijackers who had learnt flying for a few months, flew jetliners precisely into two towers. Or when the BBC news casters seemed to know that building 7 was going to collapse even before it did.
In the last couple years the glitches have accellerated. The BLM, Antifa, Covid, Mask/Nomask, No-Vaccines/Yes-Vaccines, Censorship of everything, Fed printing trillions and no economist seems to understand whats going on, and so on and on and on.
For some the matrix is really strong and they will never wake up until something hits them in the face. When you do wake up and you feel that NEED to learn the truth about our world so badly, then you will understand nothing is as it seems, and what you call losing is actually winning on the biggest scale ever.
We need many more to need to learn the truth! Buckle up
Give US a fucking break.
Imagine what total and complete victory will look like
MAGA Country!!
A noose and a subway sandwich for the deep state.
Cause Jared will be supplying “food”?
(Yes I know the actual reference)
It could look like two countries. And that might not be such a bad thing.
The homespun idea of "unity at all costs," no matter how much death it takes, "UNITY" with socialistic vermin violently antagonistic against basic science (e.g., reproductive biology, virology, geology, epidemiology, meteorology), against our history, culture of freedom and individual responsibility, our rule of law, everything that makes America the greatest country ever to have existed...not sure unity with communists is needed or desirable. And if it's expected that they're all getting reprogrammed by our Great Awakening, that expectation seems foolish at best.
Seriously, Europe isn't one strong "united" country just because Europeans tend to be white and have some common cultural background. South America isn't one strong "united" nation, and, unlike European countries, the great majority of them even share a common national language! Like all other primates, humans too are highly territorial, strongly contentious animals. People divide into separate tribes when differences among them become too massive to unite over. It's how humankind has successfully survived and thrived from prehistoric times to today. Only one-world government types, who systematically deny human nature, want to destroy this normal, absolutely essential human dynamic and force everyone to "get along."
The left always hysterically shrieks about an imagined "divisiveness" of Trump, while they deliberately divide the nation along the lines of all the categories: sex, color, religion, education, politics, income, etc. I'm in the mood today where I wouldn't mind not having to share a country with committed commies, assholes who want to destroy our Constitution, soak our wealth, and squash our freedoms to soothe their fear and anxiety.
Instead of which party can snow the masses with the most fake promises, I want the political debates to be about which party is more faithfully aligned with the Founding Fathers' principles. Libertarian Party vs. Tea Party vs. Constitution Party, that kind of thing. Whoever you choose, you're in the right :)
Eh, AOC was tweeting again 20 hours later.
God no….. Can we great reset just her?
That's a good point
I don’t know what it is about my personality, but I just don’t believe in “we’re winning”. I’ll celebrate when we’ve won.
Uh huh...
AOC left Twitter? No way.
She tweeted something five hours ago...
Thanks. I live in Japan, so by the time I wake up, the entire day has gone by in the USA and I feel like Han Solo who just got out of carbonite. So much happens every day and I can't keep up with it.
Yeah, no worries. I far as I can tell, Rachel Maddow is still filming with MSNBC too. I believe the image OP is incorrect. There's no date on the image, other than 3hrs, which gives zero information of when it was actually posted.
Also, good morning, welcome to the past. ;)
Actually, Wednesday is nearly half over already over here. ;)
I have to see Japan before I get too old :-) ... That country fascinates me :-). The other day I watched part of one of their game shows. It was a competition where they roll tires down an Olympic ski jump and measure the distance they fly. They displayed the stats for each tire (economy, sports, truck, tractor trailer, and a couple others). I almost thought that they were poking fun at professional sports.
Of all the countries of the world, you'd expect "not blindly believing whatever the government tells you" to be the #1 sentiment in Japan, beating out even the USA, considering what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The sheer amount of normalfags here is pretty irritating. I try to tell people that the inventor of the PCR itself said multiple times that it is useless to determine if someone is sick or not and they think I'm talking crazy... just because their national average of English understanding is the least among Asian countries and they are too lazy to look it up for themselves. At least there aren't any rabid Karen-types here. I go maskless everywhere I go, outside of work, and only on occasion will a store clerk as me where my mask is. I just refuse to wear one and they leave me alone (at least in my area).
That said, my wife reads Yahoo News Japan and the comments on the Corona-chan articles are full of people speaking about the vaccine side-effects and how omicron is nothing more than a bad cold.
morioka by any chance?
Everyday i listen to conservative talk radio and on the 15, 30, 45 of every hour they take a break and do the local news hits...everyday for two year the lead would be the number of new covid cases and covid deaths in the for the first time the covid reporting just stopped...out of nowhere
What's the backstory behind AOC leaving twitter?
Twitter just wanted to fuck her
They're alone in that regard
Mr. President, I am still not tired of winning.
It looks like AOC came back.
It's awesome, but I won't get too excited until we start seeing the US government start to roll back vax and mask mandates everywhere. Pfizer is about to push the jab on 6 month old babies to 5 year olds now. That cannot stand.
We already won, were witnessing the retreat which will be followed by tribunals, prison and gallows.
Enjoy the show 🤠
AOC left Twitter because her teeth wouldn't fit.
Did the confused boy little boy really leave MSLBGT ? I thought it was one of the more popular hosts there ?
Maddow is the definition of a handsome woman, and no, that is not a compliment fwiw.
Good. Now I want total victory.
…. And she’s back. So funny how these idiots can’t even “quit Twitter” for a week 😂😂😂😂
AOC is doing her climate schtick over on Tinder now.
Seems she went back to Twatter:
Now I know how Charlie Sheen feels like.
And we can add Zucker at CNN to the list as well!
we will win when the evil leadership around the planet is destroyed... otherwise it's nothing more than feel-good stories and nothing will change going forward.
I like when Maj. Patriot packs a post with nothing but punchy positives like this.
It short-circuits negative noise and goes straight up the optic nerves to the higher hopium centers of the brain.
Fair question given the timing but the season is also over and the timing is right. Brady is a good guy.
maybe his wife giselle but can't remember what it was
She practices witchcraft
Same thing I heard from another source who has had some connections to former players. So I figure it's probably true.
I had a boss who's wife practiced witchcraft. He didn't see any issues with it, but he cheated on her on one of our business trips together (I doubt that was the first time), and they divorced a couple years after I left the company. I don't know if his wife's stuff had anything to do with his behavior, but I doubt it helped any.
They don't call Brady the GOAT for no reason.
EDIT: My gut feeling says he's a baddie.
I don't dive deep into EM but with what I've seen him do the past few years, in my opinion, he's one of those guys who I hope is good, but wouldn't be surprised if he's a wolf in sheep clothing. He's a wildcard to me.
Brady and Musk did both come out as pro-Trump early on, before the TDS really went out of control. That at least suggests they are not totally on board with the globohomo destruction of America. But leashes were pulled and they both fell in line. I think Brady made some weak anti-Trump criticism and Musk backtracked over I think the Paris Accord. So that suggests they are both somewhat controlled. Was it blackmail, or just cowardice though? It could be either.
Trump did say that when you do major business deals, you have to play politics with both sides to be successful. I don't think he liked it though.
I don’t think so. He’s 44 years old and he almost saved the game in the last 2 minutes. If they could have held for 2 more minutes they’d be in the playoffs and probably SB. He’s a great athlete. He’s a decent guy.
Trump didn’t lose. It was stolen.
Lots of Doomers and Glowies showing up lately.
If they were secure in their power they wouldn't bother with sites like this.
Agreed friend
Enjoy your remaining time. Tick tock
Fuck off, troll.
Trump WON
410 electoral votes to 128, per OAN
The poor bastard I was replying to, deleted their loser comment - probably right after your EXCELLENT NEWS post!!
imagine linking a washingtonpost article on a Q forum omegalul