“Zinc is the bullet - it kills the virus. The only problem is the bullet doesn’t get to the place where it needs to be.
The virus is inside the cell. The enzyme is inside the cell. And the zinc on its own cannot get into the cell. You have a bullet without a gun – useless.
Now, it turns out that a class of substances called ‘zinc ionophores’ — what they do — is they open up a channel, a door, which allows zinc to go from outside the cell to inside the cell.
There are four of them that are readily available – two of them are prescription and two of them are over-the-counter. The two prescription ones everyone has heard of: Hydroxycholorquine and Ivermection.
Quercetin and Vitamin C together form a functioning zinc ionophore — a zinc delivery system. Zinc is what it delivers, so you actually need zinc as well. You need the gun and the bullet.
Does this supplement Hero contain a ZINC IONOPHORE?
(Dr. Zelenko's Z stack has: Quercitin, Zinc, Vit D3 and Vit C. Not pushing his med, but it's pretty complete.)
I do a quercetin multi that contains zinc, c, d, and some others. Seems to work great. I've been around a lot of sick people and so far the shields are up!
He is wise to check everything out! 😸 Please don't buy anything from Amazon...they are EVIL and they've killed small, local businesses.
Try PROCAPSLABS.com made by Andrew Lessman in Henderson Nevada. All natural, no synthetics, no additives, binders or fillers. Taken them for 25 years because of the integrity of the founder and his production values. More expensive but worth it.
I take Zelenko's Z stack and then 2 high quality capsules to cover my other vitamins. I hate taking taking pills! In fact, I ask people to not talk to me when I'm taking them or I often choke. Funny, before Covid I just took Centrum. Then my husband looked and said there were some unhealthy toxins in them.
So I take:
Z-stack for Quercetin, Zinc, Vit D3 and VitC
Seeking Health B Complex
Seeking Health Multivitamin One
Someone needs to invent the ultimate Vitamin/Supplement with everything. Will probably end up the size of a cookie. Powder might be good. (Seeking Health is the name of the company.)
Yes, that's what I take, but I think I'll call and ask them if he would consider making a new combination of those supplements. He is very responsive to what his customers are seeking. If I call and email and you do the same perhaps we can get a good result. I can have all my other friends and family contact them as well.
Omgoodness... nothing surprises me anymore but thankfully we've never used Amazon! But I know too many that do. 😬 I always try to guilt them for using when they do.
I do the same thing. I also try to find out if any ingredients are sourced from China. Even if it's a U.S. company it may have been made in China and if made in U.S. ingredients may have come from China. I certainly don't trust China when it comes to any food products and definitely not supplements.
He’s smart! I do they same. There’s a lot of added ingredients in supplements that aren’t necessary. Also many companies get the ingredients from China and make it in USA. They can still put on the label Made in USA.
u/Camden105b its never given me issues. We all handle things differently though. If zinc glycinate gives you issues, try getting your zinc a different way and then do Quercetin as a separate supplement.
It is my understanding that quercetin gets zinc into the cleavage site of your cells and this is what ensures zinc creates the protective barrier against viruses. Without this, zinc just floats around and doesn't go where needed.
This is not medical advice. It's what I've learned. Search Dr. Zelenko on rumble or online and he will break it all down for you.
Dr. Zelenko’s protocol has therapeutic amounts of C, D, Zinc, and Quercetin (for prophylaxis; double dose if sick) and it’s made in USA and he’s a fucking hero who’s been calling bs on the globos since the beginning while never letting up:
For your NAC which is just the synthetic supplement form of the amino acid cysteine, just consume meat, eggs, fish, and/or dairy (or take a separate NAC sup of at least 500mg). There are some vegetarian options too:
Boosts Glutathione Production – A Powerful Antioxidant
May Improve Fertility in Both Men and Women
Prevents Oxidative Damage and Inflammation
May Improve Symptoms of PCOS
May Help to Stabilize Blood Sugar
Supports a Healthy Microbiome
Reduces Respiratory Symptoms in Chronic Lung Disease (like COPD)
May Enhance Immune Function by Increasing Glutathione and Modulating Inflammation
May Reduce Inflammation and Symptoms Related to Influenza and Viral Illness
May Help Autoimmunity by Reducing Inflammation
NAC Supports Detoxification and Protects Your Kidneys and Liver
May Reduce Psychiatric and Addictive Disorders
May Improve Brain Health
NAC May Help Prevent Heart Disease
Helps to eliminate metal from body i.e. Graphene Oxide from the Covid jab. NAC is a chelator of heavy metals. In other words, NAC binds to toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and removes them from the body. https://drbrighten.com/nac-benefits/
This is a good regimen. I've followed, nearly to a tee, Dr. Z's "protocol" for the past year (daily regular doses of zinc, quercetin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and my regular multivitamin, plus a weekly 1000mg dose of Lysine), and I haven't had anything worse than my normal seasonal allergies. To be clear -- I'm not saying that C19 doesn't exist, or that I can't get it...but I firmly believe Dr. Z's protocol has kept my wife and I healthy and in avoidance of the coof for going on almost two years now.
I've shared OoO on these GA boards any every other board I could since 1999, when I first came across it in a book called "The Cure Is In the Cupboard." Was allergic to everything, had 4 pets, lived out West (hay fever) and not only did that 1st drop curb my allergies, but my eyes cleared too. Had a script for allergies and Opcon A (which is now available over the counter), so saved literally thousand$ since '99!
Only purchase oil of oregano imported from Italy (Amazon reviews help too, around $25 for a few ounces which literally last over a yr... plus OoO works on many various ailments, the Pharos used it too.
Be sure to "cut" the 1 drop of OoO with a teaspoon of corn, canola or other standard oils (just not olive oil, it's too light). Research it and it's various uses and plz share your experience... Good Luck!!
I need something like this because I’m sick for the THIRD time this winter season and I’m fed up with it! Haven’t been able to find anything with quercetin in a multivitamin form, and I’m not sure my multivitamins even have the right dosage of c, d3 and zinc for me.
A single 8 oz. burger patty contains more than the RDA for zinc.
As far as quercetin goes, it's great but it's only one of many substances that acts as a zinc ionophore.
Apples, tomatoes, and broccoli are also good sources of quercetin along with other flavonoids that help bind zinc to cells for absorption as needed. Important thing here is eating the skin, so eat the apple instead of drinking juice.
Berries contain multiple flavonoids as well. I mentioned blueberries because they're antioxidant powerhouse. I buy them frozen and eat a handful here and there.
So, yes, if you eat whole fruits and vegetables and make sure your plate is colorful, you probably get enough quercetin. Can always take a supplement as well.
I eat plenty of red onions and I haven't gotten sick my entire adult life for the most part.
When I do feel a respiratory infection coming on (sore throat, stuffy nose, etc,), I always use a home remedy I learned as a kid. I bring some salt water to a boil, wait for it to cool a bit and then stick a towel over my head and breathe in the vapors for 10-20 minutes. The other thing I do is take a spoonful of honey with a clove of raw garlic chopped very fine and sprinkled with some crushed red pepper. Seems to stop anything in its tracks, especially after a good night's sleep.
Well crap I’ve been eating the wrong onions this whole time! I LOVE onions but I eat more of the white and Spanish onions over red. My mom has acid reflux and can’t have too many onions without upsetting her stomach. I can certainly start making more foods for myself with the red ones though.
We do pretty well with the berries. I love blueberry flavored everything like granola bars, fig bars, Greek yogurt, etc but eating raw blueberries is more challenging to me. I recently discovered I love blackberries but my all time favorites are strawberries and raspberries.
I’m not that great when it comes to the red meat department. I love beef and chicken but I usually cook those in a pasta dish. Still working at getting better recipes and branching out from just pastas. We’re growing a larger garden this spring compared to last year so I’m hoping to cut back my spending at the grocery while eating much healthier
That’s my main symptom now: sore throat. It’s been the common symptoms back in October when I had a cold, then Thanksgiving when I had Covid (didn’t test, just knew because of persistent annoying headache day after day). I’m tired of getting sore throats and congestion. Most irritating symptoms of illness ever in my opinion!
Have I missed a shared link where I can get the Z stack?
I personally haven’t tried this one yet. I usually do a honey lemon w hot water whenever I feel a sore throat coming on and it usually stops it in it’s track.
Multi vitamins in any form are inadequate and of lesser quality then separating everything out. For example, magnesium is not magnesium. There are many from. They put the cheap stuff in multi formulas.
If you're specifically wanting to boost immunity, take a teaspoon of ascorbic acid in the morning (vitamin c), cod liver oil (d3) and grape seed extract with your first meal, and zinc gluconate (the powder from bulk supplements is dirt cheap) after dinner.
The NAC is great but not necessary all the time. I just take it when I drink alcohol.
There's a rumor that the Deep State's next plandemic is the Marburg Virus. I have heard when people start bleeding from the Covid jab, they will blame it on the Marburg (bleeding) virus, but it will not actually be here.
Dr Eric Berg. On boobtube and on rumble. He talks a lot about health and naturalceuticals. He recommends getting supplements through foods as much as possible bc vitamins often work best as part of a complex which are present in food vs as an isolated compound in synthetic vitamins. Of course when you absolutely can’t get certain vitamins you should supplement but when possible get it naturally.
its in B vitamins World without Cancer explains how it works and where to best find the B vitamins which is mostly in fruits.
After looking into it all myself I have no issue taking any of them. the cyanide is mostly used to scare people away from taking stuff your body needs.
I eat 2 pounds of meat a day. It has the right combination of nutrients to fuel and nurish my body, which is coincidentally also made of meat. You're welcome.
In addition to Vitamin D-3, I also take with it Vitamin K-2, which helps calcium get deposited into your teeth and bones instead of in your coronary arteries. There are many benefits to this seldom mentioned vitamin.
I will check that out …. Definitely don’t buy main stream vitamin brands they have almost all been bought out by mega corporations. Even all the brands Whole Foods and a lot of the brands independent health food stores sell. Quicksilver Scientific is an awesome company for vitamins…I am always looking for reputable companies…it seems hard to find these days
The following excerpt was taken from alternative companies listing: (Link below)
AllStarHealth.com - Based in Huntington Beach, California (the anti-California city). No 'woke' tweets, no SJW causes, no political donations that we can find.
Puritan's Pride - Based on Long Island, NY
eVitamins - Based in Utica, MI
Swanson Vitamins - Although the company is owned by a San Francisco based private equity firm, they appear to be apolitical.
HealthRangerStore.com - A bit pricey but seems to be apolitical. Also sells personal care, food, beverages, preparedness stuff.
Pharmaca - Small pharmacy chain that also sells vitamins online. Some products may be a bit pricey.>
How do you know Quicksilver Scientific is a good company? I was ordering Thorne Research until someone told me McCain institute was involved with them, although I couldn't find proof.
This is better than nothing, but the actual contents leave room for improvement.
The amount of Vitamin C in this is extremely low. The amount of Vitamin D is similar to what you find in a lot of these kinds of things, but should ideally be higher still. It's missing Quercetin.
Get your vitamins from real food, not from a pill. You take the pill if and only if you can't get the nutrients the natural way. Few of us ever need to be taking supplements routinely.
Be careful with anything you can overdose with. All of the fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate and potentially become toxic. So can the heavy metals, including zinc, if you take more than your kidneys can pee out.
Please, talk to real doctors or nutritionists before just randomly popping pills thinking this will save you from some disease or other. So much of these things have marginal at best benefits when studied in the real world and aren't statistically better than a commonly recommended Mediterranean diet.
Organic, non-GMO, lab tested by them, everything made in the USA.
Our formulas will never contain corn syrups, fake sweeteners or empty calories. We only have the purest, cleanest ingredients that are meticulously selected for quality."
Multi vitamins in any form are inadequate and if lesser quality. For example, magnesium is not magnesium. There are many from. They put the cheap stuff in multi formulas.
If you're specifically wanting to boost immunity, take a teaspoon of ascorbic acid in the morning (vitamin c), cod liver oil (d3) and grape seed extract with your first meal, and zinc gluconate (the powder from bulk supplements is dirt cheap) after dinner.
The NAC is great but not necessary all the time. I just take it when I drink alcohol.
Dr. Zelenko:
“Zinc is the bullet - it kills the virus. The only problem is the bullet doesn’t get to the place where it needs to be.
The virus is inside the cell. The enzyme is inside the cell. And the zinc on its own cannot get into the cell. You have a bullet without a gun – useless.
Now, it turns out that a class of substances called ‘zinc ionophores’ — what they do — is they open up a channel, a door, which allows zinc to go from outside the cell to inside the cell.
There are four of them that are readily available – two of them are prescription and two of them are over-the-counter. The two prescription ones everyone has heard of: Hydroxycholorquine and Ivermection.
Quercetin and Vitamin C together form a functioning zinc ionophore — a zinc delivery system. Zinc is what it delivers, so you actually need zinc as well. You need the gun and the bullet.
Does this supplement Hero contain a ZINC IONOPHORE?
(Dr. Zelenko's Z stack has: Quercitin, Zinc, Vit D3 and Vit C. Not pushing his med, but it's pretty complete.)
I do a quercetin multi that contains zinc, c, d, and some others. Seems to work great. I've been around a lot of sick people and so far the shields are up!
Can you tell me the name? I'm taking so many pills to fight the Deep State.
Many health food stores have them. You can find them on Amazon (I know, I know). Here is one example.
(90 Capsules), Quercetin 1,000mg, Vitamin C 1,000mg, Zinc 50mg, Vitamin D3 5,000iu, Selenium, Copper, Acerola, Ginger, Rutin, Bitter Orange, Rose Hips, Echinacea, Immune C Plus, 12 in 1 Immune Support https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NZ5ZW5Q/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_R77QMY30TFNP89V1K3BV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thank you fren. Thing is, my husband checks out everything we buy including their background/reputation and all the ingredients, including binders.
He's very suspicious, lol.
He is wise to check everything out! 😸 Please don't buy anything from Amazon...they are EVIL and they've killed small, local businesses.
Try PROCAPSLABS.com made by Andrew Lessman in Henderson Nevada. All natural, no synthetics, no additives, binders or fillers. Taken them for 25 years because of the integrity of the founder and his production values. More expensive but worth it.
Thank you u/Joys1Daughter 👈🏻😁
You are welcome fren!
Of course! You are welcome fren!
I would love to find a healthy multi that includes quercetin, Zinc, D, and C and the right levels that is not on Amazon.
They have quercetin by itself.
I take Zelenko's Z stack and then 2 high quality capsules to cover my other vitamins. I hate taking taking pills! In fact, I ask people to not talk to me when I'm taking them or I often choke. Funny, before Covid I just took Centrum. Then my husband looked and said there were some unhealthy toxins in them.
So I take:
Someone needs to invent the ultimate Vitamin/Supplement with everything. Will probably end up the size of a cookie. Powder might be good. (Seeking Health is the name of the company.)
Yes, that's what I take, but I think I'll call and ask them if he would consider making a new combination of those supplements. He is very responsive to what his customers are seeking. If I call and email and you do the same perhaps we can get a good result. I can have all my other friends and family contact them as well.
Look on Vitacost Iherb taoofherbs
There’s many smaller companies that sell supplements.
A lot of supplements they sell on their don't contain the things they claim either. DYOR
Yes and there is also a big problem of fake supplements being sold on Amazon: https://www.jillcarnahan.com/2018/02/17/fake-supplement-issue-no-one-talking-beware-amazon/
Omgoodness... nothing surprises me anymore but thankfully we've never used Amazon! But I know too many that do. 😬 I always try to guilt them for using when they do.
That's good. Please let me know if the one I shared is bad.
I do the same thing. I also try to find out if any ingredients are sourced from China. Even if it's a U.S. company it may have been made in China and if made in U.S. ingredients may have come from China. I certainly don't trust China when it comes to any food products and definitely not supplements.
He’s smart! I do they same. There’s a lot of added ingredients in supplements that aren’t necessary. Also many companies get the ingredients from China and make it in USA. They can still put on the label Made in USA.
Except don't order from AmazonWaPo and give the devil money.
iHerb is a good alternative.
I agree. I will check iHerb out!
MAGA Patriot, does this cause stomach aches? The zinc in this formula is zinc glycinate and that type gave me trouble in the past.
u/Camden105b its never given me issues. We all handle things differently though. If zinc glycinate gives you issues, try getting your zinc a different way and then do Quercetin as a separate supplement.
It is my understanding that quercetin gets zinc into the cleavage site of your cells and this is what ensures zinc creates the protective barrier against viruses. Without this, zinc just floats around and doesn't go where needed.
This is not medical advice. It's what I've learned. Search Dr. Zelenko on rumble or online and he will break it all down for you.
Thanks u/catssix 👈🏻
Most appreciated!
Dr. Zelenko’s protocol has therapeutic amounts of C, D, Zinc, and Quercetin (for prophylaxis; double dose if sick) and it’s made in USA and he’s a fucking hero who’s been calling bs on the globos since the beginning while never letting up:
For your NAC which is just the synthetic supplement form of the amino acid cysteine, just consume meat, eggs, fish, and/or dairy (or take a separate NAC sup of at least 500mg). There are some vegetarian options too:
14 benefits of NAC (N-Acetylcysteine)
Helps to eliminate metal from body i.e. Graphene Oxide from the Covid jab. NAC is a chelator of heavy metals. In other words, NAC binds to toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and removes them from the body. https://drbrighten.com/nac-benefits/
This is a good regimen. I've followed, nearly to a tee, Dr. Z's "protocol" for the past year (daily regular doses of zinc, quercetin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and my regular multivitamin, plus a weekly 1000mg dose of Lysine), and I haven't had anything worse than my normal seasonal allergies. To be clear -- I'm not saying that C19 doesn't exist, or that I can't get it...but I firmly believe Dr. Z's protocol has kept my wife and I healthy and in avoidance of the coof for going on almost two years now.
Add one small, measley drop of Oil of Oregano (not oregano oil) to your daily regimen and your allergies will go poof within minutes
Whoa what? I’ll have to look into this one… seasonal allergies are my bane
I've shared OoO on these GA boards any every other board I could since 1999, when I first came across it in a book called "The Cure Is In the Cupboard." Was allergic to everything, had 4 pets, lived out West (hay fever) and not only did that 1st drop curb my allergies, but my eyes cleared too. Had a script for allergies and Opcon A (which is now available over the counter), so saved literally thousand$ since '99!
Only purchase oil of oregano imported from Italy (Amazon reviews help too, around $25 for a few ounces which literally last over a yr... plus OoO works on many various ailments, the Pharos used it too.
Be sure to "cut" the 1 drop of OoO with a teaspoon of corn, canola or other standard oils (just not olive oil, it's too light). Research it and it's various uses and plz share your experience... Good Luck!!
Here’s something to explore also…iodine
Dr.Shiva protocol
Why iodine, https://whyiodine.com/iodine-the-most-effective-agent-for-killing-viruses/
Careful taking iodine if you have thyroid issues.
I need something like this because I’m sick for the THIRD time this winter season and I’m fed up with it! Haven’t been able to find anything with quercetin in a multivitamin form, and I’m not sure my multivitamins even have the right dosage of c, d3 and zinc for me.
Blueberries have quercetin in them and they're delicious.
Red onions have even more quercetin.
Red meat is a good natural source of zinc. Pumpkin seeds are also high in zinc.
Word it's better to get the vitamins from natural sources too.
Good thing I like all those foods! But I won’t get proper amounts just from eating those will I?
A single 8 oz. burger patty contains more than the RDA for zinc.
As far as quercetin goes, it's great but it's only one of many substances that acts as a zinc ionophore.
Apples, tomatoes, and broccoli are also good sources of quercetin along with other flavonoids that help bind zinc to cells for absorption as needed. Important thing here is eating the skin, so eat the apple instead of drinking juice.
Berries contain multiple flavonoids as well. I mentioned blueberries because they're antioxidant powerhouse. I buy them frozen and eat a handful here and there.
Zinc-Binding Sites on Selected Flavonoids
So, yes, if you eat whole fruits and vegetables and make sure your plate is colorful, you probably get enough quercetin. Can always take a supplement as well.
I eat plenty of red onions and I haven't gotten sick my entire adult life for the most part.
When I do feel a respiratory infection coming on (sore throat, stuffy nose, etc,), I always use a home remedy I learned as a kid. I bring some salt water to a boil, wait for it to cool a bit and then stick a towel over my head and breathe in the vapors for 10-20 minutes. The other thing I do is take a spoonful of honey with a clove of raw garlic chopped very fine and sprinkled with some crushed red pepper. Seems to stop anything in its tracks, especially after a good night's sleep.
Green Tea extract is another zinc ionophore.
Well crap I’ve been eating the wrong onions this whole time! I LOVE onions but I eat more of the white and Spanish onions over red. My mom has acid reflux and can’t have too many onions without upsetting her stomach. I can certainly start making more foods for myself with the red ones though.
We do pretty well with the berries. I love blueberry flavored everything like granola bars, fig bars, Greek yogurt, etc but eating raw blueberries is more challenging to me. I recently discovered I love blackberries but my all time favorites are strawberries and raspberries.
I’m not that great when it comes to the red meat department. I love beef and chicken but I usually cook those in a pasta dish. Still working at getting better recipes and branching out from just pastas. We’re growing a larger garden this spring compared to last year so I’m hoping to cut back my spending at the grocery while eating much healthier
Chicken and other poultry also have zinc.
As far as onions go, the outer layers hold the most quercetin. Red onions have the most, yellow onions next, and white onions the least.
How much red onion to get a day’s supply of quercetin ? I like to pickle mine. Sounds like a nice big bowl of salad will get my zinc and ionosphere
I take Zelenko's Z stack. My husband talked to the company.
The usual dose is 2 capsules a day.
If you feel a cold coming on, you can take 6 capsules a day. Once I had a sore throat and upped my capsules and it was gone the next day.
That’s my main symptom now: sore throat. It’s been the common symptoms back in October when I had a cold, then Thanksgiving when I had Covid (didn’t test, just knew because of persistent annoying headache day after day). I’m tired of getting sore throats and congestion. Most irritating symptoms of illness ever in my opinion!
Have I missed a shared link where I can get the Z stack?
Sore throat remedy.
I personally haven’t tried this one yet. I usually do a honey lemon w hot water whenever I feel a sore throat coming on and it usually stops it in it’s track.
You have to put VladimirZelenko - I think they're trying to hide it. https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/
Thank you so much!
My pleasure fren. Hope you feel better ASAP. 😊
Me too! I’m not a good sick patient at all hahaha.
Once I feel a sore throat I gargle with Crest Pro Health Intense. Don’t like the big corporate brands but it seems to work
I concur — Dr. Zelenko’s Z-stack is reasonably priced for what you get in one pill. 👍
Multi vitamins in any form are inadequate and of lesser quality then separating everything out. For example, magnesium is not magnesium. There are many from. They put the cheap stuff in multi formulas.
If you're specifically wanting to boost immunity, take a teaspoon of ascorbic acid in the morning (vitamin c), cod liver oil (d3) and grape seed extract with your first meal, and zinc gluconate (the powder from bulk supplements is dirt cheap) after dinner.
The NAC is great but not necessary all the time. I just take it when I drink alcohol.
Why is this stickied? Not sure what "jdhdhs" is, but I've seen people asking too. Posting for brief visibility. Thanks for understanding.
This is a great thread.
There's a rumor that the Deep State's next plandemic is the Marburg Virus. I have heard when people start bleeding from the Covid jab, they will blame it on the Marburg (bleeding) virus, but it will not actually be here.
Dr. Zelenko said he's working on that right now.
I wondered same...didn't know what that alphabet soup meant.
Why am I scrolling through the comments? To find out what the heck "jdhdhs" means.
Dr Eric Berg. On boobtube and on rumble. He talks a lot about health and naturalceuticals. He recommends getting supplements through foods as much as possible bc vitamins often work best as part of a complex which are present in food vs as an isolated compound in synthetic vitamins. Of course when you absolutely can’t get certain vitamins you should supplement but when possible get it naturally.
Take supplements with meals, problem solved!
He's just working for Big Grocery.
Trying to trick us into buying and eating only that more expensive, healthy stuff.
If we do that, how would we be able to afford to maintain our traditional diet of nachos, chips and dip, fast food burgers and Taco Bell?
I surely wouldn't take any cyanide!
its in B vitamins World without Cancer explains how it works and where to best find the B vitamins which is mostly in fruits.
After looking into it all myself I have no issue taking any of them. the cyanide is mostly used to scare people away from taking stuff your body needs.
Natural honey prior to taking supplements helps with absorption as well. I do this every morning followed by 4 cups of oatmeal and berries.
4 cups of oatmeal that’s a lot haha
I hope they are stocked up on tp!
and bc vitamins are all.manufactured in china
By big pharm most likely
I’m sticking with Z-Stack from Dr. Zelenko.
If anyone deserves any form of monetary gain for all the pain, slings, and arrows incurred for our cause, it’s Dr. Zelenko!
55$ plus shipping for 1 month supply? You can get all those vitamins separately for much cheaper. Follow Frontline Doctors protocol for dosages:
If you buy all those vitamins from a high-end organic, non GMO quality store, it will probably not be cheaper.
You’re referring to whole food supplements.
I eat 2 pounds of meat a day. It has the right combination of nutrients to fuel and nurish my body, which is coincidentally also made of meat. You're welcome.
In addition to Vitamin D-3, I also take with it Vitamin K-2, which helps calcium get deposited into your teeth and bones instead of in your coronary arteries. There are many benefits to this seldom mentioned vitamin.
Many articles on K-2, here’s one: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C11&q=K2+benefits&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DhFK3Xspe52wJ
Yes and if you take high dosages of Vitamin D3, you do need to be taking K2.
I will check that out …. Definitely don’t buy main stream vitamin brands they have almost all been bought out by mega corporations. Even all the brands Whole Foods and a lot of the brands independent health food stores sell. Quicksilver Scientific is an awesome company for vitamins…I am always looking for reputable companies…it seems hard to find these days
The following excerpt was taken from alternative companies listing: (Link below)
Puritan's Pride - Based on Long Island, NY eVitamins - Based in Utica, MI
Swanson Vitamins - Although the company is owned by a San Francisco based private equity firm, they appear to be apolitical.
HealthRangerStore.com - A bit pricey but seems to be apolitical. Also sells personal care, food, beverages, preparedness stuff.
Pharmaca - Small pharmacy chain that also sells vitamins online. Some products may be a bit pricey.>
How do you know Quicksilver Scientific is a good company? I was ordering Thorne Research until someone told me McCain institute was involved with them, although I couldn't find proof.
edit: holy shit they are expensive...
What a joke, 70 dollars? You can get 100 ivermectin pills for that price (from india)
Thorne is obviously corporate garbage. Most vitamin companies are. More like taking slightly poisonous placebo.
Do your own research….or don’t. If you can’t afford it…just eat healthy !!!
Supplements are good too with healthy eating
Spreading info like this has literally saved more lives than the CDC ever has.
I’ve had several people ask about Quercetin/Zinc, D-3, Vit-C dosage for children under 12. Any guidance, frens?
This is better than nothing, but the actual contents leave room for improvement.
The amount of Vitamin C in this is extremely low. The amount of Vitamin D is similar to what you find in a lot of these kinds of things, but should ideally be higher still. It's missing Quercetin.
Get your vitamins from real food, not from a pill. You take the pill if and only if you can't get the nutrients the natural way. Few of us ever need to be taking supplements routinely.
Be careful with anything you can overdose with. All of the fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate and potentially become toxic. So can the heavy metals, including zinc, if you take more than your kidneys can pee out.
Please, talk to real doctors or nutritionists before just randomly popping pills thinking this will save you from some disease or other. So much of these things have marginal at best benefits when studied in the real world and aren't statistically better than a commonly recommended Mediterranean diet.
Are they red, though?
Contains L-Cysteine, which comes from NAC. Which is better to ingest?
Just buy those pills separately or get a multi-vitamin.
I agree with the idea, but this product seems like a typical sales page scam. Way overpriced.
OP is in on some commissions there 100%.
Here's a good site for vitamins and supplements:
CHIEF ORIGINALS https://chieforiginals.com/
Organic, non-GMO, lab tested by them, everything made in the USA.
"WE USE THE CLEANEST, BEST INGREDIENTS ON EARTH. Our formulas will never contain corn syrups, fake sweeteners or empty calories. We only have the purest, cleanest ingredients that are meticulously selected for quality."
Multivitamin recommendation. Been taking Centrum for years. Apparently it is bad I am learning from here.
Clif High's protocol for those who've been vaxxxxed
Multi vitamins in any form are inadequate and if lesser quality. For example, magnesium is not magnesium. There are many from. They put the cheap stuff in multi formulas.
If you're specifically wanting to boost immunity, take a teaspoon of ascorbic acid in the morning (vitamin c), cod liver oil (d3) and grape seed extract with your first meal, and zinc gluconate (the powder from bulk supplements is dirt cheap) after dinner.
The NAC is great but not necessary all the time. I just take it when I drink alcohol.