This Soy Boy mayor obviously believes a good protest is when BLM and Antifa types litter, loot stores, assault and even kill innocent people, destroy, then burn the place down.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out the Guy's a deviant. The Globalists love that kind. Easy to control and (puke) satisfy.
I believe things will get worse before most of humanity awakens. Tyrannical creeps like this Mayor who think they are untouchable and protected by their shadow Puppet Masters have a big surprise coming for them in the end. They will not be able to walk the streets. No amount of money and private security will help. Not when their evil machinations, perversions and corruptions come to light.
How is that disturbing? That sounds more fun than pushing burning dumpsters into nursing homes. I'm take a bouncy castle over smash-n-grab any day of the week.
It's disturbing because it's nearly impossible for them to twist it into their narrative of muh truckers are racist, fascists trying to overthrow the government!
I partied at a residence where they used to do something cool each time. They had a bunker that was decked out with blacklists, a DJ, they had a hot tub, they once roasted a full pig, and one time they organized a huge bouncey jumping slide.
Thing is the bounced castle material is terrible for sliding down in shorts and a wife beater. I was drunk so I bounced my ass up that slide and slide down face first, back to back to back.
By the end I looked like I was down the shore for a day straight with no sun screen. The friction burns had caught up. So I had a few more drinks and went right back at it using a blanket and gaining more speed.
Ive seen posts claiming how despicable it is that children are having fun and playing, because they are being used as 'human shields' by the terrorist truckers.
As if happy children playing is so alien to whatever hell world these people live in, that they have become foreigners to humanity, not able to relate or empathize in any way.
I guess these are the 'institutionalized' type people shawshank-redemption style who have devolved from being humans, into being something much lower.
Edit - turns out that this mayor Jim Watson is a WEF terrorist. That should not have been surprising, since they have infiltrated so much of many political groups.
I genuinely think many of these people are not human beings. Just demon vessels at this point that leads to one situation when this bottle neck great awakening hits the threshold of "peaceful".
What disturbs me, Mayor Jim, is your attitude when these protesters who seem to be the majority, are being peaceful and you are having a go at them. You should be thankful they haven’t done what BLM did in the blue states, with rioting,fires,looting,and murder on the streets. Two different kinds of protests that were as similar as chalk and cheese.
A mirror maze funhouse advertising to liberals that it’s fun and scary then have it set up with a set of old time scales like on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, then when they step on it , it will HONK super loud as it says Bad Egg and drop them down a chute that lands directly into GITMO
You k ow they sold out when they bring in the rigged claw machines with an iPhone thrown in there but with the claw grip strength of a daddy long legs spider.
Your name remind me of this homeless man in my area everyone called roofus. He was a good guy, and I used to have chats with him after leaving the tavern.
One day he asked me "you a mick?"
I said, "huh? A mick?"
"Yeah a mick, you Irish?"
I told him I get that a lot but I'm Spanish.
A few days later I found countless candles on a bench he used to frequently sleep on. Roofus had died.
There was another homeless man here called "outside."
Jaja mis Padres vinieron de España. Yo nací aqui pero me mandarin a clases de Español durante 10 años y pasaba todos veranos veranos en españa. Ahora soy profesor bilingüe y todo es debido a lo que mis padres me hicieron estudiar :P
Love my folks. They fell for the psyop and we had some bad arguments regarding my younger brother and his vaxx status but he listened to me and I clashed with my mother a lot who was berating him for the longest time, now she regrets having been vaxxed.
For years she called me a "negacionista " regarding masks, vaxx, covid, etc.
We all caught the bug at the same time and I had ivermectin handy, it was u like anything ever before. But we went through it together and we put that boogeyman to rest.
The psyop was real. I still have tons of IVM and have shipped some out across the country. Just feels irrelevant now so I may just take it every now and then to keep cancer in check :P
Autocorrect in English butchered my response despite me trying to proofread.
Why? Because it allows them to control the narrative. They have been trying for a week to pain this peaceful protest as a violent uprising by fringe terrorists. That's hard to do when the people see children playing, people playing hockey, and just having a great time.
Bones, you’re restricted to Quarters until you can explain turning-up the PCR sensitivity on your Tricorder for personal gain in Federation crypto-credits?!!
The planning for this convoy is so well done. The feel good atmosphere ensures any actions taken against the convoy are seen for what they are, government oppression or leftist violence.
that prude needs to be sent to a state funded nursing home. he is no longer a servant of the people.... rather... he has become a serpent against the people.
He’s just jealous he chose not to attend the party. You can see on his face what a miserable man he is. The longer this goes on, the more the people will begin to realize their discomfort comes from the fact that their leaders refuse to even attempt a resolution. The truckers are not leaving, and if the gov’t tries to force them out, they’re going to illustrate even more conclusively which side is right and which are enemies of the people.
this old fuck wouldnt know 'fun' if it showed up with a twister game, three drunk cheerleaders, and a bag full of Colorado sourced edibles.
I shouldn't have laughed.
But I don't regret it.
That guy left himself out of his comment. I'd party with bouncy castles and drunk cheerleaders with u/Swervish
Hahahaaaaa! I found this funny. Used to be a cheerleader, and I live in Colorado. ;)
Would you like to be my date to the trucker protest?
LOL! You take me to all the best places.
I always come up with one-of-a-kind first dates. Not sure why I never get a second date? 🤔
:D :D :D
He’s all about the pizza and hot dogs.
This Soy Boy mayor obviously believes a good protest is when BLM and Antifa types litter, loot stores, assault and even kill innocent people, destroy, then burn the place down.
agree 100%. Dude also gives off pedo-vibes biggly.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out the Guy's a deviant. The Globalists love that kind. Easy to control and (puke) satisfy.
I believe things will get worse before most of humanity awakens. Tyrannical creeps like this Mayor who think they are untouchable and protected by their shadow Puppet Masters have a big surprise coming for them in the end. They will not be able to walk the streets. No amount of money and private security will help. Not when their evil machinations, perversions and corruptions come to light.
How is that disturbing? That sounds more fun than pushing burning dumpsters into nursing homes. I'm take a bouncy castle over smash-n-grab any day of the week.
It's disturbing because it's nearly impossible for them to twist it into their narrative of muh truckers are racist, fascists trying to overthrow the government!
It's disturbing because the cabal is the target and not fellow citizens
I partied at a residence where they used to do something cool each time. They had a bunker that was decked out with blacklists, a DJ, they had a hot tub, they once roasted a full pig, and one time they organized a huge bouncey jumping slide.
Thing is the bounced castle material is terrible for sliding down in shorts and a wife beater. I was drunk so I bounced my ass up that slide and slide down face first, back to back to back.
By the end I looked like I was down the shore for a day straight with no sun screen. The friction burns had caught up. So I had a few more drinks and went right back at it using a blanket and gaining more speed.
Good times.
Ive seen posts claiming how despicable it is that children are having fun and playing, because they are being used as 'human shields' by the terrorist truckers.
As if happy children playing is so alien to whatever hell world these people live in, that they have become foreigners to humanity, not able to relate or empathize in any way.
I guess these are the 'institutionalized' type people shawshank-redemption style who have devolved from being humans, into being something much lower.
Edit - turns out that this mayor Jim Watson is a WEF terrorist. That should not have been surprising, since they have infiltrated so much of many political groups.
I genuinely think many of these people are not human beings. Just demon vessels at this point that leads to one situation when this bottle neck great awakening hits the threshold of "peaceful".
'They Live' might be one of the most prescient movies of all time.
What happens when everyone can see?
No wonder he looks CHOADish.
What disturbs me, Mayor Jim, is your attitude when these protesters who seem to be the majority, are being peaceful and you are having a go at them. You should be thankful they haven’t done what BLM did in the blue states, with rioting,fires,looting,and murder on the streets. Two different kinds of protests that were as similar as chalk and cheese.
Oh, the humanity!
What a goofball.
We arent afraid. We arent violent. We will win
You know it's a riot when they break out the bounce house! What next?! Cotton candy?
A mirror maze funhouse advertising to liberals that it’s fun and scary then have it set up with a set of old time scales like on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, then when they step on it , it will HONK super loud as it says Bad Egg and drop them down a chute that lands directly into GITMO
I like it!
You k ow they sold out when they bring in the rigged claw machines with an iPhone thrown in there but with the claw grip strength of a daddy long legs spider.
These types LOVED the chaos. They basked in it. Add him to the bullet ants+honey regiment.
Hell yeah Dr. McCoy!
Your name remind me of this homeless man in my area everyone called roofus. He was a good guy, and I used to have chats with him after leaving the tavern.
One day he asked me "you a mick?"
I said, "huh? A mick?"
"Yeah a mick, you Irish?"
I told him I get that a lot but I'm Spanish.
A few days later I found countless candles on a bench he used to frequently sleep on. Roofus had died.
There was another homeless man here called "outside."
I asked him "why you calling yourself outside?"
He said "cuz every time you see me, I'm outside!"
He vanished, too.
Coño ni puta idea que hablaras español xD
Jaja mis Padres vinieron de España. Yo nací aqui pero me mandarin a clases de Español durante 10 años y pasaba todos veranos veranos en españa. Ahora soy profesor bilingüe y todo es debido a lo que mis padres me hicieron estudiar :P
Love my folks. They fell for the psyop and we had some bad arguments regarding my younger brother and his vaxx status but he listened to me and I clashed with my mother a lot who was berating him for the longest time, now she regrets having been vaxxed.
For years she called me a "negacionista " regarding masks, vaxx, covid, etc.
We all caught the bug at the same time and I had ivermectin handy, it was u like anything ever before. But we went through it together and we put that boogeyman to rest.
The psyop was real. I still have tons of IVM and have shipped some out across the country. Just feels irrelevant now so I may just take it every now and then to keep cancer in check :P
Autocorrect in English butchered my response despite me trying to proofread.
Why? Because it allows them to control the narrative. They have been trying for a week to pain this peaceful protest as a violent uprising by fringe terrorists. That's hard to do when the people see children playing, people playing hockey, and just having a great time.
He probably would honestly
Nothing wrong with a little S&M with an enthusiastic woman, kek. But yeah probably a pedorat.
Hey pal, if you are disturbed now, wait until you see the House of Mirrors...
And the flying swing. I’m thinking a spinning backhoe with a thirty foot rope ending at a noose.
Yes! Mobile Gallows.
Bones, you’re restricted to Quarters until you can explain turning-up the PCR sensitivity on your Tricorder for personal gain in Federation crypto-credits?!!
Nice 👍🏽 Hey I just got a case of 5.56 on Ammoman $515- Prices been dropping!
He needs to ride the catapult….without a harness
Next thing, they'll have chairs with comfy cushions.
How can anyone take these weirdo’s serious?
The planning for this convoy is so well done. The feel good atmosphere ensures any actions taken against the convoy are seen for what they are, government oppression or leftist violence. - mostly peaceful
Pompeii- mostly peaceful volcanic protest.
I love how the trucker freedom fighters are so NOT taking the bait.
OK! So which is it? Is it bounces or violence? You guys can't even keep your stories straight.
Well seeing children bouncing on a castle vs seeing mallets burning down homes....hmm he thinks it's symbolic that his sand castle will be ravaged.
that prude needs to be sent to a state funded nursing home. he is no longer a servant of the people.... rather... he has become a serpent against the people.
This dude is not only evil but he's also a square. Gee, it's really awful to see people having fun and enjoying themselves.🙄
I can't tell if this is satire...
Tough times for satire outlets like the bee.
They had to create "not the bee" to post real news that may as well be satire.
Odd I can't paste notthebee link into this comment..
Why is this happening? I copied notthebee url and it won't let me paste it here.
Love conquers all, sucka ass mayor!! Remember that.
Watching this goof, fully expected him to lick his own eyeball
Ooo so disturbing, the peace is so unsettling
Looks like a pamper peeler to me!
Omfg hahahha
Individual freedom is repulsive to this guy.
Ok, go found a country then and make that your law. Get the heck out of our countries, tho, because we ain't gonna take it anymore.
He’s just jealous he chose not to attend the party. You can see on his face what a miserable man he is. The longer this goes on, the more the people will begin to realize their discomfort comes from the fact that their leaders refuse to even attempt a resolution. The truckers are not leaving, and if the gov’t tries to force them out, they’re going to illustrate even more conclusively which side is right and which are enemies of the people.
I guess he would rather see burning, looting, and the occasional murder thrown in.
Block party y'all!
Disturbing isn't it, when people unite against tyranny instead of fighting each other with you laughing at it all in the middle.
He'd feel more at ease if there was burning and looting. He'd know they were his kind of people.
It's disturbing to you cunts because you can't control the narrative. All tyrants must be thrown out of office.
when a protest becomes a "family affair" it is undeniably peaceful...
heck this is more peaceful than your average european football(soccer) match. you DO NOT want to take your kids to those...