Might as well ask my Frens, here... predictions on the price of gold once the movie comes to an end (or, at least, this part of the movie)?
My contention is that the closer we get, the more volatility there will be in everything, and the US $ will really suffer globally, and our inflation will soar.
I think one gold ounce goes north of $5000, plateaus just a bit, then skyrockets about $30K and eventually $50K. Sort of like the BTC model, but real.
This is NOT financial advice. Just lovin' on muh gold.
I think there's a hover point around $2600 and then it springs quickly to 5. I think it's anybody's guess after that, and there may be a man-made attempt to control with a system reset of sorts, but eventually the natural repricing will set in. That's when I hope we go north of $20,000.
I read an article (no sauce) about two years ago that claimed due to heavy shorting/suppression,
If gold kept up with inflation we would be at around 12k per ounce and silver at around 1500…
I truly think gold will be bitcoin numbers in the end… 50k+ for gold, 8-10k silver
If so, I highly recommend that you take your mature self and find some 30-40-somethings to hang with, or even 50-somethings who can be mentors. All you need to do is think of a simple question to ask to find out if someone is cut from your cloth. For example, you could ask, "Just curious, but do you follow MSM, or do you have other source of information, like alternative news sites?"
If you get "What do you mean?" Move on.
If you get "What, are you one of those conspiracy retards?" Move on.
If you get "Nah, I can't stand the MSM." Time for a beer together.
Raise yourself up to those who will welcome gaining you as a Fren.
I guess I don't have "no one." I hang out with my wife and her family mostly. But none of us are exactly rich, or well prepared for hard time. None of them really have anything more to teach me this far along my truth seeking journey we call life.
When the movie ends, you do not want to relate gold to FRN as it is totally worthless.
Right now, 98% of the 1933 value is already gone. What does a decrease in value of 50% add to the loss? just 1% decrease. Chances are by then you are better off wiping your ass with it.
But the game of chairs is still ongoing. 1900.99 acts as a resistance right now. That just happens to be the correction level of dec-28.
I would not get the hopes up. When or before it touches 1920,94 it will be drawn down with so much paper the dollar will increase in value to the Euro. 1.12-1.10.
The spot price is no indication for the quality of the economy or anything else. It is just a number they can work with. That is just 4 people deciding this ploy, folks.
We work with the availability of the physical-metal. On top there is the premium and the transport & the [de]livery costs. When that premium starts to swing upwards that will mean the total disconnect of reality with the exchanges.
It could cause the crazy situation that the dealers will by gold for spot + a little premium, and sell it for spot + a gargantuan premium.
You sound like you know a whole lot more about than me. Interestingly, though, what you've described reminds me of what others have said about an expected deflation of gold as the fiat makes a last stand, but after that, those 4 people/entities controlling the gold price will be removed (or lose their ability to control the price) and the value of gold will skyrocket.
As for me, if I still have any remaining debts (like a mortgage) that are fixed and are based in fiat, then gold can help me eliminate them.
Eventually, when FIAT approaches 99,5% value loss, you mortgage is cheap. THe only issue is: can you obtain enough fiat to pay down the debt?
And this is where things get interesting. How are they going to Great Reset on you when you can payback the debt? How are they going to come to your rescue to take over your house and give your a debt jubilee?
What is a jubilee without feeling the need for a jubilee?
What if your interest payments can no longer be met because your variable interest is 20% because of a cyber attack!
You know what the price of money actually does? It crunches the available avenues to make a buck, because no one can afford it. And because no one can afford it, the transfer of assets through foreclosure and bankruptcy is quite apparent. Prices of goods and services continue to raise, and those without assets, renting stuff as just as much in a bind, as those with the incapability to service the debt.
I cashed out some stock inheritance after BO got into office and put it all into gold coins and a big bag of old silver coins. I only did this as a back up should we need it in an emergency. If I never need it, it will be passed down to my only kid.
That’s just the initial run-up after the shackles are removed. Could go to the moon after that. It’s coming, frens. Keep stacking and unloading that crap fiat for REAL bullion. The hell with crypto...a lot of that shit is gonna vaporize. 🥴
Constitution says it's the only thing that IS money.
US Constitution
Section 10
Clause 1
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
It's really going to be interesting seeing how this all plays out. I believe a market crash is on the horizon and fiat will reach epic levels of inflation (hyper inflation?) and I can't to see how much downtime we see as we transition to the new system (whatever that is). This part of "the plan" has to be insanely complicated. I can't even fathom it.
The IMF will announce the “global gold-standard monetary system” once GESARA is announced. All remaining fiat currencies will be cashed in for gold-standard currency.
This sure as hell smells like the great reset.
IMF is as NWO as they come. And by the way: the whole banking system has already been disqualified.
Question: where is the LAW called GESARA? Fun part? nowhere.
The FRN has already lost 98% of it's value in relation to Gold. The suppression of the price of Silver in relation to Gold is also interesting to prevent a balancing function. In this way everything is screwed.
Let' s consider the loss of value.
1933 - gold was valued at $25 per ounce.
2022 - gold is valued at $1800 per ounce. Compared to 1933: 98,62222%
2022 - gold is valued at $1900 per ounce. Compared to 1933: 98,68421%
2022 - gold is valued at $3000 per ounce. Compared to 1933: 99,16666%
2022 - gold is valued at $10000 per ounce. Compared to 1933:99,75%
And whether is 2022, 2023, or 3020, it matters not. The real issue is that the comparison actually is the value underlying an asset, or it's intrinsic value.
Paper & digital: trust in the system and duty to pay taxes in paper. And, I should add: convenience.
That is it. It's use is dependent on faith, it is a religious sacrament. It is fictitious. Your labor is now paid in worthless paper, representing a debt. And all you do is push the debt to the next guy, meaning: discharge. And it continues as long as people voluntary comply. Even if the paper/ digital has no value at all in and of itself.
So, as long as you can exchange it for PM, you are doing good, even if the idiots in charge of the system run the price of gold and silver into the ground in relation to fiction. You just need to have enough to support your life. And the economy will reset on a gold/silver ratio basis.
Depends on the truth behind chocolate mountain gold reserves and what was thought to be found in the grand canyon prior to the creation of the Fed. There is a chance that there is far more gold than what we've been told that is readily accessible. I stack and I will continue to stack, but I also think there is a possibility that silver outpaces gold in terms of percent growth, especially since we currently have a ratio that is closer to 80/1 pending the day. Throughout human history, silver has been pegged from 8/1 all the way up to 16/1 in terms of value. Silver is the better buy in terms of potential growth verse gold. With that being said, I am counting down the minutes till gold explodes. WWG1WGA.
I think all this talk about gold reaching 5k or 50k is completely ridiculous as there's no gold shortage and the whole world is not buying gold lately. In fact, gold volume seems to be down lately: https://www.cmegroup.com/markets/metals/precious/gold.volume.html . So if volume is down and there is no shortage then what could be happening? Well, the national bank(er)s own most of the gold, so they are the ones with the power to drive up the price. Maybe that's what's happening here.
Most gold is used as a reserve currency or for jewelry, so if the price shoots way up there is not tons of pressure for people to buy tons of gold. Volume and price work inversely, so as the price reaches levels that are higher than recent historical highs, people will stop buying. The sellers will have to lower their prices, etc. There isn't tons of short interest and there is no shortage. This isn't GME. If you buy gold you may not make anything, or you may even lose money.
This is not financial advice, just my random thoughts.
EDIT: In fact, looking at the chart above I'm a bit bewildered and want to say a bit more here. The prices of things tend to fluctuate within a particular high/low range, and I do not see ANYTHING in that chart that makes me think gold is skyrocketing. I see a recent gradual climb over 2 weeks, from $1790 to $1890. The chart is zoomed in so it looks like it's going to the moon. What else am I missing here? Again, not financial advise, just an observation.
You are not missing much except for the fact that you move from the position of the demand and supply being of major influence in a totally manipulated price-fixing ploy.
And I agree that there is enough gold in storage somewhere. If needs be, they can run the price into the ground, either by flooding the market, or simply fixing the price on the market or both.
but whatever they intend to do, gold and silver are cheap.
Nononononono don't fall for the gold standard. The trick about that is gold is more scarce and so is easier for certain people to control. Learn your history folks. There was a time when people rioted over the gobment making silver illegal because the banks told the gobment to. That was because there was too much silver for them to consolidate the way they did with gold.
Step 1 in the consolidation phase of the banks: take away silver. Step 2: take away Gold. In both cases it is replaced by a piece of paper, called a debt instrument.
When you are talking about a gold standard, this standard can only falter as it has no counter balance.
Silver acts as a counter balance. And this combination has served us for several 1000 of years. Up until the point where banks and government thought it best to steal, by mixing silver and gold with other metals, of course under the guise of preservation and state interests.
I am sorry to say, but you are telling the story with half truths and no facts.
Great documentary, have seen it before and it's very thorough. Thanks for posting the link for those that haven't seen it yet.
Convinced me to focus on silver rather than gold.
I have a theory that Q team has a shitload somewhere.
There is a YouTube video I watched that claimed if you tried to peg the price of gold to the amount of dollars in circulation it would be like 150k per ounce.
Gold alone does not make a stable coin. There is a absolute necessity to have it balanced with silver-coin. Else, all you will see is high inflation, as Spain in the 15/16/17 century can attest to.
Coin' s financial school.pdf Read it. It explains this process of counter balancing perfectly.
In today' s world we can see this same process in fiat. Albania for instance, uses it' s own currency and the Euro to balance things out. In Switzerland the WIR is the counter balance to the Franc. It does not mean it is stagnant and frozen but it hoovers around in a bandwidth against each-other.
This system of balancing and hoovering was used to make the EMS as a preparation on the Euro introduction.
Once you can comprehend this system, and the wisdom it entails, it is easy to see why first the Silver was taken out as a means for payment.
I try to stack whenever I can. My greatest regret in doing so is that I didnt stack more, and I have only 8 oz. of gold and 265 oz. of silver (but still stacking).
In essence you are right if your definition of economical scarcity is alternative employ. If you only mean there is not that much gold, you are wrong.
Easier for certain people to control, correct, but so is everything in life. Each and everyone has their own value system. Being controlled is acquiescence to comply.
Bank to government..... Yes... But.... Banks= courts= government= post-office. Since you are describing it from the illusion, you are dealing in half truths.
There was too much silver..... Nope. There was sufficient amounts to counter balance gold. And together these PM's were a stable system.
By only focussing on gold indeed, it is not a good system. But the reason why is where you are wrong. Hence half- truth.
Step 1 was remove silver from circulation and replace it feventuslly with paper.
Step 2 remove.gold from circulation and replace it with paper.
Paper= digital.
Enter convenience and regulation.
Exactly the same type of consolidation. Again, half true.
Gold has always been considered a hedge against stock market volatility. When the market is unstable and can not be predicted gold will soar. As soon as stability returns to the stock market gold will plummet.
Gold has always been considered a hedge against stock market volatility. When the market is unstable and can not be predicted gold will soar. As soon as stability returns to the stock market gold will plummet.
Nah, this is a misguided association. Gold/Silver have been MASSIVELY suppressed for 51 years. The cabal needs the sleepers to believe in the value of their green paper and wide variety of "negotiable instruments" it's tied to. If the sleeping masses figured out that the opposite was true, it would be game over for FedBux.
While it's true that effectively all products are suppressed to some degree, in terms of FedBux, like chicken, milk, eggs, gas, etc., none are even remotely comparable to the suppression of precious metals.
The suppression levels of PMs are beyond comprehension. When the bubble bursts, sure, chicken will be more expensive, assuming hyperinflation takes place, like Weimer Germany. But gold/silver rise in value will be in an entirely different stratosphere; 100X, 1000X, even 10,000X exponential growth in prices are not entirely out of the question when FedBux implode.
Nah ... when that happens, all commodities will revert back to being exchanged for value in Gold and Silver like it always has been. We still have the price-lists.
Unfortunately that 1.55% is just about the amount of inflation that has occurred in the time frame, so you're actually still falling behind because as soon as you sell the Government taxes you on the gains.
Might as well ask my Frens, here... predictions on the price of gold once the movie comes to an end (or, at least, this part of the movie)?
My contention is that the closer we get, the more volatility there will be in everything, and the US $ will really suffer globally, and our inflation will soar.
I think one gold ounce goes north of $5000, plateaus just a bit, then skyrockets about $30K and eventually $50K. Sort of like the BTC model, but real.
This is NOT financial advice. Just lovin' on muh gold.
I put 50K on the low end. It's going to be savage when all those paper holders try to cash in on their physical.
I think there's a hover point around $2600 and then it springs quickly to 5. I think it's anybody's guess after that, and there may be a man-made attempt to control with a system reset of sorts, but eventually the natural repricing will set in. That's when I hope we go north of $20,000.
I would be pleased with that scenario!
Let's see if they outlaw us holding gold again !
And silver goes from 25 to $250-500. That is where the real growth will be. I am hoping so anyways.
I read an article (no sauce) about two years ago that claimed due to heavy shorting/suppression, If gold kept up with inflation we would be at around 12k per ounce and silver at around 1500…
I truly think gold will be bitcoin numbers in the end… 50k+ for gold, 8-10k silver
My opinion
If silver hits even 1k I am gonna be buying a ranch in Wyoming...
That is my plan also. I am at the Wyoming Montana border.
Yep https://youtu.be/ArEaNefuPJU
Whats gonna happen to poor anons like me who cant buy gme or gold or silver :(
I believe Anons/Frens will look out for one another. Don't give up hope.
I dont have any frens :(
not irl anyways
the after highschool and after college separations of friendships hit me hard
Mid-20's, then?
If so, I highly recommend that you take your mature self and find some 30-40-somethings to hang with, or even 50-somethings who can be mentors. All you need to do is think of a simple question to ask to find out if someone is cut from your cloth. For example, you could ask, "Just curious, but do you follow MSM, or do you have other source of information, like alternative news sites?"
If you get "What do you mean?" Move on.
If you get "What, are you one of those conspiracy retards?" Move on.
If you get "Nah, I can't stand the MSM." Time for a beer together.
Raise yourself up to those who will welcome gaining you as a Fren.
I guess I don't have "no one." I hang out with my wife and her family mostly. But none of us are exactly rich, or well prepared for hard time. None of them really have anything more to teach me this far along my truth seeking journey we call life.
u/changeagent has some good advice. Most of what I learned, it was from older people who were from different walks of life.
Maybe you can find some based people at church?
This is real life, and I am now your fren. Even if you do not agree!
It can be unrequited if you demand it, but I will have my fren face pressed up against the fren glass making funny faces at you until you crack.
Silver is still cheap and you can buy gold by the gram.
Gold is artificially inflated... See wizard of "OZ" "emerald" city, "yellow brick" road... In the book her shoes were silver, not ruby!
Silver is the way!
When the movie ends, you do not want to relate gold to FRN as it is totally worthless.
Right now, 98% of the 1933 value is already gone. What does a decrease in value of 50% add to the loss? just 1% decrease. Chances are by then you are better off wiping your ass with it.
But the game of chairs is still ongoing. 1900.99 acts as a resistance right now. That just happens to be the correction level of dec-28.
I would not get the hopes up. When or before it touches 1920,94 it will be drawn down with so much paper the dollar will increase in value to the Euro. 1.12-1.10.
The spot price is no indication for the quality of the economy or anything else. It is just a number they can work with. That is just 4 people deciding this ploy, folks.
We work with the availability of the physical-metal. On top there is the premium and the transport & the [de]livery costs. When that premium starts to swing upwards that will mean the total disconnect of reality with the exchanges.
It could cause the crazy situation that the dealers will by gold for spot + a little premium, and sell it for spot + a gargantuan premium.
You sound like you know a whole lot more about than me. Interestingly, though, what you've described reminds me of what others have said about an expected deflation of gold as the fiat makes a last stand, but after that, those 4 people/entities controlling the gold price will be removed (or lose their ability to control the price) and the value of gold will skyrocket.
As for me, if I still have any remaining debts (like a mortgage) that are fixed and are based in fiat, then gold can help me eliminate them.
Eventually it will.
Eventually, when FIAT approaches 99,5% value loss, you mortgage is cheap. THe only issue is: can you obtain enough fiat to pay down the debt?
And this is where things get interesting. How are they going to Great Reset on you when you can payback the debt? How are they going to come to your rescue to take over your house and give your a debt jubilee?
What is a jubilee without feeling the need for a jubilee?
What if your interest payments can no longer be met because your variable interest is 20% because of a cyber attack!
You know what the price of money actually does? It crunches the available avenues to make a buck, because no one can afford it. And because no one can afford it, the transfer of assets through foreclosure and bankruptcy is quite apparent. Prices of goods and services continue to raise, and those without assets, renting stuff as just as much in a bind, as those with the incapability to service the debt.
A lot of wisdom in your comment. I can at least say that my debts are fixed rates, and very good ones at that!
That was a very wise decision!
I misread the title as "GOD destroys the Fed" and honestly I bet He will.
Consider it a divine message!
yeah but it won't be today and it won't be with gold
I cashed out some stock inheritance after BO got into office and put it all into gold coins and a big bag of old silver coins. I only did this as a back up should we need it in an emergency. If I never need it, it will be passed down to my only kid.
Gold: $10,000 Silver: $600
That’s just the initial run-up after the shackles are removed. Could go to the moon after that. It’s coming, frens. Keep stacking and unloading that crap fiat for REAL bullion. The hell with crypto...a lot of that shit is gonna vaporize. 🥴
How are you gonna spend your gold and silver? Will it be currency? How do you get change?
It's a great storage of wealth, but it's not money. That's the problem... And if comes to that, bullets will be the best currency of them all.
Constitution says it's the only thing that IS money.
US Constitution Section 10 Clause 1 No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
I don't disagree with that.
I'm just pointing out the need to transform it into FIAT to access its value.
Right, and currently, it's value is based in fiat dollars.
It's really going to be interesting seeing how this all plays out. I believe a market crash is on the horizon and fiat will reach epic levels of inflation (hyper inflation?) and I can't to see how much downtime we see as we transition to the new system (whatever that is). This part of "the plan" has to be insanely complicated. I can't even fathom it.
Fiat will be done nesara/gersara
Dream on. How does this work again?
This sure as hell smells like the great reset.
IMF is as NWO as they come. And by the way: the whole banking system has already been disqualified.
Question: where is the LAW called GESARA? Fun part? nowhere.
It is a pipedream.
You are looking at this from a bad perspective.
The FRN has already lost 98% of it's value in relation to Gold. The suppression of the price of Silver in relation to Gold is also interesting to prevent a balancing function. In this way everything is screwed.
Let' s consider the loss of value. 1933 - gold was valued at $25 per ounce. 2022 - gold is valued at $1800 per ounce. Compared to 1933: 98,62222%
2022 - gold is valued at $1900 per ounce. Compared to 1933: 98,68421%
2022 - gold is valued at $3000 per ounce. Compared to 1933: 99,16666%
2022 - gold is valued at $10000 per ounce. Compared to 1933:99,75%
And whether is 2022, 2023, or 3020, it matters not. The real issue is that the comparison actually is the value underlying an asset, or it's intrinsic value.
Paper & digital: trust in the system and duty to pay taxes in paper. And, I should add: convenience.
That is it. It's use is dependent on faith, it is a religious sacrament. It is fictitious. Your labor is now paid in worthless paper, representing a debt. And all you do is push the debt to the next guy, meaning: discharge. And it continues as long as people voluntary comply. Even if the paper/ digital has no value at all in and of itself.
So, as long as you can exchange it for PM, you are doing good, even if the idiots in charge of the system run the price of gold and silver into the ground in relation to fiction. You just need to have enough to support your life. And the economy will reset on a gold/silver ratio basis.
All we have to do now, is stopping to comply.
Depends on the truth behind chocolate mountain gold reserves and what was thought to be found in the grand canyon prior to the creation of the Fed. There is a chance that there is far more gold than what we've been told that is readily accessible. I stack and I will continue to stack, but I also think there is a possibility that silver outpaces gold in terms of percent growth, especially since we currently have a ratio that is closer to 80/1 pending the day. Throughout human history, silver has been pegged from 8/1 all the way up to 16/1 in terms of value. Silver is the better buy in terms of potential growth verse gold. With that being said, I am counting down the minutes till gold explodes. WWG1WGA.
Seems like most on this thread should do a little more research on gold. The banks own most of it, and thus can control it.
Silver is harder to control.
Screw gold
what's SETF?
Shit exits the fan, shit enters the fan.
SILVER too!!!....buy it, hold it, and hide it. NCSWIC
Boating accidents.
Silver is the one to watch.
indeed. Bofa is on the stringer.
Stack your silver! 800 million
If true, I'll be shittin in tall cotton.🤔
I think all this talk about gold reaching 5k or 50k is completely ridiculous as there's no gold shortage and the whole world is not buying gold lately. In fact, gold volume seems to be down lately: https://www.cmegroup.com/markets/metals/precious/gold.volume.html . So if volume is down and there is no shortage then what could be happening? Well, the national bank(er)s own most of the gold, so they are the ones with the power to drive up the price. Maybe that's what's happening here.
Most gold is used as a reserve currency or for jewelry, so if the price shoots way up there is not tons of pressure for people to buy tons of gold. Volume and price work inversely, so as the price reaches levels that are higher than recent historical highs, people will stop buying. The sellers will have to lower their prices, etc. There isn't tons of short interest and there is no shortage. This isn't GME. If you buy gold you may not make anything, or you may even lose money.
This is not financial advice, just my random thoughts.
EDIT: In fact, looking at the chart above I'm a bit bewildered and want to say a bit more here. The prices of things tend to fluctuate within a particular high/low range, and I do not see ANYTHING in that chart that makes me think gold is skyrocketing. I see a recent gradual climb over 2 weeks, from $1790 to $1890. The chart is zoomed in so it looks like it's going to the moon. What else am I missing here? Again, not financial advise, just an observation.
A long cup and handle formation
You are not missing much except for the fact that you move from the position of the demand and supply being of major influence in a totally manipulated price-fixing ploy.
And I agree that there is enough gold in storage somewhere. If needs be, they can run the price into the ground, either by flooding the market, or simply fixing the price on the market or both.
but whatever they intend to do, gold and silver are cheap.
Nononononono don't fall for the gold standard. The trick about that is gold is more scarce and so is easier for certain people to control. Learn your history folks. There was a time when people rioted over the gobment making silver illegal because the banks told the gobment to. That was because there was too much silver for them to consolidate the way they did with gold.
Please take the time to watch this. It puts thing together so well and made it all click for me and I bet it will for you too. https://odysee.com/@KnowledgeBase:e/Bill-Still-The-Money-Masters-Full-Documentary-1996:7
Step 1 in the consolidation phase of the banks: take away silver. Step 2: take away Gold. In both cases it is replaced by a piece of paper, called a debt instrument.
When you are talking about a gold standard, this standard can only falter as it has no counter balance.
Silver acts as a counter balance. And this combination has served us for several 1000 of years. Up until the point where banks and government thought it best to steal, by mixing silver and gold with other metals, of course under the guise of preservation and state interests.
I am sorry to say, but you are telling the story with half truths and no facts.
Half truths and no facts. Huh?
Great documentary, have seen it before and it's very thorough. Thanks for posting the link for those that haven't seen it yet. Convinced me to focus on silver rather than gold.
A gold backed crypto would work.
I have a theory that Q team has a shitload somewhere.
There is a YouTube video I watched that claimed if you tried to peg the price of gold to the amount of dollars in circulation it would be like 150k per ounce.
That’s without Q teams hidden stash
Seize the Rockefeller, Rothschild and others assets for crimes against humanity and genocide and we'd have enough wealth to restart
Gold alone does not make a stable coin. There is a absolute necessity to have it balanced with silver-coin. Else, all you will see is high inflation, as Spain in the 15/16/17 century can attest to.
Coin' s financial school.pdf Read it. It explains this process of counter balancing perfectly.
In today' s world we can see this same process in fiat. Albania for instance, uses it' s own currency and the Euro to balance things out. In Switzerland the WIR is the counter balance to the Franc. It does not mean it is stagnant and frozen but it hoovers around in a bandwidth against each-other.
This system of balancing and hoovering was used to make the EMS as a preparation on the Euro introduction.
Once you can comprehend this system, and the wisdom it entails, it is easy to see why first the Silver was taken out as a means for payment.
There is one called PAXG
Stand by for the crash in 3...2...1......
And big bankers destroy gold, may the destroyers be destroyed by what they destroy!
I try to stack whenever I can. My greatest regret in doing so is that I didnt stack more, and I have only 8 oz. of gold and 265 oz. of silver (but still stacking).
We can hope. China Joe's having some sort of public speech about crypto being not double plus good.
Gold is more scarce.
In essence you are right if your definition of economical scarcity is alternative employ. If you only mean there is not that much gold, you are wrong.
Easier for certain people to control, correct, but so is everything in life. Each and everyone has their own value system. Being controlled is acquiescence to comply.
Bank to government..... Yes... But.... Banks= courts= government= post-office. Since you are describing it from the illusion, you are dealing in half truths.
There was too much silver..... Nope. There was sufficient amounts to counter balance gold. And together these PM's were a stable system.
By only focussing on gold indeed, it is not a good system. But the reason why is where you are wrong. Hence half- truth.
Step 1 was remove silver from circulation and replace it feventuslly with paper.
Step 2 remove.gold from circulation and replace it with paper.
Paper= digital.
Enter convenience and regulation.
Exactly the same type of consolidation. Again, half true.
That 1900 hundred line is proving to be an imaginary wall, if it breaks it , it will soar.
Gold has always been considered a hedge against stock market volatility. When the market is unstable and can not be predicted gold will soar. As soon as stability returns to the stock market gold will plummet.
I think many here are hoping for the end of the FED and getting the US (possibly the entire world) back on the gold standard.
I agree with you, but that isn't going to happen.
I do not belong to that many. I want a gold + Silver standard. You need the counter balance for stability. Duality.
Gold has always been considered a hedge against stock market volatility. When the market is unstable and can not be predicted gold will soar. As soon as stability returns to the stock market gold will plummet.
If that comes true chicken at $9000
Nah, this is a misguided association. Gold/Silver have been MASSIVELY suppressed for 51 years. The cabal needs the sleepers to believe in the value of their green paper and wide variety of "negotiable instruments" it's tied to. If the sleeping masses figured out that the opposite was true, it would be game over for FedBux.
While it's true that effectively all products are suppressed to some degree, in terms of FedBux, like chicken, milk, eggs, gas, etc., none are even remotely comparable to the suppression of precious metals.
The suppression levels of PMs are beyond comprehension. When the bubble bursts, sure, chicken will be more expensive, assuming hyperinflation takes place, like Weimer Germany. But gold/silver rise in value will be in an entirely different stratosphere; 100X, 1000X, even 10,000X exponential growth in prices are not entirely out of the question when FedBux implode.
Nah ... when that happens, all commodities will revert back to being exchanged for value in Gold and Silver like it always has been. We still have the price-lists.
https://www.mypetchicken.com/ Chicks shipping now
20 meat birds in a few weeks!
Mmmmmm... $9K fried chicken. Here's how it would go down:
Got any fried chicken?
Best damn nine thousand dollar fried chicken in the state.
Bring me 4 fried chickens... and a coke.
You want chicken wings, or chicken legs?
Four fried chickens, and a coke.
Unfortunately that 1.55% is just about the amount of inflation that has occurred in the time frame, so you're actually still falling behind because as soon as you sell the Government taxes you on the gains.