Look around you- liberals are waking up in droves. Whether all the arrests happened yet or not doesn’t matter. It’s the idea that can’t be killed. Eventually, enough people are going to be aware that the game will be over. We avoid civil war when everyone agrees they should be locked up.
Liberals now removing public signs of association with democrats out of fear of retribution.
Have you watched Watters World on fox? He’s got his own show now and he’s basically reading Q posts on live tv.
Russia has massive cabal oligarchs surrounded in Ukraine. They’re trapped and they even admit they need help or risk things “greater than Ukraine”.
There’s so much shit going down right now.
We aren’t waiting for one single event to blow it wide open - it will be blown wide open accumulatively with a thousand cuts to bleed them out in front of everyone.
Yesterday Hillary went to NYC to bitch about trump, the “big lie”, and insurrection and she was met by protestors before and after chanting “hang her” and “lock her up”. To her face. Lol. This is in NYC...
Celebrity Liberals and Democrats everywhere are decrying Trudeau's use of force on civilians.
People everywhere are waking up to the covid and vaccine nonsense. Shit, even Bill Gates admitted omicron did a “better job than the vaccines at providing immunity to covid and its variants. “
Vaccine mandates, vaccine cards, mask mandates, and restrictions are falling in most major countries, including in Democrat and cabal strongholds.
Truth Social is about to open and unfiltered and unfettered truth is going to flow out of there like a biblical flood. What better opportunity and timing than right now too with people waking up and pissed off looking for the truth. There won’t be a thing they can do to stop it either. There will be a red pilling happening on a scale that will make everything up to this moment look like Child’s play.
I can go on all day pointing all these little things out. They’re little wins but these add up over time to the Ultimate win.
I mean, They just came out and said they found evidence of Nephilim in Israel and are making a 4 part documentary showing all the proof.
It’s so happening. We couldn’t tell them. We had to show them.
The cabal losers will never recover from what they’ve done at their own hands and the people will know it was them the entire time. They won’t forget either.
This was the point. We are winning and it’s just begun to swing the other direction.
Buckle your seatbelts. Winning as you’ve never seen before is not “soon” it’s NOW.
Q said watch the watters.
Punny. Kek.
I believe there was a Q post stating watch for a new discovery in Jerusalem? I am trying to locate the post.
There's a Mark Taylor prophecy about something being discovered between Jerusalem and Vatican City that will shock Christians WW. Here is his sight sordrescue.com. The particular prophecy is All Roads Lead To Rome 1-25-18.
I think it said somewhere between Isreal and Rome.
Jesse may be a white hat. GEOTUS spoke fondly of him many times.
LOL, I read this as JESUS may be a white hat, which is top kek when you read the comment that way!
Jesus is my favorite white hat!
The most powerful one too.
I did the same thing! I was.. "Wait.....Now Whaaaat? "
So did I - my first thought was a puzzled 'why wouldn't Jesus be a white hat?' Need coffee to kick in...
I definitely think so, he gave hos new show an endorsement. Personally, I believe Fox is being used by Potus. I think they have many White Hats there. They have flushed a few of the bad ones.
Agreed. It is not totally cleansed, but one could argue they may be doing that on purpose for appearances. Stations wholly conservative are bigger targets, OAN, RSBN, etc.
Fox should still be considered left leaning, or independant, as far as the scale goes, but they have gotten much better.
I will never forgive Fox for calling AZ early and being the signal flair for all the battleground states to stop counting for the night. Fox is dead to me forever for that. They agreed to be the leader of the coup on election night. They've never covered the election fraud, because they were a huge part of it.
The worst enemy is the friend that stabs you in the back. At least a true enemy has the balls to say they are such.
One of the Murdoch wives tweeted something along the lines of, "Yeah, we did it!"
OAN is the only news station that has stood up against the fraud. TMTG (DWAC) will be the leader coming out of this. They will be going to the moon and back many times. It's going to be the ride of our lifetime, and I simply can't wait.
Maybe people like Jesse can come over to TMTG once their media operations launch. There are some good people in the news world and they need the right platform to speak the truth.
It had to be that way, fren. Trump had to lose, whether or not Fox called it. Trump had to expose all of this. I personally agree that Fox is WH controlled at this point, and it's still trying to wake people up. Have a great weekend!
I agree it had to happen and it's better that it did, but people need to realize that there are no two sides in media (right vs left) just as there are no two sides in politics. There is a uniparty in media just like the uniparty in congress.
They want us to believe there are two sides and we should pick one.
The truth is there are two sides, US vs THEM.
yes, I agree.
Independent is the gold standard
Yes, it seems that something changes. Now they are reporting on the fake Ukraine invasion but there has to be a reason for that. I wonder if Murdoch still controls Fox. I don't know if he ever really held right leaning views. I believe his sons were left wing and his wife very left wing. Depending on the host, some seem legit. I don't sit around and watch Fox all day. I get a lot of my news here. One thing I have noticed is Neil Cavuto has not been since since around 1/10. I wonder what is up with that? Now I don't watch him and I think he is biased. He has had serious health problems in the past. I hope he is ok in that manner. I like the Five, Jesee, Gutfeld, Harris Faulkner.
Jesse stuck up for POTUS against Ron Paul too.
What did Ron Paul say / do?
lol 😝 love what you did there. Double meanings?
Inb4 "Jesse Watters is controlled opposition, CIA plant to keep us complacent, sitting on our asses eating popcorn enjoying the show...POPCORN = CON PROP" bla bla bla
Well we will see. He may well be. I don't watch it everyday or the entire show. I may catch 10 minutes of it on occasion. I actually catch more of his show on GAW. And unfortunately I have to sit on my ass at times due to health reasons. Since coming to GAW I can barely turn on the tv due to all the satanic crap and what I now know. I do not much enjoy watching pedophiles.
Watt? You're not a light bulb.
I don’t personally think we are there yet, but I do think its a worthwhile discussion. What will the storm look like? Be civil. Love thy neighbor. ;)
I think what the storm looks like is not in our, meaning the Peoples, control.
If the WHs are able to dismantle the cabals means of chaos I think how you put it will occur. If not blood will flow. This isnt a war that can be stopped through ceasefire or treaty. It is a war that continues until one side or the other is completely destroyed. It has come to that.
I disagree, more are awake and see what’s going on, than not. People see what’s going on, a lot just don’t say anything.
Well, we are talking about the storm, right? But regardless, I suspect we just have different opinions on the threshold.
I'm not yet convinced people wouldn't fall back into old habits if things ended tomorrow. I also think we are still far away from "democrats not being able to walk down the street". As you implied, many on our side are still afraid to speak their mind.
Appreciate your point of view fren.
This the hardest part for me. Loving someone who would prefer me dead. That shit is a massive struggle.
I feel hate toward them, even though I know that's what the Cabal wants.
Interesting. Book of Enoch mostly describes them as the offspring of the angels who had progeny with human women. I dont recall them only being giants, though certainly many (most?) were in fact giants.
I recall a few years ago they found a skeleton that was over 20 foot tall. At the time it got a couple articles but was quickly dismissed by the whole, not biologically possible crowd.
And the “that’s a hoax and we have proven it’s a hoax” crowd
The Smithsonian museum has many such giant skeletons in its basement, hidden from public view - allegedly.
allegedly, indeed
Have you ever read Beowulf?
Love your positivity Purkiss!
We are past the point of dooming. If you doom, you're a shill. No more excuses. If you articulate your frustrations I may still try to listen, but this is the time to be getting involved. We should start vetting candidates with primaries coming up. If you aren't happy, get off your ass and make a difference. Gloom and doom is not now nor will it ever be tolerated here.
Yes... even if we lose (lol, sure) we will still be living like we're winning. Because at the end of the day, our spirits are strong and our souls are never up for sale.
Fully agree. Doomers are fed shills
agreed. Also, they want us demoralized. Our hope makes them angry.
Yes I still believe this to be true 👍
And let's be honest... if you live in red territory we've been mildly inconvenienced in the grand scheme... I mean sure some people lost jobs they thought they were happy in, but for me this whole experience has inspired a new wave of freedom and sense of personal responsibility... I'm actually grateful for the way things went down and I foresee abundant blessings and peace for all the good people of the world.
Why do I have to be right all the damn time?
Holy shit. This is associated with Q. Israel for last?
Nice quote! Fully transparent. Rings of honesty and trustworthiness.
Sounds just exactly like WHICH SIDE in the 2020 election fraud debacle?
Sounds just exactly like WHICH SIDE in the debate over the entire COVID scandal??
Sounds just exactly like WHICH SIDE in the fake, MSM (Misinformation State Media)-created controversy over messages posted by Q???
Lurk more
Fuck off . We look at all evidence and angles.
Man, foresight really is 20/20. I was pretty depressed when Trump didn't win the election (he did but you know what I mean). But who would have thought that Trump had to lose in order for people to wake up. I don't think any of these small victories would have occurred if Trump had won his second term. Any good he did would be reversed after his second term was over. This was the only way, I just didn't see it at the time. He had to lose the election so we could win the war.
You’re so right. Do you even think Pres Trump would have been able to go the Truth Social route as President? So it would have just been another 4 years if the left/msm attacking him. Nothing accomplished. So.. yep. Spot on.
Lol yeh
My take too.
Thanks. But, still, I want perp walks!
Even just a few would certainly make a public statement!
Haven't watched fox news since the election. Between that event and cucker carlson telling us to leave hunter alone, I was done. Agree with some of your other points, but fox is another msm in my eyes. Especially with the fact that eddie "paul rino ryan" munster is on the board.
How about giving credit to the author pal...Tighten up
The storm has not yet arrived. We still have the election later this year. You think its going to slow down before then?? No way!
It's going to get very very intense.
I have to agree the storm has not arrived, but you can definitely smell rain in the air.
Dark clouds will really start rolling in after the massive election fraud coming this November.
These same cheating tools were in place in 2016 yet were overcome. Why do you think they wont be again? Or did your masters send you here to discourage and set a narrative? Fuck off.
No. The storm has not yet arrived. You will undoubtedly know it when it does.
You guys completely figure out 11.3 yet?
All I know we are going to experience a ‘SKY EVENT’.
You mean the Laws of War? Well-trod ground.
Why not fill us in?
Start the above video at 5:40 to skip the intro. The fall of Pfizer and Moderna is the turning point in the war. The governments can’t mandate products from companies that no longer exist and they can’t cover up why. Some say only a war will distract from this but others say the good guys are in control and there will be no war.
I got grandkids basketball game, birthday shopping and lunch with him and you just added another open tab for me. Its gonna be a long night full of rabbit holes.
Excellent post, Purkiss. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
Are you the person that originally wrote this?
That IS some rude meat, all right.
Incredible. Word for word.
https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17... Now FO...
Except...I Actually, took it from TheStormHAsArrived17 from his TG account and that's why his name is right there next to the Title...Giving him credit....And you know why???... Because of arrogant, condescending pussies like you who seem to have a hardon for me...Go look for yourself...
I know that Q said that the military was the only way. Was he referring to the retired/discharged military? Because, as we saw in Canada, they are still patriotic, while the active duty ones do what they are told. There are patriots still in our militaries, but it seems like they are being weeded out by the vax mandates. And the police? I hope I am wrong about them. I pray that what we saw were UN peacekeepers dressed up as cops. Because I don’t see how a cop could run over an elderly lady with a horse.
I know that the top brass are all liberals- at that level, they are all politicians. The bulk of our military are enlisted- if they are still Patriots- from the sergeant majors on down, that would do it.
Before I read anyone else's comment-purkiss you made my day. I'll read the several times today as I continue to pray and join All the Prayers of All the Saints, for Canada and the global Great Awakening.
On X22 Report, Dave frequently uses the phrase "Trump, [and] the patriots" to refer to the good guys, the Q team, the white hats, etc.
Yesterday he used the expression "Trump, the patriots, Putin".
I think it's beyond obvious at this point that Trump and Putin colluded, all right...to crack down on pedos trafficking kids and on ISIS.
You can kill people but not an idea is a truism. The truth is out there and it is picking up believers. NCSWICWW Truly a battle for the survival of our species. I hate the word existential because its use is rarely justified, but in this case it is existential without a doubt.
Leftists are asleep at the wheel. Leftists do not have the discipline nor the stamina to endure what will soon take place.
Understand that helping them in their folly will make your struggle that much worse. I'm not saying to leave them for dead but don't kill yourself saving both your lives.
I agree. Dems and libs worldwide have lost the narrative. You can see by how much Dems/RINOs spend on controlling the narrative, how they regard this as the only territory in the war worth fighting for. And they lost control. Truckers easily show that leftists never had the majority (and therefore never legally won but cheated in North America, Europe, Australia). The desperation of their insistence on their entirely debunked claims about Trump, the GOP, and American patriots is shrill, delusional. And their heroes are pedos. They can't run from the sex offenders in their own ranks.
well said.
I believe "The Storm" will be all of the MSM channels reporting truthfully what [Hussein], et al. did to Trump. It will seem like a storm to the Normies and Sheep, because the narratives will have "suddenly" flipped and most of their brains won't be able to process it properly.
Excellent post. Thank you. You always have great insight.
Nephilim article
Not where I live.
"I mean, They just came out and said they found evidence of Nephilim in Israel and are making a 4 part documentary showing all the proof."
Could use some sauce here for the rabbit hole I will inevitably fall back into this evening.
One word: DURHAM
Thanks for this post! It's a great reminder that it takes time to get it all right!
I didn’t hear about the Nephilim story. I always wondered why the book of Enoch was removed by the Catholic Church, way back when. It’s a time period of before and after Noah. Very important. Should be in the Bible IMO.
"They just came out and said they found evidence of Nephilim in Israel and are making a 4 part documentary showing all the proof."
Wut, where?
WARNING: We do not care about credit for a meme, information, or a post here. The important thing is to research and share information. Fake internet points mean nothing. So lets stop harassing each other over “credit”.
gotcha ...its okay to plagiarize
He attempted to give credit, albeit not extremely well. The topic sliding is much worse.
yeah like when people thanked him for writing it, he could have acknowledged then but chose to continue the charade...those posts are now deleted.
Anyway, unless responding to a post, Im done .....maybe he learned his lesson and will do a better job going forward
Why don't you read and stop being a weird stalker...
Agree, its gunna keep getting worse for them. I must have missed the nephilim news, do you have a link to that